Thursday, December 2, 2021

Most Recent Updates

We saw in the posting, "The End Of The World As We Know It" on this blog, how I am certain that smartphones are the fabled "Mark of the Beast" without which, in the Last Days of the world before the Apocalypse, people will not be able to engage in financial transactions.

I could not find that this had ever been suggested before. I first wrote it here in 2009.

With the pandemic we can see how, in many places, a vaccination certificate, presented on one's phone, is necessary to enter a business establishment. Since then has been a trend for other identification documents, such as a driver's license, to be held in digital form on the phone.

As for the virus you can see what I meant in the posting, "The Natural History Of The Flu" August 2020, about how, as time goes on, new strains of the virus tend to be more contagious, but less deadly. We can see this in the most recent variant of Covid, known as Omicron. It is very contagious, but not especially deadly.

Suppose that the virus could "think" which, on a large scale through natural selection, it can. It is in the virus' interest to be as contagious as possible, but not to do much harm to it's host since the host is it's home. It is only in the virus' interest to produce symptoms in the host, such as coughing and sneezing, which help to spread the virus. 

This is how the flu arrived at the equilibrium it has with humans today.

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