Thursday, May 11, 2023

The Center Of My Religion

Would you like to see the center of my religion? It is a basement altar.

The New Testament references clay pots. There are two clay pots. The one on the left has white glazing while the one on the right is plain. The plain one on the right represents the First Coming of Jesus, when he came as an ordinary human to pay the price of sin. The pot in white on the left represents the Second Coming of Jesus, when He will come back as a conquering king dressed in white to destroy the Antichrist and establish His Kingdom on earth. The world will finally be the godly paradise that was always intended.

The three slats on the crate holding up the wooden cross represents the three days that Jesus was in His tomb. An old Bible is holding up the cross in the front.

Both of the Christmas cards are of the three Wise Men, or Magi, who brought gifts to the newborn Jesus. Although the Bible doesn't actually state how many there were, only that they brought three gifts.

The shelf I made out of scrap lumber when I was eighteen years old.

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