Friday, November 15, 2019

Rotation And Spheres In Cosmology

This is about the cosmological theory described in the compound posting on this blog, "The Theory Of Stationary Space" (July 2017). For more information you can read the introduction there.

There are some people who still believe that the earth is flat, instead of spherical. But let's take a closer look at this question, starting with a definition of what is flat and what is spherical.

In my cosmology theory, the matter in the universe began with a two-dimensional sheet of space that formed as within, but not contiguous with, the background of multi-dimensional space. Both began with a single electric charge, whether negative or positive, inducing an opposite charge next to it, because the number one rule of the universe is that opposite electric charges must always balance out. This process continued indefinitely, and explains the universe that we have today.

On such a flat plane, we could say that there was the potential for information but no actual information yet. But if we consider this original sheet relative to the surrounding background space, the situation changes. There is information in the two-dimensional sheet in the plane that it occupies, out of all possible planes, in the background space.

Since the two-dimensional sheet of space was not contiguous with the background space, meaning that it's alternating negative and positive electric charges were not aligned in the same checkerboard pattern, two sides of the two-dimensional sheet eventually came into contact, not from the sheet's own perspective but from the perspective of the surrounding background space. Since charge migration had taken place in the sheet, one side becoming more positive and the other more negative due to the opposite-charge attraction and like-charge repulsion of the charges comprising the surrounding background space, this caused the negative and positive sides of the two-dimensional sheet to come into contact.

The result was the great matter-antimatter mutual annihilation that we refer to as the Big Bang. This caused one dimension of the two-dimensional sheet to disintegrate, and to become energy. The remaining dimension of the sheet was then very long one-dimensional strings, of either negative or positive charge, that became the strings of matter that we have today. The strings of the two-dimensional sheet are now scattered, by the energy that was released by the other dimension, across four dimensions of the background space. We perceive the fundamental particles of matter as particles, instead of strings, because we can only see in three of those dimensions. The fourth dimension, the one along which the strings were primarily aligned, is what we perceive as time.

So the flat plane of the original two-dimensional sheet is now scattered across multiple dimensions of space. One dimension of the plane of this sheet remains as the dimension that we perceive as time. But the other dimension has been scattered across all possible planes in the new dimensions, and the information of this must be there in whatever form the matter now takes.

Basically, all possible geometric planes in space must be manifested equally. That is why the sphere is the predominant form of matter in the universe. A sphere is actually flat, but it is flat in all possible planes rather than being flat in only one plane. Each infinitesimal spot on any sphere is flat in one plane.

A sphere is actually a low information state, which is why it is described as the geometric form with the lowest energy state, because energy and information is really the same thing. It avoids the information of a flat surface along a  plane as to why the sheet is in the particular plane that it is by simply having the flat surface in all possible planes. This requires less information than having it in one particular plane among many.

The trouble with right angles, even though they make the most efficient use of space, is that information is required to explain why they are in the alignment that they are. Spheres get around that by encompassing all possible alignments, and so contain less information.

But the formation of a sphere is not all that can be done to achieve the lowest information state. If a sphere, such as a planet or star, is set in any one position then it requires information, as one choice among all possible choices, to explain why the sphere is set in that position instead of other possible positions.

If the universe really seeks the lowest energy state, as we know it does, then it will find a way to get around defining why a sphere should be set in any one particular position. That is why spheres such as planets and stars inevitably rotate. Rotation gets around the sphere being set in any one position by encompassing all possible positions. But this cannot be done in all dimensions that the sphere occupies, one must be reserved for the axial plane around which the planet or star rotates.

We have seen that energy and information is really the same thing. We cannot apply energy to anything without also adding information to it, and we cannot add information to anything without applying energy to it. Another way we can see that energy and information is really the same thing is in how we can make our lives physically easier, through technology, but only at the expense of making life more complex. We cannot, on a large scale, make life both physically easier and also less complex.

But yet there is energy in rotation as we can see on earth with tidal energy and because the spin of the earth creates hurricanes and causes ice-age glaciers to move toward the equator by centrifugal force. Energy and information seem to diverge when it comes to the inevitable rotation of spheres such as stars and planets.

Not rotating would require the information of one plane over all other possible planes. This cannot be done because one of the two dimensions of the sheet from which matter originally came has disintegrated. But this caused the intrinsic energy of the electric charge relationships in that dimension to be released into the background space as energy. So this is where the energy of rotation of the sphere comes from, there is not the information to define one plane but there is the energy to have the sphere rotate over all possible planes.

But there is the other dimension of the original sheet remaining as matter, ultimately composed of one-dimensional strings. The primary direction of alignment of these strings is the dimension that we perceive as time and this is why rotation takes place over time around the rotational axis of the sphere.

This means that, in a very real way, the earth really is flat. But it is flat in all possible planes, rather than in just one plane.

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