Thursday, April 8, 2021

Having Covid

Last Autumn someone near me sneezed several times. I was wearing a mask. It was flu season, maybe they had the flu. I wasn't worried about it.

About ten days later something just hit me all of a sudden. I thought it must be the beginning of the flu.

It was simply zero energy and zero appetite. I would sleep for 9 hours and then even reading the news would cause me to fall asleep for four or five more hours. I could barely eat anything, but yet wasn't hungry. It was a great struggle to finish a granola bar.

My left eye was watering profusely, it was literally pouring water. But my right eye wasn't watering at all. 

I had no symptoms of Covid. I did not lose my sense of taste or smell. I could feel something in my lungs but never had any trouble breathing. It was just zero energy and zero appetite. All that I wanted to do was absolutely nothing. Even trying to do a little bit of reading would cause me to fall asleep.

This went on for three days. On the fourth day it seemed to be easing a little bit. I still felt completely without energy but was able to do some reading without falling asleep and had a little bit of food.

The most shocking day of all was the fifth day. I woke up, expecting to still be sick and still thinking that it was the flu. But my usual energy was back and all I could think about was food. It had left just as suddenly as it had arrived.

Of course now I know that Covid entered through my left eye.

What I think helped to get rid of Covid is the same thing that I do if I think I have been exposed to the flu. I drank water continuously. I drank more water in those four days than ever before in my life. It helped my body to wash out the virus.

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