Thursday, June 27, 2024

Inducing The Apocalypse

When holy prophecies are made there are sometimes people who may be in a position to "help the prophecy along" toward fulfillment. Jesus Himself, while being crucified, had a sip of wine that was offered to Him, in order to fulfill a prophecy that had been made in the Old Testament of the Bible.

What about today? Might there be any people, in positions of power, looking to make an eternal name for themselves by helping the world along toward the Apocalypse that was prophecied in the Bible and the reign of the Antichrist that must precede it?

What about the U.S. Presidents, specifically those since 9/11?

A U.S. President could help the apocalyptic prophecies along first, obviously by provoking global conflict and, second by alienating the world from the U.S., and purposely reducing it's global influence toward democracy, to promote the rise of the one-world government of the Antichrist, who we know will not be American but will be from the European Union.

Let's start with George W. Bush, the U.S. President at the time of 9/11.

After 9/11 he purposely used the word "Crusades", in a news conference, knowing that the history of the Crusades, the invasion of Moslem lands by westerners, is still a sensitive subject to Moslems. The Crusades could be described as a Christian version of Jihad, or Holy War.

We saw in the posting about the Apocalypse how Iran will be a participant in the attack on Israel that will initiate the final series of wars of the world. Iran had shown no unusual signs of hostility but George W. Bush labeled Iran, Iraq and North Korea as an "Axis of Evil".

Saddam Hussein had been the arch-enemy of Iran. His 1980 invasion of Iran led to an extremely deadly and destructive eight-year war. During that war, Iran expressed the goal of continuing on to liberate Jerusalem after defeating Iraq. But the Iran-Iraq War eventually ended in a stalemate.

Nothing could have done more to get Iran closer to Jerusalem than the removal of Saddam Hussein. Iran today has a considerable degree of control over Iraq and was deeply involved in the civil war in Syria, which is immediately north of Israel.

George W. Bush's invasion of Iraq damaged America's relationship with it's European allies. But maybe that would prompt the European Union to integrate closer together, which would be the political base of the Antichrist.

The world had been hopefully moving toward democracy. But we know that the reign of the Antichrist will be a worldwide dictatorship. Could the much-derided imprisonment of anyone with a slight suspicion of having any involvement in terrorism at Guantanamo Bay be a purposeful step away from democracy and toward that future dictatorship?

The global move toward democracy must somehow falter if the Antichrist, who will be the greatest dictator that the world has ever seen, is going to emerge. Is it possible that there is a movement in the U.S. Government that secretly wants global democracy to be a failure? What about guns in America, particularly assault rifles? 

America stands for democracy in the world and nothing is doing more to dim that vision of democracy than the never-ending news of gun massacres. The most effective way to be sure that global democracy doesn't succeed, so that the Antichrist can emerge, is to make sure that anyone who might be inclined to commit a gun massacre can easily get all the weaponry that they need. Is there a better way to explain the apparently absurd abundance of assault rifles everywhere?

There was no word for "gun" in biblical times. The invention of gunpowder was far in the distant future. But the Second Book of Timothy does foretell that, in the Last Days of the world, there will be people suffering from "uncontrollable fits of rage". The many gun massacres not only diminish democracy but fits this prophecy perfectly.

Barack Obama was elected as U.S. President in 2008.

The Obama presidency moved toward improving relations with Iran, eventually signing the nuclear deal. But Barack Obama continuously taunted Russian leader Vladimir Putin, such as publicly referring to him as a "spoiled kid". It was definitely during the Obama Presidency that the "New Cold War" began.

Then came Donald Trump.

The main purpose of his presidency seemed to be to tear down the existing world order, in which America plays an important role. Could this be so that a new world order will arise, that of the Antichrist?

Donald Trump's erratic behavior thoroughly alienated America's allies and diminished it's leadership in the world.

He withdrew America from arms control agreements with Russia and the Paris Agreement on climate change. He scrapped the nuclear agreement with Iran, withdrew America from the World Health Organization and left the G7 meeting early.

He demonized the Chinese telecom company Huawei, and essentially initiated a new cold war with China.

Donald Trump hung up on British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and referred to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau as "weak and dishonest".

He had Iran's top general killed by a missile from a drone.

But yet he moved the U.S. Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, thoroughly upsetting Israel's potential enemies.

Why on earth would Donald Trump bring many boxes of classified government documents to his mansion in Florida when he left office, stack the boxes in a bathroom, and then show the top-secret documents to dinner guests?

This could not only greatly damage national security but the former president could be arrested, and possibly sent to prison. It could definitely terminate his expressed plans to run for office again. Most of the documents were about nuclear weapons.

Donald Trump, knowing that some people would report the documents, was trying to alarm the world enough to induce the emergence of the Antichrist, who will seem to have all the answers to everything. A former U.S. President is carelessly dispensing the information that anyone needs to build their own nuclear weapon.

Billionaires like Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin are now in their 70s and won't be able to take any of their wealth or power with them when they go. But they both have a much greater goal that makes their worldly wealth seem utterly trivial by comparison. They could gain a place in eternal history by inducing the emergence of the Antichrist so that the Return of Jesus to earth will happen seven years later.

Isn't it time for a new world order?

What about Joe Biden? Was the exit from Afghanistan purposely done to look weak, in order to encourage Russian aggression? Before the Russian invasion of Ukraine Biden kept saying daily that Russia was going to invade, until finally it did. It seemed like Biden was encouraging it.

During the war in Ukraine Joseph Biden announced that the world was at it's closest to Armageddon since the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis. But he made this announcement during a meeting of the European Political Community. Was he trying to induce the emergence of the Antichrist, since it is known that the Antichrist will emerge from western Europe?

Biden didn't officially announce it but he let the media hear him say that the nuclear deal with Iran, originated by Barack Obama when Biden was his vice president, was "dead". The possibility of Iran having nuclear weapons, which could be used against Israel, gave the world another peril to make it look to the leader that emerges with all the answers, the Antichrist.

Following the invasion of Ukraine the leadership of Russia seems to have gotten in on inducing the Apocalypse. It has long been known that Russia is the only country that fits the "enemy to the north" that will invade Israel, breaking the world order set up by the Antichrist, to start the final series of wars of the world, before the Return of Jesus to set up His Kingdom on earth. But the atheistic Communism of the Cold War is long gone. Russia is now "Holy Russia" against the apostate, drug-addicted and, decadent west.

There is strong religious overtones to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Kyiv was where the Eastern Orthodox Church began, when Vladimir the Great baptized it's population in the Dneiper River. Crimea, the Ukrainian peninsula that Russia seized in 2014, was where Vladimir himself had been baptized.

There is a simple explanation for the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The leadership of Russia knows that the Antichrist must arise in the west, from which the Eastern Orthodox Church broke away but which has now fallen into apostasy and decadence. The mission of "Holy Russia" is to induce the emergence of the Antichrist which must be followed, seven years later, by the Return of Jesus. The leadership of a nation that feels it is on a holy mission to bring about the Return of Jesus probably isn't going to be too worried about a few sanctions from the nations of the decadent west.

The leadership of Russia has made a number of apocalyptic statements since the invasion began. If they were just trying to capture part of Ukraine, or even the whole country, what point would there be in making threatening statements that alarm the whole world? The logical thing to do would be to justify the invasion. 

Instead the Russian leadership and outlets such as state television have been boasting about their fearsome nuclear missiles. Vladimir Putin recently announced that the threshold for Russia to use nuclear weapons is being lowered. The real purpose is to induce the emergence of the Antichrist, who will seem to have all the answers to everything.

Sergei Lavrov, the Foreign Minister of Russia, stated that Russia would "fight until the end". Dmitry Medvedev, the former President and Prime Minister of Russia, referred to the "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse", in Chapter 5 of the Book of Revelation. (Both quotations from Newsweek). 

Dmitry Medvedev also warned that the consequences of any action against the Crimea Peninsula would be "Judgment Day". These pending consequences were also described as "Doomsday". 

Apocalyptic statements regularly come from the U.S. and Russia. Early in 2024 Donald Trump made a statement to the effect that, if reelected as president, he would allow Russia to attack members of NATO that spent less than 2% of their budget on defense. Dmitry Medvedev threatened devastating nuclear destruction to London, Berlin and, Washington if Russia doesn't get what it wants in Ukraine.

The symbol painted on so many Russian military vehicles in Ukraine is "Z". But Z isn't even in the Russian (Cyrillic) alphabet. Why would Russia use a letter as a symbol of the invasion that isn't even in it's own alphabet? Z is the letter at the end of the Latin alphabet, which is used by what the leadership of Russia views as the now-decadent west. Doesn't it seem like the "Z" represents the End of the World?

In the Bible prophecies the "enemy to the north" of Israel, which will invade Israel during the time of the Antichrist to set off the final series of wars of the world, is to have Persia, the former name of Iran, as an ally. Not only has Iran been a foe of Israel since the Iranian Revolution of 1979, but Russia has moved much closer to Iran during the war in Ukraine. Vladimir Putin visited Iran and Russia is making widespread use of Iranian drones in the war. Iran is today one of Russia's closest allies.

Both Russia and Ukraine are major producers of food. This invasion brought the possibility of catastrophic famine in parts of the world. That was part of the calculation to induce the emergence of the Antichrist, because any world leader that could resolve this would really be a hero. The same goes for skyrocketing fuel prices, which makes everything else expensive because raw materials and finished products have to be transported, because Russia is a major oil and natural gas producer. This was all a part of the calculation by Russia's leadership. This was an invitation to the Antichrist to make his appearance.

Why is Israel so upsetting the world by continuing it's offense in Gaza, and ignoring world opinion calling for a ceasefire? If Russia and Iran invaded Israel today, which would fulfill Bible prophecies of the Apocalypse, they would have the support of at least 70% of the world. 

Remember that the Bible defines the Jews as the chosen people of God. They have as much to gain as anyone by the establishment of the Kingdom of God on earth, even if they don't believe that Jesus was the Messiah.

As for Iran, a long-time enemy of Israel and now close ally of Russia that will be part of the invasion from the north, it's brand of Shiite Islam is apocalyptic. It is known as "Twelver" Shiism. There are believed to have been twelve Imams. The twelfth, and final, one is now hidden from his followers but will return as the Mahdi, a messianic figure that will restore the world.

So there are a lot of people in powerful positions in the world that have an interest in bringing about the biblical Apocalypse, especially since it's going to happen anyway. It began, on a major scale, with 9/11.

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