Thursday, December 30, 2021


The overthrow of the Shah of Iran, in 1979, was an important time for Japan because it made it's royal family, known as the Yamato Dynasty, the longest-reigning monarchy on earth. Kyoto was the capital of Japan for about a thousand years, but the Tokugawa Shogunate chose to rule from Tokyo, which was then called Edo. Even though the emperor still resided in Kyoto. Upon the Meiji Restoration, in the Nineteenth Century, when the position of the emperor was restored to full power, and the shogunate and the Samurai class was abolished, the emperor also ruled from Tokyo, rather than Kyoto.

The emperor's Imperial Palace was built on the grounds of the old Edo Castle, from where the shogunate had ruled. Some elements of Edo Castle are still there. Following destruction of much of the palace during warfare, a new palace complex was built in the 1960s, while the eastern part of the grounds was named the East Garden.

The following scenes are of the grounds of the Imperial Palace, surrounded by it's moat and the tall buildings of the city.

There are multiple scenes following. To see the scenes, after the first one, you must first click the up arrow, ^, before you can move on to the next scene by clicking the right or forward arrow, >. After clicking the up arrow you can then hide the previews of successive scenes, if you wish.,139.7527995,3a,75y,180h,90t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1s-okmHrpsJnl0%2FVqdrOVkYb5I%2FAAAAAAAAC3M%2FKkGBa5J6Qx80WuABcPnBakCNzd18rXj8Q!2e4!3e11!!7i8704!8i4352

Akasaka Palace was built in 1909. It is used as a guest palace, but Emperor Hirohito once lived there for several years. Contrary to some travel guides, Akasaka Palace is not an exact copy of Buckingham Palace, although the resemblance between the two is striking. Akasaka Palace is not on the grounds of the Imperial Palace, but is not far away. Here are some scenes of the front and back.

This is the back of Akasaka Palace.

Here, for comparison, is the front of Buckingham Palace:,_London_-_April_2009.jpg

One way to see a large city is by way of it's major train stations. The busiest train station in the world is Shinjuku Station. In a visit to Paris, we saw that the Gare du Nord was the busiest train station outside of Japan, but Shinjuku handles even more passengers than that. Shinjuku is built on an area that is believed to be geologically stable, and that is where many of Tokyo's skyscrapers are located. Tokyo had a devastating earthquake in 1923.

This is Shinjuku, with the famed Mount Fuji in the background:

Here are some scenes around Shinjuku, starting in Shinjuku Station:,139.7004694,3a,75y,346.42h,90t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1s-t8-mWmpCTTo%2FVEZKpDv5YJI%2FAAAAAAAALYc%2FSVAFHzCXBIcpu5pz8noC8vo0sZAP2TskACLIB!2e4!3e11!!7i3584!8i1792

There is a gap between the time that passenger trains came into widespread use, and the time when modern architecture appeared. Train stations built during this time are of stone architecture. Tokyo Station is Tokyo's equivalent of Grand Central Station in New York, or St. Pancras Station in London, or Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus in Mumbai, or Union Station in Toronto. Here are some views around Tokyo Station, starting in a mall next to the station.,139.7682316,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sOx_TefEEPgRNAPZQ5BRglA!2e0!3e2!!7i13312!8i6656

Another major train station, built in traditional style, is Shinagawa Station. Here are some scenes starting there. Some of the scenes are in a nearby aquarium. Emperor Hirohito was an expert in marine biology.,139.7382596,3a,75y,85.54h,89.95t,0.29r/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sWMBlDkfbjfpDFYeZWw1kEg!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656

Finally here is the major stadium, known as Tokyo Dome. There is an amusement park and a Japanese-style garden nearby.,139.7518913,3a,75y,90h,107.7t,16.5r/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1s-LBWEaeMPFp8%2FV2Mt2LFSUfI%2FAAAAAAAAcJg%2F94qe-2awzVEiRI_Xtx0HBCPBPyf_3lmfQCLIB!2e4!3e11!!7i5376!8i2688 

Remembering Archbishop Desmond Tutu

There are two external factors about Archbishop Desmond Tutu and the end of Apartheid in South Africa that I have never seen before that I would like to add.

The first is Communism. The west disapproved of Apartheid and South Africa was, in many ways, an international pariah. It had long been banished from events like the Olympics.

But what the Apartheid government managed to do was to portray itself as a vital ally against Communism, at the height of the Cold War, and the black African organizations in the country that were opposed to it as having Communist sympathies. Western leaders like Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher were willing to deal with it because it was a necessary ally against Communism.

But as that ceased to be a factor, toward the end of the 1980s, the Apartheid government realized that it couldn't go on like this. Is it only a coincidence that 1989 was when Communism came apart in eastern Europe, and it was also the year that the recently-deceased F.W. Deklerk began major reforms to Apartheid in South Africa? Mikhail Gorbachev should be a hero in South Africa.

The second factor is Mahatma Gandhi, who can be considered as the founder of modern India. Gandhi lived for a long time in South Africa. I cannot see it pointed out anywhere but Archbishop Desmond Tutu bore a striking resemblance to Mahatma Gandhi. Tutu was African and Gandhi was Indian but, other than that, the two could almost have been twins.

This was especially true after Archbishop Desmond Tutu shaved his head. I cannot help wondering if the reason for that, although not announced, was so that he would look more like Gandhi.

In India there were two prime ministers named Gandhi, the mother and son Indira and Rajiv Gandhi of the Congress Party that used to be powerful in India. They were not related to Mahatma Gandhi but I am sure that the name didn't hurt their political careers.

One thing that I can't help wondering about how history repeats itself is that Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated in India. Both of the prime ministers named Gandhi were also assassinated, and they were the only Indian prime ministers to be assassinated. The question is whether they still would have been assassinated if their names hadn't been Gandhi.

The legacy of Gandhi continued in South Africa. There was a president of South Africa that also closely resembled Gandhi, Jacob Zuma. In one photo that I saw he was holding his hands as if in prayer, just like Gandhi. Jacob Zuma is remembered for his association with an Indian business family, the Guptas, who he was accused of allowing to effectively run the country. Their names were even combined together as "Zupta". The Guptas left South Africa before Zuma was forced to step down.

Desmond Tutu certainly benefited, in the struggle against Apartheid, from being an Anglican Archbishop. Tutu and Nelson Mandela were the two great leaders in the struggle against Apartheid. So why was Mandela imprisoned for a long time but Tutu wasn't, even though he was critical of anyone that he thought deserved criticism no matter who they were?

It was because Desmond Tutu was an Anglican Archbishop. The Anglican Communion is the largest single Protestant denomination and the Apartheid government didn't want to make any more enemies than it already had.

Archbishop Desmond Tutu was a Christian leader. Unlike Nelson Mandela he had nothing to do with politics. Anyone was criticized who he thought deserved criticism. His involvement in the world went far beyond South Africa. He was especially popular across Africa, except with dictators like Robert Mugabe that he was harshly critical of.

Desmond Tutu graduated from King's College that we saw in the posting, "Along London's Royal Route" May 2018.

To read about the Anglican Church see "Why The U.S. And Canada Are Different" January 2016.

Thursday, December 23, 2021

Merry Christmas To Readers

Let's not let the latest variation of this virus ruin the holiday spirit.

The James Webb Space Telescope will be on it's way. It will be in orbit around the sun, unlike the Hubble Telescope which orbits the earth. This will make it possible for one side to always face the sun, where the solar panels will be located. The other side will always be extremely cold.

This makes it possible to operate infrared sensors. A lot of information comes from the universe in the form of infrared, or heat. It is very difficult to gather this information on earth, or in earth orbit, because it is drowned out by the heat all around us.

Remember that there was a posting years ago about how we could be getting a lot more information about the universe in infrared:


It sometimes seems that the history of Taiwan only began in 1949. This was when the Koumintang, led by Chiang Kai Shek and on the losing side of the Chinese Civil War, withdrew to the island of Taiwan. Ever since, there have been "two Chinas", the Republic of China on Taiwan and the People's Republic of China on the mainland. The two have never reunited, but are not completely separate. Most of the world recognizes the People's Republic, on the mainland, as the "real" China, but Taiwan has become a great nation in it's own right.

The Nationalist Chinese forces brought along a lot of China's historical treasures when they withdrew to Taiwan in 1949. A building was constructed near Taipei for a museum, and built in the style of one of the pavilions in the Forbidden City. We saw this museum in the posting, "Imperial Palaces" August 2016.

But the history of Taiwan does not begin with 1949, it actually goes back a long way. Many people from neighboring Fujian Province, about 150 km away on the mainland, had long settled in Taiwan. Today, Taiwan is structured almost like one continuous city on it's west coast, facing mainland China, with the rest of the island being mostly rural and mountainous.

The capital city of Taiwan it Taipei, at the northern end of the island. Taipei had the world's tallest building for about six years. Sun Yat Sen, considered as the founder of modern China, is highly regarded both in Taiwan and on the mainland. The following scenes begin at Sun Yat Sen Memorial Hall in Taipei.

There are multiple scenes following. To see the scenes, after the first one, you must first click the up arrow, ^, before you can move on to the next scene by clicking the right or forward arrow, >. After clicking the up arrow, you can then hide the previews of successive scenes, if you wish.,121.5603665,3a,75y,174.24h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s3w8PIzIVVP13M-W8T99JZQ!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656

This is the Xinyi District of Taipei.,121.5750867,3a,75y,3h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1si78KoZ4VIHlWsmnJ3H_PqQ!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656

Here is some more of the central city.,121.5486593,3a,75y,278.72h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1szhXPHwEwouEHf2df6A-7mw!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656

These scenes begin outside the Office of the President of Taiwan. There is plenty of traditional Chinese architecture which shows that the history of Taiwan most certainly did not begin in 1949.,121.5119996,3a,75y,143.75h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sEPbEO4EG5uAeeZk9icAbWg!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656

This is the Luzhou District, in the northern part of Taipei.,121.4664784,3a,75y,75h,68t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipPgSq90VbbHU3cqu9vo3eLSpHAZPzASt33KfzGF!2e10!3e11!!7i8704!8i4352

At the opposite end of Taiwan, the southern end of the island, lies the city of Kaohsiung. It is known to be warmer than Taipei because the mountains of the island block the north wind. The following scenes begin in the center of Kaohsiung. The tallest building, constructed as an arch in three pieces, is the Tuntex Sky Tower.,120.3010902,3a,75y,46h,87t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s61QnsaiIubC3nYwMdza4YQ!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656

Here is the Yancheng District of Kaohsiung.,120.2842264,3a,75y,169h,88t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipPJjwLyVE-ccfaoh_uR3045DW9CbEJmrX83lfcw!2e10!3e11!!7i8704!8i4352

Finally, we come to a place that has some special meaning for me. It is the industrial district of Kaohsiung. The reason that it has meaning is that the ship that I came across the ocean on when I was a young boy ended up here. The name of the ship was the Empress of England.

The ship was launched in 1957, but probably shouldn't have been built. Air travel was already starting to put the great ocean liners out of business. I took the ship along it's usual Liverpool to Montreal route, but it would be scrapped less than twenty years after being launched. Some ocean liners had a dignified end, like the Queen Mary floating hotel in California. But the one I came over on ended it's days being sold as scrap metal.

I see online that the Empress of England was sold in 1975, and brought to Kaohsiung. China Steel started it's first blast furnace here shortly after, and I presume that it is where the ship ended up.,120.364116,3a,75y,139h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sOXCdHkdppkCywEL9ALvxIA!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656

Abortion Rights In America

Just a reminder of what is really happening in the move towards reversing decades of the right to an abortion in America.

As we saw in "The Great Revolution Of Our Time", what has happened is that the Iranian Revolution has arrived in America. Here is a link to it:

Emperor Xi Jinping

The leader of China's Communist Party has been in the news for consolidating his authority. At the same time the general direction of democracy in the world has been backward. But China has a five-thousand year history of being ruled by emperors, not by presidents or prime ministers.

China is the most populous country in the world. It has a history of being diverse and holding it together is no easy task.

In the Middle East and Near East great civilizations grew up around three major rivers. These rivers are the Nile, the Tigris-Euphrates and, the Indus. In the Far East civilizations also grew up around three major rivers. These rivers are the Pearl, the Yangtze and, the Hwang-Ho. But the civilizations around these three rivers all became part of one country. That country is China.

Maybe we should review China's history to see why it's best times have been when it has been ruled by strong emperors and why Xi Jinping is in the role of current emperor.

China's history also explains the present situation of Taiwan. The Ming Dynasty withdrew to Taiwan after it's defeat by the succeeding Qing Dynasty. This history was repeated, in the late 1940s, by the Nationalists, or Koumintang, after their defeat on the mainland by the Communists.

The dynasties of Imperial China are generally considered as having ended with the 1911 Xinhua Revolution. But I see the Nationalists and Communists as really dynasties also, except that the leadership succession is not hereditary.

I can remember from childhood when U.S. President Richard Nixon met with Chairman Mao in the Great Hall of the People. That was the beginning of diplomatic relations between the U.S. and China, after the Communists had triumphed. Who could have imagined that someday "Made in China" would be written everywhere.

Here is a link to "The Story Of China":

West Of Toronto

Just posting this to wish a very Merry Christmas to Toronto readers. Even if the border is essentially closed it was my Toronto readers that really launched this blog, and that will never be forgotten.

We have not yet finished our visit to the Toronto area. The area to the west of Toronto includes Mississauga, Oakville, Burlington and, Hamilton. We have seen the rest of "Toronto" in the visit by that name.

Here is Toronto's Pearson International Airport, with the skyline of Mississauga in the background. This is known as an efficient airport, I have taken off and landed here five times. Although I have been on an Air Canada flight only once. The last mishap that I can remember at this airport is the one with an Air France plane, in 2005. The plane was destroyed, but no one was killed.

This is where the Air India flight left from, in 1985, that was the deadliest bombing of an aircraft, and so many of the victims were from the Toronto area. This was part of India's internal conflict of the mid-1980s, following the raid on the Golden Temple by the Indian Army, and including the assassination of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi in retaliation for the raid. But we see how far India has come since that time.

The airport is named for the former prime minister, and native of the Toronto area, Lester Pearson. He was the prime minister when I lived as a child on the Canadian side of Niagara Falls, in the late 1960s. His successor was the father of the present prime minister.

There are multiple scenes following. To see the scenes, after the first one, you must first click the up arrow,^, before you can move on to the next scene by clicking the right or forward arrow, >. After clicking the up arrow you can then hide the previews of successive scenes, if you wish.,-79.6117758,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1s-2A94DDzwpn0%2FVsWnIwy2zqI%2FAAAAAAABgxQ%2FqO-ESw7n1Uc7E5x5QW0Ml9pzRVoRUQSBACLIB!2e4!3e11!!7i8704!8i4352

Here are some more views of Mississauga starting in the food court of Square One, which is actually the largest mall in Ontario. The two buildings with the twisted shape are built that way purposely. They are condominiums, known as Absolute World.,-79.6423632,3a,75y,270h,90t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1szacAZPE10vQAAAQfr8cjiA!2e0!3e2!!7i13312!8i6656

Here is some typical everyday scenery in Burlington, which is at the far western end of the Toronto metropolitan area.,-79.7948187,3a,75y,357.26h,90t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sBwjuPz53w3EAAAQWtEX7Uw!2e0!3e2!!7i13312!8i6656

Moving further west, we come to the city of Hamilton. The first thing that comes to mind are Stelco and Dofasco, the makers of steel which was the largest industries in Hamilton. Where do you suppose that the structural steel to make the buildings in Toronto came from?

Hamilton is built right on the Niagara Escarpment, with half of the city below the escarpment, and the other half above. Being as far west as one can go on Lake Ontario, and having a good natural harbour, it was the logical place for a city. The older part of the city, as well as the industrial sector, is below the escarpment.

These are some views of downtown Hamilton. Quite a bit of my early writing was done in the library that is attached to the mall at Jackson Square. My late wife and I would sometimes have lunch in the food court of the mall, and then visit the library.,-79.8679538,3a,75y,294.48h,89.51t,1.1r/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s391k9cjKMz5iTRYSwHYK5A!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656

Hamilton is known for McMaster University, with it's own nuclear reactor.,-79.9187167,3a,75y,357.48h,90.83t,2.26r/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s5YrTQQR1nJNmhOGGbbJwKQ!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656

Finally, one town that I have always liked in Dundas. It appears as typical of small-town Ontario. The name is better known as one of the main streets of Toronto, with Dundas Square in the heart of Toronto, but this is the town that the street and square are named for.,-79.9587837,3a,75y,90h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sLScEgaNpXfhu2aTtsBYlhA!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656

Thursday, December 16, 2021

The Sign Of The Crab Nebula

With regard to the recent virtual summit between President Biden and Vladimir Putin over Ukraine remember that all of this, like so much else of the last thousand years of world history, goes back to the Great Schism of the year 1054. That was when the eastern domains of the Catholic Church split away to form what is now the Eastern Orthodox Church, and the world hasn't been quite the same since.

We saw in the compound posting, "The Aztec Prophecy" April 2018, that the brilliant light show in the sky, the exploding star that formed what we now call the Crab Nebula began just before this monumental split in the church that so-changed world history.

Was it a sign from God? It is described in the first section of "The Aztec Prophecy", 1) THE CRAB NEBULA AND GOD. That compound posting contains many prophecies. I named it "The Aztec Prophecy" because that is the one I thought of first.

I had been interested in science since childhood, starting with astronomy. Later, when I became a Christian and was studying it's history, the year 1054 sounded familiar. It turns out that the exploding star, so brilliant that it was easily visible in the daytime, was going on at exactly the same time as this momentous split in the church. I could not find that this had ever been pointed out.

If you have some time to read there is the book-length compound posting, "The House Of Holy Wisdom, Where The Modern World Began" January 2016. This posting explains the world-changing events that took place in the Hagia Sophia, including this Great Schism of 1054.

Remembering What Freedom Means

Two of the recent Nobel Prize winners really criticized the "misinformation", fake news, and the "toxic sludge" that social media has become. But I see this as the price of being free.

The only way to be free of the "fake news" that we encounter is to give someone the authority to decide for us what is and isn't "fake news". But then that person would have the power of dictatorship over us, deciding what information we received, and we would no longer be free. 

In a way it is easier to not be free than to be free, just let someone else do our thinking for us. Part of the price of being free is to have to be informed and sort through all the information that we receive in order to determine what is and isn't "fake news".

Of course humans are biased on what "fake news" is. If we see an opinion that we already agree with, or that casts us in a good light, we are more likely to accept that opinion without scrutiny. But if we see an opinion that we do agree with, or which casts us in a bad light, we are more likely to dismiss it as "fake news".

Another part of the price of being free is to have people around us who do not agree with us. We say that we want to be free but we want to be surrounded by people that "fit in" and agree with us. The trouble is that if we are free, because we live in a free society, then the people around us are also free and they may not think the way we do. Freedom does not mean to agree but to agree to disagree. A lot of people have difficulty with this.

There are two possible slants on freedom, "freedom to" and "freedom from". A simple example is cigarette smoking. Should one have "freedom to" smoke, or should they have "freedom from" second-hand smoke? The answer is a matter of opinion and so freedom comes down to politics as far as the exact slant it will take.

Few people want completely unhindered "freedom to", that would be anarchy or the "Law of the Jungle". So first we agree on the laws that everyone has to follow, and then we have "freedom to" from that point.

Freedom is not a panacea, it doesn't necessarily create an ideal society. It allows us to be whatever we are. The "toxic sludge" that some have derided social media as becoming can only be a reflection of what we are.

There is a compound posting, "The Meaning Of Freedom". If you would like to review it here is a link to it:

Thursday, December 9, 2021

The Three Sources Of Energy

Remember that all energy that we use on earth ultimately comes from three sources, solar, supernova and, from the Big Bang.


The sun releases energy because it fuses lighter atoms together into heavier ones by the force of gravity that overcomes the electron repulsion between atoms. The new heavier atom has less overall internal energy than the smaller atoms that were fused together to form it. The excess energy is released as radiation and this is why the sun shines.

The sun shining on plants provides the energy to build their structures by taking carbon dioxide molecules in the air, taking the carbon and releasing the oxygen back into the air. The energy of the sunlight goes into the molecular bonds between the carbon atoms in the plant. All of the energy that powers our bodies comes either directly from digesting plants, breaking the molecular bonds between carbon gives us the energy, or indirectly from digesting meat or seafood.

The energy from burning wood or fossil fuels is solar energy. The energy from the sunlight that shone on the plant during it's lifetime is released when the molecular bonds between carbon atoms are broken by heat. Oil and coal are the buried remains of plants that lived millions of years ago, and still contain the energy of the molecular bonds that formed while the plants lived.

Hydroelectric or water power is solar energy because it is the evaporation of water by sunlight that caused the water to fall as rain in a higher place, thus giving the water the potential energy of it's falling by gravity.

Wind energy is solar energy because it is the uneven heating of the earth's surface by the sun that causes wind.

Energy from solar panels or solar cells is obviously solar energy.


We know that our sun is a second-generation star because it contains heavy elements that are beyond it's current stage in the successive fusion process. A large star exploded in a supernova, which only happens to the largest stars, and some of the matter fell back together by gravity to form our present Solar System. That is why the sun is called a second-generation star. 

The vast amount of energy that was released by the supernova explosion is still with us today. The ordinary nuclear fusion process in stars only goes as far as iron, and is known as the S-process for "slow". The R-process, for "rapid", takes place only during the brief time that a large star is actually exploding as a supernova, which happens only to the largest stars. The energy released by the supernova fuses together the elements heavier than iron, which would not happen under the ordinary stellar fusion of the S-process.

This is the only way that elements heavier than iron are formed and explains why elements up to iron are exponentially more common than those heavier than iron, such as silver, gold and, uranium.

Some of these heavy atoms that were crunched together by the force of the supernova explosion are less-than-stable. These unstable atoms may give off particles or radiation in an effort to gain stability. These emissions are known as radioactivity and such radioactive decay gives off energy. There are many radioactive atoms inside the earth and geothermal energy is from the heat released by their decay. But much of the heat in the earth could be leftover from the formation of the Solar System, although that is still energy from the supernova.

Some of these heavy and less-than-stable atoms that were fused together by the energy released by the supernova can be split by high-velocity neutrons, and some energy released. This is nuclear fission which, at this point, is where we get all of our nuclear energy from and is energy from the supernova.

Hydrogen on earth usually exists in diatomic molecules, consisting of two atoms. There is energy in this molecular bond and this is the energy that is obtained if we burn hydrogen as fuel. But, unlike fossil fuels, this molecular bond was not put together by solar energy. It is from the energy of the supernova or, more likely, a nova, which is a blasting away of a star's outer layers, that preceded the supernova, which is an explosion of the star from the center.

All energy released by volcanoes and earthquakes are from the supernova.

Any energy that is derived from the spin of the earth is from the supernova. This includes tidal energy. Wind energy is mostly solar energy but the spin of the earth also contributes to it. Hurricanes get their spin from the spin of the earth so much of the energy in a hurricane, more so than ordinary wind, is from the supernova.

Moving glaciers during the ice ages, which do so much to shape the terrain, while formed by solar processes, are pulled toward the equator by the centrifugal force of the earth's rotation, and the force that they exert on the terrain is thus energy from the supernova.


All of the solar and supernova energy comes, of course, ultimately from the Big Bang that began the universe. Solar energy is not rooted in supernova energy, even though the sun is a second-generation star, because the sun is continuing the process of fusion that was originally taking place in the star that exploded, so that solar energy is separate.

There is one way that we can redirect energy directly from the Big Bang, without going through the sun or the supernova, it is nuclear fusion. This is the same process that takes place in the sun, and other stars.

All atoms contain a certain amount of internal energy. This is known as the Mass-Energy Equivalence, and is what gives matter it's mass. This energy could only have come from the energy released by the Big Bang.

Stars, operating by nuclear fission as gravity overcomes the electron repulsion between atoms and crunches smaller atoms into larger ones, shine because the new larger atom contains less internal energy than the smaller ones that were crunched together to form it. The excess energy is released as radiation, which we receive as sunlight and starlight.

But we can access this energy from the Big Bang by way of nuclear fusion, as opposed to fission which is splitting a heavy atom. Most nuclear weapons are based on fusion, the so-called hydrogen bomb, but, at the time of this writing, no one has yet made nuclear fusion into a practical energy source, despite endless promises. We can fuse atoms together by lasers but no one yet has made it into a net source of power, where we get more energy out of the process than we put into it.

The Black Box In Tasmania

Just as aircraft have a "black box", which is actually bright orange, that can be recovered in the event of any mishap to determine what happened, the earth has recently had a black box installed in a remote area of the Australian state of Tasmania. The black box is for anyone to find in the future after humans have destroyed our planet and ourselves. The focus is on climate change.

The black box is heavily armored and is set in a remote and geologically secure location. But what I question is the computer technology being used to record data. Far in the future this is going to mean nothing, even if it is accessible.

Do you remember in "Archeological Representation" we saw that the more technically advanced a society is the more distorted will be it's archeological representation. Here is a link to the original posting:

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Electron Dependency And Straight Lines

We usually define a straight line as "the shortest possible distance between two points. But is it really? Since we always define a straight line as the path of light, and other electromagnetic radiation, through space, and are utterly dependent on this electromagnetic radiation for our information about the universe, how can we be certain that there are not "shortcuts" across space that we are unable to see?

This is about my concept of straight lines being a matter of definition, particularly with regard to what I refer to as "Electron Dependency". Rather than "the shortest possible distance between two points" a straight line might better be defined as "the route of lowest energy between two points". The question then becomes whether these two definitions are identical.

Along the way we will look at optical illusions and the two newer branches of physics that do not adhere to the rules of conventional physics, Relativity and Quantum Physics, not necessarily because these branches of physics hold the answer to the mystery of whether straight lines are open to definition but just as a reminder that we do not have an unbiased view of the universe. We see the universe as we do not only because of what it is but also because of what we are.

Obviously there will be more than one possible definition of a straight line if we are in a dimensional set that is within a background of a greater number of dimensions, if our dimensional set is bent or twisted relative to the background dimensions, but I think there are possibilities of straight lines being open to definition even within our dimensional set.









Two of the great mysteries of the universe involve what we can't see. 

According to the amount of matter that we can see in our galaxy, and the rate that our galaxy is spinning, it should fly apart by centrifugal force, but yet clearly it doesn't. The conclusion scientists came to is that there must be some kind of "dark matter" that we can't see but exerts gravitational force. The trouble is that a search has been going on for about a century and not the slightest trace of this "dark matter" has been found.

Another thing we cannot see are quarks. Quark Theory explains so much and is widely accepted, but no individual quark has ever been seen or detected. Quarks come in six types, plus the corresponding six antiquarks of antimatter, but the only two that really matter to us are the "up" and "down" quarks.

Quarks have partial electric charges, relative to the -1 charge on electrons and the +1 charge on protons. An "up" quark has an electric charge of + 2/3 and a "down" quark has an electric charge of - 1/3. So that two up quarks and one down quark together gives us a proton, with an overall charge of + 1, and two down quarks with one up quark gives us a neutron with an overall charge of zero. Electrons are a different class of particles, called leptons, and are not composed of quarks.

But no isolated quarks, outside of protons and neutrons, has ever been detected. 

Stars composed of quarks, actually collapsed former stars, are theorized to exist. Stars are an equilibrium between the inward force of gravity and the outward force of the energy released by fusion in the center of the star because the mutual gravity of the star's mass is enough to crunch small atoms together into larger ones, which contain less overall energy than the smaller atoms which were crunched together. The excess energy is released as radiation, which is why stars shine.

But the ordinary fusion process only goes as far as iron. Unless the star explodes in a supernova, which only happens to the largest stars, without the energy released by the fusion process gravity will take over and the very atoms, which are mostly empty space, of the star will be crushed. Electrons will be crunched into protons, the process known as K-capture, to produce neutrons. The result is a star, composed only of neutrons, and known as a "neutron star", although it is no longer technically a star because fusion is no longer taking place.

Plenty of neutron stars have been detected. The material of a neutron star is incredibly dense and, if neutrons are indeed composed of quarks, further gravitational collapse should take place so that a quark star, a star composed of quarks, should form. Further collapse should then take place to form a black hole. Like neutron stars plenty of black holes have been found, but no quark stars.

If quarks really exist, and quark theory explains so much and is very widely accepted, then why can't we see or detect any quark stars?

Since we cannot see dark matter, but it has a powerful gravitational effect, and we can't see or detect quarks, but they make up the vast majority of the mass of atoms, has anyone ever thought that maybe dark matter is quarks that never became part of atoms?

Could it be that the answer to these baffling mysteries is right in front of us? Maybe it only requires a little bit of thinking outside the box.

A basic presumption of science has always been that we have an unbiased view of the universe, that we can completely rely on our measurements and observations. But what if we don't? What if we see the universe as we do not only because of what it is but also because of what we are? Maybe that is why there is so much about the universe that we just can't explain, that doesn't make sense to us.

What I refer to as "Electron Dependency" means that what we can see, measure and, detect all depends on electrons. The electromagnetic waves that we depend on are all generated, in some way, by the movement of electrons. 

The only way that we can see or detect electromagnetic waves is the photoelectric effect, the energy of the waves knock electrons out of their orbitals in atoms, creating an electric current. Light is reflected by objects, so that we can see the objects, by electrons in orbitals of atoms without knocking the electrons out of their orbitals.

Of course since we are completely dependent on electrons to receive or detect electromagnetic waves this affects our perception of the electrons themselves. Electrons seem like just point particles, with no internal structure at all. It is impossible for us to detect what is inside electrons if we are dependent on the electrons themselves for information.

My concept of Electron Dependency is that we can only see or detect electromagnetic waves that are produced or reflected by electrons, or another particle with a whole electric charge. This means an electric charge of 1, whether the -1 of electrons or the +1 of antimatter positrons. As far as I know antimatter, which is like ordinary matter but with the electric charges reversed, would handle electromagnetic waves in the same way as ordinary matter and we could not tell matter and antimatter apart just by looking at it.

We think in terms of whole electric charge. What I mean by that is the charge of -1 on an electron or +1 on a proton. That is to be expected since all of the matter we deal with is composed of atoms which are composed of the subatomic particles that have whole electric charges.

Again we come back to the issue of us thinking that we have an unbiased view of the universe. Just because the matter that we are composed of and that we deal with are made of whole electric charges, either +1 or -1, we presume that to be the way it always is.

But what if a whole electric charge is really an arbitrary amount? We measure distance in the fixed units of meters. However a meter is an arbitrary length. It could just as easily been decided that some other length would be defined as a meter. The same could be true of electric charge.

In my cosmology theory a particle like an electron is a bundle of the fundamental electric charges that the universe is made of. An electron is all negative charges, held together against their mutual repulsion by energy, and this energy is what gives matter it's mass and shows up as the Mass-Energy Equivalence. The formula for Mass-Energy Equivalence is Einstein's famous formula, E = MC squared.

But a certain number of these charges are held together as an electron, it seems that the charge on all electrons are equal to one another, the -1. But the number of fundamental electric charges that are held together to form an electron, with the charge that we refer to as -1, is the way it is just because of the way the universe came together in the Big Bang. It could just as well have been different, which would have made the -1 and +1 different. 

So why don't we start thinking of the charge on protons and electrons as an amount of charge that could have been different, rather than the absolutely ironclad +1 and -1? 

This is difficult to do because not only are we dealing with electric charge defined by the number of electrons in things like electricity and chemistry, we are dealing with the equal but opposite charge of protons in things like nuclear science and fusion in stars. At this point it seems that we are incapable of breaking protons or electrons apart so we always deal with whole charges, +1 or -1, and this is what we are used to.

We know that quarks do not have what we define as "whole" electric charges. An up quark has a fractional charge of + 2/3 and a down quark - 1/3. Hadrons, particles like protons and neutrons, are composed of three quarks. Two up quarks and a down quark make up a proton, with a net charge of +1. Two down quarks and an up quark make a neutron, with a net charge of zero.

But if the electromagnetic waves that we can see and receive are always based on "whole" electric charges, that explains why we cannot observe either quarks or quark stars, which have been theorized to exist. It also explains the great mystery of dark matter, the apparently great amount of matter in the universe that has a powerful gravitational effect, but which we cannot see or detect. 

This also explains black holes, which actually sound like a large collection of dark matter. If we depend on electrons to see or detect matter, other than by gravity, then the matter should be invisible once the structure of atoms has collapsed.

All of the electromagnetic spectrum that we detect, from gamma rays to radio waves, are based on whole electric charges, -1 or +1. Matter that is not based on whole electric charges, namely quarks, will not be detectable in our electromagnetic spectrum. 

Yet quarks are based on electric charges too, the fractional electric charges of 2/3 and 1/3. Quarks should have their own electromagnetic spectrum, based on their electric charges which are different from what we define as our "whole" charges.

This means that the electromagnetic spectrum, the waves produced by processes involving charged particles, must be two-dimensional. Not only is there the electromagnetic spectrum that we are familiar with, there is also a "spectrum of spectrums" based on the amount of charge involved in producing the wave. 

Our familiar spectrum is, of course, based on the whole electric charges. Quarks must have their own spectrum and, like different radio stations, the two are not "tuned in" to each other. 

If quarks could think, and were speculating about other spectrums as I am doing here, down quarks, which we see as having a fractional charge of - 1/3, would see up quarks, which we see as having a fractional charge of + 2/3, as having a multiple charge of 2. Down quarks would see our familiar spectrum as having a multiple charge of 3.

If up quarks could think they would see down quarks as having a fractional charge of 1/2 and our familiar spectrum as having a fractional charge of 3/2.

What this idea if Electron Dependency is really all about is not charges or particles but about the nature of electromagnetic waves. Electromagnetic waves, other than those echoing from the Big Bang, are produced by matter and are defined by their interaction with matter. There are not different types of electric charges but there are different amounts of charge in the matter that produces the waves.

Just as different radio stations are not "tuned in" to one another so waves from matter of one amount of charge will not be detectable by matter composed of a different charge, although there would still be gravity between the matter.

This is why we have never detected individual quarks or quark stars and cannot see dark matter or black holes. Noticing this was not really difficult. It just required some "thinking outside the box", and the realization that we do not have an unbiased view of the universe. We are part of the universe and see it as we do not only because of what it is but also because of what we are.


I am really fascinating by the concept of straight lines. Straight lines are very important to us. We depend on light, which travels in straight lines, to give us information about the world around us. We define a straight line as the shortest distance between two points.

The trouble with that is the point that our very definition of straight lines is the path that light takes across space. The reasoning goes around in a circle. We say that light travels in straight lines, but our very definition of a straight line is the route that light takes.

One of the basic principles of science is that we have an unbiased view of the universe. But what if we don't? Maybe it's time to question that. 

Let's begin with our vision, upon which we are so dependent for information.

First, we do not actually see objects. We see the light that is reflected or radiated by those objects. Light does not always give us a completely accurate picture of our surroundings.

There are what we call optical illusions, meaning that we do not see things as they really are due to the interaction of light with the intervening environment. Rainbows and sun dogs, where white light is broken down into it's component colors through refraction by water droplets, and the shimmering water mirage, on a hot road or surface some distance ahead, are the best-known optical illusions.

The "twinkling" of stars is another optical illusion. Stars do not really twinkle. It is the effect of the earth's atmosphere, which the light passes through, that causes the apparent twinkling, in contrast with the steady light from planets.

Stars also do not have the "points" that we often portray them with. The sun is a star, and we can see that it is spherical. The "points" that stars may appear to have is a trick of our vision.

An ideal example of how we see the light, rather than the objects themselves, is the blue of the sky. Light is reflected by objects that are around the same size as the wavelength of the light. Wavelength is the inverse of frequency, a higher frequency means a shorter wavelength. Red has the longest wavelength of visible light, and blue the shortest.

The sky is blue because it's short wavelength is closest to the typical scale of the dust particles in the air, so that only the blue light is reflected to our eyes. When there is a large-scale fire, the sky may appear orange instead of blue. That is because it puts larger dust particles in the air and, until they settle to earth, reflect the longer wavelengths of light.

Longer wavelengths are scattered, by either reflection or refraction, less than shorter wavelengths. This is why sunsets or sunrises appear red or orange. The shorter wavelengths of blue light are scattered away altogether and only the longer wavelengths get through for us to see. It is also the reason that streetlights in Britain are orange, the longer wavelengths are refracted less by droplets of fog.

The same principle applies to the entire electromagnetic spectrum. If you drive under an overpass with the radio on longer wavelengths, such as AM in North America, will fade but shorter wavelengths, such as FM in North America, won't. That is because the longer wavelengths are close to the size of the overpass, and are reflected away, while the shorter wavelengths can be reflected around and received under the overpass.

Another optical illusion is how deep water appears blue. While the sky is blue because of reflection, from dust particles in the air, the sea is blue because the shortest wavelength, which is blue, is refracted the most. Water eventually absorbs light, but absorbs the longest wavelengths first. If you look at underwater photographs, you may notice that you never see anything red below a depth of about 9 meters, or 30 feet. Only blue lasts long enough before being absorbed, and is refracted enough, to be refracted back to the surface. That is why deep water appears blue, but it is yet another optical illusion.

Another way that the light from objects does not show us those objects as they really are is transparency. If the atoms or molecules of a material are lined up in a regular pattern, that material will appear transparent to us if light can pass right between the atoms.

Also, if we magnify light by the use of lenses, an optical microscope cannot magnify more than about 1400x due to the wavelength of light.

After optical illusions the next issue concerning vision that we come to is color.

The colors of visible light that we see, from lowest frequency and longest wavelength to highest frequency and shortest wavelength, is red, orange, yellow, green and, blue. But color does not actually exist, outside of ourselves. We see something as red or blue because of how our eyes and brains interpret different wavelengths of light. Other than that, there is really no such thing as color.

We could thus say that color itself, the most basic element of vision, is an optical illusion.

An interesting thought about color is that we cannot describe it with words. Have you ever tried to describe your favorite color to someone who has always been totally blind? You can't, it's impossible. The words do not exist.

But if we cannot describe color with words, then how can we be sure that we all see the same color in the same way? For all we know, you might see red as I see blue and I might see orange as you see red.

Another issue in how we do not see objects, but the light from the objects and there is a difference, is the so-called "forbidden colors". There are two known forbidden colors, which are color combinations that our eyes are unable to process because both colors are sensed with the same part of the eye, although in different ways. We cannot see both colors from the same place at the same time. 

The two forbidden color combinations are red-green and blue-yellow. The eyes cannot process these colors, so we will see something that looks like mud.

That brings us to the color brown. No color is actually real, outside of our vision, but I see brown as being even less real than the others. Brown is really what we see if we look at a combination of colors that our eyes are unable to process.

Not only is color a matter of our definition, we actually define what light itself is. The spectrum of visible light that we see, from red to blue, is only a very limited part of the total electromagnetic spectrum. That spectrum, from longest wavelength to shortest, is radio waves, microwaves, infrared (heat), visible light, ultraviolet, X-rays and, gamma rays.

The reason that electromagnetic radiation falls into these different categories has nothing to do with the radiation itself, which is simply different wavelengths. Just as the colors of the visible part of the spectrum are categorized by how our eyes and brains interpret the different wavelengths, so the entire electromagnetic spectrum is categorized not by anything to do with the waves themselves, but in how they interact with matter. 

Outside of living things, the concept of the visible spectrum would be meaningless. We define what the visible spectrum is going to be by the scale of our eyes. This means that we actually define the light that we depend on for information about the world and universe around us.

Can you see how we have anything but an unbiased view of the universe? We see the universe as we do not only because of what it is but also because of what we are.

Quite a bit about the universe is simply a matter of definition, of how we see things. Consider the question of whether the universe, as a whole, is rotating. If galaxies rotate then why shouldn't the whole universe, which is a "galaxy of galaxies", rotate?

But for us to define rotation there must be an external reference point that either isn't rotating, or is rotating at a different rate. Since our very definition of the universe is that it encompasses everything there is, there can be no external reference points by which to gauge whether the universe is rotating.

This means that the question of whether the universe is rotating is a matter of definition. Put simply, the universe is rotating if you would like it to be rotating.

Now that you can see how we see the universe as we do not only because of what it is, but also because of what we are, and however useful our sense of sight is it definitely does not show us the world and the universe as it really is, let's get back to the question of straight lines.

The most likely definition of a straight line is the shortest distance between two points. But we depend on our visual sense for this definition. We will always define a straight line as the path of light.

But considering how light does not necessarily show us things as they really are, and how so much is open to definition, isn't it possible, or even probable, that there might be another definition of a straight line that we, due to our nature, cannot see? Maybe what we see as straight lines are somehow curved, and there is a shorter route across space that we cannot see.

Can we be sure that electromagnetic radiation doesn't somehow travel by both direct and indirect routes and that we are only able to sense an indirect route, which we incorrectly perceive as the direct route, a straight line?

I find that the basic fault of conventional science is it's presumption that we have an unbiased view of the universe. We see the universe as we do not only because of what it is but also because of what we are.


We have seen, in my cosmology theory, the explanation of why there are three branches of physics. First, there is the ordinary physics of a textbook. This encompasses mass, forces, acceleration, gravity, electric charges, electromagnetic radiation, and so on.

But then there are two new branches of physics, Relativity and Quantum Physics (or Quantum Mechanics). The strange thing about these two new branches is that they are based on things that cannot be explained by ordinary physics. To make things even more mysterious, the two new branches are completely incompatible with each other.

There are actually two separate theories of Relativity, both by Albert Einstein. The one that I am referring to here is the Special Theory of Relativity, from 1905. This is about how the speed of light is absolutely sacrosanct and everything else is relative at speeds anywhere near the speed of light. Mass becomes greater and greater at speeds approaching the speed of light, until it becomes infinite at the speed of light. Time, meanwhile, slows down until it stops at the speed of light.

Einstein's General Theory of Relativity, which was published ten years later in 1915, is about how gravity curves space.

The great divide between Relativity and Quantum Physics is the speed of light. In Special Relativity, the speed of light is absolutely invariable, with time and mass and distance revolving around it. But in Quantum Physics, the speed of light is not even a factor at all. It can be shown that, with two entangled photons, information passes instantaneously between them without being bound at all by the speed of light.

How can this possibly be? Einstein spent much of his later years trying to reconcile the two, but without much success. To compound the mystery, once again, none of this can be explained in terms of ordinary physics.

But my cosmology theory has a solution, and it's rather simple. The solution involves what we are. We presume that we have an unbiased view of the universe, but we don't. we are a part of the universe ourselves. The fundamental principle of the cosmology theory is that to really understand the universe, we have to understand that we see it the way we do not only because of what it is but also because of what we are.

Once we understand that, everything seems to fall into place that cannot be explained otherwise. Following is the two-paragraph abstract that I use to explain the theory.

( Note-My cosmological theory has the universe as not-quite-parallel strings of matter aligned mostly in one direction in four-dimensional space, although there could be many more than these four dimensions. The direction in which these strings of matter are primarily aligned is the one that we perceive as time, along which our consciousnesses move at what we perceive as the speed of light. We can only see perpendicular to the bundles of strings of matter comprising our bodies and brains. The original two-dimensional sheet of space, amidst the multi-dimensional background space, disintegrated in one of it's two dimensions as one pair of it's opposite sides came into contact. Due to charge migration, to seek a lower energy state, one side was positive in charge and the other was negative. This brought about the matter-antimatter mutual annihilation that we perceive as the Big Bang. The energy in the disintegrating dimension, from the tension between adjacent opposite electric charges, was released. The remaining dimension then consisted of very long strings of infinitesimal cross-section, that we perceive as the particles of matter today. Some of the energy released by the disintegrating dimension went into "welding" the charges of the remaining dimension together as strings of matter. We perceive these strings as particles because our consciousnesses are moving along the bundles of strings composing our bodies and brains, at what we perceive as the speed of light, and we can only see at right angles to our strings.

So, the basics of my theory is a two-dimensional sheet of space, which formed amidst the multi-dimensional background space by the same kind of opposite charge induction, disintegrating in one of it's two dimensions as one pair of it's opposite sides came into contact to create the matter-antimatter explosive mutual annihilation that we perceive as the Big Bang, which began the universe, and which scattered the remaining one-dimensional strings of matter out across space to form the universe that we see today. The strings of matter from the original two-dimensional sheet were scattered across four dimensions of the background space).

We could think of science as being either "with us" or "without us". The ordinary physics of a textbook is "without us" science. What I mean by that is simply that the laws of this physics would be the same whether humans were here or not.

But the two "new" branches of physics, Relativity and Quantum Physics, are, as I see it, "with us" sciences. We see the universe as we do through these branches of physics because of what we are. The truth is that neither Relativity, at least Special Relativity, nor Quantum Physics really exists outside of humans.

Matter is really composed of strings aligned mostly in one direction in four-dimensional space. We see matter as composed of particles in three-dimensional space because we can only see, and move at will, in three of the four dimensions. The fourth dimension over which matter is scattered is what we perceive as time, as our consciousnesses proceed along the bundles of strings comprising our bodies and brains at what we perceive as the speed of light.

That is why the speed of light seems so sacrosanct in the Special Theory of Relativity, it is because of what we are. other than within us, the speed of light doesn't really exist.

In my cosmology theory, empty space consists of a checkerboard of alternating negative and positive electric charges. Matter consists of one-dimensional strings, aligned mostly in the dimension of space that we perceive as time, of either negative or positive charge such as negatively-charged electrons. Electromagnetic waves are two-dimensional energetic disturbances in this perfectly alternating checkerboard of charges, in multiple dimensions. The waves are not really electromagnetic but seem so to us because they disturb the underlying checkerboard balance of negative and positive charges.

The way that we receive electromagnetic radiation, light, by sight is that the energy of the wave knocks electrons out of their orbitals in atoms within the sensors of our eyes of photosensitive equipment. But the wave is two-dimensional, it must be because it has the two components of amplitude and wavelength, while the electrons in our eyes are one-dimensional strings. The electron absorbs the energy of one dimension of the wave, knocking it out of it's orbital to create a flow of current that goes to our brains, but that leaves the remaining dimension of the wave.

This one remaining dimension of the electromagnetic wave thus acts like a one-dimensional string of matter, which we perceive as particles because we can only see in three of the four dimensions. This is why Quantum Physics has electromagnetic radiation with both a wave and a particle nature. This is one of the many mysteries of these two new sciences that cannot be explained by ordinary physics.

So there are these two new sciences that are based on principles that cannot be explained by ordinary physics, and are also incompatible with each other. But then why couldn't there be a third new science, based on what we are and how it affects the way we see the universe? If there was, what could it be? That is what I want to address today.


One thing that really fascinates me is straight lines. But notice that we define straight lines by the path of light. A definition of a straight line is the shortest path across space between two points.

Could there be a possibility that we see straight lines as we do not because of what the universe actually is, as with Relativity and Quantum Physics, but because of what we are? Are the straight lines that we see because of something in our nature that is of yet undefined?

Basing our definition of straight lines on the path of electromagnetic radiation could be a matter of our scale and perspective on the universe. As with Special Relativity and Quantum Physics, we might be seeing the universe as we do not only because of what it is but because of what we are.

A "straight line" is actually the transition route of lowest energy. This makes sense because we know that the universe always seeks the lowest energy state, which is why objects in the air tend to fall to the ground.

The universe is just information. We have to see it as "real", as we do, because we are made of the same information. At some level, the entire universe is actually a formula.

Distance is information, and information is the same thing as energy. This is why it requires energy for an object to traverse a distance. We could say that a short distance could be represented by 0000, and a long distance could be represented by 000000000. The zeroes are because, in empty space, there is nothing there but there could potentially be something there.

Once again, we know that energy and information is the same thing because we cannot apply energy to anything without adding information to it and cannot add information to anything without applying energy to it. Another way that we can see energy and information as the same thing is that we can make our lives physically easier, through technology, but only at the expense of making them more complex. We can never, on a large scale, make life physically easier and also less complex.

But we can see that a "straight line" is simply the route of lowest energy transition, and is based on what we are and how we receive information about the universe. Consider an electron. If there were two wires, a longer wire but with less resistance then the shorter wire the electron, not basing it's understanding on electromagnetic radiation as we do, would see the longer wire as the shorter distance. This is because it is simply the route of lowest energy transition.


An electron in a flow of electricity would always "see" the wire through which it flows as a straight line. It would not matter at all if we saw the wire as actually zig-zagging across the floor. That is because the electron's definition of a "straight line" is not the same as ours. We can "see" in more dimensions of space than the electron can.

The next question is that if an electron sees what we see as a longer route as a shorter route because of what it is, meaning that there is definitely different ways of defining what a "straight line" is, then why couldn't we see a longer route as the shortest route, according to another definition, according to what we are?

Suppose that we have a two-dimensional sheet of plastic. There would have to be a short third dimension to the plastic, but we can ignore that for our purposes here. Now suppose that there was a two-dimensional being that lived within the two-dimensional sheet.

If we were to bend the sheet, the two-dimensional being within the sheet would be utterly unaware of the bend. This is because the bend would involve a third dimension of space and the being, since it is two-dimensional, would only be able to be aware of two dimensions, the two of the sheet. No matter how much we bent the sheet, the two-dimensional being would invariably see the route from one side of the sheet to the other as a perfectly straight line.

We also have our dimensional limits three of space and the fourth that, according to my cosmology theory, we perceive as time. There could be many more dimensions of space than the four that we live in. if I had to guess how many dimensions there were, my guess would be infinity. An infinite number of dimensions is actually a lower information state, which the universe favors, than any finite number of dimensions.

So if the block of dimensions that we inhabit was somehow bent or curved, relative to the outer dimensions, we would be no more able to distinguish it than the two-dimensional being that lived within the sheet. My cosmology theory has matter beginning with a two-dimensional sheet of space that was within, but not having it's component electric charges aligned with, the surrounding background space.

This means that we could be taking "the long way around" when we go from one place to another because the shortest route between two points in the limited block of dimensions that we inhabit is not necessarily the same as it would be if we could access more dimensions. We would not be able to see the "shortcuts", in the same way as the two-dimensional being in the bent sheet of plastic.

Since the definition of a straight line is the shortest distance between two points, that can only mean that the definition of a straight line is relative. The route of lowest energy transition will always be seen as a straight line but, as we see from the examples of the electron in the wire and the imaginary being in the two-dimensional sheet, that definition may change when the perspective changes.

Einstein's General Theory of Relativity, from 1915, actually does show an example of how straight lines are a matter of perspective. The gravity of a massive object bends light, and the effect is called gravitational lensing. According to Einstein's theory, the massive object bends light by "curving" the space around it.

But since we define a straight line by the path of light itself, that shows that our definition can be relative and a matter of perspective. This also shows that, as stated in my cosmology theory, that light consists of two-dimensional waves. This is shown by the fact that light, and other electromagnetic waves, have the two components of amplitude and wavelength (frequency is the inverse of wavelength). Just the fact that we can tell that gravity bends light is because we see in three-dimensions of space but the waves of light occupy onto two dimensions. if not for this, we would not be able to tell that gravity bends light.


Obviously, in an inner dimensional set that exists within an outer dimensional set, straight lines may be open to definition, since the inner dimensional set would be utterly unaware if it were bent or curved with regard to the outer set. But what about straight lines possibly being open to definition in a fixed dimensional set?

Since we are utterly dependent on the waves associated with electrons for information about the universe around us, as we saw in "Electron Dependency", and since we will always define a straight line as the route taken by these waves, there is a possibility that this defines one possibility as a straight line. We have no way of knowing if, for example, waves produced by other than "whole" electric charges, such as quarks with fractional charges, might present another definition of what a straight line is.

Electromagnetic waves distort the checkerboard pattern of alternating negative and positive electric charges that makes up empty space. The charges usually completely balance out and we perceive the waves as electromagnetic because they disturb this underlying balance. It takes energy to bring about this disruption and so electromagnetic waves are patterns of energy in space.

The directions and amplitudes of waves in space are very uneven. This means that their distortion of the electric charges of space must also be uneven. Since a "straight line" is actually the route of lowest energy, then shouldn't waves affect the routes of each other from what they would be if space were completely empty? But we can never detect this because we will always perceive electromagnetic radiation as taking the route of a straight line.

This is not the same thing as Einstein's General Theory of Relativity, where gravity bends light. We can detect that because light from only one direction is affected as the light coming to us from the other side of a massive astronomical object.

We can only detect this bending of light by gravity when there is a suitable source of light on the other side of a massive astronomical object. But any mass bends the path of light. Although the bending by a mass like that of the earth is slight how can we know whether there might be gravitational patterns that change the definition of a straight line that we are unaware of, since we always perceive the path of light as a straight line?

We have our definition of a straight line, the shortest possible distance between two points. But my conclusion is that there are other definitions of a straight line that, due to our nature, we are not able to detect. A basic presumption in science is that we have an unbiased view of the universe, we can completely rely on our measurements and observations. My conclusion is that we actually see the universe as we do not only because of what it is but also because of what we are.

Most Recent Updates

We saw in the posting, "The End Of The World As We Know It" on this blog, how I am certain that smartphones are the fabled "Mark of the Beast" without which, in the Last Days of the world before the Apocalypse, people will not be able to engage in financial transactions.

I could not find that this had ever been suggested before. I first wrote it here in 2009.

With the pandemic we can see how, in many places, a vaccination certificate, presented on one's phone, is necessary to enter a business establishment. Since then has been a trend for other identification documents, such as a driver's license, to be held in digital form on the phone.

As for the virus you can see what I meant in the posting, "The Natural History Of The Flu" August 2020, about how, as time goes on, new strains of the virus tend to be more contagious, but less deadly. We can see this in the most recent variant of Covid, known as Omicron. It is very contagious, but not especially deadly.

Suppose that the virus could "think" which, on a large scale through natural selection, it can. It is in the virus' interest to be as contagious as possible, but not to do much harm to it's host since the host is it's home. It is only in the virus' interest to produce symptoms in the host, such as coughing and sneezing, which help to spread the virus. 

This is how the flu arrived at the equilibrium it has with humans today.

Understanding Britain And Europe

To fully understand the contentious relationship between Britain and Europe we have to understand that the European Union is really a restoration of the Holy Roman Empire, and that Britain was not a part of that empire. 

The Holy Roman Empire was benign, as empires go, it's influence is so great because it lasted a thousand years. In 2004 the European Union underwent a great enlargement eastward that surprised many people across the world. But it really shouldn't be surprising considering that the original reason for the creation of the Holy Roman Empire was to reign in Christians in eastern Europe who were questioning the authority of the pope.

History is so important because we tend to repeat it, often without realizing it. Here is a link to the original posting about the Holy Roman Empire: 

We recently had a look at economics with the posting, "The Day Of The Worker". The modern theories of both capitalism and Communism originated in Britain. Read the following posting to see how amazingly ironic Britain is with regard to economics: