Thursday, August 26, 2021


Florida is the well-known U.S. state that occupies a peninsula in the southeastern part of the country. It is known for it's pleasant sub-tropical climate and is very popular for vacations and for retirement.

Florida is also known for hurricanes. We have seen Miami, the largest city of Florida, already, in the posting on this blog "Miami, The Beaches And The Hurricanes".

The geology of Florida is relatively easy to explain. Imagine the caboose on a train. Now suppose that the train was suddenly halted. The caboose would be forced upward by the momentum that remained.

That is what happened to Florida. There was a sliding collision between what is now Africa and what is now North America. The momentum of what was then Africa forced following seafloor upward. This is why Florida is flat and it is vulnerable to sinkholes because of it's underlying limestone.

This tectonic collision is what formed the long system of mountains and ridges known as the Appalachians.

The southern part of the state, being furthest from the collision front, was forced upward the least. The result is the low elevation swamp of south Florida that is known as the Everglades.

The majority of Florida's land area is in the peninsula. The part of the state that is on the mainland is known as the panhandle. Pensacola, at the western end of the Florida panhandle, was actually an older Spanish settlement than St. Augustine but was abandoned because of a hurricane. The coast of the Florida panhandle is called the Emerald Coast and is known for it's white sand. Pensacola is built around a natural deep harbor shielded by a barrier island.

There are multiple scenes following. To see the scenes, after the first one, you must first click the up arrow, before you can move on to the next scene by clicking the right or forward arrow. After clicking on the up arrow you can then hide previews of successive scenes, if you so wish.,-87.2150807,3a,75y,212.65h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s1tgzAS8KYvZ9Lirtc1zaOw!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656

Tallahassee, the Florida state capital, is in the panhandle but not on the coast. I can remember, as a child in school, how pleased I was to have spelled both Tallahassee and Mississippi correctly. I didn't think I was ever going to be able to spell them.,-84.2817295,3a,75y,91.03h,116.98t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipODY_ixWEzyVlfLc4ige75XXxa6pDyZ2lxMxSg!2e10!3e11!!7i8000!8i4000

Jacksonville is the city that I have always thought of as best representing America's south. It is not an old city, dating from the Nineteenth Century.,-81.6568319,3a,75y,8.63h,100.47t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipP8h7FofMPU-rLpVxjMXSyLQBa-LUIz772RXKUg!2e10!3e11!!7i5376!8i2688

This is a suburban residential area of Jacksonville.,-81.792717,3a,75y,150.68h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sN9X3KCNS_X7X_yDeozXHdA!2e0!!7i16384!8i8192

St. Augustine is the oldest continuous settlement in the United States.  It was founded by Spanish explorers in 1565. St. Augustine was the capital of Spanish Florida. It was ceded to the U.S. in 1819 and became a state in 1824. The western capital of Florida was Pensacola and the U.S. moved the capital to Tallahassee because it was halfway between the two.

Castillo San Marco is the Spanish fortress at St. Augustine that was begun in 1672.,-81.311612,3a,75y,218.74h,90t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipNoskF-NESYCj-d8J8XgNgFwblWPaOcR1ZP9-Ui!2e10!3e11!!7i8704!8i4352

Daytona Beach was one of the coastal resorts that appeared when wealthy people could travel by train in the late Nineteenth Century. This is when a number of Florida's cities originated. The sand on Daytona Beach was ideal for auto racing and that is why the speedway is there today.,-81.0433363,3a,75y,240h,90t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipNUIhlsqLeFU1RY3mggdI89X8Jf2TTJHX60XddN!2e10!3e11!!7i13000!8i6500

The Kennedy Space Center is the Apollo missions were launched from that first put humans on the moon.

The reason that America's space launch site is located on the east coast is that the earth rotates eastward. When a rocket is launched it picks up some of this eastward momentum. That means that if some mishap occurs, like the Challenger disaster of 1986, the rocket will crash into the sea, rather than into a populated area. The same principle applies when stages are dropped in a multi-stage mission. India's launch site is also located on it's east coast.,-80.6545909,3a,75y,20h,100t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sPsAoHL2ZrdUikPeuXsgVSQ!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656

Disneyland is Florida's best-known attraction. It was built inland so that it is safer from hurricanes.,-81.5811103,3a,75y,175.61h,90t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipNLCsVEAvOKPMCSE18i1XcB5pdbLwpbLca5Aqxx!2e10!3e11!!7i6144!8i3072

Tampa is another city that was founded in the late Nineteenth Century and is the major city of Florida's Gulf Coast.,-82.4614826,3a,75y,347.4h,113.41t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipNcONlJOTA6Mzzp8Lev2QYNauk-hTcPL6cBhJh1!2e10!3e11!!7i6000!8i3000

St. Petersburg is another late Nineteenth Century city, and is across Tampa Bay from Tampa. The first scheduled airline flight was across Tampa Bay.,-82.6466487,3a,75y,280h,100t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipOjHaVULcX4iE7KVLgGIMu_0-lsisJbI7EMQmsq!2e10!3e11!!7i13312!8i6656

Key West is on a coral island in the far south of Florida. Does anyone remember, in 1982, Key West declared independence as the Conch Republic, and then declared war on the United States?,-81.7922934,3a,75y,20h,100t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipNIA7wbejX3qDKK1r7WinmLJitB0te9sfNlw8g-!2e10!3e11!!7i13312!8i6656

Those Who Have It Made

What would have to happen for us to "have it made"? We usually think of having enough money so that we could buy whatever we wanted and would never have to work again.

But we wouldn't completely "have it made" because there would still be work that we had to do, such as taking care of our bodies. We would still have to move from one place to another.

What "having it made" really comes down to is complexity. We are more complex than our surrounding inanimate environment so we must exert energy, doing work, in order to survive. Whenever we alter our environment, such as building settlements or creating technology, we are actually imposing our higher level of complexity on our environment.

Living in an environment that is less complex than our own complexity also means that we must have free will. The fact that our surrounding environment cannot hold all of the complexity that our more-complex brains can conceive of means that our necessary free will has the possibility of being wrong.

So to really "have it made" we would have to live in an environment that is just as complex as we are.

If we lived in a "paradise" environment, that was just as complex as we are, we would have no need to move or think to get what we needed to live. We would truly "have it made".

What about plants? In my information theory living things that are more complex than their surrounding environment require free will. Living things that are not more complex than their surrounding environment do not require free will. This means plants. In my information theory plants are of far higher intricacy, meaning complexity per mass, but of overall complexity that is not higher than the surrounding inanimate environment.

This means that plants are really the ones who "have it made". Plants require sustenance to live, since they do have higher intricacy than the surrounding environment, but they do not have to exert any effort to get it, since they are of no higher complexity than that environment.

Everything that plants need is delivered right to them by the surrounding environment. They get water and nutrients from the soil. All of the energy that they need comes to them from sunlight. They take molecules of carbon dioxide that the air brings to them and use the energy that sunlight brings to them to split the molecules. The leaves or needles of the trees return the oxygen to the air and use the atom of carbon to build up the structure of the plant.

From the plant's own perspective it "has it made". Everything that it needs to survive is brought right to it. Plants must be doing something right because there is only a certain limited number of bioatoms on earth, atoms that are necessary for living things, which living things compete for. It is believed that there are about a thousand times as many bioatoms in plants as there is in all living things that can move and have free will, including all microscopic creatures. 

In the competition for bioatoms plants win easily and beings with free will are essentially parasites that are dependent on plants. This is yet another way that plants really "have it made". Plants are by far the dominant form of life on earth.

Plants cannot move. But why would they need to move? Everything that they need is brought to them by their surrounding environment. We can move but it is because we have to be able to move to get the things we need to survive.

Plants do not have senses. But why would they need to have senses? They do not have to seek anything that they need to survive because it is brought to them by their surrounding environment. We can see because we have to be able to in order to get what we need to survive.

Plants cannot think. But why would they need to think? They don't have free will because, although of higher intricacy, they are of no higher complexity than the surrounding environment. But why would they need to think? Since they are not of higher complexity than the surrounding environment, that environment is able to deliver to them all that they need to live.

Plants do not have civilization or great cities. But they have no need of civilization. Our civilization began when humans began to live in settlements, instead of a nomadic way of life. The reason for fixed settlements is that humans had learned to plant seeds to grow crops. The reason that humans needed a reliable supply of crops is that we are unable to digest grass. If humans could digest grass then civilization would have been unnecessary and of no benefit to us.

Aside from us not being able to digest grass another way we see that civilization is actually a sign of our weakness is in the places where civilization began. Humans are utterly dependent on water. So why then did the early civilizations begin in places that are dry? It doesn't seem to make sense.

The reason is that, in wet places, humans could survive by hunting and gathering and did not need civilization because wild foods were plentiful enough. But in dry areas people had to congregate around rivers to ensure a reliable supply of water. This weakness is why civilization began around major rivers like the Nile, Tigris-Euphrates and, Indus Rivers, which flow through areas that are usually dry. Further east the same principle applies to the civilizations that formed around the Hwang-Ho, Yangtze and, Pearl Rivers, that united to become China.

So the much sought after "having it made" comes down to complexity. The only way to truly "have it made", meaning that no work or effort is necessary to survival, is to not be of higher complexity than our surrounding environment. But then there would be no reason to have free will or the ability to move.

The earth is thus a paradise, but only for plants.

Here are links to the two postings that I use to introduce the information theory:

The entire information theory is "The Theory Of Complexity", August 2017.

As far as ourselves, in terms of information, see "How Real Are We", March 2018.

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Miami, The "Beaches" And, The Hurricanes

Miami is considered to have begun when a woman from Cleveland, named Julia Tuttle, got a railroad to link to land that she owned in south Florida. It has since grown to be considered as "The Capital of the Caribbean".

The following scenes begin in downtown Miami.

There are multiple scenes following. To see the scenes, after the first one, you must first click the up arrow, ^, before you can move on to the next scene by clicking the right or forward arrow, >. After clicking the up arrow, you can then hide the previews of successive scenes, if you wish.,-80.1918278,3a,75y,81.21h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1slwLV1ni-26Sj1J7RbMy4Tg!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656

Miami Beach is on a barrier island just offshore. It is on these barrier islands that the beaches facing the ocean are located.,-80.1224991,3a,75y,79h,87t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s2qceqM5XQHodJFk3c223ow!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656

This is Coconut Grove, south of Miami, beginning in the Vizcaya Gardens.,-80.2103932,2a,75y,339.98h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s_v7RLV9jwnBfYpljLS6oTQ!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656

Coral Gables is a relatively wealthy residential area, near the University of Miami.,-80.2856583,3a,75y,196.61h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sCXYOlgfyhYvEbtVik0rSng!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656

Hiahleah is a residential area to the northwest of downtown.,-80.277017,3a,75y,316h,87t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sZzgQfAXs9MW9Pg7vEvFzWQ!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656

As we proceed northward from Miami, there are the "beaches" along the shore. These are towns on the mainland, with beaches on the barrier islands just offshore. Going northward, these "beach towns" are Hollywood, Fort Lauderdale, Pompano Beach, Boca Raton, Delray Beach, Boynton Beach and finally, West Palm Beach.

The following scenes begin in the city of Fort Lauderdale.,-80.1372988,3a,75y,79h,88t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipPFgE7KFtCcmffgZDbgN7AtD0gLoL-L5fgx7WBQ!2e10!3e11!!7i11000!8i5500

These scenes begin on the beach at Fort Lauderdale.,-80.1029424,3a,75y,104.96h,90t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipMpGdSQhohrwV_xdACsMOFFy__LqAlYTvU5WMoz!2e10!3e11!!7i11000!8i5500

Moving northward, here is Pompano Beach.,-80.0894978,3a,75y,238h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1svySIQTCBNqSoclhi9spKsQ!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656

The furthest north of "the beaches", in the Miami area, is West Palm Beach.,-80.0542132,3a,75y,259h,76t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipPq3nOQYHljqqaffkGl9FXbHrnJN1fE8o2penG7!2e10!3e11!!7i8192!8i4096

Florida often suffers through hurricanes. But the ironic thing is that the offshore barrier islands, where the popular beaches are located, were actually built by hurricanes over thousands of years. Without hurricanes Miami Beach, for one example, certainly would not be there.,-80.1401445,10930m/data=!3m1!1e3

We can tell that the west coast of Florida has a long history of hurricanes also, such as these at Cape Coral, although the barrier islands are not as extensive as those on the east coast of Florida, which faces the Atlantic Ocean.,-82.1949999,43421m/data=!3m1!1e3

There must have been a lot of hurricanes, over a long period of time, to build up the extensive barrier islands off the Texas coast.,-96.6745684,171971m/data=!3m1!1e3

Of course there are going to be hurricanes at Galveston. It is built on a barrier island that was made by hurricanes.,-94.813759,42375m/data=!3m1!1e3

The reason that South America does not get hurricanes, like North America does, is that hurricanes require a lot of dust to be swept up into the air by the wind. This dust acts as condensation nuclei for water vapor. When water vapor in the air condenses on particles of so much dust, it lowers the relative humidity of the air so that more water can evaporate, which then condenses on the particles of dust, and so on.

The dust that makes Atlantic hurricanes in the northern hemisphere comes from north Africa. But Africa south of the equator, which could supply the dust to bring comparable hurricanes to South America, is mostly green. There is not enough dust to send hurricanes toward South America, like there is in the northern hemisphere.

Due to the nature of a rotating sphere, like the earth, the nearer a point is to the equator, the faster it is moving with the rotation. This means that the earth underneath the mass of rising water vapor that is closer to the equator is moving eastward, with the earth's rotation, faster than the side that is further away from the equator.

This difference in relative speed, from one side to the other, it what gives the hurricane it's spin. In the northern hemisphere, a hurricane spins counter-clockwise because the side furthest south, and thus closer to the equator, is moving faster than the side that is further from the equator, northward. If you look down on the north or south pole, the direction that the earth appears to be spinning, clockwise or counter-clockwise, is the direction that a hurricane will also spin in that hemisphere.

The hurricane does not actually move westward, as it appears. The earth is rotating eastward and the increasing spin of the hurricane gives it some independence from the earth's gravity, so that it does not move eastward as fast as the earth is rotating eastward. This makes the hurricane seem to move westward.

A hurricane in the northern hemisphere, in addition to moving westward, will also move northward because the earth beneath it is moving eastward faster on the southern side, closer to the equator, and this directs the hurricane to the northwest, instead of due west.

We saw how the relationship between a hurricane and the rotation of the earth resembles a system of gears in the posting on this blog, "The Gear Model Of Hurricanes".

Recent News Developments


The fact is that the Taliban is going to be ruling Afghanistan. At their news conference it sounded like they were trying to be reasonable. What is the point in getting the relationship off to a bad start with all of this negativity?

Why not give them a chance? This is mostly a new generation of the Taliban. Maybe this is Taliban version 2.0.

In my early teens I watched the Fall of Saigon live on the news. The Taliban takeover of Afghanistan is being compared to it and there was the same "all is lost" tone. The president of South Vietnam abdicated and left, and the U.S. famously evacuated waiting people from the roof of it's embassy by helicopter. The Communists allowed the evacuation, they could have shot at the helicopters but they didn't.

Except that all was not lost. Today, as we saw in our recent visit there on this blog, Vietnam is a modern country and an ally of the U.S. and the west.

The best thing that we can do is to give the Taliban a chance. All of this negativity is going to accomplish nothing. I wonder what kind of food the Taliban has. Do they have their own version of chapati or roti?


I haven't seen anything about other countries yet but the news from Britain is that the country's entire land line network will be shut down in 2025. All land line phone calls will then be made over the internet, by methods such as VOIP. 

But as with so many other recent technical developments this makes it easier to monitor all communications. The land line system is also used for alarms, ATMs and traffic lights. I wonder if this will make it easier to monitor or control these.

The Western Hemisphere

I periodically collect postings about similar subject matter and combine them together into one compound posting. This is a new such compound posting about the western hemisphere. 5) MEXICO AND THE CATHOLIC CHURCH is new. It has not been posted until today.







The way that we see relationships between historic events depends on our time perspective. At the present time, for example, we see the two world wars as separate conflicts. But in the future, that may change and historians may see the two as one conflict with a break in between which, in many ways, it was.

With that in mind, I would like to offer some perspective on two major issues in America today. Although this applies to the entire western hemisphere. These two major issues are immigration and the "drug war". But if we could take the long view of things, we might see how these two issues are part of the entire unfolding scenario of Europeans being in the western hemisphere.

The clash of civilizations between white Europeans and the native Indians of the western hemisphere is really a centuries-long saga that is very much still in progress. But we tend to see this clash just as the initial direct conflict phase.

The present "War on Drugs" is very much a part of this clash of civilizations. Dangerous addictive drugs can be used as weapons. When a country is conquered, and direct resistance is no longer possible, the game isn't necessarily over yet. The next strategy might be to turn the occupation force into drug addicts.

The Inca of South America were conquered by the Spaniards. But it came at a price, in fact a heavy price. The conquerors had been introduced to the insidious white powder known as cocaine.

Likewise, the European conquerors of North America were introduced to tobacco. The white Europeans had superior weaponry and ultimately prevailed. Or did they? What if we were to count as casualties of the conflict everyone who has died of any illness that was related to smoking? There were massacres on both sides, but nothing remotely compares with the Tobacco Massacre.

White Europeans built great civilizations on what had formerly been native Indian land. But now those civilizations suffer so much from drug abuse and have prisons full of people who were involved in the illegal drug trade. The opioid crisis, while not stemming from illegal drugs, still fit with this scenario. This is part of the clash of civilizations which has been going on for centuries and is far from over.

The second of the two major issues is immigration. Probably the most troubled border in the world is that between the U.S. and Mexico. But what happened is that the native Indians that have inhabited the region for thousands of years were at least semi-nomadic, meaning that they moved around. White Europeans came along, some speaking Spanish and some English. They drew a border between them and expect the native Indians to comply with the border as well.

The immigration issue in America revolves around Hispanic would-be immigrants to the country. There is relatively little immigration of white Europeans anymore. But the majority of Hispanics are of mostly native Indian ancestry. Their "pushing back" is very much a part of this centuries-long clash of civilizations. The conflict consisted of a relatively quick conquest by the Europeans, with superior armaments, but then a long and slow rebound by the native Indians.

While the drug issue is the native Indians indirectly continuing the conflict, even if unintentionally, the mass immigration of Hispanics represent the native Indians rebounding and eventually absorbing the white Europeans. That is what this continuing conflict is about, not conquering the white Europeans and regaining their land, but gradually absorption of them by a Hispanic population with higher birth rates.

When one nation conquers another, it may seem better to be the conqueror than the conquered. But the view might seem different over the long term. In the ancient Middle East, there was a warlike people known as the Hyksos. They even conquered Egypt. But the Hyksos seemed to have disappeared from history.

What happened, of course, is that the Hyksos vanished into the people they had conquered. 

In medieval Europe there was a conquering people called the Normans. The king of France ceded some land to them on the north coast of the country, which is today called Normandy. From there they conquered far and wide, but then disappeared into the people that they conquered. Aside from their extensive building in stone the only significant trace of the Normans remaining today is the division between those with "original" Irish names and those with Norman Irish names.

Being a conqueror can actually be perilous, especially when a smaller nation manages to conquer a larger one. When occupation troops begin marrying local women, the conqueror may simply disappear into the conquered.

The native Indians of the western hemisphere are gradually on their way to absorbing the white European civilization with which their ancestors began the clash that is still ongoing today. It would be much further along today if the native Indians had not suffered such catastrophic population loss due to new diseases to which they had no immunity. This is what it looks like when seen over the very long term. The major advantage that Hispanics have is simply a higher birthrate.

One early sign of this reemergence of native Indian civilization, and it's eventual absorption of white European civilization was, as I see it, was the term of Benito Juarez, a native Indian, as president of Mexico in the Nineteenth Century. Unlike in days past, so many nations in the western hemisphere today have presidents that have mostly, or all, native Indian ancestry.

China today is very much involved with the nations of South and Central America. But this fits perfectly with the idea of the native Indians gradually absorbing the white Europeans. Remember that the ancestors of the native Indians came from Asia. During the ice ages, extensive glaciers form on land when it gets cold enough that the snow from one winter hasn't melted yet when the following winter begins. But this takes water out of the oceans, meaning that sea level drops during the ice ages. A land bridge formed between Siberia and Alaska and the ancestors of today's native Indians were able to walk across.

This drop in sea level is also how people got to Japan. When China forms bonds with the nations of the western hemisphere and Peru has president Fujimori, of Japanese ancestry, and there is a strong Japanese community in Brazil, it is only a matter of distant relatives getting back together.

The native Indian civilization in the western hemisphere will never be like it was prior to contact with the Europeans. It will be forever changed by the absorption but now with all of the knowledge and technology that came with meeting the outside world.

One of the greatest ironies of all involves India. There have been so many invasions of India down through the centuries but what has always tended to have happened is that India ends up absorbing the invaders and making them part of the mix. How ironic that the native Indians of the western hemisphere are so-called because Christopher Columbus, who initiated this great clash of civilizations, thought that he had landed in India.

To really understand the issues of today it helps to have a look at the longer-range view. Things that seem to be separate are really connected in the overall picture.


Christopher Columbus was a native of Genoa, and the generally most famous name from the Age of Discovery. His idea was to reach the east by sailing west. Columbus was not the first European to reach the western hemisphere but was the one that established permanent contact between the two.

The results would change the world forever. The reason that the native people of the western hemisphere are called "Indians" is that Columbus thought that he had reached India, and apparently died without ever realizing that he had found new continents. The far-reaching interchange between the two sides of the Atlantic Ocean is known as the Columbian Exchange. Corn, tomatoes, potatoes, chocolate and, tobacco were brought to Europe. Wheat, rice and coffee were brought to the western hemisphere.

We know that one factor that motivated Columbus to make these epic journeys was his interest in Bible prophecy, as we saw in the recent posting on this blog "The End Of The World As We Know It". He considered the results of his journeys as being related to bringing about the Last Days of the world, before the return of Jesus to earth to set up His promised Millennial Kingdom. Christopher Columbus later wrote a book about his own prophecies.

But what I want to write about today is other possible factors that might have motivated Columbus to try to reach the east by sailing west.


The first of these other factors involves St. George. This was the patron saint of Columbus' native Genoa. The flag of Genoa was the red-on-white St. George's Cross.

This is the same as the flag of England, whose patron saint is also St. George..

England's St. George's Cross is the central red cross on the British Union Jack.

It is also the flag of the nation of Georgia, which was named for St. George.

Although the cross is not on the Portuguese flag, St. George is also the patron saint of Portugal, and there is a St. George's Castle in Lisbon.

The reason that this is important is that, before finally sailing for Spain, Columbus first approached Portugal and sent his brother to approach England, the sailing nations that shared Genoa's patron saint. I conclude that St. George was certainly a factor in inspiring the journeys of Columbus.


Two centuries before the journeys of Columbus, a native of Venice named Marco Polo had made a famous journey to the east, not by ship but by land. Columbus had a copy of the story of his adventures. This must have been a factor in inspiring Columbus.

But Venice and Genoa had been long-time enemies. Venice was famously devoted to it's patron saint of St. Mark. They had even brought the bones of the Apostle by that name from Egypt to Venice.

Maritime powers like Genoa and Venice had long ruled the Mediterranean. But times were changing. The sailing of Portugal's Vasco Da Gama around the southern tip of Africa to India had opened up an entirely new frontier. The balance of power was shifting away from the Mediterranean and out into the Atlantic. Older maritime powers like Genoa and Venice were being eclipsed by better-positioned nations like Spain and Portugal, both now free from long-time control by Moslems.

Columbus' native Genoa had been an ally of Byzantium. In our visit on this blog to "Istanbul", We saw the Galata Tower that the Genoese community in Constantinople had built. But now Byzantium was no more, Constantinople had recently been conquered by the Moslem Ottomans, and renamed Istanbul.

I consider it likely that Columbus was motivated, at least in part, by Genoa's traditional rivalry with Venice. St. George vs St. Mark. Both powers were being eclipsed by the new frontier of sailing out into the Atlantic, but at least Genoa was the closer of the two to that frontier.

Genoa had lost it's traditional ally of Byzantium but might now replace it with England or Portugal, sharing the patronage of St. George or, with the lack of interest in those two, nearby and newly-united Spain. There had been maritime rivalry with Aragon, but it was now part of the united nation of Spain. St. George was from what later became Byzantium, the eastern half of the former Roman Empire.

Columbus would make his first trans-Atlantic voyage in 1492, the very year that the Catholics had finally regained complete control of Spain from the Moors.

Ferdinand and Isabella, the first king and queen of Spain, were likely inspired to accept Columbus' proposal of reaching the east by sailing west by stories of another traveler. The century before, a Moorish traveler named Ibn Battuta had visited so much of the known world. There was also rivalry with neighboring Portugal, which had been completely freed from Moorish control long before Spain had.

Vasco Da Gama had sailed right around the southern tip of Africa, and continued on to India, and this radical idea might give Spain something to match.


Here is something that has really got to be written, that everyone has got to know about, but that seems to have been forgotten.

Columbus Day is the holiday commemorating the landing of Christopher Columbus in the western hemisphere in 1492. This was not the first time that Europeans had landed in the western hemisphere but it was the landing of Columbus that established permanent contact between the two hemispheres.

Columbus correctly believed that the earth was spherical and was trying to reach the east by sailing westward. What happened is that he ran into the western hemisphere along the way.

Columbus was seeking India. He thought he had landed in India and referred to the native people where he had landed as "Indians". The native people of the western hemisphere are still called Indians today.

Columbus Day has become a controversial holiday. Whether the landing of Columbus is something to be celebrated, or to be mourned, depends on one's point of view. It opened up a new world but the native people of the western hemisphere suffered tremendously.

In all of the controversy over Columbus Day, between those of white European and native Indian backgrounds, the thing that gets almost completely forgotten about Columbus Day is that the voyage was motivated by India, and thus without India the western hemisphere would never have developed as it did.

Sooner or later some other ship would certainly have come across the western hemisphere, but the whole purpose, at the time, of finding a shorter route to the east was to reach India. The west had long known about India because of trade along the Silk Road. It may be that the rise of the Ottomans, in the eastern Mediterranean, prompted the search for another route to the east.

But the reason for this great effort to reach the east was India. Spain, having finally gained complete independence from Moorish control, commissioned Columbus to try to reach the east, specifically India, by sailing westward. Portugal took the opposite approach and sailed around southern Africa, with Vasco da Gama succeeding in reaching India.

So while it was Portugal that reached the objective of India, Spain established contact with the previously-unknown western hemisphere. Some time later, a Portuguese ship on the way around southern Africa would happen to reach the coast of Brazil, which is why Brazil speaks Portuguese today. It is not quite certain whether the Portuguese discovery of Brazil was accidental or not.

Columbus was not on a colonizing journey, even though it was his voyage that initiated the Age of Imperialism. He had only three ships and was not heavily armed. Columbus was on a mission to explore and trade.

But what could India possibly have that was so valuable, that made it so important for western Europeans to reach it? Nations commissioned voyages and sailors risked their lives to reach a nation on the opposite side of the world. The question is "why"?

It couldn't possibly be gold, or other minerals. There was gold to be found in places all over the world and India is no richer in minerals than many other places.

There is one simple and obvious answer what India had to offer that started a rush to reach the opposite side of the world, that drastically changed the world in the process. It was India's food, specifically spices.

This means that Indian food is the reason the nations of North and South America are what they are today. 

The two continents could have been named for curry, North and South Curry. America could have been named for biryani the United States of Biryani.

Thanksgiving, the following month after Columbus Day, is celebrated with a feast centering around turkey. It parallels Columbus Day in that it is a harvest festival celebrating the first permanent English settlement in what is now the U.S.

But the turkey is a myth that was invented much later. I think it would make more sense to remember the reason for Columbus' voyage that so changed the world and to celebrate Columbus Day, and especially Thanksgiving, with a feast of Indian food. I celebrate Thanksgiving with chapati, rather than with turkey.

For something else India has contributed, that is essential to the modern world, remember "The Zero Hypothesis". 


Here is something that I am greatly surprised to be unable to find anything written about. I cannot find anything written about this in English. I am unsure if there is anything written about it in Chinese.

It concerns China's ever-increasing economic relationship with the countries of Latin America. 

The vast majority of the ethnicity of Latin America is native Indian. There is white European ancestry and, in countries on the Atlantic side, African ancestry, but native Indian is still the vast majority.

We know that the native Indians of the western hemisphere originally migrated from east Asia.

An ice age begins when the temperature drops to the point where the snow of the previous winter has not melted when the snow of the following winter begins to fall. Snow piles up year after year, decade after decade, and century after century. The process is accelerated by the fact that the white snow reflects away the sun's heat.

The weight of the snow above compresses that below into ice. The vast sheet of ice stops growing upward only when it reaches the altitude of the clouds from which the snow falls. A glacier can thus be 1-2 kilometers in height.

This process is what forms the glaciers of the ice ages. The spin of the earth pulls the glaciers southward, and they leave their imprint on the landscape. Glaciers typically move everything out of their way except mountains.

But the formation of glaciers on land means that a lot of water is taken out of the oceans, and sea level thus drops during the ice ages. One result of this was the "land bridge" that formed across the Bering Strait, known as Beringia. The ancestors of the native Indians came from east Asia migrating from Siberia to Alaska, and then to the rest of the western hemisphere, during the ice ages.

Another result of the drop in sea level was that people could walk from east Asia to populate Japan.

But what this means is that the people of China and the majority ethnic group of the Latin American countries that China is building increasing economic relations with are distantly related.

That is why I think it would be fitting to call this major world development "China's Great Reunion".


This week was the five hundred year anniversary of the conquest of the Aztecs that we saw in the first six sections of "The Aztec Prophecy", on this blog.

In Mexico there is mixed feelings about this event, even though is was the beginning of Mexico as a nation. I see it as showing that Mexico has a very special purpose, directly from God.

Mexico learned Christianity from the encounter and Our Lady of Guadalupe, in Mexico City, is now the most-visited Catholic shrine in the world. 

The Aztecs originally migrated from a place called Aztlan. They had a prophecy that they would encounter an eagle, perched on a cactus, devouring a snake. This is where they were to build a city.

They saw this happening on an island in Lake Texcoco. They founded their city there, in the year 1325, which was called Tenochtitlan. Nearby was the long-abandoned ruins of a city called Teotihuacan.

The Aztecs had begun their calender with the brilliant supernova that resulted in what we now refer to as the Crab Nebula. What I had never seen pointed out, as explained in "The Aztec Prophecy" is that this supernova, which lasted about two years and was easily visible during the day, began just as the meetings were taking place that would result in the Great Schism of the Catholic Church, in the year 1054. It began just before the split actually took place.

The Crab Nebula is usually the first example of a supernova that is cited today. We now know that our Solar System actually began with such a supernova. Every atom in your body was once part of a star that exploded. This gives the Crab Nebula even more cosmic significance.

This can be seen as a warning from God about the long-term consequences of the pending split. It would result in the Eastern Orthodox Church splitting away from the Catholic Church. The modern secular implications of this split have been Napoleon's Invasion of Russia, the eastern fronts of both world wars, and the Cold War.

While no record has been found that Europeans paid any attention to this sign from God the Aztecs, on the other side of the world, actually began their calender with it. We know how brilliant the supernova was because there are Arab, Chinese and, Japanese descriptions of it.

The Aztecs didn't know what was happening on the other side of the world, or even that there was another side of the world, but they are the ones who paid the most attention to the supernova. When the migrating Aztecs came across the eagle, perched on a cactus and devouring a snake, what they didn't realize was that the snake was their own chief god, Quetzalcoatl, which was depicted as a serpent or snake. I am not necessarily claiming that this prophecy was from the Christian God but, knowing how important it was to them, He could have made use of it.

The ultimate purpose of the conquest that took place five hundred years ago is that God had a very special plan for the people who had paid so much attention to His sign in the sky that the intended audience, European Catholics, had not noticed or had ignored. But first they had to learn Christianity.

Large ships were seen off the coast of Mexico. The sails of the ships resembled the wings of the eagle in the prophecy. The Aztecs do not seem to have developed sails. The Spaniards from the ships, with a lot of help from other native Indians who felt subjugated by the powerful Aztecs, conquered Tenochtitlan.

Stone from the destroyed Aztec temple and palace was used in building what is now the cathedral of Mexico City and the National Palace. The central square of Mexico City, Zocalo, is where the center of Tenochtitlan had been. This is represented in the Aztecs' prophecy by the flesh of the snake, which we see represents the chief god Quetzalcoatl, going to build up the flesh of the eagle that devoured it.

But it turns out that the most important part of the Aztecs' prophecy is actually the cactus on which the eagle is perched. What is believed to be the first native convert to Christianity took the Spanish name Juan Diego. He claimed to have seen several visions of Mary, and her image was miraculously inscribed on his tilma, or cloak.

The tilma was woven from cactus fibers, just as the cactus in the Aztecs' prophecy. Clothing made from plant fibers usually doesn't last very long. But this tilma, with the inscribed image of Mary, has not decayed or deteriorated at all in nearly five hundred years. The tilma is displayed at the site of Juan Diego's visions of Mary in what is the most visited Catholic shrine in the world, Our Lady of Guadalupe.

The cactus in the Aztec prophecy thus represents God and the eagle is able to devour the snake, which represents the chief Aztec God Quetzalcoatl, because the eagle is perched on the cactus, while the snake isn't.

Just as the supernova that resulted in the Crab Nebula took place at the time of the first major split in Christianity, the Schism of 1054, and was what the Aztecs based their calender on, the conquest of Tenochtitlan took place at the time of the second major split in Christianity, the Protestant Reformation.

At the time of this writing the Catholic Church, in recent years, has been through scandal after scandal after scandal after scandal. It is difficult to see how it is going to survive. But now the majority of the world's Catholics, as well as it's most visited shrine, are in Latin America. I notice that relatively few of the people involved in the scandals have Hispanic names.

Is it maybe time for a new era in the Catholic Church by moving it's center to Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City? God knew that the church would struggle in the future and had prepared for it. There is already a pope from Latin America.


Could the relocation of the Catholic Church to the western hemisphere have been foretold by events?

Something that I had never seen pointed out was how the destructions of the Jews' Temple in ancient times amazingly reflect the major splits in the Catholic Church in more modern times.

Shiloh was the early religious center in the central highlands, what would today be called the West Bank. It was destroyed by the Philistines in 1050 B.C. Shiloh was never rebuilt because it was replaced by Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem. Solomon's Temple was destroyed in the siege of Jerusalem that began in 587 B.C.

The time between those destructions is 463 years.

Closer to modern times there has been two major splits in the Catholic Church. What became the Eastern Orthodox Church broke away in the Great Schism of the year 1054. The Protestants broke away in the Reformation, which began in 1517.

The time between those two splits is also 463 years.

Chapter 9 of the Book of Daniel prophecies that there will be seventy "weeks of years" from the command to rebuild the Temple, which had been destroyed by the Babylonians, to the death of the Messiah. This is 70 x 7=490 years. One of these "weeks" is explained to be reserved for the seven-year reign of the Antichrist. This leaves 69 x 7=483 years.

Ezra is the one who was sent to reinstitute worship being done correctly in the rebuilt Temple. Ezra was sent in 457 B.C. The most widely-believed year for Jesus' Birth is 7 B.C. He is believed to have been crucified at age 33, which would be the year 26 A.D. Sure enough from 457 B.C. to 26 A.D. is 483 years.

( For a detailed explanation of this see the compound posting, "New Insight Into Bible Prophecy", October 2016, section 10) THE BIBLE'S SEVENTY SEVENS ).

So the Reformation began in 1517 and the 69 "weeks" of years is 483 years. If we add 483 years from 1517 it brings us right to the new millennium, the year 2000.

Going by this scenario there should thus be another split, or major change, in the Catholic Church in the new millennium. Indeed there is and it is the shift of the church to the western hemisphere. Although, like the two splits, it is actually occurring gradually, rather than all at once.

The demographic was passed that the majority of Catholics are now in the western hemisphere. Another demographic was passed that Our Lady of Guadalupe, in Mexico City, became the most visited Catholic shrine in the world, surpassing the Vatican. The new millennium saw the first pope from the western hemisphere. Meanwhile the Catholic Church is so embroiled in endless scandals that countless millions have left and many have wondered how it is going to survive, although Hispanic names are mostly missing from those involved in the scandals.

It looks inevitable that the primary focus of the Catholic Church will have to shift to the western hemisphere. This fits perfectly with Mexico being prepared for this, as we saw in "The Aztec Prophecy", and also what we saw above in "The Long View Of The Western Hemisphere".

There is a visit to "Mexico City" showing the shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe, October 2020.

There has already been a relocation of the papacy, when it moved to Avignon, but the relocation wasn't permanent. We saw this in the posting, "The Third Split": 

Five hundred years ago was a very eventful time. The conquest of Tenochtitlan came a few years after the beginning of the Reformation, which we saw in, "The Reformation At 500":

Here is a link to the compound posting, "The Aztec Prophecy". The first six sections are about the Aztecs and Mexico City. The rest is about similar prophecies:

Thursday, August 12, 2021

The Bahamas And The Caribbean

We have already visited this area in the postings on this blog, "A Journey Around Cuba" and "Puerto Rico".  There is a multi-national colonial history and several European languages are spoken.

Nassau is the city that is home to the majority of the residents of the Bahamas. It is on the island of New Providence. The Bahamas was populated by Loyalists leaving the U.S. because of it's war of independence. The resort of Atlantis is on the adjacent Paradise Island.

There are multiple scenes following. To see the scenes, after the first one, you must first click the up arrow, before you can move on to the next scene by clicking the right or forward arrow. After clicking on the up arrow you can then hide previews of successive scenes, if you so wish.,-77.3385351,3a,75y,160h,90t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipMlIHDg-bo21J8JG8XBzyFUDNZ3EZArBgnm8CYA!2e10!3e11!!7i8704!8i4352

Freeport, another town in the Bahamas, is on Grand Bahama Island. Development began in this area in the 1950s.,-78.602228,3a,75y,60h,90t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipObIQERRRNvQKYmtCMPOIHqNdXry5dcwAz8z1Z3!2e10!3e11!!7i11000!8i5500

In the late 15th Century there was a town in what is now Jamaica that was a notorious hangout for pirates. It was buried under the sea by a tremendous earthquake in 1692. A town was founded nearby that is now the city of Kingston. It replaced Spanish Town as the capital of Jamaica.

In 1958 the West Indies Federation was founded, of English-speaking Islands, it lasted for a few years.

Here is Kingston.,-76.7881227,3a,75y,300h,100t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipP0xe6-DYtkryTcu2FQVIhXzJGNLTfpb_bWMADP!2e10!3e11!!7i6912!8i3456

This is Spanish Town, adjacent to Kingston.,-76.9577057,3a,75y,300h,100t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipOk1vEfVh-5jA7VOtF4eQ8WPoTiroBQYtJFaxyS!2e10!3e11!!7i6656!8i2730

Montego Bay is popular with tourists and is at the other end of the island of Jamaica from Kingston.,-77.9473034,3a,75y,83.89h,90.56t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipMd8w7lJwDFDlb6RLExUzZlAf1JYkk8kfvfAbRv!2e10!3e11!!7i8000!8i4000

Port-Au-Prince is the capital city of Haiti and home to about half it's population. Haiti shares the island of Hispaniola with the Dominican Republic. Native Indians called Tainos lived on the island since ancient times.

Spain and France divided the island between them. The western third of the island was the French colony of Saint Domingue. Toussaint Louverture is considered as the founding father of Haiti. He led a rebellion that resulted in a proclamation of the new nation in 1804. The slave rebellion that ultimately led to the new nation is credited to Dutty Boukman.

The primary language is Creole, based on French but has become a separate language.

In the late 20th Century Haiti was long ruled by the father and son of the Duvaliers.

 I remember the news of the overthrow of the son, "Baby Doc" Duvalier. It was in early 1986, just before the similar overthrow, on the opposite side of the world, of Ferdinand Marcos. Pope John Paul may have inspired the revolt, visiting Haiti and insisting that "Things must change". Duvalier ultimately returned to Haiti, from France, before dying of a heart attack.

In January 2010 Haiti suffered one of the most devastating earthquakes in human history.

Here is Port-Au-Prince.,-72.3413107,3a,75y,220h,100t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipO4SeuHv0WxKq6cSTqtC-WH1MQ-4YV2Ahr-04nX!2e10!3e11!!7i3584!8i1792

Santo Domingo is the capital city of the Dominican Republic, which shares the island of Hispaniola with Haiti. The Dominican Republic is the eastern two-thirds of the island that speaks Spanish. Santo Domingo is the oldest still-existing European settlement in the western hemisphere.

Christopher Columbus landed on the island and Santo Domingo was founded by his brother. It was an early Spanish staging area to the rest of the western hemisphere.

What is now the Dominican Republic had been Spanish Haiti. Independence was gained, first from Spain and then from Haiti. Spain later temporarily regained control.

U.S. forces took control of the Dominican Republic in 1916, over it's debts.

If anyone wants to study how dictatorship works, or even admires how someone can gain absolute control over a country, then the Dominican Republic is a case in point. Rafael Trujillo, who ruled for more than thirty years until his 1961 assassination, was the dictator of dictators.

I cannot imagine another leader in recent history who had such absolute control over his country and kept it for so long. Rafael Trujillo is simply without parallel in the annals of dictatorship.

We may sometimes think that a dictator seizes power against the will of the people. But that is not usually true. Many dictators are elected, but then expand their powers from there, often taking the "president for life" route. It is true that the special necessity of leadership following a disaster may lead away from democracy, and it was a hurricane that led to the increase in Rafael Trujillo's power. But dictators can also bring stability, and someone that was in power over thirty years must have something going for him.

The U.S. militarily intervened in the country's civil war of 1965, after the rise of Fidel Castro in neighboring Cuba.

The first thing that I think of when I hear of the Dominican Republic is baseball players.

Here is the old part of Santo Domingo.,-69.8882722,3a,75y,152.38h,106.08t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipMnzKrgND6eXK_gD12Ix20fSDtDLh0zkd5b5TFv!2e10!3e11!!7i7680!8i3840

Santo Domingo is also a modern global city.,-69.9361643,3a,75y,260h,90t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipPv2P8uy7ctilvVLDNX44Dw92J0xhbWDcywT4R1!2e10!3e11!!7i7680!8i3840

Santiago De Los Caballeros is the second city of the Dominican Republic, and has been the capital of the country in the past. It was founded early in the 16th Century.,-70.7073108,3a,75y,80h,110t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipONfT76jHxpvvgCNgcgpEZDQFpwQ-cBy6dxQnSA!2e10!3e11!!7i5760!8i2880

Port of Spain is the capital city of Trinidad and Tobago, even though the nation's primary language is English. This is a very prosperous country, where Hinduism is a major religion due to migration in colonial times.,-61.5146024,3a,75y,320h,90t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipOv_iMiwP8GAx67m698v13-tK-Qsg2GDa_VxXmd!2e10!3e11!!7i7200!8i3600

When we hear of Guyana often the first thing that comes to mind is the horror of Jonestown, in 1978. Remember that we saw Jonestown in the posting on this blog, "Jonestown, Charles Manson And, The Gnostic Gospels".

But this actually had nothing to do with Guyana or the Guyanese people. It was an agricultural settlement in a remote part of the country that a cult from the U.S. had been allowed to set up. It is completely unfair to define this beautiful and peaceful country by this catastrophe that had nothing to do with them.

Guyana is on the mainland of South America and is known in geography class as the only country on that continent that primarily speaks English. The capital city of Guyana is Georgetown.,-58.1655472,3a,75y,346.72h,104.18t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipP0lABiQC497ClQTNipIrnGOaBHzc--dLjd69el!2e10!3e11!!7i7200!8i3600

The Chemical-Nuclear-Astronomical Relationship

This is being reposted because more has been added to it.

I have noticed a simple relationship between chemistry, nuclear reactions and astronomical bodies that I have never seen documented.


First, let's review the difference between chemical and nuclear energy. A material, such as wood, has bonds between the atoms holding it together. These bonds involve the electrons in orbit around the atomic nuclei in the material. Generally, organic substances are held together by so-called covalent bonds, in which neighboring atoms share electrons.

Metals are also held together by shared electrons among a group of atoms. This is why metals tend to conduct electricity, these loose electrons can be made to flow in one direction by the application of a voltage pressure to the metal. Non-metallic inorganic materials are held together by simple ionic bonds because one atom loses an electron to a neighboring atom.

Since the positive charges in the atomic nucleus are usually balanced by the negative charges in the electrons orbitting the nucleus, this means that the losing atom becomes positively charged and the gaining atom, negatively charged. Thus, the two atoms attract each other and are bound together.

These types of inter-atomic bond are known as chemical bonds because they involve only the electrons in orbit around the nuclei of atoms and not the nuclei themselves. These chemical bonds contain energy. If the bond is somehow broken, such as by heat, the energy that was in the bond holding the atoms together is released, also in the form of heat, which causes still more bonds to be broken and to release their energy. This is how burning takes place, if the breaking of the bond releases more energy than it takes to break it so that the process is self-sustaining.

In chemical reactions, the nuclei of the atoms are not affected at all. However, the positively charged nuclei of atoms also contain energy, in fact far more energy than the chemical bonds. The positively-charged protons in an atomic nucleus are held together by a powerful so-called "binding energy".

If the nucleus can be split, such as by a fast-moving neutron, this tremendous binding energy is released in the form of heat. This is the basis of nuclear fission in atomic bombs and reactors. Just as in simple burning, the released energy and neutrons from a split nuclei go on to split other nuclei and sustain the reaction.

There is another nuclear process, fusion, which operates by crushing together two or more small atoms to form a larger atom but where there is less binding energy required than in the smaller atoms together. Thus, the extra binding energy is released. This is how stars operate. Energy is released by both burning, a chemical process, and nuclear fusion. As a general rule, the energy from fusion is about a billion times that from chemical processes.


Now, consider the structure of an object such as a rock. The atoms in the rock are held together by chemical bonds, forming the rock's structure. The rock also has gravity, but in a small rock or boulder, this internal gravity is insignificant in determining the structure of the rock.

Gravity is a very weak force compared with the other basic forces of nature but it is cumulative, meaning that it adds up as mass accumulates. If we begin adding matter to the rock, eventually we reach a point in which it's gravity becomes more important in the rock's structure than the chemical bonds between atoms. At this point, the rock and the matter that has been added to it begin to take the shape of a sphere.

This is because a sphere is the geometric shape in three dimensions requiring the least energy to maintain. Most of the asteroids in the solar system orbitting between Mars and Jupiter are not spherical in shape. But the largest asteroids, such as Ceres and Vesta, are spherical or close to it. And, of course, larger bodies such as the earth, moon and, sun are inevitably spherical in shape. As a general rule, there is no body to be seen a thousand kilometers or more in diameter that is not spherical in shape.

The shape of such astronomical bodies reveals the most important factor in it's structure. If chemical bonds between atoms predominate, the shape will be non-spherical. When there is enough matter together so that gravity becomes more important than the chemical structural bonds, the shape will become spherical.


Now suppose we keep adding still more matter to our now-spherical body in space. Let's keep adding millions and millions of times the matter it had when it first took on a spherical shape. As we add more and more mass, the internal gravity of the body keeps building and building, because remember that gravity is cumulative. Eventually something will happen, the body will begin to glow with a light of it's own. A star has been born.

The body became a sphere when the cumulative gravity was strong enough to become more important than the chemical structural bonds in forming the body's structure. The process of nuclear fusion begins and forms a star when the internal gravity of the body becomes so strong that it overpowers the electromagnetic force in the atoms at the center of the star and crushes them together to form larger atoms out of smaller ones. But the new larger atom contains less internal energy than the total of the smaller atoms that were crunched together to form it. This releases binding energy in the form of heat and light to continue the process and form a star.


What I am pointing out in this relationship is that the order of magnitude in the energy obtained from nuclear, as opposed to chemical fuels is roughly the same as the order of magnitude between the amount of mass necessary to reach the spherization threshold to the amount of mass necessary to reach the fusion threshold and create a star. I have never before seen this pointed out and it makes the different branches of science seem much more inter-connected than ever before.

It is an example of what I refer to as "The Lowest Information Point" because reusing information, the two ratios, brings about a lower total information state. The concept of "The Lowest Information Point" is detailed in the compound posting on this blog by that name.


You have probably noticed that there is more lightning in the summer than in the winter. Heat produces lightning in an atmosphere by causing updrafts when warmed air rises. For every updraft there must be a corresponding downdraft. A varied surface on a planet causes the air above it to heat unevenly. Air rises above areas that are more heated, an updraft, and sinks over areas that are lesser heated, a downdraft.

Glider pilots know that those fluffy cumulus clouds are formed by updrafts and staying under one will keep them aloft.

If an updraft and downdraft happen to be next to each other the collisions between atoms moving upward and those moving downward knock electrons out of the outermost orbitals of the atoms. In one place, either a cloud or the ground, an excess of electrons builds up. In another place a shortage of electrons builds up. The place with an excess of electrons has a negative charge and the place with the shortage has a positive charge.

Eventually a discharge of electricity occurs that corrects the imbalance. This discharge is known as lighting. We think of lightning as going from a cloud to the ground but sometimes it goes from the ground to the cloud, and sometimes between two clouds.

But the updrafts that cause lightning are brought about by heat. It is easy to see that heat causes lightning by the fact that there is much more lightning in the summer than in the winter.

Lightning, like chemical processes, involves electrons but not the nucleus and what I want to add here is basically that the temperature above absolute zero at which lightning occurs, relative to the far higher temperature at which nuclear fusion occurs, which typically is millions of degrees, is approximately equal to the energy in chemical processes, relative to the much higher energy in nuclear processes. The ratios are approximately the same.

Absolute Zero is the coldest possible temperature because heat consists of the motion of atoms or molecules and Absolute Zero is the temperature at which all such motion ceases. Heat energy is the kinetic energy of the atoms and molecules. Chemical formula involving heat must measure by this absolute scale of temperature.

This concept is complicated by the fact that heat isn't the only factor that causes lightning. Any motion that causes friction between atmospheric atoms and molecules moving in opposite directions will contribute to lightning. There is lightning on other planets and Jupiter is especially known for it's lightning displays, even though it is much colder than earth.

But Jupiter is not only much larger than earth, it also spins much faster. This means that there is far greater centrifugal force of rotation, known as Coriolis Force, on Jupiter than on earth. We could thus conclude that there is a certain energy level that is necessary to create lightning but by no means does that energy all have to be in the form of heat. But for our purpose here we can suppose that there is an energy threshold necessary to create lightning, and that is what I mean even if the energy is not all in the form of heat so that it can conveniently be expressed as temperature.

I think we can safely say that the energy required to bring about lightning, relative to the energy required to bring about nuclear fusion, is essentially equal to the energy typically involved in chemical reactions, relative to the energy involved in nuclear reactions, which is essentially equal to the mass of matter in space necessary to bring about spherization, relative to the mass necessary to overcome the electron repulsion between atoms and initiate the nuclear fusion of a star.

Why Are Things The Colors That They Are?

Remember that one thing that never seems to get a satisfactory explanation is why things are the colors that they are. We know what colors are, different wavelengths of visible light, and that most of what we see is a mix of color, and how colors mix together.

Transparency is easy to explain. If the atoms are lined up in a regular pattern, light can pass right between the atoms. If the concentration of atoms is sparse enough, such as in the air, light can also pass right through.

But that still does not give us much of an explanation as to why a red object is red and a blue object is blue.

So I decided to try myself to explain why things are the colors that they are. Here is a link to what I came up with:

Thursday, August 5, 2021


 Caracas, the capital city of Venezuela, is one of the original Sixteenth-Century cities of New Spain. It is separated from the north coast of the country by a mountain range.

These scenes begin at Plaza Bolivar, which is historically the center of Caracas. Simon Bolivar, the great independence leader of South America, was a native of Caracas.

There are multiple scenes following. To see the scenes, after the first one, you must first click the up arrow, ^, before you can move on to the next scene by clicking the right or forward arrow, >. After clicking the up arrow, you can then hide the previews of successive scenes, if you wish.,-66.9146741,3a,75y,93.13h,90t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipMQlNWZGVSsJtUDlVxvgjl7-BNZuc_HzgoBElhq!2e10!3e11!!7i8704!8i4352

This is around the center of Caracas, showing the mountain range between the city and the sea.,-66.8987701,3a,75y,106.63h,90t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipPxyJP8Ix9ltbpLP2a4_NZFI_GZdih3hlBfKAv4!2e10!3e11!!7i4000!8i2000

Here is some more of central Caracas.,-66.9026229,3a,75y,97.13h,90t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipPmRdjuXaaac0Px5T586VWLvtCPEUUIQg2Rmzul!2e10!3e11!!7i5660!8i2830

A well-known street in Caracas is the pedestrian Boulevard Sabana Grande. The following scenes begin there.,-66.87888,3a,75y,74.71h,90t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipOgde4PFpIHs3LeqJbnTyBtJndcd1oogVa4_ncA!2e10!3e11!!7i10860!8i5430

The northern part of Caracas is nearest to the mountain range that separates the city from the sea.,-66.8871055,3a,75y,46.5h,93t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipN_G6cESuZenYE03obkYJt0UDCQWLB6GrZPyjK4!2e10!3e11!!7i7168!8i3584

This is further east in the city.,-66.8609312,3a,75y,7.5h,90t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipN7yM5OPaVPCMgg7WOfoD_ozG8zSGbcKgyNrh8Z!2e10!3e11!!7i3584!8i1792

Here is the area known as Hatillo.,-66.8257963,3a,75y,277.5h,96.94t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipPb14-9pVZohWm9ieWsFkRYQqkLJs4Jn2VrTB2Z!2e10!3e11!!7i8714!8i4357

This part of Caracas is El Cigarral.,-66.8395768,3a,75y,79.5h,92.93t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipNMqowIjkjcGisRBD7FbaLZgSSGbwQl4qQxcfxF!2e10!3e11!!7i5472!8i2736

Recent Scientific Developments


The emergence of the Delta Variant of the Coronavirus fits perfectly with what we saw last year in the posting, "The Natural History Of The Flu".

Natural selection dictates that, as variations in a contagious virus emerge, the favored variations will be those that are more contagious but, on a case by case basis, less deadly. Remember that, while it is in the interest of the virus to spread, it is not in it's interest to either kill it's hosts or make them so sick that they don't go out and spread the virus.

Here is a link to "The Natural History Of The Flu":


With equipment landed on Mars attempts are being made to discern the internal structure of the planet by waiting for quakes, the same as was done on earth by analyzing the sound waves from earthquakes. But there is another way to accomplish this.

We can measure the volume of a planet and then it's mass by the gravitational effect that it has. But this only tells us the average density of the planet. All planets in our Solar System are composed of layers, with the core of the planet being of the most dense and the layers outside that successively less dense. Iron is plentiful in the inner Solar System and the four innermost planets, including earth, have prominent iron cores.

Remember my principle of "The Effective Center Of Gravity". We might think of a planet's center of mass and it's center of gravity as the same thing, but they aren't. The center of mass is constant but the center of gravity is relative, depending on the observer's position.

The force of gravity decreases with distance from the source according to the Inverse Square Law. At twice the distance the force of gravity would be one-quarter. A planet exerts gravity on it's surroundings but the planet is not an infinitesimal point, it has a certain diameter.

What this means is that the half of the planet that is closer to us has a greater gravitational effect on us than the half that is further from us. This means that the effective center of gravity of the planet is closer to us than the center of mass. The closer we are to the planet the more difference there is between the center of mass and the effective center of gravity. It is only when we are an infinite distance from the planet that the center of mass and the effective center of gravity become one and the same.

We know that there is energy in an orbit, such as in a satellite in orbit around the earth. The higher the orbit the higher the orbital energy, just as an object higher on a building would have more potential energy if it should fall. Like gravity orbital energy operates by the Inverse Square Law. If we give a moon or satellite three times the orbital energy it would go to an orbit at nine times the altitude but would then orbit at only one-third the velocity.

Because the satellite is a finite distance from the planet the focal point of it's orbit is actually the effective center of gravity of the planet, rather than it's center of mass. This doesn't seem to make a difference because the effective center of gravity is always on a line between the satellite and the center of mass, so that the effective center of gravity moves around the center of mass as the satellite orbits the planet.

The effective center of gravity of the planet, relative to the satellite, is furthest from the center of mass of the planet when the satellite is on the surface of the planet, before it is launched. As the satellite gains altitude the effective center of gravity moves closer to the center of mass, although it would only reach the center of mass when the satellite was an infinite distance from the planet.

This movement of the effective center of gravity within the planet makes the concept very useful for discerning the internal structure of the planet. If the planet was of uniform density throughout then a graph of altitude against orbital energy would form a straight line. But if there are layers of differing density within the planet then the plot of altitude against orbital energy would no longer form a straight line as the effective center of gravity crosses boundaries of differing densities as the satellite gains or loses altitude.

A planet will naturally have the more dense layers toward it's center. The earth has a heavy iron core, with a rocky mantle above that, and finally the lighter rock of the crust above that. As the satellite gains altitude, and it's effective center of gravity crosses a density layer boundary, the graph of altitude against orbital energy will slope upward. 

This is because the average density of the gravitational half of the planet will increase and thus a given altitude will encompass higher orbital energy. A "gravitational half" of the planet means that, at whatever altitude the satellite may be, the boundary between the two gravitational halves is such that the gravitational effect on the satellite by both gravitational halves will be equal.

The boundary between the two gravitational halves will, of course, pass through the effective center of gravity. The further gravitational half will naturally be heavier than the near gravitational half because distance from the satellite will increase the effect of the nearer half and decrease that of the further half. 

The boundary between the nearer and further gravitational halves is relative, and from the perspective of the satellite. The further from the planet the satellite is the closer it's gravitational halves will be in mass. At an infinite distance from the planet the satellite's two gravitational halves will be exactly equal.

This same principle of "The Effective Center Of Gravity" also explains something that has never otherwise been explained. This is the gaps in the rings of Saturn. Here is a link to that posting: