Thursday, August 25, 2022

Commentary On Recent News


Let's thank President Biden for this forgiveness of student loans. This was a very wise move. Other western countries don't have this issue of so many millions of people with oppressive student loans.

The Law of Supply And Demand works as the underlying basis as our economic system but not as the entire basis for that system. In my view there are places that capitalism doesn't belong. These places include justice, medicine and, education.

We do not live in a free country if someone in court is found innocent or guilty, or wins or loses a court case, according to the quality of the lawyer that they can afford.

Basing medical treatment on capitalism is very destructive. For a country to be strong it's people must be healthy and strong. It is very advantageous to diagnose and treat a medical condition as soon as possible. But that often does not happen if the person does not have medical coverage or is worried about how much it is going to cost. For a person to have to declare bankruptcy because they got sick or injured is absurd and destructive to the entire society.

If you are robbed the police try to solve it without any charge. If you have a fire the fire department puts it out without any charge. If your country is attacked the military defends you without any charge. Why should it be any different if you get sick?

We are competing against other countries. Everyone should be developed to their maximum education and skills potential, regardless of their financial situation. If we don't do this we will fall behind other countries.


A Philippine immigrant, named Romana Didulo, has proclaimed herself as "Queen of Canada", and has gained a considerable following. She also reportedly wants Americans to follow her, and to establish America as a kingdom.

But remember what we saw in the posting, "The Theory Of Kings", April 2022. Nations have been monarchies for thousands of years. Something that has been around for thousands of years is not going to just go away because of the drafting of a constitution. So much of what goes on in the world is explained by what I call "The King Factor". Constitutional monarchy is valuable because when a country does not have a king it risks falling under the rule of a demogogue that acts like a king.


There is a severe drought in Europe and major rivers are drying up. This has revealed a lot of vehicles, boats, various war equipment, and sometimes unexploded bombs, from the Second World War that have not been seen since the end of that war. At the same time war is raging in Ukraine.

Is this a warning from God that it might be a good idea to turn back to him?


How many people say "yes" anymore, outside of a work environment and job interviews? Languages change over time, we use "you" instead of "thee" and "thou". The new word begins as what we refer to as slang. Most people say "yep" nowadays with "yeah" being a less formal, or less decisive, form of "yep". "Ain't" didn't used to be considered as a real word. Now it is in the dictionary, although no one seems to use it anymore.

Although I don't use the word myself I would like to welcome "yep" to being an official part of the English language.


I notice that when people refer to an address but are not putting the address on an envelope or package they almost always use either just the name or say "street". Very rarely, unless they live or work there, does anyone say "avenue", "drive", "road" or, "crescent".

Is it maybe time to drop these designations and just call everything a "street"? Having a street and avenue with the same name just invites confusion.


We are so dependent on GPS for navigation yet GPS satellites can be shot down. The GPS system can be jammed and may also be vulnerable to severe solar storms.

Wherever humans settle there are telephone poles. Once again, why don't we attach a number to every telephone pole and then use that for a backup navigation system? This is so simple.


Instead of bringing a gun to school there is something that is far more effective. Why not bring God to school? If you sincerely follow the Word of God you are entering God's Kingdom. If someone messes with you they are messing with God's Kingdom and God will cause nasty things to happen to them. This goes for people that persecute you, organizations that treat you unfairly and, families that interfere in your personal business and try to be in control.

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