Thursday, October 27, 2022

Apocalyptic Developments

With regard to the scenario explained in the posting on this blog, "The End Of The World As We Know It" June 2022, we saw that Iran will be an ally of the "northern invader" that will invade Israel in the Last Days of the world. This will set off the final series of wars of the world.

The only nation that fits this prophecy is Russia, as the invader is from the "far north" and Moscow is due north of Israel.

Not only is Russia using Iranian drones extensively in the war in Ukraine but members of the Iranian military are there to help and advise with using the drones.

In other developments President Biden warned that the chances of Armageddon are the highest since the Cuban Missile Crisis of sixty years ago. But he issued this warning while the European Political Community was meeting. Is he trying to induce the emergence of the Antichrist, as we saw in the posting "Inducing The Apocalypse" June 2022?

Meanwhile mass shootings continue nonstop. The Second Book of Timothy, Chapter 3, tells of difficult times in the Last Days of the world. There was no word for "gun" at the time, the invention of gunpowder was far in the distant future. But it prophecies that there will be people suffering from "uncontrollable fits of rage".

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