Thursday, September 21, 2023

From Measurement Tool To Cosmology Theory

Let me tell you the story of how an attempt to patent and develop a measurement tool ultimately led to my cosmology theory.

There is a very simple measurement tool that I thought of that can quickly and easily accomplish tasks that are very cumbersome and time-consuming with existing methods. This tool can be very easily homemade and I believe that anyone involved in any kind of building, constructing or, surveying would find it invaluable. 

I decided, for various reasons, not to pursue a patent for it any longer. So, I have decided to put it here in the public domain so that anyone can make their own and no one else can get a patent on it.

One day, I drove past some large fuel storage tanks in Tonawanda, NY near the South Grand Island Bridges. Just as a mental exercise, I tried to dream up a way to quickly measure the circumference of such tanks or another large, circular object. I started thinking of measuring the curvature over a given linear distance with the idea that the less the curvature per linear distance, the larger the circumference.


But then another idea clicked into my mind. What if someone got an ordinary magnetic compass and enlarged either the compass itself or it's mounting so that it was circular and of a known circumference, such as a yard or a meter? 

Suppose we then placed the edge of the compass against the side of a large fuel tank and noted the directional reading given by the compass needle. Then we would note the point on the side of the compass that was in contact with the side of the tank. If we proceeded to rotate the compass over a complete circle and noted the change in the directional reading of the needle, we would have all the information needed to quickly and easily calculate the circumference of the fuel tank.

If we placed the compass against the side of the fuel tank and noted that the directional reading of the needle was 192 degrees and then rotated the compass a complete circle so that the point on it's edge that had originally contacted the side of the tank was back in the same place, all we would have to do would be to take the fraction of a complete circle that the needle changed during the rotation and multiply it by the circumference of the compass mounting and we would have the answer, the circumference of the tank.

For example, If the compass mounting was one yard in circumference and, upon completion of the rotation the needle had moved from 192 degrees to 196 degrees, the circumference of the tank would be 360/4 times one yard. In other words, 90 yards. This presumes, of course, that the tank is a perfect circle.

I decided that the device would be called "The Compass Ruler" and made one of my own by getting a Wal-Mart hiking compass, breaking off the casing and, gluing it onto a piece of plywood I had cut with a jig saw to a circumference of one meter. I knew enough about building and construction to know that such a tool was not in common use. However, I checked extensively to see if such a tool was in use anywhere and found no sign that it was. 

There was once such a thing as a surveyor's compass, that had fallen into disuse, but it was a compass mounted on a stand and was in no way used like my Compass Ruler would be. On my device, measurements would be taken by actually contacting the side of a structure.

The principle of the operation of the Compass Ruler is simple. Just as a plumb, a weight tied to a string, uses the earth's gravity as a fixed reference point for measurement of vertical angles, the Compass Ruler uses the earth's magnetic field as a fixed reference point for measurement of horizontal angles. The Compass Ruler obviously must be marked around the circumference edge in degrees, just as a protractor would be.

There is an even simpler version of the Compass Ruler. Simply take a square of wood, 1 x 4 for example, and glue a compass in the middle of it. For best results, be sure that it is indeed a square and that each cardinal direction faces toward the middle of one side of the wood. Suppose you have built a corner between two walls or fences and you want to be sure that it does indeed form a right angle. Simply hold one side of your Compass Ruler against one wall and note the directional reading of the needle. Then hold the same side against the other wall. You should get a change in the needle of ninety degrees. Simple.

This method is just as useful if the two walls do not actually contact each other, or for that matter do not even come near each other. This makes the old standby, the builder's square seem awkward and obsolete by comparison. Verifying a right angle by the 3-4-5 Pythagorean Theorem method is also awkward and time-consuming.

Suppose it is necessary to measure the angle between any two walls that do not actually intersect. With a builder's square it is impossible. With tape measures it is tedious, time-consuming and, prone to error. With a surveying crew, it is expensive. With my Compass Ruler, it is almost effortless.

What if you have built a long wall or fence and want to verify it's straightness? All you have to do is walk down the wall, taking periodic measurements with the Compass Ruler by placing the same point on it's edge against the wall. If the wall is indeed straight, you will get exactly the same directional reading of the needle on every measurement. If it is not straight, by measuring the wall with the Compass Ruler at given intervals, you can tell by how much it curves.

This is also useful for a vast number of other such similar measurements. How would you verify that two parallel walls are truly parallel? Just take a reading on one wall with the Compass Ruler. Then, go to the other wall and put the same edge against that wall. If the walls are parallel, you will get a difference in the directional readings of 180 degrees.

Suppose you wished to set up a series of signs along a road and wished them to all have the same directional orientation. How would you do it? What if you were setting up a sign along the road and wanted it to be set at 45 degrees to the road to give maximum exposure. Or suppose you were building a wall or fence and wished it to run parallel (or perpendicular) to the road.

All of these tasks would be difficult, impossible or expensive with existing methods. With my Compass Ruler, all would be simple and easy. To measure the directional orientation of the road with the Compass Ruler, simply place the device on the road surface alongside a traffic line on the road.

Measurement of curvature is just as easy with the Compass Ruler. Just take readings against the curved structure at regular intervals. Curvature can be expressed as change in the directional orientation of the needle per given linear distance. Another advantage of either version of the Compass Ruler, either the circular or the simpler square version of the device, is that contact measurements, such as those described above, are not hampered if two structures to be measured and compared are not visible from each other or if there is an obstacle, like a row of bushes, between two structures.


Surveying is easy with the Compass Ruler. Suppose you want to get an accurate measurement of the distance to a certain remote point. First, you would either set up or pick out a remote visible reference point to use in the measurements. Then you would mark the local point from which you would take the measurement to the remote point. Then you would establish a measurement point a convenient distance away so that a line from the local point (Point A) to the nearby measurement point (Point B) would form a right angle with a line from point A to the remote point (Point C).

Using a straight-edge, such as a perfectly straight 1 x 4 board, you would sight on the remote point C from the local point A looking straight down the straight-edge. You would use the Compass Ruler to note the directional orientation of the straight-edge as it points from Point A to Point C. You would then go to the nearby measurement Point B that you have selected and take another sighting on the remote Point C from there.

All you would than have to do is take the difference in the angular reading of the two measurements. Using a scientific calculator, you would get the cotangent of the angular difference. You would then multiply the cotangent by the distance from Point A, the local point, to the nearby measurement Point B. That would give you the distance from Point A to the remote Point C.

Obviously, for best results in surveying using the Compass Ruler, measurements must be taken carefully. The distance from Point A to Point B must be accurately measured. And, the same spot on the remote point must be sighted upon. The longer the carefully measured distance from Point A to Point B is in relation to the distance from Point A to the remote Point C is, the better the result will be. It should always be at least 10% of the remote distance.

It is not necessary to have a right angle between the two lines from points A to C and from A to B, but if not, the simplicity of a cotangent calculation will be lost and a graphical calculation will become necessary. If possible, the baseline for the measurement from Point A to Point B can make use of a pre-existant line, such as a road.

The straight-edge can be built onto the Compass Ruler if it is to be used for surveying. For even better results, the straight-edge can be fitted with a small telescope, a laser pointer, or, both. A vertically diagonal mirror can make it possible to see the compass on the Compass Ruler at the same time that the sighting is being done. For a finishing touch, the entire device can be set on a mounting.

To set up a marker, such as a traffic cone, at a given distance in a given direction from a starting point, use the reverse of this method. Pre-set a sighting from a Point B to that distance and have a rodman walk with the marker until he is in the sight. Then use hand signals or radio/phone communication to have the marker set up at the correct point.

Suppose you are out on the water in a boat and wish to measure how far you are from shore because you notice a shipwreck or some other object of interest under the water and wish to record the position. You would pick out two easily recognizable objects on shore such as trees or large rocks. The two objects should be in a line perpendicular to the line between you and one of the objects. Measure the angle between the two objects from where you are in the boat and record it.

Later, you would carefully measure the distance between the two objects using a tape measure or a map. Then you would take the cotangent of the angle measured from the boat and multiply it by that distance. Alternatively, you could simply take the directional readings of any two (or more) prominently visible, fixed position objects. The position on the water could then be charted using a map or satellite photo of the area.

Astronomers have long used this technique to measure the distance to stars, it is known as parallax. The carefully measured distance from Point A to Point B is referred to as the baseline, the distance across the earth's orbit around the sun six months apart. 

The same principle can be used with the Compass Ruler to map an entire area. Simply pick out visible objects such as trees, houses, etc. Measure the distances from a central point to the objects and then measure the angular distances between those objects from the central point. The map then can be easily made using a ruler and protractor. Of course, on complex maps, more than one central point can be used. If the terrain to be mapped is hilly, the logical place for the central points would obviously be on the high ground.


Aside from the contact measurement and surveying versions, there is yet version of the Compass Ruler, the drawing version. Simply fasten or glue a small compass to a straight-edge such as a ruler and it makes the protractor used in geometric drawings just as obsolete as the builder's square is in construction. To draw two lines at a certain angle to each other, simply draw one, noting the angle indicated on the compass dial. Then move the straight-edge so that the difference showing on the dial is now the desired angle and then draw the second line. To measure the angle between two existing lines, simply reverse this process.

If the drawing paper is securely taped down, aligned either east-west or north-south with the compass for best results, an entire geometric drawing can be made with unprecedented accuracy using the drawing version of the Compass Ruler. Parallel lines will have the same compass dial reading anywhere in the drawing. Perpendicular lines will differ 90 degrees in reading. Existing methods are far inferior to this. Of course, it would be simple to draw a map that was surveyed using the surveying version of the tool, just drawing the measurements on paper.

There are certainly many more everyday applications of this simple but extremely useful device. The device could also bring geometry and trigonometry classes to life. The lessons that now consist of drawing lines and circles on paper could occasionally be done as actual measurements in the gym or schoolyard.

Anyone can make their own of any version of the Compass Ruler, the circular or the simpler square version for contact measurements. Or the surveying or drawing versions with an attached or accompanying straight-edge. It can also be manufactured and sold although it will not be patentable now that I have put it in the public domain.

We read of George Washington Carver and how he revealed many things that the humble peanut can be used for. I would like to do the same thing for the simple device known as the compass. Just as GPS systems are becoming ubiquitous and the old magnetic compass seems to be of little use any more, we see that there is a whole world of tasks that it can accomplish most effectively. Any simple compass would have it's usefulness multiplied if it were encased with a straight side to perform some of the measurements listed above.


I developed the idea for a measurement tool, for building and construction, that could do things that no other measurement tool could. The concept for the tool, the use of the earth's magnetic field as a horizontal plumb in a hand-held tool, had not yet been patented. I made a prototype and every time I used it I noticed more that it could do that no other tool could easily do.

However, I did not want to start a company and the trouble with trying to get a company to develop it was that the tool was so simple that I couldn't describe how it worked without giving it away so that anyone could steal the idea. Finally I decided that it was taking up too much of my time and attention and set it aside.

But after I put the tool aside, all of the lines and angles involved with it were still in my mind. One day, I was wondering about what time actually was. It suddenly flashed into my mind that there must be a dimension of space that we cannot see, but that we perceive as time, and that matter consists of strings in four dimensions of space, rather than the particles in three dimensions of space that we perceive.

After that, one unexplained mystery in physics after another just fell into place.

1) First and foremost was that basic question of what exactly is time? It is known that time is a dimension, as is space, the dimensions being referred to as "space-time". But I could find nothing with an answer, in terms of actual physics, of what time really is.

Of course, if there is another dimension of space that we cannot see, and matter that we see consisting of particles actually consists of one-dimensional strings in this four-dimensional space, then time can be explained as something that is within us. Our consciousness is only at any given point on the bundles of strings composing our bodies and brains for one moment. Time is the progression of our consciousness along the bundles of strings composing our bodies and brains. This means that time is something that only exists within us.

We can see that there has to be a dimension of space that we cannot see because we can detect the radiation left over from the Big Bang, which began the universe. But we cannot pinpoint the direction from which it is coming. The radiation seems to be coming at us equally from all directions in space, allowing for the movement of the earth through space. If we lived in three dimensions of space, we should be able to pinpoint the direction from which this radiation is coming at us, but we can't. That is because the matter comprising our universe is distributed over four dimensions of space.

2) Another basic question is about the speed of light. We can measure what it is with precision. But we can find no physical reason as to why the speed of light is what it is, instead of some other speed.

Of course, if our consciousness is moving along the bundles of strings comprising our bodies and brains, then it must move at some certain speed. Since we can find no other reason for what the speed of light is what it is, this shows that it, like time of which it is a function, is within us as the speed of our progression of consciousness.

The processes that give us our consciousness are very complex. The speed of light is extremely fast. That is because the two are related.

3) But if the speed of light is within us, the speed of our consciousness, along the bundles of strings comprising our bodies and brains in four-dimensional space, then that means that the velocities of other objects, which are also bundles of strings, is actually an angle in four-dimensional space. This makes sense, with the speed of light being a 90 degree angle, and appearing as the maximum possible speed because a 90 degree angle is the maximum possible angle. That is why the theory was called "The Theory of Stationary Space". But then what about Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity, where the speed of light is absolutely invariable and everything else, such as mass and time, revolves around it.

Of course, it doesn't really revolve around the speed of light. It only appears to revolve around the speed of light. Because the speed of light is within us, this is how it appears to us. Einstein's Special Relativity becomes easy to explain by the simple trigonometry of a right triangle. When an object appears to be traveling very fast, close to the speed of light, it is at a large angle relative to our bundle of strings. Since the diagonal, or hypotenuse, of a right triangle must be longer than the base of the triangle, which represents our bundle of strings, it's mass appears to increase, becoming apparently infinite at a 90 degree angle, which we perceive as the speed of light.

Likewise with Relativity's "time dilation". If we were moving close to what we perceive as the speed of light, our consciousness would be moving along the bundle of strings comprising our bodies and brains as it always would, but since the high speed is really an angle, we would be traveling at a lower speed relative to the base of the right triangle. it is all a matter of simple trigonometric functions.

We can see that the effects of Special Relativity are only an illusion due to our moving consciousness by cosmic rays. These rays are actually particles, but were misnamed as rays before they were discovered to be particles of matter. Some cosmic rays are moving at near the speed of light which, according to Relativity, means that they should have near-infinite mass. 

But since gravity is proportional to mass, they should also have near-infinite gravity. Yet clearly, they don't. if one particle in cosmic rays had near-infinite gravity, then is should wrap the entire earth around itself, yet it doesn't. This shows that Special Relativity is really an illusion of the motion of our consciousness.

4) Then what about the force of a moving object? When an object is moving at twice the velocity, it is known to have four times the force. The Inverse Square Law applies to the energy of gravity or of electromagnetic radiation in multi-dimensional space. So why would it apply to an object moving in a one-dimensional line?

Of course, this is explained by simple trigonometry also and proves that there has to be another dimension of space that we cannot see because it behaves according to the Inverse Square Law that applies to multi-dimensional space, not to one-dimensional straight lines. We can see that the increase in length of a line at 2 degrees to a base line is four times that of the increase in length of a line at 1 degree to the base line. That is why an object moving at twice the velocity has four times the force, the objects are really strings and there is a dimension of space that we cannot see.

5) Another mystery is Einstein's very famous formula about the conversion of mass and energy, E = MC squared, with C representing the constant, or the speed of light. This means that the energy within mass, known as the Mass-Energy Equivalence, is equal to the mass multiplied by the speed of light squared. But why would a small amount of mass contain so much energy?

Of course, this actually reveals that the speed of light is a 90 degree angle in four-dimensional space. It also reveals what matter and the Mass-Energy Equivalence really is. The universe consists of two electric charges, negative and positive. Opposite charges attract and like charges repel. Matter is actually like charges, which would otherwise repel, being held together by energy. When this energy is released, the like charges repel one another and move away from each other by the most direct possible route.

If matter is actually strings aligned in four-dimensional space then that shortest possible route is at right angles to that alignment. That right angle, a 90 degree angle, is what we perceive as the speed of light. Since, at the same time, our consciousness is moving in a perpendicular direction at what we perceive as the speed of light that is why the speed of light is squared, or  multiplied by itself, in the formula.

Never before had this formula seemed so simple to understand.

6) But then if Special Relativity and the speed of light are just within us, then why do we have so much memory capacity? How can something as small as the human brain hold such an incredible volume of memory? It seems impossible.

Of course, if this theory is correct then the brain has an entire other dimension to it. When we remember things, we are going along the bundle of strings comprising our brain into the dimension of space that we perceive as the past. The brain otherwise could not possibly hold the volume of memories and knowledge that we have.

7) Another mystery is that of cryogenics, conditions at very low temperatures. We can take a tough and flexible sheet of rubber and, if we cool it to near absolute zero, it will shatter into pieces at the slightest impact. This cannot be explained by ordinary chemistry.

Of course, it's really simple. If matter is really strings in four-dimensional space then heat, which we see as the motion of the particles comprising matter, is really the changing angles of strings which must be wrapping around one another at the same time. If we cool the object to near absolute zero, the strings will then be straight lines, with practically no wrapping around each other. Since this is what holds the object together, this is why the sheet of rubber easily shatters.

8) Another profound mystery concerns Relativity and Quantum Physics. Both are well-established and can prove their findings with experiments. Both explain things that cannot be explained by ordinary physics. But the two disagree with each other over the speed of light. In Relativity, the speed of light is absolute and everything else revolves around it. In Quantum Physics, the speed of light is not even a factor at all and it can be shown that information moves instantly between two entangled photons no matter how far apart they are, without being limited by the speed of light. How can this possibly be?

Of course, it's simple, and it shows that there really is no finite speed of light. Both Relativity and Quantum Physics are illusions of our perspective on the universe. We have to remember that we see the universe as we do not only because of what it is but also because of what we are.

Relativity is an illusion of time really being the motion of our consciousness along the bundles of strings comprising our bodies and brains at what we perceive as the speed of light. Quantum Physics is an illusion of the fact that electromagnetic waves are two dimensional but the reception of them in our eyes and instruments is based on their interactions with electrons which are really one-dimensional strings. This absorbs one dimension of the wave but leaves the other as what seems to be a one-dimensional photon. Two photons can be entangled, if one is split by a crystal, only if they are linked to one another in the past time direction which, as this shows, must actually be a dimension of space.

9) Does this explain the Mass-Energy Equivalence, that a given amount of mass contains a certain amount of energy? Mass is something that manifests, and is affected by, gravity. What exactly is gravity?

Of course it does. The universe is electric charges. Like charges repel but can be held together by energy. This energy shows up as mass, which is attracted by and manifests gravity. If the two electric charges, negative and positive, are equal then the two rules of the electric charges, that opposite charges attract and like charges repel, must also be equal. If we overcome the repulsion between like charges with energy, that means that there must be a net attractive force between the masses, and that is what we refer to as gravity.

10) But then why are there both matter and antimatter, and why do they both disintegrate and release a tremendous amount of energy when they are brought in contact?

Of course, matter is like charges held together by energy. In atoms, the negatively-charged electrons orbit the positively-charged nucleus. But there is no reason that the charges in atoms could not be reversed, and that is what antimatter is, with positively-charged positrons. The energy that holds these like charges together as matter is the Mass-Energy Equivalence. Space then must be a multidimensional checkerboard of alternating negative and positive charges. 

Ordinary matter does not mutually disintegrate when brought together because all of it has negatively-charged electrons facing each other which mutually repel when in contact, known as electron repulsion. But when matter and antimatter is brought into contact, the charges in both rearrange themselves back into the alternating charges of empty space and the Mass-Energy Equivalence in both is released as a fantastic burst of energy.

11) So this explains space and matter, but then what are electromagnetic waves?

Of course, these waves are only produced by matter. Energy can never be created or destroyed but only changed in form. What energy basically does is to displace electric charges by overcoming the mutual repulsion between like charges. This first forms matter, but if that energy is released it goes into space but the overall displacement of electric charges must remain the same. 

Space is also electric charges and the displacement there gives us electromagnetic waves. Waves are two-dimensional but the strings of matter are only one-dimensional, this is why matter has mass but electromagnetic waves don't. Because the energy is concentrated into only one dimension when it is in matter. Also, since matter produces electromagnetic waves, the fact that waves move only in one-dimensional straight lines shows that matter is one-dimensional strings.

12) But then what is "Planck's Length", an almost infinitesimal distance, and why is it so important?

Of course, it's simple. The entire universe, matter and energy, is composed of nearly-infinitesimal electric charges, negative and positive, and Planck's Length is the size of one of these charges.

13) Why does so much of physics revolve around three-part formula, such as the electrical formula of E, I and, R, which stand for the relationship between voltage, current and, resistance, in volts, amperes and, ohms? Another common physics formula is F = MA, Force = Mass x Acceleration.

Of course, all matter in the universe consists of one-dimensional strings. These strings can be bent at angles that we perceive as velocity, or energy. The only two possible factors are how many strings there are, in a bundle that is bent, and the angle at which they are bent. This means that much of physics consists of formula such as A = BC or B = A / C. One ultimately stands for the number of strings, one for how much they are bent, and the other is the final result of the bending.

14) So much has been determined about what happened after the Big Bang, the great explosion that began the universe but, as with what time really is, there is nothing much about what actually caused the Big Bang. This, along with time, should be the most primal question of all.

Of course, this makes it really simple. The first rule of the universe is that the negative and positive electric charges must always balance out. The universe also always seeks the lowest energy state but that rule is secondary to the balancing of electric charges.

My theory can bring the universe back to the first electric charge, whether it was negative or positive. A single charge would create an electrical imbalance, and that cannot be allowed. The first charge would have to induce an opposite charge next to it, but on both sides. That would also result in an electrical imbalance and the two new charges would have to induce copies of the original charge on each side of them. Then those would have to induce opposite charges on each side of them, and so on, in multiple dimensions.

The simple fact that created this alternating checkerboard of opposite charges in multiple dimensions is that there has to be an electrical balance between negative and positive but there can never be such a balance with an odd number of charges. So the universe just kept growing and this is what formed the space of the universe.

But some discrepancy occurred, perhaps willed so by God, and a two-dimensional sheet of space began to form in the same way that was within, but not contiguous with, the multi-dimensional background space. The mismatch of the alternating checkerboard of opposite charges between these two blocks of space brought about charge migration in the two-dimensional space. Positive moved to one side and negative toward the other, because this created a lower energy state.

Because the two-dimensional sheet of space was not contiguous with, not coordinated with, the dimensions of the background space, it's negative and positive sides came into contact with regard to the background space. This created the matter-antimatter mutual annihilation, with the fantastic burst of energy, that we perceive as the Big Bang, the great explosion that began the universe.

One of the two dimensions of the two-dimensional sheet disintegrated, the one that had come into contact, and the other remained as the one-dimensional strings of matter that we see in the cosmology theory. This means that space is an alternating checkerboard pattern of negative and positive charges and matter is a concentration of like charges, held together against the usual electrical repulsion of like charges by energy.

The energy is what we see as the Mass-Energy Equivalence of matter that is released by putting the matter in contact with antimatter, so that the energy is released and the electric charges go back to the alternating checkerboard pattern of empty space. The energy in the matter originally came from the energy released when the other dimension of the two-dimensional sheet disintegrated, and also that the sheet was not contiguous with the background space. This is information and energy and information is really the same thing.

15) Finally, if the Big Bang can occur like that, as a result of a sheet of space forming whose electrical charges are not contiguous with the alternating checkerboard pattern of charges in the background space, then why can't it recur on a regular basis? If it happened once, it should be able to happen again.

Of course, it does recur. This is what causes the phenomenon known as Gamma Ray Bursts. About one per day occurs somewhere in the observable universe. This is a fantastic and mysterious release of energy. Gamma Ray Bursts are associated with supernova but are hundreds of times more powerful.

When a string of matter, such as an electron, is broken by extreme force it upsets the all-important electric charge balance and the universe begins reproducing electric charges as happened in the beginning of the universe. This forms a sheet of new charges that are not contiguous to the dimensions of the background space.

This imbalance causes pressure on the electric charges of the new sheet, since opposite charges attract and like charges repel, which causes charge migration to make one side of the new sheet more negative, and the other side more positive. Since the new sheet is not contiguous with the dimensions of the background space, the two sides ultimately meet. This cause a matter-antimatter mutual annihilation and a fantastic burst of energy is released just as with the Big Bang.

That is the story about how an abandoned attempt to develop the invention of a measurement tool led to my cosmology theory, detailed in "The Theory Of Stationary Space", July 2017. I actually value science more than anything I could invent. Remember that all around you, every day, there are things that no one has ever noticed.

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