Thursday, April 9, 2020

Special Annoucement

Come on, this is happening for a reason.

We tend to put our faith in this world of ours but God is giving us a chance to see how fragile it really is. We should be putting our faith in God instead, who has control over things against which the world is helpless.

If you are isolated because of this, now is your chance to talk to God. He is listening. Now is the chance to begin reading the Bible. It is best to start with the New Testament. I suggest reading the Gospels of Mark, Luke and, John first. The Gospel of Matthew is the longest and the first chapter is the list of genealogy.

Please respect medical personnel and authority figures during this crisis. They are not having an easy time either. Many of the best people go into the medical field. An outstanding girl that I once attended community college with is now a nurse. The only trouble with her being a nurse is that the guys she treats in hospital might not want to go home.

Has anyone noticed the connections here?

The two previous events that come to mind are the Bubonic Plague, of medieval and early modern times, and the Spanish Flu of 1918.

In 1666 modern science began when Sir Isaac Newton, home because Cambridge University was closed due to the plague, was, according to legend, struck by an apple falling from a tree. He noticed what no one had ever pointed out before that the universe, on a large scale, was governed by the force of gravity.

Long before, according to the Bible, another fall involving a fruit had taken place. Adam and Eve had fallen from God's favor by eating the Forbidden Fruit.

From the modern science that began with the fall of that apple would come the Theory of Evolution. Although it in no way disproves that we were created by God, and doesn't really try to explain how life began from inanimate matter, many who did not want to believe in God used this as their intellectual foundation.

The decline in faith in God would ultimately lead to the rise of the Antichrist. The number of the Antichrist will be 666. The fall of the apple took place in 1666.

In the Gospels, Jesus foretold that the restoration of Jerusalem to the Jews would begin the countdown of the return of Jesus, to set up His Millennial Kingdom on earth, within the lifetime of those who witnessed the return of Jerusalem to Jewish control. Jesus also foretold, in the same speech, that there would be "pestilences", the old word for contagious disease, during those "Last Days".

The name of the present virus is Covid-19. King David was Israel's king who founded Jerusalem as it's capital. The nation of Israel was reestablished in 1948, after nearly two thousand years of exile, in 1948. But there was a 19-year delay before the original Jerusalem of David was rejoined in 1967.

The virus is generally known as the "Coronavirus". Corona means "crown". Jesus was asked if He was a king during His trial and crowned with a crown of thorns during His crucifixion.

In the Book of Revelation 6:2, a crown is given to the "rider on the White Horse who will rule over the world during the Tribulation Period, this is the Antichrist. Revelation 19:12 describes Jesus "wearing many crowns" upon His return to earth.

The "pestilences" in the "Last Days will take place at the same time as wars, all a part of the Tribulation Period. Corona is a Spanish word. The Spanish Flu took place while the First World War was still going on, and probably killed more people than the war.

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