Thursday, September 8, 2022


Donald Trump made a speech this week in Pennsylvania praising Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping. But remember what we saw in the posting on this blog, "The Theory Of Kings" April 2022. Monarchy has been the way societies have been governed for thousands of years, and is not about to just go away. All three of these are really kings, if not actually in name, and kings tend to stick together. As we saw in the posting, this explains so much about the world.

There is a lot of concern that the Great Salt Lake, in Utah, is in danger. It would be a good idea to see exactly what the Great Salt Lake is. In my geology theory, "The Story Of Planet Earth" on the geology blog , it is described in section L) EMERGENCE CENTERS ACROSS THE WORLD as one of twelve magma emergence centers that are evenly spaced across the world. Eight of them are on two interconnected straight lines. The book-length theory leaves no major features of the earth's surface unexplained, either on land or on the seafloor, and these evenly-spaced magma emergence centers are something that has never been pointed out before.

This summer there has been catastrophic flooding in Pakistan and catastrophic drought in Europe. The prevailing winds at that latitude are westward but the air is dropping so much water in the Monsoons of the Indian subcontinent that further west the Middle East, and now Europe, is very dry. But there is something that we can do. The Monsoons, like the hurricanes of the western hemisphere, require a lot of dust in the air, to act as condensation nuclei. The dust for the hurricanes of the western hemisphere is swept up by the wind from north Africa. The dust for the Monsoons comes from the vast dry Outback of western Australia. We saw in "The Australia Sequence", on the Progress Blog, that we could remedy this by digging a canal so that the Great Artesian Basin, which is below sea level, fills with water. This water would evaporate and fall as precipitation over the Outback, turning it green instead of dusty and solving the problem. Here is a link to the original posting:

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