Thursday, October 15, 2020

Why Nothing Can Move Faster Than The Speed Of Light

What I really like about the cosmology theory that I have developed is that it makes so much so easy to explain. Concepts that seem to be very complex become explainable as simple arithmetic or geometry.

A great mystery is why nothing can ever move faster than the speed of light. Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity explains it as an object gaining mass as it moves at ever-faster speeds until, at the speed of light, it will have infinite mass. Accelerating it to higher speeds would require an infinite amount of energy which is, of course, impossible.

The speed of light can be measured with precision. It is about 300 million meters per second, or 186, 282 miles per second.

What differs about my cosmology theory, compared to other theories, is how we are a part of cosmology ourselves. Science usually presumes that we have an unbiased view of our surroundings. But my theory is that we are part of the universe ourselves. To understand the universe we have to understand that we see the universe as we do not only because of what it is but also because of what we are.

We can see and move in three spatial dimensions, and so conventional science presumes that is how many there are. But we also experience time. Time is often recognized as a dimension and Relatively refers to "space-time". But it had never been explained just exactly what time is.

So many otherwise difficult-to-explain mysteries just fall into place if we consider that we actually inhabit four spatial dimensions, one of which we experience as time. The elementary particles of which matter is composed, such as electrons, are really strings in four dimensions. We perceive them as particles because we can only see in three of the four dimensions.

There has long been a feeling that matter is actually composed of strings, and various forms of "string theory" have been around since 1968.

This idea of matter actually consisting of strings in four dimensions immediately, and simply, explains two of the greatest mysteries of the universe. It is the first plausible explanation that I have ever seen of what time actually is. It also explains why the speed of light is what it is, instead of some other speed. Otherwise, although we can measure the speed of light with precision, we cannot explain why it is that speed instead of some other speed.

The simple answer is that both time and the speed of light is within us. What we perceive as time is our consciousnesses moving along the bundles of strings comprising our bodies and brains. The rate at which it moves is what we perceive as the speed of light.

The universe, as we know it, began with the Big Bang. My theory has a simple explanation of what caused the Big Bang, other theories detail what happened after but do not explain what caused it. Everything in the universe moved outward from the Big Bang. All energy in the universe can ultimately be traced to the Big Bang.

My cosmology theory has motion, which requires energy, as actually angles in the strings, or bundles of strings, comprising matter. The greater the angle, the faster we perceive the object to be moving, as our consciousness proceeds past it at what we perceive as the speed of light. 

The speed of light is actually a 90 degree angle in a string, or bundle of strings, that we perceive as moving because it is our consciousness that is actually moving. The speed of light is the fastest possible speed because a right angle is the greatest possible angle.

What became all of the matter in the universe was thrown outward from the Big Bang. All of the energy in the universe also derives from the Big Bang. 

But if the only energy is of that which moves away from the Big Bang, that means it is impossible to move back toward the site of the Big Bang. Energy may be diverted sideways from the direction outward from the Big Bang, becoming more difficult as the angle increases, but it would be impossible to use the energy of moving outward from the Big Bang to move back toward the site of the Big Bang. With everything moving outward from the Big Bang, there would be no "wall" to bounce off to move back toward the site of the Big Bang.

This neatly and simply explains the mystery of why nothing can move faster than the speed of light, and also why time always moves forward. The two are related. A number of people have already conjectured that the way to travel backwards in time is to find a way to move faster than the speed of light.

If everything is moving outward from the Big Bang then wouldn't we see that reflected in space travel? If we could pinpoint the direction in space that the Big Bang took place then we should be able to travel faster in space going away from it because it would be "swimming with the current". Then it might be possible to move faster than the speed of light.

The trouble with that is we cannot pinpoint the direction in space in which the Big Bang took place. We can detect the background radiation from the Big Bang but, allowing for the movement of the earth through space, it seems to be coming at us equally from all directions.

If we lived in three dimensions of space then we should be able to pinpoint the direction in space in which the Big Bang took place. The only way to explain why we can't is that there is another dimension of space that we can't see or move at will in. The site of the Big Bang must be in this direction.

We cannot pinpoint the site of the Big Bang in space, but we know that it took place in the past, and was effectively the beginning of time. Since the site of the Big Bang must be somewhere in space, this explains what time is. It can only be a dimension of space, although we cannot see it.

This then explains that matter is indeed strings, as has been conjectured for decades. We see matter as composed of particles such as electrons, rather than strings, because we can see in only three of the four dimensions over which matter was thrown outward by the Big Bang.

So for us to experience time as we do, our consciousness must be moving along the bundles of strings that must comprise our bodies and brains. This explains what the speed of light is. Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity revolves around it but we can see no reason why the speed of light is what it is, rather than some other speed.

The speed of light can only really be the speed at which our consciousness moves along the bundles of strings comprising our bodies and brains. That is why everything, including mass and time, seem to revolve around the speed of light but we can find no reason, in terms of physics, why it is the speed that it is rather than some other speed.

This shows that the universe is really stationary. That is why my cosmology theory is called "The Theory Of Stationary Space". The universe seems to be in motion, which is actually relative angles in the strings and bundles of strings, because it is our consciousness that is moving along the bundles of strings comprising our bodies and brains, which are aligned primarily in the dimension of space that we perceive as time, at the rate that we perceive as the speed of light.

The universe is stationary. The only "new" movement is that brought about by living things. Time is a property of living things. The principle of entropy is often cited to prove that time moves only in one direction. If an open bottle of ink is submerged in an aquarium, the ink will disperse out into the water much more easily than it will go back into the bottle, which would be time reversing.

But every meaningful example of entropy that I have ever heard of involves either living things or items made by living things, such as the bottle of ink and the aquarium. This shows that time is really within us, a property of living things.

Remember my principle that there are so many unanswered mysteries of the universe because we presume that we have an unbiased view of the universe. To really understand the universe we have to realize that we are part of it, and we see the universe as we do not only because of what it is but also because of what we are.

A bundle of strings in four-dimensional space appears to us as an object in three-dimensional space. If the bundle of strings is at an angle relative to the bundles comprising our bodies and brains, it will appear as an object in motion as our consciousness moves along. If the object is at a right angle to our bundles, we will perceive it as moving at the speed of light.

This means that if the bundle of strings comprising an object could be bent past the right angle position, not only would we see it as moving faster than the speed of light, but also traveling backward in time.

This might seem like a simple matter but it cannot be done because all of the energy that could propel the object, bending it's bundle of strings at an angle, is moving outward from the Big Bang. Energy can be diverted in a lateral direction, to the sides from the dimension of space that we perceive as time and along which the strings of matter are primarily aligned, to some extent but can never bend a bundle of strings back in the direction of the Big Bang, which we perceive as the past in our time dimension.

That is why no object can move faster than the speed of light. My cosmology theory explains it so simply. This theory of how the universe really operates has got to be correct. Remember the principle in physics known as "Occam's Razor", that the simplest explanation of something usually turns out to be the best explanation.

A more detailed explanation of the cosmology theory is in the posting on this blog, "In Cosmology Everything Just Fell Right Into Place",

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