Thursday, December 7, 2023

Test Of Cosmology Theory

Albert Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity was considered as being proven by the solar eclipse of 1919. The theory predicted the deflection of starlight by a massive object, such as the sun. The solar eclipse made it possible to measure any such deflection, by temporarily removing the blinding light of the sun, and two expeditions were sent to the zone of eclipse. 

Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity supposedly originated when he wondered what it would be like if a streetcar was moving away from the clock tower in Bern, Switzerland, where he was working as a patent clerk, at the speed of light. Image from Google Street View.

If anyone wanted a comparable test of my cosmology theory it is actually simple. First let's review a couple of things, as well as my theory itself.


The Doppler Effect concerns a moving source of waves as observed by a stationary observer. The waves, such as sound or light, will be compressed and increased in frequency if the source is moving toward the observer. The waves will be stretched out and decreased in frequency if the source is moving away from the observer. This is because the waves are moving at a finite velocity and the source is moving at a certain portion of that velocity.

The most commonly cited example of the Doppler Effect is that of the whistle of a train as it passes a stationary observer. The whistle will be high-pitched as it approaches the observer and the pitch will drop suddenly as it passes.

The Doppler Effect also applies to light, and other electromagnetic radiation, but the source must be moving at a significant portion of the speed of light. This is used in astronomy and cosmology. Blue light is at the high frequency and short wavelength end of the visible spectrum and red is at the long wavelength end. If a galaxy is moving toward us it's light would be blueshifted and if it was moving away from us it's light would be redshifted. 

Because the universe is expanding we are much more likely to read about redshifting, and this is how we know the universe is expanding. But blueshifting is how we know that the Andromeda Galaxy will eventually collide with our galaxy.


In 1676, after telescopes had come into use for astronomical observations, a Danish astronomer named Ole Romer noticed something interesting.

Jupiter has a moon called Io that is eclipsed by Jupiter as it revolves around it, in the same way as a lunar eclipse. The scheduling of the eclipses of Io should be very predictable. But what Ole Romer noticed is that when the earth, in it's orbit around the sun, is moving toward Jupiter, which is much further from the sun than earth, the eclipses of Io happen about ten minutes earlier than expected. Six months later, when the earth is on the other side of the orbit, and moving away from Jupiter, the eclipses tend to happen about ten minutes later than expected.

The reason for this is the speed of light. The movement of the earth in it's orbit around the sun is either adding to, or subtracting from, the time it takes light to get from Jupiter to earth. This was the first awareness of the speed of light.


Here is what I find interesting about this. The Doppler Effect and the variation in time for the eclipse of Io, due to the motion of the earth in it's orbit either toward or away from Jupiter, are actually the same thing. The only difference is that the Doppler Effect on distant galaxies involves variations in the wavelength of light, which is distance, and the variation of the eclipse of Io involves time.

With these two examples being so similar, the motion of distant galaxies or the motion of the earth, why would one show up as variation in distance (wavelength) and the other show up as variation in time, with no variation in wavelength?


Now let's review my cosmology theory.

My cosmological theory has the universe as not-quite-parallel strings of matter aligned mostly in one direction in four-dimensional space, although there could be many more than these four dimensions. The direction in which these strings of matter are primarily aligned is the one that we perceive as time, along which our consciousnesses move at what we perceive as the speed of light. We can only see perpendicular to the bundles of strings of matter comprising our bodies and brains. The original two-dimensional sheet of space, amidst the multi-dimensional background space, disintegrated in one of it's two dimensions as one pair of it's opposite sides came into contact. Due to charge migration, to seek a lower energy state, one side was positive in charge and the other was negative. This brought about the matter-antimatter mutual annihilation that we perceive as the Big Bang. The energy in the disintegrating dimension, from the tension between adjacent opposite electric charges, was released. The remaining dimension then consisted of very long strings of infinitesimal cross-section, that we perceive as the particles of matter today. Some of the energy released by the disintegrating dimension went into "welding" the charges of the remaining dimension together as strings of matter. We perceive these strings as particles because our consciousnesses are moving along the bundles of strings composing our bodies and brains, at what we perceive as the speed of light, and we can only see at right angles to our strings.

So, the basics of my theory is a two-dimensional sheet of space, which formed amidst the multi-dimensional background space by the same kind of opposite charge induction, disintegrating in one of it's two dimensions as one pair of it's opposite sides came into contact to create the matter-antimatter explosive mutual annihilation that we perceive as the Big Bang, which began the universe, and which scattered the remaining one-dimensional strings of matter out across space to form the universe that we see today. The strings of matter from the original two-dimensional sheet were scattered across four dimensions of the background space. Three of these we see as space and the other as time.


My cosmology theory offers a simple solution. As the Special Theory of Relativity began with the streetcar moving away from the clock, my cosmology theory can be illustrated by bouncing a ball off a moving truck.

If someone behind the truck should bounce the ball off the truck as it is backing up, momentum will be added to the ball and will increase it's velocity. This represents blueshifting. But if the ball should be bounced off the truck as it is moving forward momentum will be subtracted from the ball and it's velocity will decrease. This represents redshifting.

What if we bounce the ball off the side of the truck while it is moving? The momentum will not change but the position will change. The ball will not, if thrown in a straight line, bounce back to the position it was thrown from. This represents the shift in time of the eclipse of Io according to whether the earth is moving toward or away from it.

The reason for this difference is that, as explained in my cosmology theory, Io is made of strings of matter which are aligned at a right angle to the three dimensions that we perceive as space. The direction in which strings of matter are aligned is what we perceive as time. The back and side of the moving truck are also at a right angle to each other.

Has anyone wondered why the change in wavelength with redshifting or blueshifting only applies to luminous objects that are moving, such as galaxies, but not to light reflected off non-luminous objects, such as Jupiter and Io?

As described in my cosmology theory, the dimensions in which electromagnetic radiation moves and the dimension that we perceive as time are perpendicular to each other. When light from the sun reflects off Io and Jupiter it picks up the momentum of this dimension that we perceive as time. So just like the ball bouncing off the side of the moving truck, because our consciousnesses are moving along the bundles of strings comprising our bodies and brains at what we perceive as the speed of light, the shift is in time, rather than in wavelength of the light.

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