Thursday, March 31, 2022

Information Lost In Black Holes

It was in the news again this week. Scientists have been mystified for half a century about information being lost when an object falls into a black hole, from which it can supposedly never escape due to extreme gravity. There was information in that object and, according to quantum theory, information can never be lost. But yet it appears to be forever lost if it falls into a black hole.

My cosmological theory provides a simple answer. 

In my cosmology theory everything, both space and matter, is made up of near-infinitesimal negative and positive electric charges, with opposite charges attracting and like charges repelling. Empty space is a checkerboard of alternating negative and positive charges, in multiple dimensions. This is the lowest energy and lowest information state, since energy and information is really the same thing. We see waves in space, such as light and radio waves, as electromagnetic because the waves disturb the usually perfect balance of the electric charges of empty space.

The thing that gave me the idea of space being composed of a checkerboard of alternating negative and positive charges was the relationship between the nucleus and electrons in atoms. Since opposite charges attract, why don't the negatively-charged electrons and positively-charged nucleus come completely together? Instead the electrons, in successive orbital shells, are spaced a certain distance from the nucleus.

There is a simple explanation. The space between the electron and nucleus is a checkerboard of negative and positive electric charges. As the electron approaches the nucleus it distorts the checkerboard. Positive charges in space are pulled toward the electron and negative charges toward the nucleus, until an equilibrium is reached and at that distance the electron remains.

Energy can hold like electric charges together against their mutual repulsion. This is what matter is, any concentration of like electric charges held together by energy. This is why matter consists of charged electric particles, such as electrons. It is known that a certain amount of mass is equivalent to a certain amount of energy. This is the well-known Mass-Energy Equivalence, and is the basis of Einstein's formula of this equivalence, E = MC squared. This energy is what gives matter it's mass and is why matter has mass but empty space doesn't.

An illustration of how matter is like charges held together by energy is a matter-antimatter reaction. Antimatter is like matter except that the electric charges are reversed, a negatively-charged nucleus with positively-charged positrons in orbitals around it. If we bring matter and antimatter in contact both vanish in a fantastic burst of energy. What is happening is that the Mass-Energy Equivalence in both is released and the like electric charges that had been held together by the energy rearrange themselves back into the checkerboard pattern of empty space.

Another way that I look at it is that energy forms matter by overcoming the mutual repulsion by like electric charges to hold the charges together. If the two electric charges are equal then the two rules governing their behavior, that opposite charges attract but like charges repel, must also be equal. If the energy of the Mass-Energy Equivalence overcomes the repulsive force between like charges then that must leave a net attractive force involving matter. This net attractive force involving matter is what we refer to as gravity.

Aside from holding like electric charges together against their mutual repulsion, energy can also hold opposite charges apart against their mutual attraction. When this happens it produces electromagnetic waves in space. This is why the disintegration of matter tends to produce electromagnetic waves, the energy that was holding like charges together now goes to forcing opposite charges apart. If the holding of like charges together leaves a net attractive force, namely gravity, then the forcing apart of opposite charges should leave a net repulsive, or pushing, force. This is where the force in a laser comes from.

We think of a black hole as being utterly different from ordinary matter. But the vast majority of the inside an atom is actually empty space. A black hole is made of matter, but with not only atoms but the subatomic particles, electrons, protons and, neutrons, crushed by extreme gravity. But the black hole is still made of like electric charges held together, against their mutual repulsion, by energy.

This is what information is, which is really the same thing as energy. Empty space is a perfectly alternating checkerboard of negative and positive electric charges, in multiple dimensions. Empty space thus contains no information. It is only when we break this pattern of perfectly alternating charges that we have information, and this is what the information in matter is. It takes energy to break this pattern and this is why energy and information is really the same thing.

This storage of information as alterations in the otherwise perfect checkerboard of alternating negative and positive charges comprising space is the same way that a computer stores information. Bits in the computer's drive are set to either a 1 or a 0 and the pattern stores information that would not be there if it was a simple regular pattern.

A black hole, like ordinary atoms, is composed of a disruption in the perfectly alternating checkerboard of negative and positive charges in empty space. We know that a black hole doesn't last forever. It gradually evaporates and gives off radiation in the process, known as Hawking Radiation.

My cosmology theory has it that the extreme gravitational pressure inside a black hole is enough to push the electric charges themselves toward a lower-energy state, which is the alternating negative and positive charges of empty space. When this happens the energy that was holding the like charges together must be released as radiation. This is why a black hole gradually evaporates, turns back into empty space, and the energy of the Mass-Energy Equivalence is released as radiation.

So we can see then that when an object falls into a black hole no information at all is lost. Information, in its most basic form, is the displacement of electric charges from the perfectly alternating condition of empty space. Information can indeed never be lost and this displacement remains absolutely constant when the atoms of an object are utterly crushed as it falls into a black hole.

If the black hole should evaporate the displacement of charges still remains absolutely constant as the energy now goes into opposing the attraction of opposite charges in space, which creates the electromagnetic waves of Hawking Radiation.

Here is a link to the posting that I use to introduce the cosmology theory:

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