Thursday, June 6, 2024

Observations About Numbers


The universe favors even numbers. With regard to elements there are the so-called "Magic Numbers". These seven numbers are all even numbers. They apply to both protons and total nucleons in atomic nuclei. When a nucleus has a Magic Number of protons or neutrons or, better yet, both it will have more stability. This shows the bias toward even numbers. 

Just as the Magic Numbers, which are a property of matter rather than numbers themselves, are all even numbers so the Prime Numbers, which is a property of numbers, are all odd numbers. A Prime Number is more difficult to arrive at by multiplication because it's only factors are 1 and itself.

Basic multiplication shows the bias toward even numbers. There are even and odd numbers and this gives us three possible operations. If we multiply two even numbers we get an even number. If we multiply an odd number by an even number we get an even number. It is only when we multiply two odd numbers that we get an odd number.

But yet this is a higher information state for even numbers to be preferred over odd numbers. This preference for even numbers over odd numbers is an inequality. We know that the universe prefers the lowest possible information state, without erasing any information, and an inequality contains more information than an equality.

So what could the universe do to make this inequality into an equality? The bias toward even numbers means that, as matter undergoes changes such as fusion in stars, fission by Cosmic Ray Spallation and, formation of planets and stars due to nova and supernova, the number landscape shifts to favor even numbers.

What I refer to as the "Number Landscape" is about numbers being manifested by matter, but not of the nature of numbers themselves. The basic number landscape is 0, 1, 2, 3,... When matter comes into the picture we would expect that the basic number landscape would remain the same, the lower a number is the more likely it is to be manifested somehow. There is more likely to be 3 of something than 9 of something.

But changes in matter bring about the bias toward even numbers and the Number Landscape begins to shift, with even numbers getting lower and thus more common and odd numbers getting higher and less common. This shift is information as the basic number landscape of 0, 1, 2, 3,... represents the state of lowest information. However this shift does inevitably bring a bias toward even numbers, and the universe would prefer that there be an equality.

So the universe has a simple technique that will restore the equality of even and odd numbers. It makes 1 an odd number. 1 is definitely the number that is most likely to be manifested by matter. There must be 1 of something before there can be any other numbers of it.

Have you ever wondered why there is a bias toward even numbers? Remember that we use numbers that are representative of the universe, and the universe is composed of the two electric charges that we refer to as positive and negative. The bias begins with the requirement that negative and positive charges must always balance out. In my cosmology theory empty space consists of alternating positive and negative charges, in multiple dimensions, so that the balance is immediate. Matter allows the charges to balance out over a distance, making possible charged particles such as electrons.

Two is an even number and even numbers are defined as multiples of two. This shows up as the bias toward even numbers. My conclusion is that it is the reason there are two opposite directions in each spatial dimension, such as up and down, left and right and, front and back.

Suppose that the universe consisted of three opposite charges. Not only would there have to be three opposite directions per dimension but the universe would rearrange itself so that there would be a bias toward multiples of 3. There are two categories of numbers now, even and odd, because there are two electric charges. If there were three opposite charges there would have to be three categories, with a bias toward multiples of 3, even if we cannot imagine it.


Pi is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to it's diameter. The value of pi is an irrational number that cannot be expressed precisely with a finite number of digits. It's value is 3.1415927... When a high degree of precision is not necessary, 22 / 7 is sometimes used as an approximation of pi. 

But the concept of pi is something simple. How can it be that it is impossible to express it without an infinite number of digits? Could the trouble be with our number system?

Our number system is a one-dimensional line of numbers. We can see this in how two quantities cannot be equivalent without also being equal. But the circle is two-dimensional. Pi actually can be expressed with precision but only by using a complex two-dimensional system of numbers, see "The Missing Numbers" May 2024. 

So this means that if we try to express some geometric concept with a lower dimensional order of numbers than is required we will get an irrational answer that requires an infinite number of digits to express, even though the concept itself might be relatively simple. If we try to express a higher dimensional concept with a lower dimensional order of numbers it will show up as infinity, regardless of whether the concept is finite.

Another way of looking at it is that a circle can be defined as a polygon with an infinite number of sides. So if we try to express pi accurately with a one-dimensional number system we can only do so with an infinite number of digits.

So what might this be able to tell us about the nature of the universe?

Going back to Pythagoras scientists generally believe that everything in the universe is really numbers being manifested. There is nothing in the material universe that cannot be broken down into numbers. We see the universe in terms of matter and energy but that is because we are part of the universe with our own perspective on it.

We have our own dimensional order, with three dimensions of space. We have difficulty imagining any more dimensions of space because the matter of which we are composed is scattered over only three dimensions of space. It is impossible for us to see or move in any space that might be outside our own three dimensions.

Could it be that the universe is actually quite limited in it's scale but we perceive it as being infinite because it, in the same way as the circle in pi, we are of a lower dimensional order. If the universe had even one more spatial dimension than we were able to perceive we would have to see it as infinite. It could be that the universe, rather than being infinite in three dimensions, is actually infinitesimal but in an infinite number of dimensions.


If you have ever taken an algebra class you probably remember the "imaginary number", denoted as "i", which is the square root of -1. The trouble is that negative numbers do not have square roots because two negative numbers multiplied equals a positive number.

You may have wondered what on earth you will ever use this for in the real world. It seems like it was dreamed up by some ivory tower intellectual with very little connection to the real world. 

That is what I thought, but later I began to think again. I realized that this was really a valuable concept but a mistake had been made in it.

Our number system is useful because it represents the world around us. But it does not completely represent the world. Our number system is a one-dimensional line of numbers. We can see this in how two quantities cannot be equivalent without also being equal, and this is not how the world around us works.

The way that our number system really shows that it doesn't completely represent the world around us is the irrational numbers that it gives for several important mathematical constants. Irrational means that the number cannot be accurately expressed as a whole number or ratio. 

An ideal example of an irrational number for a mathematical constant is pi. This is simply the ratio of the circumference of a circle to it's diameter. The value of pi is 3.1415927..., and it can be calculated to an infinite number of digits. But why does such a simple concept require an infinite number of digits because the numbers that we use are not capable of expressing it? 

It is because a circle is two-dimensional but our number system is one-dimensional. Our number system represents matter but the circle represents space. No matter how we arrange matter we cannot come up with an absolutely perfect circle. 

Pi actually can be expressed precisely with numbers but it requires a two-dimensional system of numbers, as we saw in "The Missing Numbers", May 2024. 

Now back to our apparently completely irrelevant square root of -1. It is actually just what we need but the great mistake that was made is that it is not about the square root of -1, which most certainly does not exist, but about what I refer to as "Perpendicular 1".

Negative numbers are defined as a mirror image set of numbers going in the opposite direction from zero. But negative numbers do not really exist. All that we apply negative numbers to are synthetic creations such as debt and artificial units of temperature. So if negative numbers do not exist then the square root of -1, which wouldn't exist even if negative numbers did exist, most certainly do not exist.

The concept of i is very valuable. It would complete our number system and make it correspond to the world around us. But it is not the square root of -1. It is the square root of Perpendicular 1. Having a number system that is perpendicular to the usual system would correspond to how the real world works. Since each number would have two square roots two quantities could be equivalent without being the same thing, which is not possible with our one-dimensional number system. It would also make dimensionless mathematical constants, most notably pi, accurately expressible with rational numbers. 

Letters are often used in mathematics. We might go from Point A to Point B. X and Y are used to represent variables. Pi is actually a letter from the Greek alphabet. The ideal letter to represent this perpendicular set of numbers is L, which forms a perpendicular angle. The perpendicular number would be preceded by L. A complex number such as this would be written as (5 + L7). The L would indicate that this is a complex number and the two numbers are not to be added together. There actually could be negatives of the perpendicular numbers, that would be written as (5 - L7).

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