Thursday, March 25, 2021

Reminder About Other Blogs

 Just a reminder about the other blogs listed in the second posting from the top on this blog, "Other Blogs And Books".

What was to become this blog began in 2005. In 2009 I began a new system. This blog here was started as the main blog. All new postings would appear here. A new blog was also started for each different topic of the writing. Postings would periodically be moved from this main blog to the appropriate topical blog. All postings from before this new system in 2009 were moved to the appropriate topical blog.

After about five years I abandoned that system and now just leave all postings on this blog. But the postings that had been moved to the topical blogs are still there. This means that there is a lot of reading other than what is on this blog.

Links to each of the topical blogs are on "Other Blogs And Books", the second posting from the top.

The cosmology theory is on this blog in the compound posting, "The Theory Of Stationary Space". The posting that I use as a quick introduction to the theory is the posting on this blog, "In Cosmology Everything Just Fell Right Into Place", May 2019.

But that is actually what we could call version 2.0 of the theory. 1.0 is the cosmology blog. But it is the same theory and the two versions are complimentary.

In the same way my theory of information on this blog is the compound posting, "The Theory Of Complexity". But that could be called version 2.0 of the theory. Version 1.0 is the patterns and complexity blog.

The world and economics blog consists of separate postings and is not entirely a theory.

The geology blog contains the theory, "The Story Of Planet Earth", which explains every major feature of the earth's surface, both on land and the seafloor, but also has postings that are not part of the theory. There is a compound posting with my explanation of the Appalachians.

In the physics and astronomy blog the first part is about physics and the second about astronomy, but each article is separate from the others.

The progress blog is about new ideas.

The creation blog is why God must have created us.

On the meteorology and biology blog each article is separate from the others. 

Maybe 60% of the writing is on this blog. The rest are on those blogs.

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