Thursday, November 14, 2024

Introduction To This Blog System


Image used by permission

This is my main blog and all new postings are made here. Postings may be later combined into a compound posting on this blog. Many of the postings concern my observations in various branches of science, but there are also many on technology, religion, economics and, general world issues.

Blogs are organized to be read from top to bottom like a book. There is a list of the postings on each blog to the right of the blog, but you have to click on the months shown. Please use this listing to verify that you have seen all of the postings on the blog. The usual pace of this blog is 1-3 new postings per week.
I would really like to thank everyone who reads any of these blogs for your interest.
Most of the postings on this blog are visits to various places around the world, and articles about such topics as history and religion. But much of the writing is about science. I do not write about what is already known but only if I can write something new, or at least a new way of looking at things. If the title of a posting has an asterisk* after it, that means that the posting has already been moved to it's permanent position and will later be deleted from here.
If you would like a quick background in the science and mathematics that everyone should really know in the 21st Century, the posting "Scientific Literacy" provides this in about a hundred paragraphs. Similarly, "The Way Things Work" provides a quick background in everyday technology.
I am a Christian and I want to show that belief in God is not unscientific at all. I was interested in science long before I was interested in religion, and have never had any trouble believing that God created everything.
There are five major scientific theories, each arranged in the form of a textbook. The first four of the following five are on this blog.
"The Theory Of Stationary Space" is my cosmological theory of how so much revolves around time being explained by us being in four-dimensional space, with the dimension that we cannot access being perceived as time. This is my version of string theory, with matter actually being strings in four dimensions rather than particles in three dimensions. Everything is ultimately based on negative and positive electric charges, with energy being able to overcome the laws of attraction and repulsion of electric charges. No one has ever explained exactly what time is, and a myriad of explanations of other things fall right into place around it.
"The Flow Of Information Through The Universe" is about how so much can be explained by seeing how there is a limited amount of information, and it must be the same information that constructs the highest levels as the lowest levels. A ready example is how the orbits of planets around the sun is based on the orbitals of electrons around the nucleus, in the atoms of which the sun and planets are composed. This concept is extremely useful because, understanding this, we can study things that we cannot directly see by analyzing things that we can see because all must be built on the same information.
"The Theory Of Complexity" is about what information actually is, how energy and information is really the same thing, and how we see the universe as we do because of our perspective of being at a higher level of information than our inanimate surroundings.
"The Lowest Information Point" is about how, since information and energy is really the same thing and the universe always seeks the lowest energy state, it also always seeks the "Lowest Information Point". So much is explained by how the universe prefers equalities to inequalities and related ratios where the numerator of one ratio is also the denominator of the other. This explains so much from why dust particles are as big as they to why the planets and stars are the scale that they are.
"The Story Of Planet Earth", on the geology blog, is about how virtually every major feature of the earth's surface, both on land and seafloor, can be explained by lines of magma emergence from below that were affected by the landing of three Continental Asteroids. Many people believe that land originated from a past "super-continent", but there is no explanation of where it came from.
There are a few of what we could call "minor" theories, where there is not as much written as with the major theories. On this blog, there is "How Biology And Human Life Fits Into Cosmology". On the meteorology and biology blog, there is my theory of the nature of water, "Water Made Really Simple".
There are compound postings about science which are groupings of writing about a certain topic.
Scientific compound postings include, "Computer Science", "Atomic Science", "Measurement", "A Celebration Of The Inverse Square Law", "Our Solar System", "Mind-Bending Cosmology", "The Configuration Of The Solar System Made Really Simple", "In Appreciation Of Electrons", "The Science Of Human Society " and "Orbital And Escape Velocities And Impacts from Space".
Compound postings about history and the world include "The House Of Holy Wisdom, Where The Modern World Began", "Niagara Stories", "Economics", "How History Repeats Itself", "The Meaning Of Freedom", "The Western Hemisphere", "Our Language" and, "America And The Modern World Explained By Way Of Paris".
There are two compound postings about prophecies and the Bible. There is "The Aztec Prophecy" than, for prophecies that are directly made in the Bible there is "New Insight Into Bible Prophecy".
"Investigations" is the compound posting that is a collection of any posting about an investigation.
The rest of the postings are individual postings. For more detailed information about this blog, see the posting "About This Blog". For general topics of conversation, see "Thoughts And Observations", on the world and economics blog.  

Other Blogs And Books


Lights at night 

Here is a quick look at my other blogs before you start this one.

On this blog, you can see a list of all postings by clicking on the year or month to the right. But on the topical blogs, that is not the case. If you click on a year or month on those blogs, it will display the postings themselves, but the list on the right will still only show those postings that were added most recently.

To access a list of all postings on those blogs, it is necessary to click on the arrow in front of the year or month in question. is about economics, history and, general human issues. concerns progress in technology and ideas. is my geology and global natural history blog for topics other than glaciers. My natural history blogs concerning the impact of glaciers is . is about new discoveries concerning natural history in the general area of Niagara Falls. is my observations concerning meteorology and biology. is my blog about physics and astronomy. is my version of string theory that solves many unsolved mysteries about the underlying structure and beginning of the universe. details my work with the fundamental patterns and complexity that underlies everything in existence. is my religion blog. is proof that there must be a god. is my travel photos of Europe.

On my photo blogs, Blogspot will not hold all of the photos in each blog in a straight line. To see all of the photos, you must click on the bottom posting listed on the right at the top of the blog after seeing all that there are in the initial showing. The last posting in the North America blog should be "Tijuana, Mexico" and the last posting in the Europe blog should be "Notre Dame Cathedral Door And Arc De Triomphe, Paris". Each photo in the photo blogs can be clicked on to enlarge it to full screen.

My autobiography is

My books can be seen at or, just do an author search for "Mark Meek".   

The South China Coast

We have visited Hong Kong, Macau and Guangzhou (Canton), which are in the south. Today we will see the coastal cities that are in between there and Shanghai. North of Hong Kong but south of Shanghai.

This area is so important because it is a logical place for China to do so much of the trading that it does by ship. This stretch of coast was the location of the first Special Economic Zones that were designated by Deng Xiaoping. Possibly the most visible Special Economic Zone today is the Lujiazui area of Shanghai, but that was not designated as a Special Economic Zone until later.

In a Special Economic Zone trading can be done with other countries without requiring the express permission of the government. More free-enterprise is permitted and foreigners are allowed ownership and investment.

China has traded by ship for a very long time. The fabled Silk Road was not only by land. Much of the trading along the road was done by sea. These cities along the coast were mostly walled because piracy and raiding by sea was an ever-present menace. This area is on the mainland directly opposite Taiwan.

The first part of this coast that we will visit, the southern part, is in Fujian Province. In this province there is yet another way to speak Chinese, aside from Mandarin and Cantonese, the dialect here is Fujianese.

Xiamen is an island city on the coast that has been designated as a Special Economic Zone. A lot of shipping is done from this city. This was one of the first Special Economic Zones in China. The first five images of Xiamen are from Google Street View.

There are multiple scenes following. To see the scenes, after the first one, you must first click the up arrow, ^, before you can move on to the next scene by clicking the right or forward arrow, >, After clicking the up arrow, you can then hide the previews of successive scenes, if you wish.

This is Minhou, to the north of Fuzhou. The first two images are from Google Street View.,120.6535481,3a,75y,46.5h,92.93t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipPQCxUnrLv9TweZRPnCmxBYbhhEbW9Ex2zR6ec5!2e10!3e11!!7i10240!8i5120

Finally, at the end of our journey northward along the coast of southern China, we come to the area of Taizhou. This is in the Yangtze Delta, one of the great early centers of civilization. Shanghai is also in the Yangtze Delta. The first two images of Taizhou are from Google Street View.

The Circular Trap

The modern world is partially caught in what I call the "Circular Trap", and it is really something that should have a name. The Circular Trap is all about our thinking.

For thousands of years, ceramic bowls, cups and, vases have been made on a potter's wheel. A potter's wheel is necessarily circular and it is difficult to break with the way that things have been done for thousands of years, even when new technology comes along.

Property lots and the floor plans of buildings tend to be rectangular, or right-angled. The reason is simply that the dimensions of space are right-angled and so this is the only form that will fit together with no leftover space. This is also why boxes are right-angled, this is the only shape that can be stacked with no wasted space.

So here is the question. Why are property lots, floor plans and, boxes almost always right-angled because it is the most efficient use of space but pots, like the one above, bowls, vases, plates and, cups are circular? It is because of the momentum of thousands of years of using the potter's wheel, and we have great difficulty breaking out of it, even though the potter's wheel isn't needed anymore. 

This is what I call the Circular Trap.

Despite being the most efficient use of space, because the dimensions of space are at right angles to one another, the right angle form is somewhat alien to us and is rarely seen in nature. The cylindrical form of most pottery, including glass, is much more visible because it is the form of the trunks of trees. There are cylindrical buildings, but it is usually done for decorative reasons.

This is St. Casimir's Church in Buffalo, image from Google Earth. Domes are attractive, from both inside and outside, but spatial efficiency inside the dome is not a factor.

This does not mean that right-angled is always the best form in all situations. It is easier to drink or pour from a circular spout. A cylindrical form means that the edge is always the same distance from the center and this makes rolling, whether paper towels or sheet metal used in manufacturing, more efficient. It is also more aerodynamic, having no edges, and more efficient for things like electrical transformers.

But the fact remains that the right-angled form is more space-efficient. Milk containers and jugs are usually right-angled, except for the pouring apparatus, but most other food containers aren't. Looking around the kitchen here, almost all containers that hold food or ingredients are cylindrical, only a few are right-angled. Today, right-angled containers are just as easy to make and would be considerably more space-efficient. It is no more difficult for us to hold a right-angled container than a circular one. It's just that mass production and transportation is relatively new, and our thinking hasn't caught up to it yet.

This is what I call the Circular Trap.

In the Nineteenth, and early part of the Twentieth, Century large volumes of liquid were stored in those common wooden barrels. A craftsman who made the barrels was called a "cooper". The barrels were made of the cylindrical shape that they were so they could be moved short distances by rolling, and bulged in the middle to facilitate rolling. The following image is from the Wikipedia article "Barrel".

The descendant of these barrels is the standard metal 55 gallon drum of today. When you hear of "barrels of oil", this is what it means. This image, from the Wikipedia article "Drum (Container)" shows a standard 55 gallon drum.

But these barrels of today are rarely moved by rolling. They are usually always moved short distances by forklift, either while on a pallet or with the forks under the ridges on the sides of the barrel, or by dolly or cart. So why are they still made cylindrical when being right-angled would be much more efficient in terms of space?

Suppose that a truck is carrying a load of standard 55 gallon drums. The drums are cylindrical and, because of the simple geometric fact that circles cannot fit together with no wasted space, at least 30 percent of what the truck is carrying is empty space. Over time, this simple inefficiency has cost billions because the drums would be more efficient if they were right-angled. 

In this image, from the Wikipedia article "Drum (Container)", you can see how much wasted space there is because the cylindrical drums cannot fit together with no wasted space.

This applies to anything that is in a package or container, from products on grocery store shelves to barrels of oil or industrial chemicals. It is an illustration of how our thinking works. Technology has advanced far beyond the potter's wheel, that was in use for thousands of years, but our thinking has only partially caught up. You can see this on your next visit to a grocery store.

I don't believe in space aliens but if they existed, and came to earth, this is one of the first things that they would wonder. Why do we make so many things cylindrical when it wastes so much space?

A common goal is to come up with new ideas by "thinking outside the box". But in this case the box is the goal and we need to "think outside the circle".

Multidimensional History

I have always been interested in both science and history and, as time goes on, it seems more and more as if the repetition of history is like a law of physics. It is as if there is only a certain amount of information out there so that the information must repeat itself. But the repetition of history is not quite as neat as the laws of physics. It is more like a multidimensional repetition where there is likely a number of historical threads in the repetition.

Let's have a look at the Iranian Revolution of 1979 as an illustration of how there tends to be multiple threads in a repetition of history.

The modern political era began with the French Revolution of 1789. I see it as the "Big Bang" of the modern political era. The king and queen were overthrown and guillotined, by popular revolt, in favor of a republic. But it ended with the rule of Napoleon, who became the prototype of the modern dictator, although he didn't initiate the revolution.

As an illustration of how influential the French Revolution was remember that Napoleon, who eventually became the all-powerful leader, wasn't actually born in France. He was born in Corsica, which had only just come under French control. This pattern was followed by two other powerful Napoleonic figures. Adolf Hitler wasn't born in Germany, he was born in Austria, and Josef Stalin wasn't born in Russia, he was born in Georgia. Corsica is just southeast of France, just as Austria is just southeast of Germany and Georgia is just southeast of Russia.

There have been two major reenactments of the French Revolution, as well as many minor ones. The difference between major and minor is not how important the revolution is, but whether a basic change is made in the direction of the French Revolution in the modern era.

The first major reenactment of the French Revolution, what we could call the Second Revolution, was the October Revolution of 1917. This was the beginning of world Communism. The difference is that the Romanov family was executed by firing squad, rather than guillotined, and the signature event of the revolution was the Storming of the Winter Palace, rather than the Storming of the Bastille.

The October Revolution, this Second Revolution, changed the direction of the French Revolution because of an outside factor that had been added. That factor was widespread industrialization. The development of industries in the last third of the Nineteenth Century made a few people extremely wealthy but some perceived the millions of people who worked for them as underpaid and unfairly exploited. Communists referred to the exploited workers as the Proletariat and the exploitive wealthy as the Bourgeoisie, based on the theory of Karl Marx.

The second major reenactment of the French Revolution, what we could call the Third Revolution, was the Iranian Revolution of 1979. This was the Islamic Revolution. It changed the basic direction of the French Revolution in that the first two revolutions had been against religion but this turned it back toward religion, and not only Islam. In contrast to the first two revolutions, the Shah of Iran managed to escape into exile and, instead of the Storming of the Bastille or the Winter Palace as the signature event, it was the Storming of the U.S. Embassy.

The Iranian Revolution has turned the world, at least the west, back toward religion, thus changing the basic direction of the French Revolution. Not so long ago, in the era of the Second Revolution, nations had nuclear missiles pointed at each other over competing economic systems. Now, when nations deal with each other, no one seems to care much about economics anymore. Russia, once the land of "Godless Communism", is now "Holy Russia", standing against the west that has fallen into decadence and apostasy. The Second Revolution is over and we are now in the era of the Third Revolution.

The influence of the French Revolution on Iran was compounded by the exile of Ayatollah Khomeini, who was sent out of the country because of his opposition to the Shah. Khomeini spent years in neighboring Iraq, as a teacher in the Shiite holy city of Najaf. Iraq had undergone it's own repetition of the French Revolution, with the king overthrown and killed. In fact the revolution had been on July 14, which is Bastille Day. The Iraqi Revolution ended up, just like the French Revolution, with a powerful leader in a military uniform. Saddam Hussein was Iraq's version of Napoleon. 

Then Khomeini, joined by his supporters, relocated to a town near Paris. It was actually near the Palace of Versailles, the splendor of which had sparked the French Revolution. It was where the French king and queen who were executed had been living. So the time that Khomeini spent in Iraq and France, during his exile, contributed to the repetition of the French Revolution in Iran.

But there were multiple historical threads in the Iranian Revolution, the French Revolution wasn't the only one. Before the partition of 1947, India bordered Iran. The saga of Ayatollah Khomeini was very much influenced by that of Mahatma Gandhi. An ascetic elderly religious leader, in non-western clothing, leading the country away from foreign influence and back to it's traditional values. This doesn't mean that Khomeini himself was influenced by Gandhi, who was a Hindu, just that the whole story of Khomeini leading the Iranian Revolution was. 

The emergence of Mahatma Gandhi, along with the postwar leaders of other Asian countries, is the result of a repetition of history that began with Napoleon, who was the end result of the French Revolution. Spain had a vast empire in the western hemisphere, virtually all territory from what is now the southwestern U.S. southward, except for Brazil which was ruled by Portugal. Napoleon conquered Spain and Portugal. While the two countries would regain their freedom, their colonies managed to break away. Portugal had actually moved it's capital to Rio De Janeiro. After the Napoleonic war, Spain tried to hold onto it's colonies but only managed to keep Cuba, Puerto Rico and, the Philippines, all of which it would lose in the Spanish-American War nearly a century later. European powers held colonies in Asia and this history was repeated after the Second World War. Britain gave up it's colonies mostly peaceably, with France trying to hold onto Vietnam and the Netherlands to Indonesia. Mahatma Gandhi emerged to lead this postwar independence.

The fact that Khomeini spent years in exile before the triumphant return to lead his country resonates with other Asian leaders who came before him. This includes Sun Yat-Sen(China), Chiang Kai-Shek (China), Ho Chi-Minh (Vietnam) and, Syngman Rhee (South Korea). Gandhi had spent more than two decades away from India, mostly in South Africa.

With Iran in possession of much oil, the U.S. and Britain managed to involve themselves in the country. Their influence shows up in the Iranian Revolution, although it was against western influence in the country. Ten years before the Iranian Revolution the U.S. was riven by widespread demonstrations against it's Vietnam War. The demonstrations against the Shah, during the Iranian Revolution, closely resembled America's anti-war demonstrations. Bell-bottom pants were even in style in Iran at the time. 

As for British influence, the whole story of Khomeini and his revolution is like a modern reenactment of Oliver Cromwell. Like Khomeini, Oliver Cromwell overthrew the monarchy in the Name of God. He had the Crown Jewels destroyed and the king, Charles I, executed. The son of the king famously escaped by hiding in an oak tree. After Oliver Cromwell died his son took over, but didn't inspire the same devotion, and the son of the executed king was able to restore the monarchy as Charles II.

A mostly forgotten episode of Twentieth Century history is that Britain and the Soviet Union sent forces into Iran during the Second World War. The intention was not to permanently occupy the country but to secure a corridor whereby supplies could be gotten to the Soviet Union, which had been invaded by the Nazis. The Soviet occupation resulted in two short-lived republics, one Azerbaijani and the other Kurdish, attempting to declare independence from Iran. But could anyone have imagined that, thirty-five years later, a revolution would take place in Iran that would be along the lines of, but would supplant, the one that brought the Soviet Union into existence but would be religious in nature, led by a figure that was like a modern Islamic version of Britain's Oliver Cromwell?

This shows how history repeats itself. The repetition of history is almost like a law of physics. But it is not quite as neat and there tends to be multiple historical threads woven together.

Cloud Visions

This Prince Miracle Of Niagara that I have written about here is nothing out of the ordinary. I have never seen what would be called a "supernatural" vision but I have seen about 40 cloud visions, similar to the one of Prince, almost all of family members and pets. I didn't write about it here because I couldn't prove it and didn't think it would be believed. But now you can see the Prince Miracle. 

The visions really started after my mother died in 2011. Two months after she died, something told me to look outside the back door. I was stunned to see a perfect image of her in a cloud. But the first one that I saw was actually of our cat, while both my mother and the cat were still living. I have seen Prince about half a dozen times before.

I started writing the cloud visions down on paper but then got this blank book to record them in.

This striped cat that we used to have was seen numerous times.

This is the Prince Miracle. God has given me a miracle that I can show you here. Niagara Falls is the site of a miracle that can be seen anywhere. A short distance from where this took place is where I first read the Bible. We used to have Bible readings in the gym at Valley Way School.

The Days Of The Week

Here is something for Christians, Moslems and, Jews to unite on. Have you ever thought about where the names of the days of the week come from? Four of the days are named after Viking gods, and three are named for astrology.

Saturday is named for Saturn 

Sunday is named for the sun 

Monday is named for the moon 

Tuesday is named for the God of War

Wednesday is named for the God named Woden, or spelled Odin.

Thursday is named for Thor, the God of Thunder, who is sometimes considered as the Viking equivalent of Jupiter.

Friday is named for Frigg, the goddess wife of Woden (Odin).

Isn't it something that, not only are we destroying the earth that we live on by global warming and pollution, but it doesn't even get a day named for it, although the moon and Saturn do? 

How is it that the Book of Genesis describes the seven day week being inaugurated by the one Holy God himself, but then the days end up being named for these pagan gods? This is unreal. 

How about some more appropriate names for the days of the week?

Monday becomes Righteousday 

Tuesday becomes Earthday

Wednesday becomes Peaceday

Thursday becomes Almsday 

Friday becomes Lifeday 

Saturday becomes Goodnessday

Sunday becomes Holyday

Wouldn't this be better than the present paganism?

Local Sympathy

I would like to express sympathy for the closing of the Sumitomo tire factory, in nearby Tonawanda. The factory has been there since I landed here as a child, it used to be called Dunlop. When I was still learning my way around I considered the building in the following image, from Google Street View as seen from the highway, as the halfway point between Niagara Falls and Buffalo.

Thursday, November 7, 2024


Macau began as a Portuguese entrepot on the coast of China, about 65 km from Hong Kong. It is a very wealthy and highly-rated place to live. Macau is also known for high-stakes gambling. Like Hong Kong, Macau drives on the left side of the road.

This is a look at central Macau. Unlike Hong Kong, there is no gap between Macau and the mainland. If a label says the scene is in Guangdong, that is the neighboring province of mainland China. The first three images are from Google Earth.

There are multiple scenes following. To see the scenes, after the first one, you must first click the up arrow, ^, before you can move on to the next scene by clicking the right or forward arrow, >. After clicking the up arrow, you can then hide the previews of successive scenes, if you wish.,113.5496592,3a,75y,281h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sufvcV24It6_-P-lGLANUZg!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656

The front of the church in the following scenes of central Macau is of St. Paul's Church, which was once destroyed by fire but the front remained. The first three images are from Google Street View.,113.5429255,3a,75y,271h,88t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipP27DkZ2vlDTQL2E4ZeXj1aEPXKCow7sZYsRo_-!2e10!3e11!!7i2508!8i1254

This area is along the former border with mainland China. Macau is now fully a part of China. If the label says Guangdong, then it is on the mainland. The first three images are from Google Street View.,113.5352078,3a,75y,304h,87t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sbuTi3cI6zhtCSCAJIGBu6w!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656

Macau consists of two main islands. The southern island was actually two islands that was artificially joined together. The following scenes are around the southern part of the north island. The first two images are from Google Street View.,113.5519785,3a,75y,146.14h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1spT4r1VKE9yqt-aSVRUYvqw!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656

On the southern island of Macau this is the area known as Taipa, near the airport. Remember that everything about Macau is a mixture of Chinese and Portuguese. The first three images, of apartment buildings, are from Google Street View.,113.5572662,3a,75y,310h,84t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipMhEWsvMU7UvXLojny8yS2gTutvmZJUrEyboe2_!2e10!3e11!!7i6144!8i3072

Finally, this is the "City of Dreams" mall on the southern island of Macau. China is known for it's sometimes "creative" modern architecture and the building with the "holes" in it is the Morpheus Hotel, as seen in the first two images from Google Earth.