Thursday, March 25, 2021

Reminder About Other Blogs

 Just a reminder about the other blogs listed in the second posting from the top on this blog, "Other Blogs And Books".

What was to become this blog began in 2005. In 2009 I began a new system. This blog here was started as the main blog. All new postings would appear here. A new blog was also started for each different topic of the writing. Postings would periodically be moved from this main blog to the appropriate topical blog. All postings from before this new system in 2009 were moved to the appropriate topical blog.

After about five years I abandoned that system and now just leave all postings on this blog. But the postings that had been moved to the topical blogs are still there. This means that there is a lot of reading other than what is on this blog.

Links to each of the topical blogs are on "Other Blogs And Books", the second posting from the top.

The cosmology theory is on this blog in the compound posting, "The Theory Of Stationary Space". The posting that I use as a quick introduction to the theory is the posting on this blog, "In Cosmology Everything Just Fell Right Into Place", May 2019.

But that is actually what we could call version 2.0 of the theory. 1.0 is the cosmology blog. But it is the same theory and the two versions are complimentary.

In the same way my theory of information on this blog is the compound posting, "The Theory Of Complexity". But that could be called version 2.0 of the theory. Version 1.0 is the patterns and complexity blog.

The world and economics blog consists of separate postings and is not entirely a theory.

The geology blog contains the theory, "The Story Of Planet Earth", which explains every major feature of the earth's surface, both on land and the seafloor, but also has postings that are not part of the theory. There is a compound posting with my explanation of the Appalachians.

In the physics and astronomy blog the first part is about physics and the second about astronomy, but each article is separate from the others.

The progress blog is about new ideas.

The creation blog is why God must have created us.

On the meteorology and biology blog each article is separate from the others. 

Maybe 60% of the writing is on this blog. The rest are on those blogs.

Thursday, March 18, 2021

The Non-News View Of The World

Remember what I am trying to do with these weekly visits to places around the world. We keep track of what is going on around the world by following the news. But, by it's very nature, news tends to be bad news. Even when there is good news, it is usually a reversal of previous bad news.

The news thus tends to give us a bias against other places and other countries. Stop and think for a minute, what would anyone think of your city or country if all they knew about it was what was in the news?

So what I am trying to do with these weekly visits is to present a view of a place as a virtual visit there. Some of it is about history, as well as what is going on there now, but I try to put the main focus on everyday life.

We have all got to find a way to share this earth. One way to help that along is to get around the inherent bias that comes with the news, and see each other just as human beings going about our daily lives.

Thursday, March 11, 2021


Shanghai is China's largest city, and the world's busiest export port. Let's have a look at the city that so many products that you see and use every day likely passed through. Shanghai is a very old city, that once was walled. It is on an alluvial plain where the Yangtze River, one of China's two great rivers, meets the sea. Shanghai is reputed to have the best education system in China, which is believed to have the best education system in the world.

The Huangpu River is an artificial tributary of the Yangtze River, and is over two thousand years old. The famous street known as the Bund, meaning the waterfront, is built on Zhongshan Road, which is along the Huangpu River. The following scenes begin along the Bund, which is Shanghai's old business district. The domed stone building is the Shanghai Pudong Development Bank. It was once the headquarters of HSBC, as well as the Shanghai Municipal Building.

Across the river from the Bund are the tall buildings of the new business district, known as Lujiazui. This has been developed since 1992 as a Special Financial Zone, and is in a bend of the Huangpu River. The building with the globes is the Oriental Pearl Tower. The tallest of the buildings is the Shanghai Tower, which is the tallest building in China. You can see that some of the scenes were taken before the Shanghai Tower was built, and some afterward. The Aurora Plaza building forms a video screen at night.

There are multiple scenes following. To see the scenes, after the first one, you must first click the up arrow, ^, before you can move on to the next scene by clicking the right or forward arrow, >. After clicking the up arrow you can then hide the previews of successive scenes, if you wish.,121.4861832,3a,75y,138h,90t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1s-WSAuclUjXd0%2FVuMUEArM06I%2FAAAAAAABLR8%2FOQUFqI3h6UcbJYy_EyDzuQZgGfxaslAFwCLIB!2e4!3e11!!7i7168!8i3584

This is what it looks like from the observation deck of the Shanghai Tower, with the Bund along the waterfront across the river.

Expo 2010 was held on both sides of the Hunagpu River. It's slogan was "Better City, Better Life".

The following scenes begin in the Old City of Shanghai, but with views of the modern downtown across the Huangpu River. This part of the city used to be walled, until the walls were dismantled in 1912.,121.4910694,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1s-hDUYCemOxQY%2FUlkXF07c-HI%2FAAAAAAAAi8U%2FFdDhmMlLj0o0pYwlSdK3C9AfyUSydlLwgCLIB!2e4!3e11!!7i4000!8i2000

These scenes are amidst the tall buildings of the modern downtown of Shanghai, known as Lujiazui.,121.5023924,3a,75y,34h,90t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1s-dtk19iqt2ng%2FUj14esMhfQI%2FAAAAAAAAilw%2FoZmNf_Z0XFojv01EEKzmqwy6rUadav1ggCLIB!2e4!3e11!!7i4000!8i2000

The following scenes begin in the area around Nanjing Road and People's Square Park, in the middle of downtown.,121.4750365,3a,75y,85h,90t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1s-ZbX2CuvjQIM%2FVxT41-MQ8uI%2FAAAAAAAAURk%2FSWak--n5jqwiEQfcijwU-o40dR-kHzfIQCLIB!2e4!3e11!!7i8704!8i4352

Here is a residential area, that seems to be fairly typical of Shanghai.,121.4363403,3a,75y,315h,95.9t,1.3r/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1s-LaybHuhlH1k%2FV0LNqAz3yII%2FAAAAAAAAJyg%2FAUfWPOx4RBAyO9K_-WYpkAKAbICgr7tQQCLIB!2e4!3e11!!7i5376!8i2688

This is Shanghai Disneyland.,121.656405,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1s-RDAYBFUqW8E%2FV8-XYKK8IMI%2FAAAAAAAABp4%2F4eBBgp7iyaoeGO8coq44bNAehFcV2C_HgCLIB!2e4!3e11!!7i5376!8i2688

Finally, here is the Formula 1 Grand Prix auto racing track in Shanghai, known as the Shanghai International Circuit. The name of Formula 1 refers to the standards that the cars in the race have to adhere to.,121.220867,3a,75y,131.7h,90t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipMymLxvscHzhMwHoxvlc6_8bM2bqgzt5PwqD5_x!2e10!3e11!!7i7776!8i3888

The Source Of Ideas

Where do we get the new ideas that we come up with? Maybe the most important source is suggestion from our surroundings. Seeing logs rolling leads to the invention of the wheel. Seeing birds flying leads to the invention of aircraft.

But those are direct examples of coopting ideas from nature. There are more indirect ways of getting ideas from our surroundings, by using the patterns.


I wonder if I might have subconsciously gotten the idea for the measurement tool, for use in building and construction, that I described in the posting on the Progress Blog "A Very Useful Tool" June 2009, from the chapati that a friend makes, pictured below served in a basket. Chapati is a flat, circular unleavened bread.

Following are photos of the prototype that I made of the measurement device. I named it the "Compass Ruler" because it consists of a magnetic compass in the center of a circular disk. The disk would probably have a circumference of a convenient unit, such as a meter or a yard.

Notice how closely it resembles a serving of chapati. I made the prototype of the tool by cutting a circular piece of plywood, with a jigsaw, so that it had a circumference of exactly one meter. Next I put the numbers, from zero to 360 degrees, around the edge and drew the lines from the numbers to the center. Then I bought an ordinary magnetic hiking compass, broke the casing off it, and glued it in the center of the plywood with the zero point of the compass aligned with the zero / 360 point on the dial.

To "zero" a compass means simply to rotate it until the needle, which is magnetic so that it always points to magnetic north, so that the needle points to the zero / 360, which is magnetic north, point on the dial. We could call this the "zero point" of the compass.

The outer numbers go around the circle from zero to 360 degrees. The inner numbers are only used when the Compass Ruler is used to measure either the curvature of a wall or the circumference of a large circular structure.

This simple device, which can be homemade, can accomplish an incredible number of measurement tasks that are otherwise difficult to do. I did extensive patent checking and no one had thought of it before. The closest thing to this is the surveyors compass, but that was a mounted stationary device while the Compass Ruler is used for measurement by putting the edge in contact with a structure such as a wall or fence.

This device is extremely useful. Every time I use it or think of it I realize there is more that I can do that I had not thought of before. The device operates on the same principle as a plumb, which uses a suspended weight to measure vertical angles with gravity on the plumb indicating straight vertical, except that this device uses the earth's magnetic field to measure lateral angles.

The edge of the device is placed against a structure, such as a wall or fence or sign, as shown below represented by the board, with the device rotated so that the needle is zeroed at the zero / 360 point, or magnetic north. Note the number on the outside edge, between zero and 360 degrees, that is immediately against the structure.

That same number is then placed against another structure, such as another wall. If the second wall is parallel to the first there will be a difference in angular reading on the compass of either zero or 180 degrees. If the two walls are perfectly perpendicular there will be a difference in reading of 90 degrees.

This is only the beginning of what this device can do and I wonder if it was chapati that planted the seed of the idea in my mind.


In Gloucester UK, the nearest city to where I was born, on the side of the building where the store named Debenham's used to be located, the side of the building facing King's Square, there was a pattern of rows of four small square windows alternating with rows of three.

( Image photographed from Google Street View ).

When we eventually landed on the U.S. side of Niagara Falls I began attending 60th Street School. There was exactly the same pattern, rows of four small square windows alternating with rows of three. I have never seen this pattern anywhere else.

This resembles the way, in my cosmology theory "The Theory Of Stationary Space", first, how the matter in the universe began with a two-dimensional sheet of space that was within, but not contiguous with, the multi-dimensional background space although both blocs of space had formed in the same way, by the mutual induction of opposite electric charges. 

Second, how strings of matter formed of like electric charges, either negative or positive charges held together against their mutual repulsion by energy. The lines of windows display the same pattern as the lines of electric charges in the strings of matter.

Third, the alternating of three and four window rows may have been the source of the idea that while we live in three spatial dimensions my cosmology theory has another spatial dimension, a fourth dimension, that we perceive as time because the bundles of strings comprising our bodies and brains are aligned primarily in that dimension.


The following photo is of the poster that I had made of the ship that brought us across the ocean when I was a young boy, the Empress of England. I remember the Red and white checkered pattern on the ship's stack, seen at the center of the poster.

Maybe I subconsciously got the idea for the nature of space in my cosmology theory from the checkered pattern on this stack. Everything, in that theory, consists of negative and positive electric charges. The basic rule of electric charges is that opposite charges attract, while like charges repel.

Empty space, in my cosmology theory, is a perfectly alternating checkerboard pattern of the two opposite charges, in multiple dimensions. Matter is a concentration of like charges, held together against their mutual repulsion by energy.


I remember learning the word "Juxtapose" when I was age 16 in high school. Now I have finally found something to use it for.

Have you ever wondered about word combinations in names that do not seem to make sense? Consider, just for example, some of the names of pubs, and other places, in Britain.

There is the "Red Lion", except that lions are not usually red.

There is the "Crown and Anchor", but what do crowns and anchors have to do with each other? They go in opposite directions. A crown goes up, to the top of the head, while an anchor drops down, to the bottom of the sea.

The "Elephant and Castle" was originally the name of an inn. It has become the name of a section of London, as well as it's Underground station. But, as with crowns and anchors, elephants and castles usually do not have much to do with each other.

Part of the reason for such naming is so that the pub would have a name that could also be displayed as it's logo. But, as I see it, there is also another beneficial effect. It prompts the coming up with new ideas.

Seeing a word combination that apparently doesn't make sense helps to break us out of grooved-in thinking. A lot of new ideas are the putting together of things or their patterns that would otherwise not have been put together, and these juxtaposed names help to provide the mindset to move in that direction.


The internet is the ultimate source of information. But it still has it's limits, it cannot think up new ideas for us, beyond what already exists. I once came up with an "idea generator", but today it could be done with an app.

Write down a lot of things that might be involved in generating ideas on slips of paper, and put the slips in a jar. Every day take out four slips, although it could be a number other than four, and write down the four things that are on the slips, then put the slips back in the jar.

The four things that you take out of the jar might be "top", "sheet", "metal" and, "diamond". During the day run those four things through your mind and see if you can think of some new process or device that will incorporate the four things.

By the end of the day what you probably will have come up with is nothing. But you will be getting yourself in the mindset to come up with new ideas. Try it again, with four different words, the next day. You might come up with a new idea, an invention or process, involving words that had been chosen on a previous day.


One of the most effective ways to get into the mindset for coming up with new ideas is to read about other new ideas. It not only brings about the mindset, it might also offer parts of some ideas. That is why I wrote the Progress Blog.

Here is a link to the posting, "A Very Useful Tool", on the Progress Blog:

Here is a link to the entire Progress Blog:

Thursday, March 4, 2021


Macau began as a Portuguese entrepot on the coast of China, about 65 km from Hong Kong. It is a very wealthy and highly-rated place to live. Macau is also known for high-stakes gambling. Like Hong Kong, Macau drives on the left side of the road.

This is a look at central Macau. Unlike Hong Kong, there is no gap between Macau and the mainland. If a label says the scene is in Guangdong, that is the neighboring province of mainland China.

There are multiple scenes following. To see the scenes, after the first one, you must first click the up arrow, ^, before you can move on to the next scene by clicking the right or forward arrow, >. After clicking the up arrow, you can then hide the previews of successive scenes, if you wish.,113.5496592,3a,75y,281h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sufvcV24It6_-P-lGLANUZg!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656

The front of the church in the following scenes of central Macau is of St. Paul's Church, which was once destroyed by fire but the front remained.,113.5429255,3a,75y,271h,88t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipP27DkZ2vlDTQL2E4ZeXj1aEPXKCow7sZYsRo_-!2e10!3e11!!7i2508!8i1254

This area is along the former border with mainland China. Macau is now fully a part of China. If the label says Guangdong, then it is on the mainland.,113.5352078,3a,75y,304h,87t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sbuTi3cI6zhtCSCAJIGBu6w!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656

Macau consists of two main islands. The southern island was actually two islands that was artificially joined together. The following scenes are around the southern part of the north island.,113.5367523,3a,75y,188.48h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1suT1jqGNn-Qc7qtf7BeZjRg!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656

This is around the casino district of Macau.,113.5519785,3a,75y,146.14h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1spT4r1VKE9yqt-aSVRUYvqw!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656

On the southern island of Macau this is the area known as Taipa, near the airport. Remember that everything about Macau is a mixture of Chinese and Portuguese.,113.5572662,3a,75y,310h,84t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipMhEWsvMU7UvXLojny8yS2gTutvmZJUrEyboe2_!2e10!3e11!!7i6144!8i3072

Finally, this is the "City of Dreams" on the southern island of Macau.,113.564655,3a,75y,259h,88t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipNKw-kJazZsPiFOYRf3kdfKo5C9J-r5OIvU8eWm!2e10!3e11!!7i5376!8i2688

A New Dimension In Space Travel

I have thought of a new dimension in space travel, and I mean that literally. As it stands now traveling to distant stars is impractical, but maybe what we need is some "thinking outside the box".

What I mean by "thinking outside the box is thinking outside the spatial dimensions that we inhabit".

Suppose that there was a two-dimensional being living in a two-dimensional sheet. If we had a two-dimensional plastic sheet it would, of course, have to have a slight third-dimensional thickness to it, but we can ignore that for our purposes here. Any being would always see it's surroundings as consisting as the same number of dimensions as the being itself was. If the two-dimensional being moved from one side of the sheet to the other, it would always see itself as moving in a straight line. If we bent it's two-dimensional sheet the being would be utterly unaware of the bend because it would involve a third dimension.

Since a two-dimensional being living within a two-dimensional sheet would always see itself as moving in a straight line across the sheet, being unable to perceive any curve or bend in the sheet if it was bent from outside because that would bring in another dimension that was beyond the being's number of dimensions, then what about us?

We see an essentially infinite universe consisting of three dimensions of space, four if we include the dimension of space that we perceive as time. But we have to see the universe as consisting of whatever number of dimensions we consist of, because it is not possible for us to perceive any more dimensions than that.

Could it be that, once again, we see the universe as we do not only because of what it is but also because of what we are? Like the being in the sheet we could be living in dimensions of space far beyond our four dimensions. 

Why should there be three, or four, dimensions? If there can be four, then why can't there be five? If there can be five, then why can't there be six?

The lowest information state, as far as the number of dimensions goes, is an infinite number of spatial dimensions, because it avoids making a choice with regard to a finite number. That then has to be the most probable number of dimensions in the universe, an infinite number. We can only see it as having three spatial dimensions because that is the number of dimensions that we are. The matter of which we consist is scattered over three spatial dimensions.

Instead of our universe of an infinity of distance in three dimensions we may well live in a very compact universe, but consisting of an infinite number of dimensions. What we think we see as an infinite distance in three dimensions could really be a short distance but in an infinite number of dimensions.

If we consisted of an infinite number of dimensions ourselves then the universe might appear to us as a very confined, even claustrophobic, space. But it may be that it only seems infinite because it consists of an infinite number of dimensions while we are of a very limited finite number of dimensions.

To explain what I mean about how the distances in the universe might really be a short distance, but over an infinite number of dimensions, let's consider a cube with dimensions of one meter.

The distances across the cube increase if we increase the number of dimensions traversed. Crossing one dimension of the cube the distance is one meter. Crossing a diagonal of the cube, so that we are traversing two dimensions, the distance is 1.414 meters which is an increase by a factor of the square root of 2. If we cross the cube from one diagonal corner to the other, traversing three dimensions, the distance increases to 1.732 dimensions which is an increase over the one-dimension distance by a factor of the square root of 3.

So the universe could be, and likely is, consisting of much shorter distances than we perceive, but over an infinite number of dimensions. If there was a cube that was one meter square, but of an infinite number of dimensions, the distance from one diagonally opposite corner would have to be infinite, since the square root of infinity is still infinity.

Since we are incapable of perceiving any more than our own three spatial dimensions the distances across the universe will always seem to us as near-infinite distances in three dimensions, even though the distances may actually be short but in an infinite number of dimensions.

Just like the two-dimensional being in the sheet, which would always see itself as moving in a straight line across the sheet, we would be utterly unaware if our three dimensions of space were somehow "bent" relative to the much-higher dimensional  background space. We could be moving in a curve, or even zig-zagging, when we are sure that we are moving in a straight line. There could be "shortcuts" across space, if only we could break out of our dimensional confinement.

Let's go back to our one-meter cube. If we go in a one-dimensional straight line between diagonally opposite corners of the cube the distance is 1.732 meters. But if we move a two-dimensional sheet across the cube, from side-to-side or bottom-to-top, the distance is only 1 meter.

This is really interesting because if we could somehow build a spacecraft that consisted of more than three dimensions, the spacecraft would move over a distance in space much faster because it would have less distance to move. The spacecraft would seem larger in our three dimensions, because we would have to move further to get across it, but the spacecraft would be able to arrive at distant points by crossing less distance. 

This is in no way a matter of cosmology but of simple geometry. If going from one to two dimensions in crossing the one-meter cube decreases the distance required to be traversed by a factor of 1.732, which is the square root of 3, then building a spacecraft of eighteen dimensions, instead of the usual three, would decrease the distance that we had to travel to get anywhere by a factor of 4.36, which is the square root of 19.

This could be a revolution, not only in space travel but in all transportation. It would not necessarily require any new methods of propulsion, just to build a spacecraft with more than the usual three dimensions.

Wasn't that simple? A revolution in space travel. Unfortunately that's the easy part.

The next question is how, if we are limited to three dimensions and are completely incapable of perceiving or accessing any dimensions outside that, can we possibly access any matter outside those dimensions so that we can build our spacecraft from it?

My cosmology theory, described in detail in the posting on this blog "The Theory Of Stationary Space" July 2017, provides a starting point.

In my theory we perceive matter as consisting of particles, such as electrons, which are actually strings. We perceive such strings as particles because we can only see in three of the four dimensions over which the matter that composes our universe was scattered by the Big Bang. This does not mean that there might not be many more spatial dimensions than this, I believe that the most likely number of dimensions is an infinite number, but that our component matter is scattered over only four of them.

The fourth spatial dimension over which our component matter is scattered is the one that we perceive as time. This is the dimension along which the strings of our universe are mostly aligned. Our consciousness moves along the bundles of strings comprising our bodies and brains at what we perceive as the speed of light. This is why we can find no physical explanation for either what time is or why the speed of light is what it is.

But physicists detect a multitude of particles that are not part of our ordinary matter. These particles appear for an instant and then vanish. Ordinary physics cannot possibly explain this, what would cause particles that appear for an instant and then vanish?

My cosmology theory has a ready explanation for it. These mysterious instantaneous particles are actually strings like our component matter, but which share only one of our spatial dimensions. They do not share our time dimension, which is why they appear for only an instant as our consciousness moves past them.

This must mean that these strings are in other spatial dimensions that we cannot access but share only one of our dimensions. I find this to be the direction to look for a real revolution in space travel. It would likely be the greatest scientific breakthrough ever if we could access spatial dimensions outside our own.

These strings that we encounter only instantaneously may be scattered over more than four dimensions of space, but we encounter them in only one. They may, in turn, share only one dimension with still more strings, with which we do not share any dimensions at all. This forms a "ladder" to more and more outer dimensions.

Doesn't it make sense to look to these "particles", that seem to appear only momentarily, but could lead us to dimensions beyond our own. To begin with, this could be a great revolution in space travel.


Here is something that is really mind-bending.

Since there are strings of matter in outer dimensions, that share only one dimension with us, that means, as our consciousness moves along the bundles of strings composing our bodies and brains at what we perceive as the speed of light, we might actually be passing through matter in those outer dimensions.

When physicists detect what appears to be particles that exist only instantaneously, which are actually strings of matter that share only one dimension with us, we could well be passing right through a star whose matter shared only that one dimension with us. Heat is the kinetic energy of moving atoms and molecules but there can be no movement of those apparent particles if we share only one dimension. We would have no sensation of heat at all.

If we, with our three spatial dimensions, could move into those three dimensions, we might then pass through our own world but only one dimension of it.

The instantaneous particles that physicists can detect are strings that share only one dimension with us but the strings may not be co-dimensional with each other. Some of them may share only one spatial dimension with each other.

Clearly there is matter in outer dimensions but the matter of those dimensions may have been scattered over more, or less, than our three, four including time, dimensions. The matter may be much more sparse, or much more concentrated, than the matter in our dimensions.

The matter of those outer dimensions, while it must be composed of electric charges, may not have coagulated into the electrons, protons and, neutrons of our familiar matter. 

Review Of China's History

On the subject of China today don't forget the posting, "The Story Of China" April 2019. Here is a link to it: