Thursday, September 3, 2020

The Apple Tree Prophecy

 Could it be that the biblical story of Adam and Eve falling by eating the Forbidden Fruit is also a prophecy? The fruit opened their eyes, giving them wisdom and knowledge that they had not had before, but also brought about their fall from paradise into sin.

Far in the distant future, Sir Isaac Newton was at home in Lincolnshire. One day, he saw an apple fall from a tree. According to some accounts, he was sitting under the tree and the apple hit him on the head.

It was a revolutionary moment because he suddenly realized that the universe was governed by a force that he called gravity.

Around the same time, Newton discerned the nature of light and color. He developed calculus, which he called "fluxions". During this great year of discovery, he set out the principles of mechanics.

Telescopes were being used to look into space. Galileo's telescope revealed things that had never before been seen, such as the craters on the moon and the moons of Jupiter. But a telescope based on lenses is strictly limited in size, and thus power, because a lens can only be supported by it's edges, and a large lens will sag under it's own weight.

Newton got the idea of basing a telescope on a concave mirror, which wasn't limited in size because it can be supported from beneath. This is known as a reflecting, or Newtonian, telescope, as opposed to a refracting telescope based on lenses. Modern astronomy has revolved around reflecting telescopes. Although the refracting design might be preferable for small portable telescopes because the mirrors of a reflecting telescope can be knocked out of alignment.

This streak of discoveries by Sir Isaac Newton is considered as the beginning of modern science.

Just like Adam and Eve's Forbidden Fruit, the fall of Isaac Newton's apple gave humanity knowledge and understanding that it had not had before. Unlike the Forbidden Fruit, the development of modern science was not forbidden to humans. The world now had the Word of God and were (hopefully) mature enough to handle the wisdom and knowledge that had been withheld from them earlier.

The knowledge of science, and the technology that it brought, certainly made life easier in many ways. But it has also made wars far more deadly and destructive. Can you believe that the Nobel Peace Prize was founded by the inventor of high explosives? We have now gained the ability to destroy civilization by pressing a few buttons, as well as to destroy the environment that we depend on to survive.

As I have written here before, if I had to describe our times in one sentence it would be; "We have reached the point where we can change the world faster than we can adapt to the changes that we have made in the world".

Along with the wonders of communication technology came the ability of governments to conduct surveillance of people. It is interesting that Newton's wonderful year of discovery was 1666, and the Bible tells us that the number of the Antichrist will be 666.

We saw the importance of the number 19 to the biblical prophecies of the Last Days in the recent posting on this blog, "The Nineteen Prophecy", August 2020. Notice that the digits in the year 1666 add up to 19.

Again, the reason that 19 is an important number is that two especially important numbers in the Bible were 7 and 12. God chose for there to be 7 days in a week and there were 12 tribes of Israel before there were 12 apostles. If we add 7 and 12 we get 19. 7 was important early, at the time of creation. 12 was important later, so it makes sense that 19 would be important in the Last Days.

For one thing, Newton's streak of discoveries that began with the fall of an apple began not as part of his academic career at Cambridge but because he was home because everything was shut down by the plague. In the future there would be another pandemic and the changes it would bring about are leading to the reign of the Antichrist, as we saw in the posting on this blog "The End Of The World As We Know It", June 2020.

The digits of the year of Newton's furlough at home due to the plague, 1666, add up to 19. The future pandemic preceding the Antichrist, whose number is 666 and would be made possible by the science and technology made possible by Newton's discoveries during that year, would be Covid-19.

This is about science and mathematics, not about prophecy, but I am a great fan of the Inverse Square Law that Sir Isaac Newton used to describe the operation of gravity. My thought is that we could be getting a lot more out of the Inverse Square Law. We saw this in the compound posting on this blog, "A Celebration Of The Inverse Square Law", 

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