Thursday, October 29, 2020

The Temple Is Still With Us

The content of the investigation, 23) THE COLOSSEUM AND THE VATICAN, from the compound posting, "Investigations", December 2018, is part of this posting.

The world actually forms a tree pattern that leads back to the Temple in Jerusalem. This Temple was central to the story of the Bible, and was destroyed during an uprising against Roman rule in 70 A.D. Here is something that I cannot find has ever been pointed out. Through this tree pattern the Temple is really still with us.


Have you ever wondered why St. Peter's Square, at the Vatican, is actually shaped like an oval? Every other square that I can see, both in Italy and just about everywhere else, is literally right-angled in form. So why would this "square" actually be shaped like an oval?

As it turns out there is a simple answer. I cannot find anything about this being documented but am not quite sure whether to believe that I am the only one today that knows this.

St. Peter's Square is exactly the same size and shape as the Colosseum, which is about 3.5 km away. This is St. Peter's Square. St. Peter's Basilica is to the left so that the two together have the shape of a key, with the oval form of the "square" being the handle of the key.

Here is the Colosseum, shown from the same altitude. Although the directional alignment of the two is not the same, you can right click and select the "Measure Distance" feature to see that the dimensions of the Colosseum are exactly that of the internal diameter of the Colonnades that give St. Peter's Square it's oval form. Part of the structure of the Colosseum along it's long axis is missing but both measure about 190 meters, or 625 feet.

The oval form of both is not an extreme ellipse, the ratio of the long axis to the short axis being about 1.2 or 6 / 5.

Clearly, St. Peter's Square was constructed to exactly match the Colosseum but this has never been made public.


There is more to the relationship between St. Peter's Square and the Colosseum. By using the right click and "Measure Distance" option on Google Maps, it draws a straight line between the two points that are clicked on. If we choose the first point as the obelisk in the center of St. Peter's Square and the second point as the far side of the long axis of the Colosseum, the southeastern end, we find something else amazing that has never been made public.

The direction to St. Peter's Square from the Colosseum is exactly along the extension of the long axis of the oval form of the Colosseum.

So St. Peter's Square was not only constructed to match the dimensions of the Colosseum, it was also located to be aligned with the long axis of the Colosseum, although the directional alignment between the two is not the same. The alignment may not be perfect, down to the centimeter, if measured with a laser, but remember that this alignment was set up centuries ago.

That is not all. The original center of the Catholic Church was not the Vatican, as it is today, but the Lateran Palace. The papacy moved, for some time, to Avignon in southern France. When it returned to Rome, the Lateran Palace had been damaged by fire and was relocated to the Vatican instead. The Lateran Palace is still officially the headquarters of the church.

As it turns out the Lateran Palace is located on the opposite side of the Colosseum, which is from ancient Rome and was built before either, from the Vatican. This means that the Lateran Palace was also located on the extension of the long axis of the Colosseum, but in the opposite direction to that of the Vatican with St. Peter's Square.

The Lateran Palace is a large complex, but that means that we can draw a straight line with the Google Maps "Measure Distance" feature from the obelisk in St. Peter's Square to a point in the Lateran Palace complex, and the line will go right along the long axis of the Colosseum.

It turns out that the very center of the cruciform, shaped like a cross, Archbasilica of St. John (San Giovanni) in the Lateran Palace complex is where the straight line leads to. There is an obelisk in the palace complex but that is not on the axis.

But what could these alignments mean? It is reminiscent of the Historical Axis of Paris, but that is no secret. I have searched and searched and cannot find that this alignment in Rome has ever been made public. The Colosseum is the best-known structure from ancient Rome, is the symbol of the modern city of Rome as well as it's geographical center.

It seems clear that this alignment with the Colosseum is an effort by the church to link itself with the power of the Roman Empire, but not to be made public. It could be a symbolic sympathy for those Christians who were martyred by the Roman Empire but it is not clear how many were martyred at the Colosseum, as opposed to the nearby Circus Maximus.

This hidden symbolism supports what we saw in the investigation, "11) SYMBOLISM THEORY OF THE VATICAN AND THE HAGIA SOPHIA, in the compound posting, "Investigations" December 2018.


There is another reason for linking the Vatican to the Colosseum. It is well-known that the funding to build the Colosseum came from the wealth that the Romans looted from the Jewish Temple, when they destroyed it in 70 A.D.

Constructing St. Peter's Square so that the obelisk in it's center was aligned with the long axis of the Colosseum, which was built with the wealth taken from the Temple, to the center of the Archbasilica in the Lateral Palace, was the way of making the Vatican the new Temple, even if it was not made public.

The ideal way to accomplish this would, of course, have been to build the Vatican itself with the wealth looted from the Temple. But the Colosseum was built in the First Century, while Christianity was illegal and many Christians would be martyred in the Colosseum. Judaism was a legal religion, but Christians lost that legality when they separated from Judaism by recognizing Jesus as the awaited Messiah.

It was the bones of the martyred St. Peter, the best-known of the Apostles who had actually been with Jesus, over which the Vatican was built, hence the name of St. Peter's Square.

But the center of the Archbasilica of St. John (San Giovanni), in the Lateran Palace complex, which is older than the Vatican, and is much closer to the Colosseum, must have also been built so that it was on the long axis of the Colosseum. This was the precedent for centering St. Peter's Square in the same way.


Putting down the Jewish uprising against Roman rule, which resulted in the destruction and looting of the Temple, had not been an easy battle for the Romans. When it was over, the Arch of Titus was built next to the Colosseum, to memorialize the victory. The engravings on the Arch illustrate the wealth being taken from the Temple which went to build the adjacent Colosseum.

To this day, Jews who visit Rome are not supposed to walk under the Arch of Titus.

The amazing thing is that there is not only the above described axis, through the long axis of the Colosseum, there is also another axis that runs close-by and parallel to it. The center of the dome of St. Peter's Basilica is located on the axis that runs through the Arch of Titus.


We saw in the compound posting on this blog, "America And The Modern World Explained By Way Of Paris", December 2015, how Paris has been the prototype for cities across the world. 

The centerpiece of Paris is the Arc De Triomphe, a victory arch built by Napoleon. But it was modeled on, and inspired by, the Arch of Titus.

So Paris, which is imitated in so many cities across the world, is centered around the Arc De Triomphe in exactly the same way that Rome is centered around the Colosseum, which was built with the wealth taken from the Jewish Temple when it was destroyed. The Arc De Triomphe is actually modeled on the Arch of Titus, which was built in commemoration of the victory which resulted in the destruction of the Jewish Temple, and depicts the wealth being taken from that Temple which paid for the construction of the Colosseum.

Then we have the alignment. Paris is centered on an alignment, the Historical Axis of Paris or Axe Historique, just as St. Peter's Square and the Archbasilica of the Lateran Palace are aligned along the long axis of the Colosseum and the center of the dome of St. Peter's Basilica is on the axis through the Arch of Titus, which runs parallel to the one through the long axis of the Colosseum.

(Note- The Historical Axis of Paris runs from the statue in the center of the Louvre, through the Arc De Triomphe Du Carrousel, to the obelisk in Place Concorde, through the Arc De Triomphe, to the new Grande Arche. The three arches are in alignment).


Another way that all of this is linked to the world is what we saw in the section 7) FOUR HORSES ALL OVER THE WORLD, in the compound posting "The Aztec Prophecy" April 2018.

This tradition of a statue of four horses actually began with the ones that are in St. Mark's Basilica, in Venice. Those were originally taken from Constantinople, which was established as the capital of the eastern half of the Roman Empire, as Rome was the capital of the western half. 

Napoleon took the four horses from Venice, but then copied them and returned the originals to Venice. Napoleon's copy are the four horses that are atop the Arc De Triomphe Du Carrousel, which is on the Historical Axis of Paris, was built by Napoleon before the larger Arc De Triomphe, and was also modeled on the Arch of Titus.

The bones of St. Mark are in his namesake basilica in Venice, just as the bones of St. Peter are the foundation of his namesake basilica in Rome. St. Mark and St. Peter are closely linked because the first of the Gospels, St. Mark's, was Mark writing for Peter, who was a great speaker but couldn't read or write.

So we have how Paris has influenced the world and the "Four Horses All Over The World" linked back to the destroyed Temple in Jerusalem. 

But the four horses originated with the ones in Constantinople. That is where what would be the largest church in the world for a thousand years was built, after Rome became Christianized. 

This great church would have an effect on the world that is nearly incalculable. The church is the Hagia Sophia, the House of Holy Wisdom. We saw it's tremendous influence in the compound posting on this blog, "The House Of Holy Wisdom, Where The Modern World Began", January 2016. The original site of the four horses that are now in Venice is right outside the Hagia Sophia.


Notice all of the paralleling here. There is the two parallel axes in Rome. There is the link between Paris and Rome. There is the parallel of Venice and Rome, St. Mark and St. Peter, which meets the Rome axes at the four horses atop the Arc De Triomphe Du Carrousel in Paris. There is the parallel between the two capitals of the Roman Empire, east and west, Constantinople and Rome.

The link, on the same axis in Paris, between the Arc De Triomphe, which was based on the Arch of Titus in Rome and which celebrates and depicts the wealth that was looted from the Temple and built the Colosseum, and the Arc De Triomphe Du Carrousel, which hosts Napoleon's copy of the four horses in Venice, that were taken from the former capital of the eastern half of the Roman Empire, represents the link between Rome and Venice, which are also linked by hosting the bones of St. Peter and St. Mark. St. Mark wrote the first Gospel for St. Peter, who couldn't read or write. Venice is linked to the Hagia Sophia because the namesake basilica that hosts both the bones of St. Mark and the original four horses is a copy of it.

Can you see how the world is actually branches of the destroyed Temple that was so important in the story of the Bible? All of these parallels are the branches. The Temple has been destroyed but in this way is still with us.

We have seen the Temple Mount, the semi-artificial hill upon which the last Temple was located in the posting on this blog, "Esau And The Temple Mount", February 2016.

Finally, I find it utterly amazing how the Temple being still with us so much resembles the branches of a tree because we saw in the interpretation of Bible prophecy, 2) THE TREE STUMP AND THE TEMPLE MOUNT in the compound posting "New Insight Into Bible Prophecy" October 2017, that I see the tree stump with the band around it, in the Book of Daniel, as a prophecy of the Temple Mount, which would be built centuries in the future, and would remain after the Temple had been destroyed.

The tree being cut down represents the Temple and that is why the Temple being still with us is in the form of a tree.

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