Saturday, April 28, 2018

The Aztec Prophecy

This is a compound posting and contains much more about prophecy than "The Aztec Prophecy".

Here is a Table of Contents. The first part is about "The Aztec Prophecy".


The second part is about similar prophecies other than "The Aztec Prophecy".



There is something that I have decided must have been a sign to the world directly from God. I pointed it out recently here but cannot see that it has ever been referred to previously. The most appropriate name for it is "The Crab Nebula Prophecy".

As always with my writing, I do not ask you to just believe something that I write but to read it for yourselves and see if my reasoning makes sense and, if necessary, to check facts with Wikipedia or a Google search.

Whenever one reads about astronomy, the first supernova that is described is the one that produced what we see today as the Crab Nebula, and this was the first thing to be identified as resulting from a supernova. A supernova is the explosion of a large star from the center. A nova is the blasting away of the star's outer layers, but not an explosion from the center. A star is an equilibrium between the inward force of the gravity of the star's mass and the outward force of the energy released by the fusion in the star's center as the gravity is enough to overcome the electron repulsion between atoms so that smaller atoms are crunched together into larger ones. The new larger atom contains less total energy than the smaller ones that were crunched together, and the leftover energy is released which is why stars shine.

But as successively heavier atoms are then fused together, more energy per time is being released so that it upsets the original equilibrium. A star like the sun, which is not big enough to explode as a supernova, will eventually swell into a "red giant". But a larger star will eventually explode, after possibly blasting away the outer layers first, in a nova. But if this does not slow the fusion process at the center by lowering the gravitational pressure inward, then the star will eventually explode from the center as a supernova.

The explosion scatters the heavier-element matter that was formed by the fusion in the star across space. Some of it may fall back together by gravity to form a second-generation star as well as planets, from the heavier elements. We know that the sun is such a second-generation star, and our Solar System formed from such a supernova, because we can tell by spectroscopy that the sun contains heavy elements that are beyond it's current stage in the fusion process.

On July 4, in the year 1054, nearly a thousand years ago, an extremely brilliant star suddenly appeared. It was so bright that it was visible in the daytime, and it lasted for about two years. There is Arab, Japanese and particularly Chinese documentation of this "guest star". This was actually the best-known supernova of all. Since stellar dynamics were not understood at the time, it was recorded as a "new star" or "guest star".

Does the year 1054 sound familiar? If it does, it is because one of the most momentous events in world history took place in that year. It was the split between the Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches. In fact, this star, which outshone all of the other stars in the sky, appeared just as the ill-fated negotiations between the two sides was going on, at the Hagia Sophia which we saw on this blog in "The House Of Holy Wisdom, Where The Modern World Began".

The supernova occurred, on July 4, while representatives of the pope were negotiating at the Hagia Sophia. On July 16, the representatives presented an excommunication of the Patriarch of Constantinople, Michael Celularius. On July 20 The Patriarch of Constantinople, in turn, excommunicated the papal representatives.

The split has remained until the present day, and the world has never been quite the same since. Great wars, such as Napoleon's invasion of Russia, the Eastern Fronts of both world wars and the "Iron Curtain" afterward, are secular manifestations of this religious split of 1054.

Could the brilliant star that appeared, reminiscent of "The Star of Bethlehem" as recorded in the Gospel of St. Matthew, have been a sign from God that he wanted Christians to get along with one another? However, there is no definite proof that anyone in Europe took special notice of the new star, the remnants of which we see today as the Crab Nebula, which is so-named because it is shaped like the shell of a crab.

Now you can see why the Hagia Sophia is so important.

The Crab Nebula, which is the remnants of the supernova that we see nearly a thousand years later, the heavy elements that were produced by fusion in the former star scattered across space as a cloud of gas and dust and illuminated by nearby stars, could be intended as a prophecy from God in several other ways, aside from Christians getting along.

Our Solar System, since we know it formed from a supernova, must have been preceded by a nebula that was much like the Crab Nebula. Eventually the matter fell back together to form the sun, a second-generation star, and the planets. Every atom in your body, and in all life on earth, originated from a supernova and a nebula like the Crab Nebula. It is thus a symbol of God's Creation.

The split which took place in the Hagia Sophia, while the supernova was taking place that was so bright it could easily be seen in the daytime, was the split between east and west Christendom that has never been healed. In our secular times it has been manifested as Napoleon's invasion of Russia, the Eastern Fronts of both World Wars, as well as the Cold War. The supernova was actually a nuclear explosion, a massive hydrogen bomb powered by nuclear fusion.

Could this be a prophecy of nuclear explosions taking place on earth, as the ultimate result of the split between east and west taking place at the same time as the supernova?


Information online is that the Aztecs, far away on the other side of the world from Constantinople, noticed the supernova that took place in 1054. This is mentioned in the Wikipedia article on "Aztlan", which is the place that the Aztecs originally came from, although historians disagree on where exactly it is. There is information online, from a number of different sources that the Aztecs actually began their calendar from the time that the supernova took place.

The light was brilliant from what looked like a star that had suddenly appeared. It outshone Venus and Jupiter, and lasted for about two years. If we look at the spot with a telescope today, we see the Crab Nebula as the remnants of the supernova.

The Mexican flag has the image of the Aztec prophecy that they were to build a city on the site where they saw an eagle, perched on a cactus, devouring a snake. The city that they built on that site is what is now Mexico City.

Within Mexico City is the most-visited Catholic site in the world, the shrine of Our Lady Of Guadalupe. This shrine is built on the site of a vision of Mary by one of the first Aztecs that had been converted to Christianity after the fall of the city to the Spanish and their Indian allies. The legacy of this vision revolves around the tilma, the cloak or coat, that the Aztec had been wearing.

It is easy for any skeptic to dismiss such a "vision" but the interesting thing is that the tilma, with the image of Mary supernaturally impressed on it, has lasted, without any apparent visible wear, for nearly five hundred years, despite being woven from ordinary plant fibers, which do not usually last very long if exposed to oxygen..

What happens if we put this Aztec prophecy and the vision of Mary together?


The story of Mexico's Aztec Indians, and their ultimate conquest by the Spanish forces of Hernan Cortes is well-known. Let's quickly review it.

The Aztecs journeyed from elsewhere in Mexico, supposedly from a place called Aztlan. They had a prophecy that they would see an eagle, perched on a cactus, devouring a snake. In the place where they saw that, they were to build a city. The interesting thing about this story is that eagles do not, as a rule, eat snakes.

They did indeed eventually see such a sight, on an island in Lake Texcoco, and that is where, in the year 1325, they founded a city. The city that the Aztecs founded grew to be one of the largest cities in the world. It's name was Tenochtitlan.

The Aztecs, which were actually a confederation of three tribes, grew into a powerful nation. Theirs was a great civilization that was comparable to any elsewhere in the world at the time. They dominated other Indian tribes and city-states in central Mexico, who had to pay tribute and taxes to the Aztecs.

Nearly two hundred years after Tenochtitlan had been founded the Aztec emperor, Moctezuma II, received a report of large ships being seen off the Aztecs' east coast. The ships would land and he would meet explorers from Spain, on the other side of the world that the Aztecs had never heard of, led by Hernan Cortes.

At first, relations between the Aztecs and the new arrivals from Spain were peaceful, but that would soon change. Moctezuma saw that the Spaniards valued gold, and gave them some, hoping that they would then leave. But it only made them think that there must be much more where this came from.

The Spaniards had earlier encountered another group of Indians, from Tlaxcala. The two groups had clashed, with the Tlaxcalans reportedly surrounding the Spaniards on a hilltop. But the Tlaxcalans hated the Aztecs. Every year the Tlaxcalans were required to give the Aztecs a quota of young men and women to be human sacrifices to the Aztec gods. The best-known of the Aztec gods was Quetzacoatl, in the form of a snake or serpent with feathers and known as the "Plumed Serpent".

The decision was made that the Tlaxcalans would join the Spanish in alliance against the Aztecs.

Hernan Cortes and his forces, with a large group of Tlaxcalan allies, visited Moctezuma II. At this point, all were still at peace and they exchanged gifts. Cortes even married one of Moctezuma's daughters. The next development is that, when Cortes was present, Moctezuma received the news of another group of Spaniards landing on the coast.

Cortes was worried. He had sent news that he had Tenochtitlan under his control which, of course, he didn't. He would likely be relieved of duties and his dream of riches in the new world would be over. He actually took Moctezuma as a hostage in one of his own palaces, in order to rule Tenochtitlan through him. Cortes left one of his lieutenants in charge, another conquistador named Pedro de Alvarado, and took a force to meet the other Spaniards that had landed.

Cortes and his force overpowered the other Spanish force, and convinced them to join him by describing the incredible wealth of Tenochtitlan. But while he was away, trouble was beginning in Tenochtitlan. Pedro de Alvarado became alarmed during an ecstatic Aztec religious festival and massacred many of the high-ranking Aztecs.

When Cortes returned he had Moctezuma, the Aztec emperor still being held by the Spaniards, address the people to try to bring peace. What happened next depends on which story you believe. Either the Aztecs outside considered Moctezuma as a traitor for cooperating with the Spaniards and stoned him to death, or the Spanish killed him because he refused to cooperate further.

Without the Aztec emperor as a hostage, and with an extremely hostile population outside the palace compound where they were staying, the heavily-outnumbered Spaniards and their Tlaxcan allies had little choice but to try to escape. Tenochtitlan was on the island in Lake Texcoco, but there were causeways to the shore. At night during heavy rain, Cortes and his crew made their escape. They tried to bring as much gold as possible with them.

But they were discovered and in the ensuing combat with the residents of Tenochtitlan about two-thirds of the Spaniards were killed, or captured to end up as human sacrifices. Cortes and Alvarado escaped, but both were wounded. Much of their gold had fallen into canals or the lake. Spanish soldiers who had fallen into the water drowned because they were weighed down by heavy gold.

The night of the escape from Tenochtitlan became known in Spanish as Noche Triste, "The Sad Night".

But it wasn't over yet. More Spaniards arrived to support Cortes. One thing that they always had going for them was the number of enemies that the Aztecs had made among the other Indians. They were oppressive and were always looking for captives to serve as human sacrifices to their gods. Many of those other Indian tribes and city-states saw this as their chance to overthrow Aztec domination.

There was another factor at work. The Spaniards had unwittingly brought a deadly secret weapon with them. That weapon was smallpox.

The Spanish had apparently brought a slave across the ocean with them who had smallpox. The disease had already been through Europe, and they were largely immune to it. One story is that the slave had been captured by the Aztecs when they were trying to escape Tenochtitlan at night. Another story is that one of the Spanish soldiers did catch smallpox from the slave, and was then captured by the Aztecs.

But at any rate, smallpox tore through the densely populated Aztec city. They had no immunity to it and no idea of what it was. It decimated the population of Tenochtitlan.

A large force of Spaniards and their Indian allies returned. This time the outcome would be different. The Siege of Tenochtitlan began.

Moctezuma II had been succeeded as Aztec emperor by his brother, Cuitlahuac, who had soon died in the epidemic of smallpox. The next emperor was Cuauhtemoc, who was a cousin of Moctezuma. The combat was barbaric as the battle for the city began. The Aztecs continuously offered a steady stream of captives as human sacrifices, in the hope that it would convince their gods to turn the tide of the battle in their favor.

But it was to no avail. Cuauhtemoc realized that he had no choice but to surrender the city to Cortes.


With that review of the story of Tenochtitlan, here is what I want to point out.

The earlier prophecy of the eagle perched on a cactus, and devouring a snake, was indeed to come true. When the Aztecs saw it, that is where they founded their city. But what the Aztecs did not realize is that the snake in the prophecy was their own chief god, Quetzacoatl. This Aztec god was in the form of a snake or serpent, and was known as the plumed or feathered serpent.

The eagle on the cactus devouring the snake is on the Mexican flag today.

Notice how the wings of the eagle resembles the sails of a ship. In fact, the ships that the Spaniards arrived in Mexico on very much resemble the eagle with outstretched wings. Quetzacoatl was actually the Aztec god of the sea, by which the Spaniards would arrive.

Here are examples of ships at the time. Notice how the hull of the ship and it's sails resembles the body of the eagle and it's wings. The Aztecs had canoes that they used on Lake Texcoco, but I cannot see that they developed the use of sails.

But the most important part of the prophecy that is illustrated by the symbol on the Mexican flag is the cactus.

One of the first Aztecs to convert to Christianity after the conquest took the Spanish name of Juan Diego. One night he was walking past a hill when a vision of Mary appeared and spoke to him. Mary gave him instructions and appeared and talked with him several times, and also with Juan Diego's ill uncle who she healed.

Juan Diego was instructed by Mary to pick flowers at the top of the hill. Even though it was winter, the flowers were growing there. In fact, it was unusual flowers that did not grow in Mexico. He was told to put the flowers inside his cloak and show them to the local archbishop, who did not believe him about the visions.

When the flowers fell from inside his cloak, they formed the image of Mary on the floor, and the image of Mary was permanently impressed on the inside of his cloak, which was called a tilma, in a way similar to that of the Shroud of Turin.

Of course, it is easy to doubt or dismiss something like this. But what is not easy to dismiss is that the cloak or coat, referred to as a tilma, has lasted nearly five hundred years. Today it is mounted in a low-oxygen casing, but that technology has only been available for a few decades.

Here is the other thing that is amazing. The tilma (coat or cloak) that holds the image of Mary is woven of cactus fibers. The Aztecs used to weave clothing from cactus fibers. Other famous visions of Mary, such as Fatima and Lourdes, do not revolve around an article of clothing. But this does, and that piece of clothing was woven from the cactus fibers.

So that is what the cactus on the Mexican flag means. The eagle, which stands for the ships who brought the Spaniards who were able to defeat the Aztecs, whose god was the snake, because it was standing on the cactus, which is shown to represent the Christian God by the fact that Juan Diego's tilma is woven from cactus fibers.

This does not mean that the Aztecs' prophecy of the eagle on a cactus devouring the snake came from the Christian God but, seeing that they believed it, God responded to it in a way that they could relate to. But I cannot see that anyone has ever connected the symbol on the Mexican flag with the appearance to Juan Diego, now known as Our Lady of Guadalupe.

The reason that the Christian God took such special efforts toward the Aztecs is that they took the most notice of the supernova, actually starting their calendar from it, that the Europeans that it was intended for didn't notice.


The shrine that was built on the site where the vision of Mary took place is now the most visited Catholic pilgrimage site in the world. God certainly wanted everyone to know about this. But to draw attention to it, a major world city nearby would be of great use. That is how Mexico City came to be.

No other capital city in Latin America was built on what had been an Indian capital city. Chichen Itza, the best-known city of the Maya, was simply abandoned. Lima was not built on Cuzco, which had been the Inca capital. Mexico City is very high in elevation, much higher than Denver. Cortes built his own palace in more-comfortable Cuernavaca, and not in Mexico City. With the exception of Bogota, every other country in the western hemisphere with a coast has it's largest city somewhere near the coast or readily accessible by ship.

The main Spanish port in Mexico was Veracruz, on the east coast. That is where the fort is located where Spanish soldiers remained after the Mexican War of Independence, refusing to give up Mexico. So why would Mexico City, built on the conquered Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan, become the largest city and capital of Mexico since it was very high in the mountains and so far from the coast?

There was no need for a more defensible location than Veracruz because there were no European rivals at the time Mexico City was founded, and Veracruz was on the coast where supplies and reinforcements could be be brought in if there should be conflict with other Indians.

But God must have wanted a great city there because that is where the vision of Our Lady of Guadalupe had taken place.

When the battle for Tenochtitlan was finally over Cortes, as could be expected, began the search for gold. But there was little to be found. Knowing that the Aztecs had had a vast amount of gold, Cortes was convinced that they must have hidden it by dumping it into the lake. There was also the gold at the bottom of the canals and the lake that had been lost during the earlier escape. In 1981, a gold bar was found underground during construction where one of the Aztec canals would have been located.

The Spanish authorities began draining the lake through a channel to a river some distance away. The stated reason was the control flooding but it seems obvious that it was the only way to recover whatever gold was at the bottom of the lake. The activity of draining the lake is what got Mexico City growing, and today the city is built on the former lake bed.

The gold that fell or was purposely dumped in the water can be considered as the seeds of Mexico City.

Our Lady Of Guadalupe, in Mexico City, is now the most visited Catholic site in the world.

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Notice something else that is really interesting. The image on the Mexican flag is of the eagle, perched on the cactus, devouring the snake.

This means that the flesh of the snake was destroyed but it went to building up the flesh of the eagle.

What ended up happening after the Spanish conquest is that the palace of the Aztec emperor Moctezuma II and the main Aztec temple that was adjacent to it were destroyed, and the stone was used to build a palace for the Spaniards, which is now the National Palace in Mexico City, and the adjacent Metropolitan Cathedral which is the largest cathedral in the western hemisphere.

This is the fulfillment of the flesh of the snake, the Aztec god Quetzacoatl which was in the form of a snake or serpent, being destroyed to build the flesh of the eagle, whose body and wings are a model of the hulls and sails of the ships that brought the Spaniards. Today, the place is called Zocalo and is the main square of Mexico City, and this is what it looks like.,-99.1331087,3a,75y,305.27h,90t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipOWs8Nxk0DmKmGnOsnl2mubtnMIy1Ha7Y_kzsS8!2e10!3e11!!7i10240!8i5120


The extremely brilliant supernova was first seen on July 4, 1054,. There are a number of Chinese, Japanese and, Arab documented references to it. But it occurred just as representatives from the pope and the Archbishop of Constantinople were meeting in the Hagia Sophia, and the meeting was not going well. The two sides were about to split the church in half in a way that changed the world forever. The odds of the best-known supernova in history just happening to occur during these few momentous days makes it appear certain that God was trying to communicate with his people in a way similar to the Star of Bethlehem, that had heralded the birth of Jesus.

But there is no sufficient evidence that anyone in Europe really noticed it. But on the other side of the world was a people who, while having no idea of the Christian God, not only noticed his sign but actually based their calendar on it in the same way that the Christian calendar is based on the birth of Jesus. These people were the Aztecs.

Each of the two major splits in the church has led to a reaching out for new territories. Not long after the split of 1054 came the Crusades. This was the attempts by the Catholic Church to regain the Holy Land from Moslem control. Another reason was clearly for the Catholics to demonstrate their power and alignment with God to what they perceived as the wayward Eastern Orthodox Christians, who believed in God and Jesus but did not see why they should submit to the control of the pope.

Nearly five hundred years later, there was the other major split in the church. In 1517 the Reformation began, with the Protestants splitting away. But this occurred just after the era of exploration of the world by ship had begun, particularly with Spain and Portugal. The two sides of the split competed with one another not only to be the most holy, but also to win the most territory.

Ironically, it was the split that the supernova that brought the Crab Nebula was an effort to prevent that led to the Renaissance, which led to the Reformation. This helped to lead to the Spanish mission that encountered the Aztecs, the people who had taken notice of the sign from God centuries before even though they did not yet know the Christian God. The Aztecs had gods of their own and had to go through seeing who the Christian God was, even though that process was difficult and meant having their great capital city destroyed.

Just as the eagle devoured the snake, on the Mexican flag, and the flesh of the snake went to build the body of the eagle, the stone of the destroyed Aztec temple and palace of Moctezuma went to build Zocalo, which includes the largest cathedral in the western hemisphere. But only in light of the snake being the Aztec god Quetzacoatl.


In the first chapter of the Old Testament Book of Zechariah, verses 8-10, there is a vision of four horses. A messenger is mounted on a red horse, and there is another red horse, and a brown and a white horse. It is explained that these horses are sent "to go throughout all of the earth". Zechariah was a prophet and his writings are from the Sixth Century B.C.

There is, of course, another four horses in the Bible, that are better-known then those in the Book of Zechariah. These are the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, as described in the Book of Revelation, Chapter 6.

The first horse, a white horse, is unleashed on the earth, and it represents conquest.

The second horse, a red horse, represents war.

The third horse, a black horse, represents famine.

The fourth horse, a pale horse, represents death.

The Book of Revelation was written by St. John, in exile on the island of Patmos, in the First Century A.D.

In 1204, the Fourth Crusade was diverted at Constantinople, then the capital city of Byzantium, rather than it's original mission to the Holy Land. The eastern Christians had broken away from the Catholics 150 years before, in the Great Schism of 1054.

The reason for this diversion is a long story involving the internal politics of Byzantium. A ruler had been overthrown and his son had offered payment to the Crusaders to come and restore him to the throne. They were then unable to come up with the promised payment so the Crusaders looted and occupied the city, for more than fifty years, and the Hagia Sophia, the largest church in Christendom, was reconsecrated as a Catholic church.

One of the "war trophies" that the Crusaders removed from Constantinople was bronze statues of four horses. At the time, the statues were about a thousand years old. The horses were taken to Venice and put in the Basilica of St. Mark, where they remain today. The Venetians had earlier procured the bones of the apostle St. Mark from Egypt, and he was the much-celebrated patron saint of the city-state.

Today, the original four horses are inside as protection from automobile exhaust and the ones outside the basilica are replicas. The horses have the "collars" to conceal that their heads had to be cut off, and later reattached, during transportation to Venice by ship.

Six centuries later Napoleon, who had a sharp eye for art and valuable artifacts, took the horses to France. But he had copies made of them and gave the originals back to Venice. The replicas that Napoleon had made are atop the Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel, just outside the Louvre.

There was another set of four horses atop an arch in Europe, which Napoleon also removed, before they were restored. This is Berlin's Brandenburg Gate.

The area adjacent to the Brandenburg Gate has served as a kind of "public square" of Europe, and also the gateway between east and west. The Brandenburg Gate was built before Napoleon's Arc de Triomphe, and so it isn't a copy of it.

In St. Petersburg, we see the four horses again atop the Alexandrinsky Theater.

There are the four horses again, on the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow.

There they are again, this time in Belgium.

In Brooklyn, we find the four horses on the Soldiers and Sailors Arch.

There are two sets of the four horses in Rome.

In London they are seen on the Wellington Arch, which links Hyde Park and Green Park.

The four horses are prominently displayed in Warsaw.,_Warsaw#/media/File:Warszawa,_ul._Senatorska_21,_25_20170516_001.jpg

Ever since the set that are now called the Horses of St. Mark were taken from Constantinople during the Fourth Crusade of 1204, the four horses have indeed made their way around much of the world. I wonder if this could be part of what the prophet Zechariah meant.

This also brings us to the Hagia Sophia, which was the largest church in the world for about a thousand years. We saw how important it was and how the development of the modern world has revolved around it in the compound posting on this blog, "The House Of Holy Wisdom, Where The Modern World Began".

Before the original four horses were taken by the crusaders, they were just outside the Hagia Sophia in what was known as the Hippodrome. In 1054, the year that the Great Schism began, the papal legate that was sent from Rome to meet with the Patriarch of Constantinople, Michael Cerularius, must have seen the four horses.

The papal legate excommunicated the Patriarch of Constantinople. But instead of resolving the issue, it brought about the east-west split that has never healed to the present day. All of the wars and conflicts between the west and Russia have been manifestations of that split.

Before the actual split, the creation of the Holy Roman Empire by the pope was intended to bring the eastern Christians back into line. This has profoundly affected the history of the west. For example, the Nazis considered themselves as the Third Reich, with the Holy Roman Empire being the First Reich, and Hitler as the new Charlemagne.

The four horses were likely there before the Hagia Sophia, which was built adjacent to it. Ironically, St. John was in exile on the island of Patmos when he wrote the Book of Revelation, which describes the four horsemen of the Apocalypse. Patmos is in the same general area as Constantinople, now Istanbul, about 450 km or 300 miles away. The horses were made probably not long after St. John wrote the Book of Revelation.

As we saw in the section of this posting 1) The Crab Nebula And God, the first thing that we think of when we hear of a supernova is the Crab Nebula. This was a great explosion in the sky, that remained visible for about two years. It was so brilliant that it was visible in the daytime. Observations of it were documented across the world, in Arab, Chinese and, Japanese chronicles. The Aztecs actually began their calendar with the Crab Nebula.

What I pointed out in the section here, 1) The Crab Nebula And God is that it became visible in the sky just before this titanic split between east and west took place. It looks likely to me that it was a warning from God about the dangers of the impending split. But there is no record of anyone in Europe noticing it.

With that in mind what about this set of four horses, that were close to the Hagia Sophia where the split took place? The horses had been made by the Romans, who had also put St. John in exile where he had written the Book of Revelation. Could it be that those horses were intended as a warning, like the Crab Nebula, that the impending split would eventually result in the unleashing of the "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse", which are the book's symbolism of Armageddon?

150 years after the split, Constantinople would be raided by the Fourth Crusade, as described above. They generally looted the city but took special notice of these four horses. They were removed to the Basilica of St. Mark in Venice, where they remain today.

Doesn't it seem as if the crusaders understood the importance of the horses? That the split that had taken place between east and west would eventually be instrumental in bringing about the fulfillment of the prophecy of "The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse", which will be the End of the World as we know it, and the establishment of Jesus' Kingdom on earth? And now there are similar statues of four horses in prominent places all over the Christian countries.


As it turns out, this week was the anniversary of the 1986 nuclear meltdown at Chernobyl.

I am going to repost this section of the posting on this blog, "New Insights Into Bible Prophecy", because it relates closely to what we are discussing today, God communicating with us by the apparently unlikely combination of an explosion and a plant.

This is another amazing aspect of Bible prophecy that is already known, but not by a lot of people. Chapter 8, verses 10 and 11, of the Book of Revelation has a prophecy that must have mystified people for centuries.

"The third angel sounded his trumpet and a great star, blazing like a torch, fell from the sky onto a third of the rivers and on the springs of water. The name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters became bitter, and many people died from drinking the bitter waters".

Why would a star, or a meteor that is referred to as a "falling star", be named for wormwood, which is a shrub?

If you go to the article titled "Chernobyl", on , the answer becomes clear. Go to the "History" section of the article and, under that, go to the first subsection, which is "Name Origin". You will see that the name of Chernobyl means wormwood.

As you may remember, Chernobyl is where the nuclear meltdown took place in 1986 that spread nuclear radioactivity over a wide area. This is what Chernobyl is known for, and the first thing that anyone thinks of when they hear the name.

One of the primary rules for survivors of a nuclear disaster or attack is never to drink from open water that has been exposed to radioactivity. The falling star represents one or more nuclear missiles, and many people who survived the blast died from drinking water afterward. When the Chernobyl nuclear accident happened, it let us know what this prophecy meant.


So if God tries to communicate with us in ways like this, involving elements such as an explosion (the supernova and the nuclear meltdown) and a plant (the cactus and the wormwood shrub), could there be other places where he has tried to communicate with us in a similar way?

I can remember when the CN Tower opened in Toronto, in 1976. It was the tallest structure in the world. Toronto was so proud of it's new tower, and it quickly became the most prominent symbol of the city.

But not too long afterward, there was a horrific explosion one night. Not at the tower, a train carrying all kinds of fuel and explosive chemicals exploded some distance from the tower. It may have been the largest man-made non-nuclear explosion ever. The fireball from the explosion reached to about a mile (1.6 km) into the sky. No one had ever seen anything like it before, although no one was killed.

The altitude that the fireball reached into the sky was just about exactly three times the height of the new tower of which the city was so proud, and which was the tallest building in the world.

That was the explosion. The flag of Canada has the maple leaf as the symbol of the country.

If God would communicate with Mexico by way of a plant as a symbol on it's flag (the cactus) at it's largest city because of an explosion that they had taken notice of, then why wouldn't he do the same for Canada?

Notice that Canada's maple leaf had three elements to it. St. Patrick introduced the idea of a shamrock as representative of the Trinity, the Father, the Son (Jesus) and the Holy Spirit, because it is three, but at the same time it is one. Exactly the same thing can be said for the maple leaf on the Canadian flag. I cannot find documentation of it but I believe that this is part of the reason that it was chosen as the symbol of the country.

Notice also that the maple leaf on the flag resembles the form of an explosion thrusting outward, particularly since the leaf is red. In fact, including the stem of the leaf it very much resembles the mushroom cloud of the explosion that took place in Toronto (Mississauga) in 1979.

There are three elements to the maple leaf, representing the Trinity, and the fireball of the explosion was documented as reaching an altitude that was just about exactly three times the height of the new tower of which Toronto was recognized for. As a further link between the two, the tower was actually built by the railroad.

It is also interesting that the stem of the maple leaf represents just about exactly a third of it's total height. So if the stem represents the height of the tower then the rest of the leaf, up to the tip, represents the height that the explosion reached.

Is God trying to get our attention? Should we be concentrating on what God can do and not so much on the things that we can build. Also to remember that the destructive forces that modern technology makes possible are even greater than the constructive forces.

I leave it to you to come to your own conclusions but I find this to be absolutely amazing. There are things all around you, every day, that no one has ever pointed out. Some of these things are about how God has tried to communicate with us. I notice things like this, but I have no special power, I just study the Bible and ask God for guidance.

There are three examples of God using the apparently unlikely combination of an explosion and a plant to communicate with us, one is from the Bible.

The supernova and the cactus in Mexico City.
The exploding nuclear reactor and the wormwood shrub at Chernobyl.
The exploding train and the maple leaf at Toronto.


We saw how the 1054 supernova, the remnants of which we see today as the Crab Nebula that is the best-known supernova, happened just as the meetings were going on in the Hagia Sophia between the Patriarch of Constantinople and representatives of the pope. The meeting was to resolve differences over the authority of the pope over all Christendom, and the meetings were not going well.

Just before the split occurred, with the two sides excommunicating one another, and the eastern domains of Christianity splitting away to form the Eastern Orthodox Church, a fantastic light appeared in the sky. Observers at that time thought is was a "new star". It far outshone Venus and Jupiter, and was bright even in the daytime. The light was reminiscent of the Star of Bethlehem that had heralded the birth of Jesus, and lasted for about two years. We know today that the source of the light was the supernova, the remnants of which are seen today as the Crab Nebula because the shape of the nebula resembles the body of a crab.

The world has not been the same since that split of 1054. It was a permanent split between east and west. The modern secular manifestations of it have been the Cold War, the Eastern Front of both world wars and, Napoleon's invasion of Russia.

But if the sudden brilliant light in the sky was a sign from God to both parties, there is no sufficient evidence that anyone in Europe paid much attention to it. But on the other side of the world were a people who not only took careful notice of the new light in the sky, but actually began their calendar from that point. These people were the Aztecs and we saw in "The Aztec Prophecy" how God used a prophecy of their own that they had, the one that led to the founding of what is today Mexico City, to reveal who he was to them.

But now let's move on. What about America? If God could use the symbolism on Mexico's flag to reveal who he is to them, couldn't he do the same for America? I see that there are many reasons for thinking that the Crab Nebula was intended to communicate with America also, even though the founding of America was far in the future when the supernova that created the Crab Nebula took place.

America's original settlement was very religious in nature, and the founders of the country certainly asked God's guidance even though it is known that they varied in religious beliefs. Here are my reasons for believing that the Crab Nebula was intended for God to communicate with America as well, even though it was far in the future and nothing was known of the Crab Nebula when it was founded.

1) We saw that God took special notice of the Aztecs because they paid attention, and started their calendar from, the sign in the sky that he had intended for the quarreling Europeans. America didn't start a new calendar, but it did have an Independence Day. America's founders didn't know it, but the Fourth of July was actually the anniversary of the start of the supernova which formed the Crab Nebula, which was first seen on July 4, 1054, 722 years before America would be founded.

2) What does America do to celebrate the Fourth of July? Aren't fireworks exploding in the sky an unwitting symbol of the exploding star which led to what we see today as the Crab Nebula?,_1986.jpg

3) America's flag happened to contain a field of stars. It was by what was seen as a brilliant new star that God seems to have tried to communicate with his believers who were about to undergo a permanent split. It is among the stars that the Crab Nebula is seen today.

4) America makes much of the colors of it's flag being "red white and blue". What color is the Crab Nebula? In this well-known image from the Hubble Space Telescope, we see that it is also "red, white and blue".

5) Being basically a cloud of dust that was thrown into space by the supernova explosion of 1054, we cannot expect that the Crab Nebula will be in the form of a rectangle with right angles. Nevertheless, the shape of the Crab Nebula that we see from earth is asymmetrical in form. Notice how the width of the nebula, relative to it's length, forms just about exactly the same proportion as the width of the U.S. flag, relative to it's length.

6) The Crab Nebula is seen to be composed of numerous "filaments". These filaments are either red or white in color, depending on where in the nebula they are located. Aside from the field of stars on the U.S. flag, it consists of red and white stripes, which seem to symbolize the filaments in the Crab Nebula, as seen in this Hubble Space Telescope image.

7) The sudden and brilliant star that formed the Crab Nebula appeared just as a great split between Christian believers was about to take place. America was formed in exactly the same way. In 1054, both sides were Christians but disagreed primarily over the authority of the pope. In 1776, religious differences were not a factor, but the two sides disagreed over the authority of the king. But if there is such symbolism related to the Crab Nebula on the American flag, and it must have then been a message to both sides, what about the British flag? We see that it is in the form of an explosion thrusting out from the center, with the same background blue and red and white filaments that we see in the image of the Crab Nebula.

8) What about the flag of the Philippines? It's independence day is also July 4, and it's flag has the same red, white and, blue and, most importantly, what appears to be a super-brilliant star that is out-shining all of the other stars. This is exactly what the supernova of 1054 appeared as.


Have you noticed something really interesting about Britain?

Does anyone remember that, in the summer of 1969, an Australian named Dennis Rohan, believed to be suffering from psychological issues, set a destructive fire in the Al Aqsa Mosque, on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem?

The Old City of Jerusalem had only just come under Israeli control two years before. At the beginning of June, 1967, the Temple Mount, which is considered as holy by three religions, Judaism, Christianity and, Islam, was under the control of Jordan. Then came the Six-Day War from June 5-10, when Israelis captured the site. By the end of the month, the Old City was considered as incorporated into Israel, and it remains a very controversial issue today.

Christians around the world recognized this event. Jesus is recorded as stating, in each of the first three Gospels, that Jerusalem will be under the control of the Gentiles until the time of the Gentiles are fulfilled. After explaining other signs of the End Times, and giving a description of himself returning to earth, Jesus goes on to say that "This generation will not pass away until all of these things have been fulfilled".

There is, of course, no exact definition of what a "generation" is, and Jesus emphasizes that no one knows the exact day that this will happen. This means that at the most, when Jesus returns to earth to set up the Millennium, there will be people alive who were alive when Gentile control of Jerusalem was fulfilled and came to an end.

After June of 1967, a wave of Christian pilgrims took the opportunity to visit the holy places. That is the problem with Jerusalem. It is so holy that everybody thinks that it is holy, and that it should belong to them.

Among those pilgrims was the visitor from Australia. There is another prophecy in the Bible that Solomon's Temple must be rebuilt before the return of Jesus. The reason for this is that the Antichrist, which must precede Jesus' return will "go into the Temple and proclaim himself as God". Remember that we saw the Temple Mount and it's history in the posting on this blog, "Esau And The Temple Mount".

But on the Temple Mount today are two of the most important mosques, the Al Aqsa that underwent the arson attack, and the Dome of the Rock. The visitor from Australia had thought that God had been guiding and speaking to him and was motivated to set fire to the Al Aqsa Mosque because he thought that removing it would open the way for the rebuilding of Solomon's Temple on the site, and thus open the way for the return of Jesus.

The arsonist did make an error. The Al Aqsa Mosque is at the southern end of the Temple Mount. It is actually the Dome of the Rock, near the center of the Temple Mount, that is on the site of Solomon's Temple. The first arson attack was unsuccessful, the fire went out, but the second attempt caused a lot of damage and, of course, upset Moslems across the world.

Now, here is what is so interesting.

As stated earlier, there is no exact definition of what a "generation" means. Some people might consider it as the average childbearing age, others might consider it as an entire lifetime. A commonly accepted definition might be about fifty years, which is fairly close to the amount of time that an average person in the world spends in adulthood.

The Australian arsonist who tried to destroy the Al Aqsa Mosque, said that he first thought that God was communicating a special mission to him when he lived in New South Wales, and there were brush fires in the area at the time. The town where he lived was named "Grenfell".

Exactly fifty years after the momentous events of June 1967, that brought the Old City of Jerusalem back under Israeli control for the first time in nearly 1900 years, and began the countdown for "The End Of The World As We Know It", as described in detail in the posting on this blog by that name, there was a devastating fire in an apartment tower in London. The name of the tower was also Grenfell.

"Grenfell" is not exactly a common name, there are the only two places that I have ever seen the name. Major fires are rare in Britain.

The climactic event of the End of the World, as described in the Bible prophecies, is the Battle of Armageddon. This will be a battle between the forces of the Antichrist, which we know will be from Europe, and the forces of the east. A nuclear exchange will already have taken place by this time, and not all of the powers of the world will be around to take place in this final battle.

From the east, described as "the rising of the sun", will arise a great army of 200 million. The Bible states "kings" of the east, meaning a confederacy of nations. This great army will move westward, meeting the European forces of the Antichrist in the Middle East. Both sides may well be motivated by control of the vital oil in the Middle East. The name of Armageddon actually comes from Megiddo, which we saw in the posting on this blog, "Archeological Sites In The Holy Land".

This prophecy of the army of 200 million, which is definitely possible with the global population of today, is so amazing because it was made at a time when the population of the entire world was only about 200 million. It did not reach one billion until the middle of the Nineteenth Century.

The thing that is interesting here is that the Grenfell fire, which was a deadly tower of fire, occurred fifty years to the day that China detonated it's first hydrogen bomb.


We have seen the architectural influence of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, as seen by the medieval orders of knights that were formed to assist and protect Catholic pilgrims to the Holy Land in "Malta And Jerusalem", and in the Temple Church as seen in "Along London's Royal Route". But it's influence reaches all the way to Niagara Falls.

Fatima Shrine in Lewiston, NY, just north of Niagara Falls, is dedicated to the marian appearances which many believe to have taken place at Fatima, in Portugal. But take a look at how the circular domed shrine is positioned relative to the accompanying rectangular building, which contains a cafeteria, gift shop and, another shrine. Many Catholics from the Canadian side of the border have visited this shrine.,-79.0039452,277m/data=!3m1!1e3

Now, take a look at the positioning of the Dome of the Rock relative to the accompanying Al Aqsa Mosque, on the Temple Mount.,35.23537,323m/data=!3m1!1e3

The positioning is virtually identical, except that the alignment between the rectangular and domed structures is east-west at Fatima Shrine and north-south on the Temple Mount.

Here is Fatima Shrine and the nearby area.

There are multiple scenes following. To see the scenes, after the first one, you must first click the up arrow, ^, before you can move on to the next scene by clicking the right or forward arrow, >. After clicking the up arrow, you can then hide the previews of successive scenes, if you wish.,-79.0043426,3a,75y,226.01h,90t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sJYOstL34505_EkebWyA3FQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

The following scenes begin in front of the Al Aqsa Mosque, on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Notice how the stone arches of the entrances to the mosque resemble those on the dome at Fatima Shrine. This was the building that underwent the arson attack in 1969, as seen in "The Grenfell Connection". Most of the scenes are around, but not atop, the Temple Mount. The blue building with the gold dome is the Dome of the Rock.,35.2355576,3a,75y,102.29h,90t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipM_QJOcgCyu3JBS8veuFFSp1vmv43FTTlJTA1LH!2e10!3e11!!7i8704!8i4352

Ironically, the name of Fatima is special to Moslems also. In fact more important than it is to Catholics, but not because of the marian appearances in Portugal. Fatima was the daughter of Muhammad and the wife of Ali, who was one of the successors of Muhammad as caliph. Ali is actually at the center of the split between Sunni and Shiite Moslems. Shiites felt that he was the rightful immediate successor to Muhammad, while Sunnis didn't. But he did eventually become the fourth caliph.

This is the corresponding Fatima Shrine in Portugal.,-8.675578,2a,75y,140.87h,90t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1s2bQ4igYro5SAu6yC96Rj3A!2e0!3e2!!7i13312!8i6656

We saw in the posting on this blog, "Islam's Colorful Shiites", how Ali was assassinated in Najaf and Hussein, the son of Ali and Fatima, was killed by the Umayyads in the Battle of Karbala.

The town of Fatima in Portugal, which is where the name of the shrine in Lewiston comes from because the marian appearances took place there, was named for the daughter of Muhammad when the Iberian Peninsula was ruled by the Moslems, which we saw in the posting on this blog "When The Moors Ruled Spain".

When the Umayyad caliphate was succeeded by the Abassids, who built the new city of Baghdad to succeed the Umayyad capital of Damascus, the Umayyad caliphate continued on in Spain and Portugal. So it was the Umayyads who named the town of Fatima where the famous marian appearances would someday take place.

As it turns out, it was also the Umayyads who built both the Dome of the Rock and the Al Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount.

Without realizing all of this, at least I have never seen it documented, the builders of Fatima Shrine in Lewiston positioned a circular domed building and a rectangular building in exactly the same way as these two mosques on the Temple Mount. Fatima Shrine is built to commemorate visions of Mary which took place in the Portuguese town of Fatima, which was named by the caliphate which built the two mosques which would define the structure of Fatima Shrine.

Can this really be a coincidence? Is it a message, never pointed out until now, that God wants Christians and Moslems to get along? We saw the great significance of the marian appearances in Mexico, in "The Aztec Prophecy", this is the other of the two best-known such appearances so wouldn't it be logical that this has some great significance also?

Mary was the mother of Jesus and Fatima was the daughter of Muhammad. Mary is revered by Moslems also, and is actually discussed more in the Quran than in the Bible. Jesus is considered as an important prophet by Moslems, although not as the Son of God.

But why would Mary, who is highly valued by Moslems, appear to Christians in a town that was named for Muhammad's famous daughter?

There was also a caliphate named for Fatima, the Fatimids who founded Cairo as we saw in our visit there. The Fatimid Caliphate existed at the time of the Crusades, and fought against them, which is when Catholics first became enthralled by those two structures on the Temple Mount, which would influence the architecture, as we have seen in Malta, London's Temple Church, and now in Lewiston, NY.

In the days long before cameras, westerners usually portrayed the Dome of the Rock, on the site of Solomon's Temple, as more circular than it actually is.,_1546.jpg

It is actually octagonal, eight-sided, although the dome is circular. Is there where the shape of a stop sign came from?

There is another building in Niagara Falls that is an obvious replica of the Dome of the Rock, the Aquarium.

As with all of my writing, I do not ask you to just believe anything. So, I will leave it up to you to come to your own conclusion as to whether all of this is just an interesting coincidence, or whether it is a message from God that he wants Christians and Moslems to get along, as the common descendants of Abraham, and the message goes through a shrine in Lewiston, NY.


There is another country in the western hemisphere that I see God having commissioned with a special purpose. That country is Jamaica.

The religious group known as Rastafarians began in Jamaica in the 1930s. It is a loosely organized and informal group in which there does not seem to be any set creed of beliefs. The several different denominations of Rastafarians are sometimes referred to as "mansions". Rastafarians believe the Bible but often refer to God as "Jah".

The group was formed following the 1930 coronation of Haile Selassie as Emperor of Ethiopia. There is considerable variation in Rastafarian beliefs, but many consider Haile Selassie as divine and Ethiopia as the real Promised Land of God.

He finally visited Jamaica in 1966, where he was mobbed by tens of thousands of people. The anniversary of his visit is a holiday in Jamaica. Haile Selassie visited Expo 67 in Montreal in 1967, but denied in an interview with a Canadian reporter that he had anything to do with being divine. He was, however, a devout Christian.

The name of the Rastafarians comes from Ras Tafari, which was the name of Haile Selassie before he was crowned as emperor.

The Rastafarian belief in the divinity of Haile Selassie is not the only legend about him. His dynasty is referred to as the Solomonic Dynasty. In the posting on this blog, "The Unique Architecture Of Yemen", we saw what a legendary figure the Queen of Sheba became, who undertook her famous journey to visit Solomon in Israel. Solomon had many wives from many countries and inevitably a story got started that the two had a son together. Yemen is a neighbor of Ethiopia, the Queen of Sheba is believed to have had settlements in Africa, and one story is that their son became the Ethiopian emperor Menelik I.

Ethiopia is a very ancient land, although it was not always named Ethiopia. Other names associated with it are Kush, Aksum and, Abyssinia. The history of Kush (or Cush) is intertwined with that of Egypt to it's north, and there was a Kushite dynasty of Egyptian pharaohs, the 25th Dynasty. The Bible mentions pharaohs named Shabaka and Tarhaka, who were Kushites.

In more recent times, there was another Ethiopian emperor who took the name of Menelik. This was Menelik II who ruled in the late Nineteenth Century, and is considered as the founder of modern Ethiopia.

Emperor Menelik II, like his namesake predecessor, also claimed to be a descendant of Solomon and the Queen of Sheba. He consolidated the country and a settlement which grew by a spring became the city of Addis Ababa, which is now the capital of the country and was not there in ancient times.

Haile Selassie was overthrown as Emperor of Ethiopia, in 1974, in a Communist coup. He was not executed but died the following year and was secretly buried in the palace grounds. His tomb was discovered more than fifteen years later. There are some Rastafarians who do not believe that he died.

His overthrow was yet another repetition of the pattern of the French Revolution. The coat of arms of the dynasty that ended with Haile Selassie even has a close resemblance to that of the Bourbon Dynasty. The Communists who overthrew him instituted a "Red Terror" against their internal rivals that was very similar to the Reign of Terror of the French Revolution.

There is also a strong resemblance between the life and rule of Haile Selassie and that of the last Shah of Iran, who also ruled over an ancient royal dynasty and was overthrown five years after Haile Selassie. In fact, Haile Selassie had attended the lavish celebration of the 2500th anniversary of the Shah's imperial line, held in the ruins of Persepolis in 1971, that we saw in "Remembering The Pahlavi Dynasty".

Haile Selassie was referred to as "The Lion of Judah" (as was Jesus), and this was his flag. The three colors, along with black, have been adapted as the symbol of the Rastafarians. Notice the similarity to the lion that represented the imperial dynasty of the Shah of Iran.;_1941-1974).svg

But unlike the Shah, who had himself crowned "King of Kings" in another lavish ceremony four years before the one in Persepolis, Haile Selassie was modest.

Rastafarians have become known for putting their biblical concepts into music. When I was a young boy, I remember the popular song "Israelites" by Desmond Dekker, who could be considered as a predecessor of Bob Marley. I happened to be visiting Britain as a teenager, in 1978, when there was a very popular song always on the radio, "By The Rivers Of Babylon" by Boney M. It remains one of the top selling songs in Britain ever.

The religion of the Rastafarians is apocalyptic, anticipating the sinful world to be destroyed and then the Kingdom of God established. The purpose being to show that when humans think they do not need God, and try to run the world their own way without Him, they just end up making a mess of things. Jamaica itself has somewhat of an apocalyptic history. It began with Port Royal as a notorious hangout for pirates, until it was buried under the sea by a terrific earthquake.

With that background, here is what I find to be absolutely amazing about the Rastafarians.

The Rastafarians taught that Ethiopia, ruled by Emperor Haile Selassie, was the real Promised Land of God. What was not known at the time that the group was founded, but would be found within a few decades, is that Ethiopia is indeed the original home of human beings. Scientists have shown that human genetic diversity is at a maximum in central Ethiopia and decreases with distance from Ethiopia. This shows that Ethiopia is where humans originated.

The origin of humans in Africa is known as the "Out Of Africa" theory. There is disagreement on how long ago the move from Africa to the rest of the world began, and on how many major outward migrations there were, but there are relatively few scientists who doubt that human beings began in Africa. This maximum of genetic diversity in one place, and decrease with distance from that place, shows that the place of origin in Africa was Ethiopia.

For whatever reason, God chose Ethiopia as the original home of human beings. If this is what Rastafarians mean by this being God's Promised Land, and Haile Selassie ruling over it in the time between when the Rastafarians started claiming that Ethiopia is the Promised Land and when modern science found that this is indeed where humans originated, then they are absolutely right.

Not long after Haile Selassie was overthrown as Emperor of Ethiopia, an amazing discovery was announced. The remains of the oldest known human had been found in Ethiopia. She was given the name of Lucy, because of the Beatles song "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds", which was taken to be a reference to the LSD that was so common the the 1960s. Lucy was more than three million years old.

In a hot climate, it is advantageous to walk upright because the body then has less surface area exposed to direct sunlight and more to cooling breezes. Being upright, with the arms free for other tasks, is essential for making use of an advanced brain. But making the evolutionary transition from four legs to two is very difficult to explain by nature alone, without the intercession of God, because keeping cooler is not really necessary to survival.

If the four-legged creatures couldn't survive long enough to reproduce in the heat, they wouldn't be there in the first place. Also, walking on two legs would initially be a great disadvantage because it would not be as possible to run anywhere near as fast as on four legs. Not to mention that walking on two legs requires a backbone (spine) and no one has ever explained scientifically why creatures with backbones suddenly appeared in the fossil record.

Walking on two legs with the arms free would thus be a great advantage, but only in the very long-term, because it makes possible the use of a more advanced brain. It would initially be a great disadvantage because a two-legged creature would not be able to run as fast and, standing upright, would be more visible to predators. So it becomes very difficult to explain how humans came to be in evolutionary terms alone, unless there was the intercession of God.

What all of this means is that the Rastafarians got it right. Could it be that God, knowing that the time was not far away when science would discover where humans began on earth, commissioned a group of his followers to point it out first?

Remember that the Big Bang and the fact that the universe is expanding, both of which are foundations of cosmology today, was theorized by a Belgian priest named Georges Lemaitre based on what the Bible stated, about the universe having a definite beginning and not always having been there, before science discovered that this was exactly correct. The scientific community until then had believed in the "Steady State" theory that the universe had always been there, and did not have any such sudden beginning.


There is a bizarre story called "The Philadelphia Experiment" about the U.S. Navy being able to make a ship disappear. The navy claims that it is nonsense. But I have noticed something that is really compelling for anyone interested in the biblical prophecies. To replace this fictional story, I will call it "The Philadelphia Prophecy". It is about God using an American city to send a message about the Apocalypse.

On September 6, 1949, Howard Unruh, a Second World War veteran, walked around his neighborhood in Camden, New Jersey and killed 13 people with a gun.

When police searched the apartment where he lived, they found something interesting. A Bible was on the table, which might have belonged to his mother, was opened to the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 24. This is the chapter of that Gospel where Jesus tells the apostles about the End of the World.

That chapter states that the countdown to the End of the World will begin with Jerusalem coming back under the control of the Jews, after a time of being controlled by the Gentiles. At the time of the shooting, Israel had just come back into existence the year before. Jerusalem would be back in another 18 years, in 1967.

The chapter also describes the signs of the End of the World as being comparable to the beginnings of the "birth pangs" of a pregnant woman. The birth pangs get more intense and closer together.

It couldn't possibly have been known at the time of the shooting but this would herald the beginning of senseless mass shootings in America. This can be considered as the prototype for those that followed. In another place in the New Testament, describing the characteristics of the "Last Days", it states that there will be people in those days suffering from "uncontrollable fits of rage".

Considering that guns were far in the future when this prophecy was written, I think there is a very good chance that this refers to the many mass shootings preceding the End of the World, as we know it, and the Second Coming of Jesus. Massacres with guns that make no sense whatsoever to anyone but the shooter.

If those shootings can be compared to birth pangs preceding the End of the World, then this was indeed the "Beginning of birth pangs".

Some consider the 1966 mass shooting from the tower at the University of Texas as the beginning of senseless mass shootings. There is a point there as that shooter took aim at victims that were completely unknown to him. Howard Unruh of Camden, in contrast, had in mind certain persons when he began his shooting spree. But he did shoot anyone he happened to see along the way, including young children, and the majority of his victims had been previously unknown to him.

Ironically, these two shootings are connected by the name "Whitman". At the time of Howard Unruh's shooting, the most famous person to have ever lived in Camden was the writer Walt Whitman. The 1966 shooter at the University of Texas was named Charles Whitman.

Another irony is that Jesus, in Chapter 24, foretells that the Jews' Temple will one day be so completely destroyed that "not one stone will be left upon another". At the time Jesus said this, the Temple was renowned for it's magnificence and this must have seemed completely ludicrous.

At the time of the Unruh shooting, Camden was a great city that was near it's peak. It had the largest shipyard in the world and was home to some iconic brand names, among them Campbell's Soup.

But Camden would parallel the fate of the Temple in that, decades later, it would be chosen as the "poorest city in America". At the time of the Unruh shooting, the very thought of anything like that would have seemed as absurd as Jesus' prophecy of the destruction of the magnificent Temple.

Chapter 24 of the Gospel of Matthew also has Jesus foretelling that the Tribulation Period, immediately before his Second Coming to establish His Kingdom on earth, would be "The worst time the world has ever seen or ever will see".

This is also paralleled in Camden. Not only would it, decades after the Unruh shooting, be chosen as the poorest city in America. It would also attain the title of the "Most Dangerous City in America", for it's crime rate.

In fact, God could be using Camden to illustrate how the Apocalypse will work. The Antichrist, who will seem to have all of the answers to everything, will be allowed to reign for seven years. The seven years will be divided into two halves. The first half will actually be the best time that the world has ever seen. But it will all be a fantastic satanic lie and the second half will be "the worst time that the world has ever seen or ever will see". Jesus makes it clear in Chapter 24 of the Gospel of Matthew that if he had not returned to end the Tribulation period, there would be no one left alive on earth.

This is why the Book of Revelation Chapter 13, Verse 5, has the Antichrist exercising complete control for 42 months, which is half of the seven years. He will lose some of his control in the second half, and the world will plunge into the worst wars that it has ever seen.

But if God was going to allow something like this to happen in an American city as a message, why would he choose Camden?

The events that took place in Camden represent those in Jerusalem. Just as we saw the connection in the name of Whitman above, there is another name connection that is really amazing.

Camden is just across the river from Philadelphia. Jerusalem is on the opposite side of the Jordan River from Amman in Jordan. Amman is named for the Ammonites, who were Old Testament enemies of the Israelites. But in Hellenistic times, the city was given the Greek name of Philadelphia. The Romans later supplanted the Greeks but did not change the name of the city.

This means that the life of Jesus and the destruction of the Temple that he foretold took place when Amman, not far away on the other side of the Jordan River, was called Philadelphia. These events here which seem to represent to America the fulfillment of the prophecies of the Last Days that he made at the same time as that of the destruction of the Temple, took place in the city of Camden which is across the river from another city named Philadelphia.

Is this amazing or what? I cannot see that this has ever been pointed out.


People come to Niagara Falls primarily to see the falls. But I can see something in Niagara Falls NY that makes the actual waterfall pale by comparison.

The Niagara area, where the U.S. borders Canada, is renowned as the route by which former slaves escaped by the Underground Railroad. Some of those on the Underground Railroad were devout Christians. It must have reminded God of the Israelites leaving bondage in Egypt, as described in the Bible.

If we compare the two events Niagara Falls NY would represent Egypt, because that was where those escaping bondage were leaving. The result is something really amazing. Ever since then, without anyone realizing it, the city of Niagara Falls NY has come together in ways that represent Egypt, and the Israelites in bondage there.


In 1938 the Honeymoon Bridge across the Niagara River, which is the border between the U.S. and Canada, collapsed after a massive amount of ice came down the river, before the installation of the Ice Boom, and tore out the foundations of the bridge. You can see in the following photograph that the abutments (foundation) of the bridge is very close to the river.

The Rainbow Bridge, which was built just downstream to replace it and still stands today, has it's abutments set higher above the water.

There was an electric generating station on the U.S. side that was down in the gorge of the Niagara River and just downstream of the former Honeymoon and Rainbow Bridges. It was called the Schoellkopf Power Station.

The Schoellkopf Power Station, actually the third such station because two previous small power stations had been built nearby before it, was powered by water that flowed from the Upper Niagara River, meaning above the falls, through a hydraulic canal. The water from this canal then dropped down shafts called wheel pits to generate mechanical or electrical energy. A number of industries generated power in this way as can be seen in the following photo, before the third Schoellkopf Power Station was built.,_mill_district_on_American_shore,_ca._1900.jpg

But the digging of the wheel pits used by the industries before the third Schoellkopf Power Station was built had weakened the rock wall of the gorge. This doomed the third Schoellkopf Power Station, and most of it collapsed into the river in 1956.


While the Schoellkopf Power Station was operating, something was taking place at the other end of town. Late in the Nineteenth Century, another hydraulic canal had been started, far upstream of the falls, by one William Love. Niagara Falls attracted all kinds of dreamers and William Love wanted to dig a hydraulic canal all the way to the Niagara Escarpment, where the water would generate power while falling and also irrigate a vast tract of farmland. This would be the site of a community called Model City.

Mr. Love eventually ran out of funds and what had been dug of the canal was abandoned. But there is a small community called Model City, just below the Niagara Escarpment, that is still there today.

The electricity being generated at Niagara Falls attracted chemical manufacturers. After the Village of La Salle, where the incomplete canal was located, merged with the City of Niagara Falls, in 1927, the idea arose of using the canal to dispose of chemical wastes.

In the 1950s the canal, which had been sealed with clay before disposal of the chemical wastes began, was capped with a layer of clay to prevent the wastes from leaking out. Hooker Chemical Company, the owner of the site, saw the postwar expansion of Niagara Falls and strongly advised against building on the site after it was transferred to the City of Niagara Falls. It could be used for a parking lot or park but not for anything that would involve digging.

But the Niagara Falls School Board began the construction of two elementary schools on the area that had been the dump site, 99th and 93rd Street Schools. Next, the School Board made the decision to sell the remaining land for private houses to be built. There would also be a housing project, known as Griffon Manor. This was done despite a dire warning from Hooker Chemical. During construction and digging, the clay containment structure of the dump site was breached many times, and drums full of dangerous waste were exposed.

This would ultimately lead to the catastrophe known as the Love Canal, named for the original William Love. A highway, the La Salle Expressway, would be built between the containment area and the Niagara River. In January 1977 there was an exceptional snowfall, the fabled "Blizzard of '77". When the snow melted, the runoff of the water was hindered by the highway and it caused chemicals to emerge from below ground much more rapidly than they previously had.

I remember being in this neighborhood when I was a teenager, in the summer of 1977. There was a faint scent of chemicals. I wondered if maybe there had been an accident involving a truck carrying chemicals.

(Note-By the way, the "Blizzard of '77" in the Buffalo-Niagara area was a very unusual event. It was not "new" snow that was falling. The winter had been exceptionally cold thus far and Lake Erie had frozen over. It is the only one of the Great Lakes that freezes because it is so shallow. Usually, Lake Erie freezing over means no more lake-effect snow. But heavy snow came after the lake had frozen from a large-scale weather system. A lot of snow piled up on the frozen lake. Next, gale-force winds from the southwest picked up the snow off the ice and deposited it across the Buffalo-Niagara area. So it was not "new" snow).

In the summer of 1978, the neighborhood was evacuated. It had been noted for years that the area had a very high rate of birth defects. The world first heard of the Love Canal. President Jimmy Carter declared it a disaster area, making it eligible for federal funds. It was the first non-natural disaster in the U.S. to be declared a disaster area.


Now, here is what I notice that is so interesting. The two schools in the contaminated area, 99th and 93rd Street Schools, were opened in 1955. It was following that when the decision was made by the School Board to sell the remaining land for the development of private housing and the Griffon Manor housing project nearby. At the other end of the city, the Schoellkopf Power Station collapsed in June, 1956, just as planning for these housing developments were being made, that would become the disaster of the Love Canal.

Notice the great similarity between the collapse of this power station and the Love Canal disaster. The third Schoellkopf Power Station had been built, next to the Niagara River in the gorge, without much regard for the fact that the wheel pits used by the water-powered industries that came before had weakened the rock wall of the gorge, and this is what would eventually cause the collapse of the power station.

Again, we can see the falling water from these wheel pits over the area where the power station would later be built.,_mill_district_on_American_shore,_ca._1900.jpg

Likewise, a neighborhood and two schools had been built without much regard for the fact that thousands of tons of dangerous chemicals were buried underground. But the power station collapsed just as the new neighborhood was being planned but before construction had begun, other than the schools.

The first sign of trouble for the Schoellkopf Power Station was water beginning to seep through the walls and floors. In a similar way, the first signs of trouble for homes in the Love Canal area was chemicals seeping through the floors and walls of basements. The collapse happened just as the Love Canal housing developments were being planned and it is, ironically, the electricity from the Schoellkopf Power Station that produced most of the chemical wastes that were buried at Love Canal.

Could this have been a warning from God to Niagara Falls not to build over these chemicals, and a sign of what would happen if they did?

The Schoellkopf Power Station that collapsed was close to where the Honeymoon Bridge that had been destroyed was located. Just as it was a rare winter weather phenomenon that led to the collapse of the bridge, the great mass of ice in the river, so it was a rare winter weather phenomenon, the "Blizzard of '77", that led to the disaster of the Love Canal. The collapse of the Schoellkopf Power Station also may have come about due to a minor earthquake.

The thing that got Niagara Falls into trouble was building. Hooker Chemical gave abundant warning against building on the chemical containment area. But there was money to be made in building a community there, and the builders wanted that money. They used their connections to get the School Board to sell them the land and to stop anyone from getting in their way. There are common-sense rules and procedures, but if we have the right connections and know the right people we can bend those rules.


The collapse of the power station and the Love Canal is not all that has befallen Niagara Falls, NY. In between those two events was the urban renewal of the downtown, which is now widely considered as disastrous to the city.

The following two paragraphs are copied and pasted from the Wikipedia article "Urban Renewal".

An example of urban renewal gone wrong in the United States is in downtown Niagara Falls, New York. Most of the original downtown was demolished in the 1960s, and many replacement projects including the Rainbow Centre Factory Outlet, Niagara Falls Convention and Civic Center, the Native American Cultural Center, the Hooker Chemical (later the Occidental Petroleum) Headquarters building, the Wintergarden, the Fallsville Splash Park, a large parking ramp, an enclosed pedestrian walkway, the Falls Street Faire & Falls Street Station entertainment complexes, sections of the Robert Moses State Parkway, and the Mayor E. Dent Lackey Plaza closed within twenty to thirty years of their construction. In several American cities, some demolished blocks were never replaced.
Ultimately, the former tourist district of the city along Falls Street was destroyed. It went against the principles of several urban philosophers, such as Jane Jacobs, who claimed that mixed-use districts were needed (which the new downtown was not) and arteries needed to be kept open. Smaller buildings also should be built or kept. In Niagara Falls, however, the convention center blocked traffic into the city, located in the center of Falls Street (the main artery), and the Wintergarden also blocked traffic from the convention center to the Niagara Falls. The Rainbow Centre interrupted the street grid, taking up three blocks, and parking ramps isolated the city from the core, leading to the degradation of nearby neighborhoods. Tourists were forced to walk around the Rainbow Center, the Wintergarden, and the Quality Inn (all of which were adjacent), in total five blocks, discouraging small business in the city. 

Again we have to consider the builders. The more work there is for the builders, the more money they will make. Tearing out most of the downtown of Niagara Falls, and then building it anew, would ensure that the builders got the maximum amount of work.

The mayor of Niagara Falls who presided over it's Urban Renewal was E. Dent Lackey, who was also a minister. I wonder if God gave warning about the destruction of Niagara Falls' downtown, to get the mayor's attention, using the same Schoellkopf Power Station that had collapsed by this time but had served as a warning about building homes in the Love Canal.

Anyone familiar with the Bible knows that there was another land that got itself into trouble by building. That land was Egypt. God's chosen people to carry his message, the Israelites, were made into slaves by the Egyptians and put to work making bricks for their incessant building. They spent four hundred years making bricks before God sent his plagues on Egypt to get them released.

Actually a mummy from ancient Egypt, which would turn out to be "Ramesses I" as we saw in the posting on this blog by that name, spent over a hundred years in Niagara Falls, before being given back to Egypt. While all of this was going on, the mummy was in a museum on the Canadian side of Niagara Falls, just north of the Rainbow Bridge. The museum, as it turns out, was directly across the Niagara River from the Schoellkopf Power Station.

Interestingly, we know that Ramesses I built some of the temple complex at Karnak, on the Nile River. Directly across the river from Karnak is the funerary complex known as the Valley of the Kings, where Ramesses I was buried. So Karnak is directly across the Nile River from the Valley of the Kings just as the mummy of Ramesses I was directly across the Niagara River from the Schoellkopf Power Station.

The most prominent structure in the Valley of the Kings is the Temple of Queen Hatshepsut.

Look at the amazing similarity between that temple and the Schoellkopf Power Station. Both are in three sections, with a cliff of about the same height in the immediate background, except that the temple is constructed in three stories while the power station is in three lateral sections.

Could this be a warning to the mayor of Niagara Falls, who as a minister would be familiar with this prominent story in the Bible, about letting builders have their way because of how Egypt brought the wrath of God on itself by enslaving his people to help with it's building?


The electrical generating plant that was built to replace the Schoellkopf Power Station was being constructed, around 1960, at the same time as was the Aswan High Dam in Egypt. The two would become probably the best-known hydroelectric generating plants in the world. The monuments of Abu Simbel had to be sliced apart and moved to higher ground, and that would have also drawn attention to places like Hatshepsut's Temple.

As a further link between Niagara and Egypt, the former slaves on the Underground Railroad of Niagara were heading north, as were the Israelites being led to freedom from Egypt.

The vast majority of the major rivers in the world flow either eastward, with the earth's rotation, or toward the equator, by centrifugal force. Both the Nile and the Niagara River are contrary to this as they both flow north, away from the equator. The only other major river in the northern hemisphere that I can think of that flows north is the Rhine.

The man who led the Israelites northward to freedom from Egypt was named Moses. The man who built the new power station to replace the Schoellkopf, as well as the highway between the two, was named Robert Moses.

Look at the background in the following photo. The three large buildings are those that were there at the time of the power station collapse and urban renewal in Niagara Falls, NY.

Now notice how the three pyramids of Giza, by far the best-known pyramids of Egypt, closely resemble the three buildings of Niagara Falls, NY. The Hancock Building, on the left, is smaller than the other two just as the Pyramid of Menkaure is smaller than the other two. The Hancock Building was removed with urban renewal, the other two are still there. 


The links between Niagara Falls and ancient Egypt go far beyond this. Right in downtown Niagara Falls are a set of grain silos. The silos stored wheat for a company called Nabisco. Not many cities have grain silos right in the downtown.

The white building in the distance of the following image, at the right, are the Nabisco grain silos. You can expand the photo by clocking on the plus, "+", in the upper left. If you look closely, you can see the individual vertical silos to hold wheat. 

The ancient Egyptians invented such silos. The bond between humans and cats supposedly began when the Egyptians noticed that having a few cats around keep rats and mice away from the grain, but the cats themselves do not eat grain.

As everyone who know the Bible remembers, Joseph was originally a prisoner in Egypt but his wisdom became noticeable and he rose to a high position. He foretold pharaoh's two dreams that Egypt was to go through seven good years, followed by seven bad years. In one of the dreams, these two periods were symbolized by heads of grain. Joseph, appointed governor of Egypt, set about storing grain during the seven good years, in preparation for the seven bad years.

The grain must have been stored in silos just about like the ones in downtown Niagara Falls. So, one one side of the zone that was being demolished and rebuilt in the Urban Renewal building frenzy was the site of the Schoellkopf Power Station that had collapsed, but had closely resembled Egypt's Temple of Hatshepsut. On the other side of the zone were the grain silos, invented by the ancient Egyptians, that reminded of Joseph's people being enslaved to make bricks in another building frenzy.

In fact, travelers of long ago used to refer to the pyramids of Egypt was "Joseph's Granaries" although this was, of course, incorrect. The seven good years, represented in the two dreams by well-fed cattle and healthy wheat, are followed by the seven bad years, represented by the starving cattle and the dried-up wheat, are, of course, representative of the good times, followed by the bad economic times, in Niagara Falls.

The Nabisco building with the grain silos, one of the most familiar structures in the downtown, was painted red and white. The crown of ancient Egypt at the time, using two colors to symbolize the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt, was also red and white. 

The governorship of Joseph resulted in the Hebrews, his people, coming to live in Egypt. As we know, the Egyptians later enslaved them, and put them to making bricks for the incessant building that was always going on. The Nabisco factory in Niagara Falls made the famous  Shredded Wheat. The Shredded Wheat was actually a "brick" of wheat. 

So the Israelites, held in bondage in Egypt, made bricks to build the silos to store wheat. The silos in Niagara Falls, painted red and white in about the same way as the crown of Egypt, held the wheat that was made into the "bricks", known as Shredded Wheat that was a very popular cereal brand. It is bricks in, in Egypt, and bricks out, in Niagara Falls. 

I don't know about you but I find this to be absolutely amazing, far more amazing than the waterfalls at Niagara. The following scenes begin at the silos in downtown Niagara Falls. At the time of Urban Renewal and the Love Canal, they were painted red and white in a way that closely resembled an ancient Egyptian crown from the time of Joseph and the Israelites' bondage. The building with the light green roof, in the form of an arc, is what was the Convention Center.

There are multiple scenes following. To see the scenes, after the first one, you must first click the up arrow, ^, before you can move on to the next scene by clicking the right or forward arrow, >; After clicking the up arrow, you can then hide the previews of successive scenes, if you wish.,-79.0515467,3a,75y,72.09h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sAiLYHvxrUlj8U5vD79OjbA!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656


The concept of alternating electric current was largely developed at Niagara Falls, due to the hydroelectric potential. The first major alternating current generating plant was here. But this was actually not good for Niagara Falls.

Industries were attracted to the city by the inexpensive electricity. Direct current was used in those days. Electrical transformers, which can exchange current for voltage or vice-versa, do not work with direct current. Electricity can be efficiently transmitted by wire over long distances only if the voltage is high. But most factory machines and household appliances use lower voltage, but with higher current. This meant that early factories had to be located relatively close to where the electricity was being generated, and that meant Niagara Falls.

But with the development of alternating current, that was no longer necessary. Since alternating current could have the voltage stepped up by a transformer for transmission, and then stepped back down again for usage, the factories could be far away from where the electricity was actually generated. Put simply, that meant that factories had no need to be anywhere near Niagara Falls, even if they used electricity that was generated there.

After the collapse of the Schoellkopf Power Station in 1956, construction began on a massive new generating plant some distance downstream from Niagara Falls. Here is where we go back to the links with Egypt.

As we saw, the Israelites were led to freedom out of Egypt by Moses. This new generating plant was named for Robert Moses. 

Unlike Hoover (Boulder) Dam, the slope of the Robert Moses plant very much resembles that of an Egyptian pyramid. The parallel penstocks on the face of the dam resemble the grain silos, originally invented by the Egyptians. 

Notice how the form of the Robert Moses Power Plant closely resembles the Temple of Ramesses II, grandson of Ramesses I. This temple was near where another great dam was being build, the Aswan High Dam at around the same time as the Robert Moses Plant, and had to be cut apart and moved.

But even aside from the development of alternating current, this power plant has had it's drawbacks for the city of Niagara Falls. What Niagara Falls really needs, to replace the lost jobs and revenue from larger industries is a modern industrial park to build on it's heritage, like there is in nearby Amherst and Tonawanda. 

The trouble is that it cannot have one simply because there is no space, within city limits, for one. The space taken up by the Love Canal is now vacated. Much of the land on which the old-style factories were located has some degree of low-level contamination, the so-called "brownfields", on which few would want to build. The rest of the possible available space in the city is taken up by power transmission lines from the generating plant. Niagara Falls has three sets of such high-voltage power lines that pass overhead. These take up a lot of space in the city and leave no room for a much-needed industrial park, with smaller modern industries.

In fact these extensive power lines across the city, from the Robert Moses Power Plant, have the effect of chains binding the city in the same was as those binding the Israelites in slavery. Instead of producing bricks, the plant produces alternating electric current.

But have you ever thought about the resemblance between alternating current and bricks? Alternating current switches the direction in which the current flows, first in one direction and then the other. Sixty-cycle current, which is commonly used, means that the current changes direction sixty times per second. In the same way, identical courses of brick are alternated so that the joints between adjacent bricks do not overlap. 


Finally, the centerpiece of the urban renewal of Niagara Falls was the Convention Center. It was a great project that was in the news around the world. This shiny new convention center that was within walking distance of the falls. The Convention Center was built so that Falls Street, the most important street in the downtown, led right up to the front of the Convention Center, which was built in the form of an arc. The Niagara Falls Convention Center was truly impressive.

But the Honeymoon Bridge, which we saw above as having collapsed when it's foundation was ripped out by ice coming down the river in 1938, had linked the Canadian side to Falls Street, which led to the Convention Center. The Rainbow Bridge that replaced it was built further downstream.

In this photo of Niagara Falls NY, the arc in the upper left is the Convention Center.,_New_York#/media/File:American_and_Bridalveil_Falls_7.JPG

Now, look at the arch on the ill-fated Honeymoon Bridge, which linked to Falls Street, which led to what would later be the Convention Center.

Notice that the shape of the arch on the bridge and the arc of the Convention Center is just about identical. The bridge led to the street that now leads directly to the front of what was the Convention Center. But the bridge had it's foundation ripped out by a massive amount of ice that came down the river. Likewise, the city was decided by many to not be enough of a foundation to economically support the massive Convention Center. Although it gave the builders a lot of work to do, it had difficulties from the day it opened. The Convention Center has long since been closed and is now a casino.

The following paragraph is from the Wikipedia article, "Niagara Falls Convention And Civic Center".

"The venue, thought by many to be too large for the city, struggled from the day it was open, and was blamed for contributing to the economic decline in Niagara Falls and the depletion of the city's finances over the years. Although it was the largest off-season tourist attraction in the city, it struggled until it was closed in 2002. It was sold to the Seneca Nation of Indians in 2002, and renovated into the Seneca Niagara Casino and later added on to by the Seneca Nation. The original facilities were replaced by the smaller Niagara Falls Conference Center, almost directly across the street to the West."

Doesn't it look as if the destruction of the foundation of the Honeymoon Bridge was prophetic of the fate of the Convention Center that would one day follow?

Furthermore, look at St. Peter's Square. Niagara Falls had a heavy Catholic and considerable Italian population who might have noticed that the two arcs of the Collonades are essentially identical to the arc of the Convention Center and the arc of the Honeymoon Bridge.'s_Square#/media/File:St_Peter%27s_Square,_Vatican_City_-_April_2007.jpg

But right in the center of St. Peter's Square is an obelisk from ancient Egypt. The obelisk is very old, from the time that the Pyramids of Giza were built. But it was from the land that got itself into trouble by building, and enslaving God's chosen people to make bricks.

St. Peter's Square is in front of St. Peter's Basilica. The building of this basilica was a massive project. To raise money for it, the Catholic Church sold what was known as indulgences. These were certificates that a person was freed from their sins.

The sale of indulgences was really the spark that set off the Reformation, in which the Protestants split from the Catholic Church. Already there was growing resentment among many people that the money they were giving to the church was going not to spread the Word of God or to help people in poverty, but so that the Catholic cardinals could live like royalty.

So, while no one doubts that the builders of St. Peter's Basilica succeeded in building one of the most magnificent buildings that the world has ever seen, it cost the church a large portion of it's people and territory, and this led to a hundred years of warfare in Europe. Just as with Egypt represented by the obelisk in St. Peter's Square, building had brought trouble for the Catholic Church. The obelisk, which had been nearby before the construction of the basilica, could be said to be prophetic.

Now, let's compare the Niagara Falls Convention Center to the arrangement of St. Peter's Basilica. The Via Della Conciliazione leads from a bridge over the Tiber River, Ponte Vittorio Emanuele II, to the front of the basilica just as Falls Street led from the Honeymoon Bridge to the front of what was later the Convention Center. The distances involved in both places are also just about equal. In fact, the arrangement of the Convention Center is very likely to have been inspired by St. Peter's.

But right in the route to the front of the basilica, and right in the center of St. Peter's Square, is the obelisk from ancient Egypt, the land that brought trouble on itself by incessant building.

The methods of raising money for the building of St. Peter's Basilica led to much of the Catholic Church leaving as the Protestant Reformation. In a similar way, the construction of the Niagara Falls Convention Center was part of the decline that led to the city losing about half it's population.

Ironically, the street on the Canadian side that linked to the Honeymoon Bridge is now a walkway that links directly to the casino on the Canadian side. This means that, if the Honeymoon Bridge was still there, there would be a direct line between the two casinos.

I actually do not agree with the harshness of the assessment of Urban Renewal in Niagara Falls. Here is what it looks like today. The first scene is at the end of Old Falls Street, which once linked to the Honeymoon Bridge, and now leads to the building in the form of an arc which used to be the Niagara Falls Convention Center. The tall hotel building behind the now-casino is centered in a line with Old Falls Street. Paris really couldn't have done this arrangement any better. The arch bridge is the Rainbow Bridge, which replaced the destroyed Honeymoon Bridge but further downstream.

In terms of comparison with the Vatican, the point of view in the first scene would be congruent to where the Via Della Conciliazione enters St. Peter's Square.,-79.0590654,3a,75y,100.09h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1syqoXInr9-iik2NwJnyKA1Q!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656

Considering how God sometimes communicates with us, doesn't it look like he arranged all of this to come together to give the Niagara Falls mayor, who was also a minister and would know the Bible, a warning about letting the builders have their way in tearing out the downtown of Niagara Falls, with even the mummy of a pharaoh even though the identity of the mummy was not known at the time, using the collapse of the same power station that God had used in warning against building houses in the Love Canal area?


Finally here is an amazing connection between Niagara Falls and Egypt. The central event of the Hebrews being in bondage in Egypt was their eventual delivery by God. The Red Sea temporarily dried up so that they could cross, but the waters came rushing back when the Egyptians tried to pursue them. Actually I believe that it was the arm of the Red Sea called the Gulf of Suez because they were on the Suez Peninsula afterward.

In an unintentional parallel to this the branch of the Niagara River adjacent to where Urban Renewal was going on, the river between the mainland and Goat Island, was shut off by a temporary dam in 1969. The dam was removed later that year and the water continued flowing over the American Falls. This occurred right around the time that Urban Renewal was beginning. The dry riverbed, which was open to tourists, represented the dry seabed that the Hebrews crossed over.


I cannot see anything else in the world quite like this. Ever since the days of the Underground Railroad through Niagara Falls NY, the city has come together in ways that reflect ancient Egypt, and the similar bondage of the Israelites there.

The negatives of the city, Urban Renewal and the Love Canal, have fallen perfectly into place with this. Just as Moses was warning the pharaoh of Egypt to free the Israelites from making bricks for building, so there were warnings about the unwise building here that ended up being a model of Egypt and the bondage there.

It was even arranged for the mummy of an Egyptian pharaoh to be brought over. The mummy was brought to Niagara Falls in 1860. That was the year before the U.S. Civil War began, when the Underground Railroad was at it's peak.

If all of this is a coincidence, then it is the greatest coincidence in the world. God has used Niagara Falls NY to illustrate the way that he worked with his people being in bondage in Egypt and the waterfalls of Niagara, as magnificent as they are, pale in comparison with this.


Here is something to think about, involving the city of Niagara Falls, NY. What are we to make of ancient curses? A curse on anyone who opens a tomb, steals a mummy, or takes an important artifact.

There was the well-known curse on anyone who opened the tomb of Tamerlane. His tomb was discovered and Josef Stalin ordered it opened, to verify that it was Tamerlane. Two days later, the Nazis launched a massive invasion of the Soviet Union. The tide of battle turned in favor of the Soviets only when his body was returned to his tomb. Many people who were involved in the opening of King Tut's tomb died mysterious deaths. In the Wikipedia article, "Curse of the Pharaohs", there is a section, "Deaths Popularly Attributed To Tutankhamun's Curse".

But if these curses were valid then what about Cleopatra's Needles? These were the three Egyptian obelisks, being from very ancient times and actually having nothing to do with Cleopatra, that were taken from Egypt in the Nineteenth Century. Shouldn't there be a curse associated with taking them?


There was a suspension bridge over the gorge of the Niagara River, which was replaced by what is now called the Whirlpool Bridge. The original Niagara Falls Suspension Bridge was completed in 1848. The bridge was enlarged and the first train crossed in 1855. It was so important to the economy of the area that what is now called the "North End" of Niagara Falls, NY was once the village of Suspension Bridge. The bridge was dismantled to be replaced with the steel-arch Whirlpool Bridge in 1897.

This is the Whirlpool Bridge that replaced the Niagara Falls Suspension Bridge in 1897. The higher level of the bridge is for trains and the lower level for traffic.

There is a disused railway bridge parallel to the Whirlpool Bridge because Cornelius Vanderbilt, owner of a railroad, did not appreciate the fees that the owners of the Whirlpool Bridge wanted to charge him so he built his own bridge.

In the Nineteenth Century there was a fascination with ancient Egypt, which had been brought to the world's attention by the conquests of Napoleon. The two limestone towers that were built on each end to support the Niagara Falls Suspension Bridge were to evoke the style of Egypt, according to the Wikipedia article on the bridge.

This is the bridge across which the Underground Railroad operated, as we saw in "The Niagara Prophecy". That prophecy linked Niagara Falls NY to ancient Egypt, where is from where God's people escaped from bondage. So the bridge over which the Underground Railroad operated was actually built in the style of Egypt. Around this time, the mummy of pharaoh Ramesses I was brought to a museum on the Canadian side of Niagara Falls, although the identity of the mummy was not known at the time.

Also around this time the three obelisks, known as Cleopatra's Needles, were taken from Alexandria in Egypt.

Henry Warner Slocum had been a prominent general in the Union Army during the U.S. Civil War. He was now trying to get a bridge built in New York City, which would become the famed Brooklyn Bridge. The engineer who was to design the Brooklyn Bridge was John Augustus Roebling.

Before approval was given for the Brooklyn Bridge, it was necessary to appraise the engineer's previous works. General Slocum led a delegation to Niagara Falls to inspect the bridge, which impressed them, and so it can be considered as having served as a prototype of the Brooklyn Bridge, although the Brooklyn Bridge would not have the Egyptian-style towers.

An ironic tragedy was to occur. There would be a wooden passenger steamship built called the General Slocum, named after the general. By 1904, the ship would be in use for chartered excursions in the New York City area. One June morning, a fire started on the ship not long after it had passed under the Brooklyn Bridge. Most of the passengers jumped off the ship, but drowned because they couldn't swim. More than a thousand people died. Bodies washed up on the shores of the East River for days. It would be by far the worst disaster to befall New York City until 9/11.

So the ship named for General Slocum met tragedy just after it had passed under the bridge for which General Slocum had gotten approval to built after leading a delegation to see the bridge at Niagara Falls.

Following is a photo of the General Slocum tragedy. Notice the twin stacks of the ship in the background.

Now notice how they parallel the so-called "twin towers" of the World Trade Center, near where the General Slocum tragedy took place, that was attacked on 9/11.

And how these reflect back to the Egyptian-style twin towers supporting the suspension bridge at Niagara Falls. The falls are actually not as close to the bridge as they appear in this illustration.


If we can transpose the numbers of calendar years with the time between significant related events, we get some very interesting numbers. These numbers lead us to 2001, when the attack on the World Trade Center on 9/11 took place.

The Niagara Falls Suspension Bridge, which served as a prototype of the Brooklyn Bridge because of the impression it made on the delegation led by General Slocum, was dismantled in 1897. From the tragedy of the ship General Slocum, which started just after the ship had passed under the Brooklyn Bridge, to the attack on the World trade Center was 97 years.

Before 9/11, there had been two other instances of planes colliding with tall buildings on Manhattan, both accidentally in bad weather. In 1945, a military plane crashed into the Empire State Building. The following year, 1946, a plane crashed into 40 Wall Street.

The first train passed over the Niagara Falls Suspension Bridge in 1855. 1946 + 55 brings us to 2001. There was the collapse, near the site of the Niagara Falls Suspension Bridge, of the Schoellkopf Power Station in 1956. 1945 + 56, or 1956 + 45 also brings us to 2001.

The original Niagara Falls Suspension Bridge was completed in 1848 and finally dismantled in 1897. 1848 + 97 brings us to 1945, when the plane crashed into the Empire State Building. The enlarged bridge was completed in 1855, and operated until 1897, which is 42 years. The General Slocum tragedy took place in 1904. 1904 + 42 brings us to 1946, when a plane crashed into 40 Wall Street, near where the World trade Center would be built. 1946 + 55 then brings us to 2001. From 1848 to 1904 is 56 years, and the Schoellkopf Power Station collapsed in 1956.

The tragedy of the General Slocum, which began not long after it passed under the Brooklyn Bridge, evokes a tragedy which happened at Niagara Falls, and involved the Whirlpool Bridge which had replaced the Niagara Falls Suspension Bridge. In 1912, a literal bridge of ice had formed beneath the falls, and people walked out on it. There were even shacks on the ice selling food and drink.

But the ice suddenly broke apart and all but three people got off. Those three, a couple from Toronto and a young man from Cleveland, were swept downriver on a berg of ice. Rescuers dropped a rope from the Whirlpool Bridge. The man from Cleveland managed to grasp it but lost his grip and plunged to his death in the icy water. The couple from Toronto died when the berg overturned in the Lower Rapids of the river. This is known as the Niagara Ice Bridge Tragedy.

The World Trade Center was actually attacked before 9/11. A truck bomb in the basement of one tower was meant to topple it into the other tower, but the bomb wasn't powerful enough. That happened in 1993, 8 years before 9/11. It was also 8 years between the tragedy of the General Slocum ship, near what would be the World Trade Center, and the Ice Bridge Tragedy at Niagara Falls. The General Slocum tragedy involved passing under the Brooklyn Bridge and the Ice Bridge Tragedy involved passing under the Whirlpool Bridge, which had replaced the bridge that could be considered as the prototype of the Brooklyn Bridge, thanks to General Slocum.

The Ice Bridge Tragedy in Niagara Falls also points to 9/11. There were three people killed in that tragedy, two died together in the rapids and once separately under the bridge. On 9/11 three planes hit targets, two together at the World Trade Center and one separately at the Pentagon.

Shortly after the Niagara Ice Bridge Tragedy, there was another tragedy involving a berg of ice. This was, of course, the sinking of the Titanic. The obelisk taken to New York had been a pair with the one in London. This pair is represented by the twin stacks on the General Slocum and the twin towers of the World Trade Center. There were three people killed in the Niagara Ice Bridge Tragedy, as there were three Cleopatra's Needles. There were two pairs, four obelisks, but one remains in Egypt. The Titanic had four stacks but one of them was false, just added for a symmetrical appearance. Four planes were hijacked on 9/11 but only three reached their targets.

But why would ships and a floating berg of ice be so important to these obelisks? They were first transported northward on the Nile River to Alexandria, just as the berg of ice in the Niagara River and the General Slocum were proceeding northward when tragedy struck. Then they were taken across the sea by ship, just as tragedy struck the Titanic at sea.

You can see how all of this connects together.

Another historical event may have been a factor in 9/11. The brief era of transportation by airship is considered to have ended with the explosion of the Hindenburg in 1937. The Hindenburg is the only airship disaster that is remembered much today. But the Hindenburg was neither the only airship crash nor the most deadly. The reason that it is the one that is remembered so well is simply that it was the only one that was captured on film.

The 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center could have killed far more people if the two towers had been hit by planes at about the same time. The evacuation of the South Tower began as soon as the North Tower was hit. By the time the South Tower was hit, 17 minutes later, most of the people in it had evacuated.

But there was an obvious reason for the 17 minute gap, and that reason is cameras. In order to make the maximum impact with the attacks, the terrorists wanted one of the impacts to be vividly recorded. After the North Tower was hit, hundreds of cameras would be trained on it when the other plane would suddenly come in and hit the South Tower. It made sure that 9/11 was a day that would never be forgotten, and that was more important than simply killing the maximum number of people.

It seems to me to be very likely that the filming of the Hindenburg disaster, as it approached it's mooring mast just as the second plane would approach the South Tower, and the unforgettable sound narrative of the news announcer, Herbert Morrison, inspired the planners of the 9/11 attack to use this as the model of the second plane coming into the South Tower, with cameras already on the stricken North Tower.

The 1912 Ice Bridge Tragedy at Niagara Falls occurred 64 years after the original  Niagara Falls Suspension Bridge was completed, in 1848. The 9/11 attack, which was likely modeled on the Hindenburg Disaster, came 64 years after that disaster.

The Brooklyn Bridge was completed in 1883. The nearby towers of the World Trade Center were completed in 1973, 90 years later.

There was a steel arch bridge over the Niagara River that collapsed, the Honeymoon Bridge. The original Niagara Falls Suspension Bridge was completed in 1848. The Honeymoon Bridge collapsed in 1938, 90 years later.

The fire on the General Slocum began as it passed East 90th Street.

The enlarged Niagara Falls Suspension Bridge hosted it's first train in 1855. 1938 + 55 brings us to 1993, when the World Trade Center was first attacked.

The original Niagara Falls Suspension Bridge was completed in 1848. The World Trade Center was completed in 1973, 125 years later. The towers of the World Trade Center stood for 28 years and the bridge was dismantled in 1897. 97 + 28 is also 125 years.

So we see the interesting "bridge" to the year 2001, if we transpose the calendar years of operation of the Niagara Falls Suspension Bridge into the number of years involving significant related events. These events are: The General Slocum Tragedy, the Ice Bridge Tragedy, The crash of the Hindenburg, the collapse of the Honeymoon Bridge that was near the site of the original bridge, two planes crashing into buildings on Manhattan, the collapse of the Schoellkopf Power Station that was near the site of the original bridge, the completion of the World Trade Center and, the first attack on the World Trade Center.


There were three Cleopatra's Needles taken from Egypt, from two pairs. The ones in New York and London were a pair. The one in Paris was one of a pair, the other remains in Egypt. The Niagara Falls Suspension Bridge had two pairs of Egyptian-style towers. While the bridge was in operation, the mummy of Ramesses I was taken from Egypt and put in a museum on the Canadian side of Niagara Falls not far from the bridge.

Likewise, four planes were hijacked on 9/11. But only three hit targets, one for each obelisk, the other plane crashed in Pennsylvania. Like the three people who died in the Niagara Ice Bridge Tragedy, two of the targets were a pair and the other was separate.

If this was punishment for the taking of the obelisks, London and Paris had already been punished by being in the World Wars. In the First World War, one of the earliest bombs dropped by aircraft landed next to the Cleopatra's Needle in London. The scars on the pedestal of the obelisk still have the scars from the shrapnel from the bomb, which has been left un-repaired as a war memorial. The obelisk itself was undamaged.

New York's Cleopatra's Needle is in Central Park, behind the Metropolitan Museum of Art (The Met). The twin towers of the World Trade Center and the twin stacks of the General Slocum represent the other two obelisks that were also taken from Egypt.

Besides the two hijacked planes that hit the World Trade Center towers, the other that hit a target struck the Pentagon in Washington D.C. The Pentagon is unique in that it is a building with five sides, hence the name. The obelisk in New York City is behind the Metropolitan Museum of Art, which is on Fifth Avenue.

Across the Potomac River from where one of the hijacked planes hit the Pentagon is a famous obelisk. It is not from Egypt but was built in the form of an Egyptian obelisk. It is the Washington Monument.

So the Pentagon, with five sides and near the obelisk of the Washington Monument, was struck on 9/11. The Egyptian obelisk in New York was near the Metropolitan Museum of Art, on Fifth Avenue.

On the day of the General Slocum tragedy, it was chartered by St. Mark's Lutheran Church to take members to a picnic ground for the day on Long Island. Remember that St. Mark was the evangelist that went to Egypt and started the church there. He founded the church at Alexandria which became the most important early center of Christianity, and where the three "Cleopatra's Needles" had been taken from.

The Valley of the Kings is where many mummies were found in the tombs of pharaohs, notably king Tutankhamen (Tut). King Tut, by the way, wasn't an important pharaoh, he was physically infirm and died as a teenager. The reason that he is so famous today is simply that ancient grave robbers never found his tomb, so it was intact for archeologists. The most prominent structure in the Valley of the Kings is, as we saw in "The Niagara Prophecy", the Temple of Queen Hatshepsut. Notice the resemblance between the three stories of the temple and the three decks of the General Slocum.

The pedestal on which the Cleopatra's Needle in London is mounted, that was damaged by the aerial bomb in the First World War, is also three-tiered. This could be considered as a prophecy of the Blitz on London in the following war in the same was as the general Slocum tragedy could be considered as a prophecy of 9/11, as described above.

The tide of battle on the Eastern Front of the Second World War turned at Stalingrad, after Tamerlane's body had been put back in his tomb. Cleopatra's Needles had been taken from Alexandria, in Egypt where the vital early church had been founded by St. Mark. Notice that the tide of battle in the western side of the war turned at El Alamein, just outside Alexandria.

Could this be because by suffering the Blitz the British and their Commonwealth allies had "paid the price" for taking the obelisk from Alexandria while the Nazis and their Italian allies were still burdened by the obelisks in Rome, including the one in St. Peter's Square, and the many Babylonian artifacts on Museum Island in Berlin. The Venetians had also taken the bones of St. Mark from Egypt, which are now in San Marco Basilica, to establish him as their patron saint.

Finally, the attacks on 9/11 were led by an Egyptian, Mohamed Atta. The planes used in the attack resembled obelisks with wings.


I believe such curses to be ultimately satanic in nature. God is stronger than Satan and the Holy Spirit anathema to anything satanic. But if society loses faith in God such curses could then take effect.

In 1859, the landmark book "The Origin Of Species" was published. In no way does the book, in my opinion, prove that life "evolved" and that there is no God. it doesn't even try to explain how life got started in the first place. But atheists latched onto it as an intellectual justification for life without God. This did cause a decline in faith.

I will leave it up to you to decide if the 9/11 attacks were indeed retribution for the taking of the obelisks referred to as "Cleopatra's Needles", one of which was put in Central Park not far from where the General Slocum tragedy and the attack on the World Trade Center took place. On the same day there was the attack on the Pentagon which was near the Washington Monument that was built in the form of an obelisk.

The apparent prophecy of this retribution goes through Niagara Falls because the mummy of Ramesses I had been brought to a museum in Niagara Falls, Canada and the Egyptian-style towers on the Niagara Falls Suspension Bridge made it a ready venue for the prophecy, and the general for whom the General Slocum was named examined the bridge prior to having the same engineer design the Brooklyn Bridge. There is also the links between ancient Egypt and Niagara Falls NY as described in "The Niagara Prophecy", which I have renamed as "The First Niagara Prophecy".


This is a long section and there are numbered headings.

This is to make you wonder if there is an order to things that is beyond our understanding. On December 27, 1983, there was an explosion in Buffalo NY, caused by a propane tank, that destroyed a warehouse and killed seven people.

What I notice is the amazing numbers that appear that link this explosion to world events at the time, the Iran Hostage Crisis, the 1981 assassination attempt on Pope John Paul II and the 1983 Barracks Bombing in Beirut. There is strong numerical links between this explosion and both the attacks of 9 / 11 and the Apocalypse foretold in the Bible, as well as Bible prophecies specifically in the Books of Daniel and Revelation.

Before dismissing this with skepticism, please just read it. I think you will be amazed.





Before getting to Buffalo, let's review a couple of things about how numbers work with regard to the Bible and Christianity.


One of the most perplexing things in the Bible has always been the prophecy of seventy weeks of years in the Book of Daniel, Chapter 9 Verses 24-27. There is a Wikipedia article about it, "Prophecy of Seventy Weeks".

The prophecy was made after the Jews had returned from exile in Babylon. The First Temple, the Temple of Solomon, had been destroyed by the Babylonians, and the returnees set about rebuilding it. The prophecy states that from the time the announcement or decree went out to rebuild Jerusalem to the time that an "anointed one" is "cut off" will be 69 weeks of years, in other words 483 years.

Seven was an important number and weeks were used to refer to seven years, as well as seven days. Due to the different way of counting, the prophecy states that from the decree to rebuild Jerusalem to the time that the anointed one will be "cut off", or killed, will be seven weeks of years and sixty-two weeks of years, which add to sixty-nine weeks of years. The term "anointed one" is what messiah actually means. So that this person who will be killed 483 years after the decree to rebuild Jerusalem will be the long-awaited Messiah.

The remaining week, the 70th week, is reserved because that will be the seven years of the Tribulation Period and the Antichrist, prior to the Second Coming of Jesus.

Here is the prophecy, I have copied and pasted it from the Wikipedia article.

24"Seventy weeks are decreed for your people and your holy city: to finish the transgression, to put an end to sin, and to atone for iniquity, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal both vision and prophet, and to anoint a most holy place. 25Know therefore and understand: from the time that the word went out to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until the time of an anointed prince, there shall be seven weeks; and for sixty-two weeks it shall be built again with streets and moat, but in a troubled time. 26After the sixty-two weeks, an anointed one shall be cut off and shall have nothing, and the troops of the prince who is to come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary. Its end shall come with a flood, and to the end there shall be war. Desolations are decreed. 27He shall make a strong covenant with many for one week, and for half of the week he shall make sacrifice and offering cease; and in their place shall be an abomination that desolates, until the decreed end is poured out upon the desolator." 

Let's go to another Wikipedia article. The first book of the Bible concerning this rebuilding of Jerusalem after it has been destroyed by the Babylonians is the Book of Ezra. Some Jews had already been back at Jerusalem, and had built a replacement for the destroyed Temple, although this Second Temple (or the Temple of Zerubbabel) was poor in comparison with the glory of Solomon's destroyed Temple.

But the city had not been rebuilt, delayed due to opposition until it could be determined that the Persian king Cyrus, who released the Jews from exile after conquering Babylon, had actually signed a decree that Jerusalem could be rebuilt. Most of the Jews at Jerusalem were still living in makeshift housing, and the sacrifices were not being properly done in the new Temple.

This is what Ezra was sent to correct. The ruling king of Persia sent him to Jerusalem, with a large number of other exiles. It is now certain that the exiles did not return from Babylon at once, it was more like a trickle over many decades. Ezra, and later also Nehemiah, got the rebuilding of Jerusalem underway and restored the correct temple rites, as well as condemning intermarriage with non-Jews. The Books of Ezra and Nehemiah are the two biblical books that explain this time. The two were originally one book.

Notice the date that the Wikipedia article on Ezra gives for his being sent back to Jerusalem. It is 457 B.C.

Now, let's go to another Wikipedia article, the one about the year "7 BC". This year is considered by many to have been the year that Jesus was born because there was a bright planetary conjunction that Matthew could have taken as "The star of Bethlehem", which guided the Magi to the infant Jesus.

Some believe that Jesus was born in 4 B.C., and that could possibly be correct. But King Herod is reported to have died in 4 B.C., and remember that before dying he had heard of a new king being born, had talked with the Magi who brought gifts to the infant Jesus, and ordered that all boys under two years of age be killed. Jesus' parents, however, had taken him to safety in Egypt until Herod died.

Jesus is believed to have been crucified when he was 33 years old, this is the age given in the Wikipedia article on Jesus. Although it is not absolutely certain that he was crucified at age 33 or was born in 7 B.C., these figures must be close. This means that Jesus was likely crucified in the year 26 A.D.

How long was it from 457 B.C. to 26 A.D.? That's right, exactly 483 years.

The Bible foretold when the Messiah would be killed, and leaves no doubt about who that Messiah was. Jesus was the only one around this time who was taken seriously as possibly being the Messiah. This could not have been inserted into the Bible after the fact because it is also in the Hebrew scriptures, although the Jews did not accept Jesus as the Messiah.


What I notice that is really amazing is that there is a parallel between the destructions of the Temple in ancient times and the major splits in the church in modern times. Why don't we call this "The Ancient-Modern Parallel".

The first temple of the Jews in Israel was at Shiloh, in the central highlands or what would today be called the West Bank. Shiloh was destroyed by the Philistines in 1050 B.C.

Shiloh was never rebuilt because it was replaced by Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem. That temple was ultimately destroyed by the Babylonians, and the Jews taken into exile. The siege of Jerusalem, by the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar, that resulted in the destruction of Solomon's Temple began in 587 B.C. The time between the destruction of these two temples is thus 463 years.

After the Jews had returned from exile in Babylon, worship had become very corrupted at the Temple that was being rebuilt. Ezra, with a large group of former exiles with him, was sent back to Jerusalem to correct the religious services, which he did. Ezra has the book in the Bible named for him. The date that Wikipedia gives for Ezra being sent back to Jerusalem is 457 B.C.

Messiah Means "anointed one". Christians, although not Jews, believe that Jesus was the long-awaited, and prophecied, Messiah. The exact birthday of Jesus is not known but 7 B.C. is the most widely-accepted year for his birth. The Bible states that Jesus began his ministry at about 30 years of age, and his ministry to have lasted three years. That means that Jesus was likely crucified at age 33. With His birth in 7 B.C. that means 26 A.D.

Now, what do you notice? 69 "weeks" of years is 483 years. From 457 B.C., when Ezra was sent back to Jerusalem to establish correct worship in the Temple that had been rebuilt after having been destroyed, to 26 A.D., when Jesus is most likely to have been crucified, is exactly 483 years. The reason that there is only "69 weeks", when the scripture first stated 70 weeks, is that one "week" of 7 years is remaining for the Tribulation Period just prior to Jesus' Second Coming.

So we have 463 years and 483 years.

Now, let's go to more recent times. There have been two major and cataclysmic splits in the Catholic Church. The first was the Great Schism of 1054 when what was to become the Eastern Orthodox Church separated, due to a dispute in Constantinople over how much authority the pope should have. The second was the Reformation, which began in 1517. The Protestants split away to form a separate church.

What do you notice here that I have never seen pointed out? From 1054 to 1517, the two major splits in the Catholic Church, is 463 years. Then from 1517 to the millennium, the year 2000, is 483 years.

This really makes us wonder if there is indeed an order to things that is beyond our understanding.


I never ask readers to just believe something. I always explain my reasoning for believing anything so that readers may check any facts that I quote for themselves. What I will do here is to describe a series of events that end with a disaster that once took place in Buffalo and let you come to your own conclusion about whether it might be events coming together in such a way as to turn our attention to God.


The last four months of 1983 were the most dangerous time of the Cold War. There had been dangerous points before, the Berlin Airlift and especially the Cuban Missile Crisis. My reason for stating that the last four months of 1983 were the most dangerous time is that at the time of the Berlin Airlift the Communists did not even have nuclear weapons yet, while the U.S. did. At the time of the Cuban Missile Crisis, the west was far ahead of the Communists in nuclear weapons and they knew it. But by 1983, the two sides were roughly at nuclear parity and the Communists may have even been somewhat ahead.

Let's review the events of the last four months of 1983, with regard to the Cold War and to Buffalo.

On September 1, the Soviet Air Force shot down a passenger jet, Korean Airlines Flight 007, killing all on board including 62 Americans. It was an extremely tense time. Ronald Reagan angrily referred to the Soviet Union as the "Evil Empire".

The plane, on it's way from the U.S. to Seoul, had inadvertently strayed into Soviet airspace. A few months earlier, the U.S. had announced a national high-technology program called the Strategic Defense Initiative. It was to use breakthrough technology to shoot down any missiles targeting the U.S. The program became popularly known as "Star Wars", after the movie by that name. It's goal was to render the Soviet nuclear arsenal useless. It seems that the Soviet military thought that the intrusion into it's airspace was likely being done purposely to assess it's air defenses as part of the development of the program.

On September 26 came what is referred to as "The 1983 Soviet Nuclear False Alarm Incident".

The Soviet Union had a system of satellites that were keeping watch over the U.S. for hostile missile launches. One day, several missiles were detected as having been launched from the U.S. toward the Soviet Union. It fell to the Soviet officer on duty, Stanislav Petrov, to make a very quick decision as to whether or not this was a false alarm. Reporting the event would begin the process of nuclear retaliation. He decided that it was probably a false alarm. One story is that only a few "missiles" were detected, and if America was going to launch a sudden nuclear attack, it would certainly be with more than a few missiles.

It turned out that what the satellites had detected was sunlight reflecting off moving high clouds in the atmosphere. Stanislav Petrov subsequently became known as "The Man Who Saved The World".

On October 23 came the 1983 Beirut Barracks Bombing, which we will get to later.

The Israelis had withdrawn from southern Lebanon and U.S. and French military forces were there as peacekeepers. The U.S. barracks was expecting a truck to deliver water. A truck arrived but it turned out to be carrying a massive bomb instead of water. The Iranian driver got close to the barracks and detonated the bomb. 241 U.S. service members, almost all Marines, were killed. 

The French barracks were attacked in the same way at the same time. French soldiers managed to kill the driver with gunfire, but the truck was close to the barracks and it seems that someone then detonated the bomb by remote control. 55 French paratroopers were killed.

On October 25 came the U.S. invasion of Grenada. This was a Caribbean island where a Marxist movement had just seized power and there was concern for U.S. medical students on the island. The Soviet government was outraged and demanded that U.S. forces withdraw "immediately".

On November 7 came "Operation Able Archer".

This was a NATO military exercise across western Europe involving a nuclear war. Heads of state were involved in the very realistic exercise. According to some sources, the Soviets thought there was a very good chance that it was for real and put their nuclear forces on alert, ready to fire at a moment's notice.

On November 20 was a movie in the U.S. called "The Day After". It was taking place in Kansas on the day after a nuclear war. The movie was watched, at it's initial broadcast, by nearly half the population of the United States, and by many more afterward. If ever a movie came at just the right time, this was it.

December 25 was Christmas. That is when we celebrate the birth of God's Son on earth. That First Coming of Jesus was to teach us and pay the penalty for our sin. Jesus is scheduled to come again, the Second Coming.

The Second Coming will actually be in two parts. The first part is referred to as the Rapture, although that word is a general term that is not actually in the Bible. In the Rapture, Jesus will not land on earth but will take his own people out before the Apocalypse. The second part of the Second Coming, seven years after the Rapture, is when Jesus will return to earth to end the Tribulation period and establish his Kingdom, when the world will finally be the godly paradise that it was always intended to be.

On December 27, disaster came to Buffalo. There was a four-story warehouse just east of downtown. Workers were moving a large container of propane with a forklift when they dropped the container. A valve broke off and propane began flowing out. The workers called the fire department. 

Meanwhile, the propane gas seeped through the building until it came to a wood stove. Just after a fire engine arrived the entire building exploded. No one had ever seen anything like it before. The fire engine was thrown right across the street into some houses. It was almost like a small nuclear bomb exploding. Severe damage and destruction to buildings extended for a kilometer from the blast. Seven people were killed, five firefighters and two people in nearby homes.


Now that we see how important the timing of the accident in Buffalo was to world events, let's proceed further. The accident points to both the 9 / 11 attacks and the fulfillment of Bible prophecy of the Apocalypse.

The employees who dropped the tank of propane notified the fire department by calling 911. What happened next was amazingly prescient of what would happen on 9 / 11. Just after the firefighters arrived, the entire warehouse, which had filled with propane gas, exploded. The five firefighters and two nearby residents were killed.

On 9 / 11, the toll was much higher but the circumstances very similar. Firefighters and police rushed into the two towers of the World Trade Center, but soon afterward the towers collapsed. 343 firefighters and 60 police officers were killed.

A nearby ten-story building was damaged by the blast, which could be prescient of the attacks on the tall towers of the World Trade Center. Two fire engines were literally thrown by the blast, one into nearby homes and the other into the warehouse. This is prescient of the planes striking the World Trade Center.

The warehouse that exploded was on North Division Street, in Buffalo. One block south of that was South Division Street. Two blocks south of that there is a building that actually has five sides, like the Pentagon in Washington that was also attacked on 9 / 11. The building does not have five equal sides, as the Pentagon does. But the front of the building does have two straight-line sections, that meet at an angle of about 30 degrees, so it is a pentagon with five sides.

The following satellite image shows the angle of about 30 degrees in the front of the Larkin Building on Seneca Street, three blocks due south of the site of the explosion on North Division Street. The crux of the angle is in the center of the image. Notice how the side of the front to the right of the angle casts a shadow on Seneca Street, while the side on the left doesn't.,-78.8510159,35m/data=!3m1!1e3

The building in the background is the Larkin Building from the front. The photo doesn't really show it well but if you look closely you can see that the roof line has an angle in it, meaning that the building has five sides.

The Larkin Building is also of a general style that is similar to that of the Pentagon.

(Note-We saw the Larkin Administration Building before, on our visit to "Canberra". It's construction was supervised by the same architect that designed Australia's capital city).

The explosion took place on North Division Street. One block south of that is South Division Street. Two blocks south of that is the Larkin Building, that is a pentagon because it has five sides, on Seneca Street.

The attacks on 9 / 11 moved from north to south. The North Tower was hit first, than the South Tower, and then the Pentagon. This means that, at the site of the explosion in Buffalo, North Division Street could represent the North Tower, South Division Street could represent the South Tower, and the five-sided Larkin Building, on Seneca Street, could represent the Pentagon.

Here is a satellite image if you want to see. The open field on the north side of North Division Street, west of Grosvenor Street, is where the warehouse was located. One block south of that is South Division Street, and two blocks south of that is the Larkin Center of Commerce, which actually has five straight-edge sides.,-78.8516757,556m/data=!3m1!1e3

Now, here is something that is completely amazing.

The North Tower was struck by a hijacked plane at 8:46 AM
The South Tower was struck at 9:03 AM
The Pentagon was struck at 9:37 AM (source- Wikipedia)

What do you notice about the times of impact? The time from the South Tower impact to the Pentagon impact is exactly twice as long as the time from the North Tower impact to the South Tower impact.

From 8:46 to 9:03 is 17 minutes. From 9:03 to 9:37 is 34 minutes. 17 x 2 = 34.

This is reflected in the streets where the explosion in Buffalo occurred. North Division Street, representing the North Tower, is one block north of South Division Street, which represents the South Tower. South Division Street is two blocks north of the five-sided Larkin Commerce Center, which represents the Pentagon.


The accident in Buffalo also points to the prophecies of Apocalypse in the Bible.

The name of the four-story warehouse, which stored automobile radiators, was Chimera. A chimera is a mythological creature that is made up of parts of different animals put together.

In the Book of Daniel, Chapter 7, Daniel is given a vision of four beasts which represent four successive empires. The first beast is described as "like a lion but with the wings of an eagle". Just as the warehouse had four stories and was named Chimera. These beasts were chimeras and the next street over from North Division Street, where the warehouse was located, is Eagle Street.

The other three beasts in Daniel's vision are also chimeras. The third is described as "a leopard with four wings and four heads" just as, once again, the building was named Chimera and had four stories.

It is the same in the Book of Revelation. In Chapter 13, "the beast that comes out of the sea" is described as "resembling a leopard but with feet like a bear and a mouth like a lion". This is most definitely a chimera, just like the name of the warehouse.

In Chapter 2 of the Book of Daniel, he interprets King Nebuchadnezzar's mysterious dream of a statue. Like the four beasts in Daniel's later vision this statue, from the top down, foretells four successive empires. Just like the warehouse was named Chimera and had four stories, so the statue is also a "chimera" because it's four parts that represent different empires are made of different materials.

The head of the statue is gold. The chest and arms are silver. The midsection and thighs are bronze. The legs are of iron and the feet are partly iron and partly clay. This represents four successive empires, each metal being of lesser value than the one before it. The four empires are the same four as are represented by the chimera beasts in Daniel's later vision, which was represented in Buffalo by the Chimera Warehouse with four stories..

Just for the reader's information, the head of gold is Babylon of which Nebuchadnezzar is king. The silver represents Persia and Media, which supplants Babylon. The bronze represents Greece and the iron represents Rome. The reason that the "leopard with four wings and four heads" represents Greece is obvious. After the death of Alexander, his vast empire split into four pieces. The feet that are "partly iron and partly clay" represents Europe after the end of the Roman Empire, it will not hold together well yet will not be completely divided.

The Book of Revelation describes chimeras in Heaven. Just as the warehouse was named Chimera and had four stories, so there are four chimeras in Heaven. Chapter 4 of the Book of Revelation describes the first as like a lion, the second like an ox, the third looking like a man and the fourth being like an eagle. But all had six wings and "eyes all around".

Seven people were tragically killed in the explosion of the Chimera warehouse. Five were firefighters and two nearby residents. Chapter 17 of the Book of Revelation describes another vision, of a "beast with seven heads". These heads represent seven kings, of which five have already passed.

This beast is also described as having "ten horns". Near the warehouse that exploded there was a ten-story building that was damaged.

The first three chapters of the Book of Revelation describes the seven angels and their messages to the seven churches.

Chapter 10 of the Book of Revelation describes a message given by "seven thunders".

Chapter 12 of the Book of Revelation describes a woman with "a crown of 12 stars". The explosion took place in December, the 12th month. The beast (or dragon) that menaces her is described as being red, the same color as the fire engines.


On May 13, 1981, there was an assassination attempt on Pope John Paul II in St. Peter's Square. The pope was hit by four bullets and a woman from Buffalo, Ann Odre, was also wounded. According to some reports, the bullet that wounded Ann Odre passed right through the pope's body first.

The pope later talked with Mrs. Odre and the two were amazed at the connection that they had. The pope had, of course, been to Buffalo before becoming pope. It also turned out that John Paul was from the same town in Poland as Mrs. Odre's mother, Wadowice.

Whenever there is an assassination attempt on a public figure, like the pope, there is always speculation as to whether the gunman acted alone or was part of a wider conspiracy. There was no such speculation this time because it was known for certain that the gunman, Mehmet Ali Agca, did not act alone. But the question remains over who was ultimately behind this assassination attempt. Agca himself made contradictory statements and later claimed to be Jesus. The most popular theory was that the Communists were behind it.

One interesting thing that has been pointed out is that the assassination attempt took place on the anniversary of the Miracle of Fatima, of which there was no sign that the assassin was aware at the time. This had taken place in Portugal, in 1917, about the danger to Christianity posed by Russia. It didn't seem to make any sense at the time, as Russia was on the Allied side in the First World War. The last tsar had just abdicated the throne, and the provisional government had taken over, but no one saw how it could be a danger to Christianity.

But, sure enough, within six months the October Revolution with it's policy of atheism would change everything.

Another interesting thing is that the church which Mrs. Odre attended in Buffalo was very close to the site of the explosion of the Chimera Warehouse, on North Division Street, which would occur in 1983. The way I see is that this could reveal that Communism was indeed behind the unsuccessful assassination attempt.

The root of the historic rivalry between the fellow Slavic nations Russia and Poland goes back to the fact that Russia split from the Catholic Church, in the Great Schism of 1054, to form the Eastern Orthodox Church, while Poland remained Catholic. The beginning of this was the two conversions to Christianity by the founders of the two nations.

Mieszko I converted to Christianity in 966, in what is known as the Baptism of Poland. Vladimir the Great, at around the same time, also converted. But while Mieszko chose the Roman rite of Catholicism, Vladimir chose the Byzantine rite, reportedly because his envoys were so impressed by the Hagia Sophia.

Vladimir had been born in the year 958 and, by the time of the assassination attempt on the pope, the land of the Eastern Orthodox Church had been secularized by the October Revolution into the land of Communism. Poland's government was also Communist but there were the protests against it which began at the shipyard in Gdansk. It is no secret that the Communists were worried about the ever-growing popularity of the unexpectedly-chosen Polish pope. Pope John Paul II was the first non-Italian pope in over 450 years.

But if one of the bullets passed right through the body of the pope and struck Ann Odre, of Buffalo, that could mean that there would be some related event after this. 958 days after the assassination attempt came the explosion of the warehouse near Ann Odre's church in Buffalo. Vladimir the Great had been born in 958, eight years before the Baptism of Poland.

Does the explosion of the warehouse in Buffalo thus tell us numerically that the Communists were indeed behind the assassination attempt? The warehouse explosion came at the most dangerous time of the Cold War, as we saw above.
The colors of the Polish flag are white above red. Ann Odre's church was white, the memorial at the site of the explosion was fire engine red, because firemen were killed. The cassock of the pope was white, Communism was represented by red. The white had triumphed over the red.

The pope was struck by four bullets. The warehouse in Buffalo that exploded had four floors. The explosion involving the warehouse led numerically to the attacks of 9 / 11 which involved four planes.

I will leave it up to you to decide if this indicates that the Communists were indeed responsible for the attempted assassination of Pope John Paul, adding to the Fatima revelation that warned about it before it became a global force, and the assassination attempt on the pope took place on the anniversary of a Fatima vision.


The Beirut Prophecy concerns the bombing of the U.S. barracks in Beirut that took place on October 23, 1983. It killed 241 U.S. servicemen that were there on a peacekeeping mission after an Israeli withdrawal from southern Lebanon..

A water truck was expected. But the tank on the truck wasn't carrying water. It was carrying a massive bomb. I recall reading one news source that the terrorists had gotten a truck identical to the water truck, built the bomb into it, and then hijacked the water truck and took it's license plates. The driver stopped close to the barracks and detonated the bomb.

Has anyone noticed the similarity between this event and the prophetic Chapter 2 of the Book of Daniel?

In that chapter, King Nebuchadnezzar had a dream which Daniel interpreted. The dream was about a statue with a head of gold but the rest of the statue, from the head down, made of successively common metals. The chest and arms were made of silver. The stomach and thighs were of bronze. The legs and the feet were of iron.

Nebuchadnezzar is told that he, and his Kingdom of Babylon, is the head of gold. After Babylon, three successively common kingdoms will rise to dominance. The fourth kingdom, of iron, will have exceptional strength.

It is widely accepted, and apparently obvious, that the successor to Babylon, the silver, is Persia. The next dominant empire, which displaced Persia, was Greece, the bronze. The next empire, which supplanted Greece, the iron, was Rome.


The prophecy is that the feet of the statue are actually made partly of iron and partly of clay. That is explained as meaning that the feet will hold together, but not entirely, just as iron and clay do not mix.

The meaning of this is very clear. The feet of the statue represents the former area of the Roman Empire, after the end of the empire. This is mainly Europe. In the compound posting on this blog, "New Insight Into Bible Prophecy", this is detailed in 6) THE IRON AND THE CLAY IN THE BOOK OF DANIEL.

The "ten toes" of the statue are described elsewhere in the Book of Daniel as being "ten kings" who, in the Last Days of the world, will give their power to the leader that we refer to as the Antichrist. All of this is detailed further in "New Insight Into Bible Prophecy".

The European Union today is the modern successor to the Roman and Holy Roman Empires. But there are more than ten nations in the European Union. So who could these "ten kings" be? Besides, today most nations are democratic republics ruled by presidents or prime ministers, few nations are really led by kings anymore.

The answer is that, while there are many more than ten nations in the European Union, this prophecy is about powers that were dominant in the world and there were exactly ten European Union nations that were colonial powers outside Europe.

At the time of the colonial period, all of the imperial European nations were led by royalty. When the German states united, the King of Prussia became the first leader of the united country. The European royal houses are inter-related, have you ever heard of Charlemagne being described as "the father of Europe" and Queen Victoria being described as "the grandmother of Europe"?

Here is a list of the "ten kings", European colonial powers which controlled most of the world but would later unite as the core nations of the European Union. I copied this from 9) THE TEN KINGS in "New Insight Into Bible Prophecy".

1) Britain- Scotland actually had a colony of it's own, in what is now Panama, but it joined with Britain in 1707.
2) France
3) Spain
4) Portugal
5) Germany- After unification had Namibia (Southwest Africa), part of east Africa, and some islands in the Pacific. These German Pacific islands were taken, during the First World War, and given to Japan, which then fortified them as a defensive barrier for it's own empire in the Second World War.
6) Italy- After unification had Libya, Ethiopia and, Somaliland.
7) Netherlands- Had Indonesia, after it had been Portuguese. Aruba and St. Maarten are still Dutch. Afrikaners are descended from Dutch settlers. Eastern New York State has many Dutch names, which is where the name of Roosevelt comes from.
8) Belgium- The entire Congo region was considered as the personal estate of King Leopold.
9) Denmark- Controlled the largest island in the world, Greenland.
10) Sweden- Had various scattered colonies. It is mostly forgotten that the U.S. state of Delaware began as a Swedish colony.

But then the description of the statue in Daniel, Chapter 2, goes on to something else. A rock, but not one cut by human hands, will land on the feet of the statue. It will smash the statue to pieces, which will be swept away by the wind without a trace. But the rock will become a huge mountain that fills the entire earth.

The rock represents the return of Jesus to set up His Kingdom on earth after the corrupt and sinful kingdoms of the world have been destroyed in the Apocalypse. As the mountain is much greater than the statue that it replaces, so will the Kingdom of Jesus be much better than the worldly kingdoms.

Now, back to the bombing of the U.S. military barracks in Beirut. It was a four-story building, just like the four parts of the statue. Could the truck that exploded, and destroyed the building, represent the stone in the Book of Daniel that destroys the four-part statue?

The four empires represented in the statue, Babylon, Persia, Greece and, Rome were geographically separate. The first two were to the east, the last two were to the west. But there was one area that was common to all four empires. This was the eastern shore of the Mediterranean, known as the Levant, and which includes Israel and what is now Syria.

Egypt and Assyria were, of course, great empires also. But their day had passed by the time of the Book of Daniel.


Take a look at the following map. Beirut, where the bombing that so resembles the statue prophecy in Daniel Chapter 2 took place, is exactly in the middle of the Levant, the eastern shore of the Mediterranean that was the common area of all four empires represented in the statue.,34.4987863,7z

So we see the significance of where the bombing took place. How about when it took place?

The Beirut Barracks Bombing came right in the middle of the most dangerous period of the Cold War, as discussed above. But yet it wasn't part of the Cold War between Communism and the west. It was about the Middle East, which was different altogether.

The conflicts in the Middle East generally didn't line up with those of the Cold War. But the Middle East was where the final series of wars in the world was to begin, and that is why this bombing fit so well as a reminder. The destruction of the four-story building by a truck bomb that drove up to it's base took place right in the center of the area that was common to all four successive empires represented by the statue in Nebuchadnezzar's dream, which was destroyed by a rock landing on it's base.

The bombing happened right in the middle of the most dangerous period of the Cold War, yet it wasn't part of the Cold War itself at that point, and it was in the area in which the final wars of the world are to take place in the Apocalypse.

The French barracks of peacekeepers in Beirut was bombed at the same time as the American barracks. France was one of the "ten kings" and Lebanon was part of the French Empire. That reminds us that, in terms of the time represented by descending on the statue, we are in the latter time of the "ten toes" of the statue now. The rock that will land and destroy the four-part statue, just as the bomb exploded and destroyed the four-story building, is in the foreseeable future and represents the Apocalypse followed by the Kingdom of Jesus on earth.

The four parts of the statue, representing the four successive empires, was sequential by time from top to bottom. The rock that lands on the feet being represented by the bomb that exploded indicates that we are in that stage of the statue now. The era of the "ten kings" just before the Return of Jesus.


After the Beirut Barracks Bombing there would be an eerily similar explosion in Buffalo, NY, except that it would be reversed. A truck pulled up to the four-story barracks in Beirut and exploded. In Buffalo, a four-story warehouse filled with propane exploded just as a firetruck pulled up to it, literally throwing the firetruck.

The barracks in Beirut was in the center of the area that was common to all four empires represented in the statue in Chapter 2 of the Book of Daniel. The name of the warehouse in Buffalo was Chimera. A chimera is a mythological creature made up of parts of different animals put together.

In the Book of Daniel, Chapter 7, Daniel is given a vision of four beasts which represent the same four successive empires as in the statue. The first beast is described as "like a lion but with the wings of an eagle". Just as the warehouse had four stories and was named Chimera, these beasts were chimeras. The other three beasts in this vision are also chimeras. The third is described as "a leopard with four wings and four heads".

It is the same in the Book of Revelation. In Chapter 13, "the beast that comes out of the sea" is described as "resembling a leopard but with feet like a bear and a mouth like a lion". This is most definitely a chimera, and represents the Antichrist.

Just like the warehouse was named Chimera and had four stories, so the statue is also a "chimera" because it's four parts that represent different empires are made of different materials.


Here is something else really profound.

Christmas, representing the Birth of Jesus, is celebrated on December 25. We know that Jesus was not really born on December 25. The reason that it began to be celebrated on this day is that Christianity was not one of the legal religions of the Roman Empire.

The Romans had a holiday, Saturnalia, around the time of the winter solstice. The Christians placed their holiday at the same time to avoid drawing attention to themselves, and Jesus ended up being celebrated on December 25.

But what do you notice here? There is something very interesting with regard to the prophecies of the Last Days, as detailed in the posting on this blog, "The End Of The World As We Know It".

Remember what we saw in the posting on this blog, "New Insight Into Bible Prophecy" in 10) THE BIBLE'S SEVENTY SEVENS, the Book of Daniel, Chapter 9, actually foretells the time from the destruction of the First Temple, by Nebuchadnezzar, to the birth of Jesus with amazing accuracy, 483 years. Usually we describe 7 days as a week, but this chapter uses "weeks of years" with 7 years as a week.

We know that the Tribulation Period, the terrible time just prior to the Return of Jesus to set up His Kingdom on earth, will last 7 years. The Antichrist will rule during this time. The first half of this period will actually be the best time that the world has ever seen, the Antichrist will seem to have all the answers. That is why the Book of Revelation describes the Antichrist as reigning for 42 months, which is 3 1 / 2 years or half of the 7-year period. But during the second half of the Tribulation Period things will begin to fall apart and the result will be the worst time that the world has ever seen, or ever will see.

Notice that Christmas, representing Jesus, on December 25 is exactly one week, 7 days, before the beginning of the New Year.

Have you ever thought that maybe God wanted it this way? The Return of Jesus will actually come in two parts. The first part is what is commonly referred to as the Rapture. (Even though that is a general term that is not in the Bible). Jesus will remove His faithful people before the Tribulation begins. The second part is 7 years later, when Jesus returns to earth with the people that he earlier removed to end the Tribulation and set up His Kingdom on earth.

Doesn't it seem that God, considering the use of the "weeks of years" in the Book of Daniel, wanted Christmas to fall exactly one week before the New Year so that Christmas will represent the Rapture and the New Year represents Jesus establishing His new Kingdom on earth? Just as the new millennium, the year 2000, comes 483 years after the Reformation began in 1517. 2000 is representative of the soon-to-come Millennium of Jesus, although it is not actually the beginning of it.


You may also notice the numbers here. 241 servicemen were killed in the Beirut Barracks Bombing, by the explosion of the truck that represents the rock landing on the feet and the "ten toes" of the statue. If we look at Chapter 2, Verse 41 of the Book of Daniel, we see that this is the verse that describes the feet and the toes being made of an unstable mixture of iron and clay.

As for the "Seventy Sevens" in Chapter 9 of the Book of Daniel, it foretells that the time from the destruction of the Temple to the time of the Savior, Jesus, will be 69 x 7 = 483 years. The 70th seven will be the 7 years of the Tribulation Period, and 7 people were killed in the Buffalo explosion.


With all of that in mind, let's move on.

Considering that Chapter 9 of the Book of Daniel uses the 70 "weeks of years" to describe the time from the destruction of the Temple by Nebuchadnezzar, whose dream of the statue was deciphered, to the Birth of Jesus, but it is actually only 69 weeks, 483 years, because one week, 7 years, is left for the Tribulation period just prior to Jesus' Second Coming. Also considering that Jesus' birth ended up being celebrated on a date that is exactly one week, 7 days, from the beginning of a new year, which represents the new era of Jesus on earth, what do you notice about the bombing of the barracks in Beirut in 1983?

The bombing took place on October 23, which is exactly 70 days before the new year. But the final week of that time was between Christmas, which represents Jesus coming either by way of His original birth or the Rapture, and the new year. This final week represents the Tribulation period and it is during this time that the explosion in Buffalo, which reflected the one in Beirut, took place.

Is this amazing, or what?


Has anyone noticed the really interesting connections between the numbers involving the prophecies of empires and the End of the World in the Books of Daniel and Revelation and the Iran Hostage Crisis of 1979-81?


We see how the 1983 Barracks Bombing in Beirut very closely represents the interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar's dream of a four-part statue in Chapter 2 of the Book of Daniel.

It is a four-part statue representing the successive empires that were to dominate the world. The bombing represents the rock in Daniel's prophecy that lands on the feet of the statue, destroying it.

In that chapter, King Nebuchadnezzar had a dream which Daniel interpreted. The dream was about a statue with a head of gold but the rest of the statue, from the head down, made of successively common metals. The chest and arms were made of silver. The stomach and thighs were of bronze. The legs and the feet were of iron.

Nebuchadnezzar is told that he, and his Kingdom of Babylon, is the head of gold. After Babylon, three successively common kingdoms will rise to dominance. The fourth kingdom, of iron, will have exceptional strength. It is widely accepted, and apparently obvious, that the successor to Babylon, the silver, is Persia. The next dominant empire, which displaced Persia, was Greece, the bronze. The next empire, which supplanted Greece, the iron, was Rome.

As far as the bombing of the U.S. military barracks in Beirut, it was a four-story building, just like the four parts of the statue. Could the truck that exploded, and destroyed the building, represent the stone in the Book of Daniel that destroys the four-part statue?


The Barracks Bombing occurred on October 23, 1983,. Exactly four years before that, on October 23, 1979, the exiled Shah of Iran was admitted to the U.S. for cancer treatment. This is what precipitated the Iran Hostage Crisis, the seizure of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran and the holding of the staff as hostages.


The Iran Hostage Crisis would go on for 444 days. We know from the Bible prophecies that the Antichrist will come from the area that, at the time of the Book of Revelation, was the Roman Empire. The original Roman Empire was the sixth in the series of Empires in Revelation Chapter 17, and the well-known number of the Antichrist is 666. But Persia is the fourth and the hostage crisis that began over the final king of the monarchy, whose stay in a New York hospital on the 17th floor set off the hostage crisis, that was in power since ancient times lasted 444 days.


The Shah's hospital room in New York was on the 17th floor. My understanding is that it was the same hospital room that he had been in years before, for a checkup, when visiting the U.S. in 1949. The Book of Revelation, Chapter 17, describes seven kings of successive empires, as opposed to the four in the Book of Daniel. That is because the Book of Daniel is looking ahead, while the Book of Revelation is looking back.

Revelation 17:10 describes a series of kings of these empires and that "five have fallen". The Book of Revelation was written during the time of the Roman Empire which was the fourth empire, represented by the iron, that was foretold by Daniel. The five that, by that point, "have fallen" are Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia and, Greece. Rome, the present empire at that time, had supplanted Greece. Egypt and Assyria are not listed in Daniel's interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar's statue because it looks ahead and their day had already passed by that time.

This is so significant because the Shah was the final king in the 2500-year old monarchy that went back to the time that Persia (Iran) had conquered Babylon. In Nebuchadnezzar's four-part statue, Babylon was the first empire and Persia the second. But in Revelation 17, which also included the earlier Egypt and Assyria, Persia was fourth, and it was exactly four years after the Shah entered the U.S. that the Barracks Bombing took place, and the truck in the bombing was driven by an Iranian national.


The entrance of the Shah into the U.S. brought about the seizure of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran, twelve days later on November 4. The seizure of the embassy by militant students, by getting inside the wall around the compound, was very much a reenactment of the Persian conquest of Babylon by getting inside it's walls.

In ancient times, while a drunken royal party was going on in Babylon, Persian engineers quickly dammed the Euphrates River that ran through the city and the Persians got inside the walls of the city. This event is described in the Book of Daniel as the prophecy involving the "writing on the wall" in Chapter 5.


The deception involved in bombing the U.S. barracks in Beirut, exactly four years after the Shah had been given permission to enter the U.S., likewise involved water. A water truck was expected. But the tank on the truck wasn't carrying water. It was carrying a massive bomb. I recall reading one news source that the terrorists had gotten a truck identical to the water truck, built the bomb into it, and then hijacked the water truck and took it's license plates. The driver stopped close to the barracks and detonated the bomb.


In Chapter 7 of the Book of Daniel, the same four empires as in the statue of Chapter 2 are represented by four beasts. The first, representing the then-current Babylon, is described as a lion with the wings of an eagle. There was an attempt to rescue the hostages, known as Operation Eagle Claw. The Iranian flag of the Shah at the time had the lion on it with a sword that was curved like a claw.

The rescue attempt took place on April 24, 1980,. Considering that July and August each have 31 days, that means that the rescue attempt took place 3 1 / 2 years, to the exact day, before the October 23, 1983, Beirut Barracks Bombing.

The Antichrist is described as reigning for 42 months, which is 3 1 / 2 years. The Tribulation period will actually last 7 years, but the Antichrist will be allowed control only for the first half of this time. Had the rescue attempt succeeded, it would resemble the Rapture, which is the removal of the faithful Christians by Jesus just prior to the Tribulation period.

So if the rescue attempt represents the Rapture, and the Beirut Barracks Bombing represents the rock in Chapter 2 of the Book of Daniel which shatters the corrupt and sinful kingdoms of the world to make way for the Kingdom of Jesus, which will be founded at the end of the Tribulation period, then the 3 1 / 2 years between them is exactly the length of time that the Antichrist will be allowed to reign.

The total Tribulation will last 7 years but the Antichrist will lose control during the second half, which is 3 1 / 2 years, and the result will be the worst time that the world has ever seen or ever will see.


In the unsuccessful rescue attempt, Operation Eagle Claw, 3 of the 8 helicopters were disabled, so that only 5 serviceable helicopters remained, and this is why the decision was made to abort the mission. Then, after a tragic accident occurred, 8 servicemen were killed.

Back to the Book of Revelation, Chapter 17 Verses 10-11. There are 8 kings altogether of which "five have fallen", meaning past.

I find these matches of the numbers to be really amazing, and it shows that there must be an order to how events come together that is beyond our understanding.



With the recent prophetic postings around the general Niagara area, we have not yet had one on the Canadian side. But the one that takes place in Ontario is actually the simplest and clearest of all.

In January 1938 there was a definite storm on the horizon. Soon the world would descend into the worst war it had ever known. A war had ended nearly twenty years before that had been so terrible that it had been called "The War To End All Wars". Unfortunately, this would not prove to be the case.

There were two adjacent holy buildings in Niagara Falls, Canada, on the moraine right above the falls. There was the Loretto Academy and the other was Mount Carmel. Below it, near the falls, were two adjacent electrical power plants, Rankine and Toronto, and these seemed to symbolize earthly power while the holy buildings directly above symbolized heavenly power.

One night, there was a devastating fire in the Loretto Academy. As far as I can tell, no one was injured but it was very destructive in terms of property. The thing that was so interesting is that, while the rest of the building had been devastated, the north wing of the building remained untouched, and there was no internal firewall protecting it.

Notice how the roof of the north wing of the building looks different from the rest, which was rebuilt.,-79.0826159,139m/data=!3m1!1e3

A few days after the fire the nearby Honeymoon Bridge, connecting the U.S. and Canada, collapsed. In the days before the installation of the Ice Boom, the foundations of the bridge had been ripped right out by a massive amount of ice coming down the river.

The bridge was replaced by the present Rainbow Bridge, built while the Second World War was raging. On the Canadian end of the bridge an engraved quotation from the Bible was placed. It was about the world having been destroyed in the flood.

The Bible has the world being destroyed twice, due to it's sinfulness. The first was by the flood, the second will be by the apocalypse. Has anyone stopped to think that maybe the "north wing" of the building represented Canada, and the meaning was that the world will be engulfed in apocalyptic war, but Canada, by obedience to God and not following the ways of the world, has a chance to be preserved?

The bridges could represent Canada's link to the outside world, and it's corrupt and godless ways. This is not about the U.S., at least not in particular, but the outside world in general. That is why the nearby bridge to the world beyond Canada collapsed just after the "north wing" was mysteriously preserved as the rest of the holy building was destroyed.

The world didn't even learn it's lesson from the Second World War, which was worse than the first. In 1961 there was conflict in Cuba as the Bay of Pigs invasion of the now-Communist island was attempted. The following year, the world would come as close as it ever probably has to nuclear war in the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Between those two events something else happened involving a bridge at Niagara, which here represent Canada's link to the ways of the outside world. Another bridge, a replica of the Rainbow Bridge, was being constructed at Lewiston-Queenston. In December 1961, a military jet aircraft had a mishap and crashed in the Niagara Gorge, on the U.S. side at Lewiston. The Sabre Jet is reported to have approached like a missile and missed construction workers on the bridge by only a few meters.

The pilot managed to eject and no one was hurt. But could this, once again, be a warning? The world has to end twice, once by the flood and once by the Apocalypse, which will involve missiles. The Rainbow Bridge, closer to the falls and built during the Second World War, had the engraved Bible quotation about the flood. It's twin bridge, being built during the Cuban Missile Crisis, had the missile-like jet missing it's construction workers by only a few meters.

Now let's go to November 1967. There was another devastating fire at the two holy buildings above the falls at Niagara. This time it was the other building, Mount Carmel, is where it happened. This building is similar in form to the nearby Loretto Academy, now the Loretto Christian Life Center.

Once again, the fire involved the north wing of the building. But this time it was exactly the reverse of the Loretto Academy fire years before. In the Mount Carmel fire, only the north wing of the building was destroyed. The rest of the building was preserved. Notice that the north wing of the building is missing.,-79.0826385,139m/data=!3m1!1e3

Being in the latter part of 1967 this happened, of course, just after the return of the Old City of Jerusalem to the Jews, in the Six-Day War, that we know is the beginning of the countdown to the Apocalypse followed by the Return of Jesus to set up His Kingdom on earth, as we saw detailed in the posting on this blog, "The End Of The World As We Know It".

But if the "north wing" was the only part of the Loretto Academy that was preserved, but at Mount Carmel it was the only part destroyed, then this has to be considered as a warning. God wanted Canada to be a sacred and holy land and would like to preserve it and give it abundant blessings.

But that is not "written in stone", it is not a guarantee. It depends on obedience and godliness. After the countdown to Apocalypse began in 1967, God warned that the preservation of the "north wing" as demonstrated in the Loretto Academy fire, could be taken away. This was the wild times of the 1960s that brought sin and drugs and lawlessness.

So the Loretto Academy fire, with the Honeymoon Bridge collapse, occurred just before the Second World War. The replacement bridge included the prominent engraved Bible quotation about the first end of the world, the Flood.

The narrow miss of the twin bridge of the replacement, during it's construction, by a disabled jet occurred during the Cuban Missile Crisis, when the world came close to Apocalypse, just as the jet had come close to the bridge. The Honeymoon Bridge was destroyed by ice, which is solid water, just as the world before the flood was destroyed by water. This also took place right by the falls, the most famous symbol of water in the world. The Lewiston-Queenston Bridge was almost destroyed by a jet, which is like the missiles that will be involved in the second destruction of the world, the Apocalypse.

The Mount Carmel fire, next to the Loretto Academy and again revolving around the "north wing" occurred just after the restoration of the Old City of Jerusalem to the Jews, which was long-ago foretold in the Bible.

Now let's go to November 1979. This was a momentous month that really changed the world with regard to the Middle East. On November 4, the Hostage Crisis began when Iranians seized the U.S. Embassy. On November 20, the siege of the Grand Mosque at Mecca began when it was taken over by hundreds of militants, who proclaimed one of their number as the Mahdi. This event changed the world more than is generally realized.

But what is interesting here is what happened between these two events. On November 10, there was a train derailment in Mississauga that resulted in an explosion like a nuclear bomb. It is likely the largest non-natural, non-nuclear explosion ever. No one was hurt but Mississauga had to be evacuated.

This explosion also came not long after Toronto's CN Tower had become the tallest structure in the world. But the fireball from the explosion reached far higher than this, to a height about three times that of the tower.

The explosion was due to a train. The CN Tower was next to train tracks, on former railroad land and had actually been built by the railroad, Canadian National or CN, hence the name of the tower. This means that the explosion could have been by the tower, but it wasn't.

What do you notice that is interesting here, with regard to the prophecies in the Bible? Remember the statue in Nebuchadnezzar's dream in Chapter 2 of the Book of Daniel. The four-part statue represents four successive empires that will achieve world prominence. But a stone, not cut by human hands, will fall from the sky onto the feet of the statue, utterly destroying it. The stone will then grow into a great mountain that will fill the entire earth. The statue represents the corrupt kingdoms of the world and the stone represents the Return of Jesus after the Apocalypse that destroys those kingdoms.

The explosion and the CN Tower involve the railroad. The two identical parallel tracks for the trains are just like the two identical and parallel feet of the statue. The CN Tower, which really is awesome, represents all of the great things that humans are capable of, in the same way that Nebuchadnezzar's statue represents the great kingdoms of the world. The explosion, on the tracks of the railroad which built the tower but reaching far higher than even the tower, represents the stone that falls and destroys the statue.

The fact that the explosion didn't occur right at the tower, although it might have, and also that no one was killed in any of these disastrous events described here, although many could have, shows how much God cares about this wonderful country that is represented by the "north wing", and only wants it to follow him.

(Note-The common element in four of these prophecies, The First and Second Niagara Prophecies, The Buffalo Prophecy, and now this, is the Honeymoon Bridge near the falls that collapsed in 1938).


How about some really interesting relationships between colors and forms, and a verse in the Bible?

There is a relationship between the histories of certain nations today, and their flags, and the colors that could be said to represent ancient Egypt and Babylon, two civilizations that have had a great impact on global civilization.

Egypt and Babylon were adversaries, with Egypt coming first as a great power before being supplanted by first Assyria and then Babylon. But Egypt is still a nation today while Babylon, as a great power, didn't last long.

In the Bible, the Second Book of Kings, Chapter 24, verse 7, we see that Babylon, in the days of Nebuchadnezzar who destroyed the Jews' Temple and took them into exile, has taken all of Egypt's external territory, although it never conquered Egypt itself.

What I want to write about today is how indirectly prophetic this verse of the Bible has proven to be. The chapter overall is about the Jews losing their land, being taken to exile in Babylon, for disobedience to God. The statement about Egypt having lost it's external empire to Babylon by this point is actually prophetic and is shown by much-later nations that had vast empires while following God, only to lose them after falling away from God, and it can be seen in the colors of their flags relative to the colors representing Egypt and Babylon.

The Israelites, later referred to as the Jews after the "Ten Lost Tribes" had been permanently taken captive by the Assyrians and the remaining tribe of Judah had become predominant, had been led from bondage in Egypt to their Promised Land, which had been parceled out among the tribes. But afterward, failing to obey the Word of God, the Jews had been taken into captivity by Babylon and their Temple destroyed.

The crown worn by pharaohs of Egypt was red and white, joining the crowns of Upper and Lower Egypt when the two were united.

In Babylon, the same Nebuchadnezzar II who destroyed Jerusalem and took the Jews captive also constructed the Ishtar Gate. The Babylonians didn't leave pyramids like the Egyptians but this is their best-known preserved architectural work. Lapis lazuli provided the natural pigment which gave the gate it's dark blue color. This was highly prized in ancient times.

Now, imagine an American flag as a map of the Atlantic Ocean. The red and white stripes, the same colors of the crown of Egypt, represent the routes of ships bringing settlers to the "promised land" across the sea. These crossed the Atlantic Ocean to their promised land, often escaping tyranny, just as the Israelites had crossed the Red Sea to their promised land, escaping bondage in Egypt.

By the way, something very interesting about the color red. The Bible describes the Israelites crossing the Red Sea to freedom from Egypt. The sea turns out to be very well-named, although that was not why it is so-named, because the red and white Egyptian crown was the result of unification of Upper Egypt, which had a white crown, and Lower Egypt, which had a red crown. Lower Egypt means downstream in the Nile River, northward and closer to the Mediterranean Sea, from where the Israelites would have been leaving.

After reaching their respective promised lands, the land was parceled out. The Israelites parceled their lands out among the tribes, the Americans among their 50 states which are represented by stars on it's flag. The pacification of America against the native Indians very much resembled that of Israel against the Canaanites.

But the Israelites were too often negligent in following the Word of God and were returned to captivity. This time it was the "Ten Lost Tribes" permanently resettled elsewhere by the Assyrians and then later the remaining population taken captive by the Babylonians, who in the meantime had supplanted the Assyrians as the dominant empire, and who also destroyed Jerusalem and the Jews' Temple.

As described in the posting on this blog, "The End Of The World As We Know It", it seems that America, while certainly becoming a "promised land" for millions of people, is destined, by a less-than-wholesome following of the Word of God, to become the "Mystery Babylon" of the Last Days of the world, as described in Chapter 18 of the Book of Revelation.

Incredibly, we see a perfect map of all of this in America's flag. The red and white east-to-west routes from "Egypt" across the Atlantic Ocean. The same blue as the Ishtar Gate of Babylon, which maybe could be said to represent Ellis Island, in the place of North America on the map. The stars on the flag representing a parceling of the land, in a way similar to that of the Israelite tribes in their promised land, before they fell to Babylon, although they were later restored from Babylon.

Remember in the Bible quotation above that Babylon supplanted Egypt as a great power, conquering Egypt's lands outside the country, although it never conquered Egypt itself. But if the red and white represents Egypt, and the dark blue of the Ishtar Gate represents Babylon, then what about the British flag?

In this case, the blue represents the vast empire that was evidence of Britain's power when it followed the Word of God. But it was taken away in the same way as Babylon, represented by the blue of the Ishtar Gate, took the external lands of Egypt, but didn't conquer Egypt itself, which is represented by the red and white.

If the blue of Babylon then represents the taking away of land that was once part of an empire, that explains why America has red, white and, blue in it's flag but Canada, which followed a similar course but never fought Britain for independence, only has the red and white.

On the other side of Europe we see exactly the same pattern. In the Great Schism of the Catholic Church in 1054, the largest part of land that split away to form the Eastern Orthodox Church has the same red, white and, blue as the U.S. flag and is called Russia.

The adjacent land that didn't join the split has the same red and white as Canada and is called Poland.

Ironically, America's Independence Day of July 4 is celebrated with fireworks. Just as the failed negotiations in Constantinople that would result in the Great Schism of 1054 were taking place, there was a fantastic explosion in the sky. It was the supernova that resulted in what we refer to as the Crab Nebula, and it was seen on July 4, 1054,.

After this Great Schism of 1054, the Catholic Church began the Crusades in an attempt to regain the Holy Land from the Moslems. But right in the middle of St. Peter's Square was an obelisk from Egypt.,_Vatican_City_-_April_2007.jpg

When they set off on the Crusades, they were actually carrying the colors of the pharaohs. This red cross-on-white was later adapted as the flag of England, which forms the central part of the British flag as seen above.

Remember that Babylon, represented by the blue of the Ishtar Gate, had taken all of the land of Egypt, represented by the red and white, outside of Egypt itself. It was like history repeating itself because the Islamic caliphate at the time of the Crusades was the Abassids, whose capital was Baghdad in what was once Babylon.

Some of the Crusaders mistakenly thought that the Dome of the Rock was Solomon's Temple. This is why Temple Church, which gives it's name to the Temple District of London, is circular in form. The Knights Templar were imitating what they thought was Solomon's Temple.

But anyway, while the Crusaders were marching under banners of the red and white which was the colors of Egyptian crowns, the Dome of the Rock had the same blue color as Babylon's Ishtar Gate.

What Babylon was really known for, aside from structures like the blue Ishtar Gate was astrology. The movement of the planets against the twelve constellations of the zodiac is the basis of Babylon's astrology. This is the flag of the European Union.


The striking blue color of lapis lazuli was highly valued. In the Middle Ages, synthetic substitutes such as ultramarine were produced.

In the rock music era, there was a band named for this color. Does anyone remember a Dutch band named "Shocking Blue"?

Their one hit song was "Venus", in 1969. As it turns out, Babylon's blue Ishtar Gate was named for a goddess named Ishtar, which astrologers considered as represented by the planet Venus. The very popular song was about a goddess, the first line was "A goddess on a mountaintop".

Notice that the Dutch flag has the red and white, representing Egypt, and also the Babylon blue. This represents the vast empire that the Netherlands once had, the same as Egypt until it was lost to Babylon.

The same blue as that of Babylon's Ishtar Gate also traditionally represents France. It is known as Bleu de France.

This blue forms the background of French heraldry.

The modern French flag, the tricolor of the French Revolution, has the blue but also the red and white. Once again the red and white, representing Egypt because it was the colors of Pharaoh's crown, also represents Egypt having lost it's empire to Babylon, represented by the same blue as the Ishtar Gate, although not having been conquered by Babylon itself.

What is important here is to remember the Bible verse, The Second Book of Kings, Chapter 24, Verse 7. Egypt, represented by red and white, had by this time lost it's empire to Babylon, represented by blue. The chapter overall is about Judah about to lose it's land, being taken into captivity in Babylon, as it earlier had been in Egypt, because of it's disobedience to God.

You can see how prophetic this actually is, even though it is not stated and is not what the chapter is directly about, in how later nations would have great empires while following God, only to lose those empires and be reduced to just the nation itself after falling away from God.


It is so interesting how the symbol of Freemasonry, the compass and square, resembles not Solomon's Temple but the form of a pyramid, the compass it's sloping sides and the square it's square base.

This is the sloping sides of an Egyptian pyramid.

This is the square base of the same pyramid, as seen from above.,+Cairo+Governorate,+Egypt/@29.9790123,31.1343664,329m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x14583fa60b21beeb:0x79dfb296e8423bba!8m2!3d30.0444196!4d31.2357116,_Charlotte,_North_Carolina_(1914-1987).jpg

George Washington was prominent Freemason and his monument, the centerpiece of America's capital city, was built as an obelisk. The street pattern of America's capital city, Washington D.C., is diagonal avenues overlaid on a grid, which is very reminiscent of the square and the compass as seen above.

But what about the British flag? Not only is the red and white the colors of pharaoh's crown, but the diagonals form the sides of the pyramid while the square forms it's base. Any number of British kings have been Freemasons. The blue, the same blue as the Ishtar Gate, represents the former empire when Britain really followed the Word of God that was removed, just as Babylon conquered all of Egypt's territory outside of Egypt itself, when it didn't.

Big Ben, like the Washington Monument, was built in the form of an obelisk.,_London_-_May_2007.jpg

But the U.S. flag also had the blue of Babylon and, in breaking away from Britain, represents the earlier loss of territory by Egypt to Babylon. Notice how, in America's Revolutionary War, the British wore the red and white of Egypt while the Americans wore the blue of Babylon.,_London_April_2006_027.jpg,_Continental_Army,_1779-1783.jpg


Here is something that I have never seen pointed out. Is the U.S. one-dollar bill prophetic? Take a look at the Eye of Providence atop the unfinished pyramid.

George Washington and Ben Franklin were Freemasons, but they deny having anything to do with designing this symbol of the U.S. so I'll just leave it at that. But look at the pyramid. We usually associate pyramids with Egypt, but that does not look like an Egyptian pyramid. It looks much more like a Nubian pyramid, which were smaller but more numerous than Egyptian pyramids.

These are Egyptian pyramids.

Here is what is so amazing. Nubia was a kingdom that is a descendant of what is now Ethiopia. Although it couldn't possibly have been known at the time this symbol was chosen for the back of the U.S. dollar bill, Ethiopia has since been scientifically proven to be the place where human beings first walked the earth.

The Eye of Providence above the pyramid ended up accurately representing humans being created by God in what is now Ethiopia. Then the motto "E Pluribus Unum" which means, "Out of one comes many", represents God's command to Adam and Eve to multiple and populate the earth.

We have already seen in the compound posting on this blog, "New Insight Into Bible Prophecy", 17) CROSSING THE RED SEA, the connection that Eve, in the Bible, ate the "forbidden fruit" while Lucy, the scientific counterpart of Eve, was inadvertently named for an illegal drug, LSD.


At the beginning of 1967, the Middle East was relatively peaceful. Israel had been reestablished as a nation in 1948. There had been conflict but the two sides seemed to be moving gradually toward tolerating one another's presence.

But the original city of Jerusalem remained under Arab control. Jesus had foretold that the "one generation" countdown to the establishment of His millennial Kingdom on earth, following the reign of the Antichrist and the Tribulation period which had to happen first, was when Jerusalem, not Israel but Jerusalem, was back under Jewish control.

As it turned out, that would happen as a result of the Six-Day War of June 1967. The brief war began suddenly, actually with an attack on Israel, and no one could have seen it coming at the beginning of the year or that it would result in Israel regaining the Old City of Jerusalem, as necessary to fulfill the prophecy made by Jesus.

But could it have been foretold in advance that 1967 would be the year that the fulfillment of this prophecy, which had been awaited since the time of Jesus, would be fulfilled? It seems to me that it was, not for the purpose of knowing that this was going to happen in advance but to show how special the country was where it was foretold to anyone who believes in God.

1967 was the year of Canada's centennial, it's 100th anniversary as a nation. A special symbol was created for the centennial that was based on the maple leaf on the Canadian flag. I was a young boy on the Canadian side of Niagara Falls and this symbol was to be seen everywhere, particularly to advertise Expo 67 which was the national celebration of the centennial.

The logo consists of alternating upside-down and right-side-up triangles. It is so interesting how the logo compares with the flag of Israel. The Star of David has two such triangles, one in each direction. The two actually form the same pattern.

This could not have been done in support of Israel because, while Canadian-Israeli relations have been friendly, there have always been at least some Canadian politicians who expressed support for the Arab position in their conflict with Israel. In his youth, Pierre Trudeau famously traveled around the Arab countries dressed as a native.

The Six-Day War of 1967 lasted from June 5-10. This is when Israel regained control of the Old City of Jerusalem, the city that was there when Jesus made this prophecy that it would someday come back under Jewish control. A truce was declared on June 11. Wikipedia tells us that the Green Line, the Israeli system of barbed wire, mines and, other barriers, was ordered dismantled on June 29 and was "dismantled over a period of days" (article-"June 1967"). So we can assume that by the end of June the Old City of Jerusalem was a part of Israel again.

That would mean that not only did Canada's centennial 1967 logo inadvertently end up being of the same pattern as an Israeli flag, but Canada was formed exactly one hundred years before this monumental event in Israel that was foretold by Jesus to begin the one-generation countdown to the establishment of His Kingdom on earth.

The logo was based on the maple leaf that is on the Canadian flag. But this had only become the flag of Canada two years before, in 1965. If the former Canadian flag had still been in place then a centennial logo that was based on the flag wouldn't have matched the Israeli flag. Maybe that was what God wanted because He was the only one who knew that the year of Canada's centennial would also be the year that the prophecy of Jesus about Jerusalem would be fulfilled, actually on the same day of that year.

The really important part of the original city of Jerusalem was, of course, the Temple Mount. Another thing that is so interesting is that there are eleven gates to the Temple Mount, excluding the ones that have long been sealed, and there are eleven points on the maple leaf of the then-new Canadian flag.

Another connection between the Canadian flag and the Temple Mount is that the flag ended up being the same colors (colours) as a stop sign, red and white. A stop sign is actually a gate, at which a car must stop until it is safe to proceed. In the center of the Temple Mount is the Dome of the Rock. As an octagon it is the same shape as a stop sign.,+Israel/@31.7780984,35.2348711,161m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x1502d7d634c1fc4b:0xd96f623e456ee1cb!8m2!3d31.768319!4d35.21371

Not only that but the maple leaf has three elements. In the same way that St. Patrick used the shamrock as three-in-one to illustrate the Father, the Son and, the Holy Spirit, this stands for Christianity. Canada got it's new flag just in time for this prophecy.

We know that, according to the Bible, the world will have to end twice, both because of sinfulness. The first will be by water and the second primarily by fire. After the Millennium period, when Jesus directly rules the earth and makes it the godly paradise that it was always intended to be, the city called the New Jerusalem will be where humans will live. The Book of Revelation, Chapter 21, describes the city as being in the form of a square.

Notice that, if we combine the flags of Israel and Canada together, we also get a square. The two horizontal elements of the Israeli flag and the two vertical elements of the Canadian flag.

Not only that but the flags show how the world has to end twice before Jesus can establish first the millennial Kingdom on earth and then the New Jerusalem. The first will be by water, the Flood, and the second will be primarily by fire, the Apocalypse.

The waters of the Flood would have come at us horizontally, from the sides. The missiles of the Apocalypse will come at us vertically, from the sky. Notice how the blue horizontal stripes on the flag of Israel represent the waters of the Flood in the same way that the red vertical stripes on the flag of Canada represent the Apocalypse. Just as Israel is much older than Canada so the Flood happened long before the Apocalypse will.

The New Jerusalem will be something that we cannot even imagine in our present earthly state. Chapter 21 of the Book of Revelation tells us that the foundations of the city are made of twelve precious gems. Notice how the triangles on Canada's Centennial Logo are of different colors ( colours ) just like the different gems. But there are only eleven, not twelve, to match the number of gates to the Temple Mount in the earthly Jerusalem, the same as the number of points on the maple leaf of the Canadian flag.

When the story of the Bible took place, only the eastern hemisphere was known and not the western hemisphere. All of this makes is appear as if Canada was intended as a kind of "New Israel", not to replace the original Israel but as a kind of representative of the Holy Land for the western hemisphere. This is why the maple leaf has eleven points it represents the earthly Jerusalem, with the eleven gates of the Temple Mount, but not the New Jerusalem with the twelve precious foundation stones.

Ottawa was chosen as a capital for Canada in exactly the same way that King David chose Jerusalem for the capital of Israel. It was centrally located among the lands allotted to the tribes in land that was not owned by any one tribe. Just as Ottawa was located between areas that spoke English and those that spoke French.

The tribe of Levi was not allotted any land because that was to be the priestly tribe. There were the eleven other sons of Jacob which founded tribes that had land allotted to them. But the land of the tribe of Joseph was divided in half between his sons Ephraim and Manasseh, which are sometimes referred to as half-tribes. Both were in the far north of Israel.

In exactly the same way, the land of Canada was allotted to ten provinces and two northern territories. Since 1967, Nunavut has been split from one of the northern territories, Northwest Territories, but at the centennial there was ten provinces and the two territories in the north of Canada.

The numbers are also interesting. The events of 1967 began the countdown to the establishment of the Millennium on earth. Jesus will directly rule the world for a thousand years. The world will be a godly paradise and this will show that only the ways of God are right. When humans ignore God and think that they know better, it only leads the world to the Apocalypse.

But this took place at Canada's 100th birthday, in a country with 10 provinces, and 100 x 10 = 1,000.

The Israelites had been molded into a nation during their time in Egypt, before being led to freedom. Egypt had earlier been divided between Upper and Lower Egypt, referring to upstream and downstream on the Nile River. When the two had been united, the white crown of Upper Egypt had been combined with the Red Crown of Lower Egypt.

In the same way, before Canada had been fully settled and the land allotted to the provinces, it was divided into Upper Canada, which spoke English, and Lower Canada, which spoke French, referring to the direction of flow of the St. Lawrence River, and it had a red and white flag in time for this prophetic centennial.

America had it's bicentennial, it's 200th anniversary, a few years after Canada's centennial. As it turns out, another major event in the history of modern Israel happened on that day. An Air France jet with many Israelis and non-Israeli Jewish passengers had been hijacked, ending up at Entebbe Airport in Uganda. Other than the crew of the plane, those who were not Israeli or Jewish were released. They were being held as hostages which could be exchanged for prisoners in Israeli jails.

On July 4, 1976, the day of America's bicentennial, the hostages were freed in a completely unexpected rescue by air.

We know that God's faithful people who are living at the time will not be in the Tribulation Period, although countless people will realize what is happening and will be converted during this period. They will be taken out just prior to the Tribulation beginning.

In fact, it will likely be the shock and mystery of what has happened that will open the way for the Antichrist, who will seem to have all of the answers to everything. This rescue or removal of the Christians, prior to the Tribulation, is known as the Rapture, although that is a general term for the event that is not in the Bible.

The unexpected rescue at Entebbe was very reminiscent of what the Rapture will be. So the return of the original city of Jerusalem to the Jews, which was foretold by Jesus as beginning the one-generation countdown to the establishment of His Kingdom on earth, took place right at Canada's 100th anniversary.

An event that was very reminiscent of the Rapture, by Israel, took place on the very day of America's 200th anniversary. Just as 100 comes before 200 we know that the countdown to "The End Of The World As We Know It", as described in detail in the posting on this blog by that name, which is the original city of Jerusalem being once again under the control of the Jews, must come before the Rapture which will come just before the beginning of the Tribulation Period.

We know that the Tribulation Period will last seven years. The Book of Daniel foretells the time that will pass between the rebuilding of the Temple and the time of the long-awaited Messiah, which is Jesus, with perfect accuracy. It starts with 70 "weeks of years", each of which is 7 years. But then it counts only 69 weeks of years, which was the exact amount of time until the Birth of Jesus.

Remember that we saw this in the posting on this blog, "New Insight Into Bible Prophecy", 10) THE BIBLE'S SEVENTY SEVENS.

The reason for the missing "week" is that Jesus will actually come twice. The long-awaited "Second Coming" is known, by other prophecies in the Bible, to be preceded by the seven-year Tribulation period. The Antichrist will actually have full control for only the first half of this period, 3 1 / 2 years or 42 months that is defined in the Book of Revelation.

This will actually be the best time that the world has ever known because the Antichrist will seem to have all the answers. But things will begin to fall apart and the second half will be the worst time that the world has ever known, or ever will know. Jesus stated that, if he had not returned to end this period, no one would be left alive on earth.

Notice that the brief war in 1967 that began the countdown by bringing Jerusalem back under Jewish control is called the Six-Day War. The Book of Daniel uses 7-day weeks but this is only 6 days. That is to show again that there is one week left over before the Return of Jesus, and that will be the seven-year Tribulation period.


The city of Cairo got it's name because, as it was being founded in 939, Mars was rising in the sky. Mars was red, the color of blood, and it had long stood for war. It seemed prophetic to be seen as the city was being founded and the name of Cairo means "victory". The orbit of Mars around the sun is eccentric and it is bright when it is at it's closest to earth, and this may have been why Cairo was named for it.

The founders of Cairo couldn't have known it but there was a faraway country that had just gained it's independence with a victory and a new dynasty was being founded in that country at the same time as Cairo. Despite the distance between them, the two actually had quite a bit in common. Just as Cairo was being founded as the capital of Egypt that was a civilization based on a river and it's delta, the nation that had just gained it's independence was also based on a similar river and it's delta. In fact, just as Mars is red, the river in the distant country was called the Red River.

The distant country was, of course, Vietnam.

The victory in the Red River Delta that had just given Vietnam it's independence in 939 was a naval victory. The Gulf of Tonkin channels the tides to bring about a great range between high and low tides, in much the same way as the Bay of Fundy in Nova Scotia. The Vietnamese had engaged the foreign navy with small boats, luring it close to shore while it was high tide, so that the ships, whose crews were unfamiliar with the great tidal range here, suddenly found themselves stranded, and helpless, at low tide.

After gaining independence, Vietnam was later invaded by the Mongols three separate times. On the third attempt to conquer the country, the Vietnamese put an end to it once and for all by repeating this tidal strategy against Mongol ships.

But yet these stories of victories by way of high and low tides remind us of Egypt. The story in the Bible of the Israelites escaping bondage in Egypt is very similar to that of the naval victories in Vietnam, but in reverse. The sea dried up so that the Israelites could escape, but the water came rushing back when the Egyptians tried to pursue them.

The name of the sea where this took place is the Red Sea. This is getting interesting. First we have the red of Mars, then we have the Red River, and now we have the Red Sea.

But there has been a lot of skepticism about this story. It just sounds too fantastic. The Israelites are escaping from bondage, but the Egyptians have changed their minds about letting them go and are in pursuit. When the Israelites arrive at the Red Sea, the sea dries up so that they can cross. But when the Egyptians try to pursue them, the water comes rushing back. Can you really believe this?

There was skepticism about the story of the Flood too, but that is easier to explain.

During an ice age, a vast amount of water is in the form of glaciers on land. A glacier forms when the temperature gets cold enough so that the snow from one winter hasn't completely melted when the following winter begins. Snow piles up year after year, and century after century. The snow gets compressed by the weight of the snow above it until there are vast sheets of ice, maybe 2 km thick. Glaciers move, shaping the land beneath them, because the centrifugal force of the earth's rotation pulls them toward the equator.

If an ice age ended relatively suddenly, the water from the melting ice would explain the Flood. The Book of Genesis lists four rivers, including the Tigris-Euphrates, but the Tigris-Euphrates is the only one there now. That is how glaciers operate. They obliterate the drainage pattern, which forms anew after the end of the ice age, but may not be exactly the same as before. At Niagara Falls we can trace the so-called St. David's River, which was the predecessor of the present Niagara River before the last ice age. The whirlpool in the Niagara River is where the present and former rivers intersect.

It has been pointed out by a number of people that a typhoon could possibly have caused the waters of the Red Sea to rush out, and then back in. Lake Erie is relatively shallow and aligned approximately with the prevailing west wind. The level of the lake is affected by the wind, as it can push the water to it's eastern end.

A wide circular storm tends to be called a hurricane in the western hemisphere and a typhoon in the eastern hemisphere, but the two are about the same thing.

The Red Sea is a very elongated body of water. It's average depth is deep but that is because there is a deep trench running down the center of the sea. Other than that, it is fairly shallow, which makes such a wind effect more plausible. In the northern hemisphere, a typhoon spins counter-clockwise and it always moves westward because the earth rotates eastward.

If a typhoon passed over the Red Sea, well to the south of where the Israelites would have been crossing near it's northern end, it's powerful winds would first push the water southward. This could cause the water level near the northern end of the sea to drop drastically. But after a while, when the other side of the typhoon passed over the Red Sea, it would push it's water back northward so that the water would come suddenly rushing back at the northern end of the sea.

Notice that the story of the crossing of the Red Sea in the Bible tells us that it was very windy, and it was the winds which pushed the waters back, although it doesn't describe exactly how that happened. If a typhoon crossed the Red Sea further south, it would certainly be windy in the northern part of the sea, where the Israelites crossed. The Bible describes them as wandering around Sinai after crossing so that indicates a crossing not of the Red Sea proper, but the northwestern arm of it, the Gulf of Suez.

But then this discussion of typhoons reminds us of Vietnam, which is often afflicted with such storms. No one has ever seen a typhoon around the Red Sea, the area is dry on both sides of the sea. There is one thing that is really interesting, it is what Vietnam and the Red Sea have in common, in terms of geography. The Red Sea is a very elongated sea, and Vietnam is a very elongated country. In fact, if we allow for the "curvature" of Vietnam's geography, the distance from one end to the other of the Red Sea is just about exactly the same as the distance from one end to the other of Vietnam.

All of this is just too much to be a coincidence, and could explain the crossing of the Red Sea, if only we could find a possibility of a typhoon in the area of the Red Sea. There are plenty of typhoons further east, particularly around Vietnam, but they just do not occur as far westward as the Red Sea.

It is possible, however, that God Himself has given us an answer.

During the Vietnam War, the U.S. military began mining Haiphong Harbor. This was the harbor by which North Vietnam could receive supplies by ship. Haiphong was the colonial-era coastal city on the Red River Delta, near where the naval battles had taken place when the Vietnamese had made such skillful use of the tides. The mines were dropped into the harbor by aircraft, and timed not to activate for several days, so that the foreign ships in Haiphong Harbor would have the chance to leave safely.

The mines operated by sensing the earth's magnetic field, which would be affected by the approach of the steel hull of a ship. On August 4, 1972, something happened that was unprecedented and that I cannot see has happened anywhere else.

The mines began to spontaneously detonate. There was no actual count but dozens of mines detonated within a short time. A naval mine is a large explosive charge that sinks a ship by blasting it's hull open. We can only imagine the noise and turbulence in the water that this rapid succession of explosions caused.

In fact it must have been reminiscent of a typhoon, and it was at the Red River Delta where Vietnam's naval victories had been won by it's making use of the water level dropping.

At first it was a complete mystery as to what had caused these mines to detonate. But then it was found that it was a solar storm that caused changes in the earth's magnetic field, that the mines mistook for approaching ships.

A solar storm. All of those mines exploding must have resembled a typhoon. It was at the Red River Delta where Vietnam had won victories by the water dropping.

Of course, a powerful solar storm, which do not occur very often, can also skew the world's weather patterns. It could even make a typhoon appear where there are usually no typhoons, such as at the Red Sea. So that God's people could escape bondage when the water level dropped just as the Vietnamese won their independence by making use of the dropping of the water level with the tides. Mars had risen in the sky and Egypt's city of Cairo had been named because of it, at the same time as the naval battle in Vietnam.

To bring all of this to our attention, the sun rose in the sky and created an artificial typhoon by causing the mines to detonate in the same place as the battle, just as Mars had risen in the sky and had given Cairo it's name. And we know that the same kind of solar storm that caused the mines to detonate, although more powerful, could also cause a typhoon to extend outside of it's usual range, such as to the Red Sea. And all of these pieces of the puzzle are linked by the color red, Mars is red, the Red River and the Red Sea. North Vietnam was Communist, which is represented by red, and it's flag was red.

There is one more possible thing that I would like to mention that could bring about the exceptional circumstances required to bring a typhoon as far westward as the Red Sea. Indonesia is a hotbed of great volcanic eruptions. There were two massive eruptions in the Nineteenth Century that affected the weather patterns across the world. These were Tambora in 1815 and Krakatoa in 1883. Both were in Indonesia.

They had such a global weather effect by sending a plume of dust into the stratosphere. The dust blocked out the sun and affected weather across the world for up to a few years, until the dust settled. But what if there was an Indonesian volcanic explosion that  wasn't so "neat"? If it threw a lot of dust that dispersed lower, in the troposphere where the weather takes place, the particles of dust could have acted as the condensation nuclei that typhoons and hurricanes require and a typhoon would definitely have been possible over the Red Sea.

The tremendous noise and tumult of the mines detonating would also have been reminiscent of a volcanic eruption.


This is not the same thing as the Tokyo Prophecy.

There is an obvious connection here with Japan. Vietnam is a long way from Japan but, from the point of view of someone in Egypt, the two are in the same general part of the world and are among the first nations to see the sun rise every day. The flag of Japan represents the rising sun but notice how it could also represent Mars, "the Red Planet" rising as Cairo was being founded.

One thing that Vietnam and Japan have in common is that both successfully resisted multiple Mongol attempts at invasion. We have already seen that Vietnam resisted three such attempts, the third and last by utilizing "tidal warfare". The Mongols set out to invade Japan twice by ship, seven years apart in the Thirteenth Century. Both times, the would-be invasion fleet was wrecked by typhoons. The same kind of typhoon that could have caused the crossing of the Red Sea, as described in the Bible.

The other thing that is so interesting about Japan, with regard to the Red Sea crossing, is that Japan was originally populated in exactly the same way. During the ice ages, a vast amount of water is in glaciers that cover a considerable portion of the world's land. That meant that sea level dropped and people were able to walk from mainland Asia to Japan just as the ancestors of the native Indians of North America were able to walk across the Bering Strait to Alaska.

The ancestors of the Japanese people didn't have the Egyptian pharaoh pursuing them but they were able to cross a seabed that was dry because the water had been temporarily evacuated. The descendants of the people that they left behind on mainland Asia eventually did "pursue" them, the Mongol attempts at invasion, but natural forces saved them, two typhoons that came along just at the right time even though Japan is well to the north of the most active typhoon zone. These typhoons, in 1274 and 1281, were congruent to the typhoon that it seems caused the northwest arm of the Red Sea to suddenly drain for the Israelites to cross, but then the water to come rushing back when the Egyptians tried to pursue them.

Another interesting connection here involves the ice age. I consider it very likely that another great story early in the Bible, the Flood, was the result of a relatively sudden end to the last ice age. The melting glaciers would have brought a deluge of water. It was this same ice age that caused the drop in sea level so that people could cross from mainland Asia to Japan. So the same event that caused the Flood in the Middle East caused the event that is congruent to the Crossing of the Red Sea for Japan.

The flag of Japan became the red disk of the rising sun just as Cairo had been named for victory because Mars was rising in the sky as it was being founded. Just as the Red Sea would be crossed by the Israelites, likely made possibly by a typhoon like the ones that saved Japan twice from Mongol invasions. Just as Vietnam would win it's independence at the same time as Cairo was being founded, by a naval battle at the Red River that was won by the dropping of sea level by the tides, just as the sea level had dropped for the Israelites to cross the Red Sea.


Now, let's move on with the Red Prophecy. There is much more. This is especially for Christians and Jews and Moslems. I am a Christian but we have a lot in common.

We saw how Cairo got it's name because Mars, the Red Planet, was rising in the sky while it was being founded. In order to move on to the next step with the Red Prophecy, let's have a look at the next planet past Mars. As a matter of fact, there is a vast circular storm on Jupiter that has been going on for at least several centuries. This storm is actually larger than the entire planet earth. It just happens to be red in color, and is known as the Great Red Spot.,_Earth_size_comparison.jpg

It is really interesting how this great storm appears red because there is nothing else appears red like this on Jupiter. The Great Red Spot is a circular storm like the typhoons that we have seen thus far in this prophecy revolving around the color red. The lateral banding on Jupiter is caused by the different degrees of centrifugal force at different latitudes, caused by the massive planet's fast rotation.

In the Bible story it seems that a typhoon, a circular storm, held back the water so that the Israelites could cross the Red Sea in safety. Jupiter is actually more massive than all of the other planets combined. It is literally the earth's "bodyguard" because it acts as a giant gravitational vacuum cleaner, absorbing objects such as comets that might otherwise have hit the earth. For this reason, most of the higher forms of life on earth likely would not be possible without Jupiter.

In 1994, there was the cataclysmic impact of the comet Shoemaker-Levy with Jupiter. The tidal force of Jupiter's gravity first broke the comet apart, and then the pieces impacted the planet one-by-one. The energy released by the impacts created massive explosions that were anxiously awaited and observed from earth. In recent years, several other comets have struck Jupiter.

Comets are basically made of ice, especially water. That is how water got to earth, by the impacts of likely several comets. But if a comet like Shoemaker-Levy had hit the earth not only would the impact itself have been utterly devastating, possibly wiping out all life, the added water would make most, if not all, of the earth's land area uninhabitable by raising the sea level and putting it underwater.

So a circular storm lowered the water so that the Israelites could cross the Red Sea to enter their Promised Land and the giant planet with the Great Red Spot shields the earth from comets that are made of water so that life can exist on the planet that God intended for us.

On Jupiter, the Great Red Spot is centered at around 22 degrees latitude. The naval battle in Vietnam at the Red River Valley that took place at the same time as Cairo was being founded just happens to have taken place at the same latitude on earth as the Great Red Spot is on Jupiter. Not only that but the Red Sea, a very elongated sea, has it's center at the same latitude, 22 degrees. The Great Red Spot is in Jupiter's southern hemisphere, rather than it's northern hemisphere, but that makes it so that the storm spins counter-clockwise in the same way as do typhoons in earth's northern hemisphere. The lateral banding of the clouds on Jupiter reminds us of latitude here on earth.

Notice how the Great Red Spot is within a lateral cloud band on Jupiter that very much resembles the form of the elongated Red Sea. Just as a typhoon passed over the sea to temporarily pull the water back so that the Israelites could cross. But by the time the Egyptian pharaoh, and his army, pursued them, the other side of the typhoon with the winds in the opposite direction passed over the sea and the water came rushing back.

After the Israelites had crossed the Red Sea, they later came to the fortified city of Jericho that they were to capture. They circled around the city, sounding a trumpet, and the city walls miraculously collapsed. Doubters have always been skeptical of this story but just as a circular typhoon caused the waters of the Red Sea to part so that the Israelites could pass but then collapsed when the Egyptians tried to pursue them so the Israelites circling caused the wall of the city to collapse in the same way.

Not far from the Red Sea and adjacent to the center of the elongated sea, at the same latitude on earth as the Great Red Spot is on Jupiter, is the city of Mecca. Just as the Israelites circled Jericho seven times before the walls collapsed so the pilgrims to Mecca circle the Kaaba seven times. The Bible does not state in which direction the Israelites circled Jericho but pilgrims to Mecca circle counter-clockwise. Circling counter-clockwise is what the Great Red Spot on Jupiter does and also what typhoons in earth's northern hemisphere do.

Attached to the Kaaba is a meteorite. Just as Jupiter, with the Great Red Spot which circles counter-clockwise which is the same direction as the typhoon which parted the Red Sea, shields earth from what might otherwise be devastating impacts from space, so Mecca has this meteor from an impact from space. Many of the meteors that land on earth were from the asteroid belt until the powerful gravity of Jupiter destabilized their orbits.

It is interesting that, considering all of this, the symbol of Islam is the crescent moon because we know that the moon, in orbit around the earth, acts as a "second bodyguard" shielding the earth from space impacts. We can see this by all of the craters on the moon, particularly the far side of the moon which faces outward when the moon is between the earth and the outer Solar System.

The meteorite, called the Black Stone, as well as the site of the Kaaba supposedly dates back to Adam and Eve. This is really interesting because Adam and Eve lived in the Garden of Eden. The area today is a desert, rather than a luxurious garden, but under the ground is plenty of oil, which is the same black color as the meteorite, and we know that oil comes from the ancient remnants of plants.

The Kaaba was there long before oil was found in Saudi Arabia. Have you ever noticed how prophetic the Kaaba is? The inside of the Kaaba is a green room, with the roof supported by three pillars. The outside of the Kaaba is black. The green inside represents the plants of the garden and the black outside represents the oil that is formed from them. I hope that my geological theory, "The Story Of Planet Earth" on the geology blog, is correct so that the three pillars can stand for the three Continental Asteroids.

On the other side of the Red Sea is Ethiopia, where we know that human beings began. The Red Sea was not always there, it is in the process of widening. "Lucy", discovered in Ethiopia, can be considered as the scientific counterpart of Eve. Notice that Eve "ate the forbidden fruit" while Lucy is actually named for an illegal drug, LSD, because she was named for the song "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds", which is a euphemism for LSD.

The Israelites circled Jericho seven times before it's wall collapsed. Pilgrims in Mecca circle the Kaaba seven times. What happens when the earth circles the sun seven times? Japan was saved from Mongol invasions twice by typhoons, circular storms that rotate counter-clockwise in the northern hemisphere. These two events were seven years apart, in 1274 and 1281. The flag of Japan represent the "rising sun" but it could also represent the Great Red Spot on Jupiter.

We can see that there is a lot of other meaning in old biblical stories like the Crossing of the Red Sea and the circling of Jericho. What about the story of Noah's Ark? Could there be meaning in it other than the story itself? The stories that we have seen involving Vietnam and Japan have both involved ships.

The Bible states that, after the earth was destroyed in a flood, God gave a rainbow as a sign of the covenant that the world would never be so destroyed by water again. The Flood could easily have been brought about by the relatively sudden ending of an ice age, with the vast amount of glacial ice on land melting. But notice this latitude of 22 degrees again. The Great Red Spot is large and so spans several degrees latitude on Jupiter but is centered around 22 degrees.

A so-called sun dog is a form of rainbow high in the sky. The hexagonal ice crystals in cirrostratus clouds refract the sun's light so that we see the sun dog 1 / 8 of a complete circle if we see the sun dog around the sun or on both sides, or 1 / 16 of a circle from the sun on either side.

1 / 16 of a circle, the angular distance from the sun where we see a sun dog, is 22 1 / 2 degrees. This is what seems so prophetic about the Dome of the Rock, on the Temple Mount. It is hexagonal, eight-sided, the same shape as the ice crystals that cause us to see sun dogs. Nothing like this was known at the time it was built. It's color is predominantly blue, like the sky or the water on which Noah's Ark floated, and it's dome is reminiscent of the sun, which causes us to see sun dogs. The Dome of the Rock can be considered as a literal model of the sun, the blue of the sky, the hexagonal ice crystals and, the blue of the water that had flooded the earth.

The Bible tells us that Noah's Ark came to rest on the "mountains of Ararat". Mount Ararat is in far eastern Turkey adjacent to the Armenian city of Yerevan. There are two peaks of Mount Ararat, a larger and a smaller one. What is so interesting about Mount Ararat is it's location. It is on exactly the same longitude as the entrance to the Red Sea, from the Indian Ocean. It is on exactly the same latitude as the coast of Japan where the Mongols tried to land a second time, seven years after their fleet was destroyed by a typhoon on the first attempt.

All of this is "The Red Prophecy" but why would the color red be so special? Remember my spiritual theory about the Temple Mount, as seen in the posting on this blog "Esau And The Temple Mount". Esau's hair was red. His brother Jacob's deception of him involved red pottage. Pottage is stew or soup. The name of the region where he went to live, "Edom" means red. So that is where the Red Prophecy began.


On the subject of latitudes, has anyone ever noticed that the site of the first nuclear bomb test in New Mexico, Nagasaki on which a bomb of that type was dropped and Megiddo, from where the name Armageddon comes, are all at the same latitude? The nearest latitude line of all three is 33 degrees north. The bomb that was tested in New Mexico as well as the one dropped on Nagasaki were plutonium bombs. The one that was dropped on Hiroshima was a uranium bomb, which was considered as so simple that it didn't need to be tested.

So first we had the latitude of 22 degrees, and now of 33 degrees. These are the immediate multiples of 11. We saw how the typhoon over the Red Sea could have been caused by a solar storm, as were the 1972 detonation of dozens of naval mines in Haiphong Harbor, and we know that the sun operates in a solar cycle of 11 years.

We know that humans began in Ethiopia, where Nubian pyramids were built.

The U.S. Great Seal and dollar has a Nubian-style pyramid, which is different from the better-known Egyptian-style, but with the top truncated and replaced with an eye. This could be a model of the economic pyramid with the top of the pyramid, called by some the "One Percent" being given special status as an all-seeing and all-powerful eye. Remember that the Book of Revelation, Chapter 18, Verse 23, states of the "Mystery Babylon" in the Last Days of the world that "her merchants were the greatest in the world", or some similar wording depending on the version of the Bible.

The site where the first atomic bomb was detonated is also marked with a Nubian-style pyramid but, instead of life, all around is empty desert.

The "mushroom cloud" from the nuclear test even took the form of a truncated pyramid.

Could this be a prophecy that Armageddon will begin over the oil that was once living plants, in fact it was where the original humans Adam and Eve lived, but is now under an empty desert? Events just come together to reflect the Word of God, in ways that we do not see. When we get to Heaven we may notice all kinds of connections that we had not noticed before.


There is a prophecy that is very similar to "The Aztec Prophecy" but in a different part of the world. It would be helpful to review "The Aztec Prophecy" before reading this. Not necessarily the entire compound posting but just the first part, about the Aztecs. I named the compound posting "The Aztec Prophecy" because that is the first one that I wrote. This prophecy has been moved there.

The different part of the world is Japan. The Aztecs, although on the opposite side of the Pacific Ocean, have two significant things in common with Japan.

The first is that both noticed the great supernova explosion that produced what we see today as the Crab Nebula. As we saw, this supernova which was so bright that it was visible in the daytime on earth, occurred just as the split in the Catholic Church was about to take place in 1054. There is no record that anyone in Europe noticed it. But it was also noticed by Arab observers, in China and, in Japan.

The second is that both got to the lands that they now occupy due to the drop in sea level that occurs during ice ages when much of the earth's water is on land in the form of glacial ice. Sea level dropped enough that people were able to walk across the Bering Strait from Asia to Alaska, and southward from there. This is also how people got from mainland Asia to Japan.

What this has to do with the Bible is that the Flood, as described in the Book of Genesis, was likely the result of a sudden end to the ice age with the deluge of water from the melting glaciers.

It seems that Christianity was introduced to Japan early, by Nestorian Christians. We know that Nestorians journeyed to the Chinese city of Xian, along the Silk Road. Artifacts have been found in Japan that indicate Christianity arrived early there, maybe in the Seventh Century, but apparently died out.

Catholicism was brought to Japan, in the mid-Sixteenth Century, by Francis Xavier who had first landed in India. It was taught first by the Jesuits and then by the Franciscans. But Christianity was outlawed and in 1597, 26 martyrs were crucified at Nagasaki. But possibly several hundred thousand people had been converted. When Japan opened to the outside world 250 years later, visitors were greatly surprised to find that generations of believers, who became known as the "Hidden Christians", had kept the faith secretly.

The Japanese leader who had opposed Christianity was Toyotomi Hideyoshi. But not long after Christianity had been forbidden, something that turned out to be very important happened. There was another important figure in the unification of Japan that was taking place at the time named Tokugawa Ieyasu. The capital of the country was Kyoto and the political center was the Osaka-Kyoto area. The earlier capital of Nara was also in the area.

Toyotomi Hideyoshi, who held power at the time as the shogun, had control of some land on the Kanto Plain that was well to the east of the country's power center. He exchanged that land for land that Tokugawa Ieyasu held that was closer to the center of power.

The shogun could be described as the military leader of the country. The literal meaning of the term is something like "Barbarian-subduing gentleman". The country was officially ruled by the emperor, but the shogun usually held the real power.

Anyway, Tokugawa Ieyasu won control of the country with a military victory of his "Eastern Army" against the "Western Army" of Toyotomi Hideyoshi's son. There was a campaign against against Osaka Castle, in which the son of Toyotomi Hideyoshi was killed, and Tokugawa Ieyasu in 1603 became the first shogun of the new Tokugawa Shogunate.

As for the land that Tokugawa Ieyasu had been given on the Kanto Plain, which was along Japan's Pacific coast, he became fond of a town called Edo. A major castle was built there that became the center of power of the Tokugawa Shogunate, rather than near Kyoto which was still the capital and from which the emperor, at least officially, still ruled.

Now, let's move forward nearly 250 years to 1852. Japan is somewhat of a closed and feudal society, and it's leaders want to keep it that way. It is the Imperial Era, any number of foreign ships are seen passing by, and Japan is wary of being made into a colony. There is limited contact, as Japan is always seeking outside knowledge, but the only westerners allowed to land are the Dutch and only at an artificial island that has been created for that purpose at Nagasaki, called Dejima.

U.S. president Millard Fillmore sends a naval mission to force Japan to open up to trade. The U.S. ships arrive at Edo and give a demonstration of the firepower of their guns. They submit their request and leave, bound for Taiwan, and return six months later for an answer. On the ten ships are 1,600 men. The Japanese agreed to the demands to open for trade.

Notice all that this has in common with the Spanish ships arriving in Mexico and contacting the Aztecs. As we saw, that fulfilled the prophecy that the Aztecs had about where they would build their city, where they saw an eagle perched on a cactus devouring a snake, and that is seen today on the Mexican flag. The mission to Japan was to accomplish the same purpose, of reintroducing Christianity to Japan, although that has not yet been fulfilled as it was in Mexico.

But what I see as so important here is that exchange of land, not long after Christianity had been banned in Japan, that resulted in the effective center of power in Japan moving from Kyoto 370 km ( about 225 miles ) away to Edo, which was on the coast. Edo grew from a town to one of the largest cities in the world. When the Tokugawa Shogunate ended, as the result of changes due to the visit from outside, and full authority was given to the emperor, known as the Meiji Restoration, he decided to just move the capital from Kyoto to Edo, since that was where the real center of power had been. Edo Castle, the headquarters of the Tokugawa Shogunate, became the Imperial Palace, and Edo was renamed as Tokyo, which means "Eastern Capital".

None of this would have happened if the center of power in Japan had remained in Kyoto. The ships of the U.S. naval mission would have had little effect because Kyoto is inland, well out of range of the ships' guns. Japan was a warlike nation, known for it's Samurai, of about 32 million people. The 1,600 men in the ships couldn't have had much effect if they had landed. The worst that they could have done to Japan is to bombard some coastal town.

But the center of power in the country, Edo Castle, had been located not far from what is now Tokyo Bay, and within range of the ships' guns. Or at least they had convinced the Japanese that they were dealing with that it was within range of the guns. Without that move, history might have been very different. The shogun at the time of the mission was dying, and his son who succeeded him was weak and in poor health. If one of the great warriors of old had been in charge, things likely would have turned out differently. Unlike with the Aztecs at Tenochtitlan, the spread of smallpox was not a factor because it had already been through Japan centuries before so that there was now immunity to it.

My conclusion is that this sequence of events, the moving of the center of power in Japan to the coast after Christianity had been banned, was intended by God to ultimately bring it back. Unlike in Mexico, that has not really happened. The reason is not because of events in Japan, but because of events outside.

One amazing story that does not deserve to be forgotten is that of William Adams, an English sailor working for the Dutch East India Company who was shipwrecked in Japan around the time of the beginning of the Tokugawa Shogunate. Tokugawa Ieyasu was a personal friend of Adams and he ended up becoming one of the few non-Japanese Samurai, which was the nobility warrior class.

Portuguese traders were the first Europeans to land in Japan, and they seemed to resent Adams. But Tokugawa Ieyasu sided with William Adams, and that is why it was the Dutch who were the only Europeans allowed to land during The Tokugawa time of enforced seclusion of Japan.

The thing that is so interesting about the life of William Adams in Japan is that it so resembles the Bible story of Joseph in Egypt. He landed in the country as a foreigner, was first thrown in prison, until the leader of the country recognized his abilities and gave him a high position and a wife. As it turned out, Adams' estate in Japan was in Uraga, at the entrance to what is now called Tokyo Bay. This is exactly the place where the ships of the U.S. naval mission to Japan, 250 years alter, would target their guns. It just seems so prophetic.

(Note-By the way, this story of William Adams is movie material).

By this time the western countries were becoming secular. The same decade that Japan was opened up to the outside world, the book "On The Origin of Species" was published. The book does not explain, or really try to explain, how living things got started. It only explains how living things adapt to their environment over time by the process of natural selection. But it became the intellectual foundation of people who would like a way not to believe in God.

Just as there had been a sign in the sky as the Catholic Church was about to undergo it's monumental split in 1054, the brilliant Crab Nebula supernova that was so bright that it was visible in the daytime and was seen for about two years, the fantastic global light show in the sky associated with the Carrington Event that I refer to in the posting on this blog, "The End Of The World As We Know It", occurred shortly before the publication of "On The Origin Of Species". For Catholics, the convincing visions at Lourdes in France also occurred prior to it's publication.

What Japan has proven to excel in is to learn the way other countries do things, and then to do it better or more efficiently. This naval mission to Japan in 1852 took place while Charles Darwin was analyzing the observations taken while on a scientific expedition. The book, "On The Origin Of Species", would be published in 1859.

Has anyone ever thought that maybe God had plans here? Knowing that the traditionally Christian western nations would become more secular, Japan could take Christianity and even improve on the westerners. Japan would later lead the way in modernization for the east Asian nations and God could have intended for it to do the same with Christianity.

But this move toward secularism resulted in the evangelism of Japan not taking place as intended, at least not yet.

Finally, and tragically, there is a very close parallel between the flags of Mexico and Japan. Mexico has a representation of the Aztec prophecy that they were to build their city where they saw an eagle perched on a cactus and devouring a snake. Their city, Mexico City, would grow to be the largest city in the world. The city that would grow as a result of the moving of the center of power in Japan to a town called Edo, now called Tokyo, would also grow to be, at another time, the largest city in the world.

The red circle on the Japanese flag represents the sun. Being so far east, and with the sun rising in the east, makes Japan "The Land of the Rising Sun". But the sun could be described as a continuous nuclear explosion, energy being released from nuclear processes. Nuclear power can also, unfortunately, be made into a weapon. The only time that such a weapon has been used in wartime has been on Japan.

The primary point of contact in Japan when it was closed was Nagasaki, which we saw in the posting on this blog "Japan's Window On The World". That was where Christianity had been introduced into the country, and where the 26 martyrs had been crucified in 1597. Nagasaki would ironically be where it would be demonstrated how destructive the forces that made the sun shine that was on Japan's flag. Nagasaki hadn't been intended as a nuclear target but was bombed as an alternate target when visibility at Kokura turned out to be so poor.


Readers are likely wondering why the tragedy at Notre Dame Cathedral this week had to happen. There is an answer but it involves going far back into ancient times, more than two thousand years before the cathedral was built. I notice something about Christianity that has never been documented that explains why this happened at Notre Dame.

What I notice that is really amazing is that there is a parallel between the destructions of the Temple in ancient times and the major splits in the church in modern times. Why don't we call this "The Ancient-Modern Parallel".

The Book of Daniel Chapter 9, Verses 20-27, explains the "seventy sevens" that was revealed to Daniel. Each seven is a "week" of years, or seven years. From the restoration of the Jews' Temple, which had been destroyed by the Babylonians, to the "cutting off", or death, of the "anointed one" will be 69 sevens. Due to a literal translation of a different way of expressing numbers, it states "seven sevens and sixty-two sevens" instead of 69 sevens, but it means the same thing.

After the Jews had returned from exile in Babylon, worship had become very corrupted at the Temple that was being rebuilt. Ezra, with a large group of former exiles with him, was sent back to Jerusalem to correct the religious services, which he did. Ezra has the book in the Bible named for him. The date that Wikipedia gives for Ezra being sent back to Jerusalem is 457 B.C.

Messiah Means "anointed one". Christians, although not Jews, believe that Jesus was the long-awaited, and prophecied, Messiah. The exact birthday of Jesus is not known but 7 B.C. is the most widely-accepted year for his birth. Some believe that Jesus was born in 4 B.C. but the problem with that is that King Herod is known to have died in 4 B.C. and, sometime before his death, he had heard about the birth of the Messiah and gave the order that every boy, two years old and younger, should be killed. It is not known exactly when this order was given but this makes a birth in 7 B.C. appear more likely.

The Bible states that Jesus began his ministry at about 30 years of age, and his ministry to have lasted three years. That means that Jesus was likely crucified at age 33. With His birth in 7 B.C. that means 26 A.D.

Now, what do you notice? 69 "weeks" of years is 483 years. From 457 B.C., when Ezra was sent back to Jerusalem to establish correct worship in the Temple that had been rebuilt after having been destroyed, to 26 A.D., when Jesus is most likely to have been crucified, is exactly 483 years. The reason that there is only "69 weeks", when the scripture first stated 70 weeks, is that one "week" of 7 years is remaining for the Tribulation Period just prior to Jesus' Second Coming.

Next, let's go to more recent times. After the final 7 years of the "70 weeks", Jesus will return to establish the Millennium on earth. This is when the world will finally be the godly paradise that it was intended to be. When humans try to ignore God and run the world by their own wisdom, they just make a mess of things.

The year of 7 B.C. for Jesus' birth is really interesting because we know that the Tribulation Period will last for 7 years just prior to Jesus' Second Coming to begin the Millennium. Jesus will return just prior to the start of the Tribulation Period to remove His faithful believers in the event commonly referred to as the Rapture, although this is a general term that is not in the Bible. Also Jesus' birthday ended up being celebrated on December 25, although that is not His real birthday it is 7 days before the beginning of the new year. We can see how these "weeks of years", in the Book of Daniel, extend far beyond the prophecy itself.

The year 2000 was the turn of a millennium, although not the beginning of Jesus' Millennium. Remember that the Ancient-Modern Parallel is about the mirror image formed by the destructions of the Temple in ancient times and the major splits in the church in more recent times. There were two major splits in the church, the most recent was the Protestant Reformation which began in 1517.

What do you notice here? From 1517 to the turn of the millennium was also 483 years, or 69 "weeks" of years. The remaining "week" of the original 70 weeks is, of course, reserved for the Tribulation Period that will precede Jesus' Millennium.

The first temple of the Jews to be destroyed was actually Shiloh, which was in the Central Highlands of Israel or what would be referred to today as the West Bank. This was where the story of Samuel began. It was destroyed by the Philistines in 1050 B.C.

Shiloh was never rebuilt because it was replaced by the Temple in Jerusalem that was built by King Solomon. But that was destroyed, as described above, by the Babylonians led by King Nebuchadnezzar. The siege of Jerusalem, which led to the destruction of the Temple, took place in 587 B.C. This means that from the destruction of Shiloh to the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem, which replaced it, was 463 years.

Now let's go back to more recent times. There were two major splits in the church. The first was the Great Schism of 1054, when what became the Eastern Orthodox Church split away from the Catholic Church. The second was the Protestants splitting away in the Reformation, which began in 1517, as described above.

Once again, what do you notice here? The time between the two major splits of the church, from 1054 to 1517, is also 463 years.

Is this absolutely amazing, or what? I humbly thank God that I was the one to be allowed to point that out.

33 years, the age at which Jesus was almost certainly crucified, also shows up in modern times. The original city of Jerusalem came back under Jewish control in 1967. This was foretold by Jesus to begin the one generation countdown to His Return to establish His Kingdom, the Millennium, on earth. 1967 was 33 years before the beginning of the millennium, although this is not the same thing as Jesus' Millennium.

But there was another Temple destruction in ancient times, that following the Jewish uprising against Roman rule in 70 A.D. This is the event foretold by Jesus that the Temple will be so completely destroyed, as it had long before by the Babylonians, that "not one stone will remain upon another". What happened was that the wooden portions of the Temple caught fire. The heat melted the gold in the Temple. After the fire went out, Roman legionnaires pried the stones apart while searching for gold so that indeed "not one stone remained upon another".

But the walls of the Temple Mount, upon which the Temple was built, remained. The Jewish place of worship at the Temple Mount today is the "Western Wall".

So if there is a parallel between the destructions of the Temple, in ancient times, and the major splits of the church, in more modern times, there were three Temple destructions, Shiloh in 1050 B.C., by the Babylonians in 587 B.C. and, by the Romans in 70 A.D. But there have been only two major splits in the church, the Great Schism of 1054 and the Protestant Reformation of 1517. But, if this is correct, there must be something as a modern reflection of the final destruction of the Temple in 70 A.D.

In "The Pentagon Prophecy", in the compound posting on this blog "The Aztec Prophecy" and "Crossing The Red Sea", in the compound posting on this blog "New Insight Into Bible Prophecy" October 2016, I explained my belief that God allowed the 19-year delay between the reestablishment of the nation of Israel in 1948 to the return of the original city of Jerusalem to Jewish control in 1967 to give us a chance to build the Millennium ourselves, without going through the Apocalypse first.

The postwar generation was the one that had seen a terrible world war, genocide, the development of nuclear weapons and economic crash. Maybe this would be the generation that had learned it's lesson that humans had to follow God or it would end in disaster. It was only when God saw that it wasn't going to work, humans were just too sinful, that Jerusalem had come back under Jewish control in 1967, for the first time since ancient times, to begin the one-generation countdown to the Second Coming of Jesus, as foretold in the Gospels.

So the 483 years, 69 "weeks" of years, since the Reformation in 1517 brings us to the millennium, the year 2000. But then the 19-year delay brings us to 2019. We cannot calculate the time that Jesus will return in this way because the Gospels state that no one knows that time, it will be unexpected.

The island in the Seine River, upon which Notre Dame Cathedral was built, is actually very reminiscent of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Both are the oldest parts of their respective cities. The island in Paris has both Notre Dame Cathedral and the original palace of Paris, before the French royal family built new palaces, first the complex that is now the Louvre, and later Versailles. In Jerusalem, in the same way, there was the Temple on the Temple Mount and an adjacent fortress, the Antonia. There was also Herod's Palace, in the Old City of Jerusalem, not far away.

The devastating fire at Notre Dame was very much a parallel of the destruction of the Jewish Temple in 70 A.D. Although there were no legionnaires prying stones apart looking for gold at Notre Dame, the wooden part burned away just as at the Temple. But the stone structure of Notre Dame remained standing, and it seems definite that it will be rebuilt. In the same way, the Temple Mount remains so that it could possibly be someday rebuilt.

The Western Wall of the Temple Mount, the Jewish place of worship there, is the part that remains closest to the way that Herod built it. Similarly the western side of Notre Dame Cathedral, which is the front, is the only side of the cathedral that remains undamaged by the fire.

Notre Dame Cathedral has one other thing in common with the Temple in Jerusalem. Napoleon was crowned as emperor at Notre Dame. The pope was getting ready to put the crown on his head when he famously snatched the crown from him and put it on himself, thus putting himself above the pope.

Also, not far from Notre Dame is Le Madeleine. This is a temple-like structure built by Napoleon.,_Paris#/media/File:Madeleine_Paris.jpg

There is a grand painting in Le Madeleine, called "The History of Christianity", featuring Napoleon as a Christ-like figure ministering to the people.,_Paris#/media/File:%C3%89glise_de_la_Madeleine_1,_Paris_July_2011.jpg

The Bible foretells that one day, during the Tribulation Period, the Antichrist will enter the Jews' Temple and declare himself to be God. Obviously, the Temple must be rebuilt first. This seems to me to be a very close parallel to Napoleon snatching the crown from the pope and crowning himself.

This is why Notre Dame Cathedral was the modern reflection of the destruction of the Jews' Temple in 70 A.D., and why this fire had to happen. The world is more secular today and so another split in the church isn't a factor, so there was this destruction at the cathedral instead.


Now here is something that is completely amazing and that I could not possibly have made up, or brought about, myself.

In "The Buffalo Prophecy", part of the compound posting on this blog "The Aztec Prophecy", we saw how the location of the Chimera Warehouse, that was destroyed by a propane explosion in 1983, was between North Division Street and South Division Street. Two blocks south of South Division Street there is a building with five sides, although the five sides are not equal this still makes the building a pentagon.

This is a perfect model of the 9 / 11 attacks because, if North Division Street represents the North Tower of the World trade Center, and South Division Street represents the South Tower, there was twice as much time between the plane impact on the South Tower and that on the Pentagon as there was between that of the North Tower and that of the South Tower. The North Tower was struck first, the South Tower 17 minutes later, and the Pentagon 34 minutes after that. With the attacks moving from north to south in this model, and one block in Buffalo being equivalent to 17 minutes.

As it turns out, Notre Dame Cathedral has a North and a South Tower too. Not only that, the space on the front of the cathedral between and below the two towers is called the Chimera Gallery. A chimera is a mythical creature that is put together from different pieces of other animals, but apparently a chimera is not the same thing as a gargoyle. There is not a Wikipedia article about it but you can do a search for "Chimera Gallery Notre Dame", for more information.

So the Chimera Warehouse that exploded in Buffalo was bounded by North Division Street on one side and South Division Street on the other side. I explained in "The Buffalo Prophecy" how this is representative of 9 / 11. Now it is even more perfectly representative of the Notre Dame disaster.


We see how this disaster at Notre Dame links to "The Buffalo Prophecy", on this blog. There are also strong links to other recent prophecies here. You can see for yourself.

In "The Ontario Prophecy" we looked at the partial destruction of the two holy buildings located on the high ground above the falls at Niagara. The first fire, in 1938, devastated the Loretto Academy, but the "north wing" was mysteriously undamaged even though there was no internal firewall or other protection. But in the second fire, at the adjacent Mount Carmel, the situation was reversed. This time it was only the "north wing" that was destroyed and the rest of the building was spared. We saw how the "north wing" represents Canada.

At Notre Dame, the situation was reversed. We saw in "The Second Niagara Prophecy" how the destruction of the "twin towers" of the World Trade Center was related to the twin stacks of the General Slocum ship. Notre Dame also has a North Tower and a South Tower, but this time the two were spared. Just because these towers were made of stone didn't mean that they were sure to survive, spraying cold water from fire hoses on hot stone can cause it to break and crumble. But the collapse of the spire of Notre Dame was very reminiscent of the "twin towers" collapsing.

We saw in the recent posting, "The Meaning Of Noah's Ark", how the ark is related to the Temple Mount, in Jerusalem, is related to Noah's Ark. Except that the ark was made of wood and the Temple Mount of stone. In Notre Dame, the wood burned away but the stone remains, just as with the destruction in 70 A.D. of the Temple that was on the Temple Mount. The long part of a cruciform church is called the nave, which means "ship".

Notice also the connection between the General Slocum, the ship that was destroyed in 1904 in New York City, and Noah's Ark. The General Slocum was a large wooden ship with three decks, just as was Noah's Ark. But while Noah's Ark saved people and animals from drowning in the flood, that was reversed with the General Slocum. More than a thousand people died, almost all from drowning, when they had to jump off the ship when it caught fire, but they couldn't swim. Bodies washed up on the shore of the East River for days.

The message was, once again, a reversal. Noah Ark represented salvation but if we did not obey God then that could be reversed. 1904 in the west was a time of ever-increasing secularism. All of the dead bodies could have been a warning of the war like none the world had ever seen before that would begin ten years later.

The twin stacks of the General Slocum links it to the "twin towers" of both the World Trade Center and Notre Dame. The disaster of the General Slocum happened near both where the World Trade Center would later be built and also the Statue of Liberty which was built by the same designer as the Eiffel Tower, Gustave Eiffel. There are two peaks of Mount Ararat, where the Bible tells us that Noah's Ark came to rest after the Flood began to recede, and these are also represented by the twin stacks of the General Slocum. This disaster also happened at the same latitude as the peaks of Mount Ararat.

Notice the twin stacks in the background that link it with the North and South Towers both of Notre Dame and the World Trade Center.

The Notre Dame disaster was a mirror image of the New York disasters with the wood above the nave, meaning ship, of the cathedral burning, representing the destruction of the General Slocum. With the Eiffel Tower, made by the same designer as the Statue of Liberty not far away, and the French obelisk of the three "Cleopatra's Needles", which we saw in "The Second Niagara Prophecy" as being behind the destruction, also not far away. The island in Paris on which Notre Dame is built is shaped like a miniature of Manhattan with the burning roof above the nave representing the General Slocum and, just to the west, the North and South Towers of Notre Dame representing those of the World Trade Center.

Even the 130 years in ancient times between the Babylonian siege of Jerusalem, which brought about the destruction of Solomon's Temple, in 587 B.C. and the consecration of the rebuilt Temple by Ezra in 457 B.C. is mirrored in Paris by the construction of the Eiffel Tower in 1889 and the disaster at Notre Dame in 2019, 130 years later.

What this disaster at Notre Dame accomplished is to get the world's attention. This is one of the best-known Christian buildings in the world. If we are so secular, then why do we care so much about a religious building? Maybe we are not as secular as we think we are. But if we would pay attention to God to begin with, disasters like this would not be necessary to get our attention.


There is something that I notice about which I can find nothing written in English. I am not sure if there is anything written about it in Russian. It is something about which the world should be aware. I will let you read it for yourself and decide whether or not you think it is a coincidence, or whether spiritual forces are at work.

A great turning point in Russian history came in 1380 with the Battle of Kulikovo. The Mongols, from the east, were legendary warriors whom appeared unstoppable. Although Russia would not be an officially united and proclaimed tsardom for nearly two hundred years, forces from the small states that would become Russia were led against the Golden Horde, one of the khanates of the Mongols, by Prince Dmitry of Moscow.

A very bloody battle ended with the Russians winning a great victory. From that point on, Mongol control declined and what was to become Russia began it's journey to nationhood, ruled from Moscow.

The Mongol side had been led by a Tatar general named Mamai. The Russians had actually won an earlier victory of Mamai's forces, but this was a much greater victory. The Millennium of Russia Monument, in Novgorod, depicts the hero Dmitry standing over the fallen Mamai.

At the time, and with the Mongol practice of slaughtering entire cities who resisted them, large burial mounds were sometimes constructed. Today such a mound is known as a kurgan, and are seen in a number of places.

In the south of Russia there is a hill known as Mamayev Kurgan which, in Russian, means the Kurgan of Mamai. Although I was not able to find which people Mamai battled with, or slaughtered, to be buried in this kurgan.

Anyway, two centuries after the victory over Mamai the Tsardom of Russia had been proclaimed and was ruled from Moscow. A fortress was built far to the south of Moscow to secure against attack from that direction. The fortress was named Tsaritsyn.

The centuries went by. The Rurik Dynasty that had founded Russia was replaced with the Romanov Dynasty, which had built a new capital at St. Petersburg. That dynasty ruled for more than two hundred years but was eventually overthrown by a popular revolution.

Technology had progressed rapidly, but that unfortunately brought the potential to make wars far more deadly. The time came when Russia faced another great invasion. It was as significant as that of the Mongols centuries before, but this time the invasion came from the west. This invasion was part of the greatest war that the world had ever seen, in fact it was called a world war. This was war on a scale that had been unimaginable in centuries past.

The invasion of Russia was halted at the country's two largest cities, Moscow and St. Petersburg, and neither city was captured by the invaders. But the real turning point of the invasion, and the turning point of this worst war that the world had ever seen, didn't come at either of these major cities. It came in a smaller city to the south, and it turned into the greatest battle that the world has yet seen.

The city where the battle took place was mostly flat terrain but there was a hill that was effectively the commanding heights of the city. If the Russians controlled the hill, they could keep bringing supplies and fresh troops across the river nearby. The invaders knew that they could set up artillery on the hill, if they could control it, and could drastically reduce the resupply from across the river.

The hill changed hands several times during the battle, with thousands on both sides dying each time. The battle turned out to be a great Russian victory, as important and as much of a turning point as the Battle of Kulikovo nearly six centuries before.

But this battle was fought with lethal modern weapons and the dead on both sides were beyond counting. No one knows exactly how many people died. Considering the number of dead combatants, as opposed to civilians, and the strategic significance of the battle, it can definitely be considered as the greatest battle ever in the world.

Now, here is what is so interesting. The city of Tsaritsyn had grown up around the fortress that had been built in the south of Russia. After the October Revolution that overthrew the Romanov Dynasty the city had been renamed as Stalingrad, after the new leader of the revolution. The invaders from the west were the Nazis.

The vital hill around which the epic Battle of Stalingrad revolved turned out to be Mamaev Hill. Except that it was not just a hill, the Russians call it Mamaev Kurgan which means "The burial mound of Mamai".

The invaders had played just about exactly the same role in invading Russia as had the Mongols centuries before. The Russians won a great, if very costly, victory in both battles which proved to be the turning point in the wider conflict.

Both battles were even highlighted by a personal duel between a top warrior from each side. In the Battle of Kulikovo it was on horseback.

At Stalingrad, the personal duel was reported to have been between two of the best snipers, one from each side, with the Russian Vasily Zaitsev emerging victorious.

So the question is how much of a coincidence do you think it could be that Russia would win a defining turning point victory against an invading general that had earlier filled a huge burial mound in another part of the country. Nearly six centuries later there would be another great invasion of Russia. That invasion would also lead to a defining turning point battle. This modern turning point battle would be in a city and would revolve around control of a hill. That hill would turn out to be the burial mound of the general who had invaded Russia nearly six centuries before.

If Russia was a small country, say like Honduras or Luxembourg, we might say that this could be a coincidence. But the Soviet Union, at the time of the Battle of Stalingrad, was by far the largest country in the world by land area. The land area of the Soviet Union was 2.3 times that of the United States, including Alaska. The present Russia has a land area more than 1.7 times that of the U.S. Canada and China are close to the same geographical size as the U.S.

This is something about which the world should be aware, and which requires special explanation, and I can find nothing written about it, at least not in English.


Has anyone ever noticed this?

The majority of scientists believe that the first living creatures were in the sea. The Bible creation story in the Book of Genesis indeed lists living creatures as having existed in the water before on land.

The girl that was selected to give birth, through immaculate conception, to the Son of God was named Mary. The name of Mary is the English version of the Latin Maria. The name Maria mean literally "seas". The singular sea being "mare". The Latin name for the Mediterranean, "Mare Nostrum", means "Our Sea".

The dark areas that are visible on the moon are now known to be basaltic volcanic plains. But they were once thought to be seas and are still referred to as "Maria".

Doesn't it seem to be prophetic that the Bible states that the first living creatures were in the sea, which has indeed been confirmed by modern science and the girl that was selected to give birth to the Son of God had a name that meant "sea"? God initiating Mary's pregnancy was telling us that living creatures had begun in the sea in the same way.


Poland's founding legend, although there is no reason not to believe that it is true, is of a hunter named Lech coming across the magnificent sight of a white eagle perched against backdrop of the red sunset. But consider the similarity to "The Aztec Prophecy", which is also the name of the compound posting on this blog where this posting has been moved, has anyone ever wondered if this might have been prophetic?

Could the sunset represent the close of the present age, and the red of the setting sun represent the Apocalypse?

We know that the countdown to the Apocalypse, within one lifetime, began with the Jews regaining control of the Old City of Jerusalem in the Six-Day War of 1967. Notice how this war took six days in the same way that God's creation, in the Book of Genesis, is also described as having taken place in six days, with God's holy day following as the seventh day.

Poland, like Israel, had come back into it's former existence, after not having existed as a nation for over 120 years. Predominant among the Jews who restored the state of Israel, required for the fulfillment of these prophecies, were Polish Jews.

Eleven years after the Jews had regained the Old City of Jerusalem, something that really stunned the world happened. The first non-Italian pope in over 450 years was chosen. Today, the last three popes have been non-Italians but in 1978 this was absolutely unheard of.

If the Italian cardinals voted together, they could always make sure that one of their own was chosen. There was no such unity after the pope died who had been chosen only a month before, John Paul I. The new pope from Poland took the papal name of John Paul II, in honor of his predecessor.

The pope that had been chosen only a month before died so suddenly and unexpectedly, with the result that a pope from Poland was chosen, that it seems like God wanted it to happen.

Could it be that the white eagle in the founding vision of Poland represent the Polish pope that would emerge so unexpectedly, no one looked as shocked as the new pope himself, and have such a great effect on the world, in the days when the sunset, the Apocalypse, was on the horizon but had not yet arrived?

The white above the red on the flag might even represent the end of Communism in Poland, which John Paul did so much to bring about. The wings of the white eagle could represent how this pope would fly all around the world, travels which no previous pope could imagine.

For this to happen as it did,

1) Poland had to begin, as it did with this founding vision of the white eagle.
2) Poland had to be Christianized, as it was by the conversion of Mieszko I.
3) Poland had to remain Catholic when the nations on both sides and to the north split during the Great Schism of 1054 and the Reformation.
4) Poland had to come back into existence, in 1918, after being off the map for over 120 years.
5) Modern communications and transportation technology was necessary to bring about the first global pope.
6) The pope had to survive the 1981 assassination attempt, when he was hit by four bullets, but all missed vital organs and arteries.

Maybe this was the primary sacred purpose of Poland all along.


Satan operates to keep people away from God. We should be aware not only of how God works but also Satan. Here are two examples and the two have been combined together. In 1978, the mass suicide at Jonestown dominated the news for quite some time.

Nine years before Jonestown, in 1969, there was another horrific event that dominated the news for days. This was the two separate massacres by the Manson "family" in Los Angeles. But we see that, from what would be Satan's perspective, the two events are very similar. Since we are around the fiftieth anniversary of the Manson killings, let's compare these events to Jonestown in 1978.


Charles Manson was a would-have-been musician with a long criminal record. Ironically, he had reportedly been taught to play guitar while in prison by a member of the infamous "Ma" Barker Gang. He was raised in an orphanage in Indiana but went out to southern California.

This was the height of the Sixties and there were a lot of idealistic young people who had left home for California. Charles Manson, then in his thirties, had a kind of magnetic appeal. He attracted girls and then used them to draw guys into his "family".

Meanwhile, the Jews had regained control of the Old City of Jerusalem in the 1967 Six-Day War. Readers of the Bible knew that this fulfilled the prophecy made by Jesus that the countdown to His return, to set up the promised millennial Kingdom on earth, began with this meaning that there will still be people alive at Jesus' return that there were in 1967. But before Jesus' return, the reign of the Antichrist and the Apocalypse must happen first.

Soon, the series of best-selling books about Bible prophecy by Hal Lindsey would be published. This is what really brought the subject of the End-Time prophecies being fulfilled in our time to the masses. ( For more information on this subject see the posting on this blog, "The End Of The World As We Know It").

So, what might we expect Satan to try to do to keep people from accepting God? This would certainly increase the faith of many people.

That is where Charles Manson comes in, just as would Jim Jones nine years later.

Manson knew about the Bible prophecies but saw himself as the messiah. In the Gospels, Jesus is referred to as the "Son of Man", to indicate that he had a human as well as a divine side. Manson changed his name to Charles Willis Manson, "Charles' will is man's son".

Charles Manson actually did quote the Bible, but also thought that the Beatles' White Album was to communicate with him. 1969 was a time of racial tension in America and Manson decided that Armageddon would be a race war. In fact, he would start Armageddon himself. He and his followers would then emerge after the Apocalypse and he would rule over what was left of the world as Jesus.

He would send his followers on two successive murder missions. In the first, actress Sharon Tate was among the victims. It was at the former home of Terry Melcher, son of actress Doris Day, who Manson apparently blamed for his lack of success as a musician. The second mission involved breaking into another house and the victims were a grocer and his wife. All of the victims were white.

The word "PIG" was written on the wall in blood. The objective was to make it appear as if black radicals, possibly the Black Panthers, had committed the murders to strike against white people. This would set off the cataclysmic racial war that would be the Armageddon foretold in the Bible. Manson and his followers would remain in hiding until it was over and he could emerge as the messiah.

What happened, of course, is that the murders were solved, actually when one of Manson's followers named Susan Atkins boasted about the murders while in jail for a separate charge. She later became a devout Christian while spending life in prison. Another Manson follower, Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme, who was not involved in the murders, would try to assassinate U.S. president Gerald Ford.

The whole series of events made the whole subject of Bible prophecy being fulfilled  seem bizarre and sinister and, according to my theory here, that was exactly what Satan wanted. Nine years later, Satan would employ a very similar tactic using Jim Jones and his followers just after a dynamic new pope from a Communist country had been chosen, and just before he knew atheistic Communism would be greatly diminished as a viable world system by the horrors of Khmer Rouge genocide in Cambodia.


Something that has always amazed me from my youth is the eerie similarity of two events that took place a month apart. On November 18, 1978, more than nine hundred people died in the settlement known as Jonestown. It was named for, and led by, the Reverend Jim Jones.

Most died from drinking a flavored drink laced with cyanide. They voluntarily took the lethal drink on order from Jones. The group, fitting the classic definition of a cult, had left the United States for the remote settlement in the jungle of Guyana. The mass suicide was precipitated by a visit from U.S. Congressman Leo Ryan, who was concerned about the cult and was seeking to bring home anyone who wanted to go.

The following month, on Christmas Day of 1978, another event took place on the opposite side of the world. Vietnam launched a full-scale invasion of neighboring Cambodia, then under the rule of the Khmer Rouge and known as Kampuchea.

For four years, since the Khmer Rouge had taken control of the country in 1975, Kampuchea had been closed to the outside world. Little was known of what was taking place there. The goal of the Khmer Rouge, led by Pol Pot, was to lead the country by force back to being a traditional and rural rice-growing society.

The urban population of the country, from the capital of Phnom Penh and other cities, was forcibly relocated to camps in the countryside. The cities were essentially abandoned. The Khmer Rouge were ultra-hardline Communists. Life was strictly communal, any private property, religion or, individualism was strictly prohibited.

The Khmer Rouge were such strict Communists that they considered the Soviet Union, which by this time had loosened into allowing some religious organization and some private enterprise, as a "disgrace" to Communism. Upon gaining power, and changing the name of Cambodia to Kampuchea, the Khmer Rouge raided the Soviet embassy and gave the staff a brief time to get out of the country.

It turned into the disaster of disasters. City people were not very good at farming rice, and much of the rice that was grown was traded abroad for weapons. There was mass starvation. The Khmer Rouge killed anyone for even minor infractions, including many of their own ranks. The dead, eventually numbering about a quarter of the country's population, were buried in what became known as "The Killing Fields".

The horrified world only found out what had happened upon the late 1978 invasion of the country by Vietnam.

The Khmer Rouge had come to power at about the same time that the Vietnam War had been finally won by the Communist North Vietnam. At first, the two new neighboring Communist governments made a show of friendship. But the historic rivalry between the two countries ran deep, deeper than Communism. The Khmer Rouge was about fulfilling the destiny of the Khmer people, and they knew that the southern part of Vietnam used to belong to them.

In 1978, the Khmer Rouge began launching attacks into Vietnam. A steady stream of Khmer Rouge defectors also entered Vietnam. The Vietnamese government launched a military offensive that drove the Khmer Rouge from power, although guerrilla resistance in remote areas continued for a long time, and installed Khmer Rouge defectors as the country's new rulers.

The stunning similarity between Jonestown and the far greater death scale of the Khmer Rouge, that was discovered a month later, really requires some special explanation. Both relocated people from cities into the jungle for an agricultural way of life. The official name of Jonestown was the "People's Temple Agricultural Project". Both had friends in high places, the Khmer Rouge had the direct support of China and Jim Jones was an acquaintance of Vice-President Walter Mondale, First Lady Rosalynn Carter and the then-governor of  California.

The goal of the Khmer Rouge was to take the direct route to pure Communism. Of course, anyone who was not sufficiently cooperative would end up buried in the "Killing Fields". By this time, Jim Jones had moved beyond Christianity and described his followers as "The Purest Communists". He had willed the assets of the compound to the Soviet Communist Party.

But what about another great world event that took place a month before the Jonestown tragedy? On October 16, 1978, a cardinal from Poland was very unexpectedly chosen as pope, and took the papal name of John Paul II. This was the first non-Italian pope in over 450 years.

Poland, as well as the rest of eastern Europe, was ruled by the Communists, who were uneasy about what this would mean. The new pope would travel the world and become very highly popular in a way that was completely unimaginable for previous popes.

Communism was an atheistic ideology. In most Communist countries, belief in God wasn't actually illegal but atheism was actively promoted. Someone expressing religious belief was not likely to be allowed to join the Communist Party.

John Paul II would indeed prove to be instrumental in ending atheistic Communism in eastern Europe.

The next question  is what would we expect that Satan might be thinking and planning about all of this.

John Paul II threatened to end atheistic Communism and use his celebrity to promote Christianity. A faraway Communist country, Kampuchea, had committed mass genocide of it's own people in the pursuit of it's version of Communism. Conflict had already begun between Kampuchea and neighboring Vietnam.

Although the Khmer Rouge had set world records for brutality, it was still a ragtag militia that was unlikely to be able to defeat Vietnam in open battle. A Vietnamese invasion of Kampuchea would thus expose the genocide of the Khmer Rouge and greatly help the new pope in his suspected goal of ending atheistic Communism.

But there was something that Satan could do. What if he could, about halfway between the election of the new pope and the exposure of the Communists' Killing Fields, bring about some corresponding Christian killing fields? This would disgrace Christianity in the same way that Communism, with it's atheism, was about to be disgraced. It would be even better, and would get more worldwide attention, if the victims were Americans.

Jim Jones was an ordained minister, although his ideology was actually Marxist and he was seeking to move his group to the Soviet Union. But most of the world would see his "People's Temple" as primarily a Christian organization. The American congressman visited Jonestown, and was obviously encouraging people to leave. Congressman Ryan was assassinated on order of Jim Jones who then, in his paranoia, ordered his followers to drink the flavored drink that was laced with cyanide.

(Note- the lethal drink that was administered is widely believed to have been Kool-Aid, but there is reason to believe that it wasn't).

Like Pol Pot and his Khmer Rouge, Jim Jones had led his followers into the jungle in pursuit of ideological agricultural goals. The compound at Jonestown looked remarkably similar to the rice-growing camps set up by the Khmer Rouge. Like the nation of Kampuchea, the world had concern but little idea of what was going on at Jonestown.

But unlike the bodies of the dead in Kampuchea, the bodies of the dead at Jonestown would be lying on the ground for all the world to see. In fact Jonestown was so horrific, and the dead were Americans, that it might mitigate the damage to the ideology of atheistic Communism that was to come when the Killing Fields of Cambodia were uncovered, and instead damage the Christianity of the popular new pope instead.


The prophecies in the Bible about the "End Of The World As We Know It", as detailed in the posting on this blog by that name, revolve around the reestablishment of the nation of Israel, after a long diaspora. This reestablishment happened after the end of the Second World War, in 1948.

Even though secularism was spreading, this foretold reestablishment and especially the recapture of the Old City of Jerusalem in 1967, increased the faith of many people.

As far as the Second World War itself, Satan also knows that the prophecies involve the reestablishment of Israel so that the Jews could move there. He also knows that this time of the end means it will soon be his end also. At the time, the vast majority of Jews lived in Europe. What if Satan could raise a powerful army, quickly conquer Europe, and simply kill all of the Jews? We saw this in the posting "The Empire Strategy", on the religion blog , March 2007.

Just after the end of the war, when preparations for the reestablishment of Israel were in the works, something really interesting happened.

In the early days of Christianity, it was decided which writings would be canonized to make up the Bible. There were many writings that were circulating that did not fit the message of the Bible and were not considered to be divinely inspired. There was not complete agreement on which writings should make up the Bible. That is why the Catholic Bible is today longer than the Protestant Bible. The difference between the two is known as the Apocrypha.

At what is now the town of Nag Hamadi, in Egypt, a collection of works that were not to be part of the Bible were buried, rather than being destroyed. Late in 1945, not long after the end of the war but before Israel was reestablished, these buried writings were accidentally found.

This uncovered collection of writings is known today as the Gnostic Gospels. Generally, their message is not consistent with that of the Bible. Instead of a personal God, redemption from sin, and salvation by grace, the message of these un biblical writings are more about enlightenment and personal fulfillment.

At a time when faith was generally given a boost by the prophetic reestablishment of Israel, these newly-discovered manuscripts had the potential to either dilute, or outright contradict, the message of the Bible. Maybe the Bible had been mistranslated from it's original meaning.

But very soon afterward, something else interesting happened. Another set of ancient writings were accidentally discovered that were even older than the Gnostic Gospels. These were the Dead Sea Scrolls.

The Dead Sea Scrolls were copies of the original scriptures, from before the time of Christ. They were produced by an ascetic group, known as the Essenes, and hidden in caves. The Dead Sea Scrolls dated to just after the time that the last of the Old Testament books were written. This discovery showed, beyond doubt, that there was no mistranslation, or other error, in the copying and translating of the Bible.

How much of a coincidence could it be that these two sets of ancient manuscripts, with contradictory messages and implications, would both be "accidentally" found within such a short space of time, and just after the end of the war when the reestablishment of Israel was in the works, but had not yet taken place?

One set had been discarded and the other preserved. Doesn't it look like Satan tried to counter what would be an increase in faith due the reestablishment of Israel, and then God countered that with the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls?


There is a lot of controversy over the Shroud of Turin, some believing it to be the burial cloth of Christ with the image of His face and body permanently impressed on it, others believe it to be a medieval forgery. But I see something in it that cannot be dismissed.

The Shroud came into the possession of the House of Savoy in 1453. At the same time, a momentous event in world history was taking place. Constantinople was being conquered by the Ottomans. Much of the knowledge that the Greeks and Romans had in ancient times had been lost to western Europe. It hadn't really been lost as it was preserved in the east, and added to by Moslems. Upon the conquest, many scholars carried texts on pack animals and headed westward. This would bring about the great "rebirth" in knowledge in western Europe that is known as the Renaissance.

The Renaissance would make Italy very important to Europe in a way that it hadn't been since the end of the Roman Empire. The new style of architecture that would emerge from the Renaissance, displacing Gothic, was known as Baroque. Turin today is known for it's Baroque architecture, even though it is an ancient city, because it didn't become an important city until this time. The process of Turin becoming an important city began at the same time as the Shroud was acquired by the House of Savoy, which would make Turin into an important city.

Piedmont was a remote corner of Italy, well away from traditional centers of power like Rome, Genoa and, Venice. Turin had never been an important city. But the Shroud was brought to Turin in 1578, after it had been made the capital of the Duchy of Savoy. The Shroud was placed in a chapel in the Royal Palace of the House of Savoy.

Amazingly, it would be this duchy in the remote region and based in the previously-unimportant city of Turin, that would put Italy together as a united country in the Nineteenth Century. The previous great centers of power, particularly Rome, would have nothing to do with it. The House of Savoy, with the Shroud installed in it's Royal Palace, would become the kings of the new nation.

Could this unlikely sequence of events have come from this Shroud having more power than it is given credit for?


I have been seeing what I call the Lincoln-Kennedy Parallel since I was a child. It refers to the amazing parallels between two U.S. Presidents who were assassinated while in office, Abraham Lincoln in 1865 and John F. Kennedy in 1963.

Not all of the information that is circulated about the parallel seems to be true. Here are the known facts.

Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846 and to the presidency in 1860. Kennedy was elected to Congress in 1946 and to the presidency in 1960.

Both were succeeded by their vice-presidents named Johnson, born in 1808 and 1908.

Both assassins, John Wilkes Booth and Lee Harvey Oswald, had 15 letters in their names. Both carried out the assassination at their jobs, Booth in a theater and Oswald at a school textbook warehouse. Both assassins initially escaped but were caught and killed.

Lincoln was assassinated at the Ford Theater. Kennedy was assassinated in a Lincoln car, made by Ford, and had a secretary named Lincoln.

Both were shot in the back of the head, with their wives by their side, on a Friday.

Lincoln's presidency was followed by the settling of the country's western frontier. Kennedy's presidency was followed by the moon as the new frontier, guided from the Mission Control located in Lincoln's former western frontier, and named for Kennedy's successor named Johnson.

Those are the parallels. Next, let's consider the opposites. Lincoln's assassin ran out of the theater where the assassination had taken place, Kennedy's assassin ran into a theater, where he was captured.

Lincoln ended America's Civil War. Kennedy began America's involvement in Vietnam's civil war, over Communism. Lincoln was killed by a Confederate sympathizer, Kennedy was killed by a Communist sympathizer.

I see this amazing parallel as actually a prophecy. What was going on before Lincoln's assassination continued, in modern form, after Kennedy's assassination, with a hundred-year gap.

Lincoln ended the Civil War, and the division caused by slavery, just before being assassinated. Kennedy's assassination was followed by the division over civil rights, the counterculture of the 1960s, and the division over the Vietnam War.

Lincoln read the Emancipation Proclamation, freeing slaves, in 1865. The uprisings over civil rights began with Watts, in 1965.

Lincoln was shot in the back of the head at close range. Kennedy was shot in the same place but at long range. The Civil War that preceded Lincoln's death was at home, at "close range". The Vietnam War that followed Kennedy's death was overseas, at "long range".

Lincoln was assassinated over the division involving slavery. Kennedy was assassinated over the division involving Communism. Fitting with this pattern, there would be another assassination over another division. Kennedy's younger brother, Robert, running for president in 1968, had visited Israel and would be assassinated over the division between Israel and Palestine.

The slavery struggle that preceded Lincoln's assassination reemerged as the Civil Rights struggle that followed Kennedy's assassination. Martin Luther King was the Civil Rights leader that made his famous "I Have A Dream" speech in the memorial to Abraham Lincoln, in the same year that Kennedy was assassinated.

Like Lincoln and Kennedy, Martin Luther King would also be assassinated. Like Lincoln he would be shot on the balcony of a motel in the same way that Lincoln was shot in the presidential suite on the balcony of a theater. But, like Kennedy, he would be shot at long range and in the same year as Robert Kennedy.


Has anyone ever thought of this?

We know that the number 7 is important in the Bible. One of the first things in the Bible is that God created a seven-day week by creating the world and universe in six days and then resting on the seventh day. One of the first things in the Book of Revelation is a description of the Seven Spirits of God. The Book of Daniel has the "Weeks of Years" prophecy.

Another important number in the Bible is twelve. There was the Twelve Tribes of Israel and then the Twelve Apostles of Jesus.

Since these two numbers are so important in the Bible, what would we get if we added them together so that 7+12=19?

We can see that, in the story of the Bible, the importance of seven came before that of twelve. The number nineteen does not show any unusual significance in the story of the Bible but, since it is an addition of the two, maybe it's significance may not show up until later.

The next major chronological story in the Bible is that of the Apocalypse. Could it be that, in the time leading up to the fulfillment of the prophecies, that there will be interesting things happening that involves the number nineteen?

We saw how the world is approaching the fulfillment of the Bible prophecies of the "Last Days", in our time, in the posting on this blog, "The End Of The World As We Know It", June 2020.

The one-lifetime countdown to the establishment of the Kingdom of Jesus on earth, following the reign of the Antichrist and the Apocalypse, is the original city of Jerusalem coming back under Jewish control after a long time under Gentile control.

This occurred in 1967. But there had been a nineteen-year delay between the ancient nation of Israel being reestablished, in 1948, and the addition of the original city of Jerusalem in 1967.

We saw what could be the reason for this nineteen-year delay, to give the new generation coming of age in the 1960s a chance to build the Millennial Kingdom themselves without going through the Apocalypse, in the compound posting on this blog, New Insight Into Bible Prophecy" October 2016, in the section 17) CROSSING THE RED SEA.

There is no nineteenth month on our calendar. But the modern cycle of conflict, in the new millennium began on 9/11, which includes a 1 and a 9, when nineteen hijackers flew planes into buildings.

The modern era of terrorism, at least in the U.S., involving simple mass killing without the hostage-taking that had typified terrorism in the past, could be said to have begun with the truck bombing of the Federal Building in Oklahoma City by Timothy McVeigh.

But did that bombing presage 9/11? The bombing occurred on April 19, which is 4/19. Later, four planes would be flown to their targets by nineteen hijackers, with 19 days left in September. Timothy McVeigh would be executed on June 11, exactly three months before 9/11, and only three of the four planes on 9/11 would reach their targets.

Nineteen years after the attack by the nineteen hijackers would be the unforgettable year of Covid-19. It was so-named because it was discovered in 2019. In fact, it was identified on December 19.

In the world as a whole the modern era of terrorism, again meaning simply to kill as many people as possible to make some point with meaning beyond the perpetrators which differentiates it from mass shootings, could be said to have begun with Iran's Cinema Rex fire of August 19, 1978. Previous terrorism almost always involved taking hostages.

The number of the Antichrist is 666. 7 is the number of God and 6 represents falling short of God, just as the three sixes added together to get 18 represents falling short of 19.

The creation in seven days represents a direct action by God. The twelve tribes and then the twelve apostles, humans who are to bring the Word of God to the world, represent not a direct action by God but actions by humans on behalf of God. The establishment of the Kingdom of Jesus on earth, following the Apocalypse, will go back to being a direct action by Jesus and beyond human power.

Notice that the numbers representing direct divine power, 7 and 19, are prime numbers. But the number representing human activity on behalf of God, 12, is a very divisible number, the direct opposite of a prime number.


Has anyone ever thought about this?

Very early in the Bible Adam and Eve, the first humans, are described as eating the "forbidden fruit". Eve was first tempted by Satan, and then Adam followed. This fruit, which is not described in the Bible, was forbidden from them as a test of their obedience. Eating the fruit gave Adam and Eve knowledge and insight which they did not have before.

This event represented the fall of Adam and Eve, and their descendants, from a pure and sinless state. God "cursed the ground" because of this disobedience, and humans now had to work hard to grow food and survive. They were banished from the Garden of Eden. Humans inherited the sin nature, the proclivity to sin against God.

In the 1970s, the oldest human remains were found in Ethiopia, and it is known that humans certainly originated in Ethiopia. This oldest known human was named not Eve but Lucy because, as her remains were first noticed by the scientific expedition, the Beatles song "Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds" was playing on a tape deck. But the title of the song was a euphemism for LSD, the illegal drug that was popular at the time.

So we have the irony that Eve made the mistake of eating the "forbidden fruit" but Lucy, the scientific counterpart of Eve, was named for an illegal drug.

But whatever happened to the "forbidden fruit"? What exactly was it? If humans inherited their sin nature by their ancestors eating the forbidden fruit, then shouldn't they also have inherited a strong attraction for the fruit itself? This fruit is often depicted as an apple, but the Bible has no information at all on what exactly it is.

I have noticed something interesting and I will let you form your own conclusions.

As it turns out, there is a plant with a fruit that originated in Ethiopia in the same area that humans are known to have originated. Coffee has spread in popularity across the world. We refer to coffee "beans" but it is not a bean, it is actually a fruit. The "beans" are the roasted seeds of the fruit.

Coffee only became popular in the Middle Ages. It was first associated with religion, keeping awake for rituals. There is a legend that coffee was discovered by how excited and energetic goats became after eating the berries.

The effect that this drink has had on the world is incalculable. It not only has stimulating physical and mental effects, it is also one of the most-traded commodities and the basis for the cafes that are so popular across the world. The word "café" means "coffee" and so many of the movements and new ideas that have shaped the world over the past few centuries have begun with discussions in cafes.

Could coffee be the descendant plant of the "forbidden fruit"? Although coffee has a stimulating mental and physical effect, it does not compare to the boost in cognizance that Adam and Eve got by eating the "forbidden fruit". But remember that the Book of Genesis, Chapter 3 Verse 17, described God "cursing the ground", following the disobedience of Adam and Eve, so that their blessed existence in the Garden of Eden would be over and they would have to work hard for a living.

But if coffee has the stimulating effect on humans that it does today, what must it have been like before God "cursed the ground"? It's stimulating effect must have been far, far greater.

As we have seen in the posting on this blog, "The End Of The World As We Know It", we are now in the "Last Days" of the world, before the Apocalypse and the Return of Jesus to set up His Millennial Kingdom on earth. Although it is not specified in the Bible at all, wouldn't it make perfect sense for the plant descended from the original "forbidden fruit" to gain great popularity across the world during the "Last Days"?


I was only a boy during the 1960s but could feel what a special time it was, and have always been fascinated by the Sixties and it's music. Although, from a cultural and spiritual point of view, my feeling is that the "Real Sixties" did not exactly fit the chronological decade and actually only lasted for eight years, from 1964 to 1972.

The Sixties were the youth of the Baby Boom generation, the demographic bulge in the population brought about by millions of soldiers returning from the Second World War and starting families. The first of the Baby Boom generation reached adulthood in 1964. 

This is why there was such an emphasis on youth culture. But the devastation, horrific weapons and, genocide of the Second World War were recent memories. Before that there had been the market crash and the Great Depression, and before that the First World War.

Could the new Baby Boom generation be the one that had learned the lessons and would change the world for the better?

Considering the world wars, and countless other wars, can you believe that, as secularism spread in the late Nineteenth Century, many people thought that it was a very good thing, since wars were primarily religious in nature, that secularism would bring peace to the world?

The Bible foretold that, far in the future, the nation of Israel would be reestablished and this, particularly the return of the original city of Jerusalem to Jewish control, would initiate the one-lifetime countdown to the Return of Jesus to establish His Millennial Kingdom on earth, when the world would be the godly paradise that it was intended to be. But, of course, the world had to go through the reign of the Antichrist and the Tribulation first.

My speculation, as described in the section "17) Crossing The Red Sea", in the compound posting "New Insight Into Bible Prophecy" October 2016 and "The Failed Millenniums", February 2020, was that there was a nineteen-year delay between the reestablishment of the nation of Israel in 1948 and the addition of the original city of Jerusalem in 1967 to give the idealistic Baby Boom generation a chance to see if it could build the Millennium itself, by following God, without going through the Antichrist and the Tribulation. It would follow the pattern of the establishment of the Millennium in the Bible, with Hitler representing the Antichrist and the Second World War the Tribulation.

Of course, as we saw in those postings, it was not to be because we were just too sinful. The return of the original city of Jerusalem marked the beginning of the countdown, and the world will go through the reign of the Antichrist and the Tribulation, before Jesus returns to establish the Millennium.

The Baby Boom generation saw material prosperity like no generation had before. International travel, other than with the military, had previously been limited to the relatively wealthy. But with the postwar development of passenger jets, global travel became widespread. People saw the world outside their own countries like never before.

Mass movements of idealistic young Baby Boomers began. The Haight-Ashbury district of San Francisco became the epicenter of 1967's "Summer of Love".

In the U.S. there was the Woodstock concert, in New York State in 1969. 400,000 young people converged on a farm for a great concert. Certainly their hearts were in the right place to change the world, they were together for three days and there was not a single act of violence.

Later in 1969, there was a west coast version of Woodstock at Altamont Speedway. Unfortunately it didn't go as peacefully as Woodstock.

There was the "Hippie Trail", which began in Istanbul and proceeded across central Asia. The Hippies were in search of adventure, enlightenment and, of course, drugs.

But then, in 1967, just as Hippies were converging on Haight-Ashbury, Jerusalem opened up as it came under Israeli control. Pilgrims had been going there before that, but the number of visitors now greatly increased.

Could it be that God planned it this way? God knew that this generation was looking for the way to a better world, the world as God intended it to be. Young people had access to international travel like never before. So God opened up His Holy City, Jerusalem, in the hope that they would make a pilgrimage there.

Maybe God intended Jerusalem to be the catalyst that would spur the Baby Boom generation on to building the Millennium themselves, so the world would not have to go through the reign of the Antichrist and the Tribulation.

God was not to be found at Haight-Ashbury, nor on the Hippie Trail nor at Woodstock. The Sixties ironically had the patterns of the Kingdom of God. Notice the close similarity between psalms and rock songs. But the rock songs mostly put romance in place of God. Finding the Holy Spirit was replaced by getting high. The angels of the Sixties were girls in miniskirts.

There was a Christian side to the Sixties counterculture, the Jesus Movement, and there was a Christian version of Woodstock, Explo 72 in Dallas. But this was a relatively minor part of the total counterculture movement.

But can you believe the predominance of the number 19 in relation to the prophecies of the "Last Days"?

7 is an important number in the beginning of the Bible. There were 7 days in a week and the Book of Revelation describes the 7 spirits of God. 12 is another important number, there were 12 tribes and then 12 apostles and the Book of Revelation describes the 12 precious stones used in the foundations of the New Jerusalem.

If we add 7 and 12 we get 19. So shouldn't 19 also be an important number, maybe later in the events leading up to the "Last Days"?

We saw that there was a 19-year delay between the prophecied reestablishment of Jerusalem and the addition of the original city of Jerusalem. There is a 1 and a 9 in 9/11 when, with 19 days left in September, 19 hijackers flew planes into buildings. This changed the world 19 years before a virus, Covid-19, would also change the world.


I am going to refer to all of the rainbows seen around Queen Elizabeth II death and funeral, which started in Niagara Falls before she became Queen, as "The Third Niagara Prophecy".

Various news sources are reporting that, just before the announcement of Queen Elizabeth's death, a brilliant double rainbow appeared over Buckingham Palace. Rainbows are fairly common but a full arch rainbow is rare and a double rainbow, with the colors reversed in the second rainbow is very rare.

In other news sources multiple rainbows were seen over Balmoral Castle, where the Queen died, the day after she died. As her death was announced a rainbow was reported over Windsor Castle, where her funeral would take place. Just prior to the funeral a brilliant rainbow was seen over the Parliament Buildings, across the street from Westminster Abbey where her body lay in state. Abundant photos were taken of these rainbows.

For details about these rainbows just do a search for something like "Queen death funeral rainbows".

There is something that I would like to add to this that I cannot see has been reported anywhere. In October 1951 Princess Elizabeth, soon to become Queen Elizabeth II, visited the Canadian side of Niagara Falls. Onlookers were amazed when, as the future queen looked out at the falls, a brilliant double rainbow suddenly appeared. Sure enough her father, whose statue was nearby in Queen Victoria Park, soon died suddenly and she became Queen.

Among other places this is reported in the New York Times of October 15, 1951. I remember hearing about it when I was a young boy, living on the Canadian side of Niagara Falls.

The Rainbow Bridge is also nearby. The bell tower on the Canadian side has an inscription, to be seen by motorists entering Canada, with the quotation from the Book of Genesis about the rainbow after the flood being a sign from God.

The soon-to-be Queen had just completed a service in this church, near the Canadian end of the Whirlpool Bridge, before the brilliant double rainbow appeared as she looked out at the falls. It was in Niagara Falls that the beginning and end of the Queen's reign being associated with rainbows began.

Image from Google Street View

Wouldn't it be interesting if, since the rainbow in Genesis is a sign from God after the end of a sinful world in the Flood, the rainbow represents the beginning of Queen Elizabeth's reign and the double rainbow, with the colors reversed, represents the End of her reign, an equally sinful world has to end again in the Apocalypse and that will follow sometime after the end of her reign?


The alligator that Adolf Hitler was fond of has died. Although it was kept at the Berlin Zoo, and not at his residence. Even if we may not approve of his record with human beings, Hitler was known to be kind to animals.

The news seems to have missed an incredible irony, maybe even a prophecy. 

The turning point against Hitler came at the Battle of Stalingrad. It turned out to be the greatest battle in human history and seems to have been given to the world as a glimpse of Apocalypse. Hitler's Sixth Army was surrounded and trapped in Stalingrad.

After the battle, in the midst of the destroyed city, was the fountain with six children holding hands and dancing around a crocodile. Alligators are native to the U.S., it's relative in the rest of the world is called a crocodile.

Since the children of the fountain are holding hands, that means they have the crocodile surrounded, just as Hitler's army was surrounded. There are six children, just as it was Hitler's Sixth Army.

The trapped Sixth Army surrendered, in early 1943, when it became clear that it was impossible to free them from their enclosure. Around the same time, Hitler's alligator was freed from it's enclosure in the zoo by an air raid.

The name of the alligator was "Saturn", which is also the name of the planet that is enclosed or surrounded by a spectacular ring system.

The Soviet forces managed to surround the Nazis in Stalingrad by executing a pincer movement, just like the jaws of an alligator closing.

The name of the Soviet plan to surround the Nazis in Stalingrad was Operation Uranus. This is the next planet after Saturn so that the orbit of Uranus surrounds or encloses the orbit of Saturn.

Hitler's alligator was born in Mississippi. As we saw in the visit on this blog, "Where Russia Began", the Volga River is European Russia's great north to south river. This makes it Russia's version of the Mississippi River. 

Stalingrad is located on the Volga River toward it's southern end. This means that it is located in the position on the Volga River that is closely congruent to the place on the Mississippi River where Hitler's alligator was born.

We have seen "The Stalingrad Connection" already, a section of "The Aztec Prophecy" on this blog.

Here is the fountain in the ruins of Stalingrad. After the war, the alligator was taken to Moscow without this amazing connection apparently ever being realized.

Copies of the fountain have been placed elsewhere in the city, now called Volgograd, without it's prophetic significance, relative to Hitler's alligator, apparently ever being realized.

1 comment:

  1. interesting hypothesis. I was surprised to see my hometown city Toronto here. I remember that fireball and the CN Tower being built.
