Thursday, October 21, 2021

Bible Prophecy News Concerning Robots

Are readers who are following the developments in the fulfillment of Bible prophecies of the "Last Days" in our time considering AI and robotics relative to the prophecy in the Book of Revelation, Chapter 13, about the False Prophet, referred to as the "Second Beast" causing an image of the First Beast, the Antichrist, to apparently come to life?

This entire subject is described in the posting on this blog, "The End Of The World As We Know It" last posted June 2021. That posting describes the seemingly bizarre prophecies in the Book of Revelation as being easily explainable as God giving an ancient man, St. John, visions of things going on in the distant future. St. John had no comprehension at all of modern technology and explained what he saw to the best of his ability.

This image of the Antichrist that "comes to life" will compel everyone to worship the Antichrist and to have killed those who don't. The image will also force everyone to have a "mark" in order to engage in business. We saw in that posting that the "mark" is actually smart phones, and today vaccine passports are required as a "mark" on the phone that it's holder has been vaccinated.

In the same way the "image" of the Beast is easily explained as AI powered robotics. The following six-minute video about AI in religion was on the BBC this morning. The shortage of priests is not a problem anymore because now there are AI priests.

In other developments concerning AI and robots, Singapore is going to use robot police officers.

Here is the video, or you can Google "BBC God and Robots". The title of the article is "Will AI Transform Religion?"

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