Thursday, May 4, 2023

More Things That Should Have A Name

This has been added to "Things That Should Have A Name". Here are some other things that should have a name.


Antiwords are words that started out as ordinary words but have been given a negative connotation. This does not include descriptive words just ordinary words that have been given a negative or sinister connotation, mostly by association with crime.

"Loitering" means simply waiting, but it has been associated with crime by use on police reports.

"Vicinity" means an area. But this also has been associated with crime. "He was seen loitering in the vicinity around the time that the crime took place".

"Motive" simply means the reason for doing something. It has also become associated with crime. "What was your motive in going there"? makes it sound as if a crime has been committed.

"Tampering" simply means to adjust something. But it has been given an immediate sinister connotation.

"Plotting" means simply to plan something. But "They were plotting what they were going to do on Saturday night"? makes it sound as if a crime was being planned.

"Collaborate" is maybe not as much of an antiword as some of the others. It means simply to cooperate. But it does have a sinister tone, like cooperating in something evil.

A "regime" is simply a government. But we never seem to use the word for friendly governments.


Recently in the news have been people being shot because they went to the wrong house, or the wrong car in a parking lot, by mistake.

In the 1960s was a song called "Silhouettes". The song was a hit for several different bands. A girl lives in a subdivision where all the houses are identical. Her boyfriend comes over one evening and sees the silhouette of her kissing another guy through the curtains. He is first dismayed, and then enraged. He pounds on the door only to find that wasn't his girlfriend and he was on the wrong block.

If the song took place today the singer might have gotten shot for knocking on the wrong door. Let's call these shooting "Silhouette Shootings". They really should have their own name.


Suppose that you are reading the news on your phone. You touch the link to an article that you want to read. But the site is still loading and jumping around as new parts load. You end up pressing the link to another article instead. Let's call this a "Jump Connection".


When a parking lot is paved with asphalt sometimes cars will park there before the asphalt is completely dry. The weight of the car depresses the asphalt a little bit where the tires are. When it rains this causes small puddles to form. Let's call these "Tire Puddles".

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