Thursday, July 16, 2020

Recent News


If you are awake before sunrise there is a brilliant light in the eastern sky. I saw it but thought it was Venus. It is actually a comet, called Neowise. It will not pass close to the earth again for more than six thousand years. I remember seeing the comet Hale-Bopp in 1997.

"The Configuration Of The Solar System Made Really Simple", March 2017, explains the mystery of why the orbits of comets are so extremely eccentric.

We know that the sun is a second-generation star because it contains heavy elements that are beyond it's current stage in the fusion process. The sun and Solar System originated with a large star that exploded as a supernova, and some of it's component matter fell back together by gravity to form the Solar System.

A supernova is a star exploding from it's center, due to changes in the equilibrium of the star as it moves through the successive stages of the fusion process. But it can also undergo a lesser explosion in an effort to regain it's equilibrium as the energy released by the fusion process increases as successively heavier elements are fused together in the star's core. This is a nova that blasts off the star's outer layers, as opposed to the star exploding from the center as a supernova.

I am certain that the massive star that preceded the sun underwent at least one nova before exploding as a supernova. More likely it underwent three. A nova would have blasted into space the lighter elements in the outer layers of the star. It was from these lighter atoms that comets formed.

The comets thus formed would have been in orbit around the still-massive star. The energy of an orbit is the area of space enclosed by it. When the star exploded as a supernova the much-smaller sun formed from some of the matter which fell back together by gravity.

But the comets couldn't have had the same orbital energy as before, simply because the sun was much smaller than the star it had replaced. The orbits of those comets would have to somehow "shrink", but yet the original information of their orbits around the star that had preceded the sun couldn't just be lost.

That explains why the orbits of comets are so eccentric and elongated today.


Don't forget why Donald Trump, and U.S. Republic presidents in general, do not think it necessary to adhere to rules that the president of a democracy would usually have to follow.

The compound posting on this blog, "America And The Modern World Explained By Way Of Paris", December 2015, was written well before Donald Trump took office. It explains how America's Republicans are actually the continuation of the Bourbon Dynasty of France.

This dynasty was America's first ally, helped it gain independence, and was the first to give America diplomatic recognition. But then the Bourbon Dynasty was overthrown and guillotined in the French Revolution, although it was temporarily restored after the time of Napoleon.

America's Republicans became the heirs of this dynasty. This is why Donald Trump acts like a king, rather than a president. That confirms what we saw in the posting.

A king doesn't have to answer to ordinary mortals if he wants to pardon his friend from justice. The critical book by Donald Trump's niece fits this royal scenario also. She would represent a cadet, and possibly rival, branch of the royal family.


I would really like to spend a nice day having a look around Toronto. But, of course, I can't. That does not change that neither the border nor this ridiculous virus can stop my thoughts from being with my Toronto readers.

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