Thursday, January 30, 2020

The Tragic Numerology Of Buffalo

The recent posting, "The Sacred Numerology Of Buffalo", was popular. There is much more numerology concerning tragic events in Buffalo's history that links to the 1983 warehouse explosion described in that posting. I would like the nearby city of Buffalo, NY to move beyond the era of chicken wings in hot sauce and promote it as the City of Numerology.

In 1901, the great Pan American Exhibition was held in Buffalo. But the exhibition became best-known for the assassination of U.S. president William McKinley that took place there. He was shot on September 6 and died in Buffalo on September 14.

On May 7, 1942, came Buffalo's famous photographed suicide. A woman checked into what was then the Genesee Hotel. She went to the women's washroom near the top of the hotel and climbed out of the window. A crowd of people gathered below. She waved to the crowd and then jumped to her death.

A news reporter happened by and got the famous photograph of the woman falling, just before she struck the ground. It became one of the best-known, and of course most tragic, photographs ever taken. The woman was first described as a "Despondent Divorcee", although that information apparently turned out to be incorrect.

It took place at the intersection of Pearl and Genesee Streets, which actually no longer exists.

As described in the recent posting "The Sacred Numerology Of Buffalo", December 2019, the warehouse explosion took place on December 27, 1983,. These are the three standout non-natural tragic events in Buffalo's history.

Now here is what is so interesting. We saw how the warehouse explosion links to the attacks of 9 / 11, which took place at the other end of New York State.

The assassination of William McKinley took place exactly a hundred years before 9 / 11. He was shot on September 6 and died on September 14. There was a fascination with ancient Egypt around the time of his assassination and he had just got finished viewing an exhibit about ancient Egypt when he was shot in the Temple of Music.

A great monument was raised for President McKinley in Buffalo. It would be in the form of an Egyptian obelisk and would be located right in front of Buffalo City Hall, which is famously built in the style of the Mogamma, the city government building in Cairo.

This is Buffalo City Hall.

This is the Mogamma.

The 9 / 11 attacks, exactly 100 years after President McKinley was dying, was led by an Egyptian, Mohamed Atta.

We have seen how the warehouse explosion in Buffalo led to 9 / 11, in "The Sacred Numerology Of Buffalo". The assassination and the suicidal fall also presages 9 / 11. President McKinley was struck by two bullets, just as the towers of the World Trade Center would be struck by two planes a hundred years later. He didn't die from the wounds of the bullets but from the gangrene that spread as a result. Just as the towers didn't collapse as a direct result of the impacts but from the fire from the burning jet fuel that melted the structural steel that was supporting the buildings. The tragic fall of the woman from the building presages the falling of people from the towers on 9 / 11.

So the McKinley Assassination took place in 1901. The famous photographed suicide too place in 1942. The explosion of the warehouse took place in 1983. It is 41 years from 1901 to 1942, and then 41 years from 1942 to 1983.

This type of numerology is familiar to readers of the Bible. The first chapter of the New Testament, Matthew 1, states that there were 14 generations from Abraham to David, 14 from David to the exile in Babylon, and then 14 from the exile to the time of Jesus.

This reversal of the digits in the numbers, 41 and 14, reminds us of the numerology around nearby Niagara Falls in the section "Interesting Numbers" of the section 16) THE SECOND NIAGARA PROPHECY in the compound posting on this blog, "The Aztec Prophecy", April 2018. There are many prophecies and interesting connections in that posting, I call it "The Aztec Prophecy" because that was the first one that I wrote about.

Suppose we try numerology from the exact times that the events took place. McKinley died in the very early morning of September 14. The suicidal jump took place during the day of May 7, I could not find out exactly what time. The warehouse explosion took place in the late evening of December 27.

Taking those times of day into account, the time from McKinley's death to the jump, and then the same amount of time from the jump forward, brings us not right to the warehouse explosion but to exactly, just about to the hour, one year before the warehouse explosion, the evening of December 27, 1982,.

So the days of these three events do not line up exactly, as the years do, but the difference in days and hours amounts to exactly one year. If the days had lined up then the years would not have lined up.

So we see again how Buffalo is really the City of Numerology. I wish that I could find some numerology about more pleasant events.

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