Thursday, September 19, 2024

The Assassination Attempts Of September 1975

Does anyone remember that there were two assassination attempts on U.S. President Gerald Ford, within three weeks of each other? Both were by women. 

Gerald Ford was never elected as president. Spiro Agnew was Richard Nixon's Vice President, but resigned because of tax evasion, and Nixon chose Ford to take his place. Nixon then resigned because of the Watergate Scandal and Ford found himself as president. Before this, Gerald Ford had been best-known for being on the commission that investigated the assassination of John F Kennedy.

The first assassination attempt was by a member of the Manson Family but had not been involved in their notorious murders. Lynette Fromme had been one of the early followers of Charles Manson. 1969 was a time of great racial tension and the group believed that the Apocalypse foretold in the Bible would begin with a race war in America. On two successive nights members of the Manson Family committed two sets of horrific murders. The best-known victim the first night was actress Sharon Tate, and a party was going on at the house. A grocer and his wife were murdered on the second night. 

A musician had been invited to the party but didn't go, possibly due to too much partying the night before. He was from Buffalo and his name was Rick James.

They set it up to appear that black militants had done the killings, which would hopefully set off the race war and the Apocalypse. After that, according to the group's plan, Charles Manson would reign over the world as Christ. 

Lynette Fromme had not been involved in the murders but remained a devout follower of Manson afterward. She pointed a gun at Gerald Ford but there was no bullet ready to fire. Everything about the assassination attempt was red. Lynette Fromme was wearing red, her hair was red, and it was purportedly about saving California's redwood trees.

Within three weeks, Sara Jane Moore tried to assassinate Gerald Ford with a gun. Her purported motive was to start a revolution in America.

Both women would escape from prison but would be recaptured. 

In the posting earlier this month, "The Adventures Of Lost People", we saw how people are designed to believe in something and when they don't believe in God they will just replace Him with something else. In our secular age, replacements for God are often nationalism or political-economic ideologies. How many people have you known whose country or political-economic ideology is their "religion"? The would-have-been assassin of Donald Trump this week is an ideal example. His "religion", that he was willing to sacrifice his freedom or his life for, was his political ideology.

For more about assassinations see "Assassination Attempt On Donald Trump", July 2024.

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