Thursday, February 16, 2023

Opposite Spin For Particles And Antiparticles

Here is something that I must have neglected to include in my cosmology theory. It is actually very simple to show that my theory's version of the Big Bang is correct. So much has been written about what happened after the Big Bang but I cannot see a plausible explanation anywhere about what caused the Big Bang. It is actually simple.

The following two paragraphs is the brief abstract that I use to introduce the theory.

My cosmological theory has the universe as not-quite-parallel strings of matter aligned mostly in one direction in four-dimensional space, although there could be many more than these four dimensions. The direction in which these strings of matter are primarily aligned is the one that we perceive as time, along which our consciousnesses move at what we perceive as the speed of light. We can only see perpendicular to the bundles of strings of matter comprising our bodies and brains. The original two-dimensional sheet of space, amidst the multi-dimensional background space, disintegrated in one of it's two dimensions as one pair of it's opposite sides came into contact. Due to charge migration, to seek a lower energy state, one side was positive in charge and the other was negative. This brought about the matter-antimatter mutual annihilation that we perceive as the Big Bang. The energy in the disintegrating dimension, from the tension between adjacent opposite electric charges, was released. The remaining dimension then consisted of very long strings of infinitesimal cross-section, that we perceive as the particles of matter today. Some of the energy released by the disintegrating dimension went into "welding" the charges of the remaining dimension together as strings of matter. We perceive these strings as particles because our consciousnesses are moving along the bundles of strings composing our bodies and brains, at what we perceive as the speed of light, and we can only see at right angles to our strings.

So, the basics of my theory is a two-dimensional sheet of space, which formed amidst the multi-dimensional background space by the same kind of opposite charge induction, disintegrating in one of it's two dimensions as one pair of it's opposite sides came into contact to create the matter-antimatter explosive mutual annihilation that we perceive as the Big Bang, which began the universe, and which scattered the remaining one-dimensional strings of matter out across space to form the universe that we see today. The strings of matter from the original two-dimensional sheet were scattered across four dimensions of the background space. We perceive these strings as particles, such as electrons, because we can only see in three of the four dimensions.

So how can I show that this version of the Big Bang is correct, aside from how much sense it makes? 

Here is one of those things about the universe that we cannot seem to explain. It may not seem very important to most people but there must be something about the universe that we are not getting if we can't explain it.

Particles of matter, such as electrons, have their corresponding antiparticles of antimatter. There is nothing mysterious about antimatter. There are two electric charges in the universe, negative and positive. In atoms of matter the negatively-charged electrons are in orbitals around the positively-charged nucleus.

But there is nothing written in stone that the positive charge has to be on the inside of the nucleus, and the negative charge on the outside. It can just as easily be the other way around. If the charges of the atom are reversed it is known as antimatter. Of course matter and antimatter cannot exist together in the same neighborhood of the universe because they mutually annihilate on contact. But matter and antimatter would handle light in the same way and I don't think we could tell matter from antimatter just by observation.

Now here is what is interesting but cannot be explained. There are particles called neutrinos, which usually easily pass through matter. We don't have to fully explain neutrinos for our purpose here but there are also antineutrinos, the antimatter version of the neutrino.

What cannot be explained is this. Neutrinos and antineutrinos spin as they move rapidly through space. But, relative to the direction that they are moving, neutrinos spin to their left while antineutrinos spin to their right. 

The question is WHY? There must be something about the universe that we don't understand that is causing this.

Fortunately the answer is simple but I cannot see it explained anywhere else. In my cosmology theory space consists of an alternating checkerboard of negative and positive electric charges, in multiple dimensions. It began with a single electric charge. The number one rule of the universe is that electric charges always have to balance out. The universe must contain an equal number of negative and positive charges. This means that the original electric charge had to induce an opposite charge on either side of it, but that still left an imbalance and the process of charge induction continued indefinitely. This is what created space.

What created the matter, and antimatter, of our universe is that an "orphan" two- dimensional sheet of space got started that was within, but not contiguous with, the background space. This means that the electric charges of the two blocks of space do not align. This was a higher- energy state so some charge migration took place in one dimension of the two-dimensional sheet, negative charges to one side and positive charges to the other.

Not being coordinated with the background space, the negative and positive sides of the sheet came into contact. This is what produced the great matter-antimatter explosion that we refer to as the Big Bang. One of the two dimensions of the sheet disintegrated into energy. The other dimension became the strings of matter that we perceive as charged particles, such as electrons, because we can only see in three of the four dimensions, the other dimension we perceive as time.

All matter in our universe originated with that sheet, and the "ghost" of the sheet is still with matter. Now imagine the strings of matter that originated from the negative side and from the positive side of the sheet. They would have different concepts of left and right, just like two people walking in opposite directions.

Hold your hands with the palms facing earth other. Now curl the fingers of each hand. Each hand represents one side of the two-dimensional sheet, one the positive side and the other the negative side. The fingers of each hand curl in opposite directions. One represents the spin of the neutrino and the other the antineutrino.

That explains why neutrinos and antineutrinos spin in opposite directions. It means that my version of the Big Bang, and the rest of the cosmology theory, must be correct.

Here is a link to the posting that I use to introduce the cosmology theory:

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