Saturday, November 23, 2013

The Continental Asteroids And The Lines Of Emergence Hypothesis Made Really Simple

Here is a summary of the entire theory of the Continental Asteroid and the Lines of Emergence Hypothesis that is detailed in "The Story Of Planet Earth", on the geology blog This theory leaves virtually no land on earth or feature of the seafloor unexplained.

Let's review the basic points of this theory.

As the earth rotates daily, the centrifugal force of rotation causes magma (hot molten rock) to emerge along the equator from below. This emergence also tends to take place along longitudinal lines of emergence that run between the north and south poles. The reason for magma emergence along periodic longitudinal lines is that, according to the rules of fluid dynamics, the emergence along the equator must be balanced by emergence in a perpendicular direction.

The reason that magma emergence tends to take place along lines is due to the earth's rotation. If magma gets close enough to the surface at some point, it can emerge from that point to form what we call a volcano. Near the pole, the spin tends to drive the emerging magma back, forming a ridge structure around the pole such as we can see in the structure of ridges around the north pole on the Arctic Ocean floor.

The entire earth was once hot and molten. The surface area naturally cooled first, and contracted when it did. This is my understanding of how the tectonic plates formed on the surface of the earth. The contraction of each plate left gaps between them, through which magma could emerge to form volcanic islands. These gaps between tectonic plates are not necessarily in the same places as the longitudinal lines of magma emergence, which run from pole to pole. This is why the topography of the earth's surface, and the locations of ridges on the seafloor, cannot be explained by plate tectonics.

It is widely believed that a Mars-sized body once collided with the earth, the pieces of which were hurtled back into space to coalesce by gravity to form the moon. This object is commonly referred to as Theia. I believe that, not only did it form the moon, but much of the mass of Theia remained on the surface of the earth to form the continents. Furthermore, I consider it extremely likely that there was actually two Continental Asteroids which impacted the earth. Although the two were likely pieces of the same original asteroid.

The added mass of the first, and then the second, continental asteroid unbalanced the earth's rotation. The earth shifted on it's axis to regain balance, so that the poles and equator changed places twice. The longitudinal lines of magma emergence also would have had to change places. But this took place very slowly, and emergence continued along former lines for a long period of time.

The mass of each continental asteroid, which had "splattered" over the earth's surface to form the continents, was broken apart by the centrifugal force of the earth's rotation and by volcanic activity beneath it. Pieces of these land masses drifted across the earth's surface in tectonic movement, driven by the force of the earth's rotation. Lines of magma emergence appear as ridges along the ocean floor, possibly as islands where two ridges intersect, but as low areas or valleys on land as the emerging magma spreads the land apart.

The physics of a rotating sphere dictate that, if the mass on the surface of the sphere is not distributed with perfect evenness, the sphere will seek the lowest energy state by shifting on it's rotational axis so that one of the poles will be in the center of the greatest surface mass. One of the tectonic plates was larger than the others, the Pacific Plate, and it was near the center of this that the north pole was positioned but was also weighted toward the adjoining Eurasian Plate which was the second largest.

Here is a map link with satellite imagery: . You can use a physical geography world atlas, but it will have to be one which shows the details of the ocean floor.

This original north pole was situated in the Pacific Ocean, to the west of the island of Midway. The straight lines of islands and seamounts (mountains that do not reach the surface of the water) can be seen as radiating from this area to the west of Midway. These lines are the longitudinal lines of emergence which extended from pole to pole, and this explains why Pacific islands tend to occur in such lines. Notices that this pole area is framed by semi-circular undersea ridges, this is because the emerging magma is forced back by the spin at the pole to form the ridges. The structures to the west of this, around the Philippines, are tectonic plate boundaries.

Looking closely, we see that Hawaii is actually a part of a long chain which extends westward to Midway. If we continue this Midway-Hawaii line to the southeast, we see that it leads directly to the area of the south Atlantic Ocean which is diametrically opposite from the original north pole west of Midway. This area was the original south pole.

A tangle of emergence lines can be seen to converge around this former south pole. These were once longitudinal lines of emergence. Once the poles shift, emergence tends to continue along such lines for a long period of time, but they would no longer be longitudinal lines of emergence from the pole. But when the shift in the poles does take place, only one line in each direction will remain directly from one former pole to the other and this will be a former line longitudinal of emergence along which emergence is most likely to continue. It is along this line between the first set of poles that we find Hawaii today. Off the east coast of South America, this direct line between the first poles can be seen as the broad bay at Sao Paulo and the offshore underwater Bromley Plateau.

Here is something really interesting that you can see on the map in the Pacific Ocean. The former equator can be seen as a ridge, from the days of this first set of poles, because the centrifugal force of the earth's rotation causes magma to also emerge from around the equator. We know that islands are most likely to be found where two emergence lines intersect, because that would mean more magma there. Look at the Galapagos Islands, off the coast of Ecuador. These islands are where the former equator from the first set of poles, the present equator and, the line between the first north and south pole (which also includes Hawaii) all intersect.

A section of the first equator can also be seen on the opposite side of the world, in the Indian Ocean east of Somalia, south of Pakistan and, north of Madagascar. This line runs perpendicular to a straight line between the first north and south pole, and is seen as a ridge on the ocean floor. The ridge starts offshore from Yemen, and runs to the southeast. It is still active today as a line of emergence, as part of what I call the "W-line" extending as a line of emergence around the world from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, around the south of Africa and across the south Pacific to the Sea of Cortez (Gulf of California) in which, like the Red Sea, the sides are being pulled apart by the emerging magma from below.

A line along which longitudinal lines of emergence form in the present polar era, meaning with the north and south pole of today, is the line through the first south pole in the south Atlantic Ocean. This is what formed the straight line north-south section of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge in the south Atlantic.

Another remaining longitudinal line of emergence from this first south pole is seen as what I called the Walvis Line, extending as a prominent seafloor ridge to the first south pole from the border area between Namibia and Angola. This line can be seen to continue on the opposite end of Africa as a ridge on the floor of the Arabian Sea leading to the Indus Valley of Pakistan. It then continues far to the north of there as the vast elongated Lake Baikal in southern Siberia. Socotra Island, in the Arabian Sea, is found where this line crosses the section of the first equator in this area.

There is another, much fainter, line of seamounts (underwater mountains) extending from the first south pole in the south Atlantic northeastward to the coastal area of Cameroon. I had not pointed this line out previously. It is a longitudinal line of magma emergence from the days of the first south pole.

What happened next is that the First Continental Asteroid landed and "splattered" across the earth's surface, forming a continental land mass. The added mass unbalanced the earth's rotation, and caused the poles to shift in order to regain balance. I believe that this continental mass most likely formed southern Africa, Australia, eastern Brazil, the Arabian-Nubian Shield, the West African Craton and possibly Greenland, Labrador and the islands of the Canadian Arctic.

The north pole moved to what is now the Great Basin of the western U.S. and the south pole shifted near what is now Madagascar, the large island east of Africa. The result is the ridge structure, known as the Mascarene Ridge, around Madagascar, and the many broad Valleys converging around the Great Basin. As we have seen, lines of emergence tend to form ridges if on the sea floor but broad valleys or basins if on land.

Just as we saw the line of islands and seamounts (underwater mountains) between Midway and Hawaii as being part of the line remaining between the original poles, a clear line also remains between the next set of poles. This is what I named "The Cuba-Phoenix Line" because it includes the long island of Cuba and the broad Valley of the Sun in Arizona, in which Phoenix is located. Continuing on the other side of the Caribbean Tectonic Plate, this line forms the island of Barbados.

One line that I had not previously pointed out as being a former longitudinal line of emergence from this second north pole is that the gap between mainland British Columbia and Vancouver Island points directly at the Great Basin.

A section of the equator from this period remains active as part of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge that begins due west of Portugal and Spain, and pointing directly at Venezuela in South America. This former equator can be seen to continue as an undersea ridge on the other side of South America, extending to the southwest off the coast of southern Peru.

Look at the area east of Madagascar, on the floor of the Indian Ocean, this was the second south pole. Many of the longitudinal lines of emergence of this former pole can still be seen.

First, notice how the line of the elongated Red Sea points directly at this former pole. It is well-known that the Red Sea is a line of magma emergence that is still widening today. Notice how this line of the Red Sea, allowing for curvature because it is not a direct line between the two former poles as is the Cuba-Phoenix Line, passes right through the Aegean and Adriatic Seas of Mediterranean Europe.

There is a broad valley across northeastern Spain, hosting the city of Zaragoza, which is also a longitudinal line of emergence which points directly at the former south pole east of Madagascar.

Just as the southern portion of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge exists as a long line of emergence which passes from the present south pole through the first south pole, there is a prominent north-south line of emergence today passing through this second south pole, off Madagascar, from the present south pole. This is what I usually refer to as the middle section of the W-line of emergence, which includes the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and continues across the Pacific to the west coast of North America to the Great Basin.

There is the Chagos Laccadive Ridge along the floor of the Indian Ocean, proceeding northward from the area of this second south pole. Notice that the islands of the British Indian Ocean Territories, including Diego Garcia, appear where this ridge intersects the former equator from the days of the first set of poles.

The first line of emergence complex that I noticed was what I referred to as "The Great Valley Of Asia". You can see a broad valley running north-south through Myanmar. If we continue to the south, it can be seen as bordered by land on either side. On the west side is the Andaman and Nicobar Islands and on the east side is the long Malay Peninsula. On the southwest side is Sumatra, on the northeast side is Malaysia. On the north side is Borneo, on the south side is Java. On the north side is Sulawesi, on the south side is East Timor. This section of the Great Valley Of Asia, along the equator, terminates in a semi-circle of islands in the Banda Sea.

But if we continue the line in the opposite direction, north of Myanmar, the line seems to stop at the mountains but then to continue as a vast gap in the mountains, known as the Szechwan Basin that hosts the Chinese city known in English as Chungking. We can see that this curve in the line, pointing in a new direction, would lead directly to the second south pole if we continued the line to the southwest. So, this section of the Great Valley Of Asia is a former longitudinal line of emergence from the second south pole adjacent to Madagascar.

The Great Rift Valley, running roughly north-south through east Africa, also points toward this second south pole. It appears to continue far to the north as the north-south Ural Mountains across Russia, meaning that it was influenced as a line of emergence by the present, rather than the second, north pole.

The southern section of the Great Rift Valley runs east-west and points directly toward the second south pole. This section continues offshore as the Walvis Ridge, off the border area of Namibia and Angola, and leads to the first south pole. The southern section of the Great Rift Valley across Africa comprises the borders of nations such as Namibia (formerly known as Southwest Africa), Angola, Botswana and, Zimbabwe. This is very clearly a longitudinal line of emergence from the second south pole, around Madagascar, and linking up to a line from the first south pole, the Walvis Ridge.

Next, the second Continental Asteroid landed. I believe that this one was larger than the first one, but landed on earth at a lower angle so that it formed a line across the planet from it's impact site. Much of this asteroid was hurtled back into space by the impact, where it coalesced by gravity in earth orbit to form the moon.

All major tectonic collisions between land masses involved one from each of the Continental Asteroids. This includes the collision of Africa with Europe, the collision of India (once joined to Madagascar) with Asia and, the sliding collision of what is now North America with what is now Africa to form the Appalachian Mountains of eastern North America.

When sections of these land masses move tectonically, driven by the earth's rotation, they may force sea floor in front of them or between them upward, so that it forms dry land. There is also lands formed volcanically. This accounts for all of the land on earth. The reason that magma still continues to emerge is that, with the added land weight of the Continental Asteroids, the earth still has not reached a new equilibrium.

To regain balance in the earth's rotation the poles shifted again, to their present location. We can see the longitudinal lines of emergence now running directly north-south, although a lot of the former lines of emergence from the two previous polar eras remain to be seen as at least partially active.

The Second, and larger, Continental Asteroid formed what I have named "The Original Impact Line". The site of the second impact was what is now Antarctica. This is why one of the poles is in Antarctica and why it is, by far, the highest continent in average land elevation even though it is a relatively small continent and, generally, the larger a continent is the higher it's average elevation.

The Original Impact Line is a long line of otherwise difficult-to-explain mountains and high plateaus that stretch across the world. This line, like the continent of Antarctica, is made of debris from the impact of the second Continental Asteroid. The Original Impact Line has long since been broken away from Antarctica by tectonic movement, but is easily seen as extending across the world.

I see the Original Impact Line as beginning with the mountains of Greece and the Balkans and extending eastward through the extensive mountains of Turkey and Iran to the very high mountains and Tibetan Plateau of central Asia. The Original Impact Line appears to extend eastward to the Kolyma Range of eastern Siberia. The Central Siberian Plateau also appears to have been part of the Original Impact Line.

There was a section of the Original Impact Line, to the west of Greece and the Balkans, which was broken off by a probable comet impact in what is now the Tyrrhenian sea, which brought much of the earth's water and prompted the extensive magma emergence around it which formed Italy, Sicilay and, Sardinia and which was then pushed tectonically northward by the collision of Africa with Europe. This section can be seen today as the extensive mountains of Norway, the Kjolen or Scandinavian Mountains, around to the Kola Peninsula of Russia. We know that seafloor tends to be forced upward to form dry land when there is such tectonic movement, and that it tends to form flat plains, and this can be seen today in the flat (other than glacial activity) terrain of the Luneberg Heath, the plain across northern Germany, and of Poland. There are also fragments of the Original Impact Line such as likely Corsica, the Massif Central of France, northern Scotland, the North York Moors of England, possibly southern Ireland and, possibly Spain.

There are several north-south lines of emergence to be seen today in the southern hemisphere. There is the Chagos Laccadive Ridge and Ninety East Ridge on the floor of the Indian Ocean. The Great Artesian Basin of Australia is another such line. Then, of course, there is the southern portion of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge which forms a straight line from the present (third) south pole, encompassing the first south pole.

There is much more land in the northern hemisphere, but we can still see north-south longitudinal lines of emergence from the present polar era. There is the line of the Ural Mountains of Russia and the Great Rift Valley of east Africa. There is the Rhine Valley of Germany, of which the Rhone Valley was pushed westward by the tectonic impact of Italy with Europe.

The longitudinal line of the Rhine Valley, from the present polar era, meets the longitudinal line of the Adriatic Sea, from the previous polar era, and the equator from the previous polar era to form the broad Po Valley across northern Italy. Notice how the Mediterranean islands of Corsica and Sardinia form a straight line with the Rhine Valley to the north. The equator from the previous polar era can also be seen in the elongated Lake Balatron in Hungary, to the east, and the gap between the Balearic Islands and Mainland Spain, to the west. The Balearic Islands are found where this former equator meets the line of the broad valley hosting the Spanish city of Zaragoza.

One north-south line of emergence that I don't think I have yet pointed out is the Rio Grande Valley in New Mexico. While looking at New Mexico on the map, I remembered that I had once gotten off the highway and stopped for a meal at the Mesilla Valley Mall, in Las Cruces, which is within this valley. This is a former longitudinal line of emergence from when the second north pole was what is now the Great Basin of the western U.S. It's positioning supported it to continue as a minor longitudinal line of emergence in the present polar era because it is aligned virtually directly north-south. This same type of continuation as a longitudinal line of emergence is also seen in the southern hemisphere north-south section of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, which makes it suitable to continue as a north-south longitudinal line of emergence in the present polar era after it had begun as such a line in the first polar era, radiating from the first south pole in the south Atlantic Ocean.

The equator in the present polar era also shows a lot of emergence activity. The Congo Basin in Africa and the Amazon Basin in South America are both on the present equator. These broad basins were formed by the land being spread apart by magma emergence below. There is a section of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, right along the equator, which runs directly east-west along this line and known as the Romanche Gap.

Finally, we have something really interesting. Notice that there are two areas in which we find really an exceptional amount of magma emergence, which forms many islands. These are Indonesia and the Caribbean. Notice also that these two areas are on exactly the opposite sides of the world from one another. Then, if we plot the equators from the two previous sets of poles and then consider the present equator, we see that these two areas are both located where the three equators come the closest to converging.

The reason for the exceptional amount of magma emergence is that the centrifugal force of rotation causes magma to emerge from the equatorial regions, and that even after the poles and equator shift there continues to be emergence along the old equator so that an exceptional amount of emergence can be expected top form islands if there is convergence of past and present equators.

This is far from a complete study of the Continental Asteroid And Lines Of Emergence Hypothesis. But I think you will find it to be really amazing. This leaves virtually no major feature of the earth's surface unaccounted for and has never been pointed out before. The reason, once again, is that detailed maps like this and including the ocean floor have only been available for a few decades and there are still many patterns which have not yet been noticed. The Soviet Union did a lot to map the ocean floor, especially the Arctic, and eventually released the data so that everyone could see it.

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