Thursday, September 26, 2024


Laos is the small country in southeast Asia, between Vietnam, China, Cambodia and, Thailand. The Plain of Jars is a well-known Iron Age historical site, with burials around large jar-shaped stones.

Lan Xang was a kingdom in what is now Laos that was founded in the Fourteenth Century. It was often invaded by neighbors. The capital was moved to Vientiane, which is the present capital city, in 1520.

Lan Xang eventually split into smaller kingdoms but, during the colonial era, it was put back together by the French. Laos was recolonized by the French after the Second World War.

The country gained autonomy in 1949 and independence in 1953. It became a constitutional monarchy under Sisavang Vong.

The former flag of Laos had three elephants on it. It had been known as the "Land of a Million Elephants".

The monarchy ended in 1975 when the Communist Pathet Lao came to power. Communist governments had just gained power in neighboring Vietnam and Cambodia.

King Savang Vatthana would die in a reeducation camp.

The Pathet Lao had begun during the French colonial period. America's Vietnam War spilled over into Laos, as it did into Cambodia. The Pathet Lao was matched against the Laotian Army. Communist North Vietnam assisted the Pathet Lao.

Ethnically, the Lao people make up just over half the population of the country. There are other tribes, such as the Hmong. The U.S. supported the Hmong, and others, against the Pathet Lao, then took in a quarter million refugees when the Communists came to power.

The Pathet Lao government has remained close to Vietnam. But Communism came to power in Laos with much less violence than in Vietnam, and certainly Cambodia.

The campaign in Laos was referred to as America's "Secret War". But it was no secret that an incredible volume of bombs was dropped on Communist positions in the country. In fact, it is reputed to be the most-bombed country in the world, considering the tonnage of bombs dropped relative to it's population. Not all of the bombs exploded when dropped and many people are killed and injured when undiscovered bombs periodically explode.

The grandson of the last Laotian king lives in exile in Paris. In the opinion of many people Laos, like neighboring Vietnam, remains Communist in name only as private enterprise thrives.

Hinduism came before Buddhism. Vat Phou is an old Hindu temple in Laos that was later converted to Buddhist use. The first five images of Vat Phou are from Google Street View.

There are multiple scenes following. To see the scenes, after the first one, you must first click the up arrow before you can move on to the next scene by clicking the right or forward arrow. After clicking the up arrow you can then hide the previews of successive scenes, if you so wish.,105.8147164,3a,75y,125.08h,90t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipPNvwwjMnrpbhgt0XAD-i1H8kUm7uP9Ch7M7j6e!2e10!3e11!!7i12000!8i6000

This is a Buddhist temple in Luang Prabang, which was the royal capital before it was moved to Vientiane in the Sixteenth Century. The first four images are from Google Street View.,102.1434294,3a,75y,354.86h,104.07t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipPr9oj5t_WfuF2AMmixKfHPr_YQpTilViGLYRud!2e10!3e11!!7i6912!8i3456

Here is more of the former capital of Luang Prabang.,102.124254,3a,75y,223.7h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sf-M7nXwk4JWjeELmMU33dg!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656

Vientiane is on the Mekong River, with Thailand on the opposite side. The Pha That Luang began as a Hindu temple but is now a Buddhist stupa. It has been damaged and rebuilt many times. The first seven images of it are from Google Street View.,102.6374254,3a,75y,255.09h,95.69t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s0TWhDLxnM8Ici_syf3GH8A!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656

Sisaket Temple is another well-known Buddhist temple in Vientiane.,102.611089,3a,75y,132.31h,88.9t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sYDtueArSeVmPlBTsqgg5qg!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656

This is the Arc De Triomphe and Patuxay Monument, across the street from office of Prime Minister. Since Laos was once a French colony, it shouldn't be surprising that it has it's own version of the Arc De Triomphe. The first two images are from Google Street View.,102.5967968,3a,75y,80h,110t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipP_aks6-IOtjdv3pkATumoHRdFZ_WsZZ_K4dtQv!2e10!3e11!!7i7440!8i3720

This is just outside Vientiane.,102.6633552,3a,75y,118.24h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1swcTMnCDarWoWLcdYkeYlMw!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656

North of Vientiane is a more rural area.,102.6325714,3a,75y,203.83h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sYZr33BP-H6kLIYCqcp1UOA!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656

Here is the southern part of Vientiane.,102.6263904,3a,75y,106.68h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s3SmASdcWQlxknhpsVhl7dQ!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656

This is a village outside Vientiane.,102.6636791,3a,75y,99.01h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sgHSPcJSNA-IR06K6sZtNng!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656

The Pope In Belgium

Why don't we review why everyone should know the Belgian priest named Georges Lemaitre, since the Pope is visiting Belgium. 

In the early Twentieth Century it was discovered first, that what were thought to be nebula within our galaxy were actually entirely different galaxies and second, that these galaxies were actually moving away from each other. The more distant the galaxies the faster they seemed to be moving away from us.

What this meant was, not only was the universe much more vast than bad been supposed but it was also expanding. Until then it had been thought that our galaxy encompassed the entire universe.

Working with the then-new telescope atop Mount Wilson, near Los Angeles, Edwin Hubble is generally given credit for discovering the expansion of the universe, which also points to the universe having the beginning that we refer to as the "Big Bang".

Hubble got the revolutionary space telescope, which has far and away exceeded all expectations, named for him.

But Hubble wasn't the first one to propose that the universe had a beginning and was expanding. At the time the scientific community accepted the "Steady State" concept of the universe, that it had always existed and didn't have a beginning. A Belgian priest, who was also a graduate in physics, thought of it first.

His name was Georges Lemaitre. Hubble did the actual observing that confirmed the universe was expanding outward, which definitely pointed to it having a beginning, and deserves credit for establishing that there are many galaxies other than our own. But even the Wikipedia article on Hubble states that Georges Lemaitre wrote about it first.

There was a lot of skepticism but it turned out to be correct. The beginning of the universe was named the "Big Bang", but that term was coined by Britain's Sir Fred Hoyle, who was making fun of the idea. But today it is virtually universally accepted as the beginning of the universe.

Georges Lemaitre deserves more credit and name recognition. His native language was French. Does the Francophone community know that it was one of their own who correctly postulated that the universe had a beginning? I think he is already appreciated in Belgium, but not as much in the outside world.

How about the Catholic Church? We cannot say that this insight was a miracle but it verifies the biblical theology that the universe was created at a certain point by God. The universe had not always been there, as the scientific community had believed. 

I once visited the Mount Wilson Observatory, above Los Angeles. This is where it was discovered that there are many galaxies, other than our own, and confirmed that the universe is expanding outward which means that it had a beginning.


Most scientists agree that the universe began with what is referred to as the "Big Bang". Scientists didn't arrive at the Big Bang, it was actually introduced by a Belgian Catholic priest, Georges Lemaitre, based on the Christian idea of the beginning, but is now very widely accepted in the scientific community. Before the Big Bang there was the "Steady State" Theory of the universe.

However there have always been a few doubters and doubt about the Big Bang still persists. For some reason my native Britain has been a haven for Big Bang doubters. The name of the "Big Bang" was actually coined by Sir Fred Hoyle, who was making fun of the idea.

I find that we do not even have to go beyond the earth to prove that there must have been a Big Bang. We can see it just by tracing where energy comes from. There are only three ultimate sources of energy, the sun, the supernova that preceded the sun, and the Big Bang.

Solar energy, from the sun, is all around us. The sun makes plants grow so all of our food and fuel is from solar energy. The uneven heating of the earth by the sun creates wind energy. The sun evaporates water and, if it falls as precipitation to a higher level, it gives us hydro power. 

The sun was preceded by a large star that exploded in a supernova. Some of the matter fell back together by gravity to form the present sun and Solar System. We know that the sun is such a second-generation star because it contains heavy elements that are beyond it's current stage in the stellar fusion process.

Tides can be harnessed and used to generate electricity. Tides also move boats, and other floating objects, which takes energy. Tidal energy does not come from the sun. The supernova threw the matter that formed the earth and moon out into space and tidal energy is a redirection of that, it comes from the supernova.

The ordinary stellar fusion process only goes as far as iron. Elements heavier than iron are put together from lighter atoms only when energy is released by a supernova. It takes this tremendous energy to crunch the smaller atoms together.

Some of these new heavy atoms are less-than-stable and gradually release particles or radiation in order to seek a more stable state. These emissions are known as radioactivity. This also releases heat, which builds up from radioactive decay inside the earth. Geothermal heat, some of which may also be directly left over from the supernova, is thus supernova energy. This includes the energy released by volcanoes.

Some of the heavy atoms that are crunched together from smaller atoms only during the tremendous release of energy by a supernova can be split by a high-speed neutron. These are thorium, the 235 isotope of uranium, and man-made plutonium. When this happens some of the binding energy of the nucleus of the atom is released. This is the basis of nuclear fission energy and so the energy from nuclear reactors and conventional nuclear bombs ultimately comes from the supernova that preceded the sun.

During the ice ages vast sheets of ice form at high latitudes. The centrifugal force of the earth's rotation pulls the ice sheets in the direction of the equator. These moving glaciers greatly change the landscape. This energy comes ultimately from the supernova. If there is a landslide the kinetic energy in the falling rocks is from the supernova.

There is one energy source that cannot be accounted for by energy from either the sun or the supernova. That source is nuclear fusion. Nuclear fission, the splitting of a heavy atom, is the opposite process. As the name implies nuclear fusion is the fusing of two or more small atoms together into a larger atom. The new larger atom contains less overall internal energy than the smaller atoms that were fused together to form it. The excess energy is released and that is why fusion is a source of energy.

Natural fusion takes place in the centers of stars. The gravity there is strong enough to overcome the electron repulsion between atoms and fuse lighter atoms into heavier ones. The excess energy is released as radiation, which is why stars shine. The current stage of fusion in the sun is crunching four hydrogen atoms into one helium atom, with the excess energy being released as sunshine.

Fusion of atoms can be done artificially, by pushing the atoms together with lasers or confining very high temperatures in a magnetic field. As with stars the excess energy is released when small atoms are fused into a larger one. There is a lot of hope for fusion as a future source of energy but, at the time of this writing, fusion is still at the experimental stage, no one has yet succeeded in making it into a practical source of energy.

We know from science class that energy can never be created or destroyed, but only changed in form. There are a number of ways that we get energy whose ultimate source is either the sun or the supernova that preceded the sun. The energy from the sun is not rooted in the supernova that preceded it because that star exploded before all of it's hydrogen atoms had fused into heavier atoms and then that process continued as some of the matter of the exploded star fell back together by gravity to form the sun and Solar System.

But neither of these sources can explain where the energy in fusion comes from. Since energy can never be created or destroyed, but only changed in form, it must have come from somewhere. Since it is the internal energy in all atoms, some of it being released when atoms fuse together, it must be from before the formation of atoms.

It's source can only be the Big Bang and it thus proves the reality of the Big Bang.

Local Rat Issue And Evolutionary Theory

There is a local issue with rats that provides a lesson in evolutionary theory. This is the idea that many people who do not want to believe in God use to explain where life came from.

The basis of evolutionary theory is "survival of the fittest". By random chance, influenced by factors such as the effects of cosmic rays on cells, some members of a species will be born with characteristics that are beneficial, such as greater intelligence or better vision. These members will be more likely to survive long enough to pass along their genes than those without the beneficial characteristics. Eventually the entire species will be transformed into a new species that is better suited for survival.

A simple example of evolution is giraffes. A giraffe eats leaves from trees. It would be an advantage for a giraffe to have a long neck, in order to be able to reach more leaves. Every once in a while a giraffe was, by random chance, born with a long neck. These were more likely to survive long enough to pass along their genes so that all giraffes eventually had long necks.

The issue with religion is that some people have taken the theory further than the founding text, "On The Origin Of Species", and used it to propose that life itself originated by random collisions of atoms. This leaves no need for God to have created life and the theory has become the intellectual foundation for those who do not want to believe in God. Even though the original theory does not try to explain where life originated.

Even before I was a Christian I knew that this theory, while having some truth to it, does not really reflect what we see in reality. The only reason for a species to improve to the point that it changes into an entirely new species is that it becomes, by gradual random chance, more suited to survive in it's environment. This must mean that the "higher" forms of life, meaning more highly evolved, must be better suited to survival than the "lower" forms of life.

The trouble is that the "higher" forms of life, unless they can eat plants, are dependent on the "lower" forms for survival. Thus their suitability for survival is no better than the "lower" forms, if they are dependent on them for food. If one species is the "hunter" and the other is the "hunted", the "hunter" is no better suited for survival if it is dependent for food on the "hunted".

Living things are always more complex than their surrounding inanimate environment. If living things began in this environment with random collisions of atoms then the more highly evolved, meaning better suited for survival, a species is the more complex it should be. But this is not at all what we see. No one would consider the local rats as a higher species. Yet they are, along with species like pigeons and squirrels, abounding while many of the "higher" species are in danger of extinction.

What about ants? They are not a higher species but they are everywhere. If a nuclear holocaust destroyed humans, ants would still be here. Plainly and simply the "higher" species are not better suited to survival as evolutionary theory says they should be. Being more complex makes them more vulnerable to the cataclysms that occur periodically, from global warming to asteroid impacts. 

From an evolutionary perspective neither animals or insects make any sense. Living things would be much better off being plants. An animal or insect has to spend it's life procuring food and will die if it doesn't succeed. A plant, in contrast, only has to do nothing and everything it needs will come to it. If a plant gets a broken branch it will almost always grow back. If an animal gets a broken leg it means almost certain death.

Early in this blog I put the postings about creationism and evolutionary theory on a separate blog. The original evolutionary theory doesn't try to explain how life originated, that was added later. Evolutionary theory has effectively become a major world religion and has distorted our thinking, as we saw in "Our Evolutionary Paradise", May 2024.

Here is a link to the creation blog. I discussed rats in "Reverse Evolution".

The New World Order Of BRICS

BRICS has recently expanded it's membership. The countries that are members of it comprise nearly half the world's population. It suffered a setback when a rightward president came to power in Argentina and cancelled the country's plans to join. But now Turkiye wants to join. Let's have a look at it.

A major recent development in the world is the growth of interest in BRICS. This is an organization of non-western countries. The acronym stands for Brazil, Russia, India, China and, South Africa, but many more countries have joined or expressed interest in it.

The best-known international organization is the G7. It consists of the U.S., Canada, Britain, Germany, France, Italy and, Japan. But the G7 has become, in much of the world, a symbol of past western domination that is not at all reflective of the world today.

The G7 was later expanded into the G20, although the G7 exists separately. But the G20 is still considered by much of the world as too tilted toward the west.

BRICS professes no hostility toward the west. But it is seen as the "Non-West", an organization of countries across the world that appear to have little in common other than a wish to move beyond western domination of the world.

A major objective of BRICS involves currency. The U.S. Dollar is the dominant reserve currency in the world. This goes back to the Bretton Woods agreement from just before the end of the Second World War, with the U.S. taking advantage of it's dominant position at the time. Richard Nixon took the U.S. off the Gold Standard, effectively ending the agreement, but by then the dollar had the momentum as by far the world's most important reserve currency.

The issue in the world today is that this gives the U.S. the ability to enact economic sanctions against other countries. The number one target of U.S. sanctions has been Iran, and also Venezuela, but now the main target is Russia. There is increasing resentment of this ability to impose sanctions on other countries, and the formation of BRICS can be seen as somewhat of a backlash.

The major obstacle to the BRICS movement is that it's membership is so diverse and scattered across the world. The only thing that they really have in common is the desire to undercut the dominance of the West. The central issue of BRICS is currency, to reduce the dominance of the U.S. Dollar as the world's reserve currency.

There is another organization that is somewhat of a parallel to BRICS, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, but it's primary focus does not seem to be economic, in the same way as BRICS.

There is nothing innately special about the U.S. Dollar or anything written in stone that it has to be the world's reserve currency. It's just that it has momentum in it's favor and people have confidence in it. The creation of an entirely new currency by BRICS has been discussed but it seems more likely that there will be more emphasis on using existing currencies. 

The creation of a joint currency inevitably involves member nations giving up some of their sovereignty, in that they can no longer print their own money at will. The Euro is the world's foremost joint currency and, although it is working well in Europe it hasn't displaced the Dollar as the global reserve currency.

For a nation's currency to be a global currency it must be completely convertible and must be allowed to "float" freely in value against other currencies. The world's two most populous countries are both members of BRICS. But China doesn't allow the Yuan to float completely freely. This risks allowing it's value to be determined by forces outside the country, including currency speculators.

India does not allow the Rupee to be readily convertible into other currencies. Making the currency completely convertible is taking a risk, it exposes the country to potentially volatile capital flows, including the money leaving the country. The Dollar is the world's reserve currency because the U.S. Government has been willing to take these risks.

Some have thought that maybe cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin, might provide a global currency. But a global currency must be stable, without great swings in value. The value of a currency operates by supply and demand, and global use of the U.S. Dollar keeps it's value relatively stable. When using a foreign currency, if it's value increases that makes a country's exports more expensive and increases the amount of real money that has to be repaid for debts. If it's value decreases that decreases a country's spending power, although it makes it's exports less expensive.

BRICS cannot be ignored. With it's new members it has close to half of the world's population, and many more countries want to join. But what it has to realize is that a global currency must be allowed to freely float in value and be freely convertible into other currencies. There are fewer than 20 currencies that are completely convertible, including the U.S. and Canadian Dollars, the Euro and the British Pound. Most governments are uneasy about completely removing restrictions on how their currency relates to foreign currencies.



With the move toward electric vehicles always in the news, why don't we remember where they originated? The first electric vehicles that the world became familiar with were the "Lunar Rovers" that were used on the moon in the latter Apollo missions. The vehicles had to be electric because there is no air on the moon for a combustion engine. The following image is from the Wikipedia article "Lunar Roving Vehicle".


This week was the 80th anniversary of Operation Market Garden, with a reenactment. The use of paratroopers in wartime is complicated and risky, and usually only done when the enemy has a strong front line. In my opinion the primary value of having paratroopers is the enemy knowing that we have them forces them to guard their entire territory where they might land. So why then did Russia use paratroopers early in the war with Ukraine? With all of Russia's tanks it was both militarily unnecessary and unwise. Could it be that the real purpose of the war in Ukraine is to incite the emergence of the Antichrist, who will seem to have all of the answers that the world needs, followed by the Apocalypse? The use of paratroopers is what I believe to be the prophecy in the Book of Ezekiel about "a cloud that covers the land", in the final series of wars. 


One thing that we do not seem to be paying enough attention to, or any attention to, is that enemies, or potential enemies, are reading and watching our news. This doesn't mean spying or hacking, just reading ordinary news. If the news reports that soldiers are short of supplies, ammunition, manpower or, morale, you can be sure that they are watching. During the Tet Offensive, in the Vietnam War, America's best-known reporter, Walter Cronkite, expressed the opinion that "The war is now unwinnable". Can you imagine how much confidence that must have given the enemy? After 9-11 I didn't know what to make of those color-coded alerts about the level of possibility of an attack. All the potential terrorists had to do is wait until the possibility was low, and then attack. We act as though our enemies are not watching. There must be a careful balance. A news cannot lie or, omit things that should be reported, or people will lose confidence in it. Honest reporting shows that the country is a democracy. But it must be remembered that potential enemies are watching.


Remember that symbolism is a powerful force. All around Buffalo are statues of buffalo and I am campaigning to have it replace the eagle as America's national symbol. Image from Google Street View.

The two would be assassins of Donald Trump were just like eagles, perched just out of sight and just waiting for the right moment to unexpectedly nail their prey. Wouldn't America be better with the buffalo as it's national symbol? 


This week is the U.N. General Assembly, with the resulting gridlock in traffic. What would the Buffalo Niagara region be like if the U.N. had been located here? The original plan was for it to be located on Navy Island. This is the island in the Upper Niagara River that Canada was going to donate for the U.N. 

The following image from Google Earth shows Navy Island. Mainland Canada is at left, Grand Island is to the right, the city of Niagara Falls NY is at the top.


I am not sure how many readers there are who can remember the music of the legendary summer of 1969. Those who do will know what I am referring to. It is really something to celebrate that we have come 10% of the way to the Year 2525.

Insights Into Major Crimes

Crime postings are especially popular. So what I have done is put the postings about major crimes on this compound posting. There is the compound posting "Investigations", December 2018, but most of those are not specifically about what would be considered as ordinary crime. The sections here are all about murder with the criminal action of an individual. There are insights into every case that are not seen anywhere else. There are two sections on the O.J. Simpson case, with two opposite perspectives.













Surely the subject of more conspiracy theories than anything else is the November 1963 assassination of U.S. President John F. Kennedy. Lee Harvey Oswald was officially determined to have acted alone as the assassin. But ever since then the majority of Americans have believed there is more to it than that. Some believe that there was more than one gunman, and that it wasn't Oswald who fired the fatal shot. Others believe that, while Oswald was the only gunman, he had support and was doing the assassination for some larger purpose.

Kennedy was being driven through Dallas in an open convertible, waving to the crowds who had lined the streets to see the popular president. The motorcade had just passed the building where school textbooks were stored and was proceeding down a slope when three rifle shots were fired from the sixth floor of the building. One shot missed, one hit both the governor of Texas and Kennedy, and then the fatal shot struck Kennedy in the head. At that point there was grass on both sides of the road, known as the "grassy knoll". 

This view from Google Street View is from the place where Kennedy was hit looking back at the building, to the left, from which the shots were fired.

Oswald, an employee of the school textbook building, almost escaped but the owner of a shoe store, having heard about the assassination on the radio, noticed a suspicious man duck into his store as a police car went past, and then go into a nearby theater. After assassinating Kennedy, Oswald had shot and killed a police officer who attempted to question him.

I am certain that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone with regard to the actual shooting. Those stories about a "second gunman", whether on the "grassy knoll" or in the school textbook building from where Oswald fired the shots, have been thoroughly debunked. The supposed sound of gunshots in the background on an audio recording has also been explained.

Communist countries inevitably come into play in virtually any Kennedy assassination theory. Oswald had earlier defected to the Soviet Union before changing his mind and returning to the U.S., bringing his Soviet wife with him. Before the assassination Oswald had visited both the Cuban and Soviet embassies in Mexico City. There was a very anti-Communist, particularly anti-Cuba, mentality at the time in the U.S.

The following image, from Google Street View, is of the apartment building where Lee Harvey Oswald lived in Minsk.

When I landed in the U.S. people were still talking about this assassination. Some children at school told me "Everybody knows that the Mafia did it".

There is a theory that the Italian Mafia was behind the Kennedy Assassination but it was because his brother, Attorney General Robert Kennedy, had started an extensive campaign against organized crime, and not because of any foreign connections. In this theory Oswald's earlier defection to the Soviet Union would make it appear that Communists were behind the assassination.

There were two groups of people for whom Fidel Castro's 1958 overthrow of the Cuban Government had been catastrophic. These were the anti-Castro Cuban exiles and the Italian Mafia.

Cuba, before Castro's revolution, had been a playground for the Mafia. The leader of the country, Fulgencio Batista, had been a close associate of theirs. If ever the Mafia had their own country it wasn't Italy or the United States, it was Cuba in the 1940s and 50s. In 1946 a great meeting of Mafia leaders was held in Havana. The location was absolutely ideal, close to America but beyond the reach of U.S. law enforcement. The Mafia had a vast amount of money invested in all kinds of resorts and casinos. Frank Sinatra was a regular performer.

But it all came to an end with the 1958 Cuban Revolution, led by Fidel Castro.

Not long after the Cuban Missile Crisis Lee Harvey Oswald had started an organization called the "Fair Play For Cuba Committee". He is widely believed to have been planning to move to Cuba, leaving his wife behind, and killed Kennedy so that he would be a hero in Cuba.

Fidel Castro had overthrown the pro-U.S. government of Fulgencio Batista in 1958, driving many Cubans to leave for the U.S. These anti-Castro Cubans attempted to invade and liberate the country. The attempted invasion, known as the Bay of Pigs, was supported by the U.S. but ended in disaster.

Fidel Castro had visited the U.S. after coming to power in Cuba and had been very popular. But then Kennedy had demonized him, and had backed the Cuban exiles in their attempt to invade the island.

But why would Kennedy demonize Castro after he had been so popular in the U.S.? 

Kennedy is known to have had friends in the Mafia. Before becoming president he visited Cuba and Mafia friends reportedly set up the married future president with prostitutes. ( Source- Smithsonian Magazine, "When The Mob Owned Cuba"). It was known that Kennedy was less than saintly in his private life but his indiscretions were with high-class women, the likes of Marilyn Monroe. These encounters, while married, with common prostitutes could be very damaging.

Is this why the Mafia set him up with prostitutes? Knowing his lustful ways and that he might be president someday, this gave the Mafia something to hold over Kennedy. At least to some extent he would have to do their bidding. The 1960 election turned out to be very close and it is generally believed that the Chicago mob helped him win Illinois.

In 1963 the Cuban exiles in the U.S. and the Mafia must have been very disappointed. After the disastrous Bay of Pigs invasion, followed by the Cuban Missile Crisis, Fidel Castro was firmly entrenched in power. The U.S. had supported the failed Bay of Pigs invasion, but not with it's own ground military force.

It became clear that the only way to remove the Castro government, so that the exiles and the Mafia could get their country back, was for the U.S. to actually invade Cuba. Kennedy had demonized Castro and supported the Bay of Pigs at their obvious request but, with Soviet nuclear missiles removed from the island, Cuba was no threat to the U.S. and Kennedy wasn't about to invade it, risking a world war.

But what if the exiles and the Mafia could find a pressing reason for the U.S. to invade Cuba? There was one thing that was within their power to do. What if they could have the U.S. President assassinated and make it appear that the Castro government was behind it? Kennedy had threatened to attack Cuba if the nuclear missiles were not removed.

It was widely known that the U.S. Government under Kennedy had enlisted the Mafia about the possibility of assassinating Fidel Castro. I don't think anything became of it and it's real purpose is so that Cuba would not welcome Americans who arrived or tried to move to Cuba, which was a popular idea in the 1960s. Attorney General Robert Kennedy was making life difficult for the Mafia and there could have been a, perhaps unspoken, arrangement in which the Mafia would eliminate Castro in return for the U.S. Government easing up on it. But this opened the idea of Cubans assassinating Kennedy in return, or maybe the Mafia killing Kennedy and making it look as if the Cubans were behind it.

That is where a character like Lee Harvey Oswald comes in, he described himself as a "patsy" after being arrested. He had earlier learned to speak Russian before defecting to the Soviet Union. But I cannot see that he spoke Spanish or had ever been interested in Cuba.

So why did Oswald suddenly shift his attention to Cuba? Neither his founding of the "Fair Play For Cuba Committee" nor his visits to the Cuban and Soviet Embassies in Mexico City apparently accomplished much.

Could he have undertaken those actions to make it appear that he was getting instructions from the Castro government? He could have kept his visits to those embassies in Mexico City a secret but he didn't. 

Could members of the Dallas Mafia, knowing of his earlier defection to the Soviet Union, have sold him on Cuba? They could have told him how hated Kennedy was in Cuba, since many members of the Mafia had been to Cuba, and that he would be a national hero there if he killed Kennedy.

They must have known that, given Oswald's erratic nature and his earlier re-defection from the Soviet Union, he would likely be denied permission to move to Cuba. When Oswald returned to Dallas they would tell him that there was one sure way that Oswald could not only get into Cuba, but also be a national hero there. It was to assassinate the U.S. President, who had demonized Fidel Castro, supported the Bay of Pigs invasion, and then confronted Cuba in the Missile Crisis the year before.

In April 1963, seven months before the assassination of Kennedy, a shot was fired at retired General Edwin Walker, who lived in Dallas. He was sitting at his desk by a window and the single shot hit the window frame. Oswald is widely believed to have fired the shot, although not until after the Kennedy assassination. The general was known for his outspoken right-wing views, and had in fact been relieved of his command over it.

But I find this to be a little bit strange. Oswald was clearly a very good shot with a rifle. If he could hit Kennedy's head at long range then how could he miss this shot, at much shorter range? He fired two shots at Kennedy, before the fatal third, why didn't he fire again at Walker? But the bullet fired at General Walker was the same type as Oswald's rifle would use.

Maybe Oswald didn't fire this shot, even though he told his wife that he did, or did fire it but purposely didn't hit Walker. It could have been done to build Oswald's legend as a genuine anti-fascist for his future life in Cuba after the assassination of Kennedy.

The fact that an Italian-made rifle was used in the assassination of Kennedy is interesting. It could be a false clue to divert attention away from the Italian Mafia. It made it look like someone, probably the Cuban exiles or someone other than the Mafia who had a grudge against Kennedy, was trying to make it look like the Mafia was behind it. If the Mafia really was behind it, but trying to keep it a secret, then why would they have Oswald use an Italian rifle?

Oswald's Soviet-born wife, Marina, was well-known in the Russian community around Dallas. Cuban exiles would have heard about Oswald's earlier defection to the Soviet Union and that he liked guns. Having been in the U.S. Marines he would be a good shot with a rifle at a distance. The following year, 1964, was an election year and Kennedy was sure to campaign in Dallas. Oswald just happened to get a job in the school textbook building that Kennedy's motorcade would pass, and from where the fatal shots would be fired.

Given Oswald's pro- Castro activities and then his escape to Cuba after the assassination would make it clear that Cuban Communists were behind the killing. The U.S. would use that as a reason to invade Cuba and depose the Castro Government, the same as it invaded Afghanistan and Iraq after 9/11. The Cuban exiles and the Mafia would have their country back.

Fidel Castro, according to the Wikipedia article about him, thought that Kennedy had been assassinated by a right-wing conspiracy and was concerned that Cuba would be blamed for it.

But why would the Mafia choose Oswald as the assassin and what exactly were they thinking? To understand that we have to go back thirty years before the assassination and when we do it all fits together perfectly. This is the clue that investigators were supposed to notice but I cant see anywhere that they did. The Warren Commission report on the Kennedy Assassination was written by very unimaginative bureaucrats.

In 1933 Giuseppe Zangara tried to assassinate president-elect Franklin Roosevelt. That means it was after Roosevelt had been elected but before he actually took office. Zangara was a bricklayer and had immigrated from Calabria, in southern Italy. It was this assassination attempt that the Mafia was thinking of when it set Oswald up to assassinate Kennedy with an Italian-made rifle to make it look as if Castro was behind it, but set it up to look as if the Mafia was behind it, who really were behind it.

There are so many similarities between Zangara's assassination attempt on Roosevelt and Oswald's assassination of Kennedy that it could not possibly be a coincidence. Like Oswald Zangara gained marksmanship skills in the military, having served with the Italian Army in the First World War. Like Oswald Zangara was working close to the site of the assassination attempt. Like Kennedy Roosevelt had been in an open car, with another politician, when the assassination attempt took place. Kennedy had been with Texas governor John Connolly, who was wounded. Roosevelt had been with Chicago mayor Anton Cermak, who was killed. Oswald fired from a sixth floor window, Zangara fired standing on a chair. Like Oswald Zangara was politically leftward. His final words, before execution, was to excoriate Capitalism and express solidarity with poor people.

All of these similarities could not be a coincidence. The attempted assassination of Roosevelt took place in Miami, which has always been America's Cuban center. Since an Italian leftist had tried to assassinate FDR in Miami, it would look to those investigating the Kennedy assassination like Cuban agents had set Oswald up with an Italian rifle, and so many similarities, to assassinate Kennedy but make it look like the Mafia had been behind it. Also considering that Kennedy's brother, Attorney General Robert Kennedy, was organizing a crackdown on organized crime.

Meanwhile the Mafia would be one step ahead of everyone else. It really would be the Mafia that was behind the assassination of Kennedy. But it would look to U.S. investigators like Cuban agents were behind it, but trying to set it up to look like the Mafia was behind it. The U.S. would take the assassination of it's president by a foreign government as an act of war. U.S. forces would then invade Cuba, and depose the Castro government, and the Mafia would have Cuba back.

The plan was for Oswald to escape, and later be traced to Cuba. But even if he didn't escape investigators were supposed to notice the striking similarity between Oswald and Zangara, which could not possibly be a coincidence, and take it as an act of war by the Castro government, which tried to set it up as if the Mafia had killed Kennedy because the Mafia had been involved in supposed plots by the U.S. Government to assassinate Castro.

This scenario explains Jack Ruby. The most intriguing thing about the Kennedy Assassination is that Oswald was himself shot to death two days after killing Kennedy. It was announced that Oswald was being moved from one police station to another. News reporters were waiting in the parking garage of the police station. As Oswald was escorted past them, a man among the reporters pulled out a pistol and shot Oswald to death.

The shooter was Jack Ruby, a nightclub owner with a criminal background who was heavily in debt and dying of cancer. He would die in prison for the shooting. His stated reason for killing Oswald was so that Kennedy's widow, Jackie, wouldn't have to go through his trial.

Jack Ruby is known to have been acquainted with members of the Dallas Mafia, as well as with off-duty police officers, through his nightclub. He was as strange of a character as Oswald, if not more so. Maybe he thought, or the Mafia told him, that he would be a hero for killing the man who killed Kennedy. Maybe he thought his friendships with police officers would help him after he had killed Oswald. According to one account that I once read while being restrained and arrested after shooting Oswald Ruby shouted to the police, "Hey guys it's me, Jack". There is information online that Ruby visited Mafia friends in Cuba, in 1959.

Notice the similarity here. Jack Ruby was convinced he would be a hero in America for killing Oswald, just as Oswald was convinced he would be a hero in Cuba for killing Kennedy. It makes it appear that they were convinced by the same people.

The assassination was successful but the exiles' plan was for Oswald to escape, and later be traced to Cuba or trying to enter Cuba. Convertibles were popular during the 1960s and Kennedy would be waving to the crowds that would certainly come to see the popular president from the open car. Oswald wouldn't be in the crowd but in the school textbook building. It would take some time to determine where the shots came from, initially focusing on the crowd, and this would give Oswald the chance to escape, which he almost did.

Many people have speculated that Jack Ruby, already dying of cancer, had the job of silencing Oswald after he had fired the fatal shots because Oswald, as an ex-Marine, was the one that was a good shot with a rifle. In the same way, during the 1981 assassination attempt on Pope John Paul, the would-be assassin didn't know that there was another gunman standing near him who would shoot him after he had shot the pope, purportedly to save the pope's life but really to silence the assassin from revealing who was behind the assassination attempt.

But if Jack Ruby was to similarly silence Oswald then why wasn't it done immediately? Jack Ruby was nowhere around when the assassination took place and Oswald had already been in police custody two days when Jack Ruby managed to silence him, by pretending to be a reporter in the police station parking garage. Ruby had made a great show of grief after Kennedy had been killed, closing his nightclub, but that could have been part of the "Plan B", silencing Oswald, after he had failed to escape to Cuba and had been arrested.

The plan was for Oswald to escape and later be traced to Cuba. Oswald's home and belongings would be searched and He left behind the "backyard photos" of himself holding the rifle that would kill Kennedy, obviously so that people in Cuba would know for sure that he was the assassin. He almost did escape but when he was caught they had to find a way to silence him before he could reveal who was really behind the assassination.


What I want to do here is to add the concept that the real reason Kennedy was assassinated was to bring about a U.S. military invasion of Cuba that would depose the Castro Government by making it appear that it was behind the assassination. Many people with influence, the Mafia and the anti-Castro Cubans, had lost so much that they could regain by bringing this about.

Also that the Kennedy assassination was modeled on the assassination attempt on Franklin Roosevelt thirty years before. The plan was for Oswald to escape after the assassination, and later be traced to Cuba. But even if Oswald didn't escape investigators were to notice this clue, which they apparently didn't, and blame the assassination on Cuba.

Of course if this clue had been noticed, and resulted in a U.S. invasion of Cuba, it could have started a world war.

Has anyone ever noticed that George W. Bush, a native of Texas, would follow exactly this same pattern, except that the Kennedy Assassination would be replaced by 9/11 and Fidel Castro would be replaced by Saddam Hussein. Maybe George Bush instinctively knew what the Kennedy Assassination was really about. Fidel Castro remained in power but what might have happened was played out against Saddam Hussein instead. His country was invaded and he was deposed on the basis of his involvement in 9/11. The theories about Oswald not acting alone were reflected in Saddam's supposed "weapons of mass destruction".

Another separate thing that I have never seen written about the Kennedy Assassination is that not far from the site of the assassination in Dallas lived an eight-year-old boy, named John Hinckley Jr. He would one day attempt a presidential assassination of his own. His assassination attempt would resemble not Oswald's sniper shots at Kennedy but Jack Ruby's waiting for Oswald, and then opening fire. 

Kennedy had won the 1960 presidential election by defeating Richard Nixon, who would later be president himself. Ironically Nixon, while not assassinated, would also be brought down by the obsession with Cuba. Cuban exiles were prominent among the Watergate burglars, who were allegedly looking for evidence that the Democrats were receiving funding from Cuba.

This Mafia dynasty in Cuba, during the 1940s and 50s, doesn't get a lot of historical attention. But it was the primary reason for the Castro revolution that overthrew the Batista government, and brought the world to the edge of nuclear holocaust during the Cuban Missile Crisis. It led to the assassination of Kennedy, which inaugurated the modern era of mass shootings. Charles Whitman's sniper shootings, from the University of Texas Tower, very much resembled Oswald's firing at Kennedy which took place elsewhere in Texas. This is generally considered as the first modern mass shooting. Finally, it resulted in America being really shaken by Watergate. 


In 1976 and '77, there was a serial killer in New York City called "The Son of Sam". This was the name that he gave himself in letters sent to newspapers. He killed six people and wounded seven, using a .44 caliber handgun.

Residents of New York State remember the summer of 1977 as "The Summer of the Son of Sam". I was a teenager at the time. He targeted young women with long, dark hair, usually shooting them when they were sitting in parked cars after dark. The only males that were shot were boyfriends that were with them. It was in the news every day. Hair salons did a brisk business with girls having their hair cut short or dyed blond. But his final victim was blond.

The Son of Sam wrote bizarre letters to the news that caused all of the printed copies to sell out. One letter was left with the body of one of his victims. New York City underwent possibly the largest manhunt the world had ever seen. He never killed anyone on Manhattan, all of the victims were in the Bronx, Queens and, Brooklyn.

The shootings were clearly ethnically targeted. Despite the demographics of New York City, none of the victims was black or Hispanic or foreign-born.

I walked into the house one day, August 11, and my mother gave me the news, "They've got him".

On May 30, 1977, a letter was received by Jimmy Breslin of the New York Daily News. In the letter, the Son of Sam gave some clues, "Here are some names to help you along. Forward them to the inspector". Many tips continuously came in, and the killer was caught on August 10, but the clues, consisting of four names, was never solved.

His capture was assisted by a parking ticket. He parked too close to a fire hydrant in Brooklyn, and then aimed shots at a woman but missed. She had seen him walking toward her from the direction of the car, and that the police had shortly before ticketed the car. That soon led to his being caught.

Upon capture, he quickly admitted to the killings and pleaded guilty.

I think I have solved the four names that the Son of Sam sent as clues to the New York Daily News. The names are as follows:

"The Duke of Death"

"The Wicked King Wicker"

"The Twenty Two Disciples Of Hell"

"John Wheaties"

The Son of Sam was giving a clue as to where he lived and worked. He lived in an apartment building, on Pine Street in Yonkers. He was arrested at night as he entered his car parked outside, apparently on his way out to another shooting.

The name that he gave himself in the letters, "The Son of Sam", is itself part of the clue. "Sam" turned out to be a neighbor named Sam Carr who had a dog in his yard. The killer's first story upon capture is that he took the barking of the dog as demonic instructions to kill. He had once wounded the dog with a bullet.

As for "John Wheaties", Sam Carr had a son named John and a daughter named Wheat. It was Wheat Carr who was the police dispatcher in Yonkers at the time. "Wheaties" was the name of a popular breakfast cereal.

The short side street that ran alongside Sam Carr's house, and ended on the street just behind the apartment building where the Son of Sam lived, was Wicker Street. That explains "The Wicked King Wicker".

The names that the Son of Sam gave as clues contain two titles of royalty and nobility, king and duke. The name of New York comes from England's King Charles II granting the lands to his brother, the Duke of York.

Pine Street, on which the Son of Sam lived, was a short street. At the end of the street, which he would have passed on his way into the city, was another large apartment building. The actual address of the building is on the main road, North Broadway. But the back was facing Pine Street.

This building is built in what is known as the Tudor Revival Style, which typically features the half-timbering that was popular in England centuries ago. Image from Google Street View.

If the apartment building at the end of Pine Street had been built in the Tudor era as a palace, a duke, or even a king, might have lived there.

The large building with the black roof in the following image, marked by the white dot, is the apartment building where the Son of Sam lived. Wicker Street, marked by the purple dot, is the short east-west street to the left. The large house on Warburton Ave., just north of Wicker Street, with the rust-colored roof, the yellow line points to it, is where Sam lived. His dog would bark in the area behind the house.

If you enter a search into the satellite imagery for 22 Pine Street, you can see that it points to this Tudor Revival apartment building. Although it's front, which would be the address, faces North Broadway. But if it's address was on Pine Street, it would be 22 Pine Street. if Wicker Street extended to Pine Street this is where it would intersect. Image from Google Earth.

But since no address was posted at the back the only people who would know that, in the days before Google Maps, would be those who worked at the Post Office, and that is exactly where it turned out that the Son of Sam worked.

So this explains where the king in "The Wicked King Wicker", as well as "The Duke of Death", comes from. The address of the rear of the apartment building shows where "The Twenty Two Disciples of Hell" comes from. This Tudor Revival-style apartment building was not the one that the Son of Sam lived in, but was the other apartment building on the street. But this is where Wicker Street would intersect if it extended to Pine Street.

If someone would have put all of this together, they would have zeroed right in on where the Son of Sam lived, as well as worked. If all of this had been run through the crude computers of the time, it might have noted that there was a family with a Sam, a John and, a Wheat living at the intersection of a Wicker Street.

In an earlier letter, left at the scene of a shooting, the killer wrote that "Sam sometimes locks me in the attic, where I watch the world going by through the window". He also wrote that "Sam sometimes locks me in the garage". But the "Son of Sam" did not live in this house, it was a clue as to where he did live.

The house in the following image is "Sam's" house, with two attic windows facing out to the main road, and the dual garage in front. Behind the house was where the dog was barking that he initially said was what was telling him to kill. The apartment building where he lived can be seen behind that. Image from Google Street View.

The following image, from Google Earth, shows behind the house, where the dog would bark.

The letter had been postmarked from Englewood, New Jersey, which is just about directly across the Hudson River from Yonkers.

When the police located his car, outside his apartment building, they noticed a rifle in the car. If a serial killer, the subject of probably the largest manhunt in history, really didn't want to get caught then would he not only give away these clues of where he lived and worked, but also leave a rifle visible in his car? The killings were done with a handgun and not with a rifle.

The Son of Sam made no effort to escape from the police, quickly confessed to the crimes, and pleaded guilty.

The subject of a possible satanic cult sacrificial killings later arose, of which David Berkowitz, the Son of Sam. had been a member but not the only one who committed the killings. It was pointed out that some of the police sketches of suspects in the early killings did not look like him.

The two sons of Sam Carr, Michael and John who both died under mysterious circumstances after all of this was over, were supposedly involved. There is a park and public garden 2 km from where the Son of Sam lived that was known as a gathering place for satanists in the 1970s but, in prison interviews, he did take full responsibility for the killings. 


The Unabomber, Theodore Kaczynski, died in prison, in June 2023. "The Unabomber" wasn't a title that he gave himself. From a remote cabin in the woods of Montana he mailed homemade package bombs often to universities and airlines, and others he associated with allowing nature and society to be destroyed by modern technology. The name of the FBI file on him was "Unabom" with the "Una" meaning "universities and airlines".

The Unabomber was pretty smart. He received a scholarship to enter Harvard at age 16, after skipping two grades in school. After graduation from Harvard he went on to get a PhD in mathematics. He was hired as a professor at the prestigious University of California at Berkeley, in the San Francisco Bay area.

But he apparently didn't have the personality to be a teacher, and later resigned. He moved back with his parents in Illinois for a while before choosing to live a very isolated life in the cabin in the woods of Montana. It was while living there that he undertook his long campaign of sending package bombs by mail.

It reportedly resulted in the most expensive manhunt in U.S. history, but it came up completely empty. I remember reading once about someone sending a wooden package bomb, primarily to universities and airlines, on average about once a year. A sketch was made of a man wearing a hood and dark glasses, who was seen placing a package in a parking lot, which exploded when picked up. 

The government had no idea who was doing it. The idea did arise that the Unabomber might have some connection to the University of California at Berkeley, because that was the only place that was targeted more than once. Ironically the first person to arrive to aid the person injured by the second bomb was the one who had been injured by the first bomb.

These mail bombings began in 1978. The Unabomber was finally caught in 1996. He had written a manuscript describing his views of how technology was destroying society. He wrote to newspapers and promised to cease mailing bombs if they published it. The Unabomber would write to his brother describing his ideas and his brother, and his wife, recognized his writing in the manuscript. The brother decided that he had to turn him in to save innocent lives.

After the background of the Unabomber was uncovered, something interesting became apparent. There had been a serial killer in the San Francisco Bay area that got a tremendous amount of media attention but was never caught. It was the Zodiac Killer. I know that the FBI eliminated the Unabomber as a suspect in the case of the Zodiac Killer, but the parallels between the two are just plain eerie.

The Zodiac Killer is confirmed as having killed five people, usually with a handgun and wounding others who survived. There were unconfirmed speculation of other killings and letters from the Zodiac that were determined to be hoaxes. Most of his victims were couples on dates. It seems like classic incel killings. A guy who resents not having a girlfriend kills people who are having fun on dates.

What is unusual about the Zodiac Killer, relative to other serial killers, is that the timeframe of his confirmed killings was short, actually less than a year from December 1968 to October 1969, yet he continued writing to authorities for several years afterward.

This is exactly the same timeframe that the reclusive and unsocial future Unabomber was teaching at nearby UC at Berkeley. He left California some time after resigning his position, moving in with his parents for a while before moving to the remote cabin in Montana.

The Zodiac Killer was known for the cryptograms that he sent to newspapers. Like the Unabomber would later do with his manuscript the Zodiac Killer threatened killings if they weren't published. Some of the cryptograms have not yet been solved, one required a team of mathematicians and programmers to solve. The Zodiac Killer must not only have been pretty smart, but very good with both words and mathematics. The characters in the cryptograms that the killer made up himself look like symbols used in mathematics.

The letters and cryptograms that the Zodiac Killer sent have quite a few misspellings. But how could someone who could come up with these unsolvable cryptograms not know how to spell?

When the future Unabomber was in university he amazed teachers with his ability to solve complex math problems. When he was finally arrested a diary, written in code, was found in his cabin. He was also very good with languages, I know that he could speak at least German and Spanish. Wouldn't he be just the one to come up with the very complex and difficult cryptograms of the Zodiac Killer? Two are still unsolved and one took the team of mathematicians and programmers to solve.

The FBI claimed that the fingerprints of the Unabomber and the Zodiac Killer don't match. But could they be sure that they had the Zodiac Killer's fingerprints? Someone clever enough to create these cryptograms is probably smart enough to wear gloves. A call to a police station by the killer was traced to a photo booth, and prints were found on the phone. But it could have been anyone else's prints. Maybe he waited for someone else to use the phone, so that person's prints would be on it, and then handled the phone carefully with gloves. When he killed his final confirmed victim, a taxi driver, he was seen carefully wiping the car down before leaving.

The Unabomber hunted animals in the woods while living in his remote cabin. Nowhere do I see that the Unabomber was into guns while growing up. His father did show him how to survive in the wilderness and he might have fired a gun, but nowhere in anything written about his life did I see anything about an interest in guns.

But yet he was adept enough with a gun to survive mostly by hunting by the time he moved into the wilderness. It seems that he must have gotten some hunting practice somewhere. Could it have been as the Zodiac Killer in California?

Hunting is usually done with long guns, shotguns and especially rifles, which are more powerful and accurate than pistols. A pistol is intended only for close range. Yet the Zodiac Killer killed with a pistol and, when the Unabomber was arrested he was found to have only a pistol.

Like the Unabomber the Zodiac Killer threatened bombings if what he sent to the news wasn't published. He also made a schematic diagram of a bomb. The Unabomber threatened an airliner just as the Zodiac Killer had threatened a school bus.

One parallel that I find really interesting is in the signatures of the two killers. The Zodiac Killer had his own "crosshairs" symbol, like a plus sign superimposed on a circle. The Unabomber signed his correspondence with F.C., for "Freedom Club". What is so interesting is that they both used their signatures on their correspondence in exactly the same way.

Another convincing link is letter writing. The Zodiac Killer wrote so many letters. The Unabomber was also a prolific letter writer, often to his brother. When the Unabomber was in prison he spent much of his time writing letters, some to answer those that were sent to him.

Following is a copy of the Zodiac Killer's 340 character cryptogram. Part of the "crosshairs" symbol is at bottom. Credit to the Wikipedia article "Zodiac Killer".

The clue as to how to decode it is in the second half of the last line. After that is "ZO". We know that he must be signing his name, Zodiac, but the characters must be moved around, according to some pattern.

Now consider the Unabomber's name. It was unknown why the killer called himself "Zodiac". 

Theodore Kaczynsk

If we start with reverse alphabetical order and take one letter, the Z, continuing in reverse alphabetical order we take two consecutive letters, the OD. Continuing in reverse alphabetical order we go back to one letter, the I, and then to the two consecutive letters, the AC, it spells "Zodiac".

Starting from the end of the name, the "i", if we take the required letters and skip the four letters between each time we end up with "The Zodiac". So there are groups of 1, 2 and, 3 letters, separated each by four letters, to get "The Zodiac".

But how would we know this? The Zodiac Killer gave us a clue in that he committed four attacks but only the first, second and third were against couples. The fourth attack was completely different in that it was against a taxi driver. Remember that everything about this is a cryptogram. The actual cryptograms don't give any real clues, they just point in this direction.

When a person signs their name to a document they sign at the end of it. Look at the last line and the second half of the second-to-last line. The capital "I" at the end has a minus sign, -, extending from it's left side. Is this a sign to start on his name in reverse order from the final "I", as described above?

This ending of the cryptogram spells his name, "Kaczynski". It has several mathematical symbols. The last line starts with MD, which means doctor. It also contains a rearranged "PhD" and the MD could be a clue that this means doctorate. Some letters are reversed so what looks like a "9" could be a reversed "P". "MI" is the abbreviation for Michigan, where he got his PhD.

It is interesting that the Zodiac Killer put a 9 in the final line because he sent in a map with his logo of a circle divided into four quadrants. The origin point was Mount Diablo, with north defined as 0, east as 3, south as 6, and west as 9. The University at Berkeley is due west of Mount Diablo. Image from Google Earth.

That explains the mystery of why he would call himself "Zodiac" but his correspondence never mentions anything to do with astrology. Being so much into cryptograms it was because the letters of his name could be rearranged to spell "Zodiac".

I believe that the misspelled words in the Zodiac Killer's letters were clues as to which letters are substituted for other letters in the cryptograms.

The Zodiac's letters state that the cryptograms reveal clues to his identity. But the two that have been decoded offer no such clues at all, just descriptions of how much he enjoys killing. Maybe that is because the clues are not within the cryptograms, rather the cryptograms themselves are the clues.

The clue in the cryptograms is that the killer is obviously very accomplished at mathematics. The first place we would think to look for a mathematician is probably a university. All of the three couples that were attacked by the Zodiac Killer were all around college age, this is another clue pointing toward a college or university.

Look at the sites where the three attacks on college age couples took place. The name of all three begin with a "B". Since the killer was a cryptographer surely this must be a clue. Theodore Kaczynski has no "B" in his name, his middle name is John. There is a "B" in the ending of the cryptogram above.

The killings of couples took place at Benicia, at Blue Rock Springs Park, and at Lake Berryessa. Two of the sites begin with "Be" and the other begins with the color blue.

If the Zodiac Killer was so adept at cryptography wouldn't it make sense that the sites of his killings would have some cryptographic significance?

So the victims were around university age and we know that a university would be the place to look for a mathematician who would be adept at such cryptography. There is a university nearby, UC at Berkeley. The name of the school begins with "Be" and it's school color is blue, along with California Gold. The university actually has it's own shade of blue, known as "Berkeley Blue". 

The Zodiac Killer's final confirmed victim was a driver for the Yellow Cab Company and the taxi was a golden yellow color just like Berkeley's other color. The shooting took place very near the Golden Gate Bridge, as if to leave no doubt that the color of the cab stands for the gold that is the university's other color, blue and gold.

This means we should be looking for a mathematician at Berkeley University, whose name can be respelled as "The Zodiac".

The Zodiac Killer killed with a gun but there is one known exception. The attack at Lake Berryessa took place with a knife. Why would someone who kills with a gun suddenly decide to use a knife? Killing with a gun is so much easier and safer than with a knife. With cryptography being so important here, and the first two letters "Be" pointing to Berkeley, could it be a clue that the Zodiac Killer also has a "K" and an "N" in his name, Theodore Kaczynski?

The Zodiac Killer boasted of killing 37 people, which is generally considered as a gross exaggeration. But remember that this is all about cryptography that reveals his identity. "University of Berkeley Theodore Kaczynski" has 37 letters.

Crossword puzzles are usually square. But the cryptogram above has 17 spaces across and 20 spaces down, which adds up to the same number of people The Zodiac said that he killed. "Theodore Kaczynski" has 17 letters and University of (or at) Berkeley has 20 letters.

The solved 408 character cryptogram also has 17 spaces across. I am surprised that no one seems to have taken note that both cryptograms are 17 across. The 408 character cryptogram was divided into thirds, and each sent to a different newspaper. Each third has 8 characters down. Why would he do this? Was it because "Berkeley" has 8 letters. Also an 8 resembles a "B" and the three shootings of couples were at places that begin with a 'B".

I think this leaves no doubt that the Zodiac Killer became the Unabomber. This is not entirely a new idea but these connections I cannot see have ever been pointed out. 

What I had wondered about is why he called himself "The Zodiac", but his letters never mention anything about astrology or stars, and why he took a taxi for his final known murder if he had a car, and killed the taxi driver instead of a couple. Now we know.

I am sure that there is more than this but a lot of what was sent in was sent by other people. Besides I have had enough of writing about, and thinking about, this psychopath. However it is interesting that in 1978, just before the bombings of the Unabomber began, a letter was received, from supposedly the Zodiac Killer, stating "I am back with you".


In 1964 and 65 there were a series of murders in west London that evoked Jack the Ripper, whose murders were committed on the other side of London. The bodies of six prostitutes were found at various locations. The murders are usually referred to as the "Hammersmith Nude Murders" because the bodies were found in the Hammersmith area and their clothing had been removed. But unlike the murders of Jack the Ripper these were committed by strangulation and impact. The killer was never caught although, as with Jack the Ripper, there has been endless speculation and a list of possible suspects. 

In another story a 15 year old boy was working at a store in the Welsh town of Abertillery, in 1921. His name was Harold Jones. A young girl who lived nearby was sent over to buy animal feed. The girl never returned home and her body was found the following day. There was traces of corn chaff on her body that matched the corn chaff on the floor of a nearby shed. The shed belonged to the store and Harold Jones was the one who had the key to it.

Harold Jones was accused of the murder and put on trial. The people of the town stood by him, believing that one of their own couldn't have done this, and he was found not guilty. When he returned home he was received like a hero. He clearly very much enjoyed the attention and made a speech.

But within a short time another young girl in the town disappeared. This time her body was found in the attic of the home where Harold Jones lived. He had lured her into the house and killed her when he had been home alone and apparently didn't have chance to dispose of the body so he hid it in the attic.

He was convicted and, while in prison, also confessed to the first murder. Britain had the death penalty at the time but he wasn't eligible for it because the crimes had been committed before he turned 16. He seems to have served 20 years in prison. There is conflicting information about what happened to him after his release. He served in either the military or the Merchant Navy. Britain was pressed by the war in 1941 and I wonder if he was released in exchange for service.

He is known to have lived in London afterward, but is reported to have occasionally returned to Abertillery. By the 1960s his crimes had been mostly forgotten and he was living under a different name. Harold Jones died of cancer in 1971. While the police were investigating the Hammersmith Nude Murders what they were not aware of is that Harold Jones was living close by.

No one seems to have considered Harold Jones as a potential suspect during his lifetime. He was born in 1906 so would have been in his late 50s when the Hammersmith Murders were taking place. He was added to the list of potential suspects, by the media not the police, long after his death. 

What is interesting about the Hammersmith Murders is that flecks of paint were found on several of the bodies, but this didn't begin until after it was announced in the news that a serial killer was at work. From what I can gather the flecks of paint on one body matched that inside a transformer housing that the body was found near.

Has anyone ever thought that Harold Jones was purposely leaving clues? I cannot see this anywhere. Killers like this usually can't resist playing games with the public and authorities. Jack the Ripper famously sent taunting letters to the police. I remember the letters from the "Son of Sam" to the media.

Remember the corn chaff that was found on the body of Harold Jones' first victim back in Abertillery, which matched the corn chaff on the floor of the nearby shed. The paint flecks represented that corn chaff and the transformer housing represented the shed. 

There is a police sketch of the likely Hammersmith killer, based on information provided by a witness. It looks like it could be Harold Jones, based on the mugshot that was taken in 1921. I believe that he purposely allowed himself to be seen as another clue. 

It was known that Harold Jones liked to read when he was young. What I surmise is that he must have read about Jack the Ripper, whose murders took place more than 17 years before his birth. This is what gave him the idea of killing girls. Notice that the first known victim of Jack the Ripper, Mary Ann Nichols, had her throat slashed and her body was found in an alley. Harold Jones' first victim, in Abertillery, was found in an alley and his second victim had her throat slashed.

Blood is messy and visible and it didn't make sense to kill the second victim by slashing her throat in his own home. This is what got him caught when the police searched house-by-house, and noticed blood stains. Why didn't he kill her by strangulation or impact, like the first victim? The obvious answer is that he had made a hero out of Jack the Ripper, and was compelled to imitate him.

Then, in later life while living in London, came the murders to imitate Jack the Ripper. Serial killers usually don't begin killing in their late 50s, without ever having killed before. It is known that Jack the Ripper had some kind of medical skill, since he removed the internal organs of one victim. Lacking such medical skill the killer in Hammersmith removed their clothing instead. This also left no doubt that there was a serial killer at work. 

The Hammersmith killer, just like Harold Jones in Abertillery, always moved the bodies from where they were killed. Several of the victims were mysteriously missing front teeth, and this could be another clue. The Wikipedia article on Harold Jones states that he once expressed the ambition to be a professional boxer, and this must have been reported in the news. In the early days of boxing, before the use of mouthpieces, missing front teeth were common. The final victim in Hammersmith is known to have disappeared on January 11, which was Jones' birthday.

It is not known for certain how many were killed by Jack the Ripper but the six in Hammersmith were an approximation of the number. It is also bizarre how he drained the blood from the second victim in Abertillery, which is what got him caught. This looks like an effort to imitate Jack the Ripper's removal of the one victim's internal organs. 

The murders of Jack the Ripper were seasonal, taking place in the autumn of 1888. He had to use a knife because it was easier to conceal. Walking around Whitechapel with something that could be used for a blunt instrument would have drawn attention. In the autumn he would have been wearing some kind of jacket or covering, which made it possible to conceal the knife. The Hammersmith killer didn't have any difficulty concealing a blunt instrument because he was driving a car. He would also have been biased against blood because that was what got him caught back in Abertillery.


Barry and Honey Sherman were murdered together at home in Toronto, on December 13 2017 after 9 P.M. The murder was completely bizarre. They had both been strangled and were seated, and supported by belts, on a railing by their basement swimming pool. The underwater lights in the pool were found on. All other lights in the house were off. There was no sign that the house had been burglarized or that anything had been stolen.

The first theory was that it was a murder-suicide. But no one around them had seen significant tension in their marriage, and they had all kinds of upcoming plans and travels. Barry was 75 years old and not in particularly good health. It seemed physically impossible that he could have done this to his wife, and then to himself. A murder-suicide would have been much simpler and easier with a gun.

The next theory was, of course, that the murder had to do with their wealth. Whenever a wealthy person is murdered the first suspects are anyone who had anything to gain from it. Their children had money of their own. Anyway, Barry Sherman was 75 years old and it just wouldn't make sense for anyone who was set to inherit his wealth to kill him. He would die someday anyway.

The next theory after that was any enemies that they may have had. Despite their philanthropy not everyone liked Barry and Honey Sherman. The pharmaceutical industry is litigious. Corporate rivalries, lawsuits and possible family feuds were investigated. But nothing at all came out of it that would provide a suspect in their murders.

At the time of the murders the Shermans were trying to sell their home. It was not because of financial difficulties, they were planning to build an even more extravagant home. While Barry and Honey were working at their company a realtor was showing potential buyers around the house. There had been quite a few showings but Barry Sherman had expressed disappointment with the amounts offered.

On the night of the murder, December 13, 2017, Barry Sherman, who reportedly usually stayed at the company until 11 P.M., was home by 9. Honey also arrived early at home separately. In the usually busy house there was nothing going on, and no-one else around that night.

Barry Sherman was a hard-driving and penny-pinching businessman. In the real estate industry a realtor gets a significant cut of the sale price as a commission. It is not unheard of for a potential buyer who has been shown the house to secretly contact the homeowner to make a deal, leaving out the realtor. It is not allowed but it does happen.

Could Barry and Honey have uncharacteristically gone home early, on the night that they would be murdered with no one else around, because they were doing something that they didn't want anyone to know about?

The evidence is that they were surprised when they separately entered the house. The killers were inside waiting for them. The alarm system had been turned off. The killers were clearly familiar with the house.

If the killers weren't already inside they could have been hiding by the door. But that would take the risk of being seen and they were more likely already inside.

What I find very interesting is that, when Barry Sherman was surprised by the killers at his door, he dropped some paperwork that was found later, as well as his winter gloves. The paperwork was a copy of the real estate appraisal on the value of the home.

Why would they be coming home uncharacteristically early, also uncharacteristically with no one else around, and bringing a copy of the real estate appraisal with him, when his real estate dealings had always taken place in his office at his company?

Could it be that someone who had been shown the home had secretly contacted him about making a deal, without the realtor? The real motive was to murder them. That would explain how the killers were obviously familiar with the house. While in the house with the realtor they may have managed to shut off the alarm system and set up a way to enter later.

Just a thought-while they were being shown the house someone working with the killers could have called the realtor and distracted her for several minutes while one of the killers shut off the alarm system and set up some way to enter later.

It is virtually certain that there was more than one killer in the house. That is where the anonymous but famous "Walking Man" comes in, walking with the unusual gait of kicking up his right foot as he walks. He was captured by home security cameras walking quickly along the sidewalk right around the time that Barry Sherman arrived home.

He was probably working with the killers but wasn't there when the killings took place. This was done to make the police think that it was a single killer. The gait is completely faked and done because artificial intelligence can recognize a person by the way they walk.

Another false clue, just in case the "Walking Man" didn't get noticed was a man who was captured by a security camera at the house across the street from the Sherman home. On the day of the murders, earlier in the day, this man parked in front of the Sherman home and, apparently when no one was home, walked to the house and back to his car three separate times, before driving away.

I would look carefully at all the people who were shown the home by the realtor.

The murders were done for some bizarre reason that makes no sense to anyone but the killers. Clearly they wanted the bodies to be found. Nothing was apparently stolen and no one seemed to gain anything from it. Both kept somewhat regular schedules and it would have been far easier to shoot or abduct them elsewhere. 

A quick Google search would have told the killers that the couple had business rivalries, had been involved in lawsuits, and had potential enemies. Not to mention family members that would inherit their wealth. This would shield the killers from suspicion since they didn't seem to gain anything material from the murders.


A ship is actually a terrible place to have a fire. In a building fire people in the building usually only have to get outside the building and they are safe. On a ship they still have to worry about surviving in the water. There is usually no limit to the amount of water that can be poured on a building fire. On a ship the water collects in the hull and can sink or capsize the ship.

Ships are made of steel but steel rooms and corridors have an alien feel and produce an unpleasant echo. Steel is also not a good insulator. So the walls are typically covered with some kind of panels. Since they cannot be nailed to steel they must be glued, and this is what is flammable.

Possibly the most infamous ship fire is that of the Morro Castle in 1934, and the controversy around the radio operator afterward. I remember watching a documentary about this when I was a teenager. 

The Morro Castle was an American passenger ship that was named for the castle in Havana. A fire started while the ship was close to arriving in New York. 

The radio operator on the ship, George White, was considered as a hero afterward. In all of the confusion he had risked his life to stay at his post and send out the SOS distress call. 

After the disaster, George White drew attention by really basking in the adulation and giving numerous radio and newspaper interviews. He reportedly didn't attend any of the services for those who had died.

It then emerged that George White had a considerable criminal record going back to his early teens. He later went to prison for murder. Interestingly, although he was never convicted of arson, he was suspected of starting fires at places where he worked both before and after the ship disaster. In a separate case he was convicted of the attempted murder of a coworker by an explosive device.

While we cannot state with certainty that George White set the fire on the ship, I do notice another strike against him. His assistant, George Alanga, was disliked by the company as a communist or socialist agitator who was always complaining about pay and working conditions and had tried to organize labor strikes. According to one account that I read, Alanga had been told that he was being terminated when the ship got back to New York.

Could George White have lit the fire, probably by a timer device, with the motive of getting attention by playing the hero and knowing that Alanga, who he didn't like, would likely get the blame if it was determined to be arson? Why did he send Alanga to get permission from the captain to send an SOS instead of going himself? 

The fire began near vital cables and soon put out the lights on the ship. Could George White, with his knowledge of radio and electricity, have done this purposely? The ship was near shore when the fire started. The objective could have been not a loss of life but a scary situation where the ship had it's lights put out by a fire, and with George White emerging as the hero. 

Where would George White get the idea of being a hero in a ship fire? 

What I cannot see pointed out about him is that he grew up not far from the site of the 1900 Hoboken Pier Fire. One account is that he was born in 1901, the year after the fire, and must have heard a lot about it while growing up. A lot of cotton bales were piled on the dock, alongside many barrels of various flammable liquids. There was a dry wind from south and a disaster was waiting to happen. No one knows how the fire started but somehow it did. The fire raced along the dock and onto four German ships. Several hundred people were killed in one of America's worst disasters.

The fire on board the General Slocum, four years later, was on the other side of New York City but was far worse. More than a thousand people died. Most of the victims got off the ship, only to drown in the East River because they couldn't swim. It was the worst thing to happen to New York City until 9/11. Bodies washed up on the shore of the river for days. 

Both disasters had their heroes who helped rescue people. In a case like this it is helpful to look at what happened while the person was growing up. What I have never seen written about the assassination of John F Kennedy is that not far away lived an eight year old boy named John Hinckley Jr, who would later try to assassinate Ronald Reagan. 

George White would also have been nearby, and in his early teens, when the Black Tom Explosion occurred in 1916. This was the sabotage of a vast amount of ammunition before the entry of America into the First World War. It was accomplished by deliberately set fires along a pier. 

However it must be said that, in a fire like this, there is a bias toward arson. The fire might have been accidental but that implies carelessness and is ultimately the responsibility of the ship's management and leadership. It is much easier to blame the fire on arson by a disgruntled crew member. 


This section contains subsections.

While writing about the 1994 murder of Nicole Brown Simpson, and the ensuing chase and "Trial of the Century" of her estranged husband O.J. Simpson, I noticed an avenue that does not seem to have been explored during the investigation and trial.

O.J. Simpson was acquitted in the criminal trial for her murder, but many people still think that he must have done it.

O.J. Simpson denied murdering his wife. The major question that arose was if O.J. Simpson didn't do it, then who did do it? That is where my new avenue comes in. It doesn't absolutely prove that O.J. didn't do it, but it does open up another possibility of who did it and what their motivation might have been.


Let's begin with the old saying that "If it sounds too good to be true then it probably is".

The trouble with the supposed evidence against O.J. Simpson is that it is just too good to be true.

Whoever stabbed and beat to death Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman outside the door of her condominium left behind a knit cap with hair from a black person inside. O.J. Simpson was black. A blood-stained glove was left at the scene and the matching glove was found behind O.J. Simpson's home. Blood was also noticed on the outside of O.J. Simpson's vehicle.

Just stop and think what a wonderful world it would be if all criminals were dumb enough to leave a glove at every crime scene, as well as the matching glove at home and a cap indicating their race by hair strands, as well as blood visible on the outside of their car.


25 years before the murder of Nicole Brown Simpson, in August of 1969, the U.S. and much of the world was horrified by two murder scenes in Los Angeles. In the first, actress Sharon Tate and several other people in a house were brutally, and apparently senselessly, murdered.

In the second, a grocery store owner and his wife were murdered at home.

The killers went out of their way to be brutal, and to leave behind evidence of that brutality. The killers wrote "PIG" on the wall in the blood of the victims. There was no evidence that anything like robbery was the motive.

It turned out that a would-be musician named Charles Manson and his followers, referred to as the "Manson Family" were behind the killings. It was a time of racial tension in the U.S. and Charles Manson decided that the Apocalypse foretold in the Bible would center around a racial war. The killings were done to make it appear that white people had been brutally murdered in their homes by black militants.

Manson was obsessed with the Beatles, and reportedly believed that their White Album was to communicate secret messages to him.

The end result would be Manson ruling over the world as Christ. In the Bible, Jesus is sometimes referred to as the "Son of Man", to emphasize His human side. Manson changed his name to Charles Willis Manson, Charles' will is man's son.

Of course it didn't happen as Manson planned. He and his core "family" members ended up spending the rest of their lives in prison. We have seen these events already. The Manson killings happened right between two momentous events, the landing of the first astronauts on the moon and the Woodstock music festival.

We saw the Manson Murders in The Aztec Prophecy", April 2018, section 27) JONESTOWN, CHARLES MANSON AND THE GNOSTIC GOSPELS.

Manson's followers were devout. The ones that were not involved in these killings were demonstrating outside the courthouse every day of his trial. When he had been convicted and sent to prison some of the followers moved near the prison to be close to him.

A woman who tried to assassinate U.S. President Gerald Ford, in 1975, Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme, was once a member of the Manson "Family", but had not been involved in these killings.

Aside from these "direct followers", Manson's "Family", there were also "indirect followers". I once read the book that Manson wrote from prison and he was greatly surprised himself at the mail he would get from people who admired and supported him.


25 years later, not too far from where the Manson killings had taken place, a very similar dual murder would occur that would rivet the nation and the world, if anything, even more than the Manson murders.

In June of 1994, Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman were murdered at night outside the Simpson condominium. Nicole Brown Simpson was the estranged wife of actor and former football player O.J. Simpson.

The killings had been brutal. Both had been stabbed with a large knife many times. In fact, it was like something right out of the Manson murders. It was as if Charles "Tex" Watson had come back.

Like the Manson murders there was an attempt to make it look like something it wasn't. One glove was found at the scene and the matching glove outside O.J. Simpson's home. O.J. Simpson was charged with the murders.

The thing that I find so striking about the murder of Nicole Brown Simpson is just how similar it was to the killings that had happened 25 years before, not far away. I had not seen this referred to before.


The murder of Nicole Brown-Simpson and Ron Goldman took place near, and in exactly the same brutal manner, as the Manson killings 25 years before. Those killings were done to look like wealthy white people had been murdered in their homes by black militants. Nicole Brown-Simpson and Ron Goldman were white, O.J. Simpson was black. The great racial uprising of 1992 in Los Angeles, very reminiscent of the time of the Manson murders, had occurred not long before.

The general consensus is that the killer of Nicole Brown-Simpson left behind the cap and glove because the murder was interrupted, maybe a person walked by or a dog started barking. But what if they were left behind to frame O.J. Simpson? By a Manson "wannabe" if not a member of the original "family".

After the Los Angeles Uprising of 1992, someone could have wanted to "pick up where Manson left off". There would be no better way to do it than this. This was a very high-profile couple and it was no secret that O.J. Simpson had been an abusive husband and that the two were separated. Charles Manson had believed that the Apocalypse would begin as a racial war in Los Angeles, which he was going to initiate.

It has been pointed out that O. J. Simpson had been working on a television program about frogmen, which involved killings with knives, and the murders of which he was accused looked like something right out of that. But that was no secret either and the killer could have known about it.

And, once again, we come back to what a wonderful world it would be if all criminals were this dumb. To be filming killing scenes and then murder someone in real life in exactly the same way. Remember the old saying about being too good to be true.

Ironically, O.J. Simpson appeared in the sports headlines right around the time that the Manson Killings took place, the 1969 U.S. football preseason. The Manson Family would almost certainly have heard of him, and now he was living not far from where the killings had taken place. 

But why might a Manson wannabe choose this case in particular? There was another nearby set of murders that were compared to the Manson killings and were at least as brutal. It was the 1981 Wonderland Murders. What is interesting is that the sites of the Simpson Murders, the first set of Manson Murders and, the Wonderland Murders form a straight and equidistant line on a map.

In the following image from Google Earth the red dot is the site of the Simpson Murders. The yellow dot is the site of the first set of Manson Murders and, the purple dot is the site of the Wonderland Murders. The sites are about 5 km or 3 miles apart.


The Los Angeles Police have undergone reforms, but remember that this was the bad old days of the LAPD. The days of the Rampart Scandal of planting evidence. The videotaping of police beating a black man had led to the destructive riots of 1992. Now, a high-profile black man was accused of murdering two white people.

The chief detective in the case, Mark Fuhrman, had previously been to the Simpson home on a domestic violence call. He had been recorded using racial slurs and declined to answer as to whether he had planted evidence in the case.

Nicole Brown-Simpson had reported a set of keys stolen, which were found on O.J. after the murders.

But this just doesn't sound right. Could she really be sure that the keys hadn't simply been misplaced? Why would anyone even report keys stolen, implying that she wanted the keys back after they might have been copied? Why not just change the locks? Why wouldn't O.J. have discarded the keys if he had just killed their owner?

Again we are reminded of what a wonderful world it would be if all criminals were this dumb. If something sounds too good to be true then it probably is.


What followed was the chase of O.J. Simpson across the highways of Los Angeles, watched live on television by nearly a hundred million people. The extended trial of O.J. Simpson was rightly labeled as the "Trial of the Century".

O.J. Simpson was controversially found not guilty of murder but later ended up in jail anyway over the armed theft of athletic memorabilia that he felt was his.

But the show wasn't over yet. In fact, it was just beginning. O.J. Simpson had a long-time friend, who was a former lawyer, named Robert Kardashian. He reactivated his law license and joined the "Dream Team" of lawyers that were to defend O.J. Simpson at trial. They succeeded in getting O.J. acquitted, largely based on the corruption and racism of the lead detective and the fact that the famous glove did not fit O.J. Simpson very well.

This was the first introduction to the Kardashian Family that have become an integral part of recent American culture.  The children of Robert Kardashian, three girls and one boy, would enthralling the country both in real life, with all of their relationships and other complications, and in television, with "Keeping Up With The Kardashians".

But this potential of fame and fortune for anyone connected with this case distorts it even more and makes it that much more difficult to reach the right verdict.

People come to Los Angeles, and Hollywood in particular, seeking fame and fortune. The chase of O.J. Simpson across Los Angeles was watched live by nearly a hundred million people. That opened great possibilities of fame and wealth for anyone who was connected with it or saw O.J. Simpson around the time of the murders.

When there is some kind of dispute or conflict, people naturally want to end up on the winning side. The chase of O.J. Simpson made it appear that he would be guilty. That might have biased anyone with anything to say against him.

Aside from the chase, I thought that the most damaging testimony against O.J. Simpson was that of the limousine driver, Allen Park.

On the night of the murders, Simpson had an overnight flight to Chicago, and a limousine arrived to take him to the airport. The driver testified that he saw a "shadowy figure" outside the house that went to the area where the glove was later found and then entered the house. The conclusion was that the figure had been Simpson, realizing that he had left a glove at the murder scene, so dropped the other glove outside his home to make it look like someone else had done it and was planting the glove to make it look like he did it.

But, once again, we come back to what a wonderful world it would be if all criminals were this dumb.

O.J. Simpson had ordered the limousine himself and knew that it would be there, with the waiting driver. Every home that I have ever seen has more than one entrance. Couldn't O.J. Simpson have gone in the back or side door, and so have avoided being seen by the driver?

Remember that if something seems too good to be true then it probably is.


Considering that the murder of Nicole Brown Simpson was at least subconsciously inspired by the nearby Manson killings, Charles Manson didn't succeed at bringing about the Apocalypse with himself as the Messiah. But the killings that he was responsible for would come back 25 years later. There would be a chase through a major city like the world had never seen before, followed by what was certainly the "Trial of the Century" followed, not by the messianic reign of the Manson Family, but by the reign of the Kardashian Family. 

Of course there is some possibility that O.J. set it up himself to look like a Manson wannabe had done it.


There is a whole dimension to the O.J. Simpson Case that I cannot see anyone has ever brought up.

What about where O.J. Simpson went to high school? You may be wondering what that could possibly have to do with it. He graduated from high school in 1965, 29 years before the double murder and the chase took place.

But look at the following two images, from Google Earth. The building in the foreground, with the red roof, is the high school that he went to. The island in the background is Alcatraz.

O. J. Simpson was going to high school here when the great escape from Alcatraz happened. The tall building in the background partially blocks the view of the island from the school today but that wasn't there when the escape happened, in June 1962. It must have been a prominent topic of discussion at O. J.'s school. 

Could it be just a coincidence that the murders happened on the anniversary of the Alcatraz Escape, June 12? O. J. Simpson's number when he played for the Buffalo Bills was 32 and the murders happened on the 32nd anniversary of the Alcatraz Escape.

What is so intriguing about the Alcatraz Escape is that it is not known whether the escapees survived. Three prisoners, two of which were brothers, pulled off an elaborate escape plan. They got off the island on a raft that they secretly made by sewing raincoats together.

The exact time of their escape at night is not known, and that is where the question of their survival comes in. The deciding factor is considered to be the tide. If the tide was on the way in they would likely have ended up somewhere on the shore of San Francisco Bay and could well have escaped. But if the tide was on the way out they probably would have been swept out to sea and it would be unlikely that they survived.

The authorities searched for the escapees. But a search like this takes a lot of money and effort, as well as attention away from other crimes, and they didn't put anywhere near as much effort into the search as they would have were it known for sure that the escapees had survived.

A whole industry emerged around speculation about what became of the Alcatraz escapees if they survived. It has become part of American folklore.

So what does Niagara Falls have to do with this? When someone goes over Niagara Falls there is a very good chance that their body will never be found. What that does is make Niagara Falls, NY the fake suicide capital of the world. On the U.S. side there are few people around at night and many places where one could get into the water. 

It is not uncommon to read about someone who complained about suffering from sadness and depression, or being heavily in debt, then took a trip to Niagara Falls and was never seen again. It was presumed that they jumped over the Falls. Sometimes they did, but then sometimes they didn't.

I find that this provides a perspective on the O.J. Simpson Case.

Just as with the Alcatraz Escape case that he must have been very familiar with, O. J. Simpson knew that the authorities would put much less effort into looking for him, if he faced arrest for the murders and had to escape, if they thought he was likely dead. O. J. didn't have a tide like the Alcatraz escapees but what he did have was fake suicide. O. J. could pretend to be suicidal. Remember that he had been an actor as well as an athlete.

O.J. Simpson went to the home of his long time friend, Robert Kardashian, after being charged with the double murder, but before he was required to turn himself in, allegedly to avoid the media. The police knew that he was there.

According to one report a delay was requested in when he had to turn himself in because he was "suicidal" and had to see a therapist. I cannot see that this therapy ever took place. What happened instead is that O.J. Simpson suddenly left the Kardashian residence with his old Buffalo Bills teammate, Al Cowlings. 

After the departure of O.J. Simpson, meaning that he was now a fugitive, Robert Kardashian read his alleged suicide letter to the media. It didn't specifically mention ending his life but stated "I can't go on" and "Don't feel sorry for me. I've had a great life, great friends".

I have always thought that this reading of a friend's suicide letter to the media, before knowing that he was dead, was just a little bit bizarre.

That's not all that was bizarre. Robert Kardashian then reported that O. J. Simpson, who had long been close to the Kardashian family, had expressed his intention to commit suicide in daughter Kim's bedroom, who wasn't home at the time. Robert Kardashian had talked him out of it, because the room would then be essentially haunted. After O. J. had left he went and told the whole world about it.

Could it be that this was part of the plan? That it wasn't worth the effort to launch an all-out search for O. J. because he was probably dead by now anyway? Instead of the tide that the Alcatraz escapees had, to convince the authorities that they were probably dead, O. J. Simpson had being suicidal.

Long before that Robert Kardashian had been a lawyer. He would certainly have been called as a witness in the case. But what he cleverly did was reactivate his law license and serve as one of O. J.'s lawyers. That meant the police couldn't question him about the case nor could he be compelled to testify. 

Writing these letters while at the Kardashian house sounds like something a lawyer advised him to do. Remember that he had a scheduled trip to Chicago, and he left right after the murders. The police called him in Chicago. He could have written these letters on the plane back from Chicago.

On the Chicago flight the crew reported that O. J. continuously drank water and used the bathroom. This could be part of the suicidal act also, that he had already taken some kind of pills and was washing it out of his system.

While fleeing with Al Cowlings driving, O. J. made the apparent mistake of making a phone call. Cell phones were still new but the location of a call could be approximately triangulated. The vehicle was moving south on the highway, seemingly going toward Mexico. A news helicopter caught sight of the vehicle and began to follow it. When they realized that they had been seen it seems that they turned around, possibly hoping to get lost in the dense traffic of the city.

What followed is the chase that I am sure no one who followed it will ever forget. I remember turning on the television to watch the news. I thought that this was a preview out of a movie that O. J. had made. I knew about his ex wife and the waiter who was returning her glasses being murdered shortly before. I thought this couldn't possibly be happening in real life. But then I changed the channel and it was the same thing on every channel.

The Ford Bronco was moving slowly along the highway, which had been quickly closed to all other traffic. About twenty police cars, with their lights flashing, were following it. They were holding off trying to stop it because O. J. was in the back seat with a gun to his head. In the air above the police cars was a formation of news helicopters.

People all across America dropped what they were doing to watch. It was absolutely surreal. It was difficult to believe that this was really happening. 9/11 was a shock but it wasn't difficult to believe that it was really happening.

Unfortunately the outside world watched it too, although maybe not live. Five years before the Berlin Wall had come down and it seemed like global democracy had triumphed. People were looking to America to see what a democratic society should be like. Then this had to happen. This surreal episode didn't do democracy any good. It wasn't the two murders, that could happen anywhere. It was the whole society was wrapped up in this difficult to believe spectacle. I am sure that the nearby presence of Hollywood was a factor and this probably wouldn't have happened like this in another city.

The pursuit ended at O. J.'s house. He went inside for a while and police waited until he emerged. O. J. was found to have been carrying in the car a fake beard, a passport and, a significant amount of cash. He wouldn't have this if he was really going to commit suicide.

Holding the gun in the Ford Bronco was part of this plan. So now he wasn't going to get away and pretend that he committed suicide. But there is one more thing that has to be remembered about his youth. It is that his mother worked in a psychiatric hospital. This brings us to Plan B. 

The decade before John Hinckley had drawn attention to the insanity defense by being found "not guilty by reason of insanity" for trying to assassinate Ronald Reagan. While no one wanted to be confined to a psychiatric hospital it was probably preferable to prison. Holding the gun in the car also spared his friend and driver, Al Cowlings, who would otherwise be helping a fugitive to escape. But his "Dream Team" of lawyers lived up to their title and got him acquitted without using the insanity defense.

Could this really be a coincidence? O. J. Simpson was going to high school a short distance away when the great escape from Alcatraz took place. The murders for which he was charged happened on the anniversary of the Alcatraz Escape. The number that O.J. wore, while playing for the Buffalo Bills was 32 and the murders happened on the 32nd anniversary of the Alcatraz Escape. O. J. wrote goodbye letters to throw off his pursuers just as the Alcatraz escapees put handmade dummies in their beds to throw off their pursuers. O. J. bought a disguise just as the dummies in Alcatraz were disguised to look like the escapees. There were three Alcatraz escapees just as O. J. had two close friends helping him, Robert Kardashian and Al Cowlings. 

O. J. escaping in Al Cowlings' vehicle very much resembled the escaping from Alcatraz on the raft. The Alcatraz escapees had the tide to discourage an all out search for them because they likely didn't survive just as O. J. had his fake suicide scenario, remember again that he had been an actor as well as an athlete.

If only O. J. Simpson had still been in Buffalo, where he and Al Cowlings had been teammates on the Buffalo Bills. He could have written the goodbye letters and then made a quick trip to Niagara Falls and vanished, and this surreal spectacle could have been avoided.

As far as whether O. J. did it, if everything that was reported in the news was correct then O. J. Simpson absolutely murdered his ex-wife and the waiter who was returning her glasses. The question is whether everything that was reported in the news was correct. A lot of the "evidence" against O. J. is very subjective, such as his supposed demeanor and reactions. There were people claiming to have seen O. J. on the day of the murders and then selling their stories to tabloids. People with any connection to this case were using it to boost their own careers, most notably it introduced the world to the Kardashians.

Race was a heavy factor, there had been the very destructive racial uprising in Los Angeles two years before and now a black man was accused of murdering two white people. There was a police department that was, at the time, notorious for planting evidence and racism. I find it interesting that, 25 years before, the Manson Family had murdered high profile white people nearby in exactly the same way and made it look as if black people did it.

As for Buffalo, where O. J. played for the Bills, the Perry Projects are now in the process of being demolished. A musician emerged from this housing project, named Rick James. The first Manson mass killing was a get-together with actress Sharon Tate. Rick James had been invited but didn't attend, allegedly because of too much partying the night before. What if Rick James had been there? He would have been one of the victims and the world would never have heard of a Superfreak. But it would have changed the whole intended dynamic if they had also killed a black person. What if Rick James had been carrying a pistol and might have prevented the murders?

By the way, my personal opinion about the Alcatraz Escape is that they probably survived and escaped. I checked the phase of the moon for the night of the escape and it was nearing First Quarter, between New Moon and half moon. The Quarters are when the tides are weakest, known as Neap Tides, because the moon and sun are at right angles and thus pulling against each other. The tides are strongest at New Moon and Full Moon, known as Spring Tides, because the sun and moon form a straight line with earth and are thus pulling together. At any rate I am sure that they were aware of the tides, that a rising tide would push them toward shore but a lowering tide would pull them out to sea. They managed every other detail of the escape and I doubt that they missed this.


This section contains a subsection.

For eleven days, starting on April 29, 2022, the U.S. was transfixed by the escape, from an Alabama jail, of a male prisoner with a female guard. The prisoner was Casey White and the guard was Vicky White. Despite having the same surname the two were not related.

On what was reported to be her final day of work before retirement, Vicky White said that she was transporting Casey White to a mental health evaluation, as he was awaiting trial for murder. It turned out that no such evaluation was ever scheduled. Vicky White had bought a car, a Ford Edge, using an alias. She left the car in a shopping center parking lot overnight. She then drove Casey White to the parking lot. They abandoned the police car and drove off in the Ford Edge.

The two were ultimately caught in Evansville, Indiana. They had abandoned the Ford Edge, in Tennessee, and had bought a pickup truck. They then decided to abandon that, in Evansville, after buying a Cadillac. But they made the mistake of abandoning it in the bay of a car wash, where Casey White was caught on security camera with his clearly visible tattoos. Another security camera caught them driving off in the Cadillac.

In the U.S. most prisons are operated by the state, although there are also federal prisons. The local "holding centers", for people who have been arrested but not yet convicted, are operated at the county level, and run by the Sheriff's Department. Short prison terms might also be served at the local holding center, as opposed to being sent away to a prison. It was such a Sheriff's Department that Vicky White worked for, not the prison system. A sheriff's department generally patrols rural areas and towns that don't have their own police department.

My information about the case is solely based on what I have read in the news. The conclusions here about the case are based on the presumption that what has been reported in the news is correct.

Vicky White was supposedly on her last day at work when she escaped with prisoner Casey White. She had sold her home and had been talking, at work, about moving to "The beach". From northern Alabama "The beach" can only mean moving southward, particularly to Florida. There were no beaches to the north of where she was located.

This was a diversion. The escaping pair drove due northward, ending up in Evansville, Indiana. The talk about "moving to the beach" was set up to lead the search for them in the wrong direction.

Just before the escape Vicky White bought a car, using an alias. The car was a reddish colored Ford Edge, which is a SUV. The car was their getaway vehicle. She left the car in a plaza parking lot overnight. The following day she said she was taking Casey White for a "mental health evaluation". She drove to where the Ford Edge was parked and got into that car, abandoning the patrol car in which they had left the jail.

The reddish Ford Edge was carefully chosen as the escape vehicle, this was the second diversion. With a limited supply of money, and the price of fuel so high, why would she choose a SUV to escape in? When they were caught they were found to have camping equipment. Vicky White lived in a rural area and so would be familiar with the natural environment. The rear seats of a Ford Edge fold down, and the front seats can be moved forward. I believe that Vicky White intended for them to sleep in the car.

A Ford Edge is a smaller SUV. If she had bought a van that might make it obvious that they were planning to sleep in it. Casey White was 6 feet, 9 inches tall (205.75 cm), and who would think of someone that tall sleeping in a vehicle? It would avoid the security cameras and possible scrutiny of staying in hotels.

Surely they weren't planning on camping in the woods, where a bright red vehicle would stand out. That was why Vicky White bought a bright red vehicle, knowing full well that her purchase of the vehicle would be discovered even though she used an alias.

The car was found abandoned in Tennessee. Part of the car had been painted a dark green, the ideal color to hide in the woods. Notice that their final car, the Cadillac that they were caught in, was about the same dark green color that they had started to paint the Ford Edge. Some reports have it that the Ford Edge had developed mechanical troubles. I think it more likely that they had given up on painting the car and were worried that an amateurish partial paint job on the car would draw attention.

Their next vehicle was a pickup truck, which they apparently bought in cash in Tennessee. This was the vehicle that they abandoned in Evansville, at the car wash where they were caught on security camera. But why did they abandon the pickup truck when there was no report that it had mechanical troubles, or that police were looking for them in a pickup truck? The obvious answer is that a pickup truck isn't suitable for sleeping. 

One of the mysteries of this case is why Vicky White stayed in a hotel the night before the escape. She had sold her home and had been staying with her mother. Interestingly, even though she was close to her mother she reportedly never told her of any plans to retire to "The beach". This might be the last she would ever see of her mother, so why would she spend it in a local hotel?

This was the third diversion. She wanted to make it look like she was making a "dry run" of checking into a hotel, seeing what kind of identification they ask for, where security cameras might be located, and so on. This was to deceive police into looking for them or their car at hotels. But instead of driving a red SUV and staying at hotels while moving southward they would be driving a dark green SUV and camping in the woods while moving northward.

According to some news reports the two had made a "dry run" of their escape from the jail, Vicky White leaving the building in a patrol vehicle with Casey White, but hadn't been gone for long. This was done to make investigators after the escape think that she was in the habit of making a "dry run" before actually doing something. This would make them think that her stay in a hotel, on the last night before the escape, was a "dry run" for the two staying in hotels after the escape, but she was actually planning that they would be sleeping in the car.


I believe that, as time went on, Casey White, the escaped prisoner, took more control. Vicky White had planned the escape well. Casey White had quite a criminal record but doesn't seem to have been good at avoiding getting caught.

After being caught Casey White told police that they had stopped at a motel in Evansville to "get their bearings" and decide what to do next. This reveals that the initially well-planned escape seems to have gone awry.

To stay at the motel in Evansville they found a homeless man and paid him to rent a room for them for two weeks. They had reportedly already been there one week when they were caught. Finding a homeless man to help them was awkward, time-consuming and, risky but now they only had the pickup truck, not a vehicle that they could sleep in. 

While in Evansville they bought a Cadillac, paying for it in cash. The car was like a dark green that wouldn't stand out if they were camping in the woods, about the same color that they had tried to paint the Ford Edge. But now they had to dispose of the pickup truck, and that is what got them caught.

Going to a car wash and leaving the truck in one of the bays was absolutely crazy. Maybe Vicky White was getting tired and wasn't fully alert by this point. 

Of course the owner of the car wash would check the security video to see who left the pickup truck. I don't know why criminals often get tattoos but there was the unmistakable image of Casey White, with the prominent tattoo on his forearm clearly visible. Security cameras at the car wash also got the car that Casey White got into, the dark green Cadillac, although not the plate number.

Police looked around Evansville and a car of that make and color was seen in a motel parking lot. The car was watched, to see who got into it and, sure enough, it was them. After a chase of about 2 miles (about 3 km) northward on Highway 41, the car ended up in a ditch.

One of the eeriest things about this escape is that, just before the end of the chase, Vicky White made a call to the 911 (emergency) line. She may have made the call inadvertently, not realizing that she made it, but what went on inside the car, both before and after the crash, was recorded.

The two drove off the highway and through an industrial parking lot. Then, surrounded by police and Marshals' cars, went across a grassy area. Vicky White's southern-accented voice can be heard twice expressing alarm, to Casey White, about the airbags in the car going off, suggesting that they "get out and run" and also a reference to "that (expletive) motel". Her words are not very intelligible but I believe what she was saying to Casey White is "We never should have stayed in that (expletive) motel".

After the crash into the ditch, with Vicky White mortally wounded from a self-inflicted gunshot, the voices of the police officers outside the car can be heard on the phone call, saying that "she has a gun", "she is still breathing" and, "her finger is on the trigger". They disarmed her, and got her out through the sunroof of the car. She died in hospital. Casey White surrendered peacefully.


There is a side to New York State's great prison escape that I did not see anywhere in the news.

New York State, along with many people across the U.S. and the world, spent the month of June, 2015 following news of the search for two prisoners who had escaped from the Clinton Correctional Facility in the town of Dannemora, in the far northern part of the state. The names of the prisoners was Richard Matt and David Sweat.

Their escape can only be described as brilliant, certainly matching the legendary escape from Alcatraz. With help from a prison employee, who was supposed to pick them up in a car but changed her mind at the last minute, the two made use of tools used by contractors who were working on the prison.

The two would exit their cell at night, through an opening they had made in the wall, and work on their escape route. They found a sledgehammer the contractors had brought and used it to break through a wall. They found their way to a wide steam pipe that brought steam to the prison from a steam plant some distance away. The steam was for heating but the pipe wouldn't be in use in the month of June.

The steam pipe passed under the manholes on the street and the two had found their escape route. They emerged from a manhole at night carrying supplies that they had stored up in a guitar case. The prison was in a rural area just north of the vast Adirondack State Park and, with their driver not showing up, made their way into the woods.

The following image from Google Street View shows the manhole that the prisoners emerged from in the foreground, with the prison wall in the background. 

A vast search effort began the following morning, as soon as it was discovered that they were missing. The search turned up nothing, all reported possible sightings of the prisoners led nowhere. The prisoners had clearly planned every detail of the escape carefully and at least one of them, David Sweat, was an experienced outdoorsman. Both were skilled at burglary, to break into cabins.

According to one news report the search was costing about a million dollars a day. The governor of New York State, Andrew Cuomo, made a statement one day to the effect of the two escapees "might be in Mexico by now". Richard Matt had earlier fled to Mexico after committing a murder in western New York State.

At the time I wondered why the governor would say such a thing publicly, which would only be discouraging to those who were putting so much effort into searching. But now I think I know.

After the eventual capture of the escapees it was revealed that they had been listening to news of the search for them on a portable radio that they had brought from the prison. I think it was known all along about their radio and the governor said that, knowing that they would be listening, in the hope it would make them get careless.

The two escapees separated at some point. David Sweat would later say that Richard Matt was slowing him down, as well as drinking heavily after finding an alcoholic drink in a cabin. After Richard Matt had been shot and killed a news announcement was made that some large lights were being brought in to search for David Sweat at night.

I cannot see that any such lights ever materialized. My conclusion is that there never was any such lights. This was a bluff made in an effort to get David Sweat to move during the day, when he would be more visible, knowing that he was listening on the radio. 

It seems to have worked because, shortly afterwards, David Sweat was shot and captured while moving during the day. Their radio was only briefly mentioned in the news reports that I saw but I believe it to have been a vital part of the search effort.

If my conclusion here is correct then I am truly surprised that David Sweat, after so carefully planning the escape, didn't see this as a bluff.

During the search there was news of a possible sighting of the two far on the opposite side of the state, in the southern tier of western New York State around the village of Friendship. Much was made on the news about the shifting of search personnel and resources to that distant area.

Maybe there was a genuine report of a possible sighting but I am sure that this was mostly a bluff made in the hope that they might get careless if they heard on the radio that the main focus of the search was being moved elsewhere. 

Related to this section is "Murder In Tonawanda, NY", August 2023.