Thursday, February 24, 2022

Recent Solar Storm And Other News

We know about the recent solar storm that destroyed forty Space X satellites. That was a minor storm. There was a much greater storm, on February 15. Fortunately it was on the opposite side of the sun.

We saw in the posting on this blog, "The End Of The World As We Know It", my speculation that a severe solar storm, which had the potential to destroy most electronics on earth, might be part of the "End Times" scenario foretold in the Bible.

As for the current tension involving Ukraine and Russia, the most likely long-term result of it will be to further consolidate Europe. We saw in "The End Of The World As We Know It" how the future Antichrist must be from what is now the European Union. This crisis has got Europe standing all together like they rarely stand all together on anything.

In other news one topic lately is the attempt to return home of some North Korean defectors in South Korea. This fits with the parable that we saw near the beginning of the compound posting, "The Meaning Of Freedom" July 2021. 

The parable is "The Zoo And The Jungle", Communism is the zoo and Capitalism is the jungle. The animals in the zoo see the animals of the jungle running free outside, and they long for their freedom too. One day the zoo disintegrates and it's inhabitants are set free.

At first the former inhabitants of the zoo are elated to have their newfound freedom. But after a while they begin to see that, while the jungle is free, it is also harsh and competitive. Unlike in the zoo there are no guarantees of the necessities of life. Also the former inhabitants of the zoo realize that the animals in the jungle that they could see are doing fairly well, now they see that there are many other animals in the jungle that are not doing as well.

They decide that maybe the zoo wasn't so bad after all.

Russia launched an invasion of Ukraine this morning. Let's not forget the posting, "The Cardinal Rule Of Military Strategy". When a nation wins a great military victory it cannot help trying to repeat that victory in later combat.

The eastern part of Ukraine, which is the focal point of the combat, is not far from the Russian city that used to be known as Stalingrad. It was here that the greatest battle in human history was fought, and is considered as the turning point of the Second World War. I believe that the Battle of Stalingrad was given to the world as a glimpse of apocalypse.

It is interesting that Vladimir Putin called for the "denazification" of Ukraine because the main thrust of the Soviet offensive after the victory at Stalingrad was across Ukraine.

Here is a link to "The Cardinal Rule Of Military Strategy":

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