Friday, October 25, 2019

Computer Breakthrough

Google announced this week that it had achieved "quantum supremacy", in reference to a new quantum computer that can perform calculations far faster than a conventional computer. An ordinary computer uses magnetic bits, which can store information by representing either a binary 0 or a 1. Basically, a computer making use of quantum physics can calculate much faster, because bits in quantum states can represent either a 0 or 1 at the same time.

I just want to remind readers that there is another breakthrough development in computing. Developments in computing are all about technology, but what about language? Suppose that there was a major breakthrough to be made on the language side that cannot be done with technology?

Physicists always tell us that everything is basically numbers. This means that there must be a way to break words down into their corresponding numbers. If that could be done then the computer would automatically understand all text data without any further instruction as to what the words mean, just as it can do now but only with numbers.

If this could be done then a computer, or any information device, would be able to understand words just as it understands numbers. As it stands now, a computer understands numbers but it doesn't understand words at all unless keywords are coded in. It understands numbers because numbers form a logical linear sequence while words don't.

Computers are designed around use of numbers, but do not actually understand words at all. Words cannot be understood by a computer without additional keyword instructions. To a computer, as it stands now, a word is just a mass of byte code that is recognizable to us but meaningless to the computer. We can organize words by alphabetical order, or parts of speech such as nouns or verbs, but there is at present no way to organize words in logical order by meaning in the same linear way that numbers are organized.

But, again, physicists tell us that everything is really numbers in manifestation. This must mean that all words actually are numbers that any computer or communication device could understand if only we could break words down into their corresponding numbers.

This would be a much better way of storing knowledge than at present because the computer or application would actually "know" the knowledge, instead of merely storing and displaying it. The computer or phone could reason and answer questions based on the knowledge that it has, and could readily translate one language into another because all words would be broken down into the same numbers.

Since most physicists agree that everything is really numbers there must be a way out there somewhere to arrange words in a logical structure by meaning in the same way as numbers. The computer would then really understand all of the data that was inputted into it. That would be a massive breakthrough in computing.

I have the mathematics all worked out that would have every word in the language broken down into it's corresponding numbers. The process resembles an inverted pyramid with the mathematical operations that the computer or phone device already understands at the bottom and the numerical codes representing the meanings of words built upon that. The result will be the meanings of all words expressed by numerical codes that are broken down into the math that the computer understands so that the computer can then finally understand words as well as it does numbers.

Using this system, suppose that we give the computer a simple statement like "The front of the new school will be made of red brick". The computer will automatically know that red is a wavelength of electromagnetic radiation visible to humans. It will know that bricks are made of clay, which is broken-down rock. It will discern that bricks have mass and the school will be bound to the planet by gravity. It will be clear to the computer that the school will get wet when it rains, and will need periodic maintenance. The computer will also know that a decision must have been made to build the school based on economic considerations and that humans must learn their knowledge, and that this is the purpose of the school.

As it stands now, the computer can understand complex mathematical operations but not simple reasoning like this using words, unless such words are encoded, such as with keywords. But with this system, the computer will understand every word and sentence because each word will be presented as part of the overall language structure with the word based on the words below it, which define it's meaning, with all words ultimately based on the mathematical operations which the computer already understands.

This is not as difficult as it may seem. There are only about ten thousand words in common use. Words can be defined by combinations of other words, or else we would not have dictionaries. The most commonly used words are actually numerical expressions such as and, with, without, near and, far. Most prepositions are numerical in nature.

This system makes extensive use of the common patterns shared by so many words. For example, eyes, windows, lenses, cameras, sensors and, antennae are all variations of the same thing, and will thus have related numerical codes. There are very many common patterns between living things and technology, ribs in the body and rafters in a house, for example. Words which are manifestations of the same basic pattern will have related positions in the structure of all words, this will make it easy for the computer to understand the words and to relate them to the mathematics which it already understands.

It is easy to see how the physical universe is all numbers being manifested. There is the +1 and -1 of the basic electric charges in the universe. Atoms are structures that balance positive (protons) and negative (electrons) charges out to zero. Atoms are numbers in that the elements are defined by the atom's atomic number. Atoms + other atoms = molecules. On a large scale in the universe, spheres form by gravity as planets and stars because a sphere has the lowest surface area per volume, and this the lowest energy state. Computers can readily be used to model the physical universe because of how it is ultimately always based on numbers.

But things get more difficult when we come to modeling living things and humans as mathematical models that the computer understands. This system of mine, however, makes any thought or action, as well as any implication of that thought or action, expressible in numbers that fit into a mathematical structure with all other meanings of words.

It is important to understand that this is not at all an issue of technology at all, but of language. This could actually have been done with the technology of decades ago. What is novel about this approach is that it is from the language side, rather than the technology side.

I see this step as inevitable in computer technology, but it has not been done yet. How can real artificial intelligence ever be possible without a step like this? I studied computer programming, but was dismayed by all of the computer languages for different purposes. Why can't we just get the computer to understand ordinary language? We do not have to speak a different language for every different thing that we do, so why should the computer?

There is nothing in AI like this. It is not machine learning or word embedding. I do not see how we could have real artificial intelligence without the computer or device actually understanding words. This system is not actually a computer language that requires compiling or interpreting. Rather, it is the system of mathematics that turns all of human language into a computer language that can then be completely and readily understood by the computer because the language has been broken down into the numbers that it ultimately represents.

Again this must be possible if, as physicists tell us, everything is really numbers. It is not a question of if it can be done, there must be a way to do it. I have thoroughly tested this system of mathematics that I have developed and anything that can be expressed as words can readily be translated into numbers that the computer understands.

Some of my writing about numbers, words and, how information works is in the compound posting on this blog, "The Theory Of Complexity".

This system is complete but I have not yet arrived at what to do with it, and have not decided on a name for it. I do not want to get involved in starting a company myself but could give this to a company or I might make it into a book. if anyone wants to know more about it .

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