Thursday, October 19, 2023

Observations About The Gaza War

The most valuable piece of ground in any war is the moral high ground.

This war is nothing new. It has been going on since biblical times. Simeon and Levi massacred the males of the town of Shechem, and took the women and children captive, because their sister had been raped. David, when in exile with the Philistines, returned to Ziklag and found that the Amalekites had destroyed the town and taken captives. This attack very similar, except for the technology, to the Philistine raid that destroyed Shiloh, seen in the following image from Google Street View.

In the U.S. there is more support for Israel but much more support for Palestine in the world overall. If Iran would bring it's ally, Russia, to invade Israel and liberate the Palestinians, which would fulfill the Bible prophecies, they would have the support of at least 70% of the world.

A military operation to defeat terrorists might succeed in it's mission. But if children have bombs exploding around them, and see members of their families killed, the operation will have created the next generation of terrorists.

Weapons are supplied to nations at war but when the war is over the weapons end up getting sold all over the world. Some soldiers get used to being at war and have a ready new profession as a mercenary.

Coverage of modern wars are full of stories about atrocities. But many of the stories turn out to be doubtful or untrue. In 1990 Iraq invaded Kuwait. Saddam Hussein's soldiers allegedly went into a hospital, looking to seize medical equipment. Premature babies were in an incubator. The soldiers supposedly threw the babies on the floor, leaving them to die, and took the incubator. The general belief is that the U.S. and Kuwaiti Governments knew that the story wasn't true, but didn't say so until after the war. This is known as the Nayirah Testimony.

The greatest triumph of Satan is not just to get people to do evil things, but to get them to do evil things in the name of God.

Has anyone ever thought that western-style suits are used as a subtle, maybe unconscious, dominance tool? When a non-western leader wears a suit to a meeting with a western leader it is a subtle acknowledgement of the dominance of the west. It could also be saying that "We are just as western and modern as you are". A lot of Middle East leaders, noticably those of Saudi Arabia and Iran, wear traditional clothing.

As far as Iran being in on the scenario that we saw in "Inducing The Apocalypse", June 2023, remember that Iran is a close ally of Russia and will be part of the invasion of Israel from the north that will start the final series of wars of the world. Iran's brand of Shiite Islam is apocalyptic, known as "Twelver". There are believed to have been twelve imams. The twelfth, and final, one is now hidden from his followers but will return as the Mahdi.

Robert Kennedy Jr. is campaigning for U.S. President just as this conflict is going on. His father, the brother of President John F. Kennedy, was assassinated while campaigning for president in 1968. His assassin was Sirhan Sirhan, who was from a Palestinian Christian family and had been through the war upon the founding of Israel as a child. Robert Kennedy, as a youth, had visited Palestine just before Israel had declared independence, in 1948, and had made clear his support of Israel.

In the compound posting "Investigations", December 2018, there is one that might interest Pakistani readers. 45) THE ASSASSINATION OF PRESIDENT ZIA explains my reason for believing that the 1988 assassination of Zia Ul Haq was linked to his earlier being stationed in the Middle East as a military officer. He was instrumental in driving the Palestinians out of Jordan, afterwards referred to as"Black September ".

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