Thursday, May 2, 2024

Remembering The Wormwood Prophecy

Wormwood is a shrub. This week was the anniversary of the 1986 nuclear reactor meltdown at Chernobyl in Ukraine.

The Book of Revelation, Chapter 8 Verses 10 and 11, tells of a "falling star" that is named "Wormwood". This star is described as "making the water bitter" so that many people die from drinking the bitter water.

What could this mean? How can a falling star make water bitter? In Bible times nuclear science was completely unknown. What if the "falling star" is a nuclear missile?

A nuclear explosion contaminates water because it absorbs alpha particles. A primary rule of surviving a nuclear war or disaster is to absolutely never drink from open water. Alpha particles, basically helium nuclei, are blocked by the skin but are deadly if they get inside the body.

What is so interesting is that the name of Chernobyl means "wormwood". This is another example of what we saw in the posting "The End Of The World As We Know It", December 2023, of St. John, the author of the Book of Revelation, being given a vision of the future and describing the technology as best he could. Other examples are modern helicopters and phones.

Russia was reviled for invading Ukraine. But nowhere near as much as Israel is reviled for it's actions in Gaza. We know that, during the time of the Antichrist, Israel will be invaded by an "enemy to the north" and this will set off the final series of wars of the world. Look at all of these protests in favor of Palestine. If Russia invaded Israel right now it would instantly be the most popular country in the world.

What is so dangerous about these two wars is that it is working out the use of new technologies in war, such as AI, GPS jamming and spoofing, and especially drones. There were a lot of improvement in military technology after the First World War and other nations participating in the Spanish Civil War enabled the perfection and implementation of this new technology in time for the Second World War. We shouldn't be so smug about the Iranian drone attack against Israel not accomplishing much. Don't worry, it is still a new technology and technique and will get much more deadly.

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