Thursday, March 28, 2024

Before The Miracle Of Fatima

On the subject of Portugal today so much has been written about the Miracle of Fatima, and what came after. If three children claimed to have had a supernatural vision many people might dismiss it. But hundreds of people came and saw the miracles involving the sun and, following rain, how their wet clothes had instantly become dry. These witnesses were mostly not people from the church, but ordinary people from nearby towns many of whom were not religious.

But what about events that happened before Fatima? I have never seen anything written about that. The Miracle of Fatima took place in 1917, during the First World War, although Portugal was neutral. A light show in the sky was to precede an even worse war to come. In January 1938 there was a great display of the northern lights, that caused panic and shut down radio communications.

The 1981 assassination attempt on Pope John Paul, four bullets were fired at him, just happened to come on the anniversary of the first vision at Fatima. Although there is no indication that the gunman was aware of that.

In 1859 the landmark book, "On The Origin Of Species" was published. The book was the basis of evolutionary theory. Even though it doesn't really try to explain how life originated from inanimate matter, evolutionary theory became the intellectual refuge of people who don't want to believe in God. Just before the book was published there was a really fantastic light show in the sky. It was known as the Carrington Event. Was it a warning?

Remember the supernova of the year 1054, the remnants of which we now see as the Crab Nebula. I read about this as a child. When I later became a Christian the year 1054 was important because that was the year of the great split in the church between the Catholics and the Eastern Orthodox Church. The world has never been quite the same since then. Everything about the split between east and west, including Napoleon's invasion of Russia, the Eastern Front of both World Wars, the Cold War, and the present war in Ukraine, began with that split as we saw in the compound posting "The House Of Holy Wisdom, Where The Modern World Began".

Just before the beginning of the First World War came the sinking of the Titanic. The Titanic had four stacks and the war would last for four years. The last third of the Nineteenth Century to the beginning of the First World War, in 1914, was a good and prosperous time that was free of major wars. In was known as the Victorian Age. In America it was sometimes called the Gilded Age. In France it was called the Belle Epoque. But evolutionary theory, as described above, was causing faith in God to sharply decline.

The Titanic was supposed to be unsinkable. Although accounts vary someone representing the ship reportedly said that "God Himself couldn't sink this ship". It was known that there were icebergs up ahead but this magnificent unsinkable ship certainly had nothing to be concerned with. Even when other ships had halted, the Titanic carelessly continued at full speed.

Was the shocking sinking of the Titanic, which had four stacks, a warning that the good times were about to end, in the form of a war like the world had never seen before, that would last four years?

After the war had begun, but before the Miracle of Fatima, another great event involving a ship took place, the sinking of the Lusitania by a submarine. The Lusitania was a passenger ship. Nearly two hundred Americans were killed and this is what would ultimately bring America into the war.

What is so interesting is that "Lusitania" is the old name of Portugal, where the Miracle of Fatima would take place. Was this an indication to pay attention to the upcoming message of Fatima?

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