Saturday, July 15, 2017

The Would-Have-Been Nation Of Westland

What is now the western United States, particularly during the period of late Nineteenth-Century history known as the "Old West" or the "Wild West", the quarter-century from the end of the U.S. Civil War in 1865 to the closing of the western frontier in 1890, has an enduring fascination. It helps that this period of the west is easily themed, with saloons, stetson hats, "cowboy" boots, horses and, of course, six-shooters. Upon landing in the U.S. I got much of my first impression of the west, and of America itself, by seeing "Gunsmoke" always on television.

Unlike the eastern U.S., which is mostly well-watered and green, most of the west is dry. A major part of the early attraction of the west was that there was gold to be found there, in a series of "gold rushes". Unlike the petroleum that the west also had, gold on earth comes from meteors and so it's locations are unpredictable. The Spanish conquistador Francisco Coronado had explored the area three centuries before, looking for fables cities made of gold, but apparently never knew that there was indeed gold under the ground.

The American west is also known for it's spectacular natural scenery. All of these photos were taken from Interstate 70.

A staple of the vast numbers of "western" movies that have been made is riding horses through Monument Valley, a landscape of spectacular buttes and mesas around the state line between Arizona and Utah, as shown in the following scenes.

There are multiple scenes following. To see the scenes, after the first one, you must first click the up arrow, ^, before you can move on to the next scene by clicking the right or forward arrow, >. After clicking the up arrow, you can then hide the previews of successive scenes, if you wish.,-110.1045952,3a,75y,175h,90t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1s-GdQue6Yi80w%2FVyv-OlURS8I%2FAAAAAAAAAZ4%2FPUYtTUlGNrAI6uOQGHLnJyQTi3pGpy-sQCJkC!2e4!3e11!!7i6144!8i3072

Another natural feature that the west is known for is the Grand Canyon.,-113.8111063,3a,75y,115.92h,90t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1s-xay93hQ2PNQ%2FWWQvp_5qqFI%2FAAAAAAAADiQ%2FThZBeR2GXCckjLGuFfrEpGMfP0WngKD0gCLIBGAYYCw!2e4!3e11!!7i7168!8i3584

As significant numbers of settlers began to move westward, a settlement in what we could call the "Near West" emerged. This was Dodge City, in Kansas. The landscape does not begin to appear "western" until we enter Kansas.

Dodge City was where the fabled Long Branch Saloon was located.

Trade took place along what was known as the Santa Fe Trail, between Independence, Missouri and Santa Fe, in what is now New Mexico. Manufactured goods went westward, to Santa Fe, and valuables such as metals and furs went into the U.S. From Santa Fe, in what was at first Spanish and then Mexican territory, the Old Spanish Trail went to California, and another trail went southward to Mexico City. Dodge City was along the Santa Fe trail. The city of Independence, Missouri was also the gateway to the Oregon Trail, taking settlers to America's northwest.

The western United States, during this period of the "Wild West", was, in fact, a social order that was still in the process of sorting itself out. Across the west, we find "ghost towns" that emerged only to be abandoned when some economic promise, such as the discovery of gold or other wealth, never came to be. Much of what drew people to the west, particularly those who had gained military experience in the U.S. Civil War and were quick with a gun, was that they might attain a higher position in this emerging social order than they had in the old one, "back east".

Ghost towns tend to be made of wood, which usually lasts longer in the dry climate of the west than it would elsewhere. No one wanted to spend the money to build the buildings of a permanent town, such as a luxury hotel and paved roads, until they saw that the town was really going to last. Until then, there would be no more investment in the place than the hastily put up wooden structures.

This is the Goldfield Ghost Town, in Arizona, from the late Nineteenth Century.,-111.49183,3a,75y,120.76h,90t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1s-sMC-dtWlg4Y%2FU1q9oLezCRI%2FAAAAAAAAYY8%2Foj9U4KD3jzsR_THDRCMSq_gtD-1maM9KgCJkC!2e4!3e11!!7i8192!8i4096

Would fans of the Buffalo Bills, the professional football team of Buffalo, NY, like to see what is known as "Old Trail Town", in Cody, Wyoming? This town was founded by "Buffalo Bill", William Cody, for whom the Buffalo Bills are named.,-109.1041704,3a,75y,98.04h,90t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1s-8udAD-a-Gwc%2FV4k-7YKqy7I%2FAAAAAAAAGgQ%2F38zWZbdEIAIEW7u70ZUjffPvfI18ffkGACLIB!2e4!3e11!!7i10240!8i5120

Before it became the western part of the United States that it is today, the "west" hosted independent nations. The southwestern U.S. was part of Mexico. But there was not a lot of respect for Mexican law. The Mexican Government had almost continuous battles with warlike native Indian tribes, such as the Apache and the Comanche. American settlers were encouraged to move into Mexican territory, thinking that this would counter the strength of the Indians. Stephen Austin, for whom the state capital of Texas is now named, led American settlers into what was then Mexican territory.

But those American settlers eventually broke away from Mexican control, in northern California as the California Republic which gives California it's state flag of today and, more significantly, in Texas. As the Mexican Government tried to bring about stricter controls, Texas declared independence. The Mexican Army surrounded, and eventually captured the fortress of the Alamo, but was thereafter defeated at the Battle of San Jacinto. The president of Mexico himself, Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna, who had tried to bring the region under stricter control, was captured at San Jacinto, and Texas became an independent republic. Even though Texas was not yet part of America, the heroism of those who died at the Alamo would never be forgotten.

I had wanted to see the Alamo. But by the time I got there, it was closed. So, I took these photos at night. 


But Mexico refused to recognize the independence of Texas (Tejas), and the definition of the border between the two was never settled. Texas existed as an independent country for ten years, before agreeing to join the United States. This is what led to the war between the U.S. and Mexico, in what is now the southwestern U.S. became American territory, although it would be a long time before it was officially part of the U.S., as it is today.

The Mormons, a religious group founded by Joseph Smith but persecuted because they had their own holy book which they recognized along with the Bible, and practiced polygamy, as well as putting great effort into converting others, sought a land of their own by migrating westward. They settled first in Ohio, then in Missouri, then in Illinois where Smith and his brother Hyrum were killed by a mob, and finally in Utah.

Although the Mormons never founded an independent country, they founded a territory called Deseret which Brigham Young, who succeeded Joseph Smith as Mormon leader, ruled by their own religious principles rather than by U.S. law. Utah was eventually admitted to statehood, after the Mormons had agreed to give up polygamy.

The west was thus populated by people who had a very independent spirit, and who did not like to have the rules of other people imposed on them. The U.S. Civil War of 1961-65 had given many western settlers experience with guns. Westerners were likely to see "the law" as really the less-free ways of "back east" being imposed on them, although some western settlers were certainly fleeing justice from "back east". There might easily have been a movement for the independence of a new country, in the same was as the Confederacy, which I am naming "Westland" here, except that the west was too recently and sparsely settled, and it's nascent social order was still in the process of sorting itself out.

As the term implies, the "Wild West" was often a violent place. But yet the chaos had a distinct character to it. Crime is somehow perceived as more glamorous in the western U.S. than it would be in the east. The potential new nation had not coalesced enough to put up organized resistance to encroachments on it's sovereignty, so that resistance took the form of robbery.

Stealing from an illegitimate occupation force is not really a crime. When westerners "stole" horses and cattle, they were just liberating those animals which rightfully belonged to the land. No one had the right to come out here and fence off free land, and say what belonged to who. When westerners robbed banks and stagecoaches, they were just taking back for themselves the gold in their lands that the eastern establishment was trying to reach out here and claim.

A wave of bank robberies returned during the Depression, in the 1930s. The government had failed the people, allowing the Economic Crash of 1929 to be caused by the greed of robber barons, and so, in the ways of the old west, were just taking back what should belong to them. The names of John Dillinger, "Ma" Barker and her gang, "Machine Gun" Kelly and, Bonnie and Clyde, are like a throwback to their grandparents' generation back in the "wild west".

Dillinger even robbed police stations, showing how the law had lost it's legitimacy. When he was finally killed, people were reportedly dipping handkerchiefs in his blood to keep, as if he was some kind of messianic figure.

Why is it that the term "outlaw" is used so often with the American west? If someone breaks the law, why not refer to them simply as a criminal? It is because there is a subtle difference between an outlaw and a criminal. A criminal breaks the law. But an outlaw, in contrast, is someone who does not recognize the legitimacy of the law. Being an outlaw is not about crime, but about sovereignty, even though the ruling establishment will view their deeds as crime.

In the history of the United States, there has been hundreds upon endless hundreds of shootouts between police and criminals. But there is one such shootout that has been fabled and hollywoodized above all others. Just what was so special about the shootout at the OK Corral that took place in the appropriately named town of Tombstone, Arizona in 1881?

The Gunfight at the OK Corral involved ten people, five on each side, and lasted less than a minute. About thirty shots were fired. Yet it has surely become the most famous such battle of it's scale in the world. A Google search for "OK Corral" brings up over two million hits. How can this possibly be? It was not in the United States of the time, and the area would not become part of America for another thirty years. The names of the ten men would likely be unknown otherwise. Just why was it so important?

It is because the shootout at the OK Corral was actually not about crime. The Clanton and McLaury brothers were not being pursued by the law for robbery, or anything like that. What had happened is that a local ordnance had been enacted barring the carrying of guns in town. But the Clanton and McLaury brothers had refused to give up their weapons, claiming that no one had any right to impose such a rule.

This means that this brief shootout was not actually about crime, but about sovereignty. Did anyone have the right to impose such a rule, or not? The question came down to this shootout, when the side representing the law decided that they had to be disarmed.

There was never actually a nation called Westland. There was never a war of independence for a nation called Westland. Well, at least not officially. But I see this shootout at the OK Corral, as brief and limited as it was, as the nascent "war of independence" of what could have been Westland. When the side of the law won the shootout, none of the lawmen were killed while three of the other side were, it sealed the fate of Westland. It would never be an independent country, and would eventually become part of the United States.

The reason that this shootout at the OK Corral is so well-known, and so fascinating, is that we instinctively know that it was far more than one of countless gun battles between police and criminals. It was actually a brief war of independence of what might have been called the Nation of Westland.

This is true even though no one there mentioned anything about a new country. These were wealth-seekers who knew how to live off the land and how to use a gun, and didn't want the laws of any country imposed on them. The rule of Mexico had been removed, and they didn't want it replaced with the rule of the United States, or of any new country. But that is what it would likely have become, as I see it, if the shootout at the OK Corral had turned out differently.

The following scenes are of the area where the shootout at the OK Corral took place. It actually didn't take place in the corral, which was a short distance away. A corral, referred to in other places as a pen, is simply an enclosed area where livestock is kept.,-110.0673386,3a,75y,83.01h,90t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1s-ix5tBL34VU8%2FV_WXt2CS8WI%2FAAAAAAADgNU%2FAGMFTaAnPcYSPBDA7B8kSrtfDMrH0FbzACLIB!2e4!3e11!!7i7776!8i3888

The only reason that the outlaws of the west went down in history as outlaws is because the nation that I am referring to as Westland never actually came to be. If it had, the "outlaws" would now be the heroes and the lawmen who tried to tame them would be the villains. That is the trouble with history. Human history is basically the history of conflict, and the rule is that the winners of that conflict get to write the history books, and they decide who are the heroes and who are the villains.

One such outlaw was Billy the Kid. How is it that someone can be convicted of murder in court and sentenced to hang, then escape from jail while killing two lawmen in the process, and then end up having the road through town where the jail and court are located named after him? You might be wondering what on earth would be going on in a place like that.

Here is the courthouse and jail that Billy the Kid escaped from, and the surrounding town. The road through town is now called "Billy the Kid Trail".,-105.390571,3a,75y,268.72h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sVLgECjf9R5KK2KeiuHZFeA!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656

When Billy the Kid was killed a short time later, he quickly became a folk hero and the sheriff who shot him was portrayed as the villain. But did he really die? There is a persistent story that the sheriff had earlier been a friend of Billy the Kid, and use to drink with his gang at a saloon. The dead body belonged to another outlaw, and the sheriff allowed Billy to escape.

Decades later, a former outlaw who had known Billy said that he had long been living a quiet life in the town of Hico, Texas. There was a man there going by the name of "Brushy Bill" Roberts, who was supposedly Billy the Kid. He had all of the scars that Billy was supposed to have and, even as an elderly man, could quickly slip out of a pair of handcuffs as Billy had done while escaping from jail. There was a lot of doubters, although even president Harry Truman believed that this was really Billy the Kid.

But anyway, the town of Hico made the most out of it, marketing itself as an old western town where the surviving Billy the Kid had lived out his days.,_Texas#/media/File:Hico29_(1_of_1).jpg,_Texas#/media/File:Hico31_(1_of_1).jpg,_Texas#/media/File:BillyTheKid_photo_mockup_20100401.jpg

I actually find the official story of Billy the Kid's death to be less-than-believable. He had escaped from prison by killing two lawmen. Everyone was looking for him. He was supposedly staying at the house of a friend, and the sheriff was able to find out where he was. The sheriff went to the house, alone, and talked to the friend while Billy was asleep in another part of the house. He awoke and approached, without a gun, which he should have had since he had taken the gun of the jail guard that he killed, asking "who is it" in Spanish, which he could speak fluently. The sheriff simply drew his gun and shot Billy dead.

But why would this outlaw, who had a supreme instinct for survival, be staying at a place where he could be so easily found? Why would he be speaking Spanish when everyone that he was dealing with there spoke English? Why would he approach and ask "who is it"?, without a weapon, instead of seeking to escape again? If the sheriff knew that he was there, or could be there, why would be go alone, enter the house, and talk to the friend, instead of surrounding the house with every available lawman?

It doesn't make sense. The official version of his death is less believable than the stories of his survival.

The two known photos of Billy the Kid are among the highest-priced photographs ever, both worth several million dollars. The more recently discovered one is of him with a group of people, outside a cabin, playing what appears to be croquet. The man who is pointing is believed to be Tom O'Folliard, who would be mistaken for Billy the Kid, and killed, by the same sheriff who supposedly would later supposedly kill Billy the Kid.

Why is there so much reverence for a murderer and cop-killer and prison guard-killer that there would not be anywhere else? We could not imagine that anyone like Billy the Kid would be honored and celebrated like this anywhere in the eastern United States, or anywhere else for that matter. Never mind looking for gold in the west, the rare photos of famous outlaws are worth far more.

The only possible answer is that this is not about crime, not at all, it is about sovereignty, the sovereignty of the west. Even though the west never became an independent country, and there was no official war of independence to make it a sovereign country, the spirit of that sovereignty is most definitely still there, and outlaws like Billy the Kid represent that spirit of western sovereignty.

In so many ways, the independent spirit of what could have been the nation of Westland shapes what America is today.

Las Vegas is founded on the spirit of the west. People went west searching for gold. While there is no more known gold that is worth prospecting for, one can still strike it rich by gambling at Las Vegas. During gold rushes, when there are people who have money but there is not much to do, gambling tends to emerge as a form of entertainment.,_Arizona..._Faro_game_in_full_blast._Recognized,_Left_to_right-Tony_Downs_(standing_with_derby)_-_NARA_-_530986.tif


Silicon Valley is in the urban area that is the furthest west that it is possible to go in the continental U.S., the San Francisco Bay area. It is like a gold rush, the city was made by the California Gold Rush of 1849 and it's professional football team is called the "49ers", but with silicon instead of gold.

The western aura of freedom is there. It has been explained that the reason that Silicon Valley is in California is that California law does not allow non-compete clauses in employment agreements, and does not recognize non-compete clauses from other states. Thus, anyone with a new idea in information technology, but whose employer does not want to pursue it, can simply quit their job and bring their idea to California. This is a reflection of the western settlers refusing to comply with laws imposed from 'back east".

In the 1960s, why was Haight-Ashbury also in San Francisco? Because the Hippies were questioning and rebelling against the authority of the establishment, and the part of the country with a special history of questioning the authority of the establishment was the west, and San Francisco is the urban area that is the furthest west in the continental United States.

Also during the 1960s, there were civil rights uprisings by black Americans. The first of the major uprisings was Watts, in 1965. The last, and best remembered today, is the Los Angeles Riots of 1992. But Los Angeles has nowhere near the greatest concentration of black people in the U.S. Why did all of this take place there?

It is because Los Angeles is in the far west of the U.S., and it is the west that has this history of questioning and challenging the authority of the establishment. The Los Angeles Police Department, the notorious LAPD, was supposedly the worst police department in the country. The 1992 riots began after police officers were acquitted of beating a black motorist, Rodney King, after it was caught on camera. But that goes back to the way of the old west, when the law was never quite completely legitimate and a posse of lawmen might include former bandits. Many of the legendary lawmen of the old west, such as Bat Masterson, actually regularly bounced from one side of the law to the other.

In 1969, at the height of the counter-culture movement and civil rights uprising that the heritage of the west was ideally suited for, an obscure musician in Los Angeles named Charles Manson assembled an assorted group of runaways and convinced them to follow him. Ironically he had been taught to play a guitar, while in prison, by a former member of "Ma" Barker's gang, who brought back the outlaw ways of the west during the Depression of the 1930s. Manson believed that the Beatles White Album was meant to communicate with him and that a central feature of Armageddon would be a racial war in the United States. He sent his followers to get that war started by murdering relatively wealthy white people, and making it look as if black people had done it.

In the first such operation, actress Sharon Tate was among the victims. The second operation killed a grocer and his wife. Manson hoped that, following the ensuing apocalypse, he and his followers would emerge as the only ones capable of leading the world. Manson claimed to be Jesus, who is sometimes referred to in the Gospels as the Son of Man. He changed his name to Charles Willis Manson, meaning "Charles' will is man's son", and making himself into Jesus. This is the anti-establishment of the west taken to extremes.

The Unabomber railed against modern technological society, and sent mail bombs to universities and airlines, which is where the "una" in Unabomber comes from. With a position of questioning the authority of the establishment like this, it should have been known that he was operating from somewhere in the remote west. The Unabomber was finally found in rural Montana.

Timothy McVeigh wasn't from the west, but was an anti-government extremist. But the west is the best place in the country for plotting against the authority of the government. McVeigh was drawn to the west, where he sought others who shared his views, and his strike against the supposedly illegitimate authority of the U.S. Government was directed against the Federal Building in Oklahoma City. Just like a throwback to the old days of the west when there was so much resistance to the "back east" establishment imposing it's authority out here that people who would have been considered as murderous criminals anywhere else were taken as heroes.

The beginning of modern mass shootings in America, the use of guns to strike back against an overbearing establishment, would seem most likely to come from the west. Indeed it did, with the shooting from the tower at the University of Austin in 1966. Have you noticed the resemblance between this shooting and the defense of the Alamo, with the defenders taking down as many of the attackers as they could, while knowing that they were not going to get out alive?

A perfect reenactment of the Alamo was the Los Angeles police shootout with the Symbionese Liberation Army, in 1974. Except that the Alamo was made of stone and wouldn't burn. Maybe those inside the house knew of the impact that the sacrifice at the Alamo had on the country, and thought that they would go down in history as heroes who died battling an illegitimate establishment in the same way.

The assassination of John F. Kennedy, by sharpshooting that any old western gunman would be proud of, took place in the west, or at least the "near west" of Dallas. Not far away from the assassination site lived an eight year-old named John Hinckley, originally from Oklahoma who lived mostly in Texas, and who developed a fascination with guns and who would try to assassinate Ronald Reagan in a scene that could have been out of the old west. Reagan himself, formerly governor of California and star of many western movies, just had to be from the anti-establishment west as he went to Washington railing against over-encroaching "big government". Such talk might have come from any western saloon.

At the time of this writing, the most famous law enforcement official in the United States is Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County in Arizona. This is like something out of the wild west. Whoever heard of a police officer becoming famous for just doing their job, without any particularly high-visibility cases? This is certainly building on the nearby legacy of Wyatt Earp, one of the lawmen on the winning side at the OK Corral.

I had wondered about America's Apollo Space Program. The launch site is in Florida, at Cape Canaveral, but the control center is in Houston. Wouldn't it be better to have both in the same place? It makes sense that the launch center is in Florida, right on the east coast. This is because when a rocket takes off, it picks up the momentum of the eastward rotation of the earth, so that the spacecraft goes into orbit in an eastward direction. If anything should go wrong just after takeoff, as with the Challenger Space Shuttle in 1986, the spacecraft will crash into the ocean instead of a populated area. India's launch site is also on the country's east coast.

But space is also an entirely new frontier. America's original frontier, which made it into "The Land Of The Frontier", as we saw in the posting by that name on the world and economics blog, was the west. So, for that reason, the control center ended up being located in the west, at least the "near west" of Houston.

Hollywood, America's movie center, is also in the west. Could it be because so many of the earliest movies that were made were westerns?

The west certainly was not all about people of European ancestry. One of the most fascinating features of the native Indians are the pueblo communities of New Mexico. These dwelling places are many centuries old, from long before the times when New Mexico first belonged to Spain, then to an independent Mexico, then was a United States territory, and then was actually a part of the United States. The walls of the pueblo are thick and made of clay. This acts as a thermal mass by absorbing the heat of the sun by day, and then releasing it at night.

The following scenes are of the well-known pueblo houses in Taos, in northern New Mexico.,-105.5458806,3a,75y,351.56h,107.78t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipO6IfzsBK11pG9Sn4C-1M5dpsUs50UM2jW7zE6K!2e10!3e11!!7i6080!8i3040

These scenes are of the Acoma Pueblo. It is also known as the "City in the Sky", because it is built on a mesa, which makes it more easily defensible.,-107.5874095,3a,75y,130.6h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s-ypdBdjncr7IAIk3SUPsew!2e0!!7i3328!8i1664

As an illustration of how native Indian culture fits into the mix, in the west as in all of the western hemisphere, let's have a look at the New Mexico state capital of Santa Fe. Remember that this is where the Santa Fe Trail led to, from Independence, Missouri. The Old Spanish Trail led from here to California, and another trail led south to Mexico City.

The name of the Santa Fe trail lived on as a prominent American railroad.,_Topeka_and_Santa_Fe_Railway#/media/File:Atchison,_Topeka_and_Santa_Fe_Railway_Herald.png

I believe that, had "Westland" become an independent nation, Santa Fe would have been a good choice for a capital. Most of the buildings and homes in the central area of Santa Fe emulate the building style of the pueblos in New Mexico.,-105.9405303,3a,75y,320h,100t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipP3L64O3Pl1ENg844u4WUQjUld8hhu4QWNuHlDy!2e10!3e11!!7i13312!8i6656 

The border between the U.S. and Mexico is one of the most troublesome borders in the world.

The issue with this border is that it goes against ten thousand years of history. Many of the Indians of the southwest are at least semi-nomadic. That means that they regularly moved around. But then, white people of European background come along. Some of the white people speak English, and some speak Spanish. The two groups draw a border between them, and expect the Indians to comply with the border also.

America had always been about settling the west. I believe that what really brought about the Revolutionary War was not "taxation without representation", or anything like that. It was American colonists serving with Britain in the French and Indian War. The Appalachians had been a major barrier, few American colonists along the eastern seaboard had ever seen on the other side of the mountains. But the French and Indian War allowed many to see, for the first time, the vast and rich lands to the west of the Appalachians. With Britain forbidding further westward expansion, it was only a matter of time before Americans decided to break free and get those lands for themselves.

Extensive westward settlement began as soon as the war ended. Kentucky was the land adjacent to Virginia, on the other side of the Appalachians. Daniel Boone became an early pioneer legend by leading settlers through the Cumberland Gap to Kentucky. The move west continued from there, and the settlers didn't want to get told what to do by the "eastern establishment" any more than the first Americans wanted to get told what to do by Britain. The outlaws of the "wild west" were just reenacting earlier American history, they went down in history as outlaws, rather than as heroes, only because of how that history turned out.

America had to make the west seem so all-American in order to absorb it's independent spirit. The eastern U.S. effectively joined the west to preclude it from becoming a separate country. This is why American politics is so polarized between Democrats and Republicans, representing the independent spirit and contempt for government of the west, it had to literally absorb what could have been a different country. It is still easy to imagine a separate country in what is now the American west, perhaps called "Westland" and with "Home on the Range" as it's national anthem.

Saturday, July 8, 2017

The Theory Of Stationary Space

This is a collection of all writings about the cosmology theory that explains so much about the universe that is otherwise unexplained. As with all of my writings, I do not ask readers to just believe something that I say I have found. The logic is expressed so that you can see by your own reasoning that it must be correct.

This posting, which collects and organizes all postings on this cosmological theory since the summer of 2014, is organized like an ordinary textbook. The original writings about this cosmological theory are on the cosmology blog, . This posting and that blog are two complementary version of the same theory. That could be considered as cosmology 1.0, while this is version 2.0. The ideal, of course, would be to read both.

Two of the sections into which this theory is divided, which are actually chapters if this were in book form, 1 and 5, are divided into sub-sections, which are listed in a table of sub-contents at the beginning of each of those two sections. There are many small sub-sections, within a section, that help to break the information down but are not numbered or listed in the Table of Contents. The sections, or chapters, are organized into seven parts.

Remember that the difference between this cosmology theory and ordinary physics is that if some concept can be described without going into dimensions that we cannot see or the underlying electric charges that compose the universe, then I consider it as ordinary physics. but if those things must be considered then it is part of this cosmology theory.

A good way to navigate here would be two bring up two windows of this posting, and keep one on the Table of Contents.


This is the abstract that I use to introduce this cosmology theory. It is repeated a number of times throughout the theory.

My cosmological theory has the universe as not-quite-parallel strings of matter aligned mostly in one direction in four-dimensional space, although there could be many more than these four dimensions. The direction in which these strings of matter are primarily aligned is the one that we perceive as time, along which our consciousnesses move at what we perceive as the speed of light. We can only see perpendicular to the bundles of strings of matter comprising our bodies and brains. The original two-dimensional sheet of space, amidst the multi-dimensional background space, disintegrated in one of it's two dimensions as one pair of it's opposite sides came into contact. Due to charge migration, to seek a lower energy state, one side was positive in charge and the other was negative. This brought about the matter-antimatter mutual annihilation that we perceive as the Big Bang. The energy in the disintegrating dimension, from the tension between adjacent opposite electric charges, was released. The remaining dimension then consisted of very long strings of infinitesimal cross-section, that we perceive as the particles of matter today. Some of the energy released by the disintegrating dimension went into "welding" the charges of the remaining dimension together as strings of matter. We perceive these strings as particles because our consciousnesses are moving along the bundles of strings composing our bodies and brains, at what we perceive as the speed of light, and we can only see at right angles to our strings.

So, the basics of my theory is a two-dimensional sheet of space, which formed amidst the multi-dimensional background space by the same kind of opposite charge induction, disintegrating in one of it's two dimensions as one pair of it's opposite sides came into contact to create the matter-antimatter explosive mutual annihilation that we perceive as the Big Bang, which began the universe, and which scattered the remaining one-dimensional strings of matter out across space to form the universe that we see today. The strings of matter from the original two-dimensional sheet were scattered across four dimensions of the background space.




1a) Electron approaches a nucleus in space
1b) Alternating electric current and electromagnetic waves
1c) The equivalence of mass and energy
1d) Why Newton's law of equal and opposite reactions and the law that energy can never be created or destroyed is really the same thing
1e) Cosmology and the law of equal and opposite reactions
1f) Cosmology and the nature of electron orbitals
1g) Cosmology and the nucleon-to-proton ratio
1h) Orbits, gravity and electromagnetic waves




5a) Energy, quark theory and, cosmology
5b) The arrangement of electric charges in matter
5c) Matter over four dimensions from a two-dimensional sheet
5d) Applying mathematics to acceleration in cosmology theory
5e) Cosmology and the kinetic energy formula
5f) The least information state
5g) How energy and matter relates to distance in cosmology
5h) Primordial nucleo-synthesis and the alignment of the two-dimensional sheet
5i) The acceleration of the expansion of the universe
5j) How did atoms actually form?
5k) Why is there more matter than antimatter?
5l) The form of electromagnetic waves
5m) Mass and electromagnetic waves
5n) Spheres and galaxies from the two-dimensional sheet
5o) Square Roots And Cosmology
5p) The Mystery Of Neutrinos
5q) Mass Defect And Cosmology
5r) The Higgs Boson

7b) The Inequality Of Spiral And Antispiral


8a) Radiation upon a moving particle being given perpendicular acceleration.
8b) Energy radiated is fourth power of object's absolute temperature.











I would like to explain my cosmological theory, which I originally named "The Theory Of Stationary Space". Just read on and see for yourself how so many of the unexplained mysteries of the universe, from the cosmic scale right down to the quantum scale, just fall right into place if we accept this simple model of the underlying structure of the universe.

The basics of my theory is that matter consists of strings in space that are aligned in mostly the same direction in space, but are not quite parallel to one another. These strings of matter were thrown across four dimensions of space by the Big Bang, which began the universe. The background space consists of infinitesimal alternating negative and positive charges.

A basic presumption of science is that we have an unbiased view of the world around us, and we can completely rely on our measurements and observations. My theory is that we do not have an unbiased view of the universe. We are part of the universe and see it as we do not only because of what it is but also because of what we are. This may not make a difference in other sciences but it does make a difference in cosmology and Quantum Physics, which is about the very nature of the universe.

We can only see and move in three of the four spatial dimensions, the other we perceive as time. In the following diagram, if the bundle of strings comprising our bodies and brains is represented by line A, our consciousnesses is moving in the direction of the red arrow at what we perceive as the speed of light. The dashed red line represents the present, and the three dimensions that we can see in it. 

If a bundle of strings, represented by line B, is aligned parallel to ours we will see it as an object at rest. But since we see in only three dimensions it will appear as an object, such as a sphere, C. A bundle of strings aligned like D will appear as an object moving toward us and E like an object moving away from us. 

The greater the angle the faster it will appear to be moving, at a right angle it will appear to be moving at the speed of light. Electromagnetic radiation, F, is only transmitted or received at right angles to the strings which is why it appears to be moving at the speed of light.

We can prove this with ordinary trigonometry. It is known that an object moving with twice the velocity will impact with four times the force. In this theory an object is represented by a straight level line if it is at rest and a diagonal line if it is moving, like the base and diagonal of a right triangle. The secant, the inverse of the cosine, is the function that shows how much the length of the hypotenuse increases, relative to the base. The secant of 1 degree is 1.0001523. The secant of 2 degrees is 1.00060954. When the angle, which represents velocity, is doubled the increase in length, which represents mass or impact force, is multiplied by four. This only applies at low angles or velocities and not those approaching the speed of light.

But why would velocity, which is a one dimensional line, operate by the Inverse Square Law when a square requires two dimensions? It is because, as shown in the diagram above, velocity is really an angle and the square is because of the area under the line at the angle. Why should there be squares in so many physics formulas that involve only one dimensional movement or change? Because there is another dimension of space that we can't see but perceive as time.

That's it, the fundamentals of the theory. But watch how everything falls into place around this simple model. There is a principle in physics, known as Occam's Razor, which states that the simplest explanation for something usually turns out to be the best explanation.

The greatest mystery of the universe concerns time. What exactly is time, from a physics point of view? I could not find an answer to that anywhere. I decided to find the answer for myself, and that is how I first thought of this model of the universe.

How about the speed of light? We know what it is and can measure it with great precision. But why is the speed of light what it is, and not some other speed? That is what no one could answer.

But this model of the universe makes it nice and simple. Our consciousness is moving along the bundles of strings, which compose our bodies and brains, at a rate which we perceive as the speed of light. That explains why we cannot find any physical explanation of what time is, it is within ourselves as the movement of our consciousness. My theory is that we do not have an unbiased view of the universe, we see it as we do not only because of what it is but also because of what we are. That realization opens the way to a lot of unsolved mysteries falling into place.

The direction in space along which the strings of matter are primarily aligned is the one of the four dimensions that we perceive as time, the other three we experience as space. This is why we perceive the fundamental building blocks of matter as particles, such as electrons, rather than strings. We can only see at right angles to the present position of our consciousness as it moves along the bundles of strings composing our bodies and brains. To see more than this would be to see backwards or forwards in what we perceive as time.

This is also why the speed of light seems to us to be the maximum possible velocity in the universe. The inanimate matter that we see is really at rest, unless we move it. The movement that living things initiate is the only "new motion" in the universe. We perceive bundles of strings as objects in motion if the bundles of strings are not perfectly parallel to one another.

The next answers that unfold around this model of the structure of the universe is the why of both Newton's laws of motion and Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity.

Newton's law that an action will result in an equal and opposite reaction is simply stating that the center line of the mass of strings that was thrown across the universe by the Big Bang must remain constant, and this necessitates that any action result in an equal and opposite reaction.

One of the basic laws of physics, established by Sir Isaac Newton, is that for every action there must be an equal, but opposite, reaction. This is rooted in the cosmology of the universe. The centerline of matter in the universe, which began with the fold in the two dimensional sheet described above, must be maintained as it cannot be changed by shifting within. It is line A in the diagram below. The red arrow indicates the movement of our consciousness. If there is an action, indicated by the bend in line B then, to maintain the balance, there must be an opposite bend in line C.

Newton's law is that an object at rest will remain at rest, and an object in motion will remain in motion, until acted upon by an outside force. This is easily explained if we remember that, in my theory, matter consists of bundles of strings in four-dimensional space. If a bundle of strings is exactly parallel to the bundle of strings composing our bodies and brains, then it will appear to us to be an object at rest. If it is not perfectly parallel to us, it will appear as an object in motion. Any non-accelerating object is simply a straight bundle of strings. When an object appears to us to be either accelerating or decelerating, it means that it is being bent by a force.

These strings also explain why most of the formulae of basic physics are of three parts, with the form A = BC. Examples are Force = Mass x acceleration, D = VT or distance equals velocity multiplied by time, Ohm's Law of I = E/R or electric current equals voltage divided by resistance, K = 1/2 MV squared or the kinetic energy of an object equals one half the mass multiplied by the velocity squared, and Einstein's famous E = MC squared are some examples. This is because all such formulae really involve the bending of bundles of strings that I am describing here. There are only three factors involved: The force bending the strings, the number of strings that are bent and, the angle that those strings are bent. That is why all of these formulae of basic physics have three parts.

Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity describes how all frames of reference revolve around the speed of light. My simple model of the universe explains why this is the case. The speed of light is only something that we perceive, it is the rate of movement of our consciousness along the bundle of strings composing our bodies and brains. This is why it appears to us as the maximum possible speed.

Einstein explained that an object would get more and more massive as it approached the speed of light, until it's mass became infinite when it reached that speed. But why on earth would the speed of an object have anything to do with it's mass? My theory has a simple explanation. An object that we perceive as moving at the speed of light, the apparently maximum possible velocity, is simply a bundle of strings that is aligned at a right angle to our bundle of strings. This means that we would experience the entire mass of the object, which is strings stretched across the universe, as concentrated at one point. If the bundle of strings of the object is parallel to us, in contrast, we would only experience the mass of one cross-section of the bundle at any one time.

Einstein's famous theory of Special Relativity Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity is about the speed of light being absolutely sacrosanct, and mass, time and, length revolving around it. An object moving at the speed of light would have time stop, the length of the object become infinitesimal and, it's mass become infinite.

Although the theory has been abundantly verified it cannot be literally true. Cosmic Ray particles move at, or near, the speed of light, meaning that they should have infinite or near-infinite mass. Since gravity is proportional to mass a single Cosmic Ray particle should be able to wrap the whole earth around it by it's gravity, but yet clearly it doesn't. The fission products in a nuclear reaction or explosion also move at the speed of light, as described by E = MC squared, but they don't tear the earth apart by their gravity.

I find it significant that this theory was introduced in 1905, before nuclear fission had been achieved or it was known that Cosmic Rays are actually particles. The theory is actually what I call a "with us" theory, describing how things would appear to us rather than the way they actually are without us.

The line at bottom in the following diagram represents the bundles of strings comprising our bodies and brains at rest. The red arrow represents the direction of our consciousness, at what we perceive as the speed of light. Acceleration of objects to ever higher speeds is represented by lines A and B. Line C represents the speed of light. It is the maximum possible speed to us because a right angle is the maximum possible angle.

The green segments are equal distances along each line, and shows what is really happening in the Special Theory of Relativity. As the segments are at an increasing angle to us their length, and thus their mass and time, are concentrated in a shorter and shorter length. At the speed of light, the right angle, the future mass and time of the line are concentrated at a single point, from the point of view of the line at bottom. Thus it's mass appears as infinite, while it's time stops and it's length becomes infinitesimal.

Can you see how simple this is?

Matter has mass, while space doesn't, because matter consists of strings and when we move any string or bundle of strings, we are also moving it far into the future dimension of space that we perceive as time. But with space, this is not the case since space consists simply of alternating infinitesimal positive and negative electric charges. So, we see why matter has mass and space doesn't, even though both matter and space ultimately consist of the same negative and positive charges. There is energy in all mass, which overcame the mutual repulsion of like charges necessary to being matter into being, and this is why energy and mass are known to be equivalent.

The following diagram shows that one dimensional strings of like charges With positive charges shifted to one side of the two-dimensional sheet, and negative charges to the other side, and with the charge pattern of the sheet not aligned with the checkerboard of the background space, the negative side of the sheet came in contact with the positive side. This produced the tremendous matter-antimatter mutual annihilation that we refer to as the Big Bang.

Since the sheet was not in alignment with the checkerboard charge pattern of the background space this represented information, and information is really the same thing as energy. One dimension of the two dimensional sheet, the sides that came into contact, disintegrated. This dimension became energy, and this introduced energy into the universe. In the diagram strings of matter, whether negative or positive, are seen in red. The checkerboard pattern of the surrounding background space is seen in black.

The like charges of the matter charges are held together, against their mutual repulsion, by some of the energy that was released by the Big Bang. This internal energy in matter is what we refer to as the Mass-Energy Equivalence. It is also described by Einstein's famous formula, E = MC squared, which basically means that a little bit of matter contains a tremendous amount of energy. Other energy from the Big Bang went into throwing the matter out across space, and some of it we can still detect as radiation from the Big Bang.

Another mystery that it explains, and that proves it is correct, is the spin of neutrinos as they move through space. Neutrinos spin to their left, relative to the direction of travel, while antineutrinos, the antimatter version of the neutrino, spins to it's right. This is from the two dimensional sheet after charge migration had taken place, because it cannot otherwise be explained.

Face your palms toward each other and curl the fingers of both hands. The fingers of one hand curl to the left and the other to the right. That is because the two sides of the two dimensional sheet that came into contact approached each other from opposite directions.

But if the Big Bang can happen once, you may wonder why it couldn't happen again. Maybe it does. If a string, such as an electron, should break, due to some traumatic event such as a supernova or collision between massive objects, it would create a charge imbalance in space that could start a sheet of this same kind of charge replication and migration, until the negative side came in contact with the positive side. This would create the mini replication of the Big Bang that we call Gamma Ray Bursts.

The collapse of a massive star, or the collision between two neutron stars or a neutron star and a black hole, can cause a Gamma Ray Burst. But yet the collision between two black holes does not seem to cause a Gamma Ray Burst. This confirms my theory of both black holes and Gamma Ray Bursts. Black holes are "pure" matter where the very structures of matter, including the strings themselves, have been broken down by the extreme gravity so that there are no strings that can break.

These are by far the most powerful explosions in the universe, and occur on a regular basis across the universe, but are, as of yet, unexplained.

The universe is composed of a near infinity of equal but opposite negative and positive electric charges. The rules are that opposite charges attract, while like charges repel. Energy ultimately overcomes one or the other of these basic rules. If the two electric charges are equal, then the two basic rules must also be equal. This means that, if the mutual repulsion of like charges is overcome by energy more than the attraction of opposite charges, it must leave a net attractive force between matter in the universe, and this is what we perceive as gravity. If the mutual attraction of opposite charges is overcome by energy, it leaves a net repulsive force which we see as the energy carried by electromagnetic waves, which are really only the disturbances in the underlying checkerboard pattern of electric charges in empty space.

Einstein also pointed out that time would slow down as an object approached the speed of light, and would not exist at all when the object reached the speed of light. Once again, my theory explains it very simply. Time is only in our consciousness, as the movement of the consciousness along the bundles of strings composing our bodies and brains at what we perceive as the speed of light. So, an object appearing to us as moving at the speed of light would have all of it's time dimension concentrated at one point as it crossed our bundle of strings, which is at a right angle to the object since an object moving at the speed of light is simply a bundle of strings at a right angle to our bundle as our consciousness moves past at what we perceive as the speed of light.

This also explains why, as Einstein pointed out, the length of an object shortens as it approaches the speed of light. It is a matter of simple trigonometry. An object appears at it's maximum length when it's bundle of strings is parallel to ours and shortens as the angle between the two bundles increases, which we perceive as velocity because our consciousness is moving along our bundle of strings at what we perceive as the speed of light.

What about the most famous formula of the Twentieth Century, Einstein's E = MC squared? This formula means that the energy stored in an object is equal to it's mass multiplied by the speed of light, squared. My theory has a simple explanation for this too. If an object, as a bundle of strings parallel to our bundle, would suddenly have it's component strings which we perceive as particles, suddenly fly apart, this would naturally release energy in the form of moving particles. The maximum possible angle is a right angle, but that is also what we perceive as the speed of light if a particle or bundle of strings is at a right angle to our bundle. That is why, if we got the most energy out of matter by having it's component particles (strings) come apart at the maximum possible velocity, which is really an angle, it would involve the speed of light. The speed of light is squared, or multiplied by itself, in the formula because the particles are moving at what we perceive as the speed of light, and our consciousness is also moving at right angles at that speed so that there are two speeds of light involved.

Nuclear fission Einstein's famous formula, E = MC squared, means that the internal energy in matter equals the mass multiplied by the speed of light, squared. This internal energy, in my cosmology theory, is the energy that holds like charges together, against their mutual repulsion, to form matter. This is why matter tends to consist of electrically charged particles, such as protons and electrons. We also refer to this energy as the Mass Energy Equivalence.

But suppose that the nucleus of a fissionable atom, A in the following diagram, is split by a high-speed neutron, at point B. The positive charges of the nucleus, no longer being held together, would try to get away from each other by the shortest possible route, C and D, since like charges repel. Since these are really bundles of strings that would be right angles in opposite directions. 

Since we perceive such a right angle as the speed of light, that accounts for one of the speeds of light in Einstein's formula. The other speed of light is the movement of our consciousness, indicated by the red arrow in the diagram.

What about memory? How, in physical terms, does a person store the fantastic volume of memories that they have in an object the size of the brain, so that the memories are readily retrievable? The answer is that they don't, it is impossible. But my theory explains it as the brain having another dimension of volume from what we can see. Remember that there are actually four dimensions across which the matter that we are familiar with was thrown across space. One of these dimensions is what we perceive as time because that is the dimension along which the strings of matter of which we are composed are primarily aligned.

What about the Big Bang which we know began the universe? We can detect it's radiation as coming at us from all directions in space, but we cannot locate the point at which the Big Bang took place. If the universe began at one point and then exploded outward, then why can we not detect where in space that point is? My model of the universe makes it simple and clear, matter consists of strings aligned mostly in one direction in our four dimensions of space. This dimension of space is what we perceive as time, because our consciousness is moving along the strings composing our bodies and brains at what we perceive as the speed of light. We can only see at right angles to our present position on these strings, which is why we can detect the radiation from the Big Bang but not the point at which it took place. That point is in our past dimension.

My theory also explains how the Big Bang came about, and why there appears to be an exact balance between the negative and positive charges in the universe. It is because an unbalanced charge will induce an opposite charge and the process will repeat forever. Matter can be explained as such a charge reproduction series which was out of harmony with the original series.

The following diagram shows how the universe began with a single electric charge, whether negative or positive. But the most important rule in the universe is that the two electric charges must always balance out. So what happened is that the first electric charge induced opposite charges on either side of it. But this still left an imbalance so opposite charges were induced on opposite sides of those. The mutual induction continued in multiple dimensions. There would always be an imbalance as the mutual induction continued endlessly because there were two electric charges but there would always be an odd number of total charges. This formed a multi-dimensional checkerboard of alternating negative and positive charges in multiple dimensions. The following diagram shows the process, starting at the top.

The following diagram shows how a two dimensional sheet of space formed that was within, but not contiguous with, the multi-dimensional background space. This lack of contiguity was information, and information is really the same thing as energy. This two dimensional sheet would be the source of matter and energy, everything in the universe except space. It would be a lower information state for it to occupy a 45 degree angle, relative to the charge alignment of the background space, so the discontinuity, relative to the checkerboard pattern of the background space, would be equal on both sides of the sheet.

The following diagram shows that one dimensional strings of like charges With positive charges shifted to one side of the two-dimensional sheet, and negative charges to the other side, and with the charge pattern of the sheet not aligned with the checkerboard of the background space, the negative side of the sheet came in contact with the positive side. This produced the tremendous matter-antimatter mutual annihilation that we refer to as the Big Bang.

Since the sheet was not in alignment with the checkerboard charge pattern of the background space this represented information, and information is really the same thing as energy. One dimension of the two dimensional sheet, the sides that came into contact, disintegrated. This dimension became energy, and this introduced energy into the universe. In the diagram strings of matter, whether negative or positive, are seen in red. The checkerboard pattern of the surrounding background space is seen in black.

The like charges of the matter charges are held together, against their mutual repulsion, by some of the energy that was released by the Big Bang. This internal energy in matter is what we refer to as the Mass-Energy Equivalence. It is also described by Einstein's famous formula, E = MC squared, which basically means that a little bit of matter contains a tremendous amount of energy. Other energy from the Big Bang went into throwing the matter out across space, and some of it we can still detect as radiation from the Big Bang.

What about the multitude of particles that physicists can detect which appear for only an instant and then vanish? There are many more dimensions of space than the three, four including time, that we inhabit. We only inhabit these four because of the throw pattern of our strings from the Big Bang. Our matter strings just happened to get thrown across four dimensions, instead of two or twenty. Entire other universes are right next to us that we cannot access because our matter strings do not extend into those dimensions. Since we can only produce force with matter, no force that we can produce can extend into any outer dimensions.

Strings that appear to us as particles moving at the speed of light, such as some cosmic rays. are strings that share three of our four dimensions so that they cross our space at right angles to our strings alignment. The matter that we see all around us, the ordinary matter in our universe, is strings that share all four of our dimensions. Particles that physicists detect as appearing for the briefest instant, in one place and then vanishing, are strings that share only one of our four dimensions. Particles that exist briefly, and can move over a short range, are strings that share two of our four dimensions. 

Physicists sometimes notice some strange things, such as an electron appearing to jump from one electron orbital in an atom to another without going across the space in between. That is not a problem at all for my theory. Electrons really consist of strings across the universe, and these strings can sometimes break. When physicists detect such a jump in electron orbitals, it just means that, in the progress of our consciousness along the bundles of strings composing our bodies and brains, we have come across a broken electron string with one end in one orbital and the other end in another orbital.

Speaking of electron strings breaking remember that, according to my theory, the first priority of the universe is not the lowest energy state but charge balance. Negative and positive charges must be exactly equal. So, if space consists of alternating and infinitesimal negative and positive charges, and a charged string such as an electron breaks in two or more places in close proximity to one another, charge reproduction will be set in process again as it was in the beginning of the universe. This will result in the creation of new space, but a tremendous explosion will take place when the matter and antimatter sides of this new space come into contact. This explains the fantastic gamma ray bursts, which occur on an average of about once a day across the universe.

It is nearly universally accepted that perpetual motion is impossible. Why, then, are rotating planets and planets and moons in orbit seemingly defying this rule? According to my theory, they really aren't. Rotation and revolution of planets and moons are just bundles of strings that wrapped around each other as the universe was formed. It is our consciousness that is moving along the bundles of strings composing our bodies and brains, causing us to perceive such rotation and revolution which would violate the prohibition against perpetual motion.

Why do the larger planets in our Solar System generally rotate much faster than the smaller planets? This appears to violate the basic rules of mechanics. But my theory can explain it as a bundle of strings, such as a planet grows, new strings and bundles of strings joining the mass must necessarily bend at more of an angle than the earlier strings when the mass was smaller. Thus, larger planets seem to rotate faster.

Finally, what about cryogenics, the science of extremely low temperatures? Strange things happen at such temperatures. If we take a tough and flexible sheet of rubber, and cool it to near absolute zero which is the lowest possible temperature because all molecular motion stops, it becomes extremely brittle so that it shatters like glass at the slightest impact. This cannot be explained by ordinary chemistry, but is easily explained by my version of string theory. Heat is the movement of atoms and molecules, and as they are moving they are actually strings which wrap around one another. When the rubber is cooled to near absolute zero, the strings are no longer wrapped around one another and the sheet of rubber easily shatters.

Something that ordinary chemistry cannot explain is that, if we take a tough and flexible sheet of rubber and cool it to near absolute zero, it will shatter like glass at the slightest impact. But what if atoms are really bundles of strings in four dimensions, as described in my cosmology theory? Heat is perceived as atoms bumping into each other. But in four dimensions it would really be strings wrapped around each other. This would hold the sheet of rubber together, as shown at top in the following diagram. But absolute zero is the coldest possible temperature because it is where all such motion stops. There would thus be nothing to hold the sheet of rubber together, as shown at bottom in the following diagram.

None of this can be otherwise explained, but this theory explains it simply and easily.



This is not about the nature of the electric charges, or how energy relates to the electric charges, but only that space is composed of such charges.



How about some proof of my scenario of space, in the cosmological theory, being composed of a near-infinity of infinitesimal alternating negative and positive electric charges arranged in a multi-dimensional checkerboard?

Consider the two following facts:

When an atom forms, a negatively-charged electron approaches a positively-charged nucleus, because opposite charges attract. But the electron does not usually go all of the way to the nucleus, it goes into an orbital around the nucleus a certain distance away. It is true that electrons can be crunched into protons, to produce neutrons, a process known as K-capture, but that takes place only with the additional pressure within stars.

When matter is brought into contact with antimatter, the two mutually annihilate in a fantastic burst of energy. Antimatter is like matter, except that the electrical charges are reversed. An atom of matter has a negatively-charged electron in an orbital around a positively-charged nucleus of protons. An atom of antimatter has a positively-charged positron in an orbital around a negatively-charged nucleus of anti-protons. A positron is the antimatter equivalent of an electron.

The following diagram shows how a positively charged proton and a negatively charged electron move toward each other by opposite charge attraction to form an atom. But the two do not continue until they crash together. What happens is that the two stop at a certain distance from each other and the electron goes into an orbital around the proton to form a hydrogen atom. But if the two have opposite charges, and opposite charges attract, then why don't they continue until they crash together? Why do they stop with a certain distance still between them?

My cosmology theory explains it as space being composed of the checkerboard of alternating negative and positive electric charges. In the following diagram the positive proton is blue and the negative electron is green. The proton is much larger than the electron, although the charges on the two are opposite but equal. The individual charges of space are displaced, negative charges toward the proton and positive charges toward the electron. This displacement is energy and, when this reaches an equilibrium with the attraction between the proton and electron, the two stop moving toward each other and the electron goes into orbital at a distance around the proton.

This equilibrium depends on the proton being much larger so that more electric charges are between the two. If the proton were the same size as the electron, as the positron of antimatter is, the two will continue together until they mutually annihilate because there will not be enough space that is directly between them.

Here is the question: Why does the electron stop at a distance, and go into an orbital around the nucleus, but yet the electrons in orbitals around atoms can be brought into direct contact with the positrons in orbitals around antimatter atoms so that matter and antimatter can mutually annihilate? Both the antimatter positron and the protons in the matter nucleus are positively-charged.

Remember my scenario of what happens when an electron approaches a proton, or a matter nucleus composed of protons. Space, in my theory, is composed of the infinitesimal multi-dimensional checkerboard of negative and positive electric charges. As the electron approaches the nucleus, the negative electric charge of the electron pulls the positive charges of space toward it but pushes the negative charges of space away from it.

Meanwhile, the positively-charged nucleus or proton is doing the opposite. This upsets the balance of the alternating checkerboard of electric charges in space, bringing like charges closer together and pulling opposite charges apart. This creates a higher energy state in space, that becomes higher the closer the electron and proton or nucleus come to each other. Eventually, an equilibrium is reached between the energy of the displacement in space and the attraction between the electron and proton or nucleus. It is at this point of equilibrium that the electron enters into an orbital around the nucleus, and does not ordinarily approach any closer.

Even though the electric charges on the electron and proton are equal, the proton is actually far larger than the electron. The entire nucleus of the atom, including any neutrally-charged neutrons, is more vast still. A proton actually has 1,836 times the mass of the electron. This means that the negative electric charge on the electron is extremely concentrated, but the equal positive charge of the proton or the entire nucleus is extremely diffuse over a wide area. In antimatter, the same principle applies with the positive charge on the positron being very concentrated in comparison with the nucleus.

Now, stop and think. The diffuse charge of protons in the nucleus means that the space charge displacement between the electron and the nucleus has a much wider area of space over which to take place. In contrast, if both opposite charges are as concentrated as are those of the electron and positron, the zone of space over which the displacement of electric charges can take place as the two approach one another is much less.

As an analogy, consider a light mounted on a pole with a hood over it and pointed at the ground below. The light will illuminate a circular area on the ground. The light represents the electron, and the illuminated area on the ground represents the proton or the entire nucleus. The conic area through which the light is shining represents the zone of space over which electric charge displacement can take place as the two approach one another. In contrast, the area of space within which displacement can take place when an electron approaches a positron is not a broad zone but an extremely limited straight line between the two.

There is resistance to this charge displacement taking place in space by all of the other charges comprising space, because any such charge displacement forces the adjacent charges to displace also. This displacement forces like charges closer together and pulls opposite charges apart, against the basic rules of electric charges. If the approaching opposite charges are too concentrated, this displacement must take place along the narrow zone of a straight line between the two, and the displacement necessary to reach an equilibrium with the incoming attraction between the two cannot take place. This is why the displacement in the electric charges of space cannot hold the electron and positron apart apart. The result is that atoms or objects of matter and of antimatter can be brought together, because the displacement of electric charges in the space between cannot resist it, so that the two can mutually annihilate.

But the displacement in the electric charges of space between the electron and the nucleus takes place over a much wider area of space, due to the diffuse electric charge of protons and nuclei, and the electric charges comprising space are able to displace enough to reach an equilibrium and halt the approach of the electron to the nucleus so that it goes into an orbital around the nucleus.

This shows how, as my cosmological theory holds, space must be composed of a near-infinity of infinitesimal alternating multi-dimensional checkerboard of negative and positive electric charges. This is the only way to explain how matter and antimatter can readily be brought together, even though the electrons and positrons in the outer orbitals of the two are of opposite charges. But an electron being drawn toward a proton or nucleus by opposite charge attraction will not approach all the way to the proton or nucleus, but will stop at a certain distance away and go into an orbital around the nucleus.


Proof that space must be composed of alternating negative and positive electric charges can be seen in a comparison of the properties of alternating electric current and electromagnetic waves in space.

In alternating current, the voltage over time forms a sine wave pattern. The voltage starts at zero, reaches it's peak value, and then drops back to zero. The wave then repeats the pattern in the negative direction, reaching a negative peak before returning to zero. This means that an alternating current flows first in one direction, and then the other. The process then repeats itself. We generate either alternating or direct current according to the configuration of the generator.

Each pair of a negative and a positive wave is known as a cycle. The so-called frequency of a wave is the number of cycles per second. A cycle per second is commonly referred to as a hertz. If the velocity of the wave is considered, we get the wavelength of the wave by dividing the velocity by the frequency. The wavelength and the frequency are thus inversely proportional to one another.

The power in such an alternating electric current is .707 of the peak value. You may notice that .707 is the square root of one-half. The peak value of the wave is known as the amplitude.

The great value of alternating current, as opposed to direct current with a constant direction and voltage and current, is that alternating current can be passed through a transformer to exchange voltage and current. These two components, along with the resistance of the wire, is what an electric current consists of. The current is the actual electrons that are moving through the wire, the voltage is the pressure behind them. In long distance transmission, the inevitable losses are less if the voltage is high and the current is low. When the current reaches it's destination city, the current is stepped back down by transformers.

It is alternating current in a circuit which produces radio waves, when the very high frequency (meaning short wavelength) current is made to flow in an antenna. The frequency that is used in ordinary electric power is far lower than that which creates radio waves. Some countries generate power at 50 cycles per second, and some at 60.

What I want to point out here is the difference between alternating current and electromagnetic waves in that, in alternating current, there is no more power per time in 60 hertz then there is in 50 hertz. But with electromagnetic waves, there is much more energy in higher-frequency waves than in lower-frequency, with the amplitude being the same.

The only way to explain this is that electromagnetic waves are disturbances in space, and that space is really a multi-dimensional checkerboard of alternating electric charges. The greater the disturbance, the greater the energy involved. This is why, with all other factors being equal, waves of shorter wavelengths, and thus higher frequencies, have higher energy than longer waves simply because it means more disturbance in the pattern of alternating electric charges in space. But this energy difference does not apply to the current in the wire, which is simply the movement of electrons.

More shorter waves have more total disturbance in the underlying space then the equivalent length of fewer longer waves, and it is this total disturbance that represents the energy of the wave. This can only be the case if space is composed of alternating negative and positive electric charges.


The essence of the equivalence of mass and energy is that when mass and energy are converted into one another, the total displacement of electric charges from the alternating negative and positive pattern of space remains the same.

I would like to show how my cosmological theory provides a neat explanation of the phenomenon of mass and energy equivalence. This simply means that the mass of anything is equal to the energy within it. This also means that any kind of energy applied to any system adds a certain definite amount of mass to that system. This is true even though no matter has been added.

In my cosmological theory, everything in the universe is composed of infinitesimal negative and positive electric charges. The basic rules of these charges are that opposite charges attract while like-charges repel. It is this alternating multi-dimensional checkerboard which forms empty space.

When there is any concentration of like charges, we have matter rather than space. It is energy that enables the opposition to the basic laws of the electric charges, as well as all the laws of physics, and the energy to weld like charges together into strings of matter came from the Big Bang.

The following diagram shows that one dimensional strings of like charges With positive charges shifted to one side of the two-dimensional sheet, and negative charges to the other side, and with the charge pattern of the sheet not aligned with the checkerboard of the background space, the negative side of the sheet came in contact with the positive side. This produced the tremendous matter-antimatter mutual annihilation that we refer to as the Big Bang.

Since the sheet was not in alignment with the checkerboard charge pattern of the background space this represented information, and information is really the same thing as energy. One dimension of the two dimensional sheet, the sides that came into contact, disintegrated. This dimension became energy, and this introduced energy into the universe. In the diagram strings of matter, whether negative or positive, are seen in red. The checkerboard pattern of the surrounding background space is seen in black.

The like charges of the matter charges are held together, against their mutual repulsion, by some of the energy that was released by the Big Bang. This internal energy in matter is what we refer to as the Mass-Energy Equivalence. It is also described by Einstein's famous formula, E = MC squared, which basically means that a little bit of matter contains a tremendous amount of energy. Other energy from the Big Bang went into throwing the matter out across space, and some of it we can still detect as radiation from the Big Bang.

The reason that electromagnetic waves, such as light and radio waves, display electromagnetism is that the wave in these space charges reveals their underlying electromagnetism.
There is no such thing as energy inefficiency at the level of these fundamental electric charges. All applied energy must "accomplish" something. Since what energy does is to oppose the basic laws of physics, the primary thing for energy to do at this level is to weld like charges in space together.

Since my cosmological theory defines space as an alternating checkerboard pattern of these charges and matter as any concentration of these charges, the thing for the applied energy to do is to join like charges of space, which would usually repel, into the concentrated charges of matter. Since all matter has mass, this means that the application of energy must always add mass, and thus why mass and energy is the same thing.

Doesn't this make it simple?

If somehow the system is reconfigured so that the electric charges which have become concentrated go back to the alternating checkerboard pattern of space the energy that had been applied to the system, and which had held them together, must be released. This is what happens in the mutual annihilation of matter and antimatter. Remember the basic rule of physics that energy can never be created or destroyed, but only changed in form.

When this energy of electric charge concentration is released as electromagnetic radiation, the total electric charge displacement must remain the same, even though it is now spread over a much wider area of space. This must be true because energy results in the displacement of these charges, and energy can never be created or destroyed but only changed in form.

Energy always disrupts the alternating charge pattern in some way. If like charges are concentrated, it results in mass. If the concentrated charges are then dispersed back onto the alternating charges of empty space, it results in the emission of the energy as electromagnetic waves. This mass can readily be transformed into electromagnetic waves, but not as easily the other way around.

Let's consider the binding energy that holds an atomic nucleus together against the mutual repulsion of the positively-charged protons.

The forcing of positively-charged protons together into a nucleus greatly disrupts the alternating charged particles of space in the area. The negative charges in space crowd together between and around the protons, while the positive charges in space are pushed outward and away. It is these outward-driven positive charges of space that attract the negatively-charged electrons in orbitals around the nucleus. This space displacement can, of course, only go so far because there is like-charged repulsion between the displaced space charges of the same charge, and an equilibrium is reached.

The nucleus of a large atom has a certain mass. We know that, if the nucleus is split apart by nuclear fission into two smaller nuclei and several released neutrons, energy is released and the final mass of all of the pieces is slightly less than that of the original nucleus. This is the "energy mass" of the displaced charges of space going back to the original alternating checkerboard of negative and positive charges being released.

How else is it possible to explain the phenomenon of mass-energy equivalence, except by this scenario involving space as alternating negative and positive electric charges as my cosmological theory holds?


A primary goal in both physics and cosmology is unification, meaning to find links between fundamental principles until we have as few such principles as possible. I would like to show how my cosmology theory provides such a link between two of the most important principles of physics.

Consider these two laws of basic physics:

1) Energy can never be created or destroyed, but only changed in form.

2) Newton's Law that every action must result in an equal, but opposite reaction.

My finding is that these two principles are actually the same thing.

A matter-only action-reaction that Newton's Law refers to, such as the flight of a rocket, does not involve the fundamental electric charges of space that are one of the underpinnings of my cosmological theory. These electric charges compose empty space if they consist of a multi-dimensional checkerboard of alternating negative and positive charges. In such a checkerboard pattern, the negative and positive charges balance each other out so that the space has a net charge of zero.

But the energy associated with matter can produce electromagnetic waves, which can upset this balance. It is not actually that the waves, caused by displaced electrical charges in space because like charges repel while opposite charges attract, are electromagnetic but they seem to be because they disturb the charge balance of the underlying space. Matter itself is defined as a concentration of these electric charges where like charges, which should mutually repel, can be next to one another because they are held there by energy.

What energy does is to enable opposition to the basic forces of nature and these negative and positive electric charges of space is the most basic level of all. Electromagnetic radiation can be produced only if these fundamental alternating electric charges of space are involved in the action and reaction. If a rocket is launched it is an action-reaction but does not directly involve the fundamental electric charges of space.

When a negatively-charged electron is drawn by opposite-charge attraction to a positively-charged nucleus, the checkerboard pattern of the alternating electric charges in the space between the two is upset. The positive charges are pushed away from the nucleus and toward the electron, while the negative charges are pushed away from the electron and drawn toward the nucleus.

The following diagram shows how a positively charged proton and a negatively charged electron move toward each other by opposite charge attraction to form an atom. But the two do not continue until they crash together. What happens is that the two stop at a certain distance from each other and the electron goes into an orbital around the proton to form a hydrogen atom. But if the two have opposite charges, and opposite charges attract, then why don't they continue until they crash together? Why do they stop with a certain distance still between them?

My cosmology theory explains it as space being composed of the checkerboard of alternating negative and positive electric charges. In the following diagram the positive proton is blue and the negative electron is green. The proton is much larger than the electron, although the charges on the two are opposite but equal. The individual charges of space are displaced, negative charges toward the proton and positive charges toward the electron. This displacement is energy and, when this reaches an equilibrium with the attraction between the proton and electron, the two stop moving toward each other and the electron goes into orbital at a distance around the proton.

This equilibrium depends on the proton being much larger so that more electric charges are between the two. If the proton were the same size as the electron, as the positron of antimatter is, the two will continue together until they mutually annihilate because there will not be enough space that is directly between them.

But this displacement cannot continue indefinitely because it increases the proximity of like charges in the space, which mutually repel one another. Finally, an equilibrium is reached between the attraction between the opposite charges in the electron and the nucleus and the repulsion between adjacent like charges in the space between them. This is why the electron does not usually merge into the nucleus, but remains in an orbital at a certain distance from it. The distance of the orbital is that at which the mutual attraction between the opposite charges in the electron and the nucleus are exactly equal to the mutual repulsion of the like charges in space which were displaced by the electron and the nucleus.

Matter, in my cosmological theory, is composed of very long strings of like-charged particles of space that have been "welded" together by the energy release of the Big Bang. An electron string, which we perceive as a particle because one of the four spatial dimensions over which the matter from the Big Bang was thrown is what we perceive as time, is actually a string of negative charges which would otherwise comprise space and displaces nearby negative and positive charges, pushing the negative charges away from it and pulling the positive charges toward it.

The energy of displacement is equal to energy that went into “welding” the string together. Remember that what energy always ultimately does is to overcome the basic laws of physics, such as supporting an object in the air against gravity, and what the basic laws of physics eventually come down to is the rules of the fundamental electric charges that opposite charges attract while like charges repel.

Energy, then, always overcomes the mutual repulsion between like charges or the attraction of opposite charges. Holding like charges together is how energy is stored, and if the like charges holding the energy are separated by force then the energy is released, typically as electromagnetic waves through space.

The energy of an electromagnetic wave also results from decreased or missing electron repulsion, which is the displacement between two like-charges electrons. If two electrons are in proximity, the electric charges which comprise space are displaced in the usual way as the positive charges are pulled toward the electrons and the negative charges are pushed away.

If one of the electrons is removed, the space charges which it had displaced will fall back into the usual checkerboard of alternating charges due to the force of the basic rules that opposite charges attract and like charges repel. The energy which had held the charges in the distorted pattern, caused by the presence of the electron, will then be released into space as an electromagnetic wave.

An outer electron, one in a higher orbit around a nucleus, has higher orbital energy due to the greater surface area of orbit in the same way that a satellite in a higher orbit must have more orbital energy. An electron in such a higher orbit is actually, in my theory, a negatively-charged string around the central nucleus. This means that the orbital of an electron in higher orbit has a greater circumference then one in lower orbit, and will thus displace more electric charges of space around the nucleus.

This displacement of charges is, of course, equivalent to energy because it has to hold the charges in a pattern other than the natural checkerboard which keeps opposite charges as close together as possible and like charges as far apart as possible. If the electron were to suddenly drop down to a lower level orbital, there would be less such displacement and the leftover energy would have to be released as electromagnetic waves in space. If an electron is crunched into a proton which forms a neutron, referred to as K capture, or higher electron drops to lower level, it reduces the electron displacement and the excess energy must go somewhere.

If an electron suddenly disappears, or drops to a lower level, the displacement between the electron and nucleus had balanced out, but now that balance is upset and the energy of the displacement radiates outward as an electromagnetic wave. The displacement of the electric charges in space by an electromagnetic wave is equal to displacement if electron would have continued as is into our future dimension.

As we see an electron dropping to lower level, or K capture, only a relative few space charges are displaced, yet it sends out electromagnetic wave that causes almost infinitely more displacement. This shows that electrons must actually be strings.

The reason is that when the electron is in the orbital within the atom, there is one dimension of it's space that we cannot see because it is the one, as described in the theory, that we perceive of as time. But when the charge displacement is released as a wave, it is released in perpendicular dimensions to the bundle of strings which comprise the atom so that we perceive all of the displacement as radiating out into our three-dimensional space.

Can you see now how this cosmological model of space consisting of alternating negative and positive electric charges, and matter as strings of such charges with the same charge and held together by energy shows that the changing of energy from one form to another simply result in a different, but equivalent, pattern of displacement of these electric charges?

This shows that the fundamental principle of physics that energy can never be created or destroyed, but only changed in form, is exactly the same as Newton's Law that any action must result in an equal but opposite reaction. Put another way, any change in the displacement of the electric charges which comprise space due to energy must result in an equivalent displacement in the electric charges which comprise space due to energy.

We usually use Newton's Law of Equal and Opposite Reactions to refer to movements of matter which do not, as far as we usually perceive, involve electromagnetism. The ideal example is that of a rocket. But this shows that the rule of energy being unable to be created or destroyed, but only changed in form, amounts to exactly the same thing.

By the way, the reason that there must always be an equal and opposite reaction for each and every action is that, as explained in my cosmological theory, matter was thrown outward by the Big Bang which began the universe as we know it and, no matter how matter moves around by reacting with other matter by way of energy, the center line of the distribution of that matter must always be conserved,


Has anyone ever thought that Newton's Law of Equal and Opposite Reactions must have cosmological implications? I find it to mean that the universe, as a whole, must be symmetrical.

The reason that the universe must be symmetrical is simple. Information flows through the universe, from the lowest to the highest levels. The lowest level is, of course, the negative and positive electric charges which comprise everything in the universe. Since we know that these two electric charges must always balance out, we can safely conclude that the universe as a whole must be symmetrical because it's structure can only be based on the information in the two electric charges.

My cosmology theory is that this Law of Equal and Opposite Reactions conserves the center line of the matter that was thrown out across the universe in the Big Bang. The universe, as a whole, has to be symmetrical because there is no information to make it otherwise. The Law of Equal and Opposite Reactions maintains that symmetry.

The Law of Equal and Opposite Reactions simply states that when a mass is moved in one direction, an equivalent mass must also be moved in the opposite direction. An ideal example of this is the thrust of a jet or rocket engine, that propels the jet or rocket forward.

For the generally-accepted Big Bang theory to be true, the universe must have begun from one point. My theory is that of a two-dimensional sheet of space, forming from mutual electric charge induction, within but not contiguous to, the multiple dimensional background space. Many people believe that the universe expanded from a singularity. In any case, the Big Bang means a beginning of the universe from a point.

But this means that the lack of further information must bring about a symmetrical universe. If there was the further information, and thus force, that would be required to make the universe asymmetrical that would also have to be balanced, according to the Law of Equal and Opposite Reactions, so that the universe would end up being symmetrical. If the matter in the universe was somehow asymmetrical, there would have to have been an equal and opposite reaction to whatever force made it asymmetrical, so that it would end up being symmetrical. There is no way to get around an inevitably symmetrical universe, since it is based on the information in the fundamental electric charges.

But the matter in the universe, on any scale that we can see, is anything but symmetrical. The pull of gravity makes the local universe asymmetrical, but not the universe as a whole.

Remember that, in my cosmology theory, gravity is based on some of the energy radiated from the Big Bang being re-absorbed by strings of matter. This overcomes the electrical repulsion of like charges to concentrate those like charges into what we perceive as matter. If the two electric charges, negative and positive, are equal then the rules that govern those charges, that opposite charges attract while like charges repel, must also be equal. If radiant energy that is re-absorbed overcomes the repulsion between like charges, to create matter, then that must leave a net attractive force associated with matter, and this is what we perceive as gravity.

(Note-As for this concept of some of the energy released during the Big Bang being re-absorbed by the strings of matter which remain, remember how the orbitals of electrons, which are really strings in four dimensions, would appear to be just like waves if we could view the orbitals in their four-dimensional space, and we know that electromagnetic radiation radiates in waves. I believe that the orbital distance of the electron in a hydrogen atom is related to the wavelength of this primordial radiation).

But the operation of the universe must ultimately be based on the electric charges of which it is composed. The Equal and Opposite Reaction Principle is based on the flow of information from the fundamental electric charges of which the universe is composed. Where there is one electric charge, there must also be the opposite electric charge. Just as the electric charges must be symmetrical, the universe must be symmetrical.

There must be a balance of electric charges, at least on the whole, but the application of energy can concentrate like charges to create matter on the local scale. It follows that symmetry of matter and energy in the universe works the same way. There must be symmetry as a whole but energy, which is really information, can change that on a local scale.

However, this means that not only must electric charge be symmetrical across the universe, concentration of charge must also be symmetrical. Because there is, once again, no other information to make it otherwise. The information that makes the universe symmetrical is rooted in the symmetry of the electric charges of which the universe is composed, positive and negative electric charges always balance out.

But energy, which is actually the same thing as information, makes it such that, while the universe has to have it's electric charges balance out on the whole, that is not the case for a limited area. This is why we see the local universe as asymmetrical, but more symmetrical on a large scale.

In mathematical terms, we could think of the universe in terms of permutations. Arrangements of matter are simply permutations of the electric charges of which everything in the universe is composed. On any local scale, we see only one permutation being manifested out of many possibly permutations. In the electric charges comprising empty space there is only one permutation, that of alternating negative and positive charges. But the application of energy, concentrating like charges to bring about matter, creates more permutations, only one of which can be manifested in any given locality.

This Law of Equal and Opposite Reactions leads back to the original two-dimensional sheet of space in my cosmological theory. This sheet disintegrated in one of two of it's dimensions. The dimension that disintegrated released the energy that we perceive in the Big Bang. The dimension that remains comprises the strings of matter that form the universe as we know it.

But yet this original two-dimensional sheet of space is still being maintained. When a string of matter is detached from the sheet in one direction, an equal string must be detached from the sheet in the opposite direction. The energy released from the disintegrating dimension brings about distance across space, but yet the original two-dimensional sheet must still be maintained. The effects on the disintegrating original two-dimensional sheet must have been equal from all directions, because there was no information that would be required to make it otherwise. This is what results in the Law of Equal and Opposite Reactions.

All of this shows how even something non-electrical, such as the Law of Equal and Opposite Reactions, is ultimately based on the electric charges of which the universe is composed. Their symmetry, the inevitable balance between positive and negative charges, must be reflected in the symmetry of the universe as a whole.


What I would like to discuss is how these alternating multidimensional electric charges which comprise space explain not only why electrons go into orbitals a certain distance from the nucleus, but also the distinct characteristics of the electron orbitals themselves. We can understand how atoms operate, but to fully understand why that is the way they operate it is necessary to bring in the cosmology of the universe.

It takes energy to create a charge imbalance, such as the electrical attraction between electron and nucleus. In fact, creating a charge imbalance is what energy always does. The space in the universe is composed of a multi-dimensional checkerboard of infinitesimal alternating negative and positive electric charges. The basic rules of these charges are that opposite charges attract, while like charges repel, but energy always ultimately opposes these basic rules.

Any two atoms that react with one another must do it to correct a charge imbalance at some level, even though the atoms are not initially ions. This is simply because these electric charges ultimately dominate everything that happens in the universe. The universe always seeks the lowest energy level, because energy must be conserved, it can never be created or destroyed but only changed in form. But the highest priority of the universe is that electric charges must always balance out, even though the basic rules of these charges are overcome by energy to some extent.

The energy in charge imbalances that bring about reactions between atoms must have come about during the fusion process, in which lighter atoms are fused into heavier ones by the tremendous heat and pressure in the centers of stars. But the kinetic energy to drive the fusion process, as with all energy, must ultimately have come from the Big Bang which began the universe. Space comes into being by mutual electrical induction to correct charge imbalances.

Remember my doctrine that all large-scale structures in the universe must reflect the nature of their building blocks. Orbits are an obvious example of how large-scale orbits of moons and planets around stars must reflect the building blocks of electrons orbitals around the atoms of which the moons, planets and, stars are composed. What about the waves that convey energy? Waves in water and sound in air follow exactly the same form as electromagnetic waves in space, with peaks and troughs and wavelengths. This is because the wave pattern is the only information available about the conveyance of energy, it is just that electromagnetic waves are disturbances in the fundamental electric charges of which space is composed, and water waves and sound are disturbances in the mass of atoms. Brick houses are another simple example in that the easiest shape to construct a brick house is the same as that of the bricks of which it is composed. A sphere is the default shape of matter in the universe because of the information in spherical atoms, it is the only information available.

The Big Bang was the explosion which began the universe as we know it, and the energy of the explosion scattered matter across the universe. But part of the energy of the explosion went into changing the products of the explosion, by overcoming the basic rules of attraction and repulsion of the basic electric charges and fusing a concentration of like electric charges into matter. The product of the explosion of the Big Bang is, of course, the matter of the universe.

This shows again how a structure must reflect the nature of it’s building blocks because in some way, some of the energy released in a supernova goes into fusing atoms heavier than iron and nickel in a way congruent to the Big Bang fusing electric charges into matter. This is the only way that these heavier elements are created from lighter atoms being fused together, and is why iron and nickel and lighter elements are exponentially more common than the heavier elements. Remember always my principle that the large scale structure must reflect the nature of it's building blocks.

If the orbits of planets and moons around stars are a reflection of atomic orbitals in the atoms around the nucleus of which they are composed, doesn’t it make sense that the orbitals in atoms must also be a reflection of their building blocks, which are the primary electrical charges of space? If both space and matter is composed of electric charges, then this must somehow be reflected in the nature of atoms.

There are rules governing electrons in atomic orbitals. Electrons orbit the nucleus within well-defined shells. There are a certain number of electrons in each shell. The chemical behavior of an atom is determined entirely by the arrangement of electrons in the outermost orbital shell of the atom. At most, there are eight electrons in the outermost shell. If more than eight electrons fill into the outer shell, the atom will start a new shell. There is a maximum of 32 electrons in any orbital shell of any atom. The number of electrons in each shell of an atom of a given element is known as the electron configuration.

Electrons orbit the nucleus in pairs, with opposite spin. There are four quantum address numbers that define the orbit of each electron. These quantum numbers are like an address system, no two electrons in orbit around a nucleus can have exactly the same four quantum numbers.

The four spatial dimensions of my cosmology theory offers a neat explanation for the maximum of eight electrons in the outermost orbital. There is no “back pressure” of electrons in higher orbitals, to force in and hold more electrons, in the outermost orbital. This means that there must be another factor bringing about the ironclad rule that there can be a maximum of eight electrons in the outermost orbital shell. Since electrons orbit in pairs, it thus fits perfectly that since space in my cosmological theory has four dimensions that this is what determines that there can be a maximum of eight outermost electrons. This does not mean that there could not be more than four dimensions of space, just that the matter of which our universe is composed is scattered over only four of them.

Atoms can join together to form molecules by way of the outermost electron orbital shell. Just as with the arrangement of electrons in the orbital shells, there are rules of the bonds which form between atoms by way of electrons. If an atom has from one to three electrons in the outermost shell, out of the maximum of eight, it will tend to lose those to the other atom. If an atom has six or seven outer electrons, it will gain more electrons when bonding with another atom. But if the atom has four or five outer electrons, it will tend to share those with the other atom.

The bonds that are thus formed are known as ionic and covalent bonds. When an atom loses one or more electrons to another atom, it leaves the atom that lost the electrons with a net positive charge and the atom that gained the electrons with a net negative charge. Since opposite charges attract, this binds the two atoms together. Since atoms with net charges due to unequal numbers of protons and electrons are known as ions, this is called an ionic bond. The other type of molecular bond between atoms is when atoms share electrons, when the atom has four or five outer electrons, and is known as a covalent bond. Ionic bonds are more brittle, the molecules in living things tend to be based on covalent bonds.

The curious fact, that requires special explanation, is that electron shells like to be either full, empty or, half full. This can be seen in the electron configurations of atoms, in comparison with the maximum number of electrons that each orbital shell could hold. The matter of our universe, being thrown out across four dimensions of space, one of which we perceive as time, neatly explains not only why there is a maximum of eight electrons in the outermost orbital shells of all atoms, but also the so-called “octet rule” of why the molecules formed from atoms combining together form in such a way as to have eight electrons on the outside of the molecule.

A larger-scale structure must reflect it’s component building blocks and so the fact that electron orbitals like to be either full, empty or, half full is a reflection of the fundamental charges of space charges not perfectly balancing out, and a seeking after that balance.

There is energy in the molecular bonds between atoms. When we burn fuel or digest food, this energy in the molecular bonds is released. But where does the energy in a molecular bond come from? We know that energy can never be created or destroyed, but only changed in form.

The energy must be the result of the same charge imbalance that brought the atoms together to form the molecule in the first place. Remember the priorities of the universe, the universe “tries” to conserve energy, by seeking the lowest energy state, but it’s most important priority is charge balance. The universe will bring into being all the energy that is necessary to try to achieve charge balance.

My thinking is that the energy in molecular bonds is from the fact that energy always somehow opposes the basic rules of attraction of opposite charges and repulsion of like charges. Molecular bonds form between atoms to relieve a charge imbalance, even though both atoms originally had a net charge of zero and neither atom was an ion.

Given that any large-scale structure must reflect the nature of it’s component “building blocks”, the formation of molecules from atoms even though neither was an ion and, the curious fact that electron shells in atoms “like” to be either full, half-full or, empty is a reflection of the fact that there is no such thing as partial electric charges in space, other than quarks which have never been detected on their own. There is only a negative charge of 1 and a positive charge of 1.

That is why the fabric of space, the alternating negative and positive electric charges in multiple dimensions, originally formed by mutual induction. The one charge to begin with had to induce an opposite charge next to it to relieve the charge imbalance, which then had to induce another of the original charge next to it, and so on in multiple dimensions. There can be no partial charges, other than quarks which in my theory are composed of a mixture of charges, and this is reflected in the larger scale of atoms in that there is pressure on electron orbital shells to be either full, half-full or, empty. This “pressure” to be full, half-full or, empty can only be from electric charges because there is no other force at that scale.


Protons in an atomic nucleus are positively-charged, while the electrons in surrounding orbitals have a negative electric charge so that the attraction between the opposite charges holds the atom together. But if there is more than one proton in the nucleus, which is the case with all elements except hydrogen, then there will be mutual electrical repulsion between them because like charges repel just as opposite charges attract.

The reason that elements heavier than hydrogen can exist at all is the presence of neutrons. A neutron has a neutral electric charge, an overall charge of zero, and neutrons act to bind the protons together in the nucleus, against their mutual electrical repulsion.

Elements heavier than hydrogen are fused together from hydrogen and other lighter elements by the tremendous heat and pressure in the centers of stars. During this process of nucleo-synthesis, neutrons are created by crunching a proton and an electron together. Since the proton has a positive charge, and the electron a negative charge, the resulting neutron has an overall charge of zero.

The sun is now in the process of crunching four atoms of hydrogen into one atom of helium. An atom of hydrogen is the simplest of all atoms with just one electron in an orbital around one proton. An atom of helium has two protons and two neutrons. This means that two of the hydrogen atoms which went into forming the helium atom had their proton and electron left intact, and the other two had their electron and proton crunched together to form a neutron. The two neutrons in the helium atom hold the positively-charged protons together against like-charge mutual repulsion.

As a general rule, as we move to heavier elements there are a greater number of neutrons relative to protons in the nucleus. The total number of protons and neutrons together are referred to as nucleons. A nucleon is thus either a proton or a neutron. Take gold, for example, it has 197 nucleons of which 79 are protons. That means that it's nucleon-to-proton ratio is 197 / 79, or nearly 2.5. Helium, in contrast as a much-lighter element, has four nucleon of which two are protons so that it's total nucleon-to-proton ratio is exactly 2.0.

Another factor in atomic nuclei is isotopes. An element is defined by the number of protons in the nucleus. There is no such as the same element with differing numbers of protons. Helium always has two protons in the nucleus, if it doesn't have two protons then it isn't helium.

But the same element can have differing numbers of neutrons in the nucleus of it's atoms. Atoms of the same element, meaning that they have the same number of protons, but with different numbers of neutrons, are known as isotopes.

There are even isotopes of the lightest element, hydrogen, which usually does not even have neutrons. A few hydrogen atoms do have a neutron, along with the one proton, and these atoms are of the isotope known as deuterium. Even fewer hydrogen atoms actually have two neutrons, these are the isotope known as tritium.

You may have heard of "heavy water". A molecule of water contains one atom of oxygen and two of hydrogen, the familiar H2O. But molecules of heavy water contain a high proportion of deuterium, instead of the usual hydrogen with no neutrons, sometimes referred to as protium. Heavy water is actually heavier than normal water. One of it's uses is as a nuclear moderator, to slow neutrons down but not to absorb them. Unlike ordinary water, it will not absorb neutrons because the hydrogen atoms in it's molecule already contain neutrons.

In an atom, the electrons in the orbitals around the nucleus are considered to have so little mass as to be inconsequential in expressing the mass of the atom. The so-called "atomic weight" or "atomic mass" is simply the number of nucleons in the nucleus. A proton has a mass 1,836, and a neutron 1,837 times the mass of an electron. But since there are isotopes, with different numbers of neutrons, the standard atomic mass of an element is expressed as an average of the numbers of nucleons, taking into account that some isotopes are usually much more common than others.

The most familiar example of isotopes and neutrons holding protons together in the nucleus is, of course, the fission of a uranium nucleus when it is split by a fast-moving neutron. This split releases two or three more fast neutrons so that more nuclei are split, and the process continues as a chain reaction.

But not just any uranium can be split in such a way. The vast majority of uranium atoms have 238 nucleons, of which 92 are protons. The presence of 146 neutrons holds the nucleus together too tightly for it to be split.

But about one uranium atom of every 140 is of a lighter isotope, with only 235 nucleons meaning only 143 neutrons. This is commonly referenced as U-235, and is what has to be used to sustain a nuclear reaction with uranium. With fewer neutrons, a nucleus of U-235 is not held together as strongly and can be split by a fast neutron. The elaborate process of separating U-235 from U-238 is known as "enrichment".

Another route to nuclear fission is by using plutonium, in place of uranium. Plutonium is made by bombarding uranium with neutrons, so that the uranium nuclei capture some. But this results in too many neutrons in the nucleus for the most stable state. Some of the excess neutrons undergo beta decay, one of the three types of radioactivity, to turn a neutron into a proton. This gives us a new element altogether, plutonium, which, like U-235, can undergo nuclear fission because the new element with the additional protons in the nucleus is not too strongly held together. Any elements can theoretically undergo fusion, being crunched together in stars, but only these two are known to be able to undergo fission, being split.

With that background information on nuclei and isotopes, I would like to point out something today that I find really interesting and that requires special explanation.

The usual pattern is for the nucleon-to-proton ratio to increase as we move to heavier elements. We saw that the light helium has a nucleon-to-proton ratio of 2, while the heavy gold has a ratio of nearly 2.5. But the lowest nucleon-to-proton ratio is actually oxygen, which has 8 protons. Considering the isotopes of oxygen, and their differing atomic mass, it's nucleon-to-proton mass ratio is actually slightly below 2.

If this ratio should increase as we move to heavier elements, then how could oxygen with it's 8 protons have a ratio that is actually lower than helium, which has only 2 protons? This requires some special explanation.

We see, by looking at a periodic table with the average atomic mass of each element, that the ratio does not increase at an even rate. For one thing Lithium, with 3 protons, has a higher nucleon-to-proton mass ratio than Beryllium, which has 4 protons. In fact we see that atoms among the lighter atoms with protons in multiples of 3, have a higher ratio than atoms whose number of protons are multiples of 2 or 4.

We have seen how special is the number 8 with regard to the electrons in orbitals in an atom. There are rules governing electrons in atomic orbitals. Electrons orbit the nucleus within well-defined shells. There are a certain number of electrons in each shell. The chemical behavior of an atom is determined entirely by the arrangement of electrons in the outermost orbital shell of the atom.

At most, there are eight electrons in the outermost shell. If more than eight electrons fill into the outer shell, the atom will start a new shell. There is a maximum of 32 electrons, which is a multiple of 8 ( 4 x 8 ), in any orbital shell of any atom. The number of electrons in each shell of an atom of a given element is known as the electron configuration.

The four spatial dimensions over which the matter of the universe is scattered, of my cosmology theory, offers a neat explanation for the maximum of eight electrons in the outermost orbital. The explanation also covers why, when atoms combine into molecules, they tend to do so in such a way that will result in there being eight outermost electrons.

If an atom has from one to three electrons in the outermost shell, out of the maximum of eight, it will tend to lose those to the other atom. If an atom has six or seven outer electrons, it will gain more electrons when bonding with another atom. But if the atom has four or five outer electrons, it will tend to share those with the other atom. This keeps eight electrons on the outside of molecules, and is known as the "Octet Rule".

This also explains why an atom of oxygen with 8 protons has the lowest nucleon-to-proton mass ratio of any atom. There is something special about the number eight.

It is because, if matter is scattered over four dimensions of space, and there are two opposite directions in each dimension (such as left and right, or forward and backward, or up and down), then there are eight directions and if each direction supports either a proton in the nucleus or an electron in an orbital, then the number 8 is the one that is most supported by the electric charges of the background space.

The nucleus in an oxygen atom has 8 protons, one in each direction in four dimensions of space, so that the protons are lined up in harmony with, and are supported by, the electric charges in the background space. This is why it has less need of neutrons to hold the mutual repulsion of the protons together, it has something else holding it together and thus has slightly less need of neutrons than other atoms.

This is why it's nucleon-to-proton mass ratio is the lowest of all elements, even though the ratio generally gets higher as we move up to heavier atoms. It also shows why atoms with multiples of 3 protons tend to have a higher ratio. It is because that number of protons cannot "line up" effectively with the eight directions in the four dimensions of the background space. If we had only the three dimensions of space that we can see, that would not be the case.

This means that we must have four dimensions of space, over which matter was scattered by the Big Bang. That means that there is one that we cannot see and since we cannot otherwise explain what time is, the clear conclusion is that it is an unseen dimension of space.


In my cosmology theory, gravity is electrical in nature. Everything in the universe, both space and matter, is composed of infinitesimal negative and positive electric charges. The basic rules of the electric charges are that opposite charges attract while like charges repel. These rules will tend to arrange the charges in an alternating checkerboard pattern of negative and positive charges, and that is what empty space is.

If energy is applied to the electric charges it goes to overcome the mutual repulsion of like charges. This produces a clumping of like charges that we see as a particle of matter such as an electron.

But if the two electric charges are equal then the basic rules of the charges, that opposites attract and likes repel, must also be equal. That means that if energy overcomes the mutual repulsion between like charges to bring about matter, it must leave a net attractive charge that is associated with matter. This is what we refer to as gravity.

In quantum theory, an electron can be described as either as a wave or particle. We generally think of electrons as particles but the particle model alone cannot describe all of the observed properties of electrons. The wave model is necessary as well. This shows the relationship between electromagnetic waves and electron orbitals.

There is a principle that I pointed out in the compound posting, "Orbital And Escape Velocities And Impacts From Space", but have not yet applied it to the cosmology theory.

The orbital velocity of the earth is five miles per second and the escape velocity is seven miles per second.

This means that, if we could fire a projectile upwards at such a speed, it would either go into orbit around the earth, at five miles per second, or escape earth's gravity altogether, at seven miles per second. Keep in mind that this does not apply to rockets. It applies only to "ballistic" flight with no internal means of propulsion. To get a rocket into orbit or to leave earth's gravity altogether, all that is necessary is to keep the engine running. These two velocities are somewhat theoretical, since putting an object in orbit or beyond by purely ballistic flight has never actually been done.

But remembering that these two velocities are rounded and approximate, because the earth's gravity is not perfectly even from one place to another, what do you notice about them that is very interesting?

Alternating electric current, used in ordinary household electricity, is essentially an electromagnetic wave through a wire. The strength of the current starts at zero, reaches a peak value, goes back to zero, then repeats the process in the negative direction to complete one wave cycle. We have seen how electromagnetic waves very much resemble orbits, and how this is where the information for orbits came from. 

The thing that is so interesting is that the total power of alternating current is defined as .707 of the peak value of the wave. The way that this is calculated is known as Root Mean Square, or RMS. You may remember that .707 is the square root of one-half.

What about the earth's orbital and escape velocities? Considering that the figures are rounded and are difficult to calculate exactly due to variations in the earth's gravity, notice that the escape velocity is just about exactly .707 of the escape velocity.

This demonstrates, once and for all, how orbits are related to, and based on, the information in electromagnetic waves. If a projectile launched upward at the peak value of the orbital energy, or greater, it will continue on into space. If it is launched at the square root of one-half of the peak value of the orbital energy, it will go into orbit.

What is the definition of the peak value? It depends, of course, on the planet. When we throw a ball up into the air, it reaches a certain height, and then comes back down. My theory, as described in "Orbital And Escape Velocities And Impacts From Space", is that if a projectile can be launched so that it reaches an altitude that is equal to the planet's radius, it will not come back down.

Can you see how orbits, gravity and, electromagnetic waves are related, as described in my cosmology theory? Waves are where the information came from for the orbits. It is gravity that controls these orbits, and gravity is electrical in nature.


The two electric charges are what the whole universe, both space and matter, are made of. But there is no information anywhere as to what these positive and negative charges actually are. There is an article on Wikipedia, "Electric Charges", which details all of how the charges interact, but it has nothing on what the charges actually are.


I think I have put together, in the cosmology theory, how the fundamentals of how the universe operates can be explained by these electric charges, how they interact with energy and with each other.

All we know is that the charges are not even particles, they are mere points of information in some way. One is negative and one is positive, although the names do not really mean anything and could just as easily be reversed. opposite charges attract one another, while like charges repel. According to my cosmology theory, energy always ultimately goes to overcome one of the two basic rules of the charges, attraction or repulsion, so that like charges, which would otherwise mutually repel, can be concentrated to form matter.

All that defines these charges is how they react to other charges, whether like or opposite. But there must be something that defines what the difference is between the two electric charges.


I see that there are two ways  to look at these electric charges which comprise both space and matter. One way is to see the electric charges as points alternating negative and positive in a checkerboard pattern in multi-dimensional space. The other way is to see the charges as the actual dimensions themselves, with the two charges being perpendicular to one another in forming dimensions of space.

It is truly ironic that the symbols for positive and negative electric charge are + and -, because they can actually be expressed as two perpendicular dimensions.

The entire universe, both space and matter, consists of near-infinitesimal electric charges. There is a very short distance called "Planck's Length" that shows up in physics formulas. That is because it is the scale of electric charges. Space is a multi-dimensional checkerboard of alternating negative and positive charges and the charged particles composing matter are like charges, whether positive or negative, held together against their mutual repulsion by energy.

I see electric charges as oblong bits of information, being defined as positive or negative according to how they are aligned relative to each other. One direction is positive and the other negative, just like building blocks or the brick pattern below in the image from Google Street View. Two building blocks with the same alignment naturally resist being put together, as this would be a higher information state, and attract one with the opposite alignment.

You can see in the diagram below that, if charges aligned in the same direction can be held together by energy, they would form a string, and that is where our strings of matter come from. If matter and antimatter is reacted together their charges rearrange into the alternating checkerboard of empty space and the energy that was holding like charges together, against their mutual repulsion, is released as radiation, but negative charges remain negative and positive remain positive.


Usually the most fundamental bit of info, other than electric charge, is location. An electron, for example, seems to be a mere point particle with no other information than it's location and that it has a negative charge. But it is electric charges that form and define space. There must be some information in electric charges, to differentiate a positive from a negative charge, but that information cannot involve location because it is the charges themselves which create space, and thus location, and so the information that has to be in the electric charges must be expressed in some other way.

Distance is the most basic form of information, other than simply location which there was nothing to define yet when electric charges first appeared. Remember that time is not such basic information because, in my cosmology theory, it exists only in our consciousness. If the information that must exist in electric charges, to differentiate them from one another, manifests as distance then this would explain how particles of matter are really long strings in four-dimensional space, one of the spatial dimensions being what we perceive as time. It would also explain why the almost infinitesimal length, known as Planck's Length, shows up in so many formulae of quantum physics, it is the length of one of these bits of information which are actually the electric charges which comprise the universe.

The fact that the two electric charges together make it look like it is not they they are actually "different" from one another, but because there are two possible angles at which negative and positive charges can intersect. My cosmology theory has the entire universe beginning with a single electric charge, which induces an opposite charge next to it, and which then repeats the process indefinitely, in multiple dimensions. But if an electric charge must be a bit of information that can induce an opposite charge next to it, then the opposite charge must really be the same info.

It is as if a line in one direction wants an identical line in the perpendicular direction, before there is another line in the same direction. This would not be adding any new information, which would present a problem because it doesn't exist, but the same information with a perpendicular alignment. Then the adjacent opposite charge that is induced by this perpendicular charge must be perpendicular to it meaning that, if it is in the same dimension, it will be parallel to the original charge.

This indicates that negative and positive charges are really the same information, as they must be if they can induce one another, but in either a parallel or perpendicular alignment. The new information cannot be of a different length, or at an angle other than parallel or perpendicular, because there is nothing to define it as such.


These one-dimensional bits of information, that we perceive as electric charges, form a structure as a combination of parallel and perpendicular alignments, and always default to the most stable structure. Parallel is the least stable, and perpendicular is the most stable. Stable, of course, means of the lowest energy state and lowest information state. The structure can maintain a less-stable arrangement only if there is energy to support it.

For a charge to automatically replicate itself as an adjacent opposite charge is actually the lower information state, and so is thus favored. Because if there is just a fundamental bit of information, defines as a length, the question arises as to which direction it should point. It would require additional information to define one potential direction over all the others. So, it replicates itself in a perpendicular direction to solve the higher information state dilemma. The second charge, which is opposite in electrical charge to the first one, does the same to create and exact copy of the first charge, the process then repeats.

The same concept applies to dimensions of space as to the individual charges of which the dimensions are composed. Creating only one dimension out of all possible dimensions would actually be a higher information state, because additional information would be required to define why that particular dimension was created instead of all the other possible dimensions. Since those other dimensions would have to be expressed in the information anyway, it would be a lower information state to just create them all with none being special. Remember that infinity is not really a number and an infinite number of something is actually less information than specifying a particular number. I define infinity as a fraction with zero as the denominator, meaning that it has a complexity of zero.

So, the bits of information that we perceive as electric charges seeks the lowest information state, which is also the lowest energy state because energy and information is really the same thing, by replicating in all possible dimensions instead of only one. This indicates that there is most likely an infinite number of dimensions because it would mean the most stability. The most stability means, of course, the lowest information or lowest energy state.

Remember the rules here that energy and information is really the same thing, because we cannot add information to anything without also applying energy to it and we cannot apply energy to something without adding information to it. Also, when two objects interact they will do so in the way that requires the least information. One way to see that energy and information is really the same thing is how the faster two cars are moving when they collide, the more energy they have, the more damage, in other words the greater the change in information, will be if they collide.


Electric charges can be explained as very short lines of information with a strict rule about balance but which can be overcome, to some extent, by energy. These charges will always try to produce the most secure structure, the lowest energy state, possible with the lines, inducing new lines if necessary. Energy is used to add security to the structure, so that the usual security of the structure can be reduced. This is what forms matter, which my cosmology theory has as parallel strings of like charges held together by energy. The energy in matter, which supports it in this otherwise less-stable structure, is what we refer to as the Mass-Energy Equivalence.

The entire universe, both space and matter, consists of near-infinitesimal electric charges. There is a very short distance called "Planck's Length" that shows up in physics formulas. That is because it is the scale of electric charges. Space is a multi-dimensional checkerboard of alternating negative and positive charges and the charged particles composing matter are like charges, whether positive or negative, held together against their mutual repulsion by energy.

I see electric charges as oblong bits of information, being defined as positive or negative according to how they are aligned relative to each other. One direction is positive and the other negative, just like building blocks or the brick pattern below in the image from Google Street View. Two building blocks with the same alignment naturally resist being put together, as this would be a higher information state, and attract one with the opposite alignment.

You can see in the diagram below that, if charges aligned in the same direction can be held together by energy, they would form a string, and that is where our strings of matter come from. If matter and antimatter is reacted together their charges rearrange into the alternating checkerboard of empty space and the energy that was holding like charges together, against their mutual repulsion, is released as radiation, but negative charges remain negative and positive remain positive.


An electric charge is a fundamental bit of information. When there is not yet anything to define location, the most fundamental form of info is a number which is most easily expressed as length. This fundamental bit of information can replicate itself, because such replication is not adding any new information. There are two ways in which these identical bits of information can relate to one another, and that is why we perceive that there are two electric charges. Opposite charges, actually perpendicular directions, support one another because their mutual support means that there is energy that is no longer needed, and that energy is what pulls opposite charges together.

In the opposite way, like charges do not support one another but require additional energy to force them together. This is why a negative charge string, that we perceive as an electron, requires some of the energy that was released by the Big Bang to "weld" it together against the mutual repulsion of like charges, and this energy in matter is what we see as the mass-energy equivalence. The energy that holds the like charges of matter together is like someone who pulls a beam out from a building, giving it a less-stable structure, but then stands there and holds it so that it does not fall.


When two like charges are brought together, the lowest-energy solution would seem to be for one of them to turn into the opposite charge. But this would set off a chain reaction which would upset the charge balance of the entire universe, and can happen only in a black hole. We cannot change one charge into an opposite charge, and then create a copy of the original to replace it, because that would create a charge imbalance.

We can express mathematically my observation that the first priority of the universe is electric charge balance, the number of negative and positive charges must always be equal, and the second priority is that the universe always seeks the lowest energy state. The relative number of the electric charges in the universe, can be expressed as the fraction 1/1. But remember my formula for the complexity if a number is the value of the denominator when the number is expressed as a fraction. (This means that high numbers are not necessarily more complex than lower numbers because all whole numbers are really X / 1). If there were even one more of one of the electric charges, in relation to the number of the opposite charge, then the relative number of electric charges would have to be the numbers of the charges themselves, which is essentially infinity, meaning that it would require a number of essentially infinite complexity to express the relative numbers of the charges, instead of the simple 1/1. This makes charge balance the lowest information state, and thus by far the lowest energy state. Having a single one of one charge, relative to the opposite charge, means essentially infinite complexity because of the information required to detail why this one charge in particular, out of all the charges in the universe, was the extra one. The seeking of the lowest energy state is the second priority because it involves far less information.

Put simply, if there were one fewer of one electric charge than the other in the universe, the charge balance ratio would have to be expressed as :

infinity / infinity -1

But the actual number of infinity in digits would, of course, have to be written out.

When there is the concentration of charge in matter, we may wonder why half of the charges do not just change into the opposite charge so that all could then go back to the lower energy state of space. But this would create a local charge imbalance and remember that the highest priority of the universe is charge balance, a far higher priority than the seeking of the lowest energy state. Even though there would not be an overall universal charge imbalance, because for the concentration of charge as matter, there would have to be a concentration of opposite charge somewhere. but the rearrangement that it would take represents a higher energy state than the energy that must be present to hold the arrangement of mutually-repelling like charges together into matter.

The only exception is if the two concentrations of like charges are brought into direct contact because at that point, a matter-antimatter mutual annihilation takes place and the energy that was holding both sets of like charges together is released. Such a matter-antimatter reaction does not occur in atoms, between negatively-charged electrons and positively-charged protons, because the electric charge of the protons and neutrons are far less concentrated than that of the electrons.

The seeking of the lowest energy state governs the possibility of changing one electric charge into another. We could divide a pile of garbage in half, turn one half into antimatter, and then react the two together. Not only would we be permanently rid of the garbage, but we would get a fantastic amount of energy released, the mass-energy equivalence of both the matter and antimatter. While this wouldn't be breaking any basic rules, because the charge balance would still be maintained, it would bring about a massive redistribution of charges, which would take in the entire universe. This shows that we are dealing with a structure of electric charges, and changing one into another would affect the entire structure.

This makes it seem as if one charge cannot change into the opposite charge, except in the extreme environment of a black hole, for the same reason that charge balance is the first priority of the universe.


The reason that the electric charges of space form dimensions is because the charges literally are dimensions. Dimensions form right angles to one another is because that is the angle between the charges. Two dimensions of space are one set each of the two charges, with the sets perpendicular to one another. This is why squares or cubes are the only shapes which can be joined together with no excess space.

But then this brings us to the question of why space is square, because it is the shape that can fit together with no leftover space, but the default shape of matter made of atoms, including the atoms, are spherical. This includes all bodies of matter formed by gravity, such as stars and planets. The two basic geometric shapes are the square and the circle, any other shape can be made by combining these two.

The sphere is the opposite shape to the square. There are two electric charges. Space is square, because that is the shape that will fit together with no excess space, but matter, both atoms and spheres, are the opposite shape. This is because there are two opposites with charges, like and opposite.


So many things are explained by this concept of what the fundamental electric charges are.

A single charge can introduce the opposite charge, but not the same charge, if necessary to bring about the most stable structure. by charge balance. This is simply a charge replicating it's own information, but in the opposite perpendicular alignment. Remember that repetition is not information and thus is not adding any new information or energy. This model thus neatly explains how the universe can come into being, starting with a single charge, by mutual charge induction.

This model clearly explains why the first priority of the universe is charge balance, and the second priority is the seeking of the lowest energy state. Both represent the most stable structure, with stability being the lowest information and thus the lowest energy state. Charge balance is the highest priority due to the complexity of a number being the value of the denominator when the number is expressed in fractional form.

This model of the nature of electric charges explains why energy always goes to overcome the basic rules of electric charges, and it overcomes the repulsion between like charges first. This is because the overcoming, by energy, of the repulsion between like charges requires no further information, while an overcoming of the attraction between opposite charges requires a definition of length because it involves the length of the electric charges (Planck's Length).

This also neatly explains how energy can fuse like charges together to form the strings of matter that we perceive as particles such as electrons. Energy crunches the parallel lines of like charges together into these one-dimensional strings.

Another neat explanation is of how a concentration of electric charge, held together by energy into matter, can distort the structure of space by pulling opposite charges closer and pushing like charges away, due to the lattice structure of the two charges aligned in perpendicular directions, which has some flexibility.

This model explains why electric charges form dimensions of space and why one-dimensional strings of matter are so important to the cosmology theory, because charges literally are dimensions. Parallel dimensions are like charges, perpendicular dimensions are opposite charges. Their forming of right angles is why space is square. This is why right angles rarely occur in matter, by nature, and the sphere is the dominant form of matter in the universe. The information in matter is held by like parallel charges, not the perpendicular charges of space, so that the dominant form of matter, the sphere, is the opposite shape to that of the square of space. (You may notice that the rules of geometry fit into this scenario of the nature of space due to electric charges).

It also explains why, when matter and antimatter is brought into contact, it represents a lower energy state to have individual, rather than collective, units together and so the units rearrange in this pattern which we see as empty space and the energy that held the like charges, parallel lines, together is released.

It also neatly explains how a black hole decays while releasing radiation. Under extreme gravitational pressure, the lines of charges can be rearranged to the perpendicular direction so that opposite, rather than like, charges are next to one another. A black hole is where opposite charges can become parallel. This changes a negative charge to a positive, and vice-versa, but this is not breaking any basic rules as long as it changes both charges equally. This can happen only in a black hole because it is a closed environment, of extreme gravitational pressure, and so can be done without upsetting the charge balance of the entire universe. The energy that was holding like charges together is released as radiation and that is why black holes emit radiation and eventually evaporate as the electric charges rearrange back into the alternating checkerboard of empty space.

Another explanation that this model of the electric charges provides is how the electric charges of space hold electromagnetic waves. The tilt of the lattice structure of the perpendicular charges is what conveys the information that is in an electromagnetic wave. The top of the wave represents the maximum tilt. The trough of the wave has the same tilt, but in the opposite direction.

It explains how, in my cosmology theory, there can be a two-dimensional sheet of space that is within, but is not contiguous to the multi-dimensional background space. The perpendicular angles between the charges in the two-dimensional sheet did not line up with those of the background space, but were at some angle that was less than perpendicular. The tilt of this original two-dimensional sheet of space, relative to the parallel and perpendicular angles of the background space, gives us both the energy of the mass-energy equivalence and also the energy to fuse like charges of this two-dimensional sheet into strings of matter as well as for electromagnetic radiation. The energy of the angular difference between this original two-dimensional sheet and the background space, that did not go into fusing strings of matter together or into producing electromagnetic radiation, remains today as the average angle of strings of matter that appear to us to be in motion relative to the perpendicular angles of the background space. It could be said that matter is the overcoming of like-charge repulsion by energy while motion is overcoming the perpendicular arrangement of the background space.

The following diagram shows how a two dimensional sheet of space formed that was within, but not contiguous with, the multi-dimensional background space. This lack of contiguity was information, and information is really the same thing as energy. This two dimensional sheet would be the source of matter and energy, everything in the universe except space. It would be a lower information state for it to occupy a 45 degree angle, relative to the charge alignment of the background space, so the discontinuity, relative to the checkerboard pattern of the background space, would be equal on both sides of the sheet.

Finally, this shows how Newton's Law of Equal and Opposite Reactions is actually rooted in the information of the electric charges which comprise the universe. Just as a charge in one direction must induce a charge in the perpendicular direction, so any action must bring about an equal, but opposite, reaction. Not having this action-reaction law would effectively change the charge balance of the universe because energy acting on matter accelerates the matter to what we perceive as velocity but this is actually the stings of matter at an angle to what their alignment would be at rest. Changing this angle, through acceleration alters the angle of the string of electric charges relative to the parallel and perpendicular angles of the background space thus changes the overall charge balance and so must be balanced by an equal, but opposite reaction, to maintain the charge balance.

Newton's Law One of the basic laws of physics, established by Sir Isaac Newton, is that for every action there must be an equal, but opposite, reaction. This is rooted in the cosmology of the universe. The centerline of matter in the universe, which began with the fold in the two dimensional sheet described above, must be maintained as it cannot be changed by shifting within. It is line A in the diagram below. The red arrow indicates the movement of our consciousness. If there is an action, indicated by the bend in line B then, to maintain the balance, there must be an opposite bend in line C.


There is both a geometric and an electric way of looking at why it takes an infinite amount of energy, according to Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity, to accelerate an object to the speed of light.

The geometric way of looking at it is that force can only be applied in perpendicular directions from the bundles of strings that we perceive as objects at rest, in my cosmological theory. Velocity is simply the angle of the bundle of strings, with horizontal being an object at rest and vertical, at a right angle to the object at rest, being what we would perceive as the speed of light. As force is applied to accelerate the object, which is really bending the bundle of strings to a greater angle, the force on the object gets less and less as the angle between the accelerating bundle of strings to the direction of the force being applied gets less and less. At the speed of light, the bundle of strings of the accelerated object would be parallel to the direction of the force being applied, so that the force would have no effect on accelerating, which is really bending, it further.

Einstein's famous theory of Special Relativity Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity is about the speed of light being absolutely sacrosanct, and mass, time and, length revolving around it. An object moving at the speed of light would have time stop, the length of the object become infinitesimal and, it's mass become infinite.

Although the theory has been abundantly verified it cannot be literally true. Cosmic Ray particles move at, or near, the speed of light, meaning that they should have infinite or near-infinite mass. Since gravity is proportional to mass a single Cosmic Ray particle should be able to wrap the whole earth around it by it's gravity, but yet clearly it doesn't. The fission products in a nuclear reaction or explosion also move at the speed of light, as described by E = MC squared, but they don't tear the earth apart by their gravity.

I find it significant that this theory was introduced in 1905, before nuclear fission had been achieved or it was known that Cosmic Rays are actually particles. The theory is actually what I call a "with us" theory, describing how things would appear to us rather than the way they actually are without us.

Remember that a basic presumption of science is that we have an unbiased view of the world around us, that we can completely rely on our measurements and observations. My theory is that we do not have an unbiased view, we are part of the universe and see it as we do not only because of what it is but also because of what we are. So many otherwise unexplainable things then fall into place.

The line at bottom in the following diagram represents the bundles of strings comprising our bodies and brains at rest. The red arrow represents the direction of our consciousness, at what we perceive as the speed of light. Acceleration of objects to ever higher speeds is represented by lines A and B. Line C represents the speed of light. It is the maximum possible speed to us because a right angle is the maximum possible angle.

The green segments are equal distances along each line, and shows what is really happening in the Special Theory of Relativity. As the segments are at an increasing angle to us their length, and thus their mass and time, are concentrated in a shorter and shorter length. At the speed of light, the right angle, the future mass and time of the line are concentrated at a single point, from the point of view of the line at bottom. Thus it's mass appears as infinite, while it's time stops and it's length becomes infinitesimal.

In terms of the electrical way of looking at why, if everything is made of two electric charges, and in Einstein's relativity everything revolves around the speed of light, wouldn't it make sense that the two should be connected?

If my model of electric charges as identical bits of information but that can be arranged either parallel or perpendicular to other charges is correct, electric charge reverses, or actually apparently reverses, as an object is accelerated from rest to the speed of light. The reason that we perceive a bundle of strings comprising an object to be moving at the speed of light when it is bent at a right angle is ultimately due to this parallel and perpendicular nature of opposite electric charges.

The entire universe, both space and matter, consists of near-infinitesimal electric charges. There is a very short distance called "Planck's Length" that shows up in physics formulas. That is because it is the scale of electric charges. Space is a multi-dimensional checkerboard of alternating negative and positive charges and the charged particles composing matter are like charges, whether positive or negative, held together against their mutual repulsion by energy.

I see electric charges as oblong bits of information, being defined as positive or negative according to how they are aligned relative to each other. One direction is positive and the other negative, just like building blocks or the brick pattern below in the image from Google Street View. Two building blocks with the same alignment naturally resist being put together, as this would be a higher information state, and attract one with the opposite alignment.

You can see in the diagram below that, if charges aligned in the same direction can be held together by energy, they would form a string, and that is where our strings of matter come from. If matter and antimatter is reacted together their charges rearrange into the alternating checkerboard of empty space and the energy that was holding like charges together, against their mutual repulsion, is released as radiation, but negative charges remain negative and positive remain positive.


Notice how this concept of electric charges as parallel or perpendicular to one another fits with the geometric explanation of why it would take an infinite force to accelerate an object to the speed of light, which is really bending the bundle of strings that we perceive as the object to a right angle. The accelerating force has the maximum effect when it is perpendicular to the bundle of strings of the object, just as opposite electric charges are perpendicular to one another, and it has the minimum effect when the accelerating force is parallel to the bundle of strings that we perceive as the object, just as like charges are parallel to one another, as the object nears the speed of light, which is really the bundle of strings nearing a right angle.

When at the 90 degree angle of the speed of light all electric charges, whether in matter or space, must reverse. Remember that the two opposite charges are perpendicular to one another. The electric charges of space are alternating as before, but are reversed from negative to positive. All charges, including those composing the spacecraft itself and any matter it may pass, are reversed because they are seen from a perpendicular angle.

The simplest analogy is looking at the side of a box. If the box was rotated 90 degrees, representing the speed of light, we would see a perpendicular side of the box, representing an opposite electric charge, instead of the original side.

A spacecraft moving at the speed of light would see all changes in itself and it's crew as the same as when the spacecraft was at rest, but matter at rest and matter at the speed of light would have to see each other's charges as having been reversed.

In the same way, Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity states that an observer at rest would perceive an object moving at the speed of light as having infinite mass. but this is just because it is, according to my cosmological theory, now a bundle of strings bent at a right angle so that, as our consciousness passes by on the bundles of strings at rest that comprises our bodies and brains, we see the entire nearly-infinitely long bundle of strings of the object all at one instant, instead of stretched out parallel to us.

An object at the speed of light does not really have infinite mass because, as my cosmological theory points out, that would mean that it also must have infinite gravity. There are particles in cosmic rays moving at, and near, the speed of light and if they really had infinite gravity, even one such particle would wrap the entire universe around itself. Bur we, from our perspective of our consciousness moving along the bundles of strings comprising our bodies and brains, would perceive it as having infinite mass.

If it takes an infinite amount of energy to accelerate an object to the speed of light, it must also cause it to have infinite mass when it reaches the speed of light because of the well-known mass-energy equivalence. But if the infinite mass is only apparent to an observer at rest, and not actually real, then this indicates that the infinite amount of energy that it took to accelerate it to the speed of light is not real either, and this shows the truth of the geometric way of explaining why it takes an infinite amount of energy to accelerate an object to the speed of light, as described above

Accelerating an object to the speed of light means an apparent rearrangement of the electric charge pattern of the entire universe. But the charges do not actually change, and there is no change in the balance of charges. It is just that the spacecraft now sees the universe from a perpendicular, rather than a parallel, direction since, in four-dimensional space, an object moving at the speed of light is actually a bundle of strings bent at a right angle.

Reversing all of the charges in an object, and accelerating it to the speed of light, are actually the same thing. It brings about an apparent reversal of the charges. Reversing the charges within an object, without this acceleration, would mean that it would become antimatter which is simply matter with the electric charges reversed.

But now a question arises. What about the products of nuclear fission? When a nucleus is split by a moving neutron during fission, the two resulting halves of the nucleus are both positively-charged. They will thus logically rush apart from one another along the most direct possible route which, in my cosmological theory, would be in the diametrically opposite directions that would represent the right angle bend in the bundle of strings comprising the object as the speed of light. This is why, according to my cosmological theory, the speed of light is squared, or multiplied by itself, in Einstein's famous formula for the conversion of mass and energy, E = MC squared. C represents constant, which is the speed of light. There are two speeds of light, so that it can be squared, because there is first the fission products rushing apart at the speed of light and then the speed of light of our consciousnesses rushing past, along the bundles of strings representing our bodies and brains, at the rate that we perceive as the speed of light. The reason that the two positively-charged halves of the former nucleus do not reverse charge as they suddenly travel at the speed of light is that they are not being accelerated, as the spacecraft would be, they were forced together into the nucleus by the pressure of nucleo-synthesis in a star, and now are just reverting to their natural state.

Einstein's famous formula, E = MC squared, means that the internal energy in matter equals the mass multiplied by the speed of light, squared. This internal energy, in my cosmology theory, is the energy that holds like charges together, against their mutual repulsion, to form matter. This is why matter tends to consist of electrically charged particles, such as protons and electrons. We also refer to this energy as the Mass Energy Equivalence.

But suppose that the nucleus of a fissionable atom, A in the following diagram, is split by a high-speed neutron, at point B. The positive charges of the nucleus, no longer being held together, would try to get away from each other by the shortest possible route, C and D, since like charges repel. Since these are really bundles of strings that would be right angles in opposite directions. 

Since we perceive such a right angle as the speed of light, that accounts for one of the speeds of light in Einstein's formula. The other speed of light is the movement of our consciousness, indicated by the red arrow in the diagram.

This is the electrical way of explaining why it takes an infinite amount of energy to accelerate an object to the speed of light, it actually means reversing all of it's electric charges. We know that a concentration of charge, such as an electron, affects the electric charges in the space around it by attracting opposite charges toward it and pushing like charges away from it. If the charges in the object were reversed, then these affected charges in nearby space would also have to be reversed. This would affect the charges further out in space so that literally the whole universe would be affected by the acceleration of an object to the speed of light. This is why it takes an apparently infinite amount of energy.

There is a connection between the energy of mass in an object, that is released during a matter-antimatter reaction, and the energy that would be necessary to accelerate the object to the speed of light. The energy of mass, the source of the well-known mass-energy equivalence, would actually be enough to accelerate it to only 2/3 of the speed of light, the difference being due to the energy that would have been in empty space anyway, we will see this explained later. There is also some energy in the tension between the adjacent opposite charges of empty space.

A matter-antimatter reaction is concentrated negative and positive charges, held together in matter by energy, being brought into direct contact so that the charges rearrange themselves back into the alternating charges of empty space, and the energy that held them together is released. There is a fantastic burst of energy as both the matter and the antimatter vanishes back into space.

In terms of this parallel-perpendicular model of electric charges, a matter-antimatter reaction is when charges are parallel, that would otherwise be perpendicular, and can be brought into direct contact because they are held in place as matter by energy. Upon contact, they rearrange, between parallel and perpendicular, into the usual alternating pattern of charges of empty space, and the energy that held them in place is released.

A hypothetical collision between an object moving at the speed of light and an object at rest would have to create a matter-antimatter reaction. But then it would not be affected by the energy of collision because that was the energy that went into turning the object now at the speed of light to perpendicular, so that there could be a matter-antimatter reaction. There would be no additional energy released from the force of the collision.

Relativity has the speed of light affecting time and distance. Since both of those are ultimately based on electric charges, doesn't it seem that the speed of light is what is really affecting those charges? The velocity of the speed of light affects time and distance, which are the components of velocity. But why would it affect electric charges like this unless this scenario of parallel and perpendicular electric charges was correct? The right angle in four-dimensional space that we perceive as the speed of light must therefore be based on this parallel and perpendicular nature of electric charges.



This is about how so much about the fundamental nature of the universe that we see around us fits neatly into the sheet model of the Big Bang that is a part of my cosmology theory.

Distance across space between matter is really recreating the energy side of the Big Bang, which began the universe as we know it. The sheet model of the Big Bang is that space in the universe formed by infinitesimal negative and positive electric charges, with each creating an opposite charge next to it by mutual induction to maintain the overall charge balance of the universe. This took place in multiple dimensions.

These alternating negative and positive electric charges were not multiplying by mutual induction within space, they actually were space. This is why electromagnetic waves are so-called. The waves disturb the charge balance of the underlying space, exposing it's electromagnetic nature.

An "orphan" sheet of two-dimensional space formed by the same process within the background space. Not being coordinated with the background space, this sheet was therefore effectively bent relative to the background space. Charge migration took place within this sheet, positive charge to one side and negative to the other, because this brought about a lower overall energy state.

The following diagram shows how a two dimensional sheet of space formed that was within, but not contiguous with, the multi-dimensional background space. This lack of contiguity was information, and information is really the same thing as energy. This two dimensional sheet would be the source of matter and energy, everything in the universe except space. It would be a lower information state for it to occupy a 45 degree angle, relative to the charge alignment of the background space, so the discontinuity, relative to the checkerboard pattern of the background space, would be equal on both sides of the sheet.

The following diagram shows how the universe began with a single electric charge, whether negative or positive. But the most important rule in the universe is that the two electric charges must always balance out. So what happened is that the first electric charge induced opposite charges on either side of it. But this still left an imbalance so opposite charges were induced on opposite sides of those. The mutual induction continued in multiple dimensions. There would always be an imbalance as the mutual induction continued endlessly because there were two electric charges but there would always be an odd number of total charges. This formed a multi-dimensional checkerboard of alternating negative and positive charges in multiple dimensions. The following diagram shows the process, starting at the top.

In this theory, the universe always seeks a lower energy state although maintaining charge balance is it's first priority. This charge migration, which is also seen in black holes and is what causes them to eventually decay and release energy, cannot take place in the background space simply because there are too many dimensions, while in the sheet there were only two dimensions.

The two opposite sides of the sheet of space came into contact, producing a massive matter-antimatter mutual annihilation that we know as the Big Bang. But only one set of opposite sides of the sheet came into contact, the other two did not. The dimensional bonds in the sheet dissolved, but only in one of the two dimensions, the bonds in the other dimension remained intact.

The result is that very long one-dimensional strings of matter were thrown out across space by the force of the explosion. These strings form the fundamental particles of matter today, such as electrons. All of the energy in the universe, which moves matter, originated with this energy.

Our bodies are made up of bundles of these strings, our consciousness moves along our bundle of strings at what we perceive as the speed of light. This is why we perceive the strings as particles, because one of the four dimensions of space across which the strings were thrown is what we perceive as time. This simple theory explains just so many things that cannot be otherwise explained including: What caused the Big Bang? What exactly is time? Why is the speed of light what it is? Why can we store such a fantastic amount of memory into a space the size of our brains (Because this theory means that there is actually another entire dimension to our brains)?

I originally came up with this theory because I could find no rational scientific explanation of what time was so, I came up with my own answer and this theory fell into place around it.

Distance between matter in space is recreating the energy of the Big Bang because it is a sheet of space that brought about the Big Bang. One dimension of the sheet gave us matter, and the other dimension gave us energy.

The energy in space is proportional to distance. For a simple example, an object falling from twice the height as another will have 1.414 times the velocity as it impacts the ground (1.414 is the square root of two), and twice the energy of impact. It requires twice the energy to get an object to twice the height, such as walking up twice as many stairs or burning twice as much fuel, and so we get twice the kinetic energy back when it impacts the ground. Remember that an object moving at twice the velocity has four times the energy so an object moving at the square root of two times the velocity will have twice the energy.

But if that is true about an object falling from a height, then what about electrons in orbitals around nuclei in atoms? There is still energy in height above the nucleus, in accord with this concept that distance between matter represents energy, even the potential energy due to gravity does not apply in the same way as in falling objects. The more distance per electron is added or subtracted, the more energy is exchanged.

This energy in the distance of electrons can be seen in the formation of molecules of carbon by the energy in sunlight. The combustion of the resulting carbon compounds, such as oil or coal, releases the energy. The energy in such carbon bonds is not the same thing as the energy that it takes to break the bonds.

The energy in the bond is governed by distance. Covalent molecular bonds, as opposed to ionic bonds, is where atoms are bound together into molecules by the sharing of electrons in the outer orbitals. But this means that the electron or electrons in outer orbitals must move further than in the component atoms alone, and thus they have energy by way of distance. This distance between matter is equivalent to energy, according to the theory, it is what absorbs the energy of sunlight falling on the leaves of a plant and this energy is released if the plant is burned.

Ionic bonds tend not to have this same energy because they are formed by one atom losing an electron to another, so that one becomes a negatively-charged ion and the other positively-charged so that they undergo mutual attraction.

In summary bringing in space, in other words distance, between matter is recreating the energy dimension of the two-dimensional sheet of space that existed prior to the Big Bang. It takes energy to construct it and that energy is released when it is deconstructed.


My cosmological theory holds that the matter and energy in the universe originated with a two-dimensional sheet of space that formed within the multi-dimensional background space. This sheet did not have it's two dimensions aligned with those of the background space so that it became curved relative to those background dimensions, and one side of the sheet came in contact with the opposite side.

Space, the background multi-dimensional space as well as the two-dimensional sheet, is composed of infinitesimal alternating negative and positive electrical charges. The tension between these charges, remember that opposite charges attract while like charges repel, contains energy.

Usually, energy conservation is the priority of the universe and it always seeks the lowest energy state. An object falls to the ground because it takes less energy for it to be on the ground than to be maintained in the air. But there is one higher priority that the universe has, that of charge balance of the fundamental electric charges.

To conserve energy in the two-dimensional sheet of space, charge migration took place. This meant one side  of the sheet becoming negatively-charged, while the other side became positively-charged. This migration conserved energy because there is tension between the adjacent opposite charges of space, and it reduced that tension. This charge migration did not take place in the multi-dimensional background space because there were too many dimensions to coordinate this migration together. There could be far more than the four dimensions, one of which we perceive as time, that the matter of our everyday universe was thrown across.

It created a lower energy state, as shown in the following diagram, due to the attraction and repulsion of the electric charges in the surrounding background space, for charge migration to take place in the two dimensional sheet of space, mostly positive charges to one side and negative to the other. Mixed charges were in the middle. Electrons formed from the far negative side and positrons from the far positive side.

But these two opposite sides which came into contact mutually annihilated in a matter-antimatter explosion. Only one pair of opposite sides of the sheet had come into contact, so one dimension of the two-dimensional sheet disintegrated while the other remained intact.

The one dimension of the sheet which remained intact formed the charged strings, which compose matter as we know it today. The other dimension which disintegrated became the energy of the universe, and the matter-antimatter explosive annihilation of that dimension is what we perceive as the Big Bang which began the universe. The energy of the Big Bang actually was, of course, the energy that was saved by shifting the sheet to a lower energy state by the charge migration.

The strings of matter were thrown out across four dimensions of the background space, although there may be many more. We perceive these strings as particles, such as electrons, because the bundles of strings composing our bodies and brains is aligned mostly along one of these four dimensions of space and that is the dimension that we perceive as time.

But if matter is just strings in straight lines, one dimension of the two-dimensional sheet, which were thrown outward across space by the Big Bang, then where did the energy of the other dimension of the sheet go?

What we perceive as the speed of light is actually a string or a bundle of strings at a right angle to the alignment of the bundle of strings composing our bodies and brains. The reason that we would perceive strings at right angles as moving at the speed of light is because that is actually the velocity that our consciousness is moving along the bundles of strings that are our bodies and brains. The strings can bend at angles to one another, and this provides complexity over distance on the bundles of strings, and it requires the complexity that can be packed into 186,282 miles, or 300 million meters, to give us one second of consciousness.

The speed of light appears as the maximum possible speed simply because a right angle is the maximum possible angle. Put another way, the speed of light fully incorporates both dimensions of the original two-dimensional sheet so there can be no speed which we see beyond this.

This implies that there should be enough total energy in the universe to propel every fundamental particle of matter to at least near the speed of light. Indeed, this is what we see in cosmic rays. The speed of light, then, represents matter and energy, the two dimensions of the original sheet, coming back together. The speed of light represents matter matched up with it's equivalent energy so that it appears to be in motion at the maximum possible velocity.

By far the most powerful explosions in the universe are those which are the result of the mutual annihilation of matter and antimatter. Antimatter is similar to matter, but the electric charges are reversed. Whereas atoms of ordinary matter have a negatively-charged electron in orbitals around a nucleus of positively-charged protons, atoms of antimatter have a positively-charged positron in orbitals around a nucleus of negatively-charged anti-protons.

As far as I know, we could not tell that a distant galaxy was made of antimatter simply by observation, since both would handle light in the same way. But when matter and antimatter are brought into contact, they mutually annihilate in a fantastic burst of energy. Such a matter-antimatter mutual annihilation is far more powerful than an equivalent nuclear explosion because all of the matter in the matter-antimatter reaction is converted into energy.

My cosmological theory holds that everything in the universe, both space and matter, is made of infinitesimal electric charges. If the charges alternate between negative and positive, we have space. If there is any concentration of charges, other than alternating negative and positive, we have matter.

The primal rule of electric charges is that opposite charges attract, and like charges repel. This means that there must be energy in any concentration of charges, to overcome this basic rule. This is what energy does, it opposes the basic forces of the universe. When a matter-antimatter mutual annihilation takes place, the concentrations of charges are broken back into the simple alternating charge pattern of empty space and the energy holding them together, against the basic rules of the charges, is released.

This is why both the matter and antimatter seems to vanish and a tremendous amount of energy is released. There is energy in the tensions of the electrical bonds of the alternating charges in empty space, but there is more energy when there is a concentration of charge when like charges are together in matter. The volume of energy released is the difference between that within the concentrations of charges, the matter and antimatter, and that of empty space.

We could say, then, that a matter-antimatter mutual annihilation accomplishes the same as accelerating matter to the speed of light. Both bring back the union of the matter and energy sides of the original two-dimensional sheet of space. The speed of light results from strings of matter being bent at a right angle so that it now covers the energy dimension of the sheet. A matter-antimatter mutual annihilation dissolves the bond between the matter and energy sides of the sheet, it is energy holding the charges of space together as matter, so that it turns back into the empty space of the sheet.

This brings about the interesting conclusion that there is a connection between the energy released upon matter-antimatter mutual annihilation and the energy required to accelerate matter to the speed of light. There must be as much energy per matter in the universe as there is within that matter that would be released upon matter-antimatter annihilation of that matter.

Mass is equivalent to the total energy in something because energy and mass are equivalent. If the mass is dissolved and all the energy is released, such as in a matter-antimatter mutual annihilation, the mass is converted into energy which moves away at the speed of light. This can only mean that, to accelerate the mass to the speed of light, but leaving the mass intact, would require an amount of energy that is within the mass simply because mass is equivalent to energy.

My logic is that this original sheet of space must have existed because it so perfectly explains the nature of the universe that we see today. Both matter moving at the speed of light and matter and antimatter undergoing mutual annihilation accomplishes a rejoining of the two dimensions of the original sheet, and so both must involve the same amount of energy per matter.

Put simply, there is as much energy in matter as it would take to accelerate that matter to the speed of light. If matter and energy are equivalent, as they are also in Einstein's Special Theory Of Relativity, then it cannot be any other way. Both accomplish the joining of matter and energy into space.

Another Einstein observation, with regard to the Special Theory of Relativity, is that a small amount of matter being equivalent to a tremendous amount of energy. But this is due to our perspective in the dimensions of space. Bundles of the strings of matter are aligned mostly in the dimension of space that we perceive as time. This means that we cannot, at any given moment, see all that an object is. We can only see it in our present moment, so that strings of matter in four dimensions actually seem to us as particles such as electrons.

My theory is that matter and energy occupy perpendicular dimensions of space. A tremendous amount of energy seems to be equivalent to a small amount of matter but that is only because we cannot see one of the dimensions of the matter. But when the energy is released that is equivalent to matter, it is released into the three dimensions that we can see.

Energy from matter is released at perpendicular directions from the strings of matter because, of course, matter and energy arose from perpendicular dimensions in the original two-dimensional sheet of space. This is why it appears to us that a small amount of matter contains a tremendous amount of energy when, even Einstein said that both must be equivalent.

We see the energy released in all of it's dimensions, but the matter minus one of it's dimensions because it it that apparently missing dimension of the matter that we perceive as time. This adds further proof to this cosmological theory here. Einstein was referring to nuclear physics and binding energy, the idea of antimatter did not come along until later.

This brings us to a new view of energy conservation with regard to electromagnetic radiation. In my cosmological theory, electromagnetic waves are disturbances in the even alternating pattern of negative and positive charges in space that results from the movement of some kind of concentrated electric charge. Electromagnetic waves propagate outward in space, becoming lesser in amplitude with distance according to Newton's Inverse Square Law.

I would like to add to our understanding of electromagnetic waves that the displacement of the electric charges of space must be equal before and after the energy is radiated, all that changes is the direction to the perpendicular.

Suppose that there is an electron within an atom that drops down from a higher energy orbital to a lower energy one, so that the leftover energy is released as electromagnetic radiation. Remember that the atom is a bundle of strings, of which the electron in the orbital is one. Remember also that electromagnetic waves are so-called because it is space that has a balance between alternating negative and positive electrical charges in multiple dimensions, and the waves passing through space disturb this balance to make it seem that the waves are electromagnetic.

Consider all of the electric charges in the space between the two orbitals, these electrical charges of space were once within the electron's orbital but now are outside it. The electrical charges of space that are displaced by the wave after the electron drops down and the energy is thus released must have their total displacement equal to the difference in the electrical charges between the two electron orbitals. It takes energy to displace the electrical charges of space and energy must always be conserved, it cannot be created or destroyed.

Instead of stretching out across the universe, in the space between the two electron orbitals, the displacement of fundamental electric charges of space is shifted to radiating out across the universe in perpendicular directions as electromagnetic waves. The total space charge displacement remains the same, only the direction is changed to perpendicular.

This can only mean, once again, that the atom is actually strings which stretch into a dimension that we cannot see but which we perceive as time. It also shows how energy is equivalent to displacement of the primary electric charges that compose space, but this is just what we should expect if energy originated from a dimension of the two-dimensional sheet of space.

What energy basically does is makes it possible to oppose the basic forces of the universe, such as gravity. At the subatomic level, there is no such thing as energy inefficiency as all energy must "accomplish" something. Energy is passed around by matter, even electromagnetic radiation in space must have originated with matter, so that energy can never be created or destroyed but only changed in form.

The reason that all of the matter from the Big Bang was not thrown outward at the speed of light is that some of the energy of the Big Bang went into "welding" the electrical charges in the strings of matter together from the component electric charges of space. The reason that there is any energy in the universe today besides this is that there was some energy in the space that became strings of matter already as the tension between the alternating electric charges of empty space. It is this extra energy from the Big Bang that was put in to weld like charges together into strings of matter that is released upon a matter-antimatter mutual annihilation, as the matter effectively turns back into empty space. 

This "welding" of like charges together into strings of matter by the energy of the Big Bang is similar in concept to the creation of atoms heavier than iron and nickel, which form only during the actual explosion of a star in a supernova because their formation requires an input of energy that cannot come from ordinary nucleo-synthesis. It is known as the R-process, for rapid, as opposed to the usual S-process, for slow.

Matter, like space, is composed of electric charges. Such charged strings of matter that we perceive as particles get together into a kind of "zero unit", where all of the charges ordinarily balance out to zero. These "zero units" are what we refer to as atoms.

The truly surprising thing about an atom is how much of it is actually empty space. The analogy that is often used is that of a small pebble in the middle of the playing field of a large stadium to represent the nucleus, with the electrons being mere dots moving about the stands in orbit around the nucleus.

If there is enough energy in the universe to accelerate every fundamental particle to the speed of light then why do we never see large objects, not particles such as cosmic rays, moving at anywhere near this speed? It is simply because the "loose" energy in the universe, other than that in the tension between the alternating electric charges of space, goes into so many other things.

Let's look in another way why there is not enough energy to accelerate an object to the speed of light within the object, even though the energy in it would certainly radiate away at the speed of light if it were to be released by a matter-antimatter mutual annihilation.

Using the illustration of the hypotenuse of a right triangle, an object accelerated to the speed of light would have a hypotenuse that is essentially infinite because the hypotenuse, representing the motion of the object, would become the height of the triangle. This is why Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity stipulates that it would require an infinite force to accelerate an object to the speed of light. But if the same amount of energy that was within an object, according to the mass-energy equivalence, was applied to accelerate the object, it would mean a hypotenuse that is twice as long as the base, representing the object at rest.

Geometrically, we find this in a right triangle with the lengths of the sides 1 and the square root of three, and a hypotenuse with the length of 2. This means that if energy was applied to accelerate an object that was equal to the mass-energy equivalence within the object, it would result in the object's bundle of strings bent at an angle of 60 degrees which, if a right angle is the speed of light, represents a velocity of 2/3 the speed of light.

The reason that the acceleration would fall short of the speed of light is because much of the energy within the object, holding it together, is not like charges being held together by applied energy but attraction between particles of opposite charge. If the object were to disintegrate in a matter-antimatter mutual annihilation, with the charges within the matter of the object rearranging themselves back into the alternating checkerboard pattern of empty space, This opposite charge attraction within the matter of the object is just transformed into this opposite charge attraction between the alternating charges of space, and so is not released as energy.

There is energy in the electron orbitals of atoms. There is binding energy in the nuclei of all atoms, with the exception of basic hydrogen. There is heat and the energy in electromagnetic radiation. There is the orbital and rotational energy in stars, solar systems and, galaxies.

Finally, space must be conserved. Space and energy are equivalent, this means that if energy must be conserved then space must also be conserved. Orbits clearly show the relationship between space and energy, an orbit which encloses more space is a higher energy orbit in direct proportion to the space enclosed.

A cloud of primordial hydrogen from the Big Bang compresses under it's own gravity into a star. Small atoms are then crunched into heavier ones, which then take up less space. The space of the original cloud of hydrogen can be thought of as an "electrical space" because it consisted of attraction of opposite charges within the atom, which held the atoms together, and repulsion between like-charged electrons in adjacent atoms which kept the cloud of hydrogen intact until this electron repulsion began to be overcome by gravity.

When the cloud of hydrogen is compressed by gravity into a star, and the lighter atoms begin to be crunched together into heavier elements, there is then much less total electrical attraction and repulsion as binding energy in the nucleus overcomes the mutual repulsion between positively-charged protons. Electrons are crunched together into protons to form neutrons with no electrical charge. There is less electron repulsion between adjacent atoms due to less total surface area of the atoms.

But space, like energy, must be conserved, and this is why there are orbits. A planet might be in orbit around the star that has formed because it's original "electrical space" must still be there, whereas there could have been no such orbit in or around the original cloud of hydrogen before any compression into the star had taken place.

There is also rotation. When a cloud of gas and dust in space compresses by it's own mutual gravity into a star, it will begin to rotate. But why does this happen? Rotation involves energy, and energy must come from somewhere. What gravity does, as the star is forming, is to overcome the electron repulsion between adjacent atoms. There is energy in this repulsion, and the energy has to go somewhere. My conclusion is that the energy of electron repulsion first goes into rotation, as the cloud of dust and gas is compressed, and then goes into nuclear binding energy as the star begins to crunch smaller atoms into larger ones.

This shows that gravity must actually be electrical in nature, as is everything else in the universe, because a planet will go into orbit around the star within the star's former "electrical space" from before any compression of the original cloud of matter has taken place.


I got to wondering if there might be some physical constant of something that other factors about the nature of the universe might fall in with. Suppose that we could consider the universe as a game of sudoku. Sodoku is the puzzle, something like a crossword puzzle, but with numbers instead of words. You know that you have the right set of numbers when the numbers fall in together.

But what primary constant would we begin with? Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity revolves around the speed of light, and everything else in the theory fits around it. My cosmology theory holds that the universe is made of negative and positive electric charges, with opposite charges attracting one another and like charges repelling. Space is an alternating checkerboard of these electric charges, in multiple dimensions. Matter is any concentration of electric charge, brought about by energy overcoming the mutual repulsion between like charges. This is why there is the well-known Mass-Energy Equivalence, the energy holding the like charges of matter together shows up as the mass of the matter.

There is energy in the tension between opposite charges, but there is more energy holding the like charges of matter together into the strings of matter that we, in our three spatial dimensions, perceive as particles such as electrons. It occurred to me that there must be some constant ratio of the amount of energy holding the like charges of matter together, relative to that between the opposite charges of empty space. Since these electric charges are so primal and basic to the universe, this ratio would have to be the basis for other important constants in the universe.

One thing that we have going for us here is that the underlying rules of how the universe operates are relatively simple. As vast as the Big Bang was, it was a relatively simple event that did not contain a lot of information. I took this to mean that the ratio of energy holding two like charges together, in matter, would almost certainly be a round-number multiple of the energy in the tension between two opposite charges.

Remember my method of comparing the complexity in a number, a number's complexity is the value of the denominator when the number is expressed as a fraction. This means that all whole numbers have a complexity of 1, with higher numbers being of no greater complexity then lower numbers. but the higher the denominator, the more complex the number.

Energy opposes the basic rules of the electric charges which comprise the universe, that opposite charges attract while like charges repel, and there is three times as much energy holding like charges together into matter as there is in the tension between opposite charges.

There must also be a constant ratio of the bonds in matter for those which are between like charges to those which are between opposite charges. There is three times as much energy in the bonds holding like charges together as there is in the bonds between opposite charges. We notice that when all of the energy in matter is suddenly released, as in a matter-antimatter mutual annihilation, it releases a tremendous amount of energy but does not tear the fabric of space apart. This means that there must be more energy that remains between the adjacent opposite charges comprising space than there is released.

The ratio that fits here is 2/5. Two out of every five bonds within matter are between like charges and the other three are between opposite charges. It is the bonds between like charges that holds charges together into a string of matter, such as an electron. It is the bonds between opposite charges that holds the atom together in the electron to proton attraction.

The two out of five bonds between like charges contain 2/3 of the energy in the matter because such a bond contains three times as much energy as one between opposite charges. When a matter-antimatter mutual annihilation takes place, the matter goes back to being empty space and releases the energy that was holding the like charges together. But those bonds must become empty space themselves, the bonds of which between adjacent opposite charges contains one-third of the energy of that when the energy was holding like charges together.

This means that, upon matter-antimatter dissolution, 4/9 of the total energy that was within the matter is released. The other 5/9 remains in the empty space that takes the place of the matter. Since the majority of the matter remains in the empty space, this is why the release of the 4/9 of the energy in the matter does not tear the fabric of space apart.

This 2/5 figure, for the ratio of bonds in matter that are between like charges, then brings about a perfect fit between the known mass-energy equivalence and the kinetic energy of a moving object. My cosmology theory has a moving object as a bundle of strings at an angle, rather than the straight line when it is at rest. the angle is what we perceive as the velocity of the moving object, as our consciousnesses move along the bundles of strings comprising our bodies and brains, at what we perceive as the speed of light. The hypotenuse of the right triangle that is formed by the moving object must be longer than the base, representing the object at rest.

In the following diagram, if the bundle of strings comprising our bodies and brains is represented by line A, our consciousnesses is moving in the direction of the red arrow at what we perceive as the speed of light. The dashed red line represents the present, and the three dimensions that we can see in it. 

If a bundle of strings, represented by line B, is aligned parallel to ours we will see it as an object at rest. But since we see in only three dimensions it will appear as an object, such as a sphere, C. A bundle of strings aligned like D will appear as an object moving toward us and E like an object moving away from us. 

The greater the angle the faster it will appear to be moving, at a right angle it will appear to be moving at the speed of light. Electromagnetic radiation, F, is only transmitted or received at right angles to the strings which is why it appears to be moving at the speed of light.

We can prove this with ordinary trigonometry. It is known that an object moving with twice the velocity will impact with four times the force. In this theory an object is represented by a straight level line if it is at rest and a diagonal line if it is moving, like the base and diagonal of a right triangle. The secant, the inverse of the cosine, is the function that shows how much the length of the hypotenuse increases, relative to the base. The secant of 1 degree is 1.0001523. The secant of 2 degrees is 1.00060954. When the angle, which represents velocity, is doubled the increase in length, which represents mass or impact force, is multiplied by four. This only applies at low angles or velocities and not those approaching the speed of light.

But why would velocity, which is a one dimensional line, operate by the Inverse Square Law when a square requires two dimensions? It is because, as shown in the diagram above, velocity is really an angle and the square is because of the area under the line at the angle. Why should there be squares in so many physics formulas that involve only one dimensional movement or change? Because there is another dimension of space that we can't see but perceive as time.

If we consider that the added kinetic energy increasing the length of the moving bundle of strings, in accordance with the Mass-Energy Equivalence, of only 2/5 of the bonds within the object, then it fits perfectly with the kinetic energy of the motion of the object adding to the energy of the object's mass-energy equivalence. The increase in length with the velocity of the object is represented, in my cosmology theory, by dividing the length of the hypotenuse by the cosine of the angle, which we perceive as the velocity, with a right angle being the speed of light. This shows how my cosmology theory enables the kinetic energy of a moving object to be linked with the Mass-Energy Equivalence of the energy in the matter of the object.

This means that, if an equivalent amount of energy to that within the mass-energy equivalence of the object were applied to it as kinetic energy, it would accelerate the object to 2/3 the speed of light. Notice that this ratio of thirds reflects back to the ratio of thirds regarding the energy required to hold like charges together relative to that in the tension between the adjacent opposite charges comprising space.

One mystery which this immediately solves is why the formulae for the force of motion, F = MA, force equals mass times acceleration, the formula for kinetic energy, KE = 1/2 MV squared, kinetic energy equals one-half the mass of the object times the square of it's velocity and, Einstein's formula for the conversion of mass and energy, the famous E = MC squared, are different.

My cosmology theory has a moving object as really the hypotenuse of a right triangle, with an object at rest being the base of the triangle. The greater the angle between the hypotenuse and the base of the triangle, the longer must the hypotenuse be relative to the base. At 60 degrees, or 2/3 of a right angle, the hypotenuse is twice as long as the base. This means that an amount of energy equal to the Mass-Energy Equivalence of an object, if applied to it as kinetic energy, would accelerate it to 2/3 the speed of light.

This is based on what we saw of the 2/5 of the inter-charge bonds within matter containing 2/3 of the energy within the matter because these bonds each contains three times as much energy as each of the other three out of the five that are the energy between opposite charges. The other three are not included in the kinetic energy formula because they would be there in the adjacent opposite charges of empty space anyway.

The reason for the 1/2 and the squared in the kinetic energy formula is that the length of the hypotenuse of the right triangle, representing an object in motion, relative to the base of the triangle, representing an object at rest, is determined by the cosine trigonometric function of the angle between the hypotenuse and the base. The cosine is the length of the base, divided by the length of the hypotenuse. The cosine of the 60 degrees, which represents 2/3 the speed of light, is .5, or 1/2. That is where the 1/2 in the kinetic energy formula comes from.

As the angle between base and hypotenuse is increased, which represents the velocity of the object, the increase is not linear, but squared. The increase in the length of the hypotenuse over the base for 2 degrees is four times what it is for 1 degree. That is where the squared velocity in the kinetic energy formula comes from. At low angles the increase in the length of the hypotenuse is four times if the angle is doubled. We see this as the force of a moving object increasing by a factor of four if it's velocity is doubled.

Notice that Einstein's formula for the equivalence of mass and energy, E = MC squared, is the same as the kinetic energy formula except that there is no 1/2 before the mass. The C in Einstein's formula stands for constant, which is the speed of light. This constant velocity replaces the variable velocity in the kinetic energy formula.

The reason that Einstein's formula for the conversion of mass and energy differs from the kinetic energy formula is that Einstein's formula does not deal with the bonds between opposite charges within matter, that are the same as those between the adjacent opposite charges of empty space. Einstein's mass being converted to energy could be represented by a nucleus being split and the two like-charged halves no longer being held together by binding energy and taking the most direct route away from each other that is possible, diametrically opposite directions which are at the right angles that my cosmology theory defines as the speed of light.

Nuclear fission Einstein's famous formula, E = MC squared, means that the internal energy in matter equals the mass multiplied by the speed of light, squared. This internal energy, in my cosmology theory, is the energy that holds like charges together, against their mutual repulsion, to form matter. This is why matter tends to consist of electrically charged particles, such as protons and electrons. We also refer to this energy as the Mass Energy Equivalence.

But suppose that the nucleus of a fissionable atom, A in the following diagram, is split by a high-speed neutron, at point B. The positive charges of the nucleus, no longer being held together, would try to get away from each other by the shortest possible route, C and D, since like charges repel. Since these are really bundles of strings that would be right angles in opposite directions. 

Since we perceive such a right angle as the speed of light, that accounts for one of the speeds of light in Einstein's formula. The other speed of light is the movement of our consciousness, indicated by the red arrow in the diagram.

The reason that the speed of light is squared in Einstein's formula is that there are two perpendicular speeds of light involves, remember that a square involves the perpendicular, the other is the motion of our consciousness along the bundles of strings comprising our bodies and brains, at what we perceive as the speed of light. This is a part of our perception of the energy involved.

Can you see how this all fits together perfectly? This is what makes the universe the way it is. This has never been explained before. Now, let's look at it in more detail.

There are fifteen sub-sections in this Section 5.




I have arrived at a deeper understanding of how energy operates, at it's most fundamental level, and how the way energy relates to the fundamental electric charges of which everything is composed is reflected in how quarks come together to form protons and neutrons.

My cosmology theory has it that energy always ultimately goes to overcome the rules of the electric charges, of which everything in the universe is ultimately composed, that opposite charges attract and like charges repel. But this means that, if energy originated between electric charges, then there must be some minimum unit of energy.

There is energy in the tension between the alternating opposite charges of space, but it takes much more energy than this to oppose the rule that like charges repel and to force like charges together. But how much more energy? There must be some quantitative rule of how much energy it takes to force two like charges together, in relation to that in the tension between opposite charges in empty space.

I have reasoned that when two like charges are forced together by energy, the process can be explained as one of these smallest units, or "drops", of energy taking the place of the opposite charge which would otherwise lie between the two like charges. Then two other units of energy form the interfaces, on opposite sides of the first unit, because there would have to be the one unit of energy of the tension between adjacent opposite charges. This is why energy can hold like charges together, which is necessary for matter to form, but requires three times as much energy as in the interface of opposite charges.


If both matter and space are composed of the same electric charges, as my cosmological theory holds, and matter requires three times as much energy to hold like charges together as there is between the adjacent opposite charges of empty space, where does all of this energy come from?

My cosmological theory provides a neat and simple answer to this as yet unanswered question.

It created a lower energy state, as shown in the following diagram, due to the attraction and repulsion of the electric charges in the surrounding background space, for charge migration to take place in the two dimensional sheet of space, mostly positive charges to one side and negative to the other. Mixed charges were in the middle. Electrons formed from the far negative side and positrons from the far positive side.

In my cosmology theory, the original two-dimensional sheet of space was amidst the multi-dimensional background space, and there had to be interfaces with energy in the interfaces between adjacent charges of the two blocks of space. Charge migration took place in the two-dimensional sheet to bring about a lower energy state in relation to the charges in the multi-dimensional background space with one side of the sheet becoming the negative side, and the other the positive side.


This was a lower energy state because each side of the two-dimensional sheet of space could not create a uniform interface with the background space by pulling nearby opposite charges in the background space closer to it and pushing nearby like charges in the background space a little bit further away. This would have brought about a lower energy state than having alternating charges in the two-dimensional sheet of space, where each charge in it would have to have it's own charge interface with the multi-dimensional background space.

This was the first seeking of the lowest energy state in the universe, and set the precedent for all future such seeking of the lowest energy state. My theory has the first priority of the universe as having an exact balance of electric charges. After that has been achieved, or come close to being achieved, the next priority is the seeking of the lowest energy state. A common example of how the universe seeks the lowest energy state, because there is a limited amount of energy in the universe, is how an object will fall to the ground if unsupported because that requires less energy than supporting it in the air.


Hadrons, such as the protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom, are considered by quark theory to be constructed of smaller particles known as quarks. There are a number of different quarks, and their antimatter equivalents known as antiquarks, but everyday matter is composed only of up and down quarks. It is said that, if all other quarks besides up and down quarks disappeared tomorrow, only particle physicists would notice.

Quarks have mixed electric charges. An up quark has a net electric charge of + 2/3, and a down quark - 1/3. Two up quarks and a down quark give us a proton, with a charge of +1. Two down quarks and an up quark give us a neutron, with a net charge of zero. Notice how this relates back to the ratio of the energy required to hold like charges together being three times that of the energy in the tension between adjacent opposite charges in space.

This cosmological theory supports the quark theory, which originated in the 1960s, because a neutron must contain an exactly equal number of the fundamental negative and positive electric charges because it has an overall neutral charge. This means that it would represent a lower energy state, which the universe always seeks after a balance between the electric charges has been achieved, for the electric charges composing the neutron to just dissolve back into the alternating checkerboard pattern of the electric charges comprising empty space. The reason that this does not happen is that the neutron is actually composed of separate entities with partial charges, which together sum to zero, which we refer to as quarks.

Remember the concept of information flow from the lowest-level "building blocks" to the highest-level structures of the universe. The information in the lowest-level structures must be reflected in the higher-level structures, simply because there is no other information with which to build these higher-level structures. My claim is that it takes three times as much energy to hold like charges together against the like-charge repulsion, which is one of the two basic rules of electric charges, than there is in the tension between adjacent opposite charges. We should expect that this information will be reflected in higher-level structures in the universe. Notice how the structures of quarks, which compose hadrons such as the protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atoms, are based on thirds.

The electric charge on hadrons, protons and neutrons, is not the same as the mass. As we move from the lightest elements to successively heavier elements, the mass of each proton and neutron in the nucleus actually decreases as some of it's mass is converted into binding energy, in accordance with the Binding Energy Curve, but this has no effect on it's electric charge. The mass of the proton and neutron are essentially the same, but the quarks in the proton have a combined charge of 5/3 while those of the neutron have 4/3. This goes to show that both mass and space are composed of the same electric charges, but mass has energy holding opposite charges together against repulsion which is why there is the well-known mass-energy equivalence.

Electrons have exactly the same, but opposite, electric charge as protons. But the two are very different in nature. Electrons are of a class of particles known as leptons, and are not composed of quarks. Electrons are mere points of negative charge and have no discernible dimensions or internal structure, and being the smallest concentration of charge.


But, if my theory of particles actually being strings, in four-dimensional space, of like charges held together by energy is correct, and we know that energy has equivalence to mass, then we would expect that the electron would have to have some mass and indeed we know that an electron has 1/1836 the mass of a proton. But remember how the ratio of energy necessary to hold like charges together relative to that in the tension between adjacent opposite charges brought an emphasis on thirds into the structure of matter in the universe. It is easy to see how quarks are based on thirds, and now we can see how 1,836 is a number that is very divisible by thirds which is what we would expect if my theory on information flow from the lowest to highest-level structures is correct. This emphasis on thirds originated with the fact that it takes three times as much energy to hold like charges together as there is in the tension between adjacent opposite charges.

The ratio of mass between a proton and electron would first have to be evenly divisible by 3, because each hadron (proton or neutron) is composed of three quarks. It would then have to be evenly divisible by three again, because the net charge of the down quark requires three internal sections to end up with a net charge of -1/3. After the first three, it would also have to be divisible by 6 because six internal sections would be required for an up quark to end up with a net charge of +2/3. The ratio of mass between a proton and electron would then have to be divisible from there by both 2 and 3, 2 for a down quark and 3 for an up quark. This is so that the internal distribution of electric charges within quarks can be as even as possible, which is the lowest energy state.

This makes it so that the alternating distribution of fundamental electric charges in down quarks is 2 negative in a row followed by 1 positive, and in up quarks is 3 positive followed by 1 negative. This is what gives down quarks the net charge of -1/3 and up quarks +2/3. Holding the adjacent like charges together is where energy comes in, and is what gives the quarks their mass, according to the mass-energy equivalence.

The number 1,836 fits all of these divisibility requirements perfectly and is why a proton is 1,836 times the mass of an electron, which is a pure concentration of negative charge. 1,836 / 3 = 612. 612 can then be divided evenly by 6, and then that result evenly by either 2 or 3. A neutron is actually one electron heavier than a proton, 1,837 times the mass of an electron, because it is the crunching of an electron into a proton, during nuclear fusion, which turns a proton into a neutron. This process is referred to as K-capture, and since an electron can change one type of quark into another it shows that such different particles are ultimately composed of the same electric charges.


The flow of information in the universe, from lowest to highest levels, shows up again in the actions of energy within matter. I find that 2/3 of the energy in matter, which is what brings about the mass-energy equivalence, holds like charges together. The other 1/3 is in the tension between opposite charges. Matter appears to be held together by mutual attraction of opposite electric charges, but actually 2/3 of the energy within matter is holding like charges together. This is because there are actually three opposite charge bonds within matter for every two like-charge bonds, but each like-charge bond has three times as much energy as an opposite charge bond.

This is why quarks operate according tho thirds, and why if an equivalent amount of energy that is within an object were applied to accelerate that object, it would accelerate it to 2/3 the speed of light. The reason for this is that almost all of the mass of matter is within protons and neutrons and those are composed of quarks, which are based on thirds. This emphasis on values of low number integers is also seen in chemical formulae stoichiometry, which are also based on the electric charges in ionic and covalent bonds.

Based on the fact that my cosmology theory has the speed of light as simply a string or bundle of strings bent at a right angle, it would seem logical that the application of an equivalent amount of energy to an object that was in the object should propel it to the speed of light, since this would form a square with the direction of the bundle of strings of the object at rest being at a right angle to the bundle after the energy has been applied. Each of the two equivalent quantities of energy would represent one side of the square and this would be consistent with Einstein's famous formula E = MC squared, meaning that the energy in matter equals mass times the speed of light squared.

If energy was one dimension of the original two-dimensional sheet of space, and matter was the other, and what we perceive as the speed of light is actually a bending of a string at a right angle, then there should theoretically be enough energy within an object to accelerate that object to the speed of light, if an equal amount of energy was applied to it as kinetic energy.

But my cosmology theory has it that the object would be propelled to only 2/3 of the speed of light because the object is actually a bundle of strings and an angle in which the hypotenuse is twice as long as the base, representing twice the energy, is 60 degrees, or 2/3 of the 90 degrees, which represents the speed of light.

This is also reflected in how quarks, which are almost all of the mass in matter are based on thirds of whole electric charges. 2/3 of the total energy that is contained in matter is holding like charges together and this is why it is only that which would count in propelling the object. The energy in the tension between opposite charges would be there anyway, in the empty space, if the matter did not exist. So, this energy does not count in propelling the object. If matter was different so that it was a concentrated mass, and such equivalent energy should accelerate it to the speed of light, then these rules would be different.

Using the illustration of the hypotenuse of a right triangle above, an object accelerated to the speed of light would have a hypotenuse that is essentially infinite because the hypotenuse, representing the motion of the object, would become the height of the triangle. This is why Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity stipulates that it would require an infinite force to accelerate an object to the speed of light. The secant is one of the so-called "inverse" functions of trigonometry. The cosine is the ratio of the base over the radius or diagonal line of a right triangle and the secant is the inverse of the cosine. This means that we can theoretically use the secant function to give the amount of energy necessary to accelerate an object to a given velocity, with the velocity represented by an angle relative to the straight line of the base, which would represent an object at rest.

But if the same amount of energy that was within an object, according to the mass-energy equivalence, was applied to accelerate the object, it would mean a hypotenuse that is twice as long as the base, which represents the object at rest. Geometrically, we find this in a right triangle with the lengths of the sides 1 and the square root of three, and a hypotenuse with the length of 2. This means that if energy was applied to accelerate an object that was equal to the mass-energy equivalence within the object, it would result in the object's bundle of strings bent at an angle of 60 degrees which, if a right angle is the speed of light, represents a velocity of 2/3 the speed of light.

An object cannot be accelerated to the speed of light with the equivalent amount of energy that is within it. But for charged particles the speed of light, or close to it, seems to be the rule rather than the exception. The reason is that when bound like charges are suddenly released, they fly away from one another by the most direct route, which is in diametrically opposite directions. This brings about Einstein's formula E = MC squared, which applies particularly to nuclear fission because two like-charged protons that are suddenly released from binding energy will naturally try to get away from one another by the most direct route which are opposite right angles from the direction in which the bundle of strings, representing the nucleus at rest, was aligned.

Nuclear fission Einstein's famous formula, E = MC squared, means that the internal energy in matter equals the mass multiplied by the speed of light, squared. This internal energy, in my cosmology theory, is the energy that holds like charges together, against their mutual repulsion, to form matter. This is why matter tends to consist of electrically charged particles, such as protons and electrons. We also refer to this energy as the Mass Energy Equivalence.

But suppose that the nucleus of a fissionable atom, A in the following diagram, is split by a high-speed neutron, at point B. The positive charges of the nucleus, no longer being held together, would try to get away from each other by the shortest possible route, C and D, since like charges repel. Since these are really bundles of strings that would be right angles in opposite directions. 

Since we perceive such a right angle as the speed of light, that accounts for one of the speeds of light in Einstein's formula. The other speed of light is the movement of our consciousness, indicated by the red arrow in the diagram.

But the object is not a charged particle and must be accelerated. If it is to reach the speed of light, it must have the equivalence of all of the energy contained within it, not just that binding like charges together. But it would reach only 2/3 of the speed of light because 1/3 of the energy in it is in the bonds between opposite charges, and this would be the case in empty space anyway if the object did not exist and so this energy does not count in the acceleration. This shows, once again, that both space and matter are composed of the same electric charges.

When energy that is within the charged components of matter is released, the amount of energy depends on the charges within the matter. The energy of tension between opposite charges within the matter is not released, because that would have been in the empty space if the matter did not exist.

We know about Einstein's Theory of Special Relativity stating that it would take an infinite amount of energy to propel an object to the speed of light. but that is only from our perspective and with our constraints. We cannot move at will in our time dimension and so, if we tried to accelerate an object to the speed of light, we would be pushing against the object at first at a right angle when it was at rest, but then at an increasingly low angle so that it would take more and more force to achieve the same acceleration.

This is why we perceive, at relatively low speeds, an object moving at twice the velocity as having four times the force. But for our purposes here, unlimited by our constraints in the dimension of space that we perceive as time, we do not need to consider that. When I refer to an equivalent amount of energy to that which is within the object accelerating it to 2/3 the speed of light, I am referring to energy unbound by our constraints of the dimension of space that we perceive as time.

We can see that Einstein's relativity applies to our perspective, but not to the inanimate universe as a whole, because if matter at the speed of light really had infinite mass, instead of our perception that it had infinite mass because it's bundle of strings were bent at a right angle to ours, then the charges particles in cosmic rays moving at, or very near, the speed of light would have infinite mass and would thus wrap the entire universe around them.

In matter, there are three bonds between opposite charges for every two between like charges. With the flow of information, this is reflected in the +2/3 charge of the up quark which is a primary component of matter. But the bonds between like charges hold twice as much total energy as those between opposite charges, which is why if an equivalent of the energy of mass within an object were to be applied to accelerate that object it would reach only 2/3 of the speed of light. The bonds between opposite charges "don't count" in this because they would be there in the alternating charges of empty space anyway.


Isn't it amazing that this cosmological theory, which has matter as strings in four-dimensional space which we perceive as particles in three-dimensional space with an object in motion actually being a bundle of strings at an angle to our bundle, also has the equivalent amount of energy within an object (known as the invariant energy) accelerating that object to 2/3 the speed of light, and the quarks of which the protons and neutrons of matter are composed are also based on thirds? The information to build this foundation based on thirds has to come from somewhere, and the concept that it takes three times as much energy to hold like electric charges together as there is in the tension between opposite electric charges explains it perfectly.



In my cosmology theory, everything in the universe is ultimately composed of infinitesimal negative and positive electric charges. The basic rules of these electric charges are that opposite charges attract, while like charges repel. There is thus usually a perfectly alternating checkerboard pattern of negative and positive electric charges in multiple dimensions, and that is what forms empty space.

When energy is applied to the universe, it must always ultimately oppose one of the two basic rules of electric charges. These rules are that opposite charges attract, while like charges repel. This is how the universe accommodates the energy released by the Big Bang.

When energy opposes the attraction between opposite charges, it distorts the checkerboard pattern of alternating negative and positive charges to form what we perceive as electromagnetic radiation such as light and radio waves. The reason that we see these waves as electromagnetic is that they disturb the checkerboard electric charge pattern of empty space, in which the negative and positive charges perfectly cancel out, and so reveal the underlying electromagnetism of space. When energy opposes the attractive force between opposite charges in this way, it leaves a net repulsive force associated with electromagnetic radiation and this is why light can affect the sensors in our eyes and radio waves can move electrons in an antenna, and lasers can actually exert a physical force on matter. It also explains why the universe is expanding. The mysterious "dark energy" driving the expansion of the universe is actually light.

When energy opposes the mutual repulsion of like electric charges, it forms the concentration of like electric charges which give us the charged particles that form matter. When the repulsive force between like charges is overcome, to some degree, by energy, it leaves a net attractive force that we perceive as gravity since, if the two electric charges are equal, then the two basic rules governing the charges must also be equal..

There is energy in the interfaces between opposite electric charges, such as those throughout empty space, but there must be more energy in an interface between adjacent like electric charges in matter. I have determined that there must be three times as much energy in an interface between like charges as there is in an interface between opposite charges. There must be some equivalence of the energy difference between the two charge interfaces, and it should be a simple number because the Big Bang was a relatively simple event without the information available to make the energy ratio between like charges, as opposed to between opposite charges, more complex. This factor of 3 is why quarks operate in thirds to form neutrons and protons.


If space consists simply of alternating electric charges, in multiple dimensions, and the energy in an interface between these adjacent opposite charges has a value of 1, rather than the 3 of the interfaces between adjacent like charges then we could describe a dimension of space as a number line as follows, where the + and the - signs represent the electric charges, and the 1 value represents the energy level between the two:

+ 1 - 1 + 1 - 1 + 1 - 1 + 1 ...

But now suppose that we apply energy to space in the form of electromagnetic radiation. This has the effect of decreasing the energy value of the interfaces between adjacent electric charges because the application of energy to space that forms electromagnetic radiation does so by opposing the attractive force between opposite charges. We would then reduce the 1 between the charges to a lower energy value, such as .94. The dimension of space would then be written as:

+ .94 - .94 + .94 - .94 + .94 - .94 ...

This reduction in the usual energy value of the interfaces between the opposite electric charges in space causes the adjacent opposite electric charges to move further apart than usual, and this is what is causing the universe to expand.

There is no mass in electric charges, that is why space has no mass. What we perceive as mass is actually the energy in the interfaces between like charges, which has the higher value of 3. This brings us to the well-known "Mass-Energy Equivalence".

The reason that the energy in matter must show up as mass is that matter is concentration of electric charge which forms as a result of energy overcoming one of the two basic rules of electric charge, in this case the rule that like charges repel so that they can be brought together to form matter. This overcoming of the repulsive force between like charges leaves a net attractive force, which draws matter together and which we perceive as gravity. Gravity is brought about by, and attracts, mass. This is why the energy in matter which overcomes the repulsive force between like charges must show up as mass, and we have the Mass-Energy Equivalence.

In my cosmological theory, a particle such as an electron is actually a string in four-dimensional space, one dimension of which we perceive as time. This string is a succession of electric charges that were formerly part of space, but are now held together in a line by the energy that was applied to them by the Big Bang, the explosion which began the universe as we know it. These are adjacent like negative electric charges so the energy in the interfaces between them must be 3, rather than the 1 of adjacent opposite charges in empty space, and we could describe an electron string as follows:

- 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 -...

Keep in mind that this is how an electron string appears in four-dimensional space. In our three dimensions, it could be written simply as 3- (or -3).

The mass of an electron is not in the electric charges themselves, but in the energy values of 3 in the interfaces between the charges. The way I see it when two like charges are forced together, which would ordinarily repel, a minimum unit of energy, which we could call a "drop" of energy, takes the place of the opposite charge which would otherwise fit between the two like charges. Then, there must be the usual interfaces between charges on opposite sides of that "drop" of energy, in each dimension of the space, so that there ends up three times as much energy between adjacent like charges as between adjacent opposite charges. It is this higher energy level of 3, relative to the 1 of the background space, which gives us the mass associated with matter and explains why mass and energy are equivalent, and the overcoming of the usual repulsive force between like charges which leaves the net attractive force that we perceive as gravity.

Just as the energy, relative to the electric charges, in space and matter can be described by a number line as above, so can the steps of using energy to link two like charges that would otherwise repel. We start with a +1 at each end, the two like charges. The "drop" of energy then has to take the place of the -1 electric charge that would usually be between them. The interfaces that would then form between the -1 and each of the +1 on either side could then be each represented as 0. This gives us our number line with the three steps or numbers, representing the energy value of 3, between the two like electric charges at opposite ends:

+1 0 -1 0 +1

As we saw in Section One, something that I had always thought gives us a clue as to the electric charge structure of the atom is that, even though the electric charges in the atom must balance out, a proton of known to have 1,836 times the mass of an electron. It had long caught my attention how divisible this number is by 3.

We know that the difference in mass between the electron and the proton would have to be evenly divisible by 3, because according to the quark theory which originated in the 1960s, a proton is composed of three quarks. Then, after being divided by 3, the product would have to be evenly divisible by 6 because it would require six internal section of a quark to get two sections of opposite charge to cancel one another out and leave an up quark a net electric charge of + 2/3. Finally, the product of that division would have to be evenly divisible by 3 again because it is the energy interfaces between the adjacent electric charges composing the quarks, which are 3 and 1, which gives the proton it's mass.

Sure enough, 1,836 fits this sequential division perfectly. 1,836 / 3 = 612. 612 / 6 = 102. 102 / 3 = 34.

The ratio of the difference in mass between a proton and an electron must also be evenly divisible by 2, which it is, because it is the difference in energy value of the 1 and the 3 which actually provides the mass because the 1 is the value all around in empty space anyway. A proton is composed of two up quarks, each with a net charge of + 2/3 and a down quark with a net charge of - 1/3. This gives the proton an overall charge of + 1. In an up quark, there must be five times as many + charges as - charges so that the negative charges cancel out an equivalent number of positive charges and the quark is left with the overall charge of + 2/3.

The arrangement of electric charges in an up quark could thus be described as follows:

+ 3 + 3 + 1 - 1 + 3 +...

This is how the electric charges in a cross-section of the up quark would appear in three dimensions. This is not a string in four dimensions.


Let's have a look back at the original two-dimensional sheet of space from which matter formed in the disintegration of the sheet in the vast matter-antimatter mutual annihilation that we perceive as the Big Bang. The disintegration of the sheet took place as one of the two pairs of opposing sides came into contact, after charge migration had taken place to seek a lower energy state and which made one side of the sheet positively-charged and the other negatively-charged. The dimension which disintegrated released the energy which had been in the interfaces between it's electric charges, and the other dimension became the very long strings of matter in the four-dimensional space that we perceive as particles because we can only see in three dimensions. The other dimension being what we perceive as time.

Let's take a look at the original two-dimensional sheet, after charge migration had taken place but before it disintegrated in the Big Bang, from the positive to the negative side. First we have positrons, the antimatter version of electrons, with an entirely positive electric charge, or an electric charge of + 1. Next come up quarks, with an overall electric charge of + 2/3. Then come anti-down quarks, the antimatter equivalent of down quarks, with an overall electric charge of + 1/3. Next are down quarks, with an overall charge of - 1/3. Then are anti-up quarks, with an overall electric charge of - 2/3. Finally, we have electrons on the negative side of the sheet with an entirely negative charge or, we could say, a charge of - 1.

It created a lower energy state, as shown in the following diagram, due to the attraction and repulsion of the electric charges in the surrounding background space, for charge migration to take place in the two dimensional sheet of space, mostly positive charges to one side and negative to the other. Mixed charges were in the middle. Electrons formed from the far negative side and positrons from the far positive side.

Do you notice something interesting about the arrangement of the sheet of space, from which matter and antimatter in the universe formed? These are the component particles of matter and antimatter, which is just matter with the electric charges reversed. There are other quarks, and their corresponding anti-quarks, but it is said that if all other quarks than these disappeared tomorrow, only particle physicists would notice. These are the components that the matter that we are familiar with are made.

The thing that is interesting is that there are six sections of the original two-dimensional sheet of space, and the electric charge changes from one section to the next by a factor of 1/3. This brings us back to all the thirds around which the structures of quarks revolve, the one-in-six of negative charges in up quarks and, the divisibility of the difference in the mass of the proton and the electron by 3 and 6. This is, of course, ultimately rooted in the energy difference between the interfaces of adjacent like charges and those of adjacent opposite charges, because there is only so much information available from which to construct structures of matter in the universe and higher-level structures must be built on the information in their component lower-level structures. The number 4 often shows up in my cosmology theory because that is how many dimensions of space the matter from the Big Bang was thrown across, the number 3 shows up because it is the ratio of energy between the interfaces between like charges in comparison with the interfaces between opposite charges.

Notice that there is no section with zero overall charge in the center of the sheet, it goes right from anti-down quarks with an overall charge of + 2/3 to down quarks with an overall charge of - 1/3. This because such a "zero section" would amount to empty space, rather than matter. This must mean that the overall 1/3 electric charge on a down quark and an adjacent anti-down quark is diffuse enough that it does not produce a matter-antimatter reaction, as would if particles of opposite charge, but of more concentrated charge, were brought in contact. The diffuse electric charges of quarks, as described here, likewise explains why an electron can be crunched into an proton to create a neutron, known as K-capture, during nucleosynthesis, without setting off a matter-antimatter mutual annihilation, as would happen if an electron and it's antimatter equivalent the positron were brought into contact.

Physicists tell us that everything is really numbers being manifested, and you can see in this model of the electric charges comprising space and matter just how true that is.


The difference between an up quark and a down quark is that, in my theory, in an up quark or anti up quark, one out of every six electric charges is opposite the others. While in a down quark or an anti-down quark, two out of every six charges are opposite the others. In matter, this gives an up quark an overall electric charge of + 2/3 as the one out of six charges that are negative cancel out an equal number of positive charges. A down quark has an overall electric charge of - 1/3 because it's two out of six positive charges cancel with an equal number of negative charges. This arrangement around threes is, once again, a reflection of the ratio of the energy level of the interfaces in matter between like charges and those between opposite charges.

Remember that, according to the widely-accepted quark theory, two up quarks each with a charge of + 2/3 combined with a down quark having a charge of - 1/3 give us a proton with an overall charge of + 1. Two down quarks and an up quark give us a neutron by balancing out to zero. Since this balancing out of opposite charges, to give an overall charge, is the way quarks operate to form nucleons such as protons and neutrons, shouldn't we also expect that it is the way electric charges balance out within the quarks themselves as I am describing here?

One thing that I have decided about the arrangement of electric charges within down quarks is that the two out of six positive charges must be adjacent to one another, rather than dispersed in with the negative charges. This represents a higher energy state because it represents another like-charge interface of 3, rather than an opposite charge interface of 1. But if the two out of six positive electric charges in down quarks were mixed in with the four out of six negative charges, it would mean that a down quark would have to be physically larger than an up quark to have a similar mass, and we do not see that this is the case. It is true that having the two out of six positive charges together represent a higher energy state, but remember that matter forms because the energy that was radiated into the two-dimensional sheet of space by the Big Bang has to go to opposing one of the two basic rules of electric charges, and this would be accomplishing that.


There is a simple connection between Relativity and ordinary trigonometry that again verifies everything that my theory has claimed.

Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity stipulates that the mass of an object increases as it approaches the speed of light. This increase is known as "relativistic mass". When the object reaches the speed of light, it's mass would be infinite. To accelerate the object to a higher speed would require an infinite amount of energy which is, of course, impossible. That is why the speed of light is the highest possible speed that anything can travel.

The increase in relativistic mass with velocity proceeds slowly. At half the speed of light the relativistic mass would still be only 1.155 of the mass at rest, an increase of only fifteen and a half percent.

According to my cosmology theory, we actually inhabit four-dimensional space. Particles of matter, such as electrons, are really one-dimensional strings in this four-dimensional space. We perceive them as particles, rather than strings, because the direction in which the strings are primarily aligned is what we perceive as time. We can move at will in only the other three spatial dimensions.

In the following diagram, if the bundle of strings comprising our bodies and brains is represented by line A, our consciousnesses is moving in the direction of the red arrow at what we perceive as the speed of light. The dashed red line represents the present, and the three dimensions that we can see in it. 

If a bundle of strings, represented by line B, is aligned parallel to ours we will see it as an object at rest. But since we see in only three dimensions it will appear as an object, such as a sphere, C. A bundle of strings aligned like D will appear as an object moving toward us and E like an object moving away from us. 

The greater the angle the faster it will appear to be moving, at a right angle it will appear to be moving at the speed of light. Electromagnetic radiation, F, is only transmitted or received at right angles to the strings which is why it appears to be moving at the speed of light.

We can prove this with ordinary trigonometry. It is known that an object moving with twice the velocity will impact with four times the force. In this theory an object is represented by a straight level line if it is at rest and a diagonal line if it is moving, like the base and diagonal of a right triangle. The secant, the inverse of the cosine, is the function that shows how much the length of the hypotenuse increases, relative to the base. The secant of 1 degree is 1.0001523. The secant of 2 degrees is 1.00060954. When the angle, which represents velocity, is doubled the increase in length, which represents mass or impact force, is multiplied by four. This only applies at low angles or velocities and not those approaching the speed of light.

But why would velocity, which is a one dimensional line, operate by the Inverse Square Law when a square requires two dimensions? It is because, as shown in the diagram above, velocity is really an angle and the square is because of the area under the line at the angle. Why should there be squares in so many physics formulas that involve only one dimensional movement or change? Because there is another dimension of space that we can't see but perceive as time.

Our consciousnesses are moving along the bundles of strings that comprise our bodies and brains at what we perceive as the speed of light, which is why we see that as the maximum possible speed. What we perceive as speed or velocity is actually the angle between the alignment of different bundles of strings, which we perceive as objects. If another bundle of strings is perfectly parallel to the bundle that comprises our bodies and brains, we will perceive it as an object at rest.

The reason for relativistic mass increase is that, when a line which is the bundle of strings of an object is at an angle to us, there is more of it interfacing our bundle of strings along the dimension in which our strings are aligned. This is simply because the diagonal (or hypotenuse) of a right triangle has to be longer than the X-axis or line of it's base. When a bundle of strings is bent at a right angle to our bundle, we pass all of it's remaining length in a moment so we perceive it as moving at the speed of light and having infinite mass.

The strings and bundles of strings comprising the universe are actually at rest, hence the name of the theory "The Theory Of Stationary Space". Electromagnetic radiation is really stationary ripples in the space that is composed of alternating negative and positive electric charges. The only "new" motion is that produced by us and other living things.

What we always have to remember, that is the essence of my theory, is that we see the universe as we do not only because of what it is but also because of what we are. We do not have an unbiased view of the universe, as seems to be the presumption in science. We are part of the universe ourselves and see it as we do not only because of what it is but also because of what we are.

Everything is ultimately composed of infinitesimal electric charges. Space is composed of a perfectly alternating checkerboard pattern of negative and positive electric charges. Waves are perceived as electromagnetic because they disturb this perfect balance of underlying electric charges. Matter is defined as any concentration of like charges and, since like charges repel, matter must be held together against like-charge electric repulsion by energy. This is why any mass is equivalent to a given amount of energy, which we refer to as the well-known Mass-Energy Equivalence.

Apparently, the only way to release the energy in mass is to react equal amounts of matter and antimatter together. Antimatter is simply matter with the electric charges reversed so that negatively-charged electrons in orbitals are replaced with positively-charged positrons. Upon being brought into contact, the energy in the Mass-Energy Equivalence that was holding like charges together in both the matter and the antimatter is released, as a fantastic burst of energy, and the electric charges in both rearrange back into the alternating negative and positive charges of empty space.

But yet we experience the universe as having only three spatial dimensions, as well as one-dimensional time. I am trying to convince everyone that we are really in four-dimensional space, time is a dimension of space because the strings comprising our bodies and brains are aligned in it, and that is why see matter as composed of particles rather than strings. In no way does this mean that there are only four dimensions of space, there could well be an infinite number, but the matter from the Big Bang of which we and our familiar universe are composed was scattered over only our four dimensions.

All right now here is what is so interesting that I cannot see has ever been noticed.

The relativistic mass at half the speed of light is 1.155. The reciprocal of this is .866. If you have studied mathematics, does this number sound familiar? If it does, it is because it is the trigonometric cosine of a 30 degree angle, or the sine of a 60 degree angle because the sine and cosine are inverse functions. A 30 degree angle is an important angle because it is 1 / 3 of a right angle, a 90 degree angle, and .866 is it's cosine. In trigonometry, the reciprocal of the cosine is called the secant so that 1.155 is the secant of a 30 degree angle.

Just a quick review of trigonometry. The functions are simply ratios of the sides of a right triangle, which is a triangle with one right angle which is 90 degrees. The other two angles have to add up to 90 degrees, because the three angles of a triangle always add up to 180 degrees.

Sometimes the horizontal side is referred to as the X-axis and the vertical side as the Y-axis, with the hypotenuse as the diagonal side. The trigonometric functions refer to the lengths of sides in the triangle with various angles. The hypotenuse, or diagonal, always has to be longer than either the X or Y axis. The diagonal is sometimes referred to as R, for radius. The three primary trigonometric functions are as follows:

Sine (sin) = Y / R
Cosine (cos) = X / R
Tangent (tan) = Y / X

Since the diagonal, R, must always be longer than either the X or Y axis, the values of the sine and cosine must always be less than 1. Since the two angles other than the right angle in the right triangle must always add to 90 degrees, that means that the sine of one angle must be equal to the cosine of the other.

There are three other, lesser-used, trigonometric functions that we get simply by taking the reciprocals of the above functions. Three of the six total functions have the prefix co-. This means that the value gets smaller as the angle gets larger. Unlike the sine and cosine, the values of the cosecant and secant must always be greater than 1.

Cosecant (csc) reciprocal of sine = R / Y
Secant (sec) reciprocal of cosine = R / X
Cotangent (cot) reciprocal of tangent = X / Y

In my cosmology theory, the X-axis (horizontal) can represent the dimension in which our strings are primarily aligned. We perceive this dimension as time, and the other three as space, because our consciousnesses are moving along the strings of the time dimension, at what we perceive as the speed of light, and we cannot move at will in this direction.

Velocity is actually an angle relative to the alignment of our bundle of strings. The greater the angle, the greater the apparent velocity. 90 degrees represents the speed of light because that is the greatest possible angle and the speed of light is the greatest possible speed that an object can move at. This means that what we perceive as an object moving at the speed of light would actually be a bundle of strings bent at a 90 degree angle.

So the fact that the relativistic mass increase at half the speed of light is exactly equal to the trigonometric functions for a 30 degree angle, 1 / 3 of a right angle, shows a definite link between Relativity and ordinary trigonometry.

But then a question arises. In my cosmology theory, an object at rest is represented by a zero angle and an object moving at the speed of light is represented by a 90 degree angle. This means that an object moving at half the speed of light is actually a 45 degree angle, which is half of 90 degrees. So then why is the relativistic mass of an object moving at half the speed of light equal to the secant or cosine of a 30 degree angle, rather than a 45 degree angle?

The answer actually confirms what we saw in section 5). When I wrote all of that, I had not noticed this simple trigonometric connection that verifies it.

We saw in section 5) that, if an amount of energy equivalent to the energy of the mass-energy equivalence in an object were applied to accelerate the object, it would accelerate it to 2 / 3 the speed of light. There is a reason that it would only accelerate to 2 / 3 the speed of light, and not all the way to the speed of light. The reason involves the electric charges of which everything is composed.

We saw how space is composed of a perfectly alternating checkerboard of negative and positive electric charges but matter is a concentration of like charges, held together by energy, and this energy is what we refer to as the Mass-Energy Equivalence.

The explanation that my theory has for gravity is that if the two electric charges, negative and positive, are equal then the two basic rules of electric charges, that opposite charges attract and like charges repel, must also be equal. The energy of the Mass-Energy Equivalence enables matter to form by overcoming the repulsion between like charges so that matter is defined as a concentration of like charges. But that means that there must be a net attractive force associated with matter, and that is what we refer to as gravity.

An interface between two like electric charges has three times as much energy as an interface between two opposite charges. But only 2 / 5 of all the interfaces between electric charges in matter are between like charges, either negative to negative or positive to positive. The other 3 / 5 are between opposite, positive to negative, charges. There is energy between opposite charges but obviously it requires more energy to hold like charges together because they mutually repel, according to the basic electrical rules that opposite charges attract while like charges repel.

But this still means that there is exactly twice as much energy within matter in interfaces between like charges as there is in interfaces between opposite charges. This then means that 2 / 3 of all the energy within matter is in the interfaces between like charges, holding them together against electrical repulsion. In a matter-antimatter reaction, this energy would be released.

Notice that number, 2 / 3.

In the cosmology theory, since a 90 degree angle represents velocity at the speed of light a 45 degree angle would be half the speed of light. But yet the relativistic mass increase of an object moving at half the speed of light is identical to the trigonometric secant-cosine of a 30 degree angle.

But 30 degrees is 2 / 3 of 45 degrees.

What happens, and the reason for this difference, is simple. The relativistic mass increase, of an object made of matter, applies only to the mass-energy of the interfaces between like electric charges, and not to those between opposite electric charges. My cosmology theory defines matter as a concentration of like charges, held together by energy, so that the interfaces between opposite charges, even though within the matter, do not count.

The reason that the interfaces between opposite charges within the matter do not count is that space is defined as a perfect checkerboard pattern of opposite charges in multiple dimensions. If the object made of matter was not there then it would just be empty space, and so the interfaces between opposite charges which are the same as those in empty space do not factor in to relativistic mass.

The increase in relativistic mass from 0 degrees, at rest, to 90 degrees, the speed of light, is not linear. It starts slowly and then increases rapidly as the velocity gets near the speed of light. So it is as half the speed of light where this 2 / 3 relationship between the energy in like-charge interfaces compared to those in opposite-charge interfaces shows up.

Half the speed of light is really a bundle of strings bent at a 45 degree angle but the relativistic mass increase, which is actually the increase in the length of the diagonal, R, relative to the X-axis, is actually equal to the trigonometric functions, secant-cosine, of a 30 degree angle, which is 2 / 3 of the 45 degree angle.

Why else would the numbers for relativistic mass increase and trigonometric functions of a primary angle match perfectly? The relativistic mass of an object moving at one-half the speed of light, which in my theory is really one-half of a right angle, is identical to the trigonometric functions (secant and cosine) of a 30 degree angle, which is one-third of a right angle.

The workings of the 30 degree angle being one-third of a right angle and two-thirds of the 45 degree angle which is half the speed of light can be seen as reflected in the operation of quarks, which combine to form protons and neutrons. An up quark has a charge of +2 / 3 and a down quark of -1 / 3. Two up quarks and one down quark give a net charge of +1 to form a proton. Two down quarks and one up quark give a net charge of zero to form a neutron.

At this most basic level of physical reality we are dealing with things defined by low integral numbers. The length of a line at a 45 degree angle, the hypotenuse or diagonal in a right triangle, is the square root of 2, which is 1.414, times the horizontal line or X-axis. The length of a line at 30 degrees is 2 / the square root of 3. And this 45 and 30 degrees is where the relativistic mass and the trigonometric functions intersect. Just the fact that the square root is so involved shows that velocity must really involve another dimension, and that is the fourth spatial dimension of my cosmology theory that we perceive as time.

It has baffled the world for over a hundred years how these bizarre effects of Relativity can occur which are impossible to explain by the rules of ordinary physics. The way my "Theory Of Stationary Space" explains it is that relativistic effects, such as the mass increase that we have dealt with here, require a fourth dimension of space and matter to be seen as strings aligned primarily in that dimension. Ordinary physics is "three-dimensional physics" that work fine for most things but cannot explain realms such as Relativity and Quantum Physics.


I am claiming in my cosmology theory that the matter of our universe is scattered across four dimensions of space, one of which we perceive as time, and which originated with a two-dimensional sheet of space that was not contiguous with the background space.

Readers may have wondered, how can matter be scattered across four dimensions of space if it came from a two-dimensional sheet? If we take a two-dimensional sheet of paper or plastic we can twist it so that it occupies three dimensions by imposing our three-dimensions on it, even though the sheet would still only occupy two dimensions from it's own point of view, but there would be no way to twist it into four dimensions. It would take a four-dimensional being, not including it's time dimension, to bend a sheet into four dimensions meaning that if we are formed from the matter of this sheet, we should also occupy four spatial dimensions aside from our time dimension, yet we don't.

But remember that the original two-dimensional sheet of space was not contiguous with the multi-dimensional background space. This is the whole reason that it is so significant in my cosmology theory. This sheet of space folded and disintegrated, in one of it's two dimensions, and in doing so introduced matter and free energy into the universe. If it had been contiguous with the background space, this would never have happened. A sheet would usually only interface with one dimension of the surrounding space, the dimension that was perpendicular to it's flat surface. But because the two-dimensional sheet was not contiguous with the surrounding space it's interface was with two dimensions of that space, instead of just one.

The following diagram shows how a two dimensional sheet of space formed that was within, but not contiguous with, the multi-dimensional background space. This lack of contiguity was information, and information is really the same thing as energy. This two dimensional sheet would be the source of matter and energy, everything in the universe except space. It would be a lower information state for it to occupy a 45 degree angle, relative to the charge alignment of the background space, so the discontinuity, relative to the checkerboard pattern of the background space, would be equal on both sides of the sheet.

Suppose that you have a checkerboard, or a pattern of square tiles on a floor. Now suppose you draw a line that is contiguous, meaning in harmony with, the pattern of squares. It would have to match the lines on the checkerboard by being a straight line that is either horizontal or vertical. This contiguous line would then interface with only one of the two dimensions of the checkerboard, the one that was perpendicular to it.

Now suppose that we draw a line on the checkerboard or floor tiles that is not contiguous to it. That would be a line at some angle between horizontal and vertical. This line, unlike the line that was contiguous with the lines of the checkerboard, would interface with both of the two dimensions of the checkerboard.

This illustrates how the original two-dimensional sheet of space in my cosmology theory ended up as matter scattered over four dimensions of space, one of which we perceive as time. Being non-contiguous with the background space, the sheet had an interface with two dimensions of that space. Add the two dimensions of the sheet itself, and we have our four dimensions. The dimension of the sheet that remained after the disintegration of the electric charge bonds in the other of the sheet's dimensions that we perceive as the Big Bang is the dimension that we perceive as time. The other three dimensions are our spatial dimensions.

There must have been a complex charge replication which caused a two-dimensional sheet of space to form by continuous opposite charge induction, as described in the cosmology theory. Possibly the continuous and repetitive opposite charge induction that created the space of the universe could have had two concurrent beginnings, rather than one. But the extremely sparse distribution of matter that we see in the universe today, only about three hydrogen atoms per cubic meters of space in the universe as a whole, very much supports this concept of matter originating from a two-dimensional sheet in four-dimensional background space.

Because this two-dimensional sheet was not contiguous with the surrounding background space, it would not have had the usual energy value of 1 in the interfaces between opposite negative and positive electric charges in the two dimensional sheet with those in the adjacent background space, if it had then it would be contiguous with that space. Having interfaces between like charges in both blocks of space does not make sense either because that would also require coordination between the two blocks. The value of energy in the interfaces between adjacent electric charges of space in the two blocks of space must be of some value between 1 and 3. The two blocks of space were neither contiguous nor coordinated, but the Big Bang was a simple event without the inherent information available to make it complex. A logical energy value for the interfaces between electric charges of opposite blocks of space would thus be 2.

Remember my rule for the complexity of numbers. Because we use a number system, no integral number whole number is any more complex than any other number. But that is not true of rational numbers, a "ratio" meaning a fractional or decimal number. The complexity of a number, meaning the information within it, is equivalent to the value of the denominator in the number expressed as a fraction.

Any non-whole number between 1 and 3, such as 2.5, must thus be more complex than 2 and so the Big Bang, having been a simple event, is most likely to be a reflection of 2 as the value of energy levels in the interfaces between adjacent electric charges of opposite blocks of space. Furthermore 2 is halfway between the values of 1 and 3, for the value of the energy in interfaces between opposite charges and between like charges respectively, and there is no reason to believe that it should be closer to one than the other.

Notice that, if we can assign a value of 2 to the energy level of the interfaces between adjacent charges of opposite blocks of space, it fits perfectly with the value of the energy level between adjacent like charges that make up the strings of electrons and antimatter positrons being 3. This is simply because the 1 value between adjacent opposite charges of the two dimensional sheet added to the 2 value between adjacent electric charges of opposite blocks of space equals 3. The transfer of energy to "weld" the like charges together into strings that are concentrated charge particles, such as electrons and antimatter positrons, took place when energy was released in the Big Bang.

When discussing these energy levels in the interfaces between electric charges, remember my priorities of the universe. The first priority is the balance of electric charges. These electric charges must always balance out, which is why the universe exists in the first place. The second priority is a seeking of the lowest energy state. The universe will create energy, if necessary, if that is what it takes to achieve electric charge balance.

The energy released by the Big Bang was thus not only that released from the interfaces between adjacent opposite charges of the two-dimensional sheet, but also from the energy of the interfaces between the electric charges in the sheet and those of the non-contiguous adjacent background space. The interfaces between electric charges have a value of 3 in the concentrated like charges on opposite sides of the sheet, which represent electrons on the negative side and antimatter positrons on the positive side of the sheet.

This fits with the addition of the value of 1 for the interfaces between adjacent opposite electric charges within the sheet added to the value of 2 for the interfaces between charges of the sheet and adjacent electric charges in the surrounding space. But across the center of the sheet, where the non-concentrated charges of the quarks and antimatter anti-quarks originated, the average energy value of the interfaces between electric charges within these would be less than 3, and the difference between that and 3 would represent the energy released into space by the Big Bang.

The space in the universe is the first block of space, the multi-dimensional background space, but the matter and energy in the universe is the second block of space, the two-dimensional sheet.


There must be some kind of "real" time, outside of the movement of human consciousness, at what we perceive as the speed of light, along the bundles of strings, which are our bodies and brains, in my cosmology theory. In things that are far away, such as stars, why do some stars have long lifespans, and others have short lifespans?

Time is motion. The only way that we can measure time is with some kind of motion. Where there is no change, there can be no such thing as time. It is ironic that we measure time with the hands of a clock, set at different angles, because time is actually angles.

There has to be time because time is nothing but bundles of strings set at different angles in space, and there has to be angles because the original two-dimensional sheet of space in my cosmological theory, from which matter originated, was aligned at an angle to the lines of negative and positive electric charges of the dimensions of the background space. This is why the two-dimensional sheet of space was within, but not contiguous with, the dimensions of the background space. The way the universe is today is because those angles must be maintained.

Matter exchanges it's angles in space, by collisions and other interactions. If two balls, of equal mass, collide, they exchange trajectories. However, the sum of both trajectories is maintained. But the total sum of the angles of matter in the background space must also be maintained, matching that of the original two-dimensional sheet of space relative to that of the dimensions of the background space.

In matter that is not affected by living things, which bring about the only "new motion" in the universe, bundles of strings are not actually colliding as we pass their collisions in time. Rather, all of the collision that we see have already happened and we "see" the collisions as our consciousness passes the points of those collisions.

At whatever angle of alignment the two-dimensional sheet of space was against the dimensions of the background space, matter in the Big Bang would have to be thrown outward in exactly equal amounts, and at exactly equal angles, in opposite directions, to keep in accord with the Law of Equal and Opposite Reactions.

Matter keeps colliding and interacting with other matter. But these collisions and interactions exchange angles, relative to mass, but the total mass angle remains the same, and is the same as the original angle between the alignment of the two-dimensional sheet of space that became matter, relative to the alignment of the dimensions of alternating negative and positive electric charges in the background space.

All energy in the universe originated from alignment of the two-dimensional sheet of space with the dimensions of the background space. The only exception is the energy of the tension between adjacent opposite charges in empty space. Time and free energy, electromagnetic radiation, matter and the motion of that matter all began with this two-dimensional sheet of space and the angle at which it was aligned to the dimensions of the background space.

If this two-dimensional sheet of space had been perfectly aligned along the dimensions of the background space, there would be no such thing as time, free energy, matter or electromagnetic radiation, because the original two-dimensional sheet of space would not have existed as an entity separate from the background space.

Black holes may seem to be the one exception to this maintenance of the original angles of the four-dimensional sheet of space. A black hole collects matter like a powerful gravitational vacuum cleaner, and holds it still. But black holes are the doors that matter takes back into space. The electromagnetic radiation that black holes release is the energy that represents the difference between the alignment of the two-dimensional sheet and the dimensions of the background space.

This scenario explains why supernovae happen. A large star, in collecting surrounding matter, which are bundles of strings in space at an angle to the dimensions of the background space, goes too far in reducing the angles of the original two-dimensional sheet of space. The explosion of the supernova is to restore the original angles of the two-dimensional sheet by accelerating, which means an angle, matter back out into space.

The wave of an electromagnetic wave is at an angle, actually alternating positive and negative angles, from the axis which represents the direction that the wave is traveling. this angle is a model of the angle at which the original two-directional sheet of space was aligned to the dimensions of the background space. Then a wave, when applied to the straight line of a string, such as an electron, is reflected in the spiral path of the orbit of the electron, if seen in four dimensions.



The real verification of a theory is when numbers can be applied to it, and show it to be correct. My cosmology theory has objects as actually bundles of strings in four dimensional space. It also has energy as always ultimately going to overcome one of the two basic rules of electric charges, that opposite charges attract and like charges repel.

In Sub-Section One, of this Section 5, "Energy, Quark Theory And, Cosmology", we saw that 2/5 of the bonds between electric charges in matter are in interfaces between like charges and the other 3/5 are in interfaces between opposite charges.


Let's have a look at how this all adds up with what is already known about the Mass-Energy Equivalence of physics and the formula for the kinetic energy of a moving object.

My cosmological theory is that objects are actually bundles of strings, rather than the particles that we perceive, in four-dimensional rather than three-dimensional space. The fourth dimension of space, the direction in which the strings are primarily aligned, is what we perceive as time. An object, made of matter, is the result of energy holding like charges, which would ordinarily mutually repel, together. This means that there must be a certain amount of internal, referred to as invariant, energy within all mass. Indeed, there is the well-known "Mass-Energy Equivalence".

But an object, such as a ball that has been thrown, also has additional kinetic energy that does not show up in the internal energy of the mass-energy equivalence. This concept of matter as bundles of strings in four-dimensional space explains this as the fact that the hypotenuse of a right triangle must be longer than the base, with the relative length of the hypotenuse and base dependent on the angle on the opposite from the right angle.

The base of the triangle represents the object at rest which, in my cosmology theory, is actually a bundle of strings. The hypotenuse, which must always be longer than the base, represents the object in motion, with the additional length of the hypotenuse relative to the base representing the additional kinetic energy of the object in motion relative to it's rest energy as described in the Mass-Energy Equivalence.

In my cosmology theory, the angle between the base and hypotenuse of the right triangle represents the velocity, with zero degrees representing the object at rest and 90 degrees representing the object moving at the speed of light. The hypotenuse, representing the kinetic energy plus the internal energy of the object, gets longer as the angle, representing the velocity, increases.

If 90 degrees represents the speed of light, then one degree would represent a velocity of 2,069.8 miles per second (3,333,333 meters per second), because this is 1/90 the speed of light. At one degree, the hypotenuse is longer than the base by a factor of 1 / 6565. It naturally takes more energy to accelerate a heavier mass to the same velocity because this additional mass of the hypotenuse, in proportion to the rest energy represented by the base, would have to be greater.

(Note-I got this fraction by taking the cosine of one angular degree, taking the reciprocal of that, subtracting 1, and than dividing 1 by the result).

The standard mass-energy equivalence is 90 megajoules of energy to 1 microgram of mass. As Einstein's famous formula E = MC squared tells us, there is a tremendous amount of energy in a small amount of mass, as you can see. The only way to completely release all this energy is to react equal amounts of matter and antimatter. Nuclear reactions typically release only a few percent of the energy in matter.

The kinetic energy, the energy of motion, of a moving object equals 1/2 MV squared, with M standing for mass and V for velocity. With the kinetic energy in joules, the mass in kilograms and, the velocity in meters per second. (Notice how the units of the metric system all work together). Notice also how this formula resembles Einstein's famous formula for the equivalence of mass and energy, E = MC squared.

But this brings us to an apparent discrepancy. The mass-energy equivalence gives the invariant internal energy in a 1 kg mass as 9 x 10 (16), meaning raised to the 16th power, joules. The kinetic energy of a 1 kg mass at what would be, in my cosmological theory, an angle of 1 degree is 5.555555 x 10 (12) joules.

If we divide the first number by the second, we get 16,200. This means that the length of the hypotenuse over the base regarding the acceleration of this object to what would be, in my theory, an angle of 1 degree would actually be only one part in 16,200, rather than the one part in 6565 that we get from the cosine of 1 angular degree.

This seems to put us off by a factor of 2.47. I used rounded figures in the calculations, so we can say that the difference is a factor of about 2.5.

But then we see that this is explained by my concept of energy of motion applying to a moving object, but affecting only the 2/5 of the energy bonds within the object that are between like charges. There is an apparent difference between the ratio of kinetic energy to mass-energy equivalence and the ratio of the length of the hypotenuse to the length of the base in a right triangle of 2.5. However, notice that the reciprocal of 2.5 is our 2/5. This is what we saw in Sub-Section 1 OF Section 5), "Energy, Quark Theory And, Cosmology".

The energy that is applied to accelerate an object does not apply to opposite charge attraction within that object because those would have been in the empty space if the object had not been there anyway. So, the force is concentrated on only 2/5 of the bonds between electric charges within the object. The application of kinetic energy to accelerate an object does not involve the difference in internal energy within the object between interfaces between like charges and interfaces between opposite charges.

The energy applied to only 2/5 of the bonds within the object will bring about an increase in the length of the hypotenuse by only 2/5 of what it would be if the energy were applied to the energy in all of the bonds between electric charges in the object. The energy does not apply to the 3/5 of bonds that are between opposite charges because those bonds would exist in the empty space anyway if the object were not there, and it would amount to the impossibility of applying kinetic energy to empty space. We can see that energy is not applied to empty space when we apply kinetic energy to an object because throwing a ball does not create any electromagnetic waves.

Remember that the difference between space and matter, in my cosmology theory, is that space is a checkerboard alternation of electric charges, with all interfaces between opposite electric charges, and matter is any concentration of charges, with like charges held together by energy. This is why there is energy in mass, the extra energy required to hold like charges together against their mutual repulsion. Electromagnetic waves are a distortion of the alternating electric charge pattern of space, brought about by energy which always ultimately goes to oppose the rules of electric charges, and opposes the attraction between opposite charges.

The reason for a fraction like 2/5 is that the information in such basics of the universe as this must necessarily revolve around low integers because there was only a limited amount of information in the Big Bang which began the universe. Remember that the reason an equivalent amount of energy that is within an object, in terms of the mass-energy equivalence, will accelerate it to only 2/3 of the speed of light if it is applied to the object as kinetic energy, despite the apparent logic that it should accelerate it to the speed of light as in Einstein's E = MC squared, where C as constant represents the speed of light, is that the kinetic energy applied is only that between opposite electric charges in the charges that compose the object. The interfaces between like charges contain energy, but these are not included because they would be there anyway if the object did not exist and there was only empty space there.

But the interfaces between like charges within an object contain three times as much energy each as the interfaces between opposite charges, as we saw in Sub-Section 1,of this Section 5, "Energy, Quark Theory And, Cosmology". If 2/5 of the interfaces between charges in matter each contain three times as much energy as the other 3/5 of interfaces, then the 2/5 will have twice as much total energy as the 3/5 and this is why the energy of mass within an object would accelerate that object to 2/3 of the speed of light if it were applied to the object as kinetic energy.


The increase in the length of the hypotenuse with regard to the base of a given angle is the square of the difference in proportion between the two angles. In other words, the increase in the length of the radius, with regard to the base, in the cosine trigonometric function, is four times for 2 degrees what it is for 1 degree.

But this also fits with what we know about acceleration. An object moving at twice the velocity actually has four times the kinetic energy. This is reflected perfectly in the trigonometric functions, and it shows the truth of this cosmology theory. The reciprocal of the cosine of 1 degree is 1.000152328. But the reciprocal of the cosine of 2 degrees is 1.000609544, which is a proportional increase of four times as much. This number represents the length of the hypotenuse, while 1 is the length of the base.

So, there we have it. This cosmology theory explains the universe as it is like it has never been explained before, and all of the numbers add up perfectly when mathematics is applied to it.


I went over a news article involving nuclear weapons negotiations with Iran when something caught my attention. ( New York Times Sept 8 2015 )

In a nuclear reaction, what is known as a chain reaction takes place. A high-velocity neutron strikes the nucleus of an atom and splits it. Two smaller atoms result but the nuclear binding energy of the two new nuclei is less than that of the one large atom. This energy is released and this is where the energy of a nuclear reaction comes from.

The two new atoms have fewer overall neutrons than the original large atom. This is because the number of neutrons per proton must increase as we move to heavier atoms. These neutrons are released, to continue at high speeds and split more nuclei so that the chain reaction continues.

Only two elements are suitable for such a fission reaction. These are plutonium and the 235 isotope of uranium. Plutonium is an entirely man-made element formed by getting uranium to absorb neutrons, creating an unstable nucleus so that a neutron transforms itself into a proton by emitting an electron, thus forming a new element. In other elements, and the usual 238 isotope of uranium, there are too many neutrons which hold the nucleus together too tightly for it to be split by a neutron. The number 238 or 235 refers to the total number of nucleons in the nucleus, protons and neutrons.

The number of neutrons emitted per fission of a nucleus varies, for uranium-235 it averages about 2.5 and for plutonium it averages about 3. These neutrons then fly off at high speeds to each split another nucleus and continue the chain reaction.

But the geometry of the mass of plutonium of uranium-235 is also a factor. The nucleus is very small in relation to the total size of the atom. The vast majority of an atom is empty space. The often used model is of a strawberry in the middle of a playing field in a sports arena, where the strawberry represents the nucleus and the arena is the orbitals of the electrons in the atom.

A neutron is so-named because it has an overall neutral electric charge, meaning that it is not affected by the negative charges of the electrons and the positive charge of the nucleus in an atom. Since the space within the electron orbitals are so vast compared with that of the nucleus, the neutron nearly always misses the nucleus and passes right through the atom. Splitting atoms and continuing the chain reaction depends on neutrons eventually hitting a nucleus before reaching the edge of the fissile material.

This means that, if the mass of plutonium or uranium-235 has too few atoms, too many neutrons will leave the mass altogether before striking a nucleus, and the chain reaction will cease. The mass must be of at least a certain size because one of the high-speed neutrons may possibly pass through millions of atoms before it strikes a nucleus. That certain minimum size needed to keep a chain reaction going, although there is always an element of chance involved, is known as the "critical mass".

The mass is also shaped in the form of a sphere because it has the lowest surface area per volume over which the neutron could escape before striking a nucleus.

The critical mass is necessary due to geometry and the ratio of the scale of the entire atom to the nucleus. But the energy released from each fission of an atom is a different factor altogether. When a nuclear chain reaction begins, the energy being released will blast the mass apart well before all of the atoms in it have undergone fission. This, of course, will halt the chain reaction even though it creates the explosion.

The figure given in the article that I mentioned was 1 / 5. In the first nuclear test, which used plutonium, in New Mexico, it was determined that only about 1 / 5 of the atoms in the mass had actually undergone fission before it blasted itself apart and halted the chain reaction.

But why was it 1 / 5? That one-fifth is information, and information must come from somewhere. The fact that the figure was 1 / 5 must tell us something about nuclear physics or the nature of matter.

A mass of a metallic element is held together by what are known as "delocalized" electrons. This means that, rather than having all electrons in orbitals around their home atoms, as is usually the case with non-metals except for the covalent bonds of carbon compounds in which two atoms may share outer electrons, metal atoms share their outer electrons among a vast number of atoms. Most bonds between atoms of non-metals are ionic, in which one atom loses an electron to another so that they are bound by the fact that one has a net negative, and the other a net positive, charge.

This means that the entire metal mass is held together by the opposite charge attraction between it's negatively-charged electrons in orbitals around atoms and the positively-charged nuclei of those atoms.

When an atom of plutonium of the 235 isotope of uranium is split by a neutron during the fusion process, it releases only a few percent of the total binding energy between like-charged protons in the nucleus. Two smaller atoms are formed by the split, typically krypton and barium, but the nuclei of these two atoms has less total binding energy and also fewer neutrons than the original uranium or plutonium atom, and that is the energy and neutrons that get released as it is split.

To release all of the energy within the atom, including the Mass-Energy Equivalence energy, we would have to react equal amounts of matter and antimatter together. Antimatter is not much different from our familiar matter, except that the electric charges are reversed so that positively-charged positrons replace electrons in orbitals around a negatively-charged nucleus.

To understand why the critical mass of metal blasts apart, halting the chain reaction, after one-fifth of it's atoms have been split by the fission process, imagine the entire mass as one large atom. This is how it behaves since it is held together by electrons in orbitals around vast numbers of atoms rather than only one or two atoms. A section of metal over which the atoms share their outer electrons is referred to as a crystal.

The reason that the critical mass of metal blasts itself apart after 1 / 5 of the atoms have been split is explained in simple terms.

In this cosmology theory everything, both matter and space, are composed of infinitesimal negative and positive electric charges. Space is defined as a perfectly alternating pattern of negative and positive charges in multiple dimensions. Matter is defined as a concentration of like charges, held together against the mutual repulsion of like charges by energy. Energy is thus equal to mass and this is what we refer to as the Mass-Energy Equivalence. This is also where Einstein's famous formula for the conversion of mass and energy comes from, E = MC squared.

Within matter, actually only two out of every five interfaces between adjacent electric charges are between like charges. The other three out of five are between opposite charges. But the interfaces between like charges hold three times as much energy as those between opposite charges.

This factor of three explains where the information for the operation of quarks comes from. Protons and neutrons are each composed of three quarks. Up quarks have an electric charge of + 2 / 3 and down quarks have an electric charge of - 1 / 3. Two up quarks and one down quark give us a proton with an overall charge of +1. Two down quarks and one up quark give us a neutron with an overall charge of zero.

The fact that each of the 2 / 5 of charge interfaces which are between like charges each holds three times as much energy as the interfaces between opposite charges, because it takes energy to hold like charges together against their mutual repulsion, means that 2 / 3 of the overall energy in the interfaces between electric charges within matter are in the interfaces between like charges. This is because 2 x 3 is twice as much as 3 x 1.

There is energy in the interfaces between the opposite charges in empty space. But clearly there must be more energy in the interfaces between the like charges within matter. Since there is not a lot of information at the level of individual electric charges, I figured it would likely be a low whole number times as much energy in the interfaces between like charges.

The charged particles of matter are held together by energy overcoming the mutual repulsion between their like charges. But it is the mutual attraction between opposite charges that holds the atom together, such as between protons and electrons. The following diagram shows what is happening. 2 / 5 of the interfaces between charges in a fissionable mass are between like charges. But these each each have three times as much energy as the interfaces between opposite charges. This includes the opposite charge bonds holding each atom together, as well as the metallic bonds holding the entire mass together.

This shows that 2 / 3 of the energy in the interfaces between electric charges in the fissionable mass is between like charges, even though only 2 / 5 of the interfaces are between like charges. This means that one of the fifths between like charges has as much energy as the 3 / 5 between opposite charges.

This is why, when 1 / 5 of the atoms have been split, the energy that has been released exceeds that of the energy holding the mass together, and the mass is blasted apart.

Special Relativity has an object moving at a significant portion of the speed of light undergoing length foreshortening, as explained in section 16). The trigonometric function that would describe this foreshortening is the cosine, the ratio of the base over the hypotenuse. The relativistic foreshortening ratio at half the speed of light is .866. The cosine of 30 degrees is also .866. The reciprocal of .866 is 1.15, which is the increase in relativistic mass at half the speed of light. But in this theory the speed of light is really a 90 degree angle so 45 degrees should represent half the speed of light. 

What is happening is that one-third of the energy in matter "doesn't count" because the interfaces between opposite charges are there in empty space anyway. Relativistic foreshortening of matter applies only to the energy holding like charges together so the foreshortening at half the speed of light is equal to the cosine of 30 degrees, rather than 45 degrees.

That explains why the relativistic mass increase for an object moving at half the speed of light, 1.155 and it's reciprocal .866, is exactly the same as the trigonometric functions, secant and cosine, as a 30 degree angle which is 1 / 3 of a right angle. If, as in my cosmology theory, velocity is really an angle with the speed of light being a 90 degree angle, then a 30 degree angle is 1 / 3 of the speed of light.

That is a reflection of 2 / 3 of the energy within matter being held in the interfaces between like electric charges. The other 1 / 3 that is held in the interfaces between opposite charges "does not count" because if the matter were not there it would be empty space. Space is a perfectly alternating checkerboard pattern of negative and positive electric charges in multiple dimensions, although the perfect pattern can be disturbed by the ripples of energy that we refer to as electromagnetic waves.

So, in calculating anything about the energy in matter we do not include this 1 / 3 of energy in the interfaces between opposite charges in the matter that would be there anyway if the matter were empty space.

Now remember that the critical mass described above is held together by the opposite charge attraction between the negatively-charged electrons and the positively-charged nuclei. Even though both the electrons and the protons in the nuclei are matter in that 2 / 3 of their energy in electric charge interfaces is held between like charges, that does not apply to the attraction between the two that holds the atom together and also the mass of metal because the definition of a metal is that a vast number of atoms share their outer electrons between them. The mass of metal is held together by the opposite charge attraction between those electrons and the nuclei.

Since the mass of metal, within the protons and electrons themselves and not the space between the two, 1 / 3 of the energy in that mass is held in the interfaces between opposite charges, and each atom and also the entire mass is held together by the opposite-charge attraction between electrons and protons, that means that the 2 / 3 of energy within the matter that is held in the 2 / 5 of the charge interfaces that are between like charges, that means that these 2 / 5 hold twice as much energy as that in the electron-proton attraction that holds each atom, as well as the entire mass, together. Because, again, 2 x 3 is twice as much as 3 x 1.

That means that when 1 / 5 of the atoms in the critical mass have been split by fission, releasing their energy, that matches the energy in the opposite-charge electrical attraction that is holding the mass of metal together. That is why in the critical mass of plutonium in the first nuclear bomb that was tested, in New Mexico, only 1 / 5 of the atoms were actually split because, at that point, the mass blasted itself apart which halted the fission process.

The total energy held in the 2 / 5 of interfaces between electric charges in matter that are between like charges was not released, remember that only a few percent of the total energy in a nucleus is released by fission. But this was the energy that would be released in the stage that was involved, that of splitting a large atom of plutonium, or the 235 isotope of uranium, into two smaller atoms, which also forces a rearrangement of the crystalline structure of the metal, held together by shared electrons. The rest of the energy in the interfaces between like charges is still held in the two smaller atoms.

But the fact that it was 1 / 5 of the atoms in the critical mass that split before the mass blasted itself apart shows that what I have explained all along in the cosmology theory is correct.


In the initial tests of nuclear bombs, it is known that only 1 / 5 of the atoms actually underwent fission. The bomb works by firing high-speed neutrons at a critical mass of either plutonium or the 235 isotope of uranium. A neutron has a neutral electric charge and so is not affected by the negative charges of the electrons in atoms, or the positive charge of the nucleus.

The nucleus takes up only a very small space in the center of the atom. The vast majority of an atom is empty space. But eventually, a neutron will probably strike a nucleus before exiting the mass of fissile material. This splits the nucleus into two smaller atoms, typically krypton and barium, and, since these two new atoms have fewer total neutrons than the larger original atom, these excess neutrons also fly out at high speeds and (hopefully) strike and split another nucleus before exiting the critical mass.

This thus forms that is referred to as a chain reaction. The average number of neutrons released by a split uranium-235 atom is about 2.5 and by a plutonium atom about 3. This is why most uranium atoms, isotope 238, will not work as fissile material. There are too many neutrons holding the nucleus together so that it cannot be split by the neutron.

That is why the mass undergoing fission has to be at least the critical mass in size, and spherical. If the mass is smaller than the critical mass then too many neutrons will escape before striking a nucleus because the smaller mass will have a higher surface-to-volume ratio.

My cosmology theory explains why only 1 / 5 of the atoms actually undergo fusion. The reason that the fission is never anywhere near complete is simply that the mass will blast itself apart before the chain reaction can get to all of the nuclei in every atom.

The reason that it is 1 / 5 of the atoms undergo fission is that 2 / 5 of the interfaces between electric charges in atoms are between like charges, which mutually repel but are held together by energy. This energy holding like charges together is, in my cosmology theory, what forms matter, and is the well-known Mass-Energy Equivalence. The other 3 / 5 of the interfaces between electric charges are between opposite charges, which naturally attract.

Empty space is made up of a multi-dimensional checkerboard of opposite negative and positive electric charges. Like charges can be held together, against their mutual repulsion, by energy. There is some energy in all interfaces between charges but the ones between like charges have three times as much energy in them as the ones between opposite charges.

The bonds between like charges, held together by energy, are what hold the fundamental particles together, the electrons and quarks that make up the nucleons. But it is the attraction between opposite charges that holds the whole mass together. But since 2 / 5 of the total interfaces between electric charges are between like charges, which each have three times are much energy as the 3 / 5 between the opposite charges that hold the whole mass together, that means that the energy released when 1 / 5 of the atoms have been split by fission, enough energy has been released to surpass the energy in the interfaces between opposite charges that hold the mass together, and thus the mass is blasted apart.

With that review, now let's see how this applies to a supernova and our Solar System.

We know that the sun is a so-called "second-generation star". We can tell by spectroscopy that the sun contains heavy elements that are well beyond it's current stage in the nuclear fusion process. Fission, described in the review above, is the opposite of fusion. Fusion is the crunching together of atoms by gravity. A star is born when enough matter comes together by it's mutual gravity that the electron repulsion that ordinarily holds atoms apart is overcome and small atoms are crunched together into larger ones.

Large atoms contain less energy than the smaller atoms that were crunched together to form them. This is because the nucleus of the larger atoms must contain more neutrons per protons and an electron is crunched into a proton to create a neutron, and this is a lower energy state than the proton and electron separate. The excess energy is released as radiation and this is why the sun and other stars shine.

Another way that we could look at the internal energy of atoms, the Mass-Energy Equivalence, is in terms of the surface area of the atoms. Surface area represents distance, and thus energy. The new and larger atom has less overall surface area than the smaller atoms that were crunched together to form it. This is the solar or stellar energy that gets released as radiation.

The lightest, and by far the most abundant, element in the universe is hydrogen. The sun is presently crunching four atoms of hydrogen into one atom of helium. The leftover energy is released as the sun's radiation. When the hydrogen is used up, the sun will begin crunching the helium together into successively heavier atoms. The process continues until we get to iron, element number 26. The ordinary fusion process can only go as far as iron.

This ordinary stellar fusion process, up to iron, is known as the slow or S-process. Elements heavier than iron, the heaviest naturally-occurring element is uranium, number 92 meaning that it has 92 protons in a nucleus, are formed only by the release of energy as a large star explodes as a supernova. That is why iron and elements, and elements below it, are exponentially more common than elements heavier than iron. These heavier elements require a net input of energy which is not possible without the explosion.

A star is an equilibrium between the inward force of gravity and the outward energy of it's nuclear fusion. As the star keeps crunching smaller atoms into heavier ones, and then those into still heavier ones, the energy released per time increases because larger atoms being crunched together releases more net energy than smaller ones. This upsets the equilibrium of the star and it begins growing outward. Late in it's life, the sun is expected to reach what is known as the "red giant stage".

But if the star is large enough, meaning that more atoms are undergoing fusion in it's core, the star can actually explode and scatter it's component matter across space. That is what the Solar System is today, and why the sun is a second-generation star. A large star exploded and much of it's matter fell back together by gravity to form the sun and planets. That previous star must have been much larger than the sun because the sun is not large enough to explode as a supernova.

I define a nova as the blasting away of the outer layers of a star, due to the increased energy release of fusion in the star's core, and a supernova as the explosion of the star from the center. This is why, in my view, the outer planets of the Solar System contain a preponderance of molecules formed of light atoms, such as methane and ammonia, and comets are made of ices such as water. The previous star first blasted away the lighter atoms in it's outer reaches, which went further out into space because they had a higher starting point, before exploding from the center.

We can easily see how the ordinary fusion process only goes as far as iron, before the previous star exploded in a supernova, by how abundant iron is in the earth and the inner Solar System. Mercury has been nicknamed "The Iron Planet". The earth is 64x the volume of the moon, but has 81x it's mass, because, while both are made out of rock, the earth has a heavy iron core that the moon lacks. This lack of an iron core shows in the fact that the moon has practically no magnetic field.

Iron is the most common element in the earth by mass and close to 1 / 3 the mass of the earth consists of iron. We know that lighter elements in the inner Solar System were forced outward by the sun's heat and the solar wind, the stream of charged particles from the sun.

Now here is my hypothesis. The mass of the earth and inner planets, up to Mars, are now close to 1 / 3 iron. But originally, before lighter elements being forced toward the outer Solar System by the heat and solar wind, the mass of the inner Solar System was about 1 / 5 iron.

This means that the supernova, the explosion of the previous star that existed before the present sun, occurred when about 1 / 5 of the mass in the core of the star was in the form of iron, and the fusion process could not go any further. A supernova is not exactly a nuclear explosion, it is a change in the previous equilibrium of the star, but it is driven by the fusion process.

This is like an inverse mirror image of the fission critical mass, described above, blasting itself apart when 1 / 5 of the atoms have been split. The energy released comes from the interfaces of like charges that are held together by energy, what science calls the "Mass-Energy Equivalence". 2 / 5 of all interfaces between electric charges in matter are such interfaces between like charges. These each have three times, according to my cosmology theory, as much energy as the usual interfaces of empty space between opposite charges that naturally attract.

That is why, when 1 / 5 of the atoms undergoing fusion in the core of the star have become part of an iron atom and the process can go no further, the energy released surpasses that of the 3 / 5 of the interfaces between opposite charges that holds the star together, but each has only 1 / 3 of the energy of an interface between like charges. This is what causes the star to explode as a supernova and is why, after much matter consisting of lighter atoms has been forced outward by the heat of the sun and the solar wind, close to 1 / 3 of the matter in the inner Solar System is iron.



We saw how this cosmology theory is proven mathematically, in the above section, "Applying Mathematics To Acceleration In Cosmology Theory". Here is another way of proving my cosmology theory mathematically.

It revolves around the standard formula for kinetic energy of a moving object: Energy = 1/2 MV squared. This means that the kinetic energy equals half the mass of the object in motion multiplied by the square of it's velocity. If we apply the interrelated units of the metric system, a joule of energy is a mass of 1 kg moving at a velocity of one meter per second.

The formula for acceleration is F = MA, Force equals Mass multiplied by Acceleration. This basically states that, if a force is applied to a heavier object, it will produce proportionally less acceleration than it would if applied to a lighter object.

But why is the formula for the actual kinetic energy of a moving object more complicated than the formula for it's acceleration? The difference between the two formulae is the 1/2 of the mass, and the squared of the velocity. Where do this half and the squared come from so that they are in the formula for the kinetic energy of a moving object, but not in the formula for it's simple acceleration? I have never seen this explained.

My cosmology theory explains the square of the velocity in the formula easily enough, as we saw in the above Section Three, "Applying Mathematics To Acceleration In Cosmology Theory". Objects are really bundles of strings in four-dimensional space, one of which we perceive as time. Velocity is simply the bending of strings from the straight-line which represents an object at rest, and this is why trigonometry applies to it. All matter has a certain internal energy, known as the Mass-Energy Equivalence, and the increase in length of the hypotenuse of a right triangle over the base represents the increase in energy added to the internal mass energy of the object by the kinetic energy of the object if it is in motion.

But in trigonometry we see that the increase in length over the base for an angle at 2 degrees is actually four times that of an angle at 1 degree. This is thus based on the Inverse Square Law and means that an object at twice the velocity actually has four times the kinetic energy, and this is where the Velocity squared in the formulas for kinetic energy comes from. This explains why an object moving at twice the velocity has four times the force. In falling, if an object falls from twice the height it will impact the ground with twice the energy, while falling at the square root of two of the velocity.

Relative to the infinitesimal scale of the electric charges which comprise both space and matter applying kinetic energy to an object, such as throwing a ball, is an extremely large-scale operation that does not affect the electric charges themselves. But yet if both the object and the space in which it exists are composed of electric charges, then the nature of these charges would have to be reflected in the operation of kinetic energy.

Remember the principle of the flow of information from the lower to higher level structures in the universe. The information contained in the fundamental structures must be reused in the larger structures, simply because there is no other information with which to construct the larger structures. A clear example is orbits. The large-scale orbits of moons and planets are a reflection of the electron orbitals in the atoms of which they are composed. Another example is what we are seeing here, the ratio of energy required to hold two like charges together to form matter, in comparison with the energy in the tension between adjacent opposite charges in space is 3:1 and that information is reflected across the operation of the universe.

If an equivalent amount of energy that is within an object as internal energy, as described in the above section, "Applying Mathematics To Acceleration In Cosmology Theory", is applied to the object to accelerate it as kinetic energy, it would accelerate the object to 2/3 the speed of light. This is because that is the proportion of internal energy that there is in matter in the interfaces between like charges within the particles (actually strings) which make up the matter. In trigonometry, we see this represented as the hypotenuse of a right triangle having a length of twice the base at an angle of 60 degrees, which is 2/3 of a quadrant. The speed of light in the cosmology theory is simply a bundle of strings at a right angle to the dimension of space that we perceive as time and along which the bundles of strings composing the matter in the universe are mostly aligned.


But notice that the cosine of 2/3 of the speed of light, which in my cosmology theory would be represented by the bundle of strings of the object at an angle of 60 degrees, is .5. We deal with the cosine function of trigonometry because it shows the increase in length of the hypotenuse over the base in relation to the angle between the two, and we know that this represents the additional energy that is added to the internal energy of an object, thus lengthening the hypotenuse relative to the base, when kinetic energy of motion is applied to the object.

The motion of the object is, as described in my cosmology theory, is the angle between the hypotenuse and the base as a proportion of the speed of light, which is a 90 degree angle. An object apparently cannot travel faster than the speed of light simply because there is no angle greater than 90 degrees, relative to the line of the base which represents an object at rest.

The 1/2 in the formula for kinetic energy, Energy = 1/2 MV squared, comes from this .5 which is the cosine of the 60 degree angle which represents the 2/3 of the speed of light that an object would accelerate to if an equivalent amount of energy to the internal energy, of the Mass-Energy Equivalence were applied to the object as the kinetic energy of motion.

Remember that Relativity does not apply here in greatly increasing the force necessary to accelerate an object to anywhere near the speed of light because that is, as described in the above Section Three, "Applying Mathematics To Acceleration In Cosmology Theory", only a reflection of our limitations of being confined to, and only able to exert force from, the bundles of strings composing our bodies and brains and unable to exert force in the dimension of space that we perceive as time.

My doctrine of the electric charges composing matter, as well as space is that to force like charges together, into the concentration of electric charge that I define as matter, requires energy. There is also energy in the tension between the adjacent opposite charges which comprise space, but my reasoning is that there must be three times as much energy in the interfaces between like charges in matter as there is between adjacent opposite charges. This was also described in the above section, "Applying Mathematics To Acceleration In Cosmology Theory".

It is this additional energy which is required to hold like charges together to form matter that accounts for the internal energy in the matter, according to the mass-energy equivalence. These basic rules of the interactions between energy and electric charges must revolve around low integers like 1 and 3 because the Big Bang which began the universe was a relatively simple event, and there is no other information that would make it more complicated.

The half in the kinetic energy formula, E = 1/2 MV squared, is also reflected in my concept of gravity as being the result of energy overcoming the basic rules of the electric charges which comprise the universe. Like charges must be forced and held together to create matter, against the mutual repulsion which would usually take place. Electrons, for example, would be long strings of negative charges held together by the energy that they absorbed in the Big Bang, which began the universe. Then, after the particles (actually strings) have been formed from electric charges, binding energy in the nucleus holds the like-charged protons together against their mutual repulsion.

But if matter means that the mutual repulsion between like charges is overcome by energy more than the mutual attraction of opposite charges, and if the two electric charges are equal then the basic rules governing them must also be equal, then this must leave a net attractive force associated with matter, and this is what we perceive as gravity. There is a link between kinetic energy and gravity because kinetic energy usually goes to oppose gravity.

Energy always goes to oppose one of the two basic rules that govern the negative and positive electric charges which comprise everything in the universe, matter and space. These two basic rules are that opposite charges attract, while like charges repel. When energy overcomes the repulsion of like charges, it forms the concentration of charges that my cosmology theory defines as matter. When energy overcomes the attraction of opposite charges, it forms the distortion in the alternating charge checkerboard pattern in space that we perceive as electromagnetic radiation.


Finally, all of this brings us to the question of another formula. What about Einstein's well-known formula for the equivalence of matter and energy, E = MC squared? This means that the energy within matter equals the mass multiplied by the constant, C, which is the speed of light squared. This is the formula for mass-energy equivalence, and is very similar to the formula for kinetic energy E = 1/2 MV squared.

Notice the differences between these two formulae. In Einstein's formula, the velocity, V, is replaced by the speed of light, C, which is itself a velocity. But when we make this replacement, the 1/2 disappears from in front of the mass. Why would replacing a velocity in the kinetic energy of a moving object formula cause the half of the mass to be replaced with the full mass if the velocity was replaced with what we perceive as the maximum possible velocity, which is the speed of light?

The answer lies in electric charge, which is what matter is composed of. Kinetic energy is what we could call a large-scale operation, which does not affect the electric charges comprising matter themselves. This is why throwing a ball does not release electromagnetic radiation. But if two like electric charges are bound together by energy, and then suddenly released, they will instantly move away from one another by the most direct possible route. In my cosmology theory, with matter being actually strings and bundles of strings in four-dimensional space one of which we perceive as time, this means the strings representing both particles bending away from one another at 90 degree angles. Remember that, in my theory, a 90 degree angle represents the speed of light because a 90 degree angle is the maximum possible angle.

Einstein's famous theory of Special Relativity Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity is about the speed of light being absolutely sacrosanct, and mass, time and, length revolving around it. An object moving at the speed of light would have time stop, the length of the object become infinitesimal and, it's mass become infinite.

The line at bottom in the following diagram represents the bundles of strings comprising our bodies and brains at rest. The red arrow represents the direction of our consciousness, at what we perceive as the speed of light. Acceleration of objects to ever higher speeds is represented by lines A and B. Line C represents the speed of light. It is the maximum possible speed to us because a right angle is the maximum possible angle.

The green segments are equal distances along each line, and shows what is really happening in the Special Theory of Relativity. As the segments are at an increasing angle to us their length, and thus their mass and time, are concentrated in a shorter and shorter length. At the speed of light, the right angle, the future mass and time of the line are concentrated at a single point, from the point of view of the line at bottom. Thus it's mass appears as infinite, while it's time stops and it's length becomes infinitesimal.

Nuclear fission Einstein's famous formula, E = MC squared, means that the internal energy in matter equals the mass multiplied by the speed of light, squared. This internal energy, in my cosmology theory, is the energy that holds like charges together, against their mutual repulsion, to form matter. This is why matter tends to consist of electrically charged particles, such as protons and electrons. We also refer to this energy as the Mass Energy Equivalence.

But suppose that the nucleus of a fissionable atom, A in the following diagram, is split by a high-speed neutron, at point B. The positive charges of the nucleus, no longer being held together, would try to get away from each other by the shortest possible route, C and D, since like charges repel. Since these are really bundles of strings that would be right angles in opposite directions. 

Since we perceive such a right angle as the speed of light, that accounts for one of the speeds of light in Einstein's formula. The other speed of light is the movement of our consciousness, indicated by the red arrow in the diagram.

This explains the apparently nonsensical fact that the speed of light should be a factor in the internal energy of an object. Likewise, in Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity, the mass of an object moving at the speed of light would appear infinite to us simply because we would perceive all of it's mass as concentrated at one point, as our consciousness moved past it while moving along the bundles of strings which comprise our bodies and brains, instead of having the mass of the object distributed all along the nearly infinite length of it's bundle of strings as it would if the object was, as we perceive it, at rest.

Do you notice something interesting about the difference between the formula for kinetic energy, E = 1/2 MV squared, and Einstein's formula for the energy of mass in matter, E = MC squared? The formulae are identical except that the one for kinetic energy has the 1/2 before the mass and Einstein's formula doesn't and, of course, the V in the kinetic energy formula can represent any velocity while the C (for constant) in Einstein's formula only represents the velocity of light.

The difference is explained by the cosine function of simple trigonometry, the application of an equivalent amount of energy that is within an object as the mass-energy equivalence as kinetic energy to accelerate the object will bring it to 2/3 the speed of light because this is where the hypotenuse, representing the object in motion, will be twice as long as the base, representing the object at rest. The cosine of 2/3 of a right angle, which is 60 degrees, is .5. The cosine of a 90 degrees angle which, in my cosmology theory, is what the speed of light is, is 1.

This is my explanation of why there is a 1/2 preceding the mass in the kinetic energy formula but no fraction, equivalent to a 1, preceding the mass in Einstein's formula where the velocity must be the speed of light, C. But the fact that this is explained so well by trigonometry means that my cosmological theory of velocity actually being the bundle of strings that we see as the moving object, bent at an angle, must be correct.

Remember that relativity does not apply to our acceleration of an object to 2/3 of the speed of light if an amount of energy equivalent to the internal energy of the object were applied to the object as kinetic energy here because that is, as described in the above section "Applying Mathematics To Acceleration In Cosmology Theory", only a reflection of our limitations of being confined to, and only able to exert force from, the bundles of strings composing our bodies and brains and unable to exert force in the dimension of space that we perceive as time. This means that as the velocity of an object increases, we are pushing against it at an ever-lower angle due to our inability to exert force in the fourth dimension of space, which we perceive as time.

This does not apply to our acceleration of an object to 2/3 of what we perceive as the speed of light, by the application as kinetic energy of an amount of energy equivalent to the object's internal energy, because the velocity of the object is really the angle at which it's bundle of strings is bent in comparison to what it would be if the object were at rest, and our dimensional limitations are not considered. The velocity of the object would be directly proportional to the kinetic energy applied.

These three formulae are similar:

F = MA, Force = Mass times acceleration.

E = 1/2 MV squared, the formula for kinetic energy.

E = MC squared, Einstein's formula for internal energy based on the speed of light.

It is the differences between these three which shows that my cosmology theory must be correct.


We are familiar with the concept of how the universe always seeks the lowest energy state. If we put a ball in the air, for example, it will fall to the ground because less energy is required of the universe to support the ball on the ground than in the air. The laws of physics lead to the lowest energy state.

My theory is that energy and information is really the same thing. We cannot add information to something without applying energy to it, and we cannot apply energy to something without adding information to it. We can make life physically easier, through technology, but only at the expense of making it more complex. We cannot, on a large scale, make life both physically easier and also less complex.

But this means that, if the universe always seeks the lowest energy state, there must be a corresponding least information state that it seeks also. The lowest energy state is also the least information state. It takes more information to describe a ball suspended in the air than it does to describe the ball on the ground.

Matter and radiation move as they do seeking the lowest energy state. They interact as they do seeking the least information state. Energy and information are really the same thing. We see energy and information as being different only because of our perspective on the universe.

Why do interactions between matter, or between matter and electromagnetic radiation, take place the way that they do? In my cosmological theory, everything is arrangements of negative and positive electric charges. Why doesn't the striking of a ball against a wall, for example, result in a rearrangement or a merging of the electric charges of the ball and the wall? Why doesn't the atoms of the two fuse together so that the ball might turn into gold for you? Instead, both the ball and the wall remain intact and the ball simply bounces off the wall and goes off in another direction.

Ultimately, the only way to express either information or energy in the universe is to change the usual alternating arrangement of negative and positive charges, in multiple dimensions, that are found in empty space. Both energy and information is defined as variations in this basic alternating pattern of electric charges.  Energy always ultimately goes to overcome one or the other of the basic rules of electric charges, that opposite charges attract and that like charges repel.

Remember that, in my cosmological theory, energy applied to empty space always goes to overcome the repulsive force between like charges, and create matter which is defined as a concentration of charges. This is because, until matter is brought into being, there is no definition of distance available that is necessary to create electromagnetic waves, which are an overcoming of the attractive force between opposite charges and require a definition of distance to set the wavelength of the wave.

When you throw a ball, according to my cosmology theory, the interaction actually does affect the electric charges in the ball. The bundle of strings comprising the ball increases in length. but the interaction must conform to the least information state.

The increase in length takes place in the dimension of space that we perceive as time that the bundle of strings is aligned along. The past or future dimension of the ball cannot come into the present, but yet the bundle of strings must increase in length to accommodate the energy that has been added to it. This shows up in the diagram as a bundle of strings at an angle being longer than one at rest, just as the hypotenuse of a right triangle must be longer than the base.

In the following diagram, if the bundle of strings comprising our bodies and brains is represented by line A, our consciousnesses is moving in the direction of the red arrow at what we perceive as the speed of light. The dashed red line represents the present, and the three dimensions that we can see in it. 

If a bundle of strings, represented by line B, is aligned parallel to ours we will see it as an object at rest. But since we see in only three dimensions it will appear as an object, such as a sphere, C. A bundle of strings aligned like D will appear as an object moving toward us and E like an object moving away from us. 

The greater the angle the faster it will appear to be moving, at a right angle it will appear to be moving at the speed of light. Electromagnetic radiation, F, is only transmitted or received at right angles to the strings which is why it appears to be moving at the speed of light.

We can prove this with ordinary trigonometry. It is known that an object moving with twice the velocity will impact with four times the force. In this theory an object is represented by a straight level line if it is at rest and a diagonal line if it is moving, like the base and diagonal of a right triangle. The secant, the inverse of the cosine, is the function that shows how much the length of the hypotenuse increases, relative to the base. The secant of 1 degree is 1.0001523. The secant of 2 degrees is 1.00060954. When the angle, which represents velocity, is doubled the increase in length, which represents mass or impact force, is multiplied by four. This only applies at low angles or velocities and not those approaching the speed of light.

The bundle of strings bends at an angle because that will make the hypotenuse of the triangle that is thus formed longer than the base. We will perceive this as the motion of the ball as our consciousnesses move forward in the dimension of space that we perceive as time. This represents the least information state of the ball because the increase in length is just replicating the information that is already there.

Changing the time dimension of the bundle of strings comprising the ball would require much more information. The bundle of strings lengthens without affecting the time dimension, and the only way to do this is to take on the angle that we perceive as the ball's velocity. Since we ourselves are composed of bundles of strings aligned in the same dimension, we cannot exert force at will in the time dimension. It must lengthen when energy is applied to it because of the mass-energy equivalence. It must lengthen along the dimension of space that we perceive as time because that is the dimension along which the bundle of strings is primarily aligned.

This theory was originally called "The Theory Of Stationary Space" because there is no real movement of matter. The only real movement is the "new" movement, brought about by living things. But even that is just a lengthening of the bundle of strings comprising the object that is moved, according to the mass-energy equivalence, and it must bend at the angle that we perceive as the velocity of the object because we are unable to exert any force that would make changes in the time dimension.

Accommodating the energy interaction with the ball in any other way would require more information. It seems to us that interactions with the atoms or electric charges of the ball would require more energy. But that is because energy and information is really the same thing. Dealing with the entire object as one, in the interaction, can be likened to dealing with a truck full of goods in that it requires less information to just send the entire truck to a destination then to sort all of the goods in the truck and send them to different destinations.

Interactions tend to take place according to the scale of the interaction. The different scales of an object such as the ball are, in order from largest to smallest, the entire object as one, the molecules and microscopic irregularities in the structure and surface of the object, the atoms of which the molecules of the object are composed and, the electric charges of which the atoms in the object are composed. But this comes back to the lowest energy state because keeping the interaction to only one scale requires less information. The scale at which an interaction takes place is information, and having the interaction take place at only one scale mean a lower information state.

The information of an interaction cannot exceed the information within the interaction. Information, like energy, cannot be created out of nothing. This is why an electromagnetic wave is reflected only by an object about at least as large as it's wavelength, which is why an AM (or longwave) radio station fades when you drive under an overpass, but an FM (or shortwave) station doesn't. To have it otherwise would require more information, that would violate the principle of the least information state.



We have seen, in this cosmology theory, how energy always ultimately goes to oppose one or the other of the two basic rules of the negative and positive electric charges of which everything in the universe is composed. These two rules are that opposite charges attract, while like charges repel.

Like charges can be bound together by energy, and this is what forms matter. This creates a concentration of like-charges, but the overall electric charge balance must be maintained. Energy can thus be defined as the area over which the two opposite charges must balance out. Higher energy mean that the necessary balance is spread over a greater area.

If energy overcomes the attractive force between opposite charges, it disrupts the alternating checkerboard of negative and positive charges, which comprise space, to create electromagnetic radiation. If the energy overcomes the repulsive force between like charges, it creates the concentration of charges that we perceive as matter.

But why does the application of energy to the electric charges comprising space sometimes oppose one of the basic rules, and at other times the other rule? In other words, why does the application of energy to electric charges in space sometimes form matter, and at other times forms electromagnetic radiation?

I find that the answer comes down to distance. Electromagnetic radiation must have some certain wavelength because it must follow an orderly pattern of disrupting the checkerboard pattern of disrupting the checkerboard pattern of alternating electric charges in space. If there is no other definition of distance, other than the scale of the infinitesimal electric charges themselves, this cannot happen. If there is no other definition, the only thing that the energy can do is to go to opposing the repulsive force between like charges since this does not require any other definition of distance, and this is what forms matter.

To move something against the rules of electric charge, by either pulling apart or pushing together, some definition of distance to work from is necessary. Electromagnetic waves are always formed by some type of energetic interaction of matter, such as radio waves formed by electrons moving in an antenna, and this provides the definition of distance that we see as the wavelength of the electromagnetic wave. This means that matter must be formed first, because it requires no additional definition of distance, before electromagnetic waves can be formed. The exception is the radiation released by the Big Bang.

To overcome the repulsive force between like charges, it means pulling like charges together and there is already an opposite charge between them since empty space is an alternating checkerboard of negative and positive electric charges. This means that the distance has already been defined, and no further definition of distance is necessary. But to pull adjacent opposite charges apart, which is how electromagnetic radiation is created, that is not the case and a definition of how far apart they will be pulled is necessary.

But if matter must form first, before there can be electromagnetic radiation, then what about the Big Bang? The conventional model of the Big Bang is that it brought both matter and space into existence, but also a tremendous amount of electromagnetic radiation that we still can detect all around us. But this means that matter must have existed first, to provide the definition of the wavelength of the electromagnetic radiation.

How can this be explained, other than my cosmological theory model of the original two-dimensional sheet disintegrating in one of it's two dimensions to leave strings of matter from the one dimension, and released energy from the other?


We know that atoms began to form within a few minutes of the Big Bang, which began the universe. It would seem to make sense that the atoms which would form would be hydrogen, which is the simplest and lightest atom with one electron and one proton. But we know that about a quarter of the fist atoms that formed were helium, rather than hydrogen. Helium is the next element, after hydrogen, with two protons and two electrons and two neutrons.

I have wondered about this. We can see how hydrogen atoms would form, but why would there be the heavier and more complex helium also? The Wikipedia article on "Primordial Nucleo-Synthesis" gives the proportion of atoms that were helium as 25%. But then I realized that my cosmological theory has a neat and simple answer. It caught my attention that the proportion of helium atoms formed during primordial nucleo-synthesis should be exactly one-quarter of the total.

The two-dimensional sheet of space, from which matter was ultimately formed, must have had a different alignment of it's alternating negative and positive electric charges from the four-dimensional background space around it. It had to be a different alignment, simply because it would be a part of the background space if it wasn't different.

So there must have been some angle at which the original two-dimensional sheet of space was aligned, relative to the background space. The most logical angle would be a 45 degree angle, relative to the dimensions of alignment of electric charges of the background space, so that it would be equidistant between two perpendicular dimensions of the background space. Since electric charges always act on each other, this 45 degree angle would be the lowest information state, as well as the lowest energy state which the universe always seeks.

The following diagram shows how a two dimensional sheet of space formed that was within, but not contiguous with, the multi-dimensional background space. This lack of contiguity was information, and information is really the same thing as energy. This two dimensional sheet would be the source of matter and energy, everything in the universe except space. It would be a lower information state for it to occupy a 45 degree angle, relative to the charge alignment of the background space, so the discontinuity, relative to the checkerboard pattern of the background space, would be equal on both sides of the sheet.

Now, what do you notice about a diagonal line imposed across a grid with an X and a Y Axis, at an angle of 45 degrees, or halfway between the axes? Whether we measure from the X or the Y Axis, exactly 25% of the grid would be between the main axis and the diagonal line.

The following diagram explains what is called Big Bang Nucleosynthesis. The lightest atom is hydrogen This concept of the two dimensional sheet of space forming with it's arrangement of charges aligned at 45 degrees to that of the background space neatly explains what is called Big Bang Nucleosynthesis. The lightest atoms are hydrogen and it would seem logical that these would be the first atoms. But about 25% of the original atoms were helium, the next heaviest element, with traces of the next two elements. But this figure of 25% is information, and information has to come from somewhere. Notice that, if the sheet folded in one direction as described above, it would enclose 25% of the surrounding background space.

Despite the two-dimensional sheet being aligned at 45 degrees relative to the dimensions of the electric charges of the background space being the lowest possible information state of the arrangement, it is still information and this information must somehow be manifested. Distance is information, so therefore space must be information.

The production of hydrogen atoms alone, in the Big Bang, would not be the bringing about of new information because, in the cosmological theory, one of the two dimensions of the two-dimensional sheet disintegrated, in what we see as the Big Bang, which would seem to represent a loss of information. Until the charges coming back together as atoms restored that information.

But 25% of those atoms were helium, which is more complex meaning that it contains more information, than hydrogen. Helium contains twice as many protons and twice as many electrons as hydrogen, and has neutrons which hydrogen doesn't have.

But this theory makes the answer of why 25% of the atoms created in the Big Bang were helium easy to see. It is a reflection of the higher state of information and energy of the two-dimensional sheet of space being aligned at the midpoint 45 degree angle relative to the dimensions of the alternating negative and positive electric charges of the background space. If the background space was expressed as a grid, and the two-dimensional sheet as a line through the origin of the grid at a 45 degree angle, 25% of the grid would be between the 45 degree line and either one of the axes. This is a higher information and energy state and is why 25% of the atoms formed in the Big Bang had to be helium.

I cannot find a satisfactory answer to this anywhere, but this cosmological theory has a neat and simple answer for it. Remember the principle in science known as "Occam's Razor", that the simplest explanation for something usually turns out to be the best explanation. That may not be true in the world of people, but it does seem to be true in the science of inanimate matter.


An interesting question is why the proportion of atoms in the universe that are helium is declining. Even though stars like the sun operate by crunching four atoms of hydrogen into one of helium, and releasing the leftover energy as radiation, the atoms that formed within minutes of the Big Bang that began the universe were 25% helium, but now less than 10% of the atoms in the universe are helium.

Helium is heavier than hydrogen, and so more likely then the majority hydrogen to get pulled into the core of a star by gravity, and then fused into heavier elements. The original helium atoms of the universe have not disappeared, they have just been fused into heavier elements. The "scattering" of the original helium atoms among all of the heavier elements represents, in terms of information, the scattering of the electric charges of the original two-dimensional sheet across the surrounding four-dimensional space by the Big Bang.


It has long been known that the universe is expanding. In 1998 came the greatly surprising news that two separate teams investigating the rate at which the universe was expanding had both concluded that not only is the expansion of the universe not slowing down, as was then believed, it is actually speeding up.

Scientists have been searching for a mysterious "dark energy" that somehow causes the expansion of the universe to accelerate, but my cosmology theory has a rather simple explanation.

Actually, there are three different ways to explain how this cosmology theory explains the acceleration of the expansion of the universe. These are the Electrical Explanation, the Radiation Explanation and, the Information Explanation. All three explanations arrive at the same answer, why the expansion of the universe is accelerating.


In my cosmology theory, the Big Bang which began the universe as we know it took place not at a point but along a line. The Big Bang happened as one side of the original two-dimensional sheet of space, that was not contiguous with the background space, came into contact with the other side. Due to charge migration one side of the sheet had already become mostly negative while the other side was mostly positive, because this brought about a lower energy state. The contact of the two sides brought about the great matter-antimatter mutual annihilation that we perceive as the Big Bang, but it was along the line of the contact between the two sides of the sheet and not from a point.

The remaining dimension of the sheet became the strings which we see as particles such as electrons because we can only see in three of the four dimensions, the other one we perceive as time. The bundles of strings comprising our bodies and brains are perpendicular to the line along which the Big Bang took place. We can detect the radiation from the Big Bang all around us but we cannot pinpoint it to any particular direction because the direction of the site of the Big bang from us is in the direction of space that we perceive as time.

The universe, both space and matter, is made up of infinitesimal negative and positive electric charges. The rules by which these charges operate is simply that opposite charges attract, while like charges repel. To understand the Matter Explanation of the acceleration of the expansion of the universe, we have to understand that if the two electric charges are equal, then the two basic rules governing the electric charges must also be equal.

Matter comes about by energy overcoming the repulsive force between like charges, and holding like charges together. That is my definition of the difference between space and matter. Space is a pattern of alternating negative and positive electric charges, matter is any concentration of like charges that are held together by energy.

But if the two rules of electric charges, like the two charges themselves, must also be equal then this overcoming of repulsive force to create matter leaves a net attractive force. This net attractive force involving matter, but not empty space, is what we refer to as gravity.

Energy can not only overcome the repulsive force between like charges to form matter, it can also overcome the attractive force between opposite charges to form electromagnetic radiation. That is my definition of the difference between the two ultimate applications of energy. Overcoming the repulsive force between like charges creates matter, overcoming the attractive force between opposite charges creates radiation. Overcoming the repulsive force between like charges brings about concentration, which is why matter is concentrated. Overcoming the attractive force between opposite charges brings about dispersion, which is why radiation is disperse.

After energy has overcome the repulsive force between like charges to form matter, those particles of matter would then have to have either a negative or a positive electric charge. That would mean that different particles of matter would attract one another in a way to balance out their electric charges. That is exactly what happens when electrons and protons are drawn together to form atoms, which then represent a kind of "zero unit" of matter as ordinary atoms have no net electric charge.

But just as the overcoming of the repulsive force between like charges that forms matter leaves a net attractive force around matter that we refer to as gravity, so the attractive force between electrons and protons that forms atoms must leave a net repulsive force somewhere. This is the way it has to be if not only the two electric charges are equal but the two basic rules of those charges are also equal.

What we could call the "center line" of the matter in the universe that was thrown outward by the Big Bang must always be conserved. That is what brings about the universal principle of equal and opposite reactions. But since electric forces really dominate the universe, we should expect that if there was a grouping of matter somewhere due to electrical attraction, as in the formation of atoms, then there must be an electrical repulsion somewhere also.

This repulsion has only one possible candidate, it is the expansion of the universe. It acts as a kind of anti-gravity to counterbalance the electrical attraction which forms atoms.

But atoms do not stay constant. Small atoms are continually being fused into larger ones by the tremendous heat and pressure in the centers of stars. This is an attractive force in that it creates larger but fewer atoms than there were before. Not only that, but the rate of atoms combining into larger ones is increasing by simple mathematics because larger atoms are being fused together than before.

First, stars combine 1s to form 2s. Then they combine 2s to form 4s. Then they combine 4s to form 8s, and so on. But this increasing combining, which is an attractive force, must somehow be balanced by the repulsive force because, if the two electric charges are equal then the two rules governing them must also be equal.

The only possible thing that this increasing repulsive force can be is the accelerating expansion of the universe.

This only makes sense if the Big Bang is actually along a line, as in my cosmology theory, rather than from a point, and the strings of matter are actually still connected at the Big Bang.


The matter in the universe expands outward from the Big Bang due to the energy that was applied to it. So clearly, there must be some energy driving the expansion of the universe. I find that ordinary radiation in space fits as this energy, and not some mysterious unseen "dark energy". But for ordinary radiation to work as the energy in space that is driving the acceleration of the expansion of the universe, we have to accept the model of matter in space as strings in four dimensions of space, one of which we perceive as time.

This theory has matter as roughly parallel strings of matter that were thrown across space by what we perceive as the Big Bang. Stellar fusion releases electromagnetic radiation in a direction that is perpendicular to the direction of the strings of matter of the star. Velocity is the way we perceive any variation from parallel in strings relative to one another. What we perceive as the speed of light is simply a perpendicular right angle, and the radiation emanating at right angles to the matter that produced it is working to put the second dimension of the sheet back together.

With this strings of matter in four-dimensional space model of the universe, we see that electromagnetic radiation is actually the "dark energy" that scientists perceive must be driving the acceleration of the expansion of the universe. Without this application of energy from somewhere, it makes sense that the universe is expanding outward from the Big Bang, but not that the expansion is accelerating. But that could not be if we live in a three-dimensional universe with the Big Bang emanating from a point.

Stellar fusion releases an increasing amount of energy per time. If we combine 1s to form 2s and then combine 2s to form 4s and then combine 4s to forms 8s, we have an arithmetical model of how successive nuclear fusion operates in stars. Lighter atoms are crunched together by the gravity in the center of a star to create successively heavier elements. But this means that more and more energy is released per time as the fusion goes on.

Distance and energy are really equivalent, as both are information. When the rate of fusion, by mass, increases, the flow of energy from matter into space as electromagnetic radiation must also increase. ( Even though less energy is released per nucleon in successive fusion). This can only mean that higher-energy space, meaning that it holds more energy and information as electromagnetic radiation, must manifest an increase in distance.

The universe is just energy or information. Like anything else, the expansion of the universe from the Big Bang is really a mathematical equation. If we change something about the equation, the other side must change also for it to remain an equation.

Plainly and simply if energy is transferred from matter to space, which is what happens when excess energy is released from the nuclear fusion process in stars, then space has to "expand". In other words, distance has to increase. The way that distance increases, due to the increasing energy released into space by the successive fusion of atoms in stars, is what we see as the accelerating expansion of the universe.

Another way that we see the increase of distance representing an increase of information by applied energy is in surface area. A sphere is the lowest energy state of all three-dimensional geometric objects, and it also has the lowest surface area per volume. Any application of energy to the sphere can only add information by increasing the surface area, and distance in space operates in the same way.

When energy is released into space by the stellar fusion process, the expansion of the universe from the Big Bang accelerates to what it would have been if the additional energy had been there at the Big Bang, which threw the matter of the universe outward. In all matter except that in the "center line" of matter from the Big Bang, there is more energy in space on one side of it, the direction toward the center line, than on the other side.

This forms an equilibrium as the matter moves outward with the expansion of the universe from the Big Bang. But if the amount of energy in space on one side increases, the side toward the "center line" of the matter in the universe, then this difference must show up somewhere just as if we had changed one side of a mathematical equation. The way it shows up is as the acceleration of the expansion of the matter in the universe.

We do not see this radiation pressure in our daily lives because it generally balances out all around and is, in any case, overwhelmed by gravity. But it is why a laser can move matter and can, in fact, fuse atoms together by pressure.

We can see how matter and electromagnetic energy, the two results of energy being applied to the alternating electric charges of empty space, act in opposite ways. The energy in matter brings about a net attractive force because the matter comes about by applied energy overcoming the repulsive force between like charges to hold them together into what we see as charged particles. If the two basic electric charges are equal then the two rules of the charges must also be equal and so that leaves an net attractive force, which we see as gravity.

Electromagnetic radiation, in contrast to matter, is an overcoming of the attractive force between opposite charges by the application of energy. So if matter leaves a net attractive force because it is held together by the overcoming of the repulsive force between like charges, then radiation must leave a net repulsive force because it is an overcoming of the attraction between opposite charges.

This is why lasers push matter, instead of pulling it like gravity, and why the expansion of the universe has to be accelerating due to this increasing push of electromagnetic radiation in space led by the increase in the emanation of radiation from matter as the fusion process in stars releases increasing amounts of radiation as successively heavier elements undergo stellar fusion.

Since electromagnetic radiation is released by the fusion in stars in a perpendicular direction to the matter that produced it, it shows how the process that created matter and energy are electrical opposites. The radiation that is being released is actually "trying" to put back together the second dimension of the original two-dimensional sheet of matter that disintegrated in what we perceive as the Big Bang. But we can only see that it is actually the energy in the electromagnetic radiation released during stellar fusion that is driving the expansion of the universe if we use the model of the universe in my cosmology theory.


Empty space, which my cosmology theory has as a pattern of perfectly alternating negative and positive electric charges in multiple dimensions, must be considered as a "zero information state". This means that empty space has no meaningful information at all.

Every place in completely empty space is exactly the same as every other place. This means that the distance from one place to another is meaningless because no place can be distinguished from another place. Put simply, it doesn't make any sense to go from any one place to another because we are essentially already there. Counting the electric charges of empty space would be meaningless because the charges are the lowest possible level of reality and are also themselves the medium in which any information must exist.

It is the existence of matter that adds information to the universe, raising the level of information above this zero information point. Without matter as a reference point, distance or any other information in space is meaningless.

Information cannot be lost. We can see that energy and information is really the same thing. We just see energy and information as different due to our perspective in the universe. We cannot add information to anything without applying energy to it, and we cannot apply energy to anything without adding information to it. We can make our lives physically easier by use of technology, but only at the expense of making them more complex. We can never, on a large scale, make our lives physically easier and also less complex.

Thus we see that energy and information is really the same thing, and since we know that energy can never be lost that means that information can never be lost.

To use a familiar example from computer technology, suppose that we have six bits and twelve empty spaces. Each bit can fill one of the empty spaces, but the bits are identical and indistinguishable from one another. This gives us 4,096 possible permutations of bits in empty spaces. Each empty space would be either full or empty but, since the bits are identical and indistinguishable from one another, it would not make a difference which bit was in which space.

Now suppose that we consolidate our six bits together so that they are distinguishable from one another. One bit we will leave as it is, and call it "One-Bit". We will combine two bits together and call it "Two-Bit". We will combine the other three together and call it "Three-Bit". Although we have fewer bits than before to put in the twelve empty space, three bits instead of six, the bits are now distinguishable from one another, and this adds information.

But even so, our consolidation of the bits would mean a net loss of information. Having the three distinguishable bits to go in the twelve empty spaces would give us 3,960 possible permutations, in contrast with the 4,096 with six separate but indistinguishable bits.

What this is a model of, of course, is matter in empty space. The bits are atoms and the empty spaces are space. The original six identical bits represent the original hydrogen atoms in the universe. The consolidated bits represent the heavier atoms that come from the nucleo-synthesis that takes place by fusion in stars.

But yet we know that information cannot be lost. No system can just lose information as of itself, even if that system is the entire universe. The information that is apparently lost by way of lighter atoms being fused into heavier ones in stars must go somewhere.

There is one solution. In our simple example of bits in empty spaces, one way that we can maintain the same level of information is to increase the number of empty spaces as we consolidate bits together. The same number of bits in more empty spaces represents more information because it gives us more possible permutations, and that is how information is represented.

What this means in the universe is that the only way to maintain the same level of information as lighter elements are continuously fused into fewer but heavier atoms, that are distinguishable from one another as different elements, is for the matter in space to expand outward. This would represent an expansion of the universe. Since the universe is already expanding outward from the Big Bang, this must bring about an acceleration of the expansion of the universe.

Whichever way we look at it, and we have seen three different ways here, it is nuclear fusion in stars that is driving the acceleration of the expansion of the universe.

(Note- Twelve spaces and six bits that can go in one of the spaces means that each space can be either full or empty and there is an equal chance that a space will be either full or empty, two possible states for each space. 2 multiplied by itself 12 times = 4,096. For three distinguishable bits in twelve spaces, the first bit can go in one of the twelve, the second bit can go in one of the remaining eleven, the third bit can go in one of the remaining ten spaces. 12 x 11 x 10 = 1,320. Since the three bits are distinguishable, we multiply this by three to get 3,960).


Electromagnetic radiation follows exactly the same pattern as the charge induction that, in my cosmology theory, took place at the beginning of the universe. The first electric charge induced an opposite charge, which was an inverse of itself, next to it, then that one induced another of the original charge next to it, and so on in multiple dimensions. In the same way, any electromagnetic wave has first a positive side, as the energy rises from zero to the positive peak, and then the negative side as it goes from the positive peak, past zero to the negative peak.

But the only sensible way to explain the negative and positive peaks of electromagnetic waves, so that it takes the form of a sine wave, is that space itself is made up of negative and positive electric charges.

How can a wave have a positive and then a negative amplitude if it is moving in only one direction in space? It is because, in my cosmology theory, electromagnetic waves apply energy to overcome the attractive force between opposite charges in empty space. Matter is the opposite in that it is a concentration of like electric charges, held together by energy. At the top of the positive amplitude of the wave, the positive charges of space are at their maximum displacement and the negative charges at their minimum displacement. At the peak value of the negative amplitude of the wave, it is the opposite. Halfway between the two, the displacement of each charge is equal so that space is just as it is normally, a perfectly alternating pattern of negative and positive charges, and the energy of the wave is zero.

All such electromagnetic waves in space are created by matter, with the exception of the radiation released by the Big Bang. The wavelength of the wave is thus defined by the matter. The medium of electromagnetic waves is the infinitesimal alternating electric charges that compose empty space. The energy of the wave alters the position of these electric charges, going against the rules of electric charges which hold the alternating negative and positive charges of empty space in position. These familiar rules are that opposite charges attract while like charges repel.

Like matter, the electromagnetic wave cycle is a balance of electric charges. The number one rule of the universe is that negative and positive electric charges must always balance out. What the application of energy does is it increases the distance over which the charges must balance out. In the lowest energy state, which is empty space, the charges balance out right next to one another as the perfectly alternating pattern of negative and positive charges of empty space. The application of energy ultimately goes against the basic rules of the electric charges, that opposites attract and likes repel, so that negative and positive still has to balance out but the distance over which it has to balance out is increased from the perfectly alternating electric charge pattern of empty space.

There is a lot of similarity between an atom and an electromagnetic wave.

Notice that, if we could seen an electron in it's orbital around a nucleus in four dimensions of space, instead of our usual three, the orbital path would look very much like a waveform. The only difference being that an electromagnetic wave is only two-dimensional.

There are three factors in an electromagnetic wave. First, the strength of the attraction of opposite charges and repulsion of like charges in the space that acts as the medium of the wave. Then there is the amplitude, or strength, of the wave and then there is it's wavelength. (A wave is often expressed in terms of frequency but that is the velocity multiplied by the wavelength).

Like an electromagnetic wave cycle, an atom has positive and negative charges that ordinarily balance out to zero. Also like an electromagnetic wave, an atom has three factors with regard to electric charge. The size of the electron, the size of the nucleons (protons and neutrons) and the distance of the electron orbital around the nucleus.

An electron orbits the nucleus at a distance such that the opposite charge attraction between the electron and nucleus is balanced by the displacement of the positive electric charges in the space between the two that are drawn toward the opposite charge of the electron and the negative electric charges between the two that are drawn toward the nucleus. This equilibrium reflects the similar equilibrium of a wave cycle. The peak value of the wave, on either the positive or negative side, is represented by the orbital distance of the electron.

The following diagram shows how a positively charged proton and a negatively charged electron move toward each other by opposite charge attraction to form an atom. But the two do not continue until they crash together. What happens is that the two stop at a certain distance from each other and the electron goes into an orbital around the proton to form a hydrogen atom. But if the two have opposite charges, and opposite charges attract, then why don't they continue until they crash together? Why do they stop with a certain distance still between them?

My cosmology theory explains it as space being composed of the checkerboard of alternating negative and positive electric charges. In the following diagram the positive proton is blue and the negative electron is green. The proton is much larger than the electron, although the charges on the two are opposite but equal. The individual charges of space are displaced, negative charges toward the proton and positive charges toward the electron. This displacement is energy and, when this reaches an equilibrium with the attraction between the proton and electron, the two stop moving toward each other and the electron goes into orbital at a distance around the proton.

This equilibrium depends on the proton being much larger so that more electric charges are between the two. If the proton were the same size as the electron, as the positron of antimatter is, the two will continue together until they mutually annihilate because there will not be enough space that is directly between them.

We see an electron as a mere point particle because we are made of atoms ourselves. We cannot see at the level of electric charges because there is no medium through which to see. We cannot see electric charges because we see by way of electromagnetic waves and the charges are the medium through which the waves travel. There is no lower-level medium through which to see the charges themselves.

In a wave cycle, as in an atom, the electric charges still have to balance out to zero. The energy involved in either simply increases the distance over which the electric charges can balance out. The distortion of charges by energy, from the perfectly alternating pattern of empty space, operates by the same principle whether it is the negative charges pulled toward the nucleus and the positive charges pulled toward the electron in an orbital around it or the alternating positive and negative sides of wave cycles.

An electron is a clump of negative charges, held together by energy against like-charge repulsion, and this energy came through space the only way it could have, by electromagnetic waves. The displacement of electric charges in space, the overcoming of the basic rules of the charges, went into to lumping a bunch of negative charges together.

The peak of the negative side of the wave cycle went toward putting an electron together, and the rest of the wave went toward putting the proton together. A neutron, the third particle of the atom, is a proton and an electron combined together. The peak of the positive side of the wave put together the positive charge that exactly balances the negative charge of an electron. That is why electrons and protons have exactly equal, but opposite charges, because that is how the two sides of a wave cycle are structured.

The reason that a proton is so much more massive than an electron, even though their charges are equal but opposite, is that the wavelength of the wave was much greater than it's amplitude The amplitude defined the mass of the electron, simply crushing a mass of negative charges that were part of empty space together, while the wavelength defined the mass of the proton.

The wavelength of the entire wave was a combination of negative and positive charges and this, other than the very peak amplitude of the negative side of the wave, went toward putting the proton together. That is why the proton is equal in charge to the electron, the amplitude of the positive side of the wave has to be equal to the amplitude of the negative side, but the mass of the proton is much greater because the energy of the entire wave, rather than just the negative peak, went into assembling it.

Put simply, the peak amplitude of the negative side of the wave puts the electron together from the negative electric charges of empty space and the rest of the wave gathers the remaining charges, which will contain a positive majority equal to but opposite from the charge of the electron, and forms them into the proton. Unlike the electron, which is a pure concentration of negative charges held together by the energy that was formerly in the wave, the proton contains a lot of opposite charge attraction within.

But how could this occur? We know that electromagnetic waves move through space, but they just keep going, they do not suddenly stop and freeze the electric charges of empty space into matter with their energy. Also if electromagnetic waves are created only by matter, where did the waves come from before there was matter? it is like debating whether the chicken or the egg came first.

This brings us to the original two-dimensional sheet of space in my cosmology theory. It could not have happened without this.

An "orphan" two-dimensional sheet of space formed amid the background space that was within, but was not contiguous, with the background space. Charge migration took place within the sheet, one side becoming more positive and the other more negative, because the charges were alongside the charges of the multi-dimensional background space and this charge migration represented a lower energy state.

The following diagram shows how a two dimensional sheet of space formed that was within, but not contiguous with, the multi-dimensional background space. This lack of contiguity was information, and information is really the same thing as energy. This two dimensional sheet would be the source of matter and energy, everything in the universe except space. It would be a lower information state for it to occupy a 45 degree angle, relative to the charge alignment of the background space, so the discontinuity, relative to the checkerboard pattern of the background space, would be equal on both sides of the sheet.

It created a lower energy state, as shown in the following diagram, due to the attraction and repulsion of the electric charges in the surrounding background space, for charge migration to take place in the two dimensional sheet of space, mostly positive charges to one side and negative to the other. Mixed charges were in the middle. Electrons formed from the far negative side and positrons from the far positive side.

Not being contiguous with the background space, the negative side of the two-dimensional sheet eventually came into contact with the positive side. This created a matter-antimatter mutual annihilation which released an great burst of energy as one of the two dimensions of the sheet disintegrated. This fantastic release of energy, because the existence of the sheet amid the background space, but not contiguous with it, created a higher-energy state, is what we perceive as the Big Bang which began the universe as we know it.

The remaining dimension of the two-dimensional sheet absorbed the energy of the electromagnetic waves like an antenna. Waves travel through space but this remaining dimension absorbed the waves because it was of a different nature, not being contiguous with the multi-dimensional background space. The energy of this radiation went into making the remaining dimension of the two-dimensional sheet into the strings of matter, such as electrons, that we perceive as particles because we can see in only three of the four dimensions over which the matter from the sheet was scattered by the Big Bang. The fourth dimension of space is what we perceive as time.

This explains the orbitals of electrons in atoms, and why they look so much like a waveform if we could see them in four dimensions. The energy that formed them came from the electromagnetic waves from the Big Bang. I believe that the orbital distance of the electron in a hydrogen atom is related to the wavelength of the radiation released by the Big Bang.

Another way that we can still see this original two-dimensional sheet from which matter was formed is in how spheres are the dominant form of matter in the universe, from atoms to stars and planets. If we put the two dimensions, of the original two-dimensional sheet which formed space, and scatter it over four dimensions of the background space, the natural form that the resulting matter will take is a sphere.

In three dimensions, a sphere really has only one dimension because all of it's radii from the center are equal. In four dimensions, a sphere is two-dimensional because it is really shaped like a tube or pipe. We see it as a sphere, once again, because we can only see in three of the four dimensions. But a sphere is the default form of matter in which there are two dimensions in four.


The universe is composed of two electric charges, negative and positive. When these electric charges form atoms, there are two possible forms that the atoms can take. If an atom has a nucleus on the inside and particles in orbitals on the outside, either the nucleus can have a positive charge and the outside particles a negative charge or, the nucleus can have a negative charge and the outside particles a positive charge.

The first structure, with the nucleus being positive and the outside particles in orbitals being negative, is the structure of our familiar matter.

The second structure, with the nucleus being negative and the outside particles being positive, is what we refer to as antimatter. There is nothing mysterious about antimatter, it is simply matter with the electric charges reversed. There is no basic law of physics that says matter has to be constructed either one way or the other.

Of course, the definition of what is matter and what is antimatter is relative. Since we are composed of matter, we refer to ourselves as matter and the opposite configuration as antimatter. But if that was different then the definition would also be different. Just as the negative and positive of electric charges is entirely a random definition. We could just as easily reverse the terms.

The two electric charges that make up the universe are equal, but opposite. With no reason why either matter or antimatter should predominate over the other, it would seem that there should be exactly equal amounts of each. The Law of Equal and Opposite Reactions seems to demand that there be equal amounts of each.

The Lowest Information State demands that matter and antimatter form in equal proportions, unless there is some outside information available to make it otherwise, which there isn't. It would be a higher information state for there to be either more matter or antimatter. Since we see that energy and information is really the same thing, and we know that the universe always seeks the lowest energy state, then it must also seek the lowest information state, which is equal amounts of matter and antimatter.

My cosmology theory has both space and matter as made up of electric charges. Space is an alternating pattern of negative and positive charges while matter is any concentration of like charges, held together by energy. If we bring matter and antimatter together, they mutually annihilate and the energy that was binding the like charges together, which we refer to as the mass-energy equivalence, is released as a burst of energy.

But if space is made up of an equal number of alternating negative and positive charges, like the squares on a checkerboard, and we apply the energy that binds like charges together into the particles of matter, if we bring positive charges together then there will be leftover negative charges which must also be brought together. Half of the energy must go to binding negative charges together and half to binding positive charges together, both in the same way.

In other words, there must be equal amounts of matter and antimatter in the universe. There is no other way.

But yet, we see a universe made of matter even though we know that antimatter can exist. How can this be?

As far as I can see, if a distant galaxy was made of antimatter, instead of matter, we would not be able to tell just by looking at it because both would handle light in the same way. But the universe that we see must be made of matter because if antimatter were mixed in then we would see the spectacular bursts of energy as matter and antimatter underwent mutual annihilation upon contact. These bursts of energy would be much more powerful then a nuclear explosion involving the same mass because the entire mass turns to energy upon antimatter-matter mutual annihilation but, in a nuclear explosion, only a few percent of the mass is actually converted to energy.

We know that the universe began with the tremendous explosion that we refer to as the Big Bang. But yet we cannot pinpoint the location in space where it took place. We can detect the radiation that the Big Bang emitted, but it is not coming from a particular direction in space. Instead, the radiation from the Big Bang seems to be coming at us from all directions at once.

There is a simple explanation for this. There must be another dimension of space that we cannot access, and the location of the Big Bang is in that direction. That dimension is, of course, the one that we see as time. That is why we see the Big Bang as being long ago in time, at the beginning of the universe.

But if we cannot see the site where the Big Bang took place, that means that we are seeing what must be only one side of the universe. Presuming that the Big Bang was equal in all directions, and it would be the lowest information state if it was because it would require additional information to make it otherwise, there must be an entire side of the universe that we can never see.

If we could travel backward in the dimension of space that we see as time, it would not end at the site of the Big Bang. We could keep going to the other side of the universe. The Lowest Information State demands that the other side be the same, possibly exactly the same, as our side. But the difference would be that the other side would have to be made of antimatter, which is matter the same as ours but with the electrical charges reversed.

That simple explanation reveals where all of the antimatter, which the concept of Lowest Information State insists has got to exist, is to be found. It also shows that my cosmology theory must be true because, if it isn't, then where is all of the antimatter that must exist to balance matter? Or why is the universe made of matter and not antimatter if the two electric charges are equal?

Think of the universe as the face of a clock. The center of the face is where the Big Bang took place. The bundles of strings composing our bodies and brains is aligned from the center to the 3 on the clock. Our consciousnesses are moving away from the center toward the 3 on the clock, at what we perceive as the speed of light. Our side of the universe, from 12 to 6, is made of matter. The other side, from 6 to 12, is made of antimatter.

This came to be due to the charge migration which my cosmology theory describes as having taken place in the two-dimensional sheet amidst the multi-dimensional background space. Before one dimension of the two-dimensional sheet disintegrated in the matter-antimatter mutual annihilation that released the energy that we refer to as the Big Bang, charge migration took place in the sheet so that one side became negative and the other side positive, the central part of the sheet was still of mixed charge.

This charge migration happened, even though it represented a higher energy level in the sheet because like charges were being brought together, because it represented a lower energy state overall because the electric charges of the sheet were in close contact with the charges of the background space. The pushing and pulling of the charges of the background space forced the charges of the sheet to migrate with one side of the sheet negative and one side positive.

It created a lower energy state, as shown in the following diagram, due to the attraction and repulsion of the electric charges in the surrounding background space, for charge migration to take place in the two dimensional sheet of space, mostly positive charges to one side and negative to the other. Mixed charges were in the middle. Electrons formed from the far negative side and positrons from the far positive side.

The electrons of matter were formed from the far negative side of the sheet and the corresponding positrons of antimatter were formed from the far positive side. With the central part of the sheet being of more mixed charge, the protons of matter were formed from the near positive side of the sheet, and the anti-protons of antimatter were formed from the near negative side of the sheet.

These opposite sides of the sheet are why one side of the universe has matter, and the other has antimatter.

One of the two dimensions of the sheet disintegrated when it's negative and positive sides came into contact, and the remaining dimension form the strings of matter that we see as particles, such as electrons, because we can only see in three of the four dimensions over which matter was scattered by the Big Bang, the other being the dimension of space that we perceive as time.


We think of an electromagnetic wave, such as light or radio waves, as having the form of a sine wave. This means that the wave starts from zero, goes to a peak value, drops back to zero, and then goes to another peak value in the opposite direction, and then back to zero, and so on. This is what waves on the water look like, with a crest being the peak of a wave cycle in one direction and the trough being the peak in the opposite direction.

There is another form that waves can take, that of sound. There is not the crests and troughs in sound waves that there are in water waves. Rather, sound waves consist of compressions and rarefactions in the medium that convey the energy and information in the wave.

I find that waves of electromagnetic radiation actually take the form of sound waves, consisting of cycles of compressions and rarefactions, rather than the crests and troughs of water waves. The sine wave form, which looks like a water wave, describes the change in energy values over the course of a cycle of the wave, but not how the wave would appear if we could actually see it.

The reason that the form of sound waves and water waves differ is simply that air can be compressed while water can't. Since water cannot be compressed by the energy that is passing through it as a wave, the force is diverted to changing the water level alternatively upward and downward.

The alternating compressions and rarefactions in a sound wave, or the crests and troughs in a water wave, are examples of the equal and opposite reaction principle. Energy applied brings about the first part of a cycle, and the principle that every action must result in an equal and opposite reaction takes it from there. The information for this equal and opposite reaction principle comes, of course, from the original electric charges of space in my cosmology theory. A single charge, whether negative or positive, induced an opposite charge next to it, which in turn induced a copy of the original charge next to it, and so on.

Electromagnetic waves come about when energy, depending on whether it is negative or positive charge that initiates the wave, electrons moving in a radio transmitter antenna would be a negative charge, presses either the negative or positive charges of the nearby space closer together. Space, consisting of alternating negative and positive charges in multiple dimensions, does not compress itself because the opposite charges, the ones that are not compressed together by the action of the wave, move further apart.

This means that the compressions and rarefactions in an electromagnetic wave somewhat resemble those in a sound wave. The difference is that in a sound wave there is one compression and one rarefaction in each wave cycle whereas in an electromagnetic wave there are two separate compressions and rarefactions in each wave cycle. In the first half of the electromagnetic wave, the negative charges of space might be pushed closer together (compression) while the positive charges in the same space move further apart (rarefaction). In the second half of the electromagnetic wave, the process is reversed.

In the first half of the wave, the compressed charges approach, and then reach, maximum compression, depending on the energy of the wave. According to the principle of equal and opposite reaction, the compressed and rarefied charges then rearrange themselves into the opposite arrangement, passing the zero point along the way. This is the peak of the second half of the wave. The zero point refers to a state of no compression or rarefaction of charges at all, as there would be in still empty space.

Upon reaching the zero point, the change in arrangement of electric charges cannot stop but must continue until an opposite of the original arrangement of compression and rarefaction of electric charges is reached. This is the same principle that we see in what is known as simple harmonic motion. If you have a ball hanging from a rope, and swing the ball to one side, it does not simply return to the starting point, according to the law of gravity. It continues, aside from friction, to a point that is opposite of from where it was first released.

This is due to an information imbalance. The straight line of gravitational force on the ball is one-dimensional, but by holding the ball and releasing it we have added a second dimension of information. This is why the ball must continue to the other side, making a second dimension of the information that was originally added to it by holding and releasing it. The same is true with the wave and, since there is no friction, the wave continues outward to infinity.

This scenario of electromagnetic waves consisting of alternating compressions and rarefactions, analogous to sound waves, with negative charges compressed and positive charges further apart on one side of the wave, and the opposite on the other side, rather than the traditional model of an up-and-down sine wave, like a water wave, explains why many waves of different wavelengths can exist in the same space without interfering with one another.

An electromagnetic wave is created only by changes in matter and since matter, in my cosmology theory, consists of concentrations of like charge held together by energy, it makes sense that the waves created by that matter also involve concentration of electric charges, with the energy of the wave overcoming the basic rules of electric charges that opposite charges attract while like charges repel. Energy transmits to space as an electromagnetic wave if a change in matter involves electric charges, rather than the "zero state" of electric charges in matter that are atoms or molecules with the component charges balancing out to zero.

We know that the first rule of the universe is that all negative and positive electric charges must balance out to zero. What energy, which is also information, does is to increase the distance over which the charges must balance out to zero. A zero information or energy state is where there is no balancing distance and every electric charge must be balanced by an opposite charge right next to it.

This model of the form of an electromagnetic wave, with the rarefaction of charges moving further away then with empty space, shows that there is thus an outward "pressure" on space by electromagnetic waves. If this pressure is not equally balanced on opposite sides, it explains how the expansion of the universe would be accelerating as more energy is released as electromagnetic radiation from matter as the increasingly heavy elements in the universe are crunched together in stars into still heavier elements.


The Mass-Energy Equivalence is well-known. A given amount of mass, of any matter, is equivalent to a certain amount of energy. During nuclear reactions some of the mass, typically only a few percent, is converted into energy. If we bring matter in contact with an equal mass of antimatter, the entire mass will be instantly converted into it's component energy.

But if mass is equivalent to energy then an obvious question arises. What about electromagnetic waves? The heat energy of a hot sunny day comes from the sun by way of electromagnetic waves, there is no way for the energy to get to us across empty space by convection or conduction so we know that there must be energy in electromagnetic waves as there is in matter, but yet electromagnetic waves have no mass.

We can easily tell that electromagnetic waves have no mass because of the the principle that every action has to have an equal, but opposite, reaction. If electromagnetic waves, such as light, had even the slightest amount of mass then a flashlight would take off like a rocket when it was turned on.

This means that there can be no mass without energy but there can be energy without mass. But the mass-energy equivalence means that matter and energy must have some basis in common. Energy is independent of mass but mass is dependent on energy. This means that energy must have come first.

In my cosmology theory, the reason that we see matter is because space is an alternating checkerboard pattern of negative and positive electric charges in multiple dimensions. Matter is a concentration of like electric charges that are held together by energy against the mutual repulsion rule of like electric charges. This explains why mass must contain energy.

Aside from why there is the mass-energy equivalence applies to matter, but yet electromagnetic waves can have energy without mass, there is another question that arises. An electromagnetic wave is described as a sine wave, meaning that is has the form of a sine curve in that is starts at zero, reaches a peak value, goes back to zero, reaches a corresponding peak value in the negative direction, and then goes back to zero to complete one cycle.

An electromagnetic wave has two pieces of information. The first can be expressed as either wavelength or frequency. The wavelength is the distance from the beginning of one cycle to it's end. The frequency is the number of cycles of the wave that will pass a given fixed point, such as a receiving antenna, in one second. There is clearly an inverse relationship between the frequency and wavelength, the higher the frequency the shorter the wavelength. The formula for frequency is the distance that the wave travels in one second divided by the wavelength.

The second piece of information is the amplitude of the wave. This is the description of how strong the wave is. The amplitude is perpendicular to the wavelength and is defined by the height of the peak value of the wave above the zero value.

If a wave has two pieces of information that describe it, that means that it must be two-dimensional in nature. In conventional physics, we describe the electromagnetic radiation as getting weaker, decreasing in amplitude, as we move further from the source of the wave, as per the Inverse Square Law. But the wavelength remains the same at any distance.

That is a convenient way of looking at it. But my cosmological theory has electromagnetic waves as two-dimensional waves in our three-dimensional space. As we move further away from the source it isn't that the wave gets "weaker", it is just that we receive fewer of the two-dimensional waves with a given receiving area, such as an eye or an antenna. The amplitude of the waves never actually decrease. 

The waves of the entire electromagnetic spectrum, from radio waves to gamma rays, are all produced by matter but by a wide variety of processes. I am going to use the example of a radio wave being produced by the motion of an electron in an antenna, driven by voltage, as an example because it is easy to understand.

The electron starts at the base of the antenna and moves upward under the pressure of the applied voltage. Since the electron is an electrically charged particle, the change in it's position affects the equilibrium of the nearby alternating negative and positive charges that compose space. That change in the equilibrium of the adjacent charges in turn affects those that are a little bit further out, which in turn affect those that are a little bit further away still. But the electric charges of space at the bottom of the antenna, where the electron began it's upward motion, are affected before those higher up.

Upon reaching the top of the antenna, the electron turns around and proceeds downward, in accordance with the radio frequency alternating current that is driving it. The process of affecting the equilibrium of adjacent charges is thus repeated, but in reverse. This is what causes an electromagnetic wave, the radio wave, to proceed outward from the antenna. When the electron reaches it's original starting point at the base of the antenna, one half of one wave cycle will have been completed.

But then how does the other half of the wave cycle, the negative half, form?

The answer is by an information mismatch. The wave is two dimensional, but the motion of the electron in the antenna that formed it is only one-dimensional. This mismatch in information of two dimensions to one is what causes all simple harmonic motion.

The wave reaches it's peak value and then goes back to zero, but the momentum of it's electric charge disturbance cannot just suddenly stop. It must continue until it reaches the negative equivalent of the peak value of the wave and then continue back to zero, before starting over with the next wave cycle.

But now here is another question. The wavelength of the wave cycle is expressed in ordinary linear units of measurement, such as meters. So why is it that we do not also express the amplitude of the wave in linear measurement? We commonly express the amplitude of an electromagnetic wave in units of energy, but not in units of length like the wavelength.

What about the principle of the Lowest Information State? If something has two dimensions, the preferred state is for those two dimensions to be equal, because that would require the least information to describe. With regard to our wave, this means that the height of the peak values of the positive and negative sides of a wave cycle must each be equal to the wavelength.

This means that if we could draw a line from the zero level to the peak value of each negative and positive half-cycle of each wave, the total length of all of those lines would be equal to the total length of the wavelength. That is the Lowest Information State at work.

But if we do that, it would mean that the amplitude of every wave would be the same if the waves were of the same wavelength, and would be in proportion to the wavelength. Obviously that is not true.

The amplitude of a radio wave, if we tried to express it in linear distance, would have to be half of the wavelength multiplied by (the speed of the voltage signal that drove the electrons in the antenna, divided by the speed of light at which the wave propagated outward from the antenna).

But since the strength of waves of the same wavelength have a very wide variation, we know that there must be another factor involved. That factor is the number of electrons that are moving in the antenna, which is determined by the strength of the voltage that is applied. The frequency of the wave will be the frequency of the alternating current that is applied to the antenna, and the amplitude will depend on the strength of that voltage. This is why we express the amplitude of a wave only in energy, and not in linear distance, even though the diagram of a sine wave makes it appear as if it should be expressible in distance.

(Note-The generation of electromagnetic waves by the movement of electrons in an antenna is slightly more complex than this. The actual electrons that produce the wave do not travel anywhere near as far as the voltage signal that drives them, and which theoretically moves at the speed of light. It is thus actually multiple electrons, at different heights in the antenna, that go into producing a single wave).

But since the wave has one component that is measured as distance and a perpendicular component that can only be measured as energy, it shows that distance and energy must be different manifestations of the same thing. This is in a similar way to the fact that a wave consists of an electric and a magnetic component that are perpendicular to one another, and we know how closely electricity and magnetism are related. Electric refers to either negative and positive charges or to the movement of electrons. Magnetic refers to the alignment of the orbitals of unpaired electrons so that they can exert a force.

The direction of an electromagnetic wave, such as the outward propagation of the radio wave from the antenna, must always be perpendicular to the matter processes that produced it, in this case the movement of an electron in the antenna. The reason for this can be explained in terms of the Lowest Information State. Releasing the energy from one dimension to a perpendicular dimension, a 90 degree angle, is a 1/1 relationship, which is the Lowest Energy State. Releasing the energy at a 45 degree angle would be a 1/2 relationship, and releasing it at a 30 degree angle would be a 1/3 relationship.

Since matter is really strings in the four-dimensional space of my cosmology theory, this means that a right angle is actually equivalent to what we perceive as the speed of light. That is why energy released as magnetic radiation always seems to move away at the speed of light, because it was released at a right angle to the strings of matter that are aligned in the dimension of the four that we perceive as time.

The reason that 1/2 and 1/3 are higher information states than 1/1 is that the complexity of a number is equivalent to the value of the denominator when the number is expressed as a fraction or ratio. 1/1 is the Least Information State.

The ultimate reason that matter and any electromagnetic radiation that is released from it must be at right angles to one another is that this, in my cosmology theory, was the configuration of the original two-dimensional sheet of space from which matter must have formed. One dimension disintegrated in the matter-antimatter mutual annihilation that we perceive as the Big Bang. The remaining dimension of matter, like charges held together by the energy that was absorbed by the perpendicular dimension, is what we see today as strings of matter in four-dimensional space, which we perceive as three-dimensional particles such as electrons.

If energy is aligned in the dimension of space that we perceive as time then it is matter, if not then it is electromagnetic waves. The reason that the waves seem to us as electromagnetic is actually due to the nature of space. Empty space consists of a checkerboard pattern of alternating negative and positive charges in multiple dimensions which perfectly balance out. But a wave disrupts this balance so that the wave seems to us to be electromagnetic in nature but it is actually the nature of the underlying space that is electromagnetic.

So now we can see why there is the mass-energy equivalence that applies to matter but electromagnetic waves are also energy, even though they have no mass. But it requires my cosmology theory to explain.

If matter is indeed one-dimensional strings, in four-dimensional space, and the waves that can emanate from this matter are two-dimensional, that means that we have a missing dimension that we must explain.

At the Big Bang the energy of two-dimensional waves, which we saw that an electromagnetic wave must be, was absorbed by one-dimensional strings of matter, as my cosmology theory says matter is. But two dimensions is more information than one, and this information cannot just be lost. It must show up somewhere, and it shows up as mass.

This is why matter and electromagnetic waves both have energy. Matter is actually described by the well-known mass-energy equivalence. But matter has mass while the electromagnetic waves that are related to it don't. It is because matter is really one-dimensional strings while electromagnetic waves are two-dimensional. This "missing" dimension shows up in matter as mass.

Has anyone ever looked at a radio tower and wondered how the one dimensional movement of electrons up and down in the antenna can produce a two dimensional wave? We know that an electromagnetic wave is two dimensional because it can be described with two elements, wavelength and amplitude. The following diagram shows how it's impossible unless there is a dimension of space that we cannot see.

When energy leaves matter, such as during nuclear reactions or a matter-antimatter mutual annihilation, it does back to being in the form of the two-dimensional waves that went into the one-dimensional strings of matter at the Big Bang. But the total displacement of electric charges, from the "zero state" of the alternating checkerboard pattern of empty space, remains the same whether it is in matter or electromagnetic waves.

According to my cosmology theory, when we deal with matter in our three-dimensional space, we are actually dealing with four dimensions because the strings of matter are aligned in the dimension of space that we perceive as time. But when we deal with electromagnetic waves, which are perpendicular to matter, we are only dealing with three dimensions of space. This difference must show up somewhere, and it shows up in the fact that, although both contain energy, matter has mass while the electromagnetic waves do not. This cannot be explained otherwise.


A sphere is the default form of matter in the universe. When there is enough matter in space to pull together by mutual gravity, it will form a sphere, as we can see in the moon and stars and planets. This is because a sphere is said to represent the lowest energy state of any geometric form, and the universe always seeks the lowest energy state, and that is why matter takes the form of a sphere.

In terms of information, which is really the same thing as energy because we cannot add information to anything without applying energy to it and we cannot apply energy to anything without adding information to it, a sphere is also the lowest information state. My information theory associates the information in an object with it's surface area. When information is applied to something, it generally has to increase it's surface area. We see that a sphere has the lowest surface area per volume of any three-dimensional geometric form. It has the surface area that it does because of the information in the atoms that compose it.

Another way of seeing a sphere as the lowest information state is that it takes the least information to describe a sphere of any three-dimensional geometric form. A sphere is three-dimensional, but it requires only one dimension of information to describe it. A right-angle figure in three-dimensional space requires three dimensions to describe it, it is a cube if all three dimensions are equal.

But if only one dimension of information is given to describe a form that will occupy three dimensions of space, there is nothing that it can be except a sphere. Other geometric forms have more surface area per volume than a sphere, because surface area is associated with information and these forms had to have more dimensions of information to describe them. A sphere also has no need of defining the angles between it's dimensions, as in a conic, trapezoidal or triangular figure.

If we look at my cosmology theory, it neatly explains why the sphere has to be the default form of matter in the universe. The fact that it is the default form is evidence that matter came from a two-dimensional sheet of matter, as described in that theory.

When a sphere forms by gravity, the information that has been added to the component pieces from the three dimensions cancels out and the form defaults to the original two dimensions of the two-dimensional sheet from which matter came. Even though it now occupies three-dimensional space, actually four including the dimension of space that we perceive as time.

But this seems to be a loss of dimensions, which is information and which would mean the loss of energy because energy and information is really the same thing, which cannot be because we know that energy can never be created or destroyed but only changed in form. The pieces of rock or other debris which came together to form a planet or star could not all be perfectly spherical in shape, so they must have had more dimensional information than the planet or star which forms as a sphere from them.

So why doesn't the spherical default form show all of the dimensions that it's pieces have been exposed to force from?

The reason is that gravity is "trying" to put the two-dimensional sheet from which matter came back together again. Even though a sphere must occupy three dimensions (actually four including the one that we perceive as time) because the matter from this two-dimensional sheet was scattered by the Big Bang over four dimensions. But yet the sphere has only two dimensions of information in it, one is the radius or diameter of the sphere and the other is the dimension of space that we perceive as time.

The sphere, as we see it in our three dimensions, is one dimension of information, but occupying three dimensions of space. The second dimension of the original two-dimensional sheet is the dimension of space that we perceive as time. The rotation of the sphere is the manifestation of that time.

The fact that the multiple dimensions of information in the pieces which came together to form the sphere all cancel out as the sphere of the planet or star is formed shows that there must have been only two dimensions to begin with, the two-dimensional sheet in the cosmology theory. The only thing that is stopping it from going back to the flat form of the original two-dimensional sheet of space is the fact that atoms have formed, and have to be preserved. Matter, the star or planet which formed by gravity, takes on the spherical form of the atoms because there is no information from anywhere else.

This reveals a basic principle of the universe, as described in the theory of the universe always seeking the Lowest Information Point. When there is more than one dimension to something, it represents the lowest information state for the dimensions to be equal. Since energy and information is really the same thing, and since we know that the universe always seeks the lowest energy state, it must also seek the lowest information state.

Matter in the universe defaults to equal dimensions, if not blocked by other information that must be manifested, because that is the lowest information state. The dimensions of space are a cube, which we can see because it is only right angles which fit together with no leftover space, matter takes the form of a sphere, if pulled together by gravity, and the arrangements of atoms in molecules tend to take the forms of triangles. Any crystal molecular structures tend to take the form of cubes or triangles.

There are only three geometric forms that can have equal dimensions. These are a square, or cube, a circle, or sphere, and an equilateral triangle. These represent the lowest information state. The reason that not everything takes these forms is that whatever information there is must be manifested, and this brings about higher informational forms, where the dimensions are greater or are not equal.

A circle or sphere is actually a polygon with an infinite number of sides. Yet it represents the lowest energy state, which is also the lowest information state because it has the least surface area per volume. Remember my principle that the complexity of a number is the value of the denominator when the number is expressed as a ratio or fraction. A higher number, such as 27, is not more complex then a lower number, such as 2, because 27 is really 27 / 1 and 2 is really 2 / 1.

Infinity must somehow be expressible as a ratio, and the only possible way to do it is to have a denominator of zero. Infinity is 1 / 0, because zero can go into 1 an infinite number of times. This is why a sphere is the lowest information state and the lowest energy state, because it's infinite number of sides give it a denominator of zero, when expressed as a ratio. Infinity is not really a number and is a lower information state than specifying a particular number.

A sphere is thus the Lowest Information Point because all of it's dimensions, from the center, are equal. Information can be added to the sphere, which will be manifested as increasing it's surface area to create hills and valleys. Surface area represents information because distance is information. It is also described as the geometric form with the lowest energy state, since energy and information is really the same thing. This is why the sphere is the dominant form of matter in the universe, as seen in stars and planets.


Have you ever wondered why galaxies even exist? If stars are drawn together by gravity, then why don't they just all crash together into one big black hole? If the matter which formed stars was thrown outward by the Big Bang, then why isn't that matter just distributed all across space? Why does it come part of the way back together, to form galaxies, but yet does not come all the way back together so that stars are all crunched together?

We know that orbits, which hold energy, exist instead of just crashing together because the orbital energy must be manifested but also energy cannot be created out of nothing. For the same reason, some of the matter from the Big Bang falls back together, but does not fall back together overall.

When something is composed of cells, it lowers it's overall complexity. The complexity of something composed of cells is just the information of the complexity of any one cell, added to the information of the differences between the cells. The information in a group of identical stars is just the information in any one of the stars, added to the information of the arrangement of the stars.

In our universe, those cells are the galaxies. Almost all of the matter in the universe is within galaxies, there is very little matter in the vast reaches of inter-galactic space.

There would be far more information in the matter of the universe if there were just stars scattered across space, without being organized into galaxies. With galaxies, the same concept as cells applies. The information in the matter of the universe is just the information in one of each of the basic types of galaxies, and then the information of the differences between galaxies of the same type.

But if, as in conventional models of the Big Bang, matter and space originated together, then why should the information contained in the arrangement of matter in space have a limitation like this?

Matter is scattered across space but yet, due to galaxies acting as cells to reduce the information in matter, has less information than it would if it were scattered across space without galaxies. So that matter lowers the complexity of it's arrangement by organizing itself into galaxies.

There is only one way that I can see to explain this. As described in the cosmology theory, matter originated in a two-dimensional sheet of space and, after one of the two dimensions disintegrated by contact between it's negative and positive side in the matter-antimatter mutual annihilation that we perceive as the Big Bang, the remaining dimension of the original two-dimensional sheet was scattered across four dimensions of the background space one of which, of course, we experience as time.

This means that there is less information in the arrangement of matter across space than there could be in the space itself, two dimensions against four. That is reflected in the matter of the universe arranging itself into cells that lower the overall complexity of the arrangement of the matter in space. These "cells" of matter are what we refer to as galaxies.

So this cosmological theory of matter from a two-dimensional sheet of space being scattered across four dimensions of background space, but with the space of each block not being contiguous with the other, explains both why the default form of matter in the universe is a sphere and also why matter scattered across space must arrange itself into these "cells" to lower the complexity of it's arrangement.

The fact that the two blocks of space, both composed of alternating negative and positive electric charges, were not contiguous with each other is information also, and thus energy because energy and information is really the same thing. This is where all of the energy, and thus information, involved in the matter of the universe ultimately comes from.


The square root of a number is the number that must be multiplied by itself to get that number. For example, the square root of 9 is 3 because 3 x 3 = 9. The square of a number, the number multiplied by itself, is the opposite of the square root. The square of 3 is 9. Squares of numbers are usually used to denote surface area, if two-dimensional, or volume, if three-dimensional.

The well-known Pythagorean Theorem uses squares. If we have a right triangle, which is a triangle with one right angle, the length of the hypotenuse (diagonal) relative to the legs is A squared + B squared = C squared. With A and B being the two legs and C being the length of the hypotenuse. The hypotenuse must always be longer than either of the legs but shorter than both of them together.

Using numbers 3 and below, we can easily see that the hypotenuse actually is a square root. If the two legs of the right triangle, A and B in the Pythagorean Theorem, each have a length of 1, the hypotenuse will have a length of the square root of 2, which is 1.414. If the length of one leg is twice than of the other, so that the legs have a length of 1 and 2, the length of the hypotenuse will be the square root of 5.

A hypotenuse, the diagonal in the right triangle, represents two dimensions put together. Each perpendicular leg is a dimension, and the diagonal crosses both of them. A straight line is one dimension but there cannot be a diagonal unless there are at least two dimensions.

Square roots are not found in most physics formulas, but come into use when dealing with dimensions of space. We saw in the compound posting, "A Celebration Of The Inverse Square Law", the many applications of the law that the intensity of entities like light or gravity diminish with the square of the distance. A light will appear one-quarter as bright at twice the distance because 2 x 2 = 4.

So squares and square roots have to deal with two or more dimensions of space. But the thing that really caught my attention is that the square root also shows up in formulas that deal with time. We can see that square roots give us distances in space, but also appear in formulas involving time even if only one dimension of space is involved and spatial distance is not what we are seeking with the formula.

The square root is in the formula for the period of a pendulum. We have seen that it is central to orbital period. If a satellite is given three times the orbital energy, it will go into an orbit at nine times the distance, but move at only one-third the speed, because 9 x 1 / 3 = 3.

The formula for time and velocity of a falling object involves the square root. The formula for free-fall velocity is 32 feet per second squared. The object will start at zero, be falling at 32 feet per second at the end of one second, 64 feet per second at the end of two seconds, and so on, neglecting air resistance. That means that, if we take 16 feet, the vertical distance that I refer to as a "grav" for gravity, divide an altitude by it, and get the square root of the result, it tells how many seconds it will take for a compact object to fall to the ground from that distance, once again neglecting the slowing effect of air resistance.

We can also see how closely time and space are related, and actually are the same thing, in Kepler's Law of orbits. An orbit will not be circular but will have a high point, an apogee, and a low point, a perigee. The object in orbit, such as a moon or satellite, will move faster at perigee and lower at apogee so that a line from the object to the center of gravity of the planet will move over equal areas of space in equal periods of time.

The square root tends to show up in formulas where time is a factor at all. It is in thermal formulas because heat is the energy of molecular and atomic movement in a material. This energy involves the velocity of the atoms or molecules, the faster they move the hotter the material, and so this time factor brings in the square root.

Interestingly, the square root is prominent in equations about relativity even though the object in relativistic motion may be moving in only a one-dimensional straight line. The velocity factor involves time, and time involves the square root.

We see how the Inverse Square Law of electromagnetic waves involves the square root. But the formula for the frequency of radio waves that are produced by the one-dimensional motion of electrons in a radio antenna also brings in the square root. The frequency of the waves involves time, and time involves the square root.

In alternating electric current the energy starts at zero, reaches the peak value, drops back to zero, and then repeats the process in the negative direction. The total amperage, or power, of the current is defined as .707 of the peak value. Notice that .707 is the square root of one-half. There is only one dimension of movement, along the wire, but because time is involved it brings in the square root.

Notice something else that is really interesting. The orbital velocity of the earth is defined as about 8 km (5 miles) per second. The escape velocity of the earth is about 11.3 km (7 miles) per second. This only applies to pure ballistic flight, it does not apply to rockets because the rocket has an engine. It means that if we could fire a projectile upward at a velocity of 5 miles per second, it would go into orbit, and at 7 miles per second it would continue out into space.

The 5 and 7 miles per second are, of course, rounded figures because the earth's gravity is not perfectly consistent from one place to another and it would also depend on the altitude and latitude of the launch site.

But what do you notice about these two figures? The orbital velocity is about .707 of the escape velocity, which is the square root of one-half. The escape velocity is likewise about 1.414 of the orbital velocity, which is the square root of 2.

The square root is there because velocity is about time, even though the projectile would be moving in a one-dimensional straight line upward.

When the square root is clearly about distance in two dimensions, why would it also come into play when there is only one spatial dimension but time is also involved? There is only one possible answer. As my cosmology theory explains, what we perceive as time is really a dimension of space.


Neutrinos are the particles that are produced in nuclear reactions. Long being a mystery, they were originally thought to be both without mass and without any electric charge, and able to pass through ordinary matter. It is now known that neutrinos actually do have some mass, if they had no mass or charge we likely would not be able to detect them at all.

The existence of neutrinos was originally conceived by Austrian physicist Wolfgang Pauli to explain an unaccounted imbalance in momentum during nuclear reactions. Neutrinos were actually discovered in 1956.

A neutrino is not an "original" particle. It is created only during nuclear reactions. It would not exist on it's own without these nuclear reactions. Neutrinos are produced by stars and by a star exploding in a supernova. They can be generated in particle accelerators. Neutrinos are also released by radioactive processes such as beta decay, which is the breaking down of a neutron into a proton by releasing an electron and a neutrino.

Neutrinos are in the same class of particles as electrons, and are known as leptons. In fact, there are three types of neutrino and each is associated with one of the three types of electron. The three electrons and their associated neutrinos make up the class of particles that are called leptons.

So a neutrino is a particle in the same class as electrons, except that a neutrino has an extremely slight mass and no net electric charge, unlike the electron with it's negative charge. But they are still such a mystery as to why they exist and what they accomplish in the grand scheme of things.

Ordinary matter consists of atoms which have electrons in orbitals around protons and neutrons. These electrons are just ordinary what we could call first generation electrons. But there are two heavier versions of electrons that can exist, but which are both short-lived. Mau electrons, or muons, could be called second-generation electrons. Tau electrons are heavier, but shorter-lived, still and could be called third-generation electrons.

These two heavier versions of the electron, but with the same charge as an ordinary electron, are known to be produced only by cosmic rays or particle accelerators. All three have their corresponding type of neutrino, and the six particles are what makes up the lepton family.

As it turns out, my cosmology theory has a simple explanation for what neutrinos are and how they come to be. Let's use K-capture, the crunching of an electron into a proton to create a neutron, and then a later reversal of the process by beta radioactive decay as an example.

During a supernova, the explosion of a large star, the tremendous energy released creates elements that would not exist otherwise. The sun is a second-generation star that, along with the Solar System, is made of matter that fell back together by gravity after the original star exploded. The ordinary fusion process in stars only goes as far as iron. That is why iron is so abundant in the inner Solar System and why iron and lighter elements are exponentially more common than elements that are heavier than iron.

Elements that are heavier than iron have proportionally more neutrons relative to protons. This is necessary to hold the nucleus together against the mutual repulsion of the positively-charged protons. Neutrons in these heavier elements are "made" by the energy released by the supernova explosion. Electrons in low orbitals are crunched into protons to create neutrons in the process referred to as K-capture. Since the proton has a positive charge and the electron a negative charge, the two cancel out to the neutral charge of the neutron.

But many of these heavier elements, or certain isotopes of them, are not entirely stable. Isotopes are atoms with the same number of protons in the nucleus, which is what defines the element, but differing numbers of neutrons. These unstable atoms gradually break down into more stable configurations in the process known as radioactivity.

There are three types of radioactivity. Alpha is for a large atom to emit an alpha particle in order to gain more stability. An alpha particle is essentially a helium nucleus, two protons with two neutrons. Another type of radioactivity is gamma. This is releasing excess energy in the atom by electromagnetic radiation, known as gamma rays.

The third type of radioactivity is beta. That is the seeking of a more stable configuration by having a neutron emit an electron, that was originally forced into it by the energy of the supernova explosion, in order to change into a proton, which would make the atom the next highest one on the Periodic Table since the element is defined by the number of protons.

But this process of beta decay, which we are using for our example here, releases a neutrino as well as an electron. The mystery is where the neutrino comes from. Here is the explanation that my cosmology theory has to offer.

The electron has orbital energy when it is in it's orbital in the atom, before it is crunched into the proton. When the electron is pushed toward the nucleus, this orbital energy is released as radiation. That is why stars shine, because heavier atoms have many fewer electrons than the smaller atoms that they were crunched together from and, if the electrons are going to be crunched into protons to create the necessary neutrons, their orbital energy has to go somewhere.

From the altitude of it's orbital the nucleus has a positive charge, which is what holds the negatively-charged electron in it's orbital, but the charge of the nucleus is somewhat diffuse because there are many neutrally-charged neutrons among the positively-charged protons. But as the falling electron gets closer to the proton that it is going to be crunched into to form another neutron, the positive charge on it gets stronger because the neutrons of the nucleus are relatively further away, making the attractive positive charge facing the electron less diffuse than it was.

The electron thus accelerates relative to the velocity that it would be moving toward the nucleus if it's apparent diffuse positive charge had remained constant. This acceleration is energy, and energy has to be accounted for.

In my cosmology theory everything, both space and matter, is made of negative and positive electric charges.  The basic rules of these charges are that opposite charges attract while like charges repel. Matter is any concentration of like charges, space is a perfect checkerboard of alternating negative and positive charges.

But there is also energy and what energy ultimately does is overcome the repulsive force between like electric charges. Matter is defined as having mass and this mass is actually the energy that is holding the like charges together against their otherwise mutual repulsion. That is where the well-known mass-energy equivalence comes from, a certain amount of mass is equivalent to a certain amount of energy. This is what Einstein's famous formula, E = MC squared, is about, the equivalence of mass and energy.

So as the electron impacts the proton that it is joining with, what this extra energy caused by the necessary acceleration does is it goes to rearrange the alternating negative and positive electric charges of space so that it holds some like charges, both negative and positive, together. It actually creates matter from this extra energy.

Since it is created by the acceleration of the electron, before it meets the proton to form a neutron, this new matter takes the form of the electron. It is actually a replica of the electron. But it's mass is not that of the mass-energy equivalence within the electron, but only that of it's impact with the proton. This means that the new mass, although it has the form of the electron, has far less mass than the electron.

Since there is no reason for an electric charge imbalance, the new mass is sandwiched between the positively-charged proton and the negatively-charged electron, the new mass has no net electric charge. It's energy holds like charges together, but there are equal numbers of negative-to-negative and positive-to-positive bonds.

So the added energy caused by the acceleration as it nears the proton, because the positive charge that attracts it is now less diffuse then it was when the neutrons of the nucleus were at the same average distance from the electron as the protons, goes to create a new particle in the form of the electron but with far less mass and no net electric charge.

If the neutron should later break back into an electron and a proton by radioactive beta decay, there will be no reason for it to be incorporated into either the proton or the electron. It will be ejected as a particle on it's own.

If you were walking and left a footprint in the ground, the ground is the proton, your shoe is the electron, and the footprint is the neutrino.

Let's welcome the neutrino.


The important thing about this cosmology theory is how it makes facts that are usually difficult to understand seem simple. Another of these facts is the so-called Mass Defect.

An atomic nucleus is composed of positively-charged protons and naturally-charged neutrons. Each of these particles has a definite mass but the confusing part is that the nucleus as a whole has less mass than the sum of it's parts.

We know that some of the mass of the nucleus is converted into binding energy, to hold the nucleus together against the mutual repulsion of it's positively-charged protons, but how exactly does this happen?

First, let's review the nature of matter and space in my cosmology theory.

Everything is made of near-infinitesimal negative and positive electric charges. Opposite charges attract and like charges repel. Space is a pattern of alternating negative and positive charges, in multiple dimensions. But like charges can be held together, against their mutual repulsion, by energy. This gives us the charged particles, such as electrons, that compose matter. The energy that holds the like charges together shows up as mass, the well-known Mass-Energy Equivalence.

What we perceive as electromagnetic waves, such as light and radio waves, are actually disturbances in the underlying balance of negative and positive charges. This makes it seem that the waves are electromagnetic.

Yet the reduction in mass is also energy.  It works against the energy of the Mass-Energy Equivalence. The binding energy that holds the positively-charged protons together against their mutual repulsion actually rearranged the like charges into sets, so that there is some mixing of opposite charges, although nowhere near the perfectly mixed checkerboard of charges, in multiple dimensions, of empty space.

A simplified example is that empty space is alternating negative and positive charges, + - + - + - + -. Matter is concentrated like charges, held together against their mutual repulsion by the Mass-Energy Equivalence, + + + + - - - -.  Then the nuclear force, the nuclear binding energy that holds the nucleus together, somewhat rearranges the charges of matter into sets so that there is some mixing of opposite charges, although nowhere near the perfectly alternating pattern of empty space, + + - - + + - -.

This allows opposite charge attraction to hold the nucleus together. But the move towardward mixing of the two opposite charges lessens the total mass of the nucleus, as mass is defined as like charges held together by energy, hence the Mass-Energy Equivalence.

The reduction in mass, the Mass Defect, is also energy. A larger atom has more binding energy per nucleon, and this is the energy that is released when the atom is split in two by fission.

Neutrons have an equal number of negative and positive charges, hence their overall neutral charge, and this is why neutrons are so necessary for binding energy. Heavier atoms have more neutrons per proton. But the number of protons is what defines the element. During the fusion of smaller atoms into larger ones, in the centers of stars, an electron can be crunched into a proton to create a neutrons, a process known as K-capture.

It also shows that energy and information is really the same thing. We cannot apply energy to anything without adding information to it, and we cannot add information to anything without applying energy to it. Another way we see that information and energy is really the same thing is the way we can make our lives physically easier by using technology, but only at the expense of making them more complex. We can never, on a large scale, make our lives physically easier and also less complex.

Binding energy is energy, although it decreases the total mass of the nucleus which seems to defy the principle of the Mass-Energy Equivalence, because it would require more information to describe the arrangement of the electric charges than the simple concentration of like charges that comprises matter.

Since we can be sure that binding energy is, in fact, energy because it is released when a heavy atom is split by fission, this shows definitely that energy and information is really the same thing.


A boson is a "messenger" particle that carries one of the basic forces, electromagnetism or the Strong or Weak Nuclear Force between fermions. Unlike bosons, fermions are particles of matter, such as electrons or quarks.

The Higgs Boson was long theorized to exist, and was finally found in 2012. This doesn't necessarily mean that there are Higgs Bosons around today, waiting to be discovered. Powerful particle accelerators recreate the high-energy conditions of the early universe, not long after the Big Bang. Particles that the accelerators bring into existence, if only very briefly, may not have otherwise existed since then.

A boson is the manifestation of some kind of "field" in space. What a field basically does is to somehow favor one direction in space over all other directions. In other words we could say that a field "indicates" somewhere.

The earth's gravitational field, for example, aims in the direction of the center of the earth. It pulls objects toward it.

An electromagnetic field points in the direction of the source of electromagnetic radiation, or away from it, such as the sun or stars. The field conveys energy and information from it.

The Higgs Boson is a manifestation of the Higgs Field. What is so puzzling about it is that, unlike every other field in space, the Higgs Field doesn't have any direction to it. It doesn't "point" in any particular direction.

Another thing that is puzzling is that like other fields, gravity or electromagnetism, the Higgs Field doesn't decrease with distance. It seems to permeate all of space equally and doesn't decrease at all with distance, according to the Inverse Square Law, as fields like gravity and electromagnetism do.

What the Higgs Field does is gives matter it's mass. But it's discovery has left as many questions as it has answered. How can a field in space not indicate any direction, as other fields do, but yet it causes matter to have mass? It doesn't seem to make any sense.

The Higgs Field doesn't aim in any direction but yet it pulls matter together, whichever direction the matter is in. What about my cosmology theory? In my theory we actually live in four spatial dimensions, one of which we perceive as time. The reason for this is that what we perceive as particles of matter, such as electrons, are actually strings aligned mostly in the same direction in the dimension of space that we perceive as time. We perceive them as particles because we can only see in three of the four dimensions. Time is our consciousness proceeding along the bundles of strings comprising our bodies and brains at what we perceive as the speed of light.

Gravity pulls matter together, no matter where it is or what direction it's in. This gravity is a function of the mass given by the Higgs Boson. It doesn't favor any particular direction but pulls matter together from all directions.

But what if my cosmology theory is true and matter is really strings aligned mostly in the direction in four-dimensional space that we perceive as time? The Higgs Field would really be a four-dimensional field trying to pull the strings of matter back together in exactly the same way that our earth's gravitational field tries to pull matter toward the center of the earth. In fact the earth's gravitational field, and all gravitational fields, are really manifestations of the Higgs Field.

So the Higgs Field does have a direction but we can only grasp it if we think in four-dimensional space. All gravity is the result of the mass being given to matter by the Higgs Field and this gravity tries to pull matter back together.

The Higgs Field's direction is actually toward what was the original two-dimensional sheet of space, within the multi-dimensional background space, that formed the matter and energy of the universe when one of it's two dimensions disintegrated in the matter-antimatter reaction that we perceive as the Big Bang, which began the universe as we know it.

So the Higgs Field, like all fields in space, does have a direction. But we cannot see it in three-dimensional space, it just seems to be giving all matter the mass that causes the mutual gravitational attraction. We have to go to four dimensions, one of which we perceive as time, to see how the Higgs Field has a direction like any other field, and to what that field points toward, and my cosmology theory offers the ideal explanation for it.



The essence of relativity is that, when we measure something, we can only measure it against something else. I find that the deepest meaning of relativity theory is that, when we reach the limits of our perception, we can only see a line as a straight line, because it contains less information than a non-straight line. This relates back to my principle that we see the universe as we do not only because of what it is but also because of what we are.

We depend on electromagnetic waves, particularly light, to bring us information about the universe. But we have no other way to observe light as an entity in itself. Light is observed only as the vehicle of information about matter and energy. When we see the light from a distant object we are, in effect, measuring a measurement tool with the measurement tool itself. The result is that we cannot see the path of the light as anything other than a straight line.

Light does not carry information about itself, only about the object being viewed. We can discern some information about light, particularly by comparing it with other wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation, but not about whether it is really a straight line. We cannot see the vehicle for the information in a subjective way, so we cannot see it's course as anything other then a straight line, even though it may not be. This is simply because a straight line is the route with the least information, and we must see it as a straight line if we cannot access the information for it to be anything else.

Where we can see a route but cannot discern any more information, we must see the route as a straight line. The path of light is thus the very definition of a straight line. But this means that there could be another definition, beyond our perception because the path of light is our definition of a straight line, where the path of light is not a straight line. This includes anything that we see moving in straight lines, such as falling objects or the mutually-repelling halves of a split nucleus.

If a straight line is, by some definition not a straight line, that means that there must be some kind of "shortcuts" across space that we could take advantage of to make travel, both on earth and in space, shorter. It could be that other electromagnetic radiation in the same space will distort the path of a beam of light, or there might be other distortions in the structure of space that we cannot yet detect simply because the path of light must, due to our nature, always appear to us as a straight line.


The so-called "gravity waves" predicted to exist by Albert Einstein were recently confirmed. The titanic collision of two distant black holes produced detectable ripples in the fabric of space, which were not the same thing at all as electromagnetic radiation. I have found that this opens up an entirely new way of looking at the universe, centering around the question of what distance really is, and also opens up incredible opportunities for the future.


Have you ever wondered how the universe could possibly be so vast? Are these apparently near-infinite distances maybe only some kind of illusion, that we see from our perspective in the universe? Could there be something making things seem so far away, when really they aren't?

We can see how distance and energy are the same thing in orbits. A higher orbit is also a higher-energy orbit. We can also see that distance and information is really the same thing in how more distance is necessary to represent the greater number of possible permutations of a greater energy state. If we have a set of five spaces, each represented by a "0", and one is replaced with a "1", this represents a lesser information state than if there were ten spaces, one of which was replaced by the "1". Because the first set would require less information to describe which space was replaced by the "1".

This concept that energy and distance, as well as information and distance, is the same thing should not surprise us because my complexity theory points out that energy and information is really the same thing. We cannot add information to anything without applying energy to it, and we cannot apply energy to anything without adding information to it.

Information can be stored as distance, because greater distance can accommodate a greater number of permutations, as we see in the example of the "1" somewhere in the set of "0"s. But remember that, in my cosmology theory, space is composed of a pattern of alternating negative and positive electric charges. Energy can disrupt this usual pattern, either overcoming the rule that like charges repel to create the concentrations of charge that we perceive as matter, or disrupting the alternating pattern over a wide area by overcoming the other basic rule of electric charges, that opposite charges attract, to create what we perceive as electromagnetic radiation. Since energy and information is the same thing, this is also a storing of information.

But the fact that energy can be stored by disrupting the pattern of alternating electric charges in space also has an effect on what distance actually is. This is that exactly what a straight line really- is may be open to definition. A straight line is the shortest possible distance between two points. But our perception of a straight line is affected by our own nature. Remember my principle that, we see the universe as we do not only because of what it is but also because of what we are. The simplest example is of the sun appearing to go around the earth.

We will always see light from a distant object as coming to us along a straight line. But, if the pattern of electric charges of space that the light travels through can be disrupted by energy, the light may have actually taken a very roundabout route through space, even though we will never be able to see it's route as anything but a straight line.

When you see a faraway object, it could be that energy is distorting the structure of the space between you and the object. This means that light has to take a more roundabout way to get from the object to you, and it thus appears further away. The electromagnetic waves that we see as light are energy, and the energy in the intervening space opposes those waves. The more energy that there is in the intervening space, the more that the light from the distant object will be reduced, and the further away the object will appear.

Space seems certain to be composed of multidimensional alternating negative and positive electric charges, and we see the distance of an object across space as the number of electric charges in that space between us. But what if the fabric of that space is not perfectly even, in ways that we do not detect, that makes light from distant objects only seem to be coming from further away because it must take a roundabout route through space?

We could think of it as "thick' and "thin" space, it takes more energy for light to get through thick space, so that the object appears as further away. Instead of distance consisting of the number of electric charges in space, which is information, it could consist of the information in that space, which could be a distortion of the pattern of charges of space by energy or a variation in the energy level in the tension between adjacent negative and positive electric charges that compose space.

It is only with relatively recent technology that we can detect electromagnetic waves. Isn't it possible that there might be other types of distortion in space that we have not yet detected? Just as it is the electromagnetic waves, which we have only detected in the last 150 years or so, which make us see objects, couldn't there be other distortions in the alternating electric charges comprising space which hinder the movement of electromagnetic waves, and cause us to see the object at a distance?


Since the energy in space can clearly affect the light that travels across it, what about the actual movement of objects through it? Remember that my cosmological theory was originally named "The Theory Of Stationary Space" because I perceived that all motion was really completed immediately after the Big Bang. It is only our consciousnesses moving along the bundles of strings comprising our bodies and brains, at what we perceive as the speed of light, that causes us to perceive motion in the universe with the speed of light, which is our own velocity, as the maximum possible speed.

The only "new motion" in the universe according to this theory was that brought about by living things. But with this concept here, even that apparent motion is really brought about by changes in the energy levels of space. There is energy in the tension between the adjacent negative and positive charges of space, but the amount of that energy could be variable.

It may be that the imparting energy of motion to an object, such as throwing a ball, may not actually cause the ball to move, but distorts the space between us and the ball by applying the energy of the throw to it. This makes the ball appear as if it is moving further away, in the same way that it causes an object to appear distant by energizing the space in between. The ball does not move away from us instantly because remember that the movement of our consciousness forward, at what we perceive as the speed of light, as described in my cosmology theory, is part of the vector of throwing the ball also.

Suppose that you walk from a door to your car. Now suppose that some paving work begins in the parking lot, which you have to walk around. The distance from the door to your car will not change, only the distance that you have to walk to get there will.

This is actually an application of the underlying principle of Einstein's Relativity Theory, that of no fixed standard but of moving frames of reference. Distance is information, but that information can be conveyed as either the sheer number of electric charges in space between us and a distant object or in the energy, which is also information, in that intervening space.

This way of looking at distance as energy in space, with that energy varying in place of what we perceive as movement, has one great advantage. It explains why space does not resist movement, at least after the initial momentum.

Remember one of Newton's Laws that an object in motion will continue in motion, until acted upon by an outside force. If we give a brief thrust to an object in open space, it will continue moving in that direction indefinitely. But, if both space and the moving object are composed of electric charges then shouldn't space continuously resist motion through it?

If the fabric of space behaved like water, moving out of the way and then coming back together as an object moves through it, then why does water continuously resist movement through it while empty space, at least after the initial momentum, doesn't? The alternating pattern of electric charges comprising space should have to part to make way for the object, before coming back together, and this should consume energy, but we do not see that this happens. A rocket in space, for example, needs only a brief burst of thrust to set it in the right direction, and then will continue in that direction with no resistance at all from the fabric of space which has been proven to exist.

My theory here is that, instead of the moving object actually moving through space after the application of momentum, it is energy in space which shifts in order to regain equilibrium. There is energy in the tension between the alternating electric charges comprising space, but the amount of that energy could be variable. This is the energy version of the Law of Equal and Opposite Reactions, which governs matter.

Newton's Law states that when there is a reaction, a movement of matter, there must also be an equal and opposite reaction. The most used examples of this are the motions of jets and rockets. But if, as Einstein stated, matter and energy are merely different forms of the same thing, and there is the Equal and Opposite Reaction Principle for matter, then shouldn't there also be a corresponding principle governing energy? This would be it.

This means that, when energy of motion applies to an object, such as throwing a ball, the ball doesn't really move but energy rushes in through space, in the direction opposite to the applied energy, to counteract the applied energy, and it is this energy moving into the space between us and the ball that makes the ball appear to be moving further away from us. This can be compared to moving one's hand in a bowl of water. The water rushes to the space behind the hand to counteract the energy applied by the movement of the hand forward.

This reverse flow of energy in space, when energy is applied to move an object, occurs only when a "whole" object, which is a balance of electric charges, is moved. It does not apply to movement of electric charges themselves, because retention of the energy balance is addressed by the charge movement.


When pressure on an object in space reaches a certain threshold, not enough energy can move through space to retain the energy equilibrium. This causes the actual fabric of space, the alternating electric charges in multiple dimensions, to fracture. Although it immediately comes back together in a new arrangement, this is what creates the shock waves perceived as Einstein's gravity waves in the fabric of space.

The concept is akin to a plane breaking the sound barrier. In speeds below the sound barrier, the molecules in the air can move out of the way of the plane, but above that threshold they cannot move out of the way fast enough and are "knocked" aside to create the sonic boom.

In my view of Einstein's "gravity waves", the fabric of space is torn because not enough energy can move through space to accommodate the tremendous movement in events such as the collision of the black holes. The electric charges of space then instantly rearrange themselves into a new alternating negative-positive pattern, but this sends a domino-effect shock wave throughout space, which we detect as the "gravity waves".

When an object, which is a concentrated mass of like electric charges, moves in space, which is alternating negative and positive electric charges, how can it move without affecting the arrangement of the electric charges in space? If those electric charges rearrange themselves to accommodate the movement, why is this not detectable as electromagnetic radiation, which is defined as any disturbance in the pattern of alternating electric charges of space, which appear as electromagnetic because they reveal the underlying electromagnetism.

Even the movement of a cup on a table should rend the fabric of space, if the cup were actually moving. But it is apparently only the titanic collisions, such as those between black holes or large stars, which create Einstein's gravity waves. This is because it is only for extreme collisions of this scale that the energy cannot move through space to balance the initial movement, in accordance with Newton's Law of Equal and Opposite Reactions, and so the fabric of space itself tears until the electric charges comprising space rearrange themselves in a new pattern.

This is not the same thing as electromagnetic waves which, in my cosmological theory, are disruptions in the electric charges of space that are brought about by energy, but not a change in the relative positions of the electric charges comprising that space.

I do not quite understand why these disturbances in space, predicted by Einstein, are called "gravity waves". Gravity is a steady and continuous process, why should it create waves which are formed by some cyclic or repetitive effect such as the movement of electrons in a radio antenna? Why was it the titanic collision between two distant black holes which brought about the first detectable "gravity waves"? Gravity is the result of mass, and just because two black holes collided, there would not be any more mass than there was before. Why wouldn't two trucks colliding nearby create the same kind of "gravity waves"?


At this point, I am not going to replace movement in my cosmological theory with this concept of movement and distance really being the effect of energy changes in the intervening space. Rather, I am going to present this as another way of looking at distance and movement.

Remember that there is actually two levels to the reality of the universe. One is the absolute reality of how reality works, regardless of whether we were here or not. The other is the way that we see things, due to our nature. The idea that distance is just the number of electric charges between us and a distant object, movement is the actual distance between objects changing and, light always moving in straight lines as we see it, cannot really be "incorrect" because that is the way it appears to us and that is what we can measure. In a similar way, for the purpose of telling time, it is not really "wrong" to say that the sun goes around the earth. Neither is it "wrong" or "incorrect" to describe the colors in the world around us, even though we know that color really only exists in our eyes and brains. It can be described as the universe "with us" or "without us".

Einstein's Special  Theory of Relativity describes not the way the universe actually is, but how it would appear to us, under special circumstances. The relativistic mass of an object moving at the speed of light being infinite, for example, must mean that it would appear to us as being infinite if it were moving at the speed of light

If an object moving at the speed of light really had infinite mass then what about cosmic rays? This is a misnomer since these are particles, and not rays or radiation. There are many particles within cosmic rays, protons, electrons and alpha particles (helium nuclei) that are moving at or near the speed of light. Yet if one of these particles really had infinite mass, as Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity suggests that it should, then it should also have infinite gravity, which is based on mass, meaning that the particle should wrap the entire universe around itself with it's infinite gravity, yet clearly this does not happen.

The clear reason is that the particle only appears to us to have infinite mass, based on our perspective in space. Whether distance and motion is based on space being a fixed quantity, as it always appears to us, or whether it is a reflection of changeable energy patterns in the space, as I am describing here, follows the same patterns of the apparently infinite mass of an object moving at the speed of light, as described by Einstein's Theory of Special Relativity.

The line at bottom in the following diagram represents the bundles of strings comprising our bodies and brains at rest. The red arrow represents the direction of our consciousness, at what we perceive as the speed of light. Acceleration of objects to ever higher speeds is represented by lines A and B. Line C represents the speed of light. It is the maximum possible speed to us because a right angle is the maximum possible angle.

The green segments are equal distances along each line, and shows what is really happening in the Special Theory of Relativity. As the segments are at an increasing angle to us their length, and thus their mass and time, are concentrated in a shorter and shorter length. At the speed of light, the right angle, the future mass and time of the line are concentrated at a single point, from the point of view of the line at bottom. Thus it's mass appears as infinite, while it's time stops and it's length becomes infinitesimal.


Stop and think. If distance is really only the energy in space between ourselves and an object across that space, then why shouldn't there be ways to "go around" that energy?

In our transportation and observational technologies today, we "overcome" the energy in space between us and distant objects and destinations. But, in the future, we might look through a telescope at a distant object that works not by collecting and magnifying the light that reaches us from that object, but by "going around" the energy in the space between us and the object, so that we can see a close-up even though we apparently are far away.

The same thing goes for transportation. We will not have to expend energy in engines to "overcome" the energy in the space between us and a distant destination, we will simply "go around" that energy so that the destination will only be a short distance away.

Suppose there was a tribe of people that were very short-sighted, they could only see what was immediately in front of them. They did not realize that they were walking over mountains to get from place to place. One day, they realized that they could greatly shorten the journeys by simply going around the mountains, instead of over them.

Planes would no longer be necessary, because the energy expended by the plane's engines simply goes to counteract the energy in the space between us and our destination. We could walk into a portal in our city, and then walk out of the portal in any city that we wanted to visit. It will not work by Star Trek-style "beaming", changing the matter of our bodies into electromagnetic waves and then reassembling it at the other end. It will work by simply taking us along a route "around" the energy in the space between us and our distant destination, because distance is really just energy.


I would like to point out how just the fact that we can even discuss multiple dimensions shows that my cosmological theory must be correct.

If the conventional model of the Big Bang, that of the space and matter of the universe expanding outward from an infinitesimal point, were correct there would be nothing to reveal that there was any more than one dimension. We understand it as three dimensions, but going from one point to another in such a universe would not be an issue because there would only be momentum in an outward direction. There would be no such thing as momentum in lateral directions, even though those dimensions of space existed, if that was not introduced into the universe originally with the Big Bang.

If the Big Bang happened as this conventional model suggests, then the dimensions of space involved would be effectively packaged together. There would be no such thing that we could perceive as movement in a straight line, because that would involve only one dimension of the space to the exclusion of the others. Such a movement would require information which did not exist, because the Big Bang did not provide it.

More information is required to move in or consider the spatial dimensions separately, rather than packaged together, and the big Bang of this conventional model does not provide this information. Such information cannot be created out of nothing, if it is not brought into the universe at it's beginning. We could say that the lowest information state, similar in concept to the lowest energy state, is to have all dimensions of space so that movement in one, to the exclusion of the others, is impossible because the necessary information does not exist.

The example that I often use to illustrate this conservation of information is that of orbits. Electrons are positioned in orbitals around the central nucleus of an atom. Astronomical bodies, such as stars, planets and, moons, use the same kind of orbital pattern which is found in the atoms of which they are composed. The reason is simple, that is the only information available. The astronomical bodies are spherical in shape and manifest orbits, in the same way as the atoms of which they are composed.

Since we can move in a given direction, to the exclusion of the other spatial dimensions, the only conclusion that I can come to is that there must have been events in the early universe to effectively separate the dimensions, to define them individually from the others. If the Big Bang, as conventional models of it suggest, had three contiguous dimensions of space expanding outwards then there would be no information to separate those dimensions. Whatever occupied those dimensions would have to occupy all three together. The Big Bang was a relatively simple event and conventional models of it provide no information to apply the dimensions of space separately in any way. This means that everything could move in only one direction in space, away from the point of the Big Bang.

My cosmology theory, however, invokes both one and two dimensions. The original two-dimensional sheet of space, amidst the multi-dimensional background space, disintegrated in one of it's two dimensions as one pair of it's opposite sides came into contact. Due to charge migration, to seek a lower energy state, one side was positive in charge and the other was negative. This brought about the matter-antimatter mutual annihilation that we perceive as the Big Bang. The energy in the disintegrating dimension, from the tension between adjacent opposite electric charges, was released. The remaining dimension then consisted of very long strings of infinitesimal cross-section, that we perceive as the particles of matter today. Some of the energy released by the disintegrating dimension went into "welding" the charges of the remaining dimension together as strings of matter. We perceive these strings as particles because our consciousnesses are moving along the bundles of strings composing our bodies and brains, at what we perceive as the speed of light, and we can only see at right angles to our strings.

You can see how, even for you to be able to draw a straight line on paper or to have an object move from Point A to Point B, that dimension must have been somehow separated from or defined apart from the others by the patterns in the universe, and I cannot see how that could have been accomplished outside of this theory. The original two-dimensional sheet, in my theory, as well as the one-dimensional strings that it disintegrated into, effectively defined the dimensions of space as separate. If not for this, movement in any dimension apart from the others would be impossible. The only motion could be the outward expansion of the universe, as defined by the Big Bang.

This leaves us with an interesting thought. There has to be some possibility that we actually inhabit many more than the three spatial dimensions that we perceive. Our three dimensions could actually be "packages" of two or three or more dimensions that were never defined as separate by the relatively limited amount of information that was contained in the Big Bang. My theory of the Big Bang shows how our three dimensions were defined individually, but that does not mean that each of those could not actually be "packages" of dimensions that were never defined as separate by the events of the Big Bang at the beginning of the universe. It may be that we cannot access those dimensions because there is no information contained in the matter of the universe or our bodies to define them as separate.


Some scientists believe that the universe is rotating. It seems that everything, from solar systems to galaxies, seems to either rotate or orbit, so why not the entire universe? But then, the question arises of what difference it makes.

Suppose that there was a sphere out in space, and nothing existed except that sphere. Then, suppose that someone asked if the sphere was rotating. It would be impossible to say, and it would make no possible difference, because there would be no outside reference point. To say that something is rotating requires some outside reference point. Otherwise, it just becomes a matter of definition.

Next, suppose that the entire universe is that sphere. But how could the universe possibly be rotating when, by it's very definition, the universe includes everything so that there can be no outside reference point by which to say that it is rotating?

However, we then have to consider that the rotational momentum of the galaxies in the universe should balance out, as a whole. The scientists who believe that the universe is rotating think that because there seems to be an imbalance in the rotational momentum of galaxies. But this is not possible, since every action must involve an equal and opposite reaction, the rotational momentum of galaxies must balance out in the universe as a whole.

There is only one possible way that there could be an imbalance in the rotational momentum within the universe, and that is if the entire universe itself was rotating. There could then be less rotational momentum of galaxies in the direction that the universe itself was rotating, because the balance in rotational momentum could then be made up by the rotation of the universe itself.

But what possible difference could it make to us whether or not the universe was rotating. We would never be able to tell that the universe was rotating, like we see the earth is by sunrise and sunset, because, by the very definition of the universe, there can be no reference points outside the universe by which to say that it is rotating.

Well, maybe it could make a difference to us. In fact, it could mean a very big difference. Remember the scenario that we saw in "The Nature Of Straight Lines In Space". We always see the path of light as being a straight line. We define a straight line as "the shortest distance between two points". But I have long wondered if these two definitions of straight lines that we have may not be exactly the same.

If light, the path of which we see as a straight line, somehow does not always travel by "the shortest distance between two points", that could mean that there might be "shortcuts" across space that we are not aware of. These are not related to the warping of space by the gravity of a black hole or "wormholes", or anything like that. These "shortcuts" to which I am referring are there simply because we may erroneously presume that the light that we see always follows a straight line through space.

The larger something is, the faster it tends to rotate. The largest planet, Jupiter, rotates the fastest. We can thus presume that, if the universe is rotating, it is rotating very fast. It could be much faster than what we perceive as the speed of light, even though we would not perceive it as such.

Suppose that you throw a ball while riding a bicycle. The ball would not follow a straight line. It would follow a curved vector because there would be more than one force acting on it. If we have no other reference point, other than a moving object, then we would perceive that object as moving in a straight line. It is only independence reference points that can tell us that something is not moving in a straight line.

We cannot perceive it because we can see, according to my cosmological theory, in only three of the four spatial dimensions over which matter from the Big Bang is scattered, and because we always perceive light as moving in a straight line. But, if the matter in the universe is rotating, there must be a considerable difference between the path of light that we perceive as a straight line and "the shortest distance between two points", which is our general definition of a straight line.

This can only mean that there must be "shortcuts" across space, that we cannot see because we see light, but there must be some way to take advantage of them. If a destination appeared to be a certain distance away from us, it would actually be much closer if we could find such a "shortcut" to it.



According to my cosmology theory, the universe began with the inductive reproduction of electric charges. An initial charge, whether negative or positive, induced an opposite charge next to it because it was necessary to bring about charge balance. That new charge then induced an opposite charge next to it, which was the same as the original charge, and so on in multiple dimensions.

This brings us to a multi-dimensional checkerboard pattern of alternating negative and positive electric charges, and this is what composes empty space. A charge is surrounded by opposite charges, in the pattern of a checkerboard, because opposite charges attract while like charges repel.

The following diagram shows how the universe began with a single electric charge, whether negative or positive. But the most important rule in the universe is that the two electric charges must always balance out. So what happened is that the first electric charge induced opposite charges on either side of it. But this still left an imbalance so opposite charges were induced on opposite sides of those. The mutual induction continued in multiple dimensions. There would always be an imbalance as the mutual induction continued endlessly because there were two electric charges but there would always be an odd number of total charges. This formed a multi-dimensional checkerboard of alternating negative and positive charges in multiple dimensions. The following diagram shows the process, starting at the top.

But if energy is present, it can overcome the repulsive force between like charges to hold a mass of like charges together. Such concentrations of like charge, according to the cosmology theory as opposed to the alternating charges of space, is what we would refer to as matter. This is what energy ultimately does, overcomes the mutual repulsion of like electric charges.

The following diagram shows that one dimensional strings of like charges With positive charges shifted to one side of the two-dimensional sheet, and negative charges to the other side, and with the charge pattern of the sheet not aligned with the checkerboard of the background space, the negative side of the sheet came in contact with the positive side. This produced the tremendous matter-antimatter mutual annihilation that we refer to as the Big Bang.

Since the sheet was not in alignment with the checkerboard charge pattern of the background space this represented information, and information is really the same thing as energy. One dimension of the two dimensional sheet, the sides that came into contact, disintegrated. This dimension became energy, and this introduced energy into the universe. In the diagram strings of matter, whether negative or positive, are seen in red. The checkerboard pattern of the surrounding background space is seen in black.

The like charges of the matter charges are held together, against their mutual repulsion, by some of the energy that was released by the Big Bang. This internal energy in matter is what we refer to as the Mass-Energy Equivalence. It is also described by Einstein's famous formula, E = MC squared, which basically means that a little bit of matter contains a tremendous amount of energy. Other energy from the Big Bang went into throwing the matter out across space, and some of it we can still detect as radiation from the Big Bang.

Another mystery that it explains, and that proves it is correct, is the spin of neutrinos as they move through space. Neutrinos spin to their left, relative to the direction of travel, while antineutrinos, the antimatter version of the neutrino, spins to it's right. This is from the two dimensional sheet after charge migration had taken place, because it cannot otherwise be explained.

Face your palms toward each other and curl the fingers of both hands. The fingers of one hand curl to the left and the other to the right. That is because the two sides of the two dimensional sheet that came into contact approached each other from opposite directions.

But if the Big Bang can happen once, you may wonder why it couldn't happen again. Maybe it does. If a string, such as an electron, should break, due to some traumatic event such as a supernova or collision between massive objects, it would create a charge imbalance in space that could start a sheet of this same kind of charge replication and migration, until the negative side came in contact with the positive side. This would create the mini replication of the Big Bang that we call Gamma Ray Bursts.

The collapse of a massive star, or the collision between two neutron stars or a neutron star and a black hole, can cause a Gamma Ray Burst. But yet the collision between two black holes does not seem to cause a Gamma Ray Burst. This confirms my theory of both black holes and Gamma Ray Bursts. Black holes are "pure" matter where the very structures of matter, including the strings themselves, have been broken down by the extreme gravity so that there are no strings that can break.

These are by far the most powerful explosions in the universe, and occur on a regular basis across the universe, but are, as of yet, unexplained.

This explains the structure of the entire universe. First, the inductive reproduction of opposite electric charges to form the checkerboard pattern of empty space. Second, the overcoming by energy of the repulsive force between like charges to bring about the concentrations of like charges that we perceive as matter.

But this is information and, if it is correct, must be reflected in the large-scale structure of the universe. This is because information flows through the universe from the lowest to the highest levels. The large-scale structure of the universe must be based on the structure at the lowest levels, that of the fundamental electric charges, because there is no other information from anywhere on which it could be based.

A simple example of how a large-scale structure must be based on the lower-level information on which it is composed is how planets orbit stars and moons orbit planets in the same way that electrons in orbitals around the nuclei of the atoms of which the stars, planets and, moons are composed. This is the way it has to be because there is no other information from anywhere on which to construct the large-scale structures which are the moons and planets and stars.

We could say that the difference between these two factors is that the inductive reproduction of electric charges is anti-spiral in that the induction by each charge produces the opposite of itself, that is the opposite charge, rather than producing more of the same. While the overcoming of the mutual repulsion of like charges by energy, to create matter, is spiral because it tends to produce more of itself.

According to my cosmology theory, the way that the overcoming of the mutual repulsion of like electric charges, to form matter, is spiral is that this is what brings about gravity. If inductive charge reproduction is so that the number of opposite electric charges, negative and positive, must be equal, then the rules of the electric charges, that opposite charges attract while like charges repel, must also be equal. If energy then overcomes some of the mutual repulsion between like charges, then it must leave a net attractive charge. This net attractive charge is what we know as gravity.

Gravity is the basis of the spiral pattern in the universe, something that brings about more of itself, because matter has gravity that draws other matter in. This gives the mass still more gravity so that it can draw still more mass in, and so on. Thus, matter pulling in more matter by gravity is the fundamental spiral pattern, bringing about more of itself, in the universe.

So, if both my cosmological theory about the universe being based on electric charges, which compose strings of matter after some of the repulsion between like charges has been overcome by energy, and the cosmological information theory about how the structure of the highest levels of matter in the universe must be based on the information in the lowest levels, because there is no more information from anywhere on which to base the structure of the large-scale universe, are correct, then we should see both spiral and anti-spiral patterns in the universe all around us.

But since the electric charges, with the inductive reproduction of opposite charges, came first and are the more fundamental of the two, since the array of electric charges must first exist before energy can be applied to them to hold some bundles of like charges together against the mutual repulsion of like charges, which would bring about the gravity which is the primary spiral pattern, the anti-spiral pattern should dominate the universe overall.


There are indeed two great, and opposing, patterns which govern all change in the universe. These two patterns, encompassing all of the basic forces, are the spiral and the anti-spiral. Put simply, a spiral is a pattern of change that tends to create more of itself, resulting in a spiral, while the anti-spiral has a built-in resistance to creating more of itself. Spiral often amounts to attraction, and anti-spiral to repulsion or dispersion. These opposing patterns of change are reflected at all levels of reality in the universe. On a large scale gravity is spiral and the Big Bang, the explosion which began the universe, is anti-spiral.

The attraction usually represents the spiral, beginning with gravity, while the repulsion represents the anti-spiral. Since all the universe must ultimately operate on the principles of it's most fundamental components, this attraction and repulsion is represented in the universe as a whole as spiral and anti-spiral.

All motion and change in the universe results from the tension between spiral and anti-spiral. If there was either one, but not the other, the universe would be still. If the universe were totally spiral, there would be one concentrated black hole. If it were completely anti-spiral, there would be no coherent matter but only dispersed particles.

It was the Big Bang which defined the universe as primarily anti-spiral by scattering matter across space. Gravity, representing the spiral, attracts the matter back together but has not proven strong enough to reverse the dispersion brought about by the Big Bang. This sets the pattern that, while the universe has both the spiral and anti-spiral patterns, the anti-spiral is overall dominant.

If gravity does bring enough matter together it will form a star, but then some of those later explode in a miniature version of the Big Bang anti-spiral known as a supernova. But such an explosion of a star, which was brought together by gravity, is not enough to completely reverse the spiral concentration of gravity because the lighter elements which originally formed the star remain fused together into the heavier elements which are scattered across space by the supernova.

The two opposing patterns, rooted in the attraction and repulsion of the fundamental charges composing the universe, but with some of the repulsive force overcome by energy to form gravity, are to be seen in the smallest scale of reality just as in the largest. All of the basic forces of physics cannot be either spiral or anti-spiral, this would bring the movement and change in the universe to a halt. For the universe to be dynamic as we see it today, the basic forces must be divided between the spiral and the anti-spiral. But the ultimate reason that the universe is governed by these two opposing patterns is that it is composed of the two opposite electric charges, which we call negative and positive.

The strong nuclear force, which binds the positively-charged protons in the nucleus together against their like-charge mutual repulsion, is spiral. But the so-called weak nuclear force, related to the breaking apart of large atoms by radioactivity, and also the electromagnetic force which is based on the nature of the fundamental electric charges, are anti-spiral.


Here is a list, and a brief explanation, of common anti-spiral patterns:

Balance-anything that maintains balance or equilibrium resists the concentration of spiraling, and is thus anti-spiral.

Induction-an electric current in a coil which induces another current in a nearby wire, will induce the current in such a way that it resists the original current by flowing in the opposite direction, thus making it anti-spiral.

Equal And Opposite Reaction-Sir Isaac Newton's Law that for every physical action, there must be an equal and opposite reaction, maintains the overall balance of matter and so is anti-spiral. You can easily see that this law of equal and opposite reactions is ultimately based on the information in the two equal and opposite electric charges that compose the universe. Simple examples of equal and opposite reactions are the thrust of a rocket in one direction sends the rocket in the opposite direction and, if two gears are meshed and one is turned then the other will rotate in the opposite direction.

Flood-when liquid spreads out over a surface, instead of concentrating, it is anti-spiral.

Enclosed Gas-an enclosed gas in a container will spread evenly throughout the container, instead of concentrating in one place, making it anti-spiral.

Big Bang-the explosion which brought about the universe by scattering matter across space is the original anti-spiral.

Explosion-any explosion, resulting in dispersion rather than concentration, is anti-spiral.

Osmosis-the dispersion of a concentration in a liquid is anti-spiral.

Centrifugal Force-the outward force of spin is the opposite of gravity, and so is anti-spiral.

Fission-the dispersion of splitting large atoms into smaller ones is anti-spiral.

Radioactivity-this involves the splitting of large atoms, and so is anti-spiral.

Opposing Ideas-the competition and balance between opposing ideas, keeping one from dominating, is anti-spiral.

Anarchy-control is spiral, the dissolution of such control is anti-spiral.

Individualism-the concentration of the group is spiral, the dissolution of this is anti-spiral.

Entropy-I find that meaningful examples of entropy are found only in regard to living things, and the things that they make, but it is very anti-spiral. It is a lot easier to spill something than it is to put it back into the container.

Here is a list, and a brief explanation, of common spiral patterns which oppose the anti-spiral patterns:

Gravity-the ultimate spiral force is gravity. When a mass, such as a star or planet gains more mass by gravity, that will strengthen it's gravitational pull so that it can attract still more mass, creating the spiral. But this ultimately comes up against the dispersion anti-spiral of a supernova or the Big Bang.

Centripetal Force-this is the spiral opposite of the outward anti-spiral centrifugal force.

Fusion-the spiral fusing of small atoms into larger ones within stars.

Hurricane-the self-sustaining nature of a hurricane makes it spiral.

Growth Pole-anything that acts as a starting point for growth is spiral.

Life-the growth and reproduction of living things makes them spiral, but this must ultimately be balanced by the anti-spiral death and decay.

Wealth And Poverty-wealth and poverty tend to exhibit a concentration spiral.

Authority-the opposite of anarchy is spiral.

Empire-one nation or authority, instead of many, is spiral.

Spread Of Idea-the triumph of one idea over others, and the resulting standardization, is spiral.


What we will refer to as a complex system involves both the spiral and the anti-spiral pattern. Complex systems are so called because they require more complexity to incorporate both the spiral and anti-spiral patterns. Living things are such complex systems, with the required complexity coming from the myriad of molecules that can be constructed from carbon atoms. 

There are examples within simple spirals and anti-spirals of things to do with people or living things, such as nations or authority, but this is only because the higher complexity of people on opposing sides tends to cancel each other out.

The reason that I describe the universe as anti-spiral is that, when the two relate in complex terms it is always the anti-spiral pattern which ultimately predominates. This must be true in any continuous dynamic process, including all biological processes.

Intelligent living things are capable of doing work, which means making changes which would not otherwise occur. Work is opposition to the prevailing pattern. Since the anti-spiral pattern predominates in the universe. this means that work is most often spiral. The most common anti-spiral work would be clearing a wilderness.

Here are examples, and brief explanations, of complex patterns involving a peak:

Star-a star results from a gravitational concentration of matter, and fuses lighter elements into heavier ones, which are both spiral. But in large stars, this ultimately explodes in a supernova that scatters matter across space and so is anti-spiral.

Fire-fire is spiral in that it spreads, but ultimately anti-spiral in that is scatters the component atoms of it's fuel as ash and smoke.

Growth-the concentration brought about by the growth of living things is spiral, but must end in the death and decay which is anti-spiral.

Prices-the rising of prices due to demand is spiral, but that gives incentive for more production or to find substitutes which is anti-spiral.

Settlement-the growth of a town or city brings opportunity, which draws more settlers which makes it spiral, but is balanced against the resulting land scarcity and prices which drives to other settlements and this is anti-spiral.

Recession And Wealth-both tend toward spiraling, but cannot go on indefinitely.

There is a definite pattern in what we can see as either spiral or anti-spiral. If some force consists of a balance between two entities, it will form an anti-spiral. Spirals form when a force that creates it does not consist of any kind of balance between sub-entities.

If the force for change consists of a balance, the balance must be maintained and this causes the entity to resist creating more of itself. To do otherwise would alter the fundamental balance because it would necessitate that the sub-entities be created at exactly the same rate to preserve the balance. Remember that the pattern of balance is ultimately based on the balance of negative and positive charges in the universe.

Electrical induction provides an ideal example. If a current in one coil induces a secondary current in a nearby coil, the secondary current will flow in the direction through the wires which opposes the direction of the primary current. In other words, electrical induction is anti-spiral because it resists inducing a current in the original direction. It can be said to resist itself by inducing a current in the opposite direction. This is, of course, because the behavior of electric current is closely based on the nature of the fundamental electric charges.

Electricity is the movement of electrons, which are the fundamental negative charges of matter. This matter consists of a balance between our negative and positive charges which define the universe. Since the movement of electrons in the coil affects, and is affected by, this fundamental balance then an electric current must be anti-spiral in that it resists inducing more current in the same direction as the original.

Because electricity is related to the balance of charges, it must balance itself when induction takes place by inducing a current in the opposite direction. The way we see it a current which induces more current in the same direction would be creating electrical energy out of nothing, which would be nice, but not possible.

This information in the fundamental charges also defines the anti-spiral pattern that takes place when some force for change consists of a balance between sub-entities. When something from outside, such as the second electrical coil, becomes a part of the system, the only way to maintain the required balance is to have the current in the second coil flow in the opposite direction. This replicates the balance that exists between the fundamental negative and positive charges.

The reason that gravity is spiral is simply that, unlike the electric charges, there is no opposing force to gravity. Outside of science fiction, there is no such thing as anti-gravity. There is a balance in things that are anti-spiral because there is the balance between the negative and positive electric charges.

Gravity can be opposed by the kinetic energy of moving objects, but that is based on a principle similar in concept to the opposing electrical induction in that it is based on Newton's Law of Equal and Opposite Reactions. The kinetic energy of moving atoms, which we refer to as heat, also ultimately comes down to this law that every action must be opposed by an equal and opposite reaction so that the original balance can be maintained. The equal and opposite reaction is, of course, a mirror of the equal and opposite electric charges of the mutual opposite charge induction that began the universe.

The same anti-spiral pattern can be seen in any force for change that consists of a balance. In economics, prices and goods pair up and create a balance. When there is a change in the supply or demand for the goods, prices change to restore the balance. This can only mean that, since it is based on a balance, the system must form an anti-spiral. Prices and goods remain in balance, neither just goes on increasing because it depends on the other. This is very similar to the negative and positive charges in balance.

Everything that brings about change is either spiral or anti-spiral. The Big Bang, the anti-spiral explosion which set the universe in motion, left it's imprint on the universe in that the anti-spiral must always ultimately predominate. For the two to be equal, gravity would have to be strong enough to pull the matter of the universe back together in order to reverse the Big Bang. The balance factor in the anti-spiral pattern is based on the original template of the balance between the fundamental negative and positive charges of which the universe is composed.


There are both spiral and anti-spiral patterns all across the universe, but the anti-spiral ultimately predominates. This is because the anti-spiral pattern is based on the information in the alternating negative and positive electric charges that compose space. The opposite charges alternate because opposite charges attract, while like charges repel. But the repulsion between like charges can be overcome by energy, and this brings about the concentrations of like charge that we refer to as matter and which brings about the spiral. But, since the two opposite charges came first and there is not enough energy to overcome only a very limited amount of the like-charge repulsion, the anti-spiral pattern dominates overall.



A point can be thought of as zero dimensions. From there, each successive dimension produces a geometric form that is inconceivable in the previous dimension. When we introduce the first dimension, we get the geometric form of a line, which is the only possible geometric form in one dimension.

When we introduce the second dimension, we get the geometric form of a circle, which is inconceivable in one dimension.

But when we introduce the third dimension, that ceases. There is no original geometric form in three dimensions that was not present in one and two dimensions. All geometric forms in the universe that we see in three dimensions can be made up of some combinations of lines and circles.

A three-dimensional cylinder is simply a circle in two dimensions, combined with a line in the remaining dimension. A sphere is just a two-dimensional circle, with another dimension added. A cube is a one-dimensional line, with two more dimensions added. There is nothing at all original about either a square in two dimensions, or a cube in three dimensions.

An ellipse is formed by taking the two perpendicular dimensions of a circle, and making one longer than the other. Any curve, in two or three dimensions, is formed by combining elements of lines and circles.

Here is one of those questions of the ages that we rarely stop to think about. If there are original geometric forms in each of the first two spatial dimensions, why wouldn't there be one in the third dimension?

In my cosmology theory, the two-dimensional sheet of space is the source of what we perceive as matter, so it must also be the source of information regarding the geometric forms that matter takes. There were only two dimensions in that sheet, even though it's matter was thrown out across more dimensions of space than this by the Big Bang. This is why there are original geometric forms in only two dimensions of space, but not the third. It is a reflection of the dimensions of this two-dimensional sheet.

Since this shows that the origins of matter had to be two-dimensional, but yet we see the particles that compose matter, such as electrons, as dimensionless points, there must be a dimension that we cannot see, and that explains what time is. And, by the way, I cannot see that there is any plausible explanation for what time actually is anywhere other than this theory. Or a reason why there is no original geometric form in the third dimension, as there is in the first two.

This original two-dimensional sheet of space had to be non-contiguous with the background space, or else there would be no reason for it to not be part of that background space. This means that each of the two dimensions of the two-dimensional sheet had to be in contact with two dimensions of the background space.

This means that, when one of the two dimensions of the two-dimensional sheet disintegrated in the matter-antimatter mutual annihilation that we perceive as the Big Bang, leaving the other dimension as strings that we see as the component particles of matter such as electrons, these strings of matter would be thrown out across the four dimensions of space that the two dimensions of the two-dimensional sheet had been in contact with. If either one of the two dimensions of the sheet was contiguous with only one dimension of the background space, it would be part of the background space, and would not have been a separate sheet. Since we inhabit three spatial dimensions, this explains the other dimension as what we perceive as time.

The following diagram shows how a two dimensional sheet of space formed that was within, but not contiguous with, the multi-dimensional background space. This lack of contiguity was information, and information is really the same thing as energy. This two dimensional sheet would be the source of matter and energy, everything in the universe except space. It would be a lower information state for it to occupy a 45 degree angle, relative to the charge alignment of the background space, so the discontinuity, relative to the checkerboard pattern of the background space, would be equal on both sides of the sheet.

Both dimensions of the two-dimensional sheet had to be in non-contiguous contact with the two dimensions of the background space. The two dimensions of the sheet could not have shared a dimension of the background space that they were in contact with because the two dimensions of the sheet were at right angles to one another. This gives us, once again, four dimensions of space and means that the one we do not experience as space is time. Since we perceive particles such as electrons as being in only three-dimensional space, this shows that there must actually be four over which matter was thrown by the Big Bang.


You have probably never heard of a tridimoid. It is a geometrical form, but isn't in any textbook. That is because there was not enough information in the universe for it to exist. This is the name that I have given to it, the name means "three dimensional form". We cannot imagine a tridimoid, it is not composed of any arrangement of lines and circles at all, it would be a completely original form. It would have been the original geometric form, like the line and the circle before it, that was next in line to exist if there had been a third dimension to the two-dimensional sheet of space from which matter originated.


Here is one of those questions in science that does not seem to have an explanation. When a charged particle, such as an electron, is moving, and we accelerate it in a perpendicular direction to it's motion, by use of a magnetic field, the particle will emit radiation. It will not emit radiation when it first begins moving, only when it is already moving and is accelerated in a direction that is perpendicular to it's motion.

This brings us to that age-old one-word question: Why?

We know that moving charged particles emit radiation if their motion is slowed by interaction with other charged particles. This is known as bremsstrahlung, or braking radiation.

The reason for this is straightforward. There is energy in the motion of the particle and if this motion is slowed, there is excess energy that has to go somewhere, and it is released as radiation.

If we get an electron moving, and then change the direction in which it is moving, energy is released as radiation when the direction changes. But energy is not released when we get the electron moving to begin with. When a particle is moving there is energy in the motion and, if the particle is slowed or stopped, the energy is released as radiation. This is known as "braking radiation". 

What happens with the electron is described in the following diagram. At point 1 we get the electron moving. At point 2 we change it's direction, where the energy is released as radiation. This is explained by the right triangle. The dimensions of space form right angles. We change the direction from A to B. But C, the diagonal of the triangle, is a shorter route than AB. So the excess energy is released as radiation.

We also know that energy is released as radiation during stellar fusion, which is why stars shine. Small atoms are crunched together by the heat and gravity in the center of the star into larger atoms. The nuclei of larger atoms have proportionally more neutrons, relative to protons and electrons, than the smaller atoms which they were crunched together from.

This means that electrons must be crunched together into protons, to form neutrons. This is exactly what happens and the process is known as K-capture. But the electron in an orbital had orbital energy before it was captured, that it wouldn't need as part of the neutron, and that energy had to go somewhere. It was released as radiation, and that is why stars shine.

We can see then that a release of radiation is to eliminate excess energy. There is the same process that makes up one of the three forms of radioactivity, alpha, beta and, gamma. Large atoms, heavier than iron, are crunched together from smaller atoms only by the release of energy when a large star is actually in the process of exploding as a supernova.

But some of these heavy atoms are less-than-stable. They gradually give off either particles or radiation in order to seek a more stable configuration. If they give off radiation, it is of very short wavelength and is known as gamma rays.

So we can see that the emission of radiation is due to excess energy. But why would a charged particle that is already moving give off radiation if it is accelerated, by a magnetic field, perpendicular to the direction in which it is already moving, but it doesn't give off any radiation when it begins moving in the first place?

This radiation is called either synchrotron or cyclotron radiation, and it actually has told us much of what we know to be going on outside of black holes. But it just doesn't seem to make sense, and actually doesn't make sense in the universe as we see it.

The answer as to why a moving charged particle would emit radiation when it is accelerated in a direction perpendicular to it's motion is actually explained by simple geometry. But it requires the model of the universe as described in my cosmology theory.

We are really in four-dimensional space, one of which we perceive as time. What we see as particles are actually strings aligned mostly in the same direction in space, the one that we perceive as time. Whenever we look out in space, we are looking in a direction that is perpendicular to the direction in which the bundles of strings comprising our bodies and brains is aligned.

Velocity of a particle or object is simply that it is bent or aligned at an angle in space relative to the bundles of strings comprising our bodies and brains, which we perceive as particles. All three spatial dimensions are at right angles to our time dimension. So if we accelerate a "moving" charged particle, which is a bundle of strings that is already aligned at an angle to us, we are actually adding a right angle to it's motion.

What that forms, in four-dimensional space, is a right triangle.

If we get an electron moving, and then change the direction in which it is moving, energy is released as radiation when the direction changes. But energy is not released when we get the electron moving to begin with. When a particle is moving there is energy in the motion and, if the particle is slowed or stopped, the energy is released as radiation. This is known as "braking radiation". 

What happens with the electron is described in the following diagram. At point 1 we get the electron moving. At point 2 we change it's direction, where the energy is released as radiation. This is explained by the right triangle. The dimensions of space form right angles. We change the direction from A to B. But C, the diagonal of the triangle, is a shorter route than AB. So the excess energy is released as radiation.

Side A, the base of the triangle, represents our time dimension which is the direction that the bundles of strings comprising our bodies and brains is primarily aligned.

Side C, the diagonal of the triangle, represents the alignment of the accelerated particle which we perceive to be in motion because our consciousnesses are moving along the bundles of strings comprising our bodies and brains at what we perceive as the speed of light.

Side B, the height of the triangle, represents the acceleration that was given to the particle when it was already in motion.

What matters here is that the diagonal of a right triangle is shorter than the two legs put together. Since the moving charged particle is actually a "diagonal" in four dimensions of space, because it is moving, the fact that the diagonal is shorter applies to it.

The initial energy of the particle's motion and then the acceleration in a perpendicular direction forms a right triangle. But the "motion" of the particle, if it could be seen in four-dimensional space, would be a diagonal across that right triangle because, in my cosmology theory, what we see as motion is actually the string or bundle of strings aligned at an angle so that it's distance from us changes during the motion of our consciousness along the bundles of strings comprising our bodies and brains in the dimension of space that we perceive as time.

Because the diagonal of a right triangle is always shorter than it's two legs combined and the legs represent energy, first to get the particle moving and then to accelerate it in a perpendicular direction, that means that there must be excess energy when the particle is accelerated in the perpendicular direction. That is why energy is released when a moving charged particle is accelerated, by a magnetic field, in a direction perpendicular to that in which it is already moving.

No radiation is released when the charged particle is set in motion to begin with because it would then just be a string at an angle to the alignment of our time dimension. There would be nothing to define a right triangle so that the alignment of the particle would be shorter than the two legs of the triangle combined and there would thus be energy of velocity to be released as radiation.

But this explanation, which makes perfect sense, is correct only if my cosmological theory is correct.


On the day that I came up with the beginning of this cosmology theory, I was wondering what time actually was but there was no real answer anywhere. The realization suddenly came to me that there must be a dimension of space that we cannot see, a fourth dimension, but that we perceive as time.

So many other unexplained things suddenly began to fall into place? We can measure the speed of light with precision but had no idea why it is the speed that it is. Of course, matter is really strings if it occupies four dimensions and this is the speed at which our consciousnesses move along the bundles of strings comprising our bodies and brains, and is why Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity revolves around the absolute invariability of the speed of light.

The next thing to fall into place was the radiation from the Big Bang. We can receive this radiation but it does not come from any one direction. It seems to be coming at us from all directions in space. But how can this be if the Big Bang took place in one location, and the universe is expanding outward from that location. We should be able to easily see in which direction in space the Big Bang occurred.

Of course, there must be four dimensions on of which we perceive as time. We see the Big Bang as being the beginning of time but it's radiation seems to be coming from us in all directions in space. That is because the direction in space to the Big Bang is really the dimension that we perceive as time. How simple.

But there was something that planted the seed of the idea that there might be four spatial dimensions in my mind. It was the question as to why an object with heat in space will radiate energy that is in proportion to the fourth power of it's absolute temperature. I didn't understand why it would be the fourth power. It should be proportional to the number of spatial dimensions. If there are three spatial dimensions then it should be to the third power.

The Stefan-Boltzmann Law in physics is that an object in space at a given temperature will radiate heat and other electromagnetic energy, such as light, if it is hot enough. In an idealized black body the energy radiated will be in direct proportion to the fourth power of the absolute temperature of the object.

A black body means an object that absorbs all of the electromagnetic radiation falling on it and reflects none. Absolute temperature means measured from the coldest possible temperature, which is absolute zero. This is the temperature that is so cold that all molecular motion has stopped, since heat is defined as the kinetic energy of atoms and molecules. Absolute zero is -459 degrees Fahrenheit or -273.16 degrees Celsius. The Kelvin scale uses Celsius degrees but starts at absolute zero so that the melting point of ice is 273.16 and the boiling point of water is 373.16 degrees Kelvin.

(Note-This means that, in terms of proportion, a scorching hot summer day is only about 15 percent warmer than a frigid winter day. The reason for our temperature comfort zone is that we are so dependent on the liquid range of water. You may notice that this proportion is about the same as the difference, relative to a complete circle, of the lean of the earth's axis 23 1 / 2 degrees toward the sun in summer and away in winter).

Let's review what the "fourth power" of the Stefan-Boltzmann Law means. A straight line is said to be one-dimensional. If we add another straight line, in a perpendicular dimension, that gives us a square. If each line were ten meters long, that would give us 10 x 10 = 100 square meters. A square is defined as being to the second power, because the number is in the equation twice, which is why it is indicated by a small "2". If we add a third straight line, perpendicular to the other two, that gives us a cube. Just as a square means to the second power, a cube means to the third power. 10 x 10 x 10 = 1,000 cubic meters.

The fourth power would just be adding another ten to this, 10 x 10 x 10 x 10. This means that if a black body object were emitting radiant energy at a temperature of 300 degrees Kelvin ( 26.84 degrees Celsius), it would emit only .687 times as much energy when it cooled to the freezing point of water at 273.16 degrees Kelvin ( 0 degrees Celsius).

But now the question here is why it would be the fourth power. We can see that the object is three-dimensional, and thus would be radiating into three-dimensional space. But three dimensions is to the third power. How could a warm object possibly be radiating energy to the fourth power?

But what if my cosmology theory is correct? We are really in four dimensions of space, the fourth being what we perceive as time? That would mean that particles, such as electrons, are really strings in four-dimensional space, that we can only see one moment at a time, and time is the movement of our consciousness along the bundles of strings comprising our bodies and brains. The absoluteness of the speed of light in Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity is explainable simply as that is the speed at which our consciousnesses move along the bundles of strings comprising our bodies and brains.

This would mean that velocity is actually an angle of a bundle of strings, relative to the directional alignment of bundles of strings that are at rest, and this direction would be the dimension at right angles to all three of our spatial dimensions. That would mean that a moving object would have a time dimension that would not be exactly the same as an object at rest, or one moving at a different velocity.

Remember that heat is defined as the kinetic energy of moving atoms and molecules, meaning that all atoms and molecules in an object are moving, unless the object is at a temperature of absolute zero. A moving charged particle emits electromagnetic radiation when it is either accelerated in a perpendicular direction to it's motion by a magnetic field or is slowed by interaction with another charged particle.

Ordinary atoms overall are not charged, their charges balance out to zero, but the electrons in orbitals are negatively-charged and they interact with electrons in other moving atoms. This is where the radiation comes from that a warm object emits. The interactions between electrons in orbitals of different atoms cause their respective atoms to slow, which means the object cooling, and radiation is emitted as a result because the energy that was formerly in the motion of atoms and molecules has to go somewhere.

But the more dimensions there are, the more interactions there will be between moving atoms and the faster the object will emit radiation. If you drive straight ahead on a flat area other cars may intersect with you from the sides, this would be two dimensional. But if you could drive in three dimensions, or fly, so that other cars could approach you both from up and down as well as from the sides, you would intersect with many more cars than you would in only two dimensions.

Atoms and molecules in an object with any heat are moving and since, in my cosmology theory, motion is actually the angle of a string or bundle of strings in the four dimensions, that means that the fourth dimension being the one in which the strings are aligned is different if it is in motion, as well as different for different velocities of motion. That means that energy is radiated into the fourth dimension as well, even though energy is always radiated at right angles from a string or bundle of strings.

This is why the Stefan-Boltzmann Law states that the energy radiated by an object is directly proportional to the fourth power of the absolute temperature of that object. My cosmology theory is correct and there are four dimensions over which the matter of our universe is scattered.


When most students reach the age where they can drive a car, a police officer might visit the school to give them a lecture about safety. They are told the basic physics of a speeding vehicle, that a car moving at twice the velocity actually has four times the force. It also requires more expensive fuel to drive at a faster speed.

Put simply, the Inverse Square Law states that a light seen at three times the distance will appear as only one-ninth as bright. This applies to sound, as well as any electromagnetic waves that propagate through three-dimensional space.

Another application of the Inverse Square Law is in orbital energies. A satellite that is given three times the orbital energy will then orbit at nine times the distance, but will move at only one-third the speed. This is because the force of gravity decreases, according to the Inverse Square Law, as we move away from it's source.

But the velocity of the wave is not affected by the Inverse Square Law, and the same law applies whether it is slow-moving sound or fast-moving electromagnetic waves.

But now the question that we have here is: Why would the one-dimensional, along the straight line of a road, acceleration of a vehicle be governed by the same Inverse Square Law that applies to waves in three-dimensional space? It just doesn't make sense, unless three-dimensional space is somehow involved in the one-dimensional acceleration of a vehicle, in ways that are not readily apparent to us.

Remember that my cosmology theory is that velocity is actually an angle, the angle of a bundle of strings in four-dimensional space that comprises what we perceive in three-dimensional space as an object in motion. An object moving at twice the velocity is actually a bundle of strings bent at twice the angle with the speed of light, which we perceive as the maximum possible velocity, actually being a right angle which is the maximum possible angle.

But the energy required to bend a bundle of strings at an angle is not proportional, it adheres to the Inverse Square Law with four times the energy being necessary to bend a string or bundle of strings to twice the angle.

One validation of this concept in the cosmology theory can be seen in trigonometry. If we consider a right triangle with the other two angles being unequal, bringing the two angles closer together will also bring about a lengthening of the hypotenuse until it reaches a maximum when both angles are 45 degrees. Put another way, if a hypotenuse arises from a straight line, bringing it from 1 to 2 degrees will bring about and increase in the length of the hypotenuse that is four times the increase of bringing it from 0 to 1 degrees. This can easily be verified with a scientific calculator.

To understand why the one-dimensional straight line acceleration of a vehicle would follow exactly the same rule as waves in three-dimensional space, we have to understand not only that what we perceive as acceleration is actually the angle of a bundle of strings in four-dimensional space, but that we are also effectively moving, as our consciousness moves along the bundles of strings that are our bodies and brains, at what we perceive as the speed of light, in a direction perpendicular to that in which we perceive the acceleration as taking place. With twice the apparent velocity of the object actually being twice the angle of the bundle of strings, relative to the dimension that we perceive as time in which the bundles of strings comprising our bodies and brains are actually aligned.

Acceleration and the energy of velocity adheres to the Inverse Square Law because when the velocity doubles, the angle of the bundle of strings also doubles, and it means twice the area of space between the bundle of strings at the angle and the direction which we perceive as time, which an object is at rest if it is aligned. But, with our consciousness moving at a constant rate, when the angle of the accelerating object doubles, it also means that the portion of our bundle of strings, which we perceive as our bodies and brains, is divided in half relative to a fixed point on the bundle of strings of the accelerating object, meaning a given point in time on the accelerating object.

So, with twice the velocity of the accelerating object meaning twice the area of space between it's bundle of strings and the alignment, along the time dimension, of an object at rest, and the space along the dimension that we perceive as time, in which we interface with the object relative to it's new time state, being divided in half, effectively giving us now only half the time to apply the same force necessary to accelerate the object further, we see that attaining twice the velocity of the object will require four times the force.

Due to our motion, of our consciousness, along the dimension that we perceive as time, we have to apply twice the force in order to apply the same force in half the time. To accelerate an object to what we perceive as the speed of light, which is simply a right angle, we would have the apply the force absolutely instantaneously which, due to the movement of our consciousness, is not possible. The movement of our consciousness becomes part of the vector of any force that we apply.

This Inverse Square Law of acceleration operates the same as that of the amplitude of electromagnetic radiation, except that the two affected dimensions of electromagnetic waves are the vertical and the horizontal, while the two dimensions of acceleration are the dimension in which the acceleration is taking place and the dimension in which we are moving forward in time.

How can acceleration operate like electromagnetic waves in space if it is only one-dimensional? Clearly, there must be another dimension involved, which we cannot see. What else could it be except the dimension of space that my theory has us perceiving as time? How does the one-dimensional movement of electrons in a radio antenna produce a two-dimensional wave, unless there is another dimension involved?

If the speed of light is just an angle But if the speed of light is just an angle then why is it so inaccessible to us? Why can't we build a spacecraft that could fly at the speed of light? For that matter why can't a baseball player hit the ball at the speed of light?

As illustrated in the following diagram everything we do has a time element in it. Velocity is represented by an angle, with a horizontal line being an object at rest and a vertical line being an object at the speed of light. The angle at which the baseball player can hit the ball is a vector between his own time momentum, at what we perceive as the speed of light, and the perpendicular force applied to the ball.

The direction of our consciousness is shown by the red arrow. The baseball player's time momentum is represented by the large arrow and the perpendicular force applied to the baseball is represented by the small arrow. Since the angle representing the velocity of the baseball is a vector of the two arrows, the baseball (dashed line) falls far short of the speed of light, which would be a right angle.

Any vehicles that we build are powered by chemical or physical processes that also have a time element, making the speed of light impossible. Fission or electromagnetic radiation is able to achieve the speed of light, in the above example, because there is no time element involved.



We could look at all of physics as three stores, side by side in a plaza, but with no doors in the walls between the stores, so that we cannot go directly from one store to another. The middle store represents conventional or "classical" physics, which represents the everyday reality that we are used to. On one side of conventional physics we have the store representing relativity. There is no door between conventional physics and relativity, because relativity shows that there are concepts that are true but which are impossible to explain by the laws of conventional physics. On the opposite side of conventional physics is quantum physics. Just as with relativity, there have been proven concepts in quantum physics that are impossible to explain by the laws of ordinary physics. Nor can we go directly between relativity and quantum physics because all of Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity revolves around the absolute invariability of the speed of light, while in quantum physics the speed of light is not a factor or a limit at all.

The way that my cosmology theory fits into all of this is that it is the "basement" below the plaza that links all three stores together. The cosmology theory could aptly be referred to as a basement because, just as we cannot see down into the basement from the surface level that we inhabit in our everyday lives, so my cosmology theory involves at least one additional dimension of space that we cannot see into.

My cosmology theory has what we see as particles, such as electrons, in three-dimensional space as actually strings in four-dimensional space. The missing dimension is what we perceive as time.


Quantum mechanics involves realms that are smaller than the sizes of atoms and involves things that neither "classical physics" nor relativity can readily explain, such as the entanglement between two particles or wave-particle duality. An important component of quantum mechanics, or quantum physics, is how the observer becomes part of the quantum system that is being observed. For example, quantum physics has a system in all possible states, but when it is observed it falls into only one state.

One thing that is completely different about the relatively new science of Quantum Physics is that the observation is a vital part of any interaction. If a quantum interaction is being observed it makes all the difference, relative to if it is not being observed. A well known example is the Two Slit Experiment.
There is a simple explanation for this phenomenon but it requires seeing electrons as one-dimensional strings, as they are in four dimensions, rather than the particles as conventionally portrayed. The only way that we can see or receive electromagnetic waves is by their interaction with electrons.

As shown in the following diagram, waves are two-dimensional while an electron is one-dimensional. We know that an electromagnetic wave is two dimensional because it has two pieces of information, the wavelength and the amplitude. We can also see how an electromagnetic wave is two dimensional in that a higher frequency (shorter wavelength) wave will push electrons with more force but will not push any more electrons. A brighter light, but at the same frequency, will push more electrons but not with any more force. 

Yet another way we can see that electromagnetic waves are two dimensional is that their angle of vibration can be polarized, like the hands on a clock. We perceive light as filling three dimensional space because our eyes are so much larger than the wavelength of light.

The reason that observation is such a vital part of Quantum Physics is that it is necessary for the electron to absorb one dimension of the wave. This is the only way that we can observe the interaction. That changes the interaction. The remaining one dimension of the wave is like a particle of light, which we refer to as a photon. 

That is why light is said to have both a wave and a particle nature. One dimension of the wave can be absorbed by an electron, which is the only way that we can observe it. The diagram shows the two dimensional wave at top and the one dimensional electron string at bottom.

Quantum theory might seem to be reminiscent of Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity, in that objects moving at the speed of light brings special effects, such as alteration in mass and time and length, that cannot be explained by ordinary physics. Einstein tried, but never quite succeeded, to incorporate quantum theory into relativity. Special Relativity, as opposed to General Relativity which is about gravity, considers the speed of light as sacrosanct, but yet it has been shown that the movement of information in quantum states is not bound at all by it. Einstein referred to the concept of quantum entanglement as "spooky action at a distance".

To someone who has studied ordinary physics, the rules in the realm of quantum physics sound even more bizarre than those of relativity. No model can describe quantum effects by conventional reasoning. Quantum states are sensitive to motion, electromagnetism, gravity, and any kind of sensors or being observed in any way. Quantum super-positioning can be described as combining quantum states together to form another quantum state. Quantum Tunneling refers to a particle tunneling through some kind of barrier, in quantum terms, that it could not get through in terms of conventional physics.

The application of quantum theory has brought all manner of breakthroughs in technology. It is generally considered that there has been two quantum revolutions, in terms of technology. The First Quantum Revolution brought semiconductors and lasers. MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) and LED (Light-Emitting Diode) technology are applications of quantum theory. The Second Quantum Revolution is bringing us the use in technology of such quantum principles as entanglement and superposition.

So-called quantum computing is an application of the principle of superposition. Using qubits, quantum bits instead of ordinary computer bits, to store information, quantum computing offers more than the usual two bits, of 1 and 0, to store information by permutations. It is this second quantum revolution that we will discuss here.


According to quantum theory, photons are the smallest quanta of electromagnetic waves, hence the name of the theory. Photons exhibit what is referred to as wave-particle duality, in that they have the properties of both waves and particles. In quantum theory, photons are considered as primary particles.

If a photon, a single quanta of light, is passed through a crystal, which acts as a prism, so that the photon splits in two which go off in different directions, if something affects one of the photons, the effect will immediately show in the other photon. This is known as entanglement. It does not matter how far apart the photons are. The speed of light does not apply because the effect on the other photon is immediate.

A photon must be a string, in my cosmology theory, that can be split in two. But the two are not really separate. When one photon is affected in some way, the entangled photon shows the counter-effect. Photons have to retain certain quantum states to remain entangled, upward or downward spin for example, The possible loss of entanglement between the two photons, due to environmental factors, is known as de-coherence.

It turns out that this entanglement property is related to the quantum state even being observed. The interaction with any measurement apparatus by a photon, or other quantum state, leads to another instance of entanglement.

Quantum entanglement If a photon is split by a crystal the two resulting photons share the same quantum state. Any change in one of the photons is immediately reflected in the other. The two photons are said to be entangled. The information moves instantaneously between the two, no matter how far apart they are, showing that there really is no speed of light.

Scientists can detect no information moving between the entangled photons, but yet somehow it must. Remember that, in my cosmology theory, time is really the fourth dimension of space. The following diagram shows how, at the present represented by the dashed red line, the two entangled photons are still linked in the past direction at point A, where they were split by the crystal. The arrow shows the direction of time.

This property of quantum entanglement offers tremendous opportunities for technologies such as radar and computing. If we generate a pair of entangled photons, splitting one photon by passing it through a crystal, one is sent to the objective and the other is retained. What happens to the one at the objective is immediately reflected in the one that is retained. In quantum communications or radar, having such an entangled pair easily enables us to pick out a sought-after photon amidst background noise. Quantum teleportation is instantly sending information from one place to another, by way of entangled photons, and is not limited by the speed of light.

Quantum Key Distribution uses one of a pair of entangled photons to make any interception of the other immediately clear. This means hack-proof communications. Since observation of a photon is an entanglement that would be reflected in the other of it's entangled pair, even that would be immediately detected. The photon that is retained will immediately reflect any tampering, or even observation, of the photon at the other end.

All of this means that we can manipulate photons in ways that would be much more difficult with other primary particles. This cosmology theory explains this as other common primary particles, such as electrons and quarks, being actually strings in four-dimensional space, that our consciousness is moving along, in the direction that the strings are primarily aligned, which is the dimension of space that we perceive as time, at what we perceive as the speed of light.

How can two photons possibly be entangled, by splitting one photon into two by a crystal, so that what happens to one is immediately reflected in the other, and the reflection is instantaneous, not bound by the speed of light, unless the photons are actually part of a string so that there is a connection between the two?

But yet we cannot detect any connection between two entangled photons. This shows that there must be at least one other dimension that we cannot see, just as my cosmology theory maintains. The two entangled photons were once connected as one photon. That original source photon is in our past dimension, the dimension of space that we perceive as time and in the past direction, and that is where the connection must be.

The signal from the affected photon of the entangled pair goes along the string into our past dimension, to the point where the two photons are connected in the crystal that split them from the original photon, and then back to our present along the string which is the other photon. This shows, without doubt, that the dimension that we perceive as time is actually space.

Photons adhere to the speed of light when moving outward, but the signal between the two, when one is affected in some way, is instantaneous, and the signal must go through our past dimension, through where the two photons were once together as one. This shows how the two photons were sent out at actually a 45 degree angle, in accordance with what we will see in the section "The Momentum Of The Speed Of Light".

The speed of light doesn't really exist outside of us, it is just the movement of our consciousness along the bundles of strings comprising our bodies and brains. This can be shown in Quantum Physics, by how information moves between two entangled photons instantaneously, no matter how far apart they are, without any sign of being bound by the speed of light.

But then why are we said to be looking backward in time when we look out into space, supposedly due to the speed of light, so that, if we look at an object ten light years away, we are seeing it as it was ten years in the past and, if we can build telescopes powerful enough, we could see back toward the beginning of the universe.

Remember that the two dimensional sheet of space from which matter formed was aligned at a 45 degree angle to the alignment of charges in the background space, and that angle is still with us. Electromagnetic radiation follows the alignment of the charges in space. As shown by the blue arrow in the following diagram, when we look out into space we are actually looking at a 45 degree angle. So we are actually looking into the past. When we transmit electromagnetic radiation we are actually transmitting at 45 degrees into our future direction, as shown by the green arrow.

This 45 degree angle reception and transmission of electromagnetic radiation explains why there is a delay if, for example, we bounce a radio or radar signal off the moon. It may seem nonsensical to say that there is no speed of light because the signal takes about three seconds to get to the moon and back, which is just what we would expect with what we consider as the speed of light. But the following diagram shows what is really happening.

The bottom line is the bundles of strings comprising the earth, and our bodies and brains. The upper line is the bundles of strings comprising the moon. Both seen in four dimensions, of course. The movement of our consciousness, at what we perceive as the speed of light, is indicated by the red arrow.

Remember, as seen in the diagram above, that we receive electromagnetic radiation at an angle 45 degrees into our past and send it 45 degrees into our future, although in no way can we perceive this. From Point A we send the signal to the moon. It is instantaneously received back at Point B. But it takes our consciousness three seconds to get from Point A to Point B, and that is what we perceive as the speed of light.

This is because we add the momentum of the forward motion of our consciousness, along the bundles of strings comprising our bodies and brains at what we perceive as the speed of light, to anything that we do, including launching the two new photons. If there was no motion of our consciousness, the photons would go perpendicular and we would be able to see the connection between the two entangled photons. When we deal with two entangled photons, we are actually in the space between the tops of a "V", with the tops being the two photons.

With the bundles of strings that compose our bodies and brains, and the matter around us, we can interact with them at only one point at a time, which we refer to as the present. But by splitting photons, as in quantum physics, we can break out of this limitation and see that the primary particles are really strings in four-dimensional space, as my cosmology theory holds. There is no other way to explain this.


Now let's have a look at how my cosmological theory explains why our observation of a quantum interaction affects it's outcome.

My conclusion is that electromagnetic waves must be two-dimensional in nature. It is the key to understanding how my cosmology theory explains why the rules of quantum theory are different from the everyday laws of physics.

Light does not "fill" three-dimensional space, it only appears that way to us because our eyes are so large in comparison with the wavelengths of light. Electromagnetic waves are only two-dimensional in nature. These two-dimensional electromagnetic waves can radiate from all different directions. If they radiate only along one plane, the waves are referred to as "polarized".

An ideal is example is of how an electron continuously reversing direction in the antenna of a radio transmitter, which is a one-directional motion, produces a two-dimensional radio wave by combining with the movement of our consciousness along the bundles of strings comprising our bodies and brains.

Has anyone ever looked at a radio tower and wondered how the one dimensional movement of electrons up and down in the antenna can produce a two dimensional wave? We know that an electromagnetic wave is two dimensional because it can be described with two elements, wavelength and amplitude. The following diagram shows how it's impossible unless there is a dimension of space that we cannot see.

This is a dimension of space although we perceive it as time, and it provides the dimensional momentum of the second dimension of the radio wave. The wave must be at least two-dimensional to manifest wavelength and amplitude. I consider this apparently one-dimensional motion of an electron resulting in a two-dimensional wave as yet another proof that we must inhabit four spatial dimensions, one of which we perceive as time.

More evidence that light is a two-dimensional wave, and not a one-dimensional photon or a three-dimensional wave like those in water, is the way that light exerts pressure on electrons, but this pressure is not necessarily applied to all of the electrons in the area exposed to the light. Light of higher frequency, which has more energy, will push each electron with more force then light of lower frequency, but will not push any more electrons than the light of lower frequency. Brighter light will push more electrons then dimmer light, but will not push the ones that it does push with any more force.

This shows that light is a limited number of two-dimensional waves, with amplitude and wavelength, each of which can apply force to an electron. Brighter light is simply more of these waves. When we move further from an object, we receive fewer of these waves so that the object appears as smaller, in accordance with the Inverse Square law. Once again, we do not readily notice this simply because our eyes are so large in comparison with the wavelengths of light.


Light is a wave. But we do not see waves, we only see the photons that are individual packets of light. This is because a wave is two-dimensional and our consciousness, being dependent on electrons to receive light, is only one-dimensional. A one-dimensional electron string cannot receive both dimensions of a two-dimensional wave. Each photon represents one dimension of a two-dimensional wave, the other dimension of which we cannot see. When we undergo entanglement with light, by observing it, the second dimension drops away. We take in one dimension of the two-dimensional wave, while the other dimension remains as a one-dimensional photon.

One thing that is completely different about the relatively new science of Quantum Physics is that the observation is a vital part of any interaction. If a quantum interaction is being observed it makes all the difference, relative to if it is not being observed. A well known example is the Two Slit Experiment.
There is a simple explanation for this phenomenon but it requires seeing electrons as one-dimensional strings, as they are in four dimensions, rather than the particles as conventionally portrayed. The only way that we can see or receive electromagnetic waves is by their interaction with electrons.

As shown in the following diagram, waves are two-dimensional while an electron is one-dimensional. We know that an electromagnetic wave is two dimensional because it has two pieces of information, the wavelength and the amplitude. We can also see how an electromagnetic wave is two dimensional in that a higher frequency (shorter wavelength) wave will push electrons with more force but will not push any more electrons. A brighter light, but at the same frequency, will push more electrons but not with any more force. 

Yet another way we can see that electromagnetic waves are two dimensional is that their angle of vibration can be polarized, like the hands on a clock. We perceive light as filling three dimensional space because our eyes are so much larger than the wavelength of light.

The reason that observation is such a vital part of Quantum Physics is that it is necessary for the electron to absorb one dimension of the wave. This is the only way that we can observe the interaction. That changes the interaction. The remaining one dimension of the wave is like a particle of light, which we refer to as a photon. 

That is why light is said to have both a wave and a particle nature. One dimension of the wave can be absorbed by an electron, which is the only way that we can observe it. The diagram shows the two dimensional wave at top and the one dimensional electron string at bottom.

A widely-known experiment, known as the Two-Slit Experiment, demonstrates what is referred to as wave-particle duality. This means that a fundamental particle, such as a photon, exhibits both wave and particle characteristics. Two parallel slits in a screen, through which a photon or a wave is passed, will demonstrate this wave-particle duality because a wave will pass through both slits, while a particle passes through only one.

Here is the mystery of the Two-Slit Experiment. If there are two parallel slits, and a photon or a wave passing through them, the observer becomes part of the quantum system. An observer, to go through the act of observing, becomes entangled with the photon or wave passing through the parallel slits. If a photon passes through one slit, and the observer does not observe it, it will appear that it has passed through both slits because there will be an interference pattern, on a solid screen beyond the screen with parallel slits, indicating that two photons have undergone mutual interference. But if the photon is observed, it appears to have passed through only one slit, and there is no interference pattern.

The so-called Copenhagen Interpretation of quantum physics concerns the effect of observation on any quantum system. Unlike in any other branch of science, our observation of a quantum system or interaction causes us to entangle with it, to become a part of it, and so our observation or measurement affects the outcome.

The Uncertainty Principle in quantum physics, named for the physicist Werner Heisenberg, is that our very observation interferes with a quantum system, we must have a degree of uncertainty about it. The Wave Function is the predicted amplitude of the physical properties of a particle, such as position and momentum, which cannot be stated for certain because of our observational limits. With our one-dimensional consciousness, in my cosmological theory, we cannot effectively measure both the position of a particle, such as an electron in an orbital, and it's momentum in the same measurement.

Electrons also display this wave-particle duality. But an electron orbital, within an atom, does have the form of a wave, if we consider it in four-dimensional space with time represented as a dimension of space. The reason for the orbital having the form of a wave is that it was energy transmitted by way of waves from the Big Bang that first gave the electrons their orbital energy.

When we observe the quantum world around us, it is actually in all possible states. But our observation results in an entanglement and it collapses into only one quantum state, or eigenstate, which is the one that we observe. (This is the widely-accepted Copenhagen Interpretation, there is also the Many Worlds Interpretation). This collapse of the wave function from all possible states to only one possible state, upon observation, is for the same reason that a two-dimensional wave collapses into a one-dimensional photon upon observation. In other words, the wave function collapse is the change from the usual superposition to a single eigenstate, due to the quantum entanglement caused by our observation. When we apply my cosmological theory, light is a two-dimensional wave, and out very act of observation removes one of those dimensions from the quantum system.

The reason for this is that our way of seeing is quantum in nature. We become part of any quantum system that we observe. Waves are two-dimensional, but our consciousness, dependent on electrons, is only one-dimensional. This is what causes us to perceive wave-particle duality, and it confirms my cosmological theory because it has our consciousness moving along the bundles of strings comprising our bodies and brains, which occupy one dimension of our four-dimensional space, so that we perceive that one dimension as time.

If information flows from the lowest scales of the universe to the highest, then it does not make sense that the everyday laws of physics should operate by rules that are different from those of either the quantum realm or of relativity. We do not experience quantum physics in everyday life simply because all quantum states tend to balance out. The balancing out of countless quantum states is why quantum physics does not apply to large-scale matter. This is in the same way that we are ordinarily not aware of electric charges because they balance out to zero. In keeping with how information flows from the lowest states to the highest, we can thus see that the nature of quantum states are rooted in the electric charges of which everything in the universe is composed.

The only reason that we are aware of quantum physics is that our eyes are quantum in the way that they see. When we observe something, we are entangling with it in quantum terms. This is why a primary concept of quantum physics is that the observer becomes an essential part of any quantum system. This cannot be explained by ordinary physics.

When we entangle with something, our nature must have an effect. According to my cosmology theory, we are dimensional beings. Our consciousness moves along one of the four dimensions that we inhabit, which is the one that we perceive as time, and the other three as space. The dimensions that we perceive as space are the ones in which the strings comprising our bodies and brains are not aligned, so that we can move freely in them.

This most important of our dimensions, that we perceive as time, is reflected in the way that we entangle with a quantum system whenever we observe it. Although we can move at will in three of our four dimensions, our being is based in the one that we move forward in what we perceive as time. This is why, when we observe a wave moving toward the double slit, in the Two-Slit Experiment, we entangle with only one of it's two dimensions and we see it as a photon, which occupies only one dimension. but if we do not observe it, the wave remains as a wave and goes through both slits so that it leaves an interference pattern. Just as our observations in the realm of relativity are ultimately rooted in our own nature, so is quantum physics. What it comes down to is that we are dependent on electrons to observe, which are actually one-dimensional strings.


Have you wondered how this cosmology theory might be proven in the laboratory? It actually has been proven in laboratories across the world.

My cosmological theory holds that everything, space and matter, is composed of the same negative and positive electric charges. Space is an alternating pattern of negative and positive charges, while matter is any concentration of like electric charges. Matter requires energy to hold the charges together against the mutual repulsion of like charges, and this gives us what is known as the mass-energy equivalence. Mass is equivalent to a certain amount of energy.

Consider the phenomenon of pair production. If two photons, with high enough energy, are made to interact, the two actually form matter out of empty space, a particle and it's antiparticle, often an electron and a positron.

But how can this be? If photons are electromagnetic radiation, how can they possibly cause matter to appear out of empty space?

We know that photons behave as particles. But unless they have the required amount of energy, they do not interact. When they do interact, they create matter in the form of a particle and it's antiparticle. These particles only form when the interacting photons have energy matching the mass-energy equivalence of the particles. Pair production does not take place when two waves of electromagnetic waves interact, only when high-energy photons interact. This is simply because, as we have seen in my theory, waves are two-dimensional, photons are one-dimensional, and particles are actually one-dimensional strings.

My cosmological theory explains that the creation of a particle and it's anti-particle requires the interaction of two high-energy photons, not one, because each photon has a regular pattern of the distortion of the alternating electric charges of empty space in it's one dimension of a two-dimensional wave. It takes two interacting photons to disrupt each other's pattern so that the energy in the photons goes into welding like charges together into matter from there.

The interaction of the two high-energy photons has to create two opposite anti-particles because there are equal numbers of opposite electric charges in space from which the two charges are "welded" together (I can't think of a better word to describe it). The fact that a particle and it's anti-particle has to be produced shows that particles are composed of electric charges, but space has equal numbers of the two electric charges. The particles created by the interaction cannot leave an electrical imbalance between the two charges in space.

The pair of particles that are produced by the interaction of high-energy photons do not last long. Because a particle and it's anti-particle equivalent are produced, they mutually annihilate in a matter-antimatter reaction and their energy, as described in the mass-energy equivalence, is released as more photons.

If electromagnetic radiation is actually waves, rather than photons, then why is the energy not released as two-dimensional waves, rather than as one-dimensional photons? Simply because dimensions must be conserved. Photons, in my theory, are really one dimension of a two-dimensional electromagnetic wave. We create photons out of waves by our observation, because our vision is quantum in nature and occupies one of the two dimensions of the wave. Two one-dimensional photons interact to form a pair of particles which, again in my theory, are really one-dimensional strings. These two particles then mutually annihilate but they must form one-dimensional photons when they do, not two-dimensional waves, because that would require more dimensions than there are. The two photons cannot coordinate together to form a two-dimensional wave because it was their mis-coordination, in the first place, that caused them to interfere with one another enough so that their energy went into forming particles, rather than continuing as photons.

Pair production is essentially the Big Bang in reverse. The energy in interacting photons "welds" some of the electric charges of space into a particle and it's antiparticle. This is the same process as the formation of strings of matter from the remaining dimension of the original two-dimensional sheet, by energy released by the Big Bang. The reaction of the two resulting particles, to mutually annihilate and release more photons, is a repetition of the energy released by the matter-antimatter mutual annihilation of one of the dimensions of the two-dimensional sheet.

There was energy to be released in the Big Bang because the first priority of the universe is a balance of the two electric charges, there cannot be more of one charge than the other. The original two-dimensional sheet of space was at an angle relative to the alignment of the alternating electric charges in the surrounding multi-dimensional background space, which is why the patterns of charges in the two blocks of space were not contiguous. But this also meant that there had to be energy between the two. The universe always seeks the lowest energy state, but this is a lower priority than charge balance. This is what allows energy to come into existence.

The following diagram shows how a two dimensional sheet of space formed that was within, but not contiguous with, the multi-dimensional background space. This lack of contiguity was information, and information is really the same thing as energy. This two dimensional sheet would be the source of matter and energy, everything in the universe except space. It would be a lower information state for it to occupy a 45 degree angle, relative to the charge alignment of the background space, so the discontinuity, relative to the checkerboard pattern of the background space, would be equal on both sides of the sheet.

All of this shows that electromagnetic waves must be composed of distortion of the pattern of alternating electric charges composing space, and the energy of the wave that causes this distortion can be transferred to creating matter out of empty space, which proves that matter is also a distortion of the pattern of electric charges in space. Matter and space are thus composed of the same electric charges, matter is a concentration of like charges while space is an alternating pattern of charges. The like charges composing matter are held together by energy, which is what the well-known mass-energy equivalence is, and this energy in matter is released, as electromagnetic radiation, if a matter-antimatter mutual annihilation takes place. Antimatter is, like matter, a concentration of like charges, but with the negative and positive charges reversed.


When we see things that cannot be explained by the usual laws of physics, in either the quantum realm or the relativistic realm, we are actually seeing our own nature reflected back at us. This shows that, not only is my cosmology theory correct, but also that God must have created us because there must be additional information in us that could not have come about by the usual laws of physics.

If we could come to an understanding of how our own nature is being reflected back at us, the quantum and relativistic realms could become doorways through which we could "get outside" the physical limits of our own natures, and this is what I would like my cosmological theory to accomplish. There are two different ways that we see our own nature reflected back at us. One is how time is really the velocity of our consciousness, and that shows up in the Special Theory of Relativity. The other is how we can only receive two-dimensional electromagnetic waves with one-dimensional electron strings, and this shows up as quantum physics.

When there is something that cannot be explained by conventional physics, it is because of our own nature that we are not taking into account. Remember my principle that we see the universe as we do not only because of what it is but also because of what we are. This applies to quantum physics, just as to relativity.

A photon behaves as a particle, even though we know that light is a wave, because entanglement causes us to see our own nature reflected back at us, and our bodies and brains are really strings, which we see as particles in three dimensions. I would like the next generation of quantum physics to be taking advantage of getting outside the limits of our own nature, which is what causes us to perceive quantum physics.


The well-known Uncertainty Principle in quantum physics, that we cannot accurately measure both the position and the momentum of a particle such as an electron in an orbital, in one measurement, is rooted, like all of quantum physics, in our own nature.

We are made of electrons in atomic orbitals ourselves. Our vision is ultimately based on the effects of light falling on electrons in atomic orbitals. The reason for the uncertainty is that, as my cosmology theory explains, electrons are not particles but are strings in four-dimensional space, one of the spatial dimensions is what we perceive as time.

The matter that we deal with is composed of strings that are parallel to the bundles of strings composing our bodies and brains, as long as the matter is at rest. This means that, if matter is indeed strings and not particles, electromagnetic waves can only be transmitted outward in directions perpendicular to the strings. Whereas if matter were particles, rather than strings, the radiation would be transmitted equally in all directions.

If electromagnetic radiation, such as light, can only interact with the strings comprising our bodies and brains from a perpendicular direction, an electron in an atoms in our vision apparatus can only receive one piece of information from each wave. That one piece of information has to be one-dimensional, and is what we perceive as a photon, while light is actually a two-dimensional wave.

A photon is actually a reflection of the electrons in our vision apparatus. The wave that electromagnetic waves really are can be received at only one point, that can be identified as such, so that we see a wave of light, coming in a perpendicular direction from the electron string that is being observed, as a reflection as the strings in four dimensions, seen as particles in three dimensions, that electrons actually are. We can see that matter must actually consist as strings, as my theory holds, by the established Uncertainty Principle that we cannot accurately measure both the position and momentum of a particle, such as an electron, with one measurement which would require that the electron interact with a one-dimensional photon.

We can compare it to the reception of radio waves. One radio antenna can receive a signal, but cannot pinpoint the location of the signal or even the direction from which it came. That would require an additional antenna, so that the reception would be two-dimensional rather than one-dimensional.

If we consider ourselves, and the matter that we are measuring, as parallel strings in four-dimensional space, that means that electromagnetic waves between the strings can only be radiating in a direction that is perpendicular to the strings. This is why we cannot get information about a string, such as an electron, by triangulation or parallax. This leads to the Uncertainty Principle, and would not be the case if electrons were the particles in three-dimensional space that we perceive.

This only applies to one-dimensional particles like electrons, because our vision and measurement devices are also composed of such strings. It does not apply to large-scale matter, which consists of multiple strings so that triangulation or parallax can apply.

Remember my principle that we have to understand, if we are going to understand the universe, that we see the universe as we do not only because of what it is, but also because of what we are. This does not apply to the ordinary laws of physics, but does apply to understanding why the rules of quantum physics and relativity are so different from the everyday laws of physics.

If a two-dimensional wave interacts with two electrons, each will interpret it as a one-dimensional photon, simply because the electrons themselves are one-dimensional strings and the wave must be coming from a perpendicular direction. There would be no way for the electrons to "know" that it is a two-dimensional wave because like-charge repulsion prevents any "communication" between the one-dimensional electrons.

These dimensional limitations apply to measurement devices we use because they are also composed of atoms, with electrons in orbitals. We cannot make an unbiased observation of electrons because our vision itself, and the instruments that we use to measure, are based on the actions and properties of electrons which, in my cosmological theory, are one-dimensional strings. If you have a mirror of a certain shape, whatever is reflected in the mirror will take on it's shape. So it is with electrons and the photons that we perceive two-dimensional electromagnetic waves to consist of.

Moving electrons manifest the same wave-particle duality concerning measurement through a double slit that light does. It produces a diffraction pattern by mutual interference.

It is very difficult to rationalize how an electron could possibly be a wave. But suppose that an electron is a string, as it is in my cosmological theory. The atoms in the slit apparatus are also strings. This explains why a beam of electrons, which are supposedly particles, through the slit produces an interference pattern.

What the Uncertainty Principle all comes down to is that measuring both the position and momentum of a moving particle, such as an electron, must involve more than one spatial dimension, while we are composed of strings that are one-dimensional, and our consciousness moves along these strings.


Let's have a look at how dimensions of space relate to and affect light and quantum physics.

The splitting of white light into it's component colors by a prism or the splitting to a photon into two entangled photons, in quantum physics, can both be explained in terms of dimensions, as a higher-dimensional optical device imposing it's dimensional nature on lower-dimensional electromagnetism. For such an optical effect to take place, the optical device must have at least one dimension more than the electromagnetic wave or photon.

We have established that electromagnetic waves must be two-dimensional in nature, a two-dimensional sine wave. This means that a two-dimensional optical device would not be able to split a two-dimensional wave. A glass window is effectively two-dimensional because both of it's sides are identical and parallel, and act as two parallel two-dimensional interfaces between the air and the glass. This is why a glass prism, which has a meaningful third dimension, splits light into it's component colors, but the window does not.

When light interacts with some material optical device, the device imposes it's dimensional nature on the light. Reflection off a flat surface does not have any effect because it is effectively two-dimensional, the same as the wave of light. A prism splits light into it's component colors because the prism is three-dimensional, while the light is only two-dimensional. The prism adds an additional dimension to the wave of light by splitting it into it's component colors, and then sending them off in different directions so that the path of the light now forms the same shape as the prism. Thus, if light were three-dimensional rather than two-dimensional, a prism could reflect but not divide it.

A lens bending light is also adding a dimension to the path of the light since a curved lens has effectively one dimension more than a flat glass window, at least from the point of view of the surrounding space. This is the basis of all optics, just as it is for quantum entanglement. Ordinary optics is not said to be quantum in nature because we are dealing with the usual three-dimensional devices and two-dimensional waves.

Another way that we can see light to be two-dimensional waves is the fact that it can be polarized, such as by passing it through a polarizing filter. This can only be possible if light is a two-dimensional wave in three-dimensional space. In the famous Double-Slit Experiment, when we observe light going through the double slit, our act of observation "takes away" one of the two dimensions of the wave so that we perceive the light going through as a one-dimensional photon that does not leave an interference pattern.

Bringing in dimensions again, a one-dimensional photon of light reflecting at an angle off a two-dimensional surface now becomes two-dimensional, like the surface, because it's path will include an angle, which requires at least two dimensions. But a two-dimensional wave reflecting off the surface would still only be two-dimensional.


There must be some kind of "real" time, outside of the movement of human consciousness, at what we perceive as the speed of light, along the bundles of strings, which are our bodies and brains, in my cosmology theory. In things that are far away, such as stars, why do some stars have long lifespans, and others have short lifespans?

Time is motion. The only way that we can measure time is with some kind of motion. Where there is no change or motion, there can be no such thing as time. It is ironic that we measure time with the hands of a clock, set at different angles, because time, in my cosmology theory, is actually angles of strings of matter in four-dimensional space.

There has to be time because time is nothing but bundles of strings set at different angles in space, and there has to be angles because the original two-dimensional sheet of space in my cosmological theory, from which matter originated, was aligned at an angle to the lines of negative and positive electric charges of the dimensions of the background space. This is why the two-dimensional sheet of space in my cosmological theory was within, but not contiguous with, the dimensions of the background space. The way the universe is today is because those angles must be maintained.

Matter exchanges it's angles in space, by collisions and other interactions. If two balls, of equal mass, collide, they exchange trajectories. However, the sum of the angles of both trajectories is maintained. But the total sum of the angles of matter in the background space must also be maintained, matching that of the original two-dimensional sheet of space relative to that of the dimensions of the background space.

In matter that is not affected by living things, which bring about the only "new motion" in the universe, bundles of strings are not actually colliding as we pass their collisions in time. Rather, all of the collision that we see have already happened and we "see" the collisions as our consciousness passes the points of those collisions.

At whatever angle of alignment the two-dimensional sheet of space was against the dimensions of the background space, matter in the Big Bang would have to be thrown outward in exactly equal amounts, and at exactly equal angles, in opposite directions, to keep in accord with the Law of Equal and Opposite Reactions.

One of the basic laws of physics, established by Sir Isaac Newton, is that for every action there must be an equal, but opposite, reaction. This is rooted in the cosmology of the universe. The centerline of matter in the universe, which began with the fold in the two dimensional sheet described above, must be maintained as it cannot be changed by shifting within. It is line A in the diagram below. The red arrow indicates the movement of our consciousness. If there is an action, indicated by the bend in line B then, to maintain the balance, there must be an opposite bend in line C.

Matter keeps colliding and interacting with other matter. But these collisions and interactions exchange angles, relative to mass, but the total mass angle remains the same, and is the same as the original angle between the alignment of the two-dimensional sheet of space that became matter, relative to the alignment of the dimensions of alternating negative and positive electric charges in the background space.

All energy in the universe originated from alignment of the two-dimensional sheet of space with the dimensions of the background space. The only exception is the energy of the tension between adjacent opposite charges in empty space. Time and free energy, electromagnetic radiation, matter and the motion of that matter all began with this two-dimensional sheet of space and the angle at which it was aligned to the dimensions of the background space.

If this two-dimensional sheet of space had been perfectly aligned along the dimensions of the background space, there would be no such thing as time, free energy, matter or electromagnetic radiation, because the original two-dimensional sheet of space would not have existed as an entity separate from the background space. But then, if it had been aligned perfectly with the dimensions of the background space, it would not have been a separate sheet of space.

Black holes may seem to be the one exception to this maintenance of the original angles of the four-dimensional sheet of space. A black hole collects matter like a powerful gravitational vacuum cleaner, and holds it still. But we have seen that black holes are the doors that matter takes back into space. The electromagnetic radiation that black holes release is the energy that represents the difference between the alignment of the two-dimensional sheet and the dimensions of the background space.

This scenario explains why supernovae happen. A large star, in collecting surrounding matter, which are bundles of strings in space at an angle to the dimensions of the background space, goes too far in reducing the angles of the original two-dimensional sheet of space. The explosion of the supernova is to restore the original angles of the two-dimensional sheet by accelerating, which means an angle, matter back out into space.

The wave of an electromagnetic wave is at an angle, actually alternating positive and negative angles, from the axis which represents the direction that the wave is traveling. this angle is a model of the angle at which the original two-directional sheet of space was aligned to the dimensions of the background space. Then a wave, when applied to the straight line of a string, such as an electron, is reflected in the spiral path of the orbit of the electron, if seen in four dimensions.

But if time is really angles in space, and an angle requires two dimensions, there is no such thing as a one-dimensional angle, then this explains why information is instantaneously transmitted from one entangled photon to it's pair, which seems to be utterly contrary to the laws of Relativity. The information is not bound by the speed of light. It is because velocity is a function of time and time, as we have seen here, is really angles of strings in space which require two dimensions. A photon is really one-dimensional, because one dimension cannot be divided any further even though the photon is split by a crystal, so information passing between the two entangled photons cannot be affected at all by time.


Consider that a photon can be split in two by a crystal, but the two will remain entangled. This is because a photon must be only one-dimensional, as we have seen here, and one dimension cannot be further divided. There is no such thing as half of a dimension. A three-dimensional crystal sends the split photon off into three-dimensional space, but since there is no way to divide a dimension, the two halves of the split photon must remain entangled. This is a reflection of the rules of dimensions. The split photon must reflect the dimensions of the crystal, yet must also remain one-dimensional.

But yet a photon, split by a prism into two entangled photons, does not form a three-dimensional pattern in space like the light in colors from a prism. The two entangled photons, emerging from the crystal which split them, would go off in two different directions, but these two directions would effectively form a two-dimensional "V" pattern. This can only be because the photon has one less dimension than the wave of light to begin with. This shows, once again, my hypothesis that light is a two-dimensional wave while a photon, actually created by our observation taking away one dimension of the wave, is one-dimensional, and behaves as would a one-dimensional particle.

If a photon is split by a crystal the two resulting photons share the same quantum state. Any change in one of the photons is immediately reflected in the other. The two photons are said to be entangled. The information moves instantaneously between the two, no matter how far apart they are, showing that there really is no speed of light.

Scientists can detect no information moving between the entangled photons, but yet somehow it must. Remember that, in my cosmology theory, time is really the fourth dimension of space. The following diagram shows how, at the present represented by the dashed red line, the two entangled photons are still linked in the past direction at point A, where they were split by the crystal. The arrow shows the direction of time.


Is anyone thinking what I'm thinking about this explanation of quantum physics by my cosmology theory? It reminds us that solar panels, and indeed any kind of digital camera, must generate photons.

Solar panels and digital optical devices operate by having the energy of incoming light knock electrons out of atoms in certain materials, thus creating a flow of current that is representative of the image that is composed of the light. But remember that electrons are really one-dimensional strings while light is two-dimensional. This means that, after having it's energy transferred to knocking an electron out of it's orbital, the second dimension of the light must remain, but as one dimension of the formerly two-dimensional wave of light. In other words, according to my theory, a photon.

Since solar panels are increasing in use, and digital optical devices are everywhere, why not couple this generation of photons, which now are a forgotten by-product, with information technology to bring about all of the possible benefits of quantum communications and computing?

This will mean far greater storage capacity, communications with spacecraft will not be limited to the speed of light, and communications will be absolutely hack-proof because even an observation made of one of a pair of entangled photons will immediately show up in the other.


The very fact that photons exist, which are the elements of light with a particle nature that are often referenced in quantum physics, proves that my cosmological theory must be correct.

My theory explains photons as the one dimension that remains of a two-dimensional wave of light, with the other dimension having passed it's energy to some one-dimensional string, likely an electron. This is how our vision works, and it explains the mystery of the Double-Slit Experiment.

The well-known Double-Slit Experiment is that if we pass a photon through one of a parallel pair of slits in a screen, onto a background screen, and do not observe the process, another photon will also pass through the other slit, and we will be able to tell this by the interference pattern that results on the background screen. But if we do observe the process, or measure it in any way, no photon will pass through the parallel slit. This is because our vision and measurement techniques are themselves quantum in nature and so absorb the dimension of light that otherwise would have been the photon passing through the parallel slit.

But when light encounters an electron, under the right conditions, why doesn't both dimensions of the light wave get absorbed by giving their energy to the electrons? The answer lies in the spatial geometry, as defined by my cosmology theory.

Electrons are one-dimensional strings aligned, along with atoms, mostly in the same direction in four-dimensional space. It is movement and vibrations of electrons and atoms that produces the various wavelengths of electromagnetic waves. Electromagnetic waves produced by matter, other than those produced in the Big Bang, can only move outward in a perpendicular direction to the alignment of the strings that produce them.

This means that light encountering electrons, at least as we can observe it, can only do so at a perpendicular angle. This then means that the one-directional string that is the electron will absorb the energy of one of the two dimensions of the light wave. The remaining dimension of the light will continue as a photon, which will be observed to behave as a one-dimensional particle. A photon does not have an electric charge, and so is unaffected by the charged particles around it.

The energy that is absorbed by the electron may be enough to break it out of it's orbital around an atom altogether. This is known as the photoelectric effect.

If electrons can absorb the energy, under certain conditions, of light, why doesn't the photon, the other dimension of the light that remains, also get absorbed? The one-dimensional electrons absorb one dimension of the two-dimensional wave, and leave the other as a photon that behaves as a one-dimensional particle.

But if light is a two-dimensional wave, it must consist of two dimensions that are perpendicular to each other. If my cosmological theory is correct and electrons are really one-dimensional strings, aligned mostly in the dimension of space that we perceive as time, then the electrons will be able to absorb only one dimension of the two-dimensional wave, because it can absorb only a dimension of the wave that is perpendicular to it.

This can only be one of the two dimensions of the wave, because the wave would have been produced by the movement or vibration of electrons or atoms that are parallel in four-dimensional space to the one that is absorbing it, the other dimension will remain as a photon. The dimension of the light that is parallel to the electron that is absorbing the other dimension of the wave will remain and will seem to behave as a one-dimensional particle, like an electron, because it is aligned parallel to the strings that we perceive as electrons.

One dimension of the two-dimensional wave must be parallel to the strings of the electrons because it is movement of particles like electrons that produce electromagnetic waves, other than those produced by the Big Bang. The electron that the wave encounters can only absorb the dimension of the wave that is perpendicular to it.

If electrons are primarily particles, as our perception tells us, rather than being strings in four-dimensional space, they would be free to move in any direction in space. This would mean that they would be able to absorb the energy in both dimensions of the two-dimensional wave of light. But if electrons are really strings in four-dimensional space, as in my cosmology theory, they would be free to move only in the directions that are perpendicular to the direction in which the strings were aligned.

This is why only the energy of one dimension of the two-dimensional light wave is absorbed by the electron, and the remaining dimension of the light continues as a one-dimensional photon that acts as a particle like an electron because it is aligned in the same dimension as the electrons. The one-dimensional string of the electron couldn't absorb this dimension of the light because it was parallel to it, rather than perpendicular, and this proves that my cosmological theory must be correct.


The number 137 is a very popular number in the physics community. The reason that this number is so mysterious and fascinating is that it is the Fine Structure Constant. This is the probability that an electron will absorb a photon when the two interact. It also thus governs the spacing of spectral lines. The Fine Structure Constant is basically the controlling factor in the interaction between charged particles and electromagnetic radiation.

The Fine Structure Constant is actually the reciprocal of 137, or 137 as the denominator in a fraction. The odds that an electron will absorb a photon that it encounters is 1 / 137.

The Fine Structure Constant is expressed as the Greek letter alpha, which we will write here as A. The formula for the Fine Structure Constant is: A = e squared / hc, where e is the charge on an electron, h is Planck's Constant and c is the speed of light.

Planck's Constant is the constant in the formula for the energy in an electromagnetic wave, relative to the frequency of the wave. The higher the frequency, the higher the energy in the wave, but the relationship is not entirely linear, the frequency has to be multiplied by Planck's Constant so that E = hf, where E is the energy of the electromagnetic radiation, h is Planck's Constant and, f is the frequency of the radiation.

Remember that there is also the infinitesimal distance known as Planck's Length. This is the smallest meaningful distance in the universe, and it shows up in all manner of physics formulae. I see Planck's Length as the actual size of the electric charges that compose both space and matter in my cosmological theory.

The Fine Structure Constant is dimensionless, meaning that it has no units. When the express it as the formula, as described above, the units above and below the divisor line cancel out, leaving just the dimensionless number 1 / 137.

Since it is a dimensionless number, physicists have been trying to relate it to mathematical constants, since it is just a number with no units attached. Physicists have been searching for relationships to mathematical constants like pi or e. It has been noted that 137 is a prime number. The physicist Richard Feynman thought the Fine Structure Constant might be related to pi or natural logarithms.

But no such relationship has ever been found. When photons encounter electrons, the electron will absorb the photon once out of every 137 encounters, but no one knows why.

(Note- pi is the constant of the ratio of the circumference of a circle to it's diameter, which is 3.1415927... e is equivalent to (1 + 1 / x) raised to the x power, with x being any large number. When a very large number is used as x, e = 2.718... Pi and e are referred to as mathematical constants because they occur very frequently in formulae involving nature and the universe).

If we look at my cosmology theory, the solution to the mystery of the Fine Structure Constant becomes simple. Electrons are really strings wound in a spiral as they appear to orbit the nuclei of atoms, like the coil of a spring, if seen in four-dimensional space. We see them as particles in their orbitals as our consciousness moves along the bundles of strings comprising our bodies and brains, at what we perceive as the speed of light. Since we see only in directions perpendicular to the alignment of the bundles of strings comprising our bodies and brains we see the electrons as particles that are moving in time which is, of course, really a dimension of space.

Since electrons are actually strings wound around the nuclei that they appear to us to be orbiting, we see why a photon will be absorbed by an electron only one out of every 137 times that there is an encounter between the two. It is a matter of geometry. To be absorbed, the photon must hit a narrow range on the string of the electron, which is perpendicular to the photon.

The photon will appear to us to be moving at the speed of light. But, that is actually only a perpendicular angle, relative to the alignment of the bundles of strings comprising us and the matter around us. the sum of angles in an interaction must be maintained, and to be absorbed by the electron, the photon must encounter the electron string in such a direction that there is no more of an angle on one side than the other. In other words, the encounter must be perpendicular.

If the encounter is at any angle other than perpendicular, the photon will reflect off the electron and will not be absorbed. The reason that the encounter is rarely perpendicular is that the electron is really a string wound around outside the nucleus, meaning that it faces all different angles outward. The odds of the encounter being perpendicular, out of all possible angles that the photon could approach the electron, is one out of 137.

This is explained simply in the following diagram. The circle is the string, in four dimensions, of an outer electron in an orbital in an atom. The photon must meet it exactly perpendicular to be absorbed, represented by the green arrow. If it meets the electron at any kind of an angle it will bounce off, represented by the red arrows. It is like bouncing a ball off a cylindrical structure so that it bounces directly back to you. But it only makes sense if electrons are really strings.

My cosmological theory has matter spread over four spatial dimensions, one of which we perceive as time, so the spatial mathematics of geometry is even more important then it is in our familiar three dimensions of space.

Imagine that there is a cylindrical structure. Now suppose that you bounce a ball off the structure so that it will bounce right back to you. To get the ball to bounce back to you, it must strike the wall of the structure within a very close range. If the ball lands to either side of this very narrow range, it will deflect at an angle to the side and will not bounce right back to you.

This is how the absorption of a photon by an electron operates. It must strike the electron at a perpendicular angle to be absorbed but, since the electron is really a string in four dimensions that is wound in a spiral pattern around a nucleus, the required perpendicular angle is actually a very narrow range. That is why the photon will be absorbed only once out of every 137 encounters.

We, limited to our three spatial dimensions, can observe a photon meeting an electron, but can only see electrons as particles and cannot understand why it is absorbed sometimes, but only one out of every 137 times.

Remember how information flows through the universe. The information behind this example, the ball bounced off only the narrow facing section of the perpendicular structure, must have come from somewhere. Information flows from the lowest to the highest levels, with actions taking place in the same way at the higher levels because there is no other information available. An obvious example is orbits, the orbitals of electrons are replicated in the higher level of moons in orbit around planets and planets around stars, because there is no other information available as to which forms the larger scale might take.

The only one in 137 times absorption of photons by electrons is actually the lower-scale source of information for the ball bouncing directly back, only if it meets the cylindrical structure at a narrow perpendicular angle. Indeed, if we measure the very narrow zone of the cylindrical structure along which the ball will bounce directly back to us, we will find that it is just about exactly 1 / 137 of the 180 degrees of the side of the structure facing us. This gives a "bounce back" zone of just over one degree of the structure, actually 180 / 137 of a degree, which seems just about right.

In the formula for the Fine Structure Constant, A = e squared / hc, we can now see why the charge on the electron, e, is squared. Light is actually a two dimensional wave, of which a photon is defined by my theory as one of those dimensions. An electron can possibly absorb a photon from that light. But it could absorb a photon from either dimension of the light. This, in effect, makes the electron multiplied by itself, or squared, in the formula.

If Planck's Constant is, as my cosmological theory supposes, related to the minimum size in the universe, because it is the size of the fundamental electric charges of which it is composed, we see why it is a divisor in the formula. The smaller the photon which, being one dimension of a two dimensional wave which means that it is the size of one of these fundamental charges, the easier it would be absorbed by the electron. In the same way, the smaller the ball that we are trying to bounce off the cylindrical structure, relative to the size of the structure, the greater the chance that it would bounce back because the cylindrical side of the structure would be closer to being a straight line for a smaller ball.

The speed of light is also a divisor in the formula because, as can be seen by the geometry of the cosmological theory, the photon must be in a perpendicular line to the alignment of the string of the electron to be absorbed, but this represents the greatest possible energy difference because the speed of light is seen by us as the maximum possible velocity but actually is, in my cosmological theory, the maximum possible angle. The photon can be absorbed by the electron if the two are at a perpendicular angle to one another, but this also means that the momentum, which we would see as velocity, between the two is completely opposite.

By the way, remember my axiom that the complexity of a number is not equal to it's direct value, but the value of the denominator when the number is expressed as a fraction. A circle is a simply geometric shape yet pi, the ratio of the circumference of a circle to it's diameter, is a number of infinite complexity. That simply means that it can be calculated to an endless number of decimal places. This is because, from the point of view of a line, a circle is of infinite complexity because it is completely unknowable. In a similar way, the Fine Structure Constant is approximately 1 / 137, but can also be calculated to an endless number of decimal places.

These endless decimal places come from the relationship between a line and a circle, as we see with the example of pi. but why would the Fine Structure Constant also be calculable to endless decimal places? It is because the orbital of the electron forms the circle and the path of the photon is the straight line. We, limited to our three spatial dimensions, cannot perceive it but the photon always meets the electron from a direction perpendicular to the primary alignment of the strings of the matter that hosts the electron, and only absorbs the photon if it happens to meet it at an exactly perpendicular angle, as described above.

How else is there to explain this fascinating phenomenon? The absorption of a photon by an electron adheres to definite odds, but we cannot see why or why the ratio is what it is. Physicists have tried for decades, without success, to relate the Fine Structure Constant to some mathematical constants. But, as with so many other things that we have seen, this simple model of the universe in my cosmological theory causes it to fall right into place.


Quantum Physics, also called Quantum Mechanics, unlike Relativity or "classical" physics, has different ways to interpret a quantum interaction. These possible interpretations can be divided into two broad categories, the "collapse" or the "non-collapse" interpretations.

The most popular interpretation of quantum interactions seems to be the Copenhagen Interpretation. A quantum system will be in a superposition of all possible quantum states, referred to as eigenstates, at once. But when it is observed, it will "collapse" into only one eigenstate, or quantum state. The "collapse" may be due to observation or to other factors. This one state is the one that we will see or measure.

The leading "non-collapse" interpretation is the Many Worlds Interpretation, which used to be called the Everett Interpretation. In this interpretation of a quantum interaction, every possible outcome must exist, with each event acting as a branch. In this interpretation, it is decoherence that causes us to see only one outcome instead of all of them. It is not the same as a "collapse" of a wave function because all other outcomes must still exist somewhere. Coherence is where two quantum systems share a quantum state, decoherence is loss of coherence and a breaking into two quantum states.

Albert Einstein, the author of Relativity, was also involved with Quantum Physics. He actually won his Nobel prize for the photoelectric effect, which is quantum in nature, not for Relativity. It was Einstein who developed the concept of the photon, or single particle of light. But he was convinced of the absolute invariability of the speed of light and referred to the instantaneous transmission of information as "spooky action at a distance". Of the uncertainty principle that is central to quantum physics, he is reported to have said "God does not play dice".

The place that my cosmology theory takes in all of this is simple, and it makes Quantum Physics simple. Imagine a one-dimensional string in space, which is what an electron actually is. Now imagine a two-dimensional wave interacting with it from a perpendicular direction. That is all that we need to know.

Waves are actually two-dimensional. They seem to us to fill three-dimensional space because our eyes are so large in comparison with the wavelengths of light. We can tell this because, if light is interacting with electrons, a higher-frequency (shorter wavelength) light, which contains more energy, will push each electron with more force but will not push any more electrons than the lower-frequency light. If we apply a brighter light, but at the same wavelength, the light will push more electrons but will not push each one with any more force.

This shows that light consists of individual two-dimensional waves that do not completely fill three-dimensional space. A wave has to be of at least two dimensions. Light seems to get dimmer as we get further from it's source because we are receiving fewer of the waves, in accordance with the Inverse Square Law. But each individual wave that we receive is not actually dimmer.

In contrast with other matter, when we start dealing with electrons is when things start to "get quantum" in nature. Each electron in an orbital has a four-part quantum "address" and no two electrons in an atom can have the same quantum "address".

The Four Principal Quantum Numbers and energy levels of electrons in orbitals are expressed in integral numbers, or integers, showing that this is the most basic of energy levels. That is what "quanta" means, the most basic of quantities.

Ordinary nuclear physics, involving the nucleus of the atom, does not involve the rules of Quantum Physics, only the electrons do. The essential quantum interaction is a two-dimensional wave of light interacting with a one-dimensional electron which, in my theory, is a string with the wave interacting with it from a perpendicular direction. For us to measure or see anything, light must impart some of it's energy to matter. Since matter is made of atoms and electrons are on the outsides of atoms, this means interacting with electrons.

If a material has it's outer electrons only loosely attached to it's atoms, so that the energy in light can knock electrons out of their orbitals, the light will cause a chemical reaction or an electric current to flow. That means that we can see, or measure, or photograph light.

The simple basis of Quantum Physics is that when a two-dimensional wave interacts with the one-dimensional string of an electron, it must impart the energy of one of it's two dimensions to the electron. That is how we see or measure anything to do with light, and is known as the photoelectric effect. The other dimension must be left but, since the electron is a one-dimensional string, this one remaining dimension of the light will appear to us to be a particle, and that is what we refer to as a photon.

The "collapse" of a quantum wave function from all possible quantum states into only one, when it is observed or measured, that is the Copenhagen Interpretation and all other "collapse" interpretations, has a very simple explanation. The electrons in our eyes or measuring devices that the two-dimensional wave of light must interact with are really, according to my cosmology theory, one-dimensional strings in space, which we perceive as particles because our consciousness is moving along the bundles of strings comprising our bodies and brains and we see only a moment at a time, at right angles to the direction of our movement.

The energy of one dimension of the wave is absorbed by the electron, which is necessary for us to be able to measure of see it, and the other dimension remains. Since only one dimension of light cannot still be a wave, that is where photons come from, the one-dimensional remains of a two-dimensional wave which now resembles a particle like an electron in nature.

The many points on the wave represent all possible states of the information carried by the wave and, depending on the point on the wave that contacts the electron, always at a right angle, the wave function appears to "collapse" into only one state, which is defined by the point on the wave that contacts the electron.

Imagine a two-dimensional circle being reduced to a one-dimensional line, but the state of the "collapse" to one dimension would depend on which of the infinity of diameters on the circle we took away to leave only a line perpendicular to that remaining as the one-dimensional line.

This is all that a "wave function collapse" amounts to, our vision or observation by interaction with a one-dimensional electron, taking away one dimension of the energy of the wave so that it "collapses" into a one-dimensional photon. All possible eignestates (quantum states) are every point of the wave before the collapse. The one remaining after the collapse is a line of light, a photon, that was perpendicular to the point on the wave that encountered the electron.

That is why the observer is so important in Quantum Physics, the observation which is usually the wave function encountering an electron string that is perpendicular to it and absorbs one of it's two dimensions. A photon resembles an electron in form because both are one-dimensional strings, except that the photon has no electric charge.


Aside from the "collapse" interpretations of Quantum Physics", of which the Copenhagen Interpretation is the most popular, there is also the "non-collapse", of which the Many Worlds Interpretation is the most popular.

The Many Worlds Interpretation, as the name implies, states that, when a wave function is observed, it does not collapse because the other possible states still must exist somewhere. Rather than a "collapse", it is decoherence that causes one state to become separated from the others. Decoherence is defined as the loss of unity of a quantum state, so that it splits in two. Entangled photons, as we saw above, share a quantum state so that information is instantaneously passed from one to another. But that can be lost due to environmental factors.

The Many Worlds Interpretation considers each event as a "branch". The quantum system seems to go in one direction, but the other directions that it could have gone in must still exist somewhere, maybe in another universe. There is not a "collapse", so that the other directions or quantum states no longer exist, but only a decoherence as our observation separates the one quantum state that we see from the others.

The Many Worlds Interpretation is something that we can spend hours pondering, as I am sure many others have. But I see it as us seeing the universe in our own terms and from our own perspective. The solution to this interpretation is just as simple as for the "collapse" interpretations, and that solution is to see that everything is really information.

Suppose that we throw a ball, and it bounces off a wall. But the ball could have kept on going if the wall hadn't been there. That means that there must be another universe where the ball keeps going, and doesn't bounce off the wall.

But we can easily measure the acceleration of the ball to determine it's course if the wall hadn't been there. That information is there whether the ball bounces off the wall or not. And the ball itself is just information. According to my cosmology theory, everything is composed of infinitesimal electric charges with space being a multi-dimensional checkerboard of alternating charges and matter being any concentration of these charges.

If everything is really just information, then all we need to know is the original acceleration of the ball and the information of all possible courses of events that the ball could have taken are still there, all within our one universe. We see ourselves made of matter so we presume that there must be a ball made of matter like us in each possible universe but matter, like space, is just information.

The Many Worlds Interpretation is similar in nature to the pattern of information that I call "The One And The Many". The one is what is, the many are what possibly could have been but weren't. Addresses are an ideal example. Something is defined by what it is not.


There is a lot of discussion nowadays about the possibility of universes other than our own. I have not gotten into it much but my cosmology theory has other universes as not only possible, but even probable. But by their very definition we can never access these other universes. If we could they wouldn't be other universes, they would be our universe.

My cosmology theory has our universe beginning with the mutual induction of opposite electric charges in multiple dimensions. An "orphan" two-dimensional sheet of space formed that was within, but not contiguous with, the multi-dimensional background space. This means that the checkerboard of alternating negative and positive charges in the two blocks were not aligned. This caused charge migration to take place in the sheet, mostly positive charges to one side and mostly negative to the other. But since the sheet wasn't aligned with the background space this caused the positive side of the sheet to contact the negative side. The result was the matter antimatter annihilation that we perceive as the Big Bang, which began the universe. One dimension of the two-dimensional sheet disintegrated into energy, the one that came into contact, and the other became the one-dimensional strings of matter. These strings were scattered over four dimensions of the background space, three of which we perceive as space and one of which we perceive as time, as described above.

But in no way does this mean there could not be more than four dimensions in the universe. A two-dimensional sheet could not be scattered over more than four dimensions. It would actually be a lower information state for there to be an infinite number of dimensions, since that avoids making a choice of a finite number. However many dimensions we have, if that many can form then why can't one more form?

As for the two-dimensional sheet of space, the same logic applies. If this happens in one four-dimensional block then why shouldn't it happen in others? Why did it happen in our block anyway? Could it have been a reaction to a similar sheet forming in an adjacent block? This brings us to Newton's Law of Equal and Opposite Reactions.

It also brings us to the Many Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Physics. The two-dimensional sheet that forms matter and energy in our universe can be the reaction to the corresponding event in another universe. This means that what might have happened, but didn't happen, in one universe can happen in the next universe. With universes being just blocks of space with disintegrating sheets of non-contiguous sheets of space within. This is a "Without Us" scenario that in no way is mutually exclusive with the "With Us" interpretations.

According to my cosmology theory we can see the Many Worlds Interpretation in our own universe. Atoms are composed of electrons in orbitals around a nucleus. The electrons have a negative charge and the nucleus a positive charge. But there is nothing written in stone that negative has to be on the outside, and positive on the inside. It could just have easily been reversed and no one can find any reason why the universe is composed of matter, rather than antimatter.

In my cosmology theory, since charge migration took place in the two-dimensional sheet, with one side becoming more negative and the other more positive, there must be a mirror image of our universe on the other side of the Big Bang that is made of antimatter. Although on both sides the electric charges balance out overall.


What about the "Uncertainty Principle" in Quantum Physics? That is simple too. Consider radio triangulation. If we receive, with a directional antenna, only a momentary signal from a radio source, we can tell what direction the source is in but cannot tell how far away it is or whether it is moving. For that, we would need more than one measurement. In time, to see if the source is moving, and from another location, to determine how far away the source was.

This is why we have two eyes, to be able to estimate how far away things are.

In the same way, since the electrons in our measuring devices can absorb only one dimension of a two-dimensional wave we can, for example, predict where a given electron might be found in an orbital, but can never say with absolute certainty because all we have is an instantaneous one-dimensional measurement.


Some other interpretations of Quantum Physics can be described as "hidden variable" interpretations. This means that we can never tell for sure what is happening in a quantum interaction because we are not capable of seeing all of the variables. My theory accommodates that because what we perceive as time is actually a fourth dimension of space that we cannot access at will because the particles of our bodies are actually one-dimensional strings that are aligned primarily in this dimension. The other three we can move in at will.

The reason that two photons can remain entangled, after a single photon is split in two by passing it through a crystal, is that the crystal adds it's spatial dimensions to it so that a one-dimensional photon takes on a "V" forms with the point of the "V" being the place where it was split by the crystal and the two points of the "V" representing the two entangled photons, between which information passes instantaneously. But the point of the "V" is in the past dimension of the dimension of space that we perceive as time from the points of the "V".

Quantum entanglement If a photon is split by a crystal the two resulting photons share the same quantum state. Any change in one of the photons is immediately reflected in the other. The two photons are said to be entangled. The information moves instantaneously between the two, no matter how far apart they are, showing that there really is no speed of light.

Scientists can detect no information moving between the entangled photons, but yet somehow it must. Remember that, in my cosmology theory, time is really the fourth dimension of space. The following diagram shows how, at the present represented by the dashed red line, the two entangled photons are still linked in the past direction at point A, where they were split by the crystal. The arrow shows the direction of time.


This is my interpretation of quantum physics. It is not a collapse interpretation and it is not dependent at all on human observation.

The distribution of matter in the universe, relative to space, is extremely sparse. A figure that is sometimes given is that, in the universe as a whole, there are about three hydrogen atoms per cubic meter of space. That is so sparse that the density of matter, relative to space in the universe as a whole, is nearly infinitesimal. It is probably not something that we could attach a meaningful number to.

With the expansion of the universe the density of matter overall is becoming even more sparse. But galaxies tend to collect in groups, we call ours the "Local Group". The groups are moving apart, but not the galaxies within a group. Although the density of matter within a galaxy is still extremely sparse, it is maybe a million times the density of the vast, empty reaches of intergalactic space. Not to mention that the interiors of atoms themselves are almost all empty space.

This theory that I have developed to explain the sparseness of matter in the universe offers another explanation of quantum physics. Even if we cannot effectively put a number on it the density of matter, relative to space, is information, and that information must have come from somewhere.

There is an interpretation of quantum physics, the "Copenhagen" Interpretation, that has a quantum system inhabiting all possible quantum states but then, when it is observed, it undergoes collapse into only one state. The observation itself is a vital part of the quantum interaction.

In the universe there were a nearly infinite number of arrangements and patterns that matter might have taken, following the Big Bang, but of all those possible patterns the matter of the universe took only one of them, the universe that we see today.

What do you notice here?

1) The density of matter in the universe, relative to space, is nearly infinitesimal.

2) The number of possible patterns and permutations that the matter in the universe might have fallen into is nearly infinite. But it fell into only one of those patterns, which is the universe that we see today.

Could there be a connection between those two things? The density of matter in the universe, relative to space, is information. This information had to come from somewhere. Where else could it have come from? Isn't this the most logical answer, that there must be room left in space for every arrangement of matter in the universe that might have been, but only one of those arrangements actually comes to be?

Let me state now that I have decided on the terminology "might have been" rather than "could have been" because "could" seems to imply that it should have been.

My theory is not that the universe we see is what happened, but the information of what didn't happen must still be out there somewhere whether in parallel universes or unrealized quantum states, but that the empty space must be maintained for the information of what might have happened but didn't happen and the matter of the universe that did happen must exist within the vastness of this empty space.

Could it be that there is a great number, we can designate it as P for "pattern" or "permutation" even if we cannot effectively determine it's value, that describes both the density of matter relative to the space of the universe, 1 / P, and the number of possible patterns or arrangements that matter in the universe could have taken, P? 

Suppose that we are looking for a particular address on a street. The address that we have is information. It contains more information if there are more houses on the street that it is not. 

Remember my definition of complexity. The complexity of a number, or the amount of information within it, is the value of the denominator when the number is expressed as a ratio or fraction. Thus 1/10 contains twice as much information as 1/5.

In a similar way the particular arrangement of all the matter in the universe is an address, one permutation among many. Having an address doesn't make any sense unless there are other addresses that it might have been. Empty space is all of the addresses that it might have been, but is not. Every bit of information that went into matter and it's arrangement in the universe might have been different. All the matter of the universe comprises one address, as opposed to multiple addresses, because it is all interrelated and has a common beginning.

If there is movement of matter in space, so that the pattern changes, it still doesn't change the basic possible number of patterns. The possible arrangements continue as lighter elements are fused into heavier ones by way of fusion in stars, but the value of P stays constant because the matter of the universe has a common origin in the Big Bang. Being other than constant would mean that information is either being lost or gained out of nowhere.

Most matter that we deal with consists of atoms. Sub-atomic particles tend to be electrically-charged, such as protons and electrons, and an ordinary atom has equal positive and negative charges so that it's overall charge is zero, although an atom can become an ion by losing or gaining an electron. The fact that the inside of the atom is almost all empty space would be a reflection of all that the atom might have been, given that atoms are the universal structure of matter that balances out positive and negative electric charges, but it became only one of these possibilities.

The vast majority of the inside of an atom is empty space. This is also one address among many empty addresses, and the empty space is information. The ratio of matter to space inside the atom is, again, a subset of P, because it involves only the inside of the atom.

Hydrogen atoms, of course, have the highest proportion of empty space, relative to matter. Heavier atoms were formed by fusion and so lost some of this information by radiation. But since the two electric charges in the universe are a given, some other structure where the two opposite charges balance out might have formed and the "empty addresses" within atoms are a reflection of this.

What I find interesting is that there is a particle that is overall neutral in electric charge and balances out the negative and positive charges. This particle is the neutron. But neutrons are not primary particles. They are formed by crunching an electron into a proton, known as K-capture. 

Furthermore neutrons exist only within atoms, if a neutron is alone outside an atom it will break down into a proton and an electron in an average of about 15 minutes. This is because a compact neutron does not maintain all of the "empty addresses" representing the many forms that the primary zero charge structure might have taken while an atom, with all of it's internal empty space, does.

One obvious thing about matter that might have been different is the equal, but opposite electric charge on an electron and a proton. We describe this charge either as -1 for an electron or +1 for a proton. But, had the universe been different then this charge might have been different. If the charge was greater then atoms would likely have been more massive and less massive if the charge was lesser.

The density of matter, relative to space, within galactic groups could also be a subvalue of P, in a way similar to within the atom. The universe is expanding but the expansion is the vast galactic groups moving away from each other. The density within galactic groups is relatively constant, the Andromeda Galaxy in our Local Group and our galaxy are actually moving closer to each other. The subvalue means just the density of matter in the space inside our Local Group, and the number of possible patterns that matter could have taken of which only one became reality, of only our Local Group of galaxies once it formed.

There can only be such a subvalue of P in a unit of space that has become partially independent of the rest of the universe in how the matter in the unit is arranged. If we wanted to determine the subvalue for the earth, for example, we would have to go back to the star that preceded the sun which scattered it's matter across space in a supernova. Our determination would have to involve how that star formed, and what it's P subvalue was.

At any rate the density of matter in space is information, and this information must have come from somewhere. There is some number that describes the density of matter in space, which I am calling P, even if we cannot effectively determine what that number is. 

It isn't information if there was no possibility of it being different. That which is comprises information but to be information it must be set against that which isn't, so that which isn't is also information, and information cannot just be lost. Information is what is set against the background of what might have been but isn't.

For something to be somewhere else in the universe it would have to have been something else. The empty addresses must be there to represent what might have been but wasn't.

The only thing that makes sense to me as being the source of the density of matter in space is the reciprocal of the total number of possible arrangements that matter could have taken, and that number I refer to as P. The one that it took is the arrangement of matter that we see in the universe today.

My cosmology theory has it's own explanation for the sparseness of matter in space, that matter is one dimension, of the two dimensions of the original two-dimensional sheet that was dispersed among four dimensions of the background space. The other dimension of the sheet was released as energy, in what we perceive as the Big Bang. 

But these two answers are different ways of expressing the same thing. The more dimensions of space there are, relative to the one that became matter, the more "things that might have been" there will be.

Not only is there space that must be empty because it represents the "empty addresses" of "things that might have been", there must also be a universe of patterns that go unmanifested. We have geometric forms, such as squares, cubes, circles, spheres and, triangles. But there must be many others that are not manifested because the matter of the universe never fell into those patterns. 

This applies not only to geometric forms but also to the basic patterns of the universe that we saw in "The Theory Of Complexity". There could also be missing numbers that might have been manifested but we cannot imagine because they never get manifested by the matter of our universe.

I am presuming here that the one thing that might not have been different is that the universe is compromised of two electric charges, negative and positive. In my cosmology theory empty space consists of a checkerboard of alternating negative and positive changes, in multiple dimensions. These two charges are why there are two opposite directions in each dimension of space. If there were three opposite charges there would have to be three opposite directions in each dimension. This theory here is about arrangements of matter in space, rather than the space itself.

There are two basic sets of quantum theories. 

There is the "collapse" scenarios, such as the Copenhagen Interpretation, where any quantum system exists in a multitude of quantum states until it "collapses" into only one state upon being observed. The observation is a vital part of the quantum interaction.

Then there is the "many worlds" scenarios. In this way of looking at quantum interactions there is no "collapse" into one quantum state but there must be unseen parallel universes so that what might have happened, but didn't happen, in this universe must happen in another universe. Basically there can't be anything that could have happened but didn't happen, because what didn't happen is information also and information cannot just be lost.

There is also an idea by the physicist Richard Feynman called the "Path Integral". What this says is that what happens is to take everything that could happen and add them all together.

But what none of this really takes account of is space, particularly the concentration of matter in space. The sparseness of matter in space is information, and information must have come from somewhere. The question is not only why the arrangement of matter in space is what it is but also why the concentration of matter in space, it's sparseness, is what it is.

What I am stating here is that the present arrangement of matter in space is one of many "addresses" that might have been but weren't, and matter is concentrated in space in such a way that the "empty addresses" of things and arrangements of things that might have been but weren't must be preserved, because they are part of the information of what is. 

What I refer to as an "address" here is not a particular location but the particular arrangement of matter in the entire universe. The density of matter in space should be a vital part of quantum physics and neither of the sets of quantum theories takes this into account.


The patterns and mathematics that are not manifested by our universe but might have been manifested if the universe had been different are what I refer to as "Far Outer Mathematics". Here is an explanation of what I mean.

We use mathematics to describe the world around us. To be able to describe something using mathematics we must completely understand it. Once we do we can do all kinds of useful calculations because everything we know operates by the same mathematics.

But we do not have unlimited capacity to understand the world around us. Our minds have a certain complexity and we can only understand that which is less complex than our minds. Anything that is more complex than our minds we would not be able to understand enough to apply mathematics to it because we would have to be "smarter than ourselves", which is impossible.

Somewhere out there is a formula that describes everything that you do. You cannot access it because it deals with your mind's own complexity and this would require you to be "smarter than yourself", which is impossible. But yet this unseen formula must operate by the usual mathematics. 

This is what I refer to as "outer mathematics", mathematics which must exist but which is beyond our grasp because of our own limited complexity. All of textbook mathematics is "inner mathematics", which is within our grasp.

But aside from this set of "outer mathematics" there must be a still more distant set of outer mathematics. As stated we use mathematics because it effectively describes the world around us. But what if that world, actually the entire universe, had been different? 

The matter that all except particle physicists deal with is made of atoms. We could say that atoms are "exclusive" so the mathematics that works for us uses numbers and has the basic operations; addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, exponents, roots, etc. What I mean by "exclusive" is that atoms, and the matter that is composed of them, does not come into existence spontaneously and stays as it is until something changes it.

The numbers that we use have no real existence until they are manifested in some way. There is no such thing as the number six that we can see but we see it whenever we have six of something. But any number must exist whether it is manifested by anything or not. Consider the number 37,683,992,651,801,384,161,079,177,209,184. Let's refer to this number as "W". It may be that nowhere in the universe is this number manifested anywhere, but it is still just as much a number nonetheless because it could potentially be manifested. Just as a parking space still exists whether or not there is a car in it.

The mathematics that we use, both inner and outer mathematics, works for us because the matter that we deal with is as it is, matter could be said to be "exclusive". This means that more than one set of matter cannot occupy the same space at the same time and matter cannot come into existence out of nothing. But what if matter, or the entire universe, was completely different?

There would still be mathematics that described it although it would be completely different from the mathematics that we are using. If matter, or whatever that universe was made of, was non-exclusive then there would be no reason for the addition, subtraction and, so on that we use. If that universe was somehow immeasurable or unquantifiable mathematics might express the effect that it has on the living beings rather than what it is actually made of.

Mathematics is inevitably related to scarcity, of not having everything that we need or want and of having to labor to get what we don't have or build what doesn't yet exist or get to somewhere other than where we are. Have you ever noticed that there is no mention of mathematics in Heaven? In Heaven we will have everything we want so why would we have any need to calculate?

The universe of atoms, electric charges and, electromagnetic radiation that we have is just one of an infinite number of possibilities that the universe could have been. It is like rolling dice. The numbers that came up are our universe. The numbers that didn't come up are all of the universes that never physically existed, but yet these numbers still exist.

But the mathematics, completely different from our own, that would have described them must nonetheless still exist. Just as we saw with the number "W" above, a number still exists whether it is manifested or not and the mathematics, which we cannot begin to imagine, of every different universe that never actually existed must also still exist.

This is what I refer to as "Far Outer Mathematics". It is the mathematics of would-have-been universes and physical realms that do not even use the same basic operations as the mathematics that we use. What we could call "Near Outer Mathematics" is, as explained above, mathematics that would use the same basic operations but is beyond our reach because we could not completely understand something whose complexity is greater than our own.


Can you see how simple Quantum Physics really is? In my cosmology theory, it is fully explained as being even simpler than Relativity.

All that we need to know is that when a two-dimensional wave encounters a one-dimensional electron, which is the only way we can see or measure the wave, it must necessarily absorb the energy of one dimension of the wave. The remaining dimension of the wave is what we refer to as a photon, which behaves as a one-dimensional particle. This is why light is said to have the nature of both a wave and a particle.

The wave function, representing a multitude of all quantum states, thus appears to "collapse" into only one such state when we observe it. There is always the uncertainty factor in quantum measurements because we are observing a two-dimensional wave function, light being how we receive information, in only one dimension.

Picture a one-dimensional line in space. That is an electron, but the motion of an electron in it's atomic orbital resembles a wave. The direction of the line is the dimension of four-dimensional space that we perceive as time.

Now picture a two-dimensional wave contacting the electron line at a perpendicular angle. One of the dimensions of the wave is the direction in which it is traveling and the other is perpendicular to it. Both of the dimensions of the wave are perpendicular to that of the electron. The electron absorbs the dimension of the wave that is the direction in which the wave is moving, the remaining dimension of the wave then exists as a one-dimensional photon that is perpendicular to the line of the electron.


All particles comprising ordinary matter have spins of 1 / 2. Spin refers to the number of times that a particle must rotate to get back to the original configuration. This is the realm of quantum physics and cannot be explained by ordinary physics. A spin of 1 / 2 means that the particle must be rotated twice to get back to the original configuration.

Particles of ordinary matter consist of two families of particles, quarks and leptons. Electrons are leptons and the protons and neutrons of atomic nuclei are both composed of three quarks each. Compound particles like protons and neutrons, each composed of quarks, are known as baryons.

Ordinary matter that is composed of quarks, the protons and neutrons, are made of an odd number of quarks. An up quark has a charge of + 2 / 3. A down quark has a charge of - 1 / 3. Two up quarks and a down quark make up a proton with a net charge of + 1. Two down quarks and an up quark make up a neutron with a net charge of zero.

Leptons and baryons together, the components of ordinary matter, are known as fermions. All composite particles made up of quarks are called hadrons which, aside from baryons also include mesons, which is a pair of a quark and an antimatter quark. But mesons are not stable.

Besides fermions, with their spin of 1 / 2, there are other particles that have a spin of 1, known as integral spin because 1 is an integer. These particles only have to rotate once to get back to their original configuration. But these are not matter particles, they are known as bosons and carry forces. The best-known boson is a photon.

The major difference in properties between fermions and bosons is exclusivity. Fermions are exclusive while bosons are not. If a particle has to spin twice to get back to it's original configuration that means it is exclusive. If a particle has to spin only once to get back to it's original configuration that means it is not exclusive.

Exclusive means that the particles, or the matter of which they are composed, cannot occupy the same space at the same time. That is why ordinary matter particles have a spin of 1 / 2. Electrons in an atom follow what is known as the Pauli Exclusion Principle. Each electron has an "address" consisting of a four-part quantum number. No two electrons in the atom can have exactly the same quantum numbers.

Particles that are not exclusive, bosons such as photons, follow the set of rules called "Bose-Einstein Statistics". Particles that are exclusive, fermions such as electrons and protons and neutrons composed of quarks, follow the set of rules called "Fermi-Dirac Statistics".

The spin is the fourth of an electron's quantum numbers. There are two possible spin directions, up and down. Electrons ordinarily exist in pairs, with the same quantum numbers but with opposite spin. Not all electrons are paired. In some materials, the orbitals of the unpaired electrons can be lined up with a magnetic field. Materials with the orbitals of unpaired electrons lined up are known as magnets.

Spin can be best seen in the following moving illustration. Or you can see it at the Wikipedia article, "Spin-1/2"

If we attach cables to each side of a rotating cube, so that the cables won't tangle, the cube must rotate twice to get back to the same configuration. That is because the cables have two possible configurations, and will alternate between the two with each rotation. We can refer to the two configurations of the attached cables as "clockwise" and "counterclockwise". We could also say that the cables alternate between an "S" and a "Reverse S".

But since the two possible configurations are equal, there must be an alternation between the two, which requires that there be two rotations to get back to the original configuration.

But notice that we need the attachment of these cables to demonstrate 1 / 2 spin. We could not tell the spin of a particle just by looking at it, if we could look at it. "Getting back to the original configuration" means the configuration of the space around a spinning particle.

But how can the empty space around the particle have a configuration, and how can the configuration be affected by the spin of the particle? Empty space seems to be just nothingness, without any kind of configuration.

Everything, both space and matter, is composed of a near-infinity of infinitesimal electric charges. Empty space is a perfectly alternating checkerboard pattern of negative and positive charges in multiple dimensions.

This is the most logical configuration because the basic rules are that opposite charges attract and like charges repel. But there is energy in the universe and like charges can be held together by energy, and this is what matter is. Energy can also cross space as a wave displacement of the alternating checkerboard pattern of negative and positive charges, and this is what electromagnetic waves are.

An electron, for example, is, in my cosmology theory, a concentration of negative charges held together by energy. There is the well-known mass-energy equivalence, a certain amount of mass being equivalent to a certain amount of energy. The equivalence of mass and energy is what Einstein's famous formula, E = MC squared is about, the inter-convertibility of mass and energy. This is why concentrations of like charges, such as the electron, have mass but empty space doesn't.

But if the electron, or any other matter particle, is composed of concentrated electric charge, and the space around it is composed of an alternating checkerboard pattern of the same charges, then shouldn't a change in the particle, such as it's spin, also have an effect on the arrangement of the electric charges in the space around it?

The following diagram shows that one dimensional strings of like charges With positive charges shifted to one side of the two-dimensional sheet, and negative charges to the other side, and with the charge pattern of the sheet not aligned with the checkerboard of the background space, the negative side of the sheet came in contact with the positive side. This produced the tremendous matter-antimatter mutual annihilation that we refer to as the Big Bang.

Since the sheet was not in alignment with the checkerboard charge pattern of the background space this represented information, and information is really the same thing as energy. One dimension of the two dimensional sheet, the sides that came into contact, disintegrated. This dimension became energy, and this introduced energy into the universe. In the diagram strings of matter, whether negative or positive, are seen in red. The checkerboard pattern of the surrounding background space is seen in black.

The like charges of the matter charges are held together, against their mutual repulsion, by some of the energy that was released by the Big Bang. This internal energy in matter is what we refer to as the Mass-Energy Equivalence. It is also described by Einstein's famous formula, E = MC squared, which basically means that a little bit of matter contains a tremendous amount of energy. Other energy from the Big Bang went into throwing the matter out across space, and some of it we can still detect as radiation from the Big Bang.

Another mystery that it explains, and that proves it is correct, is the spin of neutrinos as they move through space. Neutrinos spin to their left, relative to the direction of travel, while antineutrinos, the antimatter version of the neutrino, spins to it's right. This is from the two dimensional sheet after charge migration had taken place, because it cannot otherwise be explained.

Face your palms toward each other and curl the fingers of both hands. The fingers of one hand curl to the left and the other to the right. That is because the two sides of the two dimensional sheet that came into contact approached each other from opposite directions.

But if the Big Bang can happen once, you may wonder why it couldn't happen again. Maybe it does. If a string, such as an electron, should break, due to some traumatic event such as a supernova or collision between massive objects, it would create a charge imbalance in space that could start a sheet of this same kind of charge replication and migration, until the negative side came in contact with the positive side. This would create the mini replication of the Big Bang that we call Gamma Ray Bursts.

The collapse of a massive star, or the collision between two neutron stars or a neutron star and a black hole, can cause a Gamma Ray Burst. But yet the collision between two black holes does not seem to cause a Gamma Ray Burst. This confirms my theory of both black holes and Gamma Ray Bursts. Black holes are "pure" matter where the very structures of matter, including the strings themselves, have been broken down by the extreme gravity so that there are no strings that can break.

These are by far the most powerful explosions in the universe, and occur on a regular basis across the universe, but are, as of yet, unexplained.

Imagine the electron in space. The electron is a concentration of negative charges, held together by energy against like-charge repulsion which is why the electron has mass. The space adjoining it is alternating negative and positive charges. The negatively-charged electron affects those charges in that it pulls the positive charges in space somewhat toward it, and pushes the negative charges in space somewhat away from it.

Now suppose the electron begins to spin, as it does. It's effect on the charges around it will be pulled along with the spin just like the cables attached to the spinning cube in the illustration.

There has to be two possible configurations of the space around it simply because there are two electric charges of which the space is composed, negative and positive. A line of electric charges in space that adjoin the electron might be negative-positive-negative-positive... or it might be positive-negative-positive-negative... Since the two arrangements are equal, the space around the spinning electron must alternate between the two. This is why we see two opposite directions per dimension of space. We might refer to these as up and down, left and right, and backward and forward.

That means that the electron must spin twice before the original configuration of electric charges is restored, and that is why we say that the electron, and all other matter particles composed of a concentration of electric charges, have a spin of 1 / 2.

This makes sense but then how can there be other particles with a spin of 1?

The answer involves the exclusivity of a concentration of like electric charges that are held together by energy, such as electrons. If we bring two electrons close together, they will repel each other because like electric charges repel. That is what makes them exclusive, and no two electrons in the same atom can have the same four quantum numbers for the same reason.

The reason that matter doesn't just pass through other matter is electron repulsion. As the atoms of the two pieces of matter come in contact, the negative charges in the electrons of each repel each other. This is why you can stand on the floor without passing right into the floor, since the interior of an atom is by far mostly empty space.

Suppose that there was an electron of concentrated positive charges, instead of negative. What if we brought that together with the usual electron?

There actually is a positively-charged electron. It is called a positron. But it is the antimatter version of an electron. Antimatter is the same as ordinary matter except that the electric charges are reversed. If we brought the two together, both would vanish in a great burst of energy as the negative and positive charges composing each react and rearrange themselves back into the alternating negative and positive charges of empty space, and the energy that was holding the like charges of each together is released.

So if everything, space and matter, is composed of electric charges and if particles that are "exclusive" are composed of concentrated like charges, held together by the energy of the mass-energy equivalence, then the only remaining source of any other kind of particle is the electromagnetic waves that can carry energy across space. These waves are a displacement of the alternating negative and positive electric charges that make up space, but not a concentration of the charges in the same way as matter. Matter is one dimensional but has mass, electromagnetic radiation exchanges the mass for it's second dimension.

Such a wave would have to be two-dimensional because they have two specific components, wavelength and amplitude. Since we are composed of atoms, which have electrons in their orbitals, the only way that we can sense or see things must involve electrons. But, in my cosmology theory, electrons are one-dimensional strings in four-dimensional space that we perceive as particles because we can only see three of these dimensions, the other we perceive as time.

But if waves are two-dimensional, and the electrons by which we must receive the waves are one-dimensional, that means that there must be one dimension of the wave remaining after the electrons in our eyes or measuring equipment absorb the energy of one of the two dimensions of the wave, which is the only way that we can see or sense anything.

Since particles, such as electrons, are really one-dimensional strings, and since one dimension of a two-dimensional wave must remain after our electrons have absorbed the energy of the other dimension of the wave, that means there must be one-dimensional remnants of waves that would seem to us to be particles, such as photons. This explains why light is said to have both a wave and a particle nature.

However, unlike particles of matter such as electrons, these "particles" of electromagnetic waves are not concentrations of either negative or positive charge. They are a displacement of the usual checkerboard pattern of alternating charges but there is no reason for them to have more negative or more positive charge.

These are just mass-less and charge-less one-dimensional packets of energy. But that would mean that they would not have the same effect on the electric charges of the surrounding space, as the electron described above. This also means that they would not be exclusive, many of them could pass through the same space with minimal effect on one another. Without this effect, there would be no reason for them to have to spin twice to get back to the same configuration of surrounding electric charges.

This is why they have a spin of 1, and this mystery of spin is explained so neatly by this cosmology theory.


The matter from the Big Bang was thrown across four dimensions of space. We can see three of the four, the other we perceive as time. This is because what we see as particles of matter, which have the spin of 1 / 2, are actually strings in four dimensional space. We see them as particles in three-dimensional space because our consciousness moves along the bundles of strings comprising our bodies and brains, at what we perceive as the speed of light, and we can only see in perpendicular directions one moment at a time.

This mystery of particle spin is all a simple matter of these four dimensions. In my cosmological theory, matter consists of one-dimensional strings of like electric charges, held together against the usual like-charge repulsion by energy. When this rotates what is happening is that the points on it's surface are moving in a perpendicular direction to the direction of alignment of the string. This means that the rotation, as we perceive it, of the one-dimensional string involves two dimensions.

But there are four dimensions of space. The rotation, or spin, of the string of matter involves only two of these dimensions. Two is half of four and that is why the string, as the particle as we perceive it, has a spin of 1 / 2. How much simpler could it be?

Everything that is spinning has a spin of 1 from it's own perspective. The only way that it could be seen differently is from the perspective of the surrounding space, and it would only be different if there were somehow a different number of dimensions involved, and there would only be a different number of dimensions involved if this cosmological theory of mine is correct.

Something cannot be seen as having a spin of 1 as seen in four dimensions if the spin only involves two dimensions. It will have to spin twice to get back to the original configuration. This is not true from it's own perspective but only from the perspective of the surrounding dimensions of space.

The particles, as we see them, that have the spin of 1 / 2 are the particles of matter, the leptons and hadrons that are collectively known as fermions. But there are other particles that have a spin of 1, these are known as bosons. The best-known boson is a photon, a "particle" of light. A spin of 1 / 2 means it has to spin twice to get back to the same configuration, relative to space. A spin of 1 means it only has to spin once.

All electromagnetic radiation is waves. Individual waves must have two dimensions because they have two components, wavelength (or frequency) and amplitude. But it is often said that light has a particle nature as well as a wave nature. What happens is that the only way we can receive light or other electromagnetic radiation is through it's interaction with electrons which, in my cosmological theory, are one-dimensional strings. This interaction means the electron, in our eyes or instruments, absorbing the energy of one of the two dimensions of the electron. This leaves the other dimension of the light wave as what we see as a one-dimensional particle, similar in form to a particle like an electron.

In this cosmological theory everything, both space and matter, is composed of near-infinitesimal negative and positive electric charges. Space is an alternating checkerboard of negative and positive in multiple dimensions, since the basic rules of the charges are that opposite charges attract while like charges repel. But a concentration of like charges can be held together by energy, and that is what strings of matter are. Energy is equivalent to mass, as pointed out by Einstein, and the energy holding the like charges of matter together is the familiar Mass-Energy Equivalence.

Electromagnetic waves are caused by the opposite of mass because they are energy, not holding a concentration of like charges together like matter, but overcoming the attraction between opposite charges in space. The waves seem to be electromagnetic because they disturb the otherwise perfectly alternating pattern of electric charges in space. These charges comprising space usually balance out to zero but the underlying electromagnetism is exposed by the disturbing action of the wave.

But this means that while fundamental strings of matter are a concentration of a single electric charge, either positive or negative, the photons contain both electric charges although not in the perfectly alternating checkerboard pattern of empty space. The dimensions of space are composed of electric charges. Remember that the two dimensional sheet of space from which matter formed was out of alignment, or non-contiguous, with the surrounding background space.

So this means that a one-dimensional string of matter is one charge moving in one perpendicular dimension as it spins. While a one-dimensional remnant of an electromagnetic wave is two charges moving in one perpendicular dimension as it spins. Again, each spin thus involves two dimensions.

The math is simple. Two dimensions x one electric charge = 2. Two dimensions x two electric charges = 4. We can multiply electric charges by dimensions because dimensions of space are themselves composed of electric charges.

There are four dimensions of space involved. For matter, 4 / 2 = 2. For photons, or other bosons, 4 / 4 = 1. So particles of matter seem to have to spin twice to get back to the original configuration while bosons only have to spin once.

Consider the example of a square. We are aware that the square is two-dimensional so that we can go from one corner to the diagonally opposite corner in one movement. But suppose that there was someone who could be aware of only one dimension. They could not cross the square diagonally as we did. They would have to go along one side of the square to the corner, and then along the perpendicular side of the square from there to get to where we are. We would require only one movement to cross the square, but they would require two.

That is what particles are like with regard to rotation. The dimensions within which the particles, actually strings in four dimensions, rotate are composed of electric charges. Bosons contain both electric charges while matter particles contain only one or the other. That is why rotating bosons only have to spin once to get back to the same original configuration while particles of matter have to spin twice.


Possibly the greatest mystery anywhere is why so much about subatomic particles revolves around threes and thirds. This is information and it must come from somewhere.

Three quarks make up a hadron, a proton or neutron, which forms the nucleus of the atom. There are three generations of quarks, although only the first generation is vitally important to the ordinary matter of the universe. Electric charges in the first generation of quarks are in thirds. An up quark has a charge of +2/3 and a down quark has a charge of -1/3. Two up quarks and a down quark make up a proton, with an overall charge of +1. Two down quarks and an up quark make a neutron, with an overall charge of zero. In the theory of Quantum Chromodynamics, which describes how quarks operate, quarks come in three "colors".

The threes continue with leptons, which is the class of particles that electrons belong to. There are three generations of electrons although, as with quarks, only the first generation is important to ordinary matter. There are also three generations of neutrinos. The difference between generations in quarks and leptons is mass, but not electric charge. The first generation is the lightest, the second is heavier, and the third heavier still.

This cosmology theory has a simple explanation of this mystery of threes. In our familiar space there are two opposite directions in each of the three dimensions. We might refer to these as up and down, left and right and, back and front. But there is nothing written in stone that there has to be two opposite directions per dimension. There are two directions because space is composed of two electric charges, which act as two points of information. From any given point in space on one side is a positive charge and the other a negative, so there must be these two opposite directions per dimension.

The two rules that describes the operation of these electric charges are 1) opposite charges attract and 2) like charges repel. In this theory matter is formed by energy overcoming the mutual repulsion between like charges so that the charges can be grouped together into charged particles, such as electrons and quarks. As described above this energy is what gives the matter it's mass and is called the Mass Energy Equivalence. Upon a matter-antimatter reaction the energy is released and the charges rearrange into the checkerboard pattern of negative and positive charges that comprise empty space. In a nuclear reaction only a few percent of the mass is turned into energy.

But this overcoming of one of the rules of electric charges, but not the other, creates more "freedom" of movement. It also creates a higher information state, due to the imbalance, and the information must be somehow manifested. The one remaining rule of electric charges stands out, because there is nothing to balance it.

What it does is create a third opposite direction per dimension. There are still the same number of dimensions but with three opposite directions each, rather than two. The two electric charges, and the one unbalanced rule that goes with them, means three basic points of information, and so this must be reflected in three opposite directions per dimension.

Another way to think of it is in terms of the basic forces of nature. The earth is sensitive only to gravity. Since gravity is a purely attractive force if the earth could think it would see only one direction per dimension, the direction of gravitational pull. We are sensitive to both gravity and electromagnetism so we see two directions per dimension. The nucleus of an atom is also sensitive to the strong nuclear force so it sees three directions per dimension. Each basic force is a point of information.

This only applies for actually inside subatomic particles, quarks and electrons. The inside of an atom is mostly empty space and when dealing with the orbitals of electrons, for example, we are still dealing with space and there are still only two opposite directions per dimension.

We receive all of our information about quantum physics by electromagnetic radiation, and it's effect on electrons. But if we could get actually inside subatomic particles electromagnetic radiation would cease to be a factor. There would only be the direct effect of electric charges. 

Electromagnetic radiation is charge-neutral. This means that if an electromagnetic wave is formed by a moving electric charge, the wave would be the same whether the moving charge was positive or negative. But the direct effect of electric charges is not charge-neutral. We are dependent on the effect on electrons, in our eyes and equipment, for information. Electrons are negatively charged and, since the mutual repulsion between like charges has been overcome by energy, are affected more by positive charges inside the charged particles that compose matter.

We cannot actually get inside the charged particles and are dependent on space so we, and our equipment, can see only two of the three dimensions. Being dependent on negatively charged electrons, our vision will favor positive charges.

This is why there are three generations of electrons, quarks and, neutrinos, but all we usually perceive is the first generation. Although we can detect the other two generations of each.

This is why the up and down quarks are seen as having electric charges of +2/3 and -1/3. We can only ever see through two of the three directions per dimension, since we have to see through space, and positive charges are favored, since we can only "see" with negatively charged electrons.

This is why there are three "colors" of quarks in the well-established theory of Quantum Chromodynamics. The three "colors" of the quarks, and the gluons that they exchange, must balance out to zero. The three "colors" are actually three directions along which the quark and gluon can be aligned.

Since there are three directions per dimension, with regard to quarks, and we can only see two of those directions, this is why the system of Quantum Chromodynamics appears to be relatively simple but ends up being so complicated that it is very difficult to use.

The following diagram shows, on the right, from Point A there has to be two directions in the up and down dimension because one direction begins with a positive charge and the other a negative charge. On the left, if we were actually inside a subatomic particle, such as a quark or electron, there would be three opposite directions per dimension.



We know that carbon is a small atom, which shares it's outer electrons when forming molecular bonds, but why is it such a very special atom for the covalent bonds which it forms? Carbon atoms use the energy of the sun to build the very complex structures of living things out of carbon atoms, along with other plentiful atoms such as hydrogen and oxygen.

Valence bonds are one of two types of molecular bond between atoms. In valence bonds, atoms combine into molecules by sharing electrons between them, whereas in ionic bonds one atom loses an electron to another so that the two are held together as a molecule because one has a net negative charge and the other a net positive charge. Living things have their biological structures based on valence bonds.

Valence bonds favor small atoms with four electrons in the outer electron orbital shell. By one account that I read, carbon is capable of forming thirty-five times as many different molecular bonds than all other elements combined. I find that this requires some really special explanation.

Another thing that is special about carbon is that, even though it is a light atom (atomic number 6), it also forms the hardest known material which is diamond. This also requires some special explanation.

What is so special about carbon is that it has four electrons in it's outer orbital shell, with the remaining two in the inner shell. There is no atom with just four electrons in it's only shell. Carbon is the lightest atom with four electrons in the outer shell.

Silicon is also capable of forming complex molecular structures, although not quite as complex as carbon. We see that silicon also has four electrons in it's outer shell, so clearly this must be an important factor in producing complex molecular structures. Rock is basically a compound of silicon and oxygen.

This brings us back to the question of why chemistry revolves so much around four electrons. My belief is that it is because the matter with which we are familiar was thrown out by the Big Bang across four dimensions of space, one of which we perceive as time. The maximum number of electrons that an atom can have in it's outermost shell is 8. Since electrons operate in pairs, each with a spin opposite that of the other, this gives us four electron pairs. This is one pair for each spatial dimension, one for each of the two directions in that dimension.

The maximum number of electrons that can exist in any shell in any atom is 32, this is because they are held in by back pressure by electron repulsion from electrons in orbitals above. 32 is a multiple of 4, 4 x 4 x 2 = 32. This is, once again, because the matter occupies four spatial dimensions. The fourth dimension we perceive as time. If we occupied only three spatial dimensions, we would see electrons revolving around the number 3.

What about the so-called "octet rule" in chemistry? The outer electrons in molecules tend to arrange themselves so that there are eight outer electrons in the molecular structure. Once again, this gives us one electron pair for each of the four dimensions.

Each of the four spatial dimensions has two opposite directions from any given point. With four dimensions and four electrons in it's outer orbital shell, carbon can contribute one electron in one direction of each dimension, and receive one from an adjacent atom from the opposite direction in that dimension. This would provide a maximum bond structure, with no space left unfilled, and this accounts for the supreme hardness of diamond. If space really consisted only of the three dimensions that we perceive, then this maximum bonding would take place with three outer electrons in an atom.

If there were really only three spatial dimensions, there would be a maximum of six outer electrons per atoms, and there would be only six columns in the Periodic Table of the Elements, instead of the eight that there are now.

The amazing valency of carbon, which is responsible for all biological structures, and the supreme hardness of diamond, is explained by the fact that the matter which composes our universe is distributed over four dimensions, rather than the three that we see, and this is one of the foundations of my cosmological theory. This shows, once again, how this cosmological theory explains so much that has not yet been explained about the nature of the universe.


There must be a considerable amount of energy stored within metals simply because of the "delocalized" outer electrons which, unlike in non-metals, are shared among many atoms of the metal instead of being confined to orbitals around only one atom. The large number of atoms in the metal which share electrons make up what is known as a crystal. It is this surface of delocalized electrons that gives metals the properties that are different from non-metals.

This crystal arrangement with the shared electrons explains the physical properties of metals. They tend to bend, rather than break, when force is applied. Metals tend to melt, rather than burn, when heat is applied. The metallic luster can be explained by the reflection of light by the mass of delocalized electrons between atoms. Metals are typically ductile, meaning that they can be shaped or drawn into wire, because the relative positions of the crystals can be changed.

Metals also tend to conduct electricity. This has been explained by potential higher energy delocalized orbitals, which ordinarily remain empty. These higher orbitals, or bands, extend throughout the entire volume of the metal. When a voltage pressure is applied to the metal, delocalized electrons gain the energy necessary to enter these higher energy orbitals and this causes the current to flow.

The first thing that becomes clear by just a glance at the periodic table is that the closer to being full is the outermost shell of electron orbitals, and the greater the number of electrons in the outer shell relative to the total number of electrons in the atom, the more likely the element will be a non-metal. In reactions, metals tend to lose outer electrons while non-metals tend to gain them. The heavier an element is, the more likely it is to be a metal.

We could say that the higher the proportion of an element’s electrons are in the outer shell, the more likely is the element to be a non-metal. This makes sense because we can see by their relative positions on the periodic table that metals tend to lose electrons in reactions, while non-metals gain them.

The vast majority of atoms in the universe are non-metallic simply because atoms like hydrogen and helium are so numerous. But the vast majority of elements in the periodic table are metals, only the upper right corner of the periodic table are non-metals. The heavier an element is, the more likely it is to be a metal because this means that there will be more electron shells in the atoms and so there will be a lower proportion of it's electrons in the outermost shell. This means that sharing these outermost electrons among other atoms in a metallic crystal will not be precluded by the local charge imbalance that will result.

Remember one of the central principles of my cosmological theory. The universe always seeks the lowest energy state. This is why an object will fall to the ground if you drop it. It requires less energy to have it resting on the ground than to maintain it's position in the air. But the lowest energy state is not the top priority of the universe. The top priority is charge balance, that all negative and positive charges balance out. Only when that is achieved will the universe seek the lowest energy state.

In non-metals, there cannot be the outer shell of delocalized electrons shared among a crystal as in non-metals because that would create too much local charge imbalance because it would represent too high of a proportion of the total electrons in the atom being much further away from the nucleus. But with larger atoms, which have a lower proportion of their electrons in the outermost shell, electrons can be shared among the large number of atoms in the crystal.

Since these shared outer electrons in the metal encompass more space than if they were in the outer orbitals of individual atoms, my reasoning is that they must hold more energy than the atoms of non-metals since, in an orbit, this is what defines the orbital energy.

We know that there is energy in the molecular bonds between atoms. In covalent bonds, as opposed to ionic bonds in which one atom simply loses an electron to another, two or more atoms share an electron so that it binds the atoms together into a molecule. It takes energy to form the bond, and then the energy is released if the bond is broken.

The requirement for energy to form the bond is because higher altitude above the nucleus means higher energy levels. An electron that orbits two atoms must be at a higher orbital than if it was in an orbital around only one of the atoms. It is the same principle with orbits around a planet, if a spacecraft in orbit is given a burst of energy then it will rise to a higher orbit.

This is why it takes an input of energy to put the electron in the higher orbital, so that it binds the atoms together, and that the excess energy is released if the molecular bond should be broken. The result is that energy is released by the burning of fossil fuels or wood, and also by the digestion of food. Energy from the sun that was absorbed by plants went to form molecular structures of carbon atoms, and those molecular bonds are broken and the energy released by burning or digestion.

This must mean that there is considerably more energy stored within the crystalline structure of metals than there would be if the atoms were separated. The energy was inputted in the center of the star which fused the atoms of the metal together from smaller atoms. The energy originated with the kinetic energy of the gravitational mass of the star, which could ultimately be traced back to the Big Bang.

I was mystified as to where this "metallic energy" came from. The conclusion that I have since come to is the reason that there is clearly this energy in metals is that it has not been overcome by charge imbalance like it has in non-metals. More accurately, being metals are the more natural state of atoms than being non-metals. This must be true even though the lightest original atoms, which began the universe, were non-metals.

Being a metal must be the "preferred state" of atoms, because the electrons in the outermost shell get the chance to "stretch out" over a large number of atoms, instead of remaining in an orbital around only one, then that is what they will do, as long as they are not prevented by the local charge imbalance that it creates. It is only when the high proportion of electrons of non-metals are in the outer orbital that this cannot take place because having all of these electrons further away from the nucleus would create too much local charge imbalance.

Aside from electron orbitals "stretching out" in forms that are closer to straight lines in metallic crystals, the average electron also has a path that is closer to a straight line when small atoms undergo fusion into larger atoms. This is because an orbital in a larger atom is a wider circle, and thus closer to being a straight line.

This brings us to my cosmology theory.

Remember that electrons are really strings which started out as straight lines in the primordial two-dimensional sheet before the Big Bang, before being pulled into orbitals in atoms by the electric charges. When these electron strings "get the chance" they revert back, at least in a partial way, to their former state of being straight line strings. Being in an orbital around the large number of atoms in a metallic crystal is much closer to their original state of straight line strings than being in a tight orbital around a single atom.

The "energy" that I referred to as "metallic energy" is actually that which gets overcome by the local charge imbalance that it creates around the nuclei in metallic crystals, because there are more protons in the nucleus than there are electrons nearby because the outer electrons that would be in the atom are the delocalized ones, to pull the outer electrons away from their more natural state of being closer to straight lines and wrap them in orbitals around a single atom, as in non-metals.


I have often pointed out how a large-scale structure must reflect the nature of it's "building blocks", or components. This is because there is only a limited amount of information available with which to construct the universe. The Big Bang, which began the universe, was a relatively simple event, and all of the information in the universe, except for living things which I believe to be a creation of God, must have come from the Big Bang. This is why the universe, on a large scale, has such uniformity of arrangement and in the laws of physics. There was not enough information available to make it otherwise. It is also why every atom of a given element is exactly like every other atom of that element, with the exception of ions and isotopes.

The ideal example of how a large-scale structure must reflect the nature of it's building blocks is in the spheres and orbits that are so pervasive across the universe. Electrons are in orbitals around atoms, which form spheres, and the stars, planets and, moons that are formed from these atoms are also shaped like spheres and orbit one another in much the same way that electrons orbit the nuclei of atoms. The reason is simply the limits on available information. The behavior of the large-scale astronomical objects must reflect that of the atoms of which they are composed because that is the only information available.

Spheres are the dominant form of matter in the universe because the electric charges of which the universe is composed contain a certain amount of information, and this information is used to construct spherical atoms, which then finds it's way into the astronomical bodies that are composed of those atoms.

But where did orbits come from? The pattern of one body in orbit around another, from electrons around nuclei to planets around stars, is one of the most fundamental patterns of the universe. Yet, we see nothing in the Big Bang to introduce this orbital pattern into the universe, and this is where all of the original information must have come from. The Big Bang was a throwing outward of matter across space, which only later began to form the orbital pattern. This seems to leave no explanation of where orbits came from.

Now, suppose that we could see in four dimensions instead of only three. Orbits, either of electrons around nuclei or planets around stars, would appear as waves. The only difference is that the wave would have an additional dimension, a third dimension relative to a sine wave, so that it would appear as a spiral pattern.

A wave motion is the only way for energy to travel through space. Space is composed of a multi-dimensional checkerboard of negative and positive electric charges, and when energy is applied to it the result is that it distorts this checkerboard pattern by pulling opposite charges further apart. The distortion affects the charges of space further away from the source so that the distortion moves out into space according to the rules of the Inverse Square Law. Whatever charge arrangement in the checkerboard pattern of charges is producing the distortion must be reflected in the distortion, and this is what creates the wave motion. This means that the only way for energy to be transmitted across space is by a wave motion and this pattern, like that of the sphere, is from the information in the fundamental electric charges.

When the big Bang happened, the energy that was in the one dimension of the two dimensional sheet that disintegrated was released in three ways. Some was released as electromagnetic radiation across space, some went into "welding" the lines of the remaining dimension together into strings of matter, the rest went into throwing these strings of matter out across space. Some bundles of these strings of matter became our earth and ourselves.

But remember that the Big Bang was a relatively simple event, leaving only a limited amount of information with which to construct the universe. As we have seen, large-scale structures are constructed with whatever information is available. A primary element of the Big Bang is the energy that went into the strings of matter and, energy can only travel across space in the form of waves. Shouldn't we expect that the information conveyed in these waves would find it's way into the universe that we see today?

The way I see it, orbits are the manifestation of the waves of energy that went into the strings of matter at the Big Bang. We see orbits as circular because we can only see in three dimensions. If we could see in the dimension of space that we perceive as time, we would see orbits as the waves that they really are. We would see waves in everything, including the quarks of protons and neutrons entwined around one another and atoms and molecules entwined around one another, which we perceive as heat.

These waves of electromagnetic radiation from the Big Bang formed matter, and so must show up in, the strings of matter which resulted. Since larger bodies, such as astronomical objects, are formed of the atoms which are composed of these strings, their nature must also show up in them because that is the only information available. This means that planetary orbits are also the result of the original electromagnetic waves.

The waves of energy from the disintegrated dimension of the original two-dimensional sheet of space, which formed matter as we know it, also provided the basic pattern information of spheres and orbits within that matter. This shows that the matter of our universe must occupy four dimensions, even though we can see only three, because the form of electromagnetic waves are imprinted on the matter in the dimension that we cannot access. This causes us to see orbits as circles or ellipses, rather than as waves. But this shows that, not only must there be another spatial dimension, matter must be strings rather than particles for waves to be imprinted on it like this, and so this must mean that we experience this fourth dimension of space as time just as explained in this theory.


Let's take a close look at why you can see things and get warmth from the sun. In other words, why do we have electromagnetic radiation?

My cosmology theory is that what we now see as matter must have actually began with a two-dimensional sheet of space that formed within the multi-dimensional background space. Both the sheet and the background space began with electric charges. It started with one electrical charge, but that left a charge imbalance so that charged induced an opposite charge next to it, which then induced a copy of the first charge next to it, and so on in multiple dimensions. Thus, space is a near-infinity of infinitesimal alternating negative and positive electric charges.

The following diagram shows how the universe began with a single electric charge, whether negative or positive. But the most important rule in the universe is that the two electric charges must always balance out. So what happened is that the first electric charge induced opposite charges on either side of it. But this still left an imbalance so opposite charges were induced on opposite sides of those. The mutual induction continued in multiple dimensions. There would always be an imbalance as the mutual induction continued endlessly because there were two electric charges but there would always be an odd number of total charges. This formed a multi-dimensional checkerboard of alternating negative and positive charges in multiple dimensions. The following diagram shows the process, starting at the top.

The two-dimensional sheet of space, not being coordinated with the multi-dimensional background space, became folded until one side came into contact with the other. Charge migration had taken place in the two-dimensional sheet, in order to bring it to a lower energy state, so that one side was positive and the other side negative. Such charge migration could not take place in the surrounding multi-dimensional background space because there were too many dimensions to coordinate the charge migration together. There may even be an infinite number of spatial dimensions, but the matter of which we and our universe is composed was thrown across only four dimensions, one of which we experience as time, by the Big Bang, and so those are the only dimensions that we can access.

It created a lower energy state, as shown in the following diagram, due to the attraction and repulsion of the electric charges in the surrounding background space, for charge migration to take place in the two dimensional sheet of space, mostly positive charges to one side and negative to the other. Mixed charges were in the middle. Electrons formed from the far negative side and positrons from the far positive side.

This contact caused the sheet of space to disintegrate in the matter-antimatter mutual annihilation that we perceive as the Big Bang, which began the universe as we know it. But the two-dimensional sheet of space only disintegrated in only one of it's two dimensions because it was only that pair of opposite sides which came into contact. The remaining one dimension of the two-dimensional sheet became the one-dimensional strings of electric charges of which matter is composed.

The following diagram shows that one dimensional strings of like charges With positive charges shifted to one side of the two-dimensional sheet, and negative charges to the other side, and with the charge pattern of the sheet not aligned with the checkerboard of the background space, the negative side of the sheet came in contact with the positive side. This produced the tremendous matter-antimatter mutual annihilation that we refer to as the Big Bang.

Since the sheet was not in alignment with the checkerboard charge pattern of the background space this represented information, and information is really the same thing as energy. One dimension of the two dimensional sheet, the sides that came into contact, disintegrated. This dimension became energy, and this introduced energy into the universe. In the diagram strings of matter, whether negative or positive, are seen in red. The checkerboard pattern of the surrounding background space is seen in black.

The like charges of the matter charges are held together, against their mutual repulsion, by some of the energy that was released by the Big Bang. This internal energy in matter is what we refer to as the Mass-Energy Equivalence. It is also described by Einstein's famous formula, E = MC squared, which basically means that a little bit of matter contains a tremendous amount of energy. Other energy from the Big Bang went into throwing the matter out across space, and some of it we can still detect as radiation from the Big Bang.

Another mystery that it explains, and that proves it is correct, is the spin of neutrinos as they move through space. Neutrinos spin to their left, relative to the direction of travel, while antineutrinos, the antimatter version of the neutrino, spins to it's right. This is from the two dimensional sheet after charge migration had taken place, because it cannot otherwise be explained.

Face your palms toward each other and curl the fingers of both hands. The fingers of one hand curl to the left and the other to the right. That is because the two sides of the two dimensional sheet that came into contact approached each other from opposite directions.

But if the Big Bang can happen once, you may wonder why it couldn't happen again. Maybe it does. If a string, such as an electron, should break, due to some traumatic event such as a supernova or collision between massive objects, it would create a charge imbalance in space that could start a sheet of this same kind of charge replication and migration, until the negative side came in contact with the positive side. This would create the mini replication of the Big Bang that we call Gamma Ray Bursts.

The collapse of a massive star, or the collision between two neutron stars or a neutron star and a black hole, can cause a Gamma Ray Burst. But yet the collision between two black holes does not seem to cause a Gamma Ray Burst. This confirms my theory of both black holes and Gamma Ray Bursts. Black holes are "pure" matter where the very structures of matter, including the strings themselves, have been broken down by the extreme gravity so that there are no strings that can break.

These are by far the most powerful explosions in the universe, and occur on a regular basis across the universe, but are, as of yet, unexplained.

These strings were hurled out across four dimensions of the multi-dimensional background space by the explosion of the Big Bang. Our consciousnesses are moving along the bundle of strings composing our bodied and brains, and we can only see perpendicular to the direction in which the strings are aligned. This is why we see and move in only three of the four dimensions, we perceive matter as composed of particles rather than strings and, we perceive the movement of our consciousness along the strings as time. Our consciousness moves at what we perceive as the speed of light so that this seems to us to be the maximum possible speed.

Remember that a basic presumption of science is that we have an unbiased view of the world around us, and we can completely rely on our measurements and observations. My theory is that we do not have an unbiased view of the universe. We are part of the universe and see it as we do not only because of what it is but also because of what we are. This may not make a difference in other sciences but it does make a difference in cosmology and Quantum Physics, which is about the very nature of the universe.
We can only see and move in three of the four spatial dimensions, the other we perceive as time. In the following diagram, if the bundle of strings comprising our bodies and brains is represented by line A, our consciousnesses is moving in the direction of the red arrow at what we perceive as the speed of light. The dashed red line represents the present, and the three dimensions that we can see in it. 

If a bundle of strings, represented by line B, is aligned parallel to ours we will see it as an object at rest. But since we see in only three dimensions it will appear as an object, such as a sphere, C. A bundle of strings aligned like D will appear as an object moving toward us and E like an object moving away from us. 

The greater the angle the faster it will appear to be moving, at a right angle it will appear to be moving at the speed of light. Electromagnetic radiation, F, is only transmitted or received at right angles to the strings which is why it appears to be moving at the speed of light.

We can prove this with ordinary trigonometry. It is known that an object moving with twice the velocity will impact with four times the force. In this theory an object is represented by a straight level line if it is at rest and a diagonal line if it is moving, like the base and diagonal of a right triangle. The secant, the inverse of the cosine, is the function that shows how much the length of the hypotenuse increases, relative to the base. The secant of 1 degree is 1.0001523. The secant of 2 degrees is 1.00060954. When the angle, which represents velocity, is doubled the increase in length, which represents mass or impact force, is multiplied by four. This only applies at low angles or velocities and not those approaching the speed of light.

But why would velocity, which is a one dimensional line, operate by the Inverse Square Law when a square requires two dimensions? It is because, as shown in the diagram above, velocity is really an angle and the square is because of the area under the line at the angle. Why should there be squares in so many physics formulas that involve only one dimensional movement or change? Because there is another dimension of space that we can't see but perceive as time.

The universe is composed of space, matter and, energy. The space is the original multi-dimensional background space. Matter is one dimension of the two-dimensional sheet, composed of one dimensional strings that we perceive as particles such as electrons. Energy is the other dimension of the two-dimensional sheet, the dimension that dissolved in the Big Bang. There is tension between the alternating opposite charges in space, and in this tension is energy. When one dimension of the two-dimensional sheet dissolved, this energy was released and it is all of the energy that is in the universe today.

If the universe always seeks the lowest energy state, then where did all of this extra energy come from? The universe does seek the lowest energy state, but that is not it's first priority. The first priority of the universe is charge balance, making sure that there is always an equal number of negative and positive charges. It will bring about more charges, by opposite charge induction, if necessary to achieve charge balance. There is energy in the tension between adjacent charges that is being created as this happens, but this energy can be created because the first priority is charge balance. This is more important to the universe than seeking the lowest energy state.

This must mean that the matter and energy in the universe is equivalent, because each is one of the two dimensions of the original two-dimensional sheet. Indeed, there is the well-known equivalency of matter and energy. The more mass something has, the more energy is in it. Some of the energy of the Big Bang went into fusing the infinitesimal electric charges of space into strings of matter. Since the two-dimensional sheet of space was not coordinated with the surrounding multi-dimensional space, the energy released by the disintegration of one dimension of the sheet always goes into opposing the basic rules of negative and positive electric charges, that opposite charges attract while like charges repel.

The following diagram shows how a two dimensional sheet of space formed that was within, but not contiguous with, the multi-dimensional background space. This lack of contiguity was information, and information is really the same thing as energy. This two dimensional sheet would be the source of matter and energy, everything in the universe except space. It would be a lower information state for it to occupy a 45 degree angle, relative to the charge alignment of the background space, so the discontinuity, relative to the checkerboard pattern of the background space, would be equal on both sides of the sheet.

If matter and energy are equivalent, and both were equal dimensions of the original two-dimensional sheet of space that formed within the multi-dimensional background space, then there must be just enough energy in the universe to hold all of the matter together. The matter of the universe was thrown out across space by the Big Bang, that means that there must be some leftover energy somewhere because the matter of the universe is no longer all together. Just as, if a large atom is split by fission, so that it is no longer all together as one, energy must be released. It is my conclusion that this leftover energy shows up as electromagnetic radiation.

Much of the matter that was thrown out as particles (actually strings) from the Big Bang has come back together again to form atoms, and structures of matter that are composed of atoms. When this happens, the energy that the component particles were originally thrown outward with must somehow be incorporated into these structures. We see this in the binding energy of the nuclei of atoms and the energy in the electron orbitals of atoms. When atoms come together to form larger-scale structures, there is also energy in the electron repulsion between adjacent atoms.

Energy opposes the rules of electric charges within matter, which is why matter can exist. My theory defines space as an alternating pattern of positive and negative charges, and matter as any concentration of these charges. There must be enough energy in the universe to hold all of the matter together, because matter and energy are both from opposite dimensions of the original two-dimensional sheet.

Energy originated with the tension between the adjacent opposite charges that comprised the two-dimensional sheet. But when the matter of the universe is not all together, as it certainly is not now, then the excess energy must go somewhere. At the level of the fundamental electric charges, all energy must go into "doing" something, there is no such thing as energy inefficiency at this level or the levels of atoms as there is in man-made machines.

What this means is simple. Energy opposes the rules of attraction and repulsion in the fundamental electric charges. If it is not opposing the rules of the charges in matter, because the matter is not all together, then it must do so in space. This is exactly what electromagnetic radiation does, it is a distortion in a wave pattern of the otherwise perfectly alternating electric charges of which space is composed..

The energy in electromagnetic radiation opposite charges further apart. It spreads out across space as a wave, and as defined as the Inverse Square Law. But charge displacement must ultimately balance out in both waves and atoms. The energy wave can be of a wide variety of wavelengths, depending on the nature of it's source. When matter and antimatter are brought together, the mass of both disappears as the electric charges composing them goes back into the alternating pattern of space and the fantastic burst of energy that is released is the energy that was holding the charges of both together. Mass can be converted into electromagnetic radiation, such as if we bring matter and antimatter together, but the displacement of electric charges remains the same. The energy would just go from overcoming the repulsive force between like charges to overcoming the attractive force between opposite charges.

But how about atoms? If matter originated with a two-dimensional sheet of space, composed of alternating electric charges with negligible thickness, then why are atoms three-dimensional?

The way to explain this is that atoms are composed of particles (actually strings) that were thrown outward by the explosion of the Big Bang, but that came back together in space. But since these particles (strings) came back together across multi-dimensional space, they also incorporated the nature of that space. This is why we perceive atoms as spheres of three equal dimensions, instead of the two-dimensional sheet of space from which the matter in atoms originated.

If particles (actually strings) composed of negative and positive electric charges are thrown outward by the Big Bang, but then fall back together to form atoms, then where does the energy that originally went into throwing them out across space go? Energy always opposes the basic rules of electric charges, so there can be no energy in the ordinary interaction of opposite charges because this would not be opposing the basic rules of the charges. The energy is in the electron orbitals of the atoms and then, when smaller atoms are crunched together into larger atoms in stars, in the binding energy that holds like-charged protons together in the nucleus.

But why do electron orbitals enclose as much space as they do, between the electron in orbit and the nucleus? We know that the vast majority of an atom is empty space, the nucleus occupies something like a trillionth of the total volume of the atom and the electrons in the orbitals are dimensionless pinpoints. By far, the vast majority of an atom is empty space.

The following diagram shows how a positively charged proton and a negatively charged electron move toward each other by opposite charge attraction to form an atom. But the two do not continue until they crash together. What happens is that the two stop at a certain distance from each other and the electron goes into an orbital around the proton to form a hydrogen atom. But if the two have opposite charges, and opposite charges attract, then why don't they continue until they crash together? Why do they stop with a certain distance still between them?

My cosmology theory explains it as space being composed of the checkerboard of alternating negative and positive electric charges. In the following diagram the positive proton is blue and the negative electron is green. The proton is much larger than the electron, although the charges on the two are opposite but equal. The individual charges of space are displaced, negative charges toward the proton and positive charges toward the electron. This displacement is energy and, when this reaches an equilibrium with the attraction between the proton and electron, the two stop moving toward each other and the electron goes into orbital at a distance around the proton.

This equilibrium depends on the proton being much larger so that more electric charges are between the two. If the proton were the same size as the electron, as the positron of antimatter is, the two will continue together until they mutually annihilate because there will not be enough space that is directly between them.

I have already explained, in this theory, why an electron orbits at a given distance from the opposite-charged nucleus, instead of proceeding all of the way to the nucleus even though they are of opposite charges which mutually attract. The empty space between the two consists of alternating negative and positive charges. The negatively-charged electron pulls the positive charges in the space toward it, and pushes the negative charges of space away, while the positively-charged nucleus does the opposite. But this creates a charge imbalance in the space, because the alternating checkerboard pattern of negative and positive charges is being upset. Like charges are being pushed closer together while opposite charges are being pulled further apart. The approach of the electron toward the nucleus continues until the mutual opposite-charge attraction between the two equals the repulsion of the like-charged charges of space between the two that are being forced together.

Let's take a look at another way of looking at why electron orbitals in atoms enclose as much space as they do.

Both the protons and electrons in atoms are composed of like charges that were forced together by energy, which overcomes the basic rule that like charges repel. This is why an electron has a negative charge and the proton a positive charge, instead of the infinitesimal electric charges of which everything is composed balancing out to zero, as they do in the empty space within the atom.

This then shows us that an atom, with an overall net charge of zero, is the result of an energy balance. Energy always opposes the basic rules of electric charges, that opposite charges attract and like charges repel. There is energy within both electrons and protons because they were originally composed of like charges from the electric charges of space being "welded" together against the rule of like-charge repulsion by the energy from the Big Bang. Negative and positive charges still have to balance out, but energy increases the distance over which they have to balance out.

There is energy in this charge imbalance in the space within the atom because it requires energy to overcome the basic rules of electric charges. There is also energy within both the electrons and the protons in the nucleus because they could only have come about by the fundamental alternating electric charges of space being "welded" ( I can't think of a better word) together by energy in the Big Bang. It seems clear that when the energy of displaced electrical charges in the space enclosed by the electron orbitals is equal to the energy within both the electrons and protons of the nucleus themselves, the electron will halt it's approach to the nucleus and will go into an orbital there because this will give us an energy balance.

This brings us back to the two-dimensional sheet of space, in which one of the dimensions dissolved upon contact with the opposite side, within the multiple dimensions of background space. The way the atom comes together, an electron approaching an oppositely-charged proton until an equilibrium is reached with the distortion of alternating charges in the space between them, shows that the energy that went into "welding" the electron and proton together from negative and positive like-charges that were within the two-dimensional sheet of space which became matter was actually opposing the energy in the tension between alternating opposite charges in the empty space between the electron and proton.

But how can this be unless the source from which matter originated, which I claim is this two-dimensional sheet of space which existed within the background space but was not contiguous with it, was different from that of the background space so that the energy within the two could be in opposition? The energy within the component particles of atoms, protons and electrons, must be in opposition to the energy of the tension between the alternating electric charges of the space between them or else the two would not reach an equilibrium as the electron approaches the proton as the atom forms.

The following diagram shows how a two dimensional sheet of space formed that was within, but not contiguous with, the multi-dimensional background space. This lack of contiguity was information, and information is really the same thing as energy. This two dimensional sheet would be the source of matter and energy, everything in the universe except space. It would be a lower information state for it to occupy a 45 degree angle, relative to the charge alignment of the background space, so the discontinuity, relative to the checkerboard pattern of the background space, would be equal on both sides of the sheet.

Another way we can tell that there was this two-dimensional sheet of space, which was within but yet separate from the multi-dimensional background space is the two forms which the energy released from the Big Bang took. One one hand, energy from the Big Bang was released as electromagnetic waves into space. We can detect this radiation today as seeming to come at us from all directions in space.

(Remember my explanation of why we can detect the radiation from the Big Bang from all directions, but we cannot pinpoint the location of where the Big Bang took place. It is because there must be more dimensions of space then we can see, and the site of the Big Bang lies in the dimension of space that we perceive as time).

But, on the other hand, some of the energy released in the Big Bang went into the "welding" of like charges together, against the law of opposite charge repulsion, into strings of matter such as those we perceive as electrons. This shows that there must have actually been two separate types of space around the Big Bang. One was the usual multi-dimensional space into which energy went as the electromagnetic waves. The other was the remaining dimension of the two-dimensional sheet of space, which existed within the multi-dimensional background space.

The energy released by the Big Bang which encountered this remaining dimension could not continue from there into the background space, as electromagnetic waves, because this space was not contiguous to the multi-dimensional background space. But energy has to oppose the basic rules of electric charges in some way, and so it "welded" the lines of like charges together in the remaining dimension of the two-dimensional sheet into the strings of matter such as those that we perceive as particles such as electrons. Remember that charge migration had taken place in the two-dimensional sheet, to bring it to a lower energy level, so that one side was more negative and the other more positive.

However, this does not completely explain what we see in atoms. What about mass? We know that mass and energy are equivalent, the more mass something has the more energy there must be within it. A proton has an equal, but opposite, electric charge to an electron, but a proton is 1,836 times as massive as an electron. This means that a proton must contain far more energy than an electron, even though it is of equal electric charge. A proton, unlike an electron, is actually composed of quarks so that it is a mixture of electric charges which balances out to +1.

This energy that must be in the proton, due to it's mass, turns up as gravity. We can see that gravity is an attractive force, one of the basic laws of physics. But if the entire universe is composed of positive and negative electric charges, and opposite charges attract while like charges repel, then the attractive and repulsive forces should exactly balance out.

How then could there be a net attractive force, such as gravity? We have seen that gravity exists as a net attractive force, when the total of attractive and repulsive forced should appear to evenly balance out as they do in empty space, because smaller atoms are crunched together into heavier atoms in stars. Binding energy between like-charged protons in the nucleus overcomes repulsive force, which then leaves a net attractive force as gravity.

But how about when there is no binding energy between protons because there is only one proton, in a hydrogen atom? There still must be gravity or hydrogen could not be drawn together to form stars, and crunch lighter atoms together, in the first place.

Remember that protons, as well as neutrons, are composed of three quarks. There are a number of varieties of quark, but by far the most important are up and down quarks. An up quark has an electrical charge of +2/3, and a down quark has a charge of -1/3. Two up quarks and one down quark make a proton, with a net charge of +1, and two down quarks and one up quark make a neutron with a net charge of zero.

Charge migration took place across the original two-dimensional sheet of space, to achieve a lower energy state, so that one side became positively-charged and the other negative. But there could have been no sharp division of negative and positive across the center of the sheet, or this would have effectively been bringing matter and antimatter together. Remember that antimatter is like matter, except that the electrical charges are reversed.

There was a gradual zone of partial charges across most of the center of the sheet and, as the one of the two dimensional bonds of the sheet dissolved in the Big Bang, this is where quarks originated. On either side of the sheet, the charge was entirely negative or positive. The strings on one side of the sheet that are entirely negative are electrons, and those that are entirely positive are antimatter positrons. But as we move toward the center of the sheet, the charges become partial in thirds. +2/3 charges of up quarks on the positive side and -2/3 anti up quarks on the negative side, and -1/3 down quarks on the negative side and +1/3 anti down quarks on the positive side.

It created a lower energy state, as shown in the following diagram, due to the attraction and repulsion of the electric charges in the surrounding background space, for charge migration to take place in the two dimensional sheet of space, mostly positive charges to one side and negative to the other. Mixed charges were in the middle. Electrons formed from the far negative side and positrons from the far positive side.

This explains the reason that a proton is 1,836 times the mass of an electron. Notice that the charges in quarks operate by thirds, and 1,836 is a number that is very divisible by three.

Notice also that the distortion in the alternating pattern of negative and positive electric charges in the space between the electron and nucleus, caused by the approach of the electron toward the nucleus, seems to be the same thing as the distortion in the alternating electric charges of open space when there is electromagnetic radiation. The reason is simple, when an electron ceases orbit around the nucleus for any reason, such as being crunched into a proton by the fusion process within a star to create a neutron, the energy that was formerly in the charge imbalance in the space within the atom between the electron and the nucleus is released into open space, in perpendicular directions, as electromagnetic radiation.

The reason, once again, is that both matter and energy originated from a two-dimensional sheet of space amid the multi-dimensional background space. One dimension became strings of matter and the perpendicular dimension became energy. When energy is within matter, such as the energy in electron orbitals or nuclear binding energy in the nucleus, it is aligned along with the strings of matter along the dimension of space that we perceive as time. But when that energy is released, so that it is no longer held within the matter, it radiates out into the dimensions of space that are perpendicular to the dimension along which the strings of matter are aligned, which we perceive as time. This is because the original sheet had the dimension that became matter and the dimension that became energy perpendicular to each other, and that pattern continues. Matter has mass because it is one-dimensional strings but received energy from the second dimension of the  two-dimensional sheet.

This is why stars shine, and why we get warmth from the sun.

This theory just seems to be able to explain virtually everything about the nature of the universe. Everything just fits right into place.


The amount of weight that a magnet can lift is rooted in the nature of the universe.

My observation is that the universe has two priorities. The first priority is that the total number of negative and positive electric charges in the universe, of which everything is ultimately made, must always balance out. The universe will create new electric charges, if necessary, to make sure that the numbers of negative and positive charges is equal. This is why, as described in my cosmological theory, space in the universe exists. The existence of both atoms and molecules are a seeking of an exact balance of electric charges. The second priority is that the universe seeks the lowest energy state.

But these two priorities are not absolute. The universe does not have to have an exactly equal balance of negative and positive charges, in any particular place, before it starts seeking the lowest energy state. Even though the balance of electric charges is certainly the more important of the two.

Suppose that we line up successively heavier pieces of iron or steel. We then start with the lightest one and lift it with a magnet. Proceeding along the successively heavier pieces until we come to one that the magnet cannot lift. Magnetism is a much stronger force then gravity, but gravity is cumulative. I find that the question of how much a magnet can lift, relative to it's mass, explains a lot about how the universe works.

Magnetism is based on the alignment of the unpaired electron orbitals in a material so that the charge pulls in one direction. The nucleus of the atom is so much more massive than the electrons yet the charges on the electrons, if they can be aligned by magnetism, are so much stronger than the gravity which is based on mass, which is almost all concentrated in the nucleus.

Liquid water is another example of the primacy of electric charge over gravity. Water, by molecule, is lighter than air. But the water molecule is polar, one side is more negative and the other more positive. This brings water molecules to line up, by opposite charge attraction, negative to positive. This opposite charge attraction holds the water molecules together so that water, at sea level, is 800 times heavier than air.

Another example of the primacy of electric charge over gravity is the electron repulsion between adjacent atoms, which keeps atoms from merging into one another and makes matter as we know it possible. The electrons of nearby atoms are all negatively-charged, so that they repel one another, and this keeps matter intact by overcoming the gravity that is trying to pull it all together.

Seeking the lowest energy state usually involves gravity. The classic example of the universe seeking the lowest energy state is falling. Due to the force of gravity, it requires less energy for an object to be on the ground than for it to be suspended in the air. Therefore, if unsupported, the object falls to the ground.

My theory is that gravity is also electrical in nature. Matter, particularly the binding energy which holds the nucleus together against the mutually repulsive force of the like-charged protons, is the result of the basic rules of electric charges, that opposite charges attract while like charges repel. Energy always ultimately overcomes one of the two rules of electric charges. The repulsion of like charges is what holds the nucleus together and makes matter possible.

But if the two electric charges, negative and positive, must always be equal, then the two rules of these electric charges, attraction and repulsion, must also be equal. If the repulsive force of like charges is overcome by binding energy in the nucleus, then that means that there must be a net attractive force among matter in the universe, and that is what we experience as gravity. This means that gravity is a secondary effect of the rules of electric charges, while magnetism is a primary effect. This is why magnetism is stronger than gravity, and a small magnet can lift a piece of steel against the gravity of the entire earth.

However, gravity is cumulative, across the entire universe, and can overpower the rules of electric charges if enough mass is brought within close proximity. When the point is reached when gravity can overcome the electron repulsion between atoms, to fuse lighter atoms into heavier ones, a star is born as the excess energy is released as radiation.

If enough mass is brought together, the very structures of atoms can be crushed into a pure concentration of matter. This is known as a black hole, and overcomes the rules of electric charges altogether.

In my theory of black holes it then represents a lower energy state for electric charges to "migrate" so that opposite charges, rather than like charges, are next to one another. But this effectively makes some of the matter into antimatter, and this brings about a gradual matter-antimatter mutual annihilation and this explains both why black holes gradually decay and why they release radiation. The electric charges comprising the matter of the black hole rearrange back into the alternating multidimensional checkerboard pattern of electric charges in empty space, which is the decaying of the black hole, and the energy that held the matter together is released as the radiation.

It created a lower energy state, as shown in the following diagram, due to the attraction and repulsion of the electric charges in the surrounding background space, for charge migration to take place in the two dimensional sheet of space, mostly positive charges to one side and negative to the other. Mixed charges were in the middle. Electrons formed from the far negative side and positrons from the far positive side.

The first priority of the universe is electric charge balance, the second is the seeking of the lowest energy state. We could say that a black hole is a place where these priorities reverse.

An electron and a proton have an equal, but opposite, electric charge, but the proton is much more massive, with a mass 1,836 times the mass of an electron. This means that the charge per mass of a proton is only 1/1836 that of an electron. Nucleons, protons and neutrons, are composed of particles known as quarks, and are not particles of concentrated charge like electrons. Protons and neutrons are compound particles, known as hadrons, and electrons are particles known as leptons.

It is the volume of space within atoms, which my cosmological theory has as a multidimensional checkerboard of alternating negative and positive electric charges, which determines how strong gravity will be. The more space within atoms, the less concentrated the mass of an atom will be and the weaker gravity will be. It seems that the opposite concept applies to the protons and neutrons in the nucleus. the less concentrated the charge of the proton, the stronger gravity will be. The proton must always equal the electron in charge, the first priority of the universe is a balance in electric charge, and the more mass required in the proton to accomplish this the stronger gravity will be because it is mass that brings about gravity.

The fact that mass is unrelated to overall electric charge shows that my concept of everything ultimately being composed of infinitesimal electric charges is correct. When a mass of such charges are together, in the form of a proton or neutron, it is the energy holding individual like charges together which forms the mass regardless of the overall net charge of the mass. This is why a proton and neutron have essentially the same mass, the neutron with no net charge is actually very slightly heavier, regardless of the overall net charge.

Since everything in the universe is ultimately composed of negative and positive electric charges, it makes sense that we can ultimately trace this flow of information down to that contained in these basic charges. Just as there are two basic rules for the electric charges, that opposite charges attract and like charges repel, so there are two basic levels of energy with regard to electric charges. There is tension between adjacent opposite charges in space, and there is a lower energy level in that. There is the higher energy level required to force two like charges together, against like charge repulsion. Remember that applied energy always ultimately opposes the basic rules of the electric charges.

In the earlier sub-section of Section 5, "Energy, Quark Theory And, Cosmology", I described my concept that so much of how quarks operate in thirds to form protons and neutrons, as well as why a proton is 1,836 times the mass of an electron, is neatly explained if it takes three times as much energy to hold two like charges together in relation to how much energy there is in the tension between adjacent opposite charges.

The difference in these two basic energy levels, with regard to the fundamental electric charges, must be the root of the two priorities of the universe discussed above. The first priority is that negative and positive charges must ultimately balance out. The second is that the universe always seeks the lowest energy state. It has to be this way because there is no other information upon which to build. Remember that energy, other than that of the tension between adjacent opposite charges in empty space, did not enter the universe until the Big Bang introduced matter and the other forms that energy can take.

An electron has 1,836 times the charge per mass as the proton. So, to have equal but opposite charge, the proton must be 1,836 times as massive. This mass brings about gravity, which represents the lower of the two priorities of the universe, while the concentrated charge of the electron represents the first.

Let's go back to magnets. We know that magnetism is based on the alignment of unpaired electron orbitals in atoms. These unpaired electrons represent the first priority of the universe, electric charge, while the mass of the nucleus represents the second, seeking the lowest energy state which usually means gravity.

Thus, it is my conclusion that a perfect magnet should be able to lift 1,836 x number of unpaired electrons / number of nucleons times it's mass against gravity.

The material that we most commonly associate with magnetism is iron. This is because it can retain magnetism after the electron-aligning force is removed. Iron has 56 nucleons, as 26 protons and 30 neutrons. An atom of iron has four unpaired electrons, which can have their orbitals aligned magnetically. 1,836 x 4/56 = about 131. This means that, at least theoretically and according to my calculations, a magnet could lift 131 times it's own weight.

Of course, the actual yield is much less. The magnet may be less than perfectly magnetized, meaning that the orbital of every unpaired electron in every atom is perfectly aligned. It is well-known that a small magnet can lift more, in proportion to it's weight, than a large magnet. This is simply because the average atom in a large magnet is further from the object being lifted. But unless every atom in the magnet was right against the object being lifted, which is impossible, the magnet could not lift it's theoretical maximum.

The form of the magnet is another factor. A horseshoe magnet can lift more than a bar magnet of the same size simply because it is shaped so that pulling in the same direction comes from both of it's poles. The final factor is the gravity of the planet on which the lift takes place. If we did the lift on the moon, where gravity is only 1/6 that of earth, the magnet would be able to lift six times as much weight.

But I think that, going by the rules of the universe in this cosmology theory, a magnet should be able to lift about 25 or so times it's weight in iron or steel, and that is just about what we see.


My cosmological theory provides a neat and simple answer to the question of why the earth's gravity is what it is and why the rate of free-fall would change, as it would, if the planet were to be theoretically compressed into a smaller volume, but with the same mass.


Suppose that a spherical mass, such as a star or planet, is theoretically compressed by nucleo-synthesis to a quarter of it's original volume, so that the radius of the sphere decreases by one-half. The amount of time for an object to fall to the surface of the sphere from a given altitude would then be one-quarter of the original.

But how can this be? When the distance becomes shorter, the velocity of free-fall becomes greater. If we are dealing with the same amount of mass in the spherical mass of the planet then there must be some constant in the relationship between distance and velocity when the mass is compressed by the nucleo-synthesis that takes place in stars as lighter atoms are crunched together into heavier ones..

If we raise an object to twice the altitude on a given planet, it will require twice the energy to get it to that altitude. However the time that it takes to fall to the surface would not be doubled, but will be multiplied by the square root of two (1.414).

When a satellite is in an elliptical orbit, a line from the center of the satellite to the center of the planet always sweeps over equal areas of space in equal periods of time. This means that it moves faster when it is closer to the planet and slower when it is further away. The comparable energy of different orbits around the same central body is proportional to a line between the orbit and the center of gravity of the central body. If one object in orbit has three times the orbital energy of another, it will orbit at nine times the distance from the center but at only one-third the speed.

Just as the orbital energy of an object is proportional to the area of space over which the orbital radius sweeps divided by the time in which it does so, the constant in the free-fall of an object to a compressed sphere, such as a planet, is represented by the area of a triangle. If we have a right triangle and we increase the length of both sides by the square root of two (1.414), the area of the triangle will be doubled. This can represent the dropping of an object from twice the altitude. The doubled area of the triangle represents the doubled altitude, and either side of the triangle represents the time required for the free-fall from twice the altitude.

When the planet is compressed by nucleo-synthesis to a quarter of it's original volume so that the radius is one-half the distance it was before and the time of free-fall from a given altitude is a quarter of what it was before, the area of the triangle also represents the time of free-fall from a given altitude as the quarter of what it was before. Both sides of the right triangle are reduced by half so that the area is reduced to one quarter. This represents both the new volume of the sphere and the time required for a free-fall from a given altitude.

It makes sense that the energy in an orbit is proportional to the space within the orbit, but why would the two-dimensional space within a triangle represent the free-fall of an object from an altitude to the surface of a planet, which is a one-dimensional straight line?

Remember that, in my cosmological theory, the matter of which our universe is composed is actually thrown across four, rather than three, dimensions of space. Matter is actually very long strings that we perceive as particles such as electrons because one of the four dimensions of space is what we perceive as time. Velocity is actually an angle at which a string or bundle of strings is bent. The greater the angle, the greater the velocity that we perceive. This means that, when an object is moving faster as we perceive it in our three-dimensional perception, there is actually a greater area of space in the triangle that it forms with the stationary line of strings across space.

This is why the constant in velocity of a one-dimensional straight line free-fall ends up being represented by the area of a two-dimensional triangle. There is a dimension of space that we cannot see because we perceive it as a dimension of time.

This, once again, shows that this cosmological theory must be correct.


Let's have a look at why the rate of free-fall is what it is, and why it is so constant.

The continued acceleration of a falling object, at a precisely constant rate. This shows that objects are really bundles of strings in four-dimensional space, of which we perceive the fourth spatial dimension as time. The continuous acceleration, but at a constant rate, of a falling object occurs because the object is really a bundle of strings that is being bent at a constant rate by the gravitational attraction of a parallel bundle of strings.

Remember that my theory of gravity is that energy always goes to oppose one of the two basic rules of the electric charges of which everything in the universe, matter and energy, is composed. These rules are that opposite charges attract, while like charges repel. The two electric charges must always balance out as equal, and if the charges must be equal then the rules by which they operate must also be equal. If energy opposes the mutual repulsion between like charges, so that matter can exist, then that leaves a net electrical attractive force from the matter. This net attractive force is what we refer to as gravity.

In a straight-line bundle of strings, representing an object at rest, the electric attraction and repulsion is exactly equal on all sides of the bundle of strings. But if some of the like-charge repulsion is overcome by energy on one side of the object, it will create an imbalance which leaves a net attractive force that must be reflected in the alignment of the bundle of strings. This like-charge repulsion on one side being overcome is, of course, the formation of matter on that side which then exerts it's gravity.

The bundle of strings, itself composed of electric charges, will change it's alignment accordingly. If half of the repulsive force on one side was overcome by energy, but all of the attractive force remained, the bundle of strings would then angle 30 degrees to that side, which we would perceive as one-third of the speed of light.

The reason for the 30 degrees making one-third is that we are counting the half-circle, 180 degrees, going forward, and an angle from the forward direction of 30 degrees would leave the larger side of the 180 degrees forward direction at twice the angular diameter of the side to which the bend took place. Remember that the reason an object at rest, but going forward in time, is at rest is because in the 180 degree forward direction, there is 90 degrees on each side.

The earth's acceleration of a falling object due to gravity represents 1/30,612,244 the speed of light. This means that two parts in 30,612,244 of the repulsive force between like electric charges has been overcome, leaving just the attraction between opposite charges. The reason that we saw "two parts" is, once again, that the speed of light represents an angle to our time dimension of space of 90 degrees, but the entire forward direction that we are dealing with here is 180 degrees.

We know that gravity is an extraordinarily weak force, but that it is cumulative. If two of the largest cruise ships or oil tankers were docked side-by-side, there would only be about one pound (.454 kg) of gravitational force between them. Gravity is so weak simply because atoms are mostly empty space. The analogy that is often used is the nucleus being like a strawberry or small pebble in the middle of the field of a sports stadium, which represents the entire atom. But atoms get more compact and dense as we move to heavier elements. Electrons are also composed of the infinitesimal electric charges which comprise space, but which have been forced together by energy against like-charge repulsion.

It turns out, this figure of the ratio of earth's gravitational acceleration to the speed of light of 1/30,612,244 fits with what we would expect for earth's acceleration due to gravity, relative to the speed of light, in relation to the density of atoms, relative to the volume of empty space within the atoms.

The nucleus of a hydrogen atom takes up only about a trillionth of the total volume of the atom. But that minute figure drastically increases as we move to heavier atoms, such as the silicon, oxygen and, iron common to the earth. The figure is increased from this minute fraction further by the volume of the earth and all of the atoms that it contains, although this figure gets much less per atom as we move into the earth further away from the object that is getting pulled by it's gravity.

Finally, we end up with a figure of 1/30,612,244 of the speed of light for earth's gravitational acceleration, because that is the result of the proportion of the repulsive force between like charges that has been overcome by energy to create the matter of the earth from the total number of fundamental electric charges that are within the sphere of the earth. This figure is a reflection of the nucleus, in which almost all of the mass of the atom is contained, occupying only about a trillionth of the total volume of the hydrogen atom, multiplied by a factor of 16,333, which is half of a trillion divided by the denominator.

This multiplication factor represents the great increase in the density of atoms as we move to heavier elements, including the fact that atoms across a row on the periodic table get smaller because there is more opposite charge attraction pulling inward. The figure is also reduced by the great amount of atoms comprising the earth, although nothing like proportional to the number of atoms in the earth because most of those are so far away from the object undergoing gravitational attraction.

But when all is added up the acceleration due to gravity on earth, relative to the speed of light, is a reflection of the fact that virtually all of the volume of an atom is mostly empty space. This cosmology theory explains exactly why the gravity of the earth is what it is.


Quark Theory has been around since the mid-1960s and is widely accepted. According to the theory there are six quarks, plus the corresponding antiquarks of antimatter. But only two quarks are really important to us, the up and the down quarks. It is sometimes said that, if all quarks except the up and down quarks disappeared tomorrow, only particle physicists would notice.

Quarks are theorized to combine together to form subatomic particles called hadrons. Atomic nuclei are composed of protons and neutrons, both of which are hadrons composed of quarks. The third component particle of atoms are electrons. But electrons are a different class of particles, known as leptons, which are not composed of quarks.

Quarks may seem to be an arcane topic to you but they really aren't. Your body is made of atoms, which are made of protons, neutrons and, electrons. A proton is 1,836 times the mass of an electron and a neutron 1,837 times the mass. An atom, except hydrogen, contains at least twice as many protons and neutrons together as electrons. This means that virtually all of the mass of your body, except maybe one part in three thousand, is composed of quarks, all of which are combined together to form protons and neutrons.

The component particles of the atom have integral electric charges. An electron has a charge of -1. A proton has a charge of +1. A neutron has a charge of zero.

Quarks have fractional, rather than integral, electric charges. An up quark has a charge of +2/3 while a down quark has a charge of -1/3. Two up quarks combined with one down quark produces a proton with a net electric charge of +1. Two down quarks with one up quark produces a neutron with a net electric charge of zero.

In the postwar period so many new particles were discovered that it was referred to as the "Particle Zoo". It was felt by many that there couldn't really be this many fundamental particles. As it turned out, there wasn't. According to Quark Theory many of these particles were actually composed of the even more fundamental quarks.

Quark Theory has been very widely accepted. The only complication seems to be that an individual quark has never been observed. Quarks are only seen when combined together to form protons and neutrons.

Not long after Quark Theory emerged, quark stars were theorized to exist. A star is an equilibrium between the inward pull of the gravity of the star's mass and the outward push from the energy released by fusion in the star's center. A star forms when enough matter comes together by gravity to overcome the electron repulsion between atoms so that smaller atoms are crunched together into larger ones. The new larger atom contains less internal energy than the smaller atoms that were crunched together to form it. The excess energy is released as radiation and that is why stars shine.

But a star eventually reaches the point where it requires more force to break atoms apart than is released by their fusion. That point is iron and it is as far as the ordinary fusion process goes. Without the outward force of the energy released by fusion the star may collapse so that the structures of the atoms themselves are crushed.

What happens at this point is that the electrons of the atoms are crunched into the protons to form neutrons, which is what happens in ordinary fusion. This forms what is known as a neutron star, although it is no longer technically a star because fusion is not taking place.

Since the structure of an atom is mostly empty space, and since the structures of it's atoms have collapsed, a neutron star is composed of extremely dense material. A spoonful of material from a neutron star is believed to weigh billions of tons.

The collapse of the star's atoms brings it's matter into extremely close quarters. This increases the force of gravity still further and brings about further collapse. The result is that the structures of the neutrons collapse into the unimaginably dense mass of a black hole. The material of a black hole is about two hundred times as dense as a neutron star.

The theory is that, since neutrons are composed of quarks, there should be a stage in the progressive collapse of matter, between neutron stars and black holes, that had the star composed of quarks and would be known as a quark star.

But like individual quarks themselves no quark stars have ever been found. Plenty of neutron stars and plenty of black holes have been found, but no quark stars.

There is, of course, the possibility that Quark Theory is wrong and there is no such thing as quarks. But the theory explains so much and is so widely accepted.

I have another explanation of why no quarks or quark stars have ever been found and cannot see that this explanation has ever been offered. The explanation was not difficult to arrive at, it just involved some thinking outside the box.

What if the reason we have never detected quarks or quark stars is not that they are not there, but that we can't detect them?

Once again it comes back to the basic presumption in science that we have an unbiased view of the universe. What if we don't have an unbiased view of the universe? In other sciences, like geology and chemistry and everyday physics, it may not make a difference. But in cosmology it does make a difference. My cosmology theory is that we do not have an unbiased view of the universe, we see it as we do not only because of what it is but also because of what we are.

We rely on electromagnetic radiation, which includes visible light, for our information about the universe. As the name implies electromagnetic radiation is based on electric charges. In my cosmology theory empty space consists of a perfectly alternating checkerboard of negative and positive electric charges, in multiple dimensions. The basic rules of electric charges are that opposite charges attract while like charges repel. The charged particles of matter, such as electrons, consist of like charges held together against their mutual repulsion by energy. This energy shows up as the intrinsic energy in matter known as the Mass-Energy Equivalence. It is why Einstein's famous formula, E = MC squared, has mass being convertible into energy.

In contrast to matter electromagnetic waves, including light, consist of disturbances, caused by energy, in the checkerboard of alternating electric charges comprising empty space. In my cosmology theory energy always goes to overcome the basic rules of the electric charges. Matter forms when the mutual repulsion of like charges is overcome by energy, to produce charged particles such as electrons. Electromagnetic radiation is formed when energy overcomes the attraction between opposite charges in space.

When electromagnetic waves encounter matter they "bounce off", or are reflected, by the electric charge of the electrons on the outside of atoms. This is why matter reflects light and we can see things. It doesn't matter if the outside of the atom has a positive or negative electric charge, it would be reflected off antimatter in the same way as ordinary matter.

Has anyone ever thought that the reason we cannot detect quarks and quark stars is not that they are not there but due to the nature of the electromagnetic radiation upon which we depend for information?

What if the production and reflection of electromagnetic radiation as we know it depends on integral electric charges? By "integral" I mean integers or whole numbers. A proton has an electric charge of +1, an electron of -1, and a neutron of 0.

Remember that quarks, in contrast, have fractional electric charges. An up quark has a charge of +2/3 and a down quark of -1/3. What if electromagnetic radiation, as we know it, only works with integral electric charges and not with fractional charges?

Electromagnetic radiation is produced by the movement of integral electric charges. The only way that we can see or detect electromagnetic radiation is for it's energy to knock electrons out of their orbitals in atoms, this produces an electric current in our eyes or detection equipment.

Why is it that we can see or detect the electromagnetic radiation from matter as long as it is composed of integral electric charges, but it seems to "vanish" and we can detect it only by it's gravity when it breaks down into fractional electric charges? Doesn't that make it seem clear that the "invisibility" of the fractional electric charges is due more to the nature of electromagnetic radiation than to the matter itself?

There are so many optical illusions on earth, blue sky, rainbows, red sunset, etc. So why should we expect that electromagnetic radiation from space will always convey the universe just the way it is?

Electromagnetic radiation, including light, is produced by the movement of integral electric charges, which are almost always electrons with a charge of -1. They are reflected by integral electric charges which are, again, almost always electrons. The only way that we can receive electromagnetic radiation is for it's energy to knock electrons out of their orbitals, in our eyes or detection equipment.

It appears that electromagnetic radiation, as we know it, is based on integral electric charges. When the radiation encounters something that is not composed of integral electric charges, which simply means the charge on an electron or a proton whether it be negative or positive, it is as if the matter is speaking a different "language" that our familiar electromagnetic radiation doesn't "understand".

The way we see it is that the gravity of the black hole is so great that it doesn't allow even light to escape. But what that amounts to, once again, is the basic presumption in science that we have an unbiased view of the universe and that our observations and measurements are completely reliable in our gaining understanding of how the universe works. But the fact is that we are dependent on electromagnetic radiation to convey information to us and one of the things that we must take into account is the nature of that radiation.

This adds a new dimension to electromagnetic radiation. Not only is there the wavelength, from long radio waves to short gamma rays, but there is also the electric charges that produce, reflect and, receive the waves, from the integral charges on electrons and protons to the fractional charges, in thirds, on quarks.

Since we are dependent on the electromagnetic radiation involving electrons for our information let's call it "Electron Dependency". It is the reason that we cannot detect individual quarks or quark stars or black holes.

One obvious conclusion that some might come to is that this explains "Dark Matter". Matter that is gravitationally active but cannot be seen because it is not composed of integral electric charges.

We can discern nothing about the structure of electrons themselves. They seem to us to be nothing more than point particles. But, once again, that is a matter of our perspective and that we do not have an unbiased view of the universe. We have seen that we cannot see electrons as anything other than mere points simply because it is electrons that we depend upon to convey information. 


Most people are familiar with what is known as the Doppler Effect. If an emergency vehicle, or a train with it's whistle, is coming toward you, the pitch of the sound will increase as it approaches. But then, when it passes you, the pitch will suddenly drop. We cannot move, at a significant portion of the speed of sound relative to the source of sound, without changing the rate at which we receive the sound and thus adjusting the pitch of the sound.

The same effect can be seen if we imagine bouncing a ball off the back of a truck. If the truck is backing up, toward you, when the ball bounces, the momentum of the truck will be added to that of the ball and it's momentum will increase. But if the truck is pulling away, moving away from you, when the ball bounces, this will subtract from the momentum of the ball.

The Doppler Effect also applies in astronomy. If a distant galaxy is moving away from us, at a significant portion of the speed of light, the light from it will be "stretched out" by the motion and the light will appear more reddish, because red is the end of the visible spectrum with the longest wavelength. If the galaxy were moving toward us, at a significant portion of the speed of light, the light would be shifted toward the blue end of the spectrum. Color is determined by the wavelength of the waves, and the relative motion can either "stretch out" or compress those waves.

In 1676, after telescopes had come into use, a Dane named Ole Romer made an interesting observation. Jupiter, about five times as far from the sun as the earth, had a moon named Io. When Io passed behind Jupiter, in it's orbit around the planet, it would go into eclipse, Jupiter's version of a lunar eclipse. The timing of such an eclipse, like that of eclipses on earth, was very predictable, or at least it should be.

But what Romer observed is that when the earth is on one side of it's orbit around the sun, and moving toward Jupiter, an anticipated eclipse of Io began about ten minutes earlier than predicted. But if the earth was on the opposite side of it's orbit, and moving away from Jupiter, an anticipated eclipse of Io began about ten minutes later than predicted.

The reason for this was, as it turns out, the speed of light. If the earth was moving toward Jupiter when the eclipse of Io began the velocity, the velocity of the earth would effectively be added to the speed of light from the beginning of the eclipse, and it would seem to occur sooner. But if the earth were moving away, that velocity would be effectively subtracted from the speed of light, and the eclipse would seem to begin later.

Now, here is what I find interesting about this. Despite the fact that the earth is moving fast enough in it's orbit, relative to the speed of light, to enable the speed of light to be measured, there is no Doppler Effect on the light from Io as a result. The conclusion that this leads to is that the Doppler Effect only applies to sources of light, such as stars or other incandescent objects, and not to reflected light. If sunlight is reflected off a moving non-incandescent object, such as Io, that light does not undergo the Doppler Shift.

With these two examples being so similar, the motion of distant galaxies or the motion of the earth, why would one show up as variation in distance (wavelength) and the other show up as variation in time, with no variation in wavelength?

My cosmology theory offers a simple solution. As the Special Theory of Relativity began with the streetcar moving away from the clock, my cosmology theory can be illustrated by bouncing a ball off a moving truck.

If someone behind the truck should bounce the ball off the truck as it is backing up, momentum will be added to the ball and will increase it's velocity. This represents blueshifting. But if the ball should be bounced off the truck as it is moving forward momentum will be subtracted from the ball and it's velocity will decrease. This represents redshifting.

What if we bounce the ball off the side of the truck while it is moving? The momentum will not change but the position will change. The ball will not, if thrown in a straight line, bounce back to the position it was thrown from. This represents the shift in time of the eclipse of Io according to whether the earth is moving toward or away from it.

The reason for this difference is that, as explained in my cosmology theory, Io is made of strings of matter which are aligned at a right angle to the three dimensions that we perceive as space. The direction in which strings of matter are aligned is what we perceive as time. The back and side of the moving truck are also at a right angle to each other.

Has anyone wondered why the change in wavelength with redshifting or blueshifting only applies to luminous objects that are moving, such as galaxies, but not to light reflected off non-luminous objects, such as Jupiter and Io?

As described in my cosmology theory, the dimensions in which electromagnetic radiation moves and the dimension that we perceive as time are perpendicular to each other. When light from the sun reflects off Io and Jupiter it picks up the momentum of this dimension that we perceive as time. So just like the ball bouncing off the side of the moving truck, because our consciousnesses are moving along the bundles of strings comprising our bodies and brains at what we perceive as the speed of light, the shift is in time, rather than in wavelength of the light.



As the two theories on this blog develops, that of patterns and complexity and the one about cosmology, readers may notice that the two are growing closer together and that there is a definite link between the two.

We could say that the patterns and complexity theory is a view of the universe in terms of information, and the cosmology theory is a view of the universe in terms of energy. But remember that information and energy is really the same thing. Information cannot be applied to something without applying energy to it, and energy cannot be applied to anything without also adding information to it. Let's have a look at how these two theories merge together.

It was the Big Bang which introduced all of the information contained within inanimate matter into the universe. There is a vast amount of potential complexity in all of the possible permutations of matter from the Big Bang, as the strings of matter which originated with the two-dimensional sheet in my cosmological theory was thrown out across the multi-dimensional background space. But the only information available with which to construct the structures of matter in the universe came from that two-dimensional sheet. This means that the patterns which were manifested by matter in the universe must repeat themselves because there was not enough information in the Big Bang to match all of the possible complexity which resulted.

One example of this is orbits. The orbitals of electrons within atoms are reflected in the much larger scale of astronomical objects, as moons orbit planets and planets orbit stars. This is the way it has to be simply because there is no more information available other than that which is already within the atoms.

The patterns manifested by the universe, which we see as words in the dictionary, must also necessarily be repetitive. The matter in the universe takes the forms of things such as planets, stars, rocks, galaxies and, comets. But since the universe has only the information in the two-dimensional sheet in the four dimensions of space that we inhabit, one of which we perceive as time, there is not enough information to make everything different from everything else and these patterns must be very repetitive. There are many planets, many stars, many rocks, many galaxies and, many comets.

Another way that we see this mismatch between the available information in the universe and the much-greater potential complexity is in the random distribution of matter in the universe and in how gravitational spheres, such as stars and planets, are not exactly alike. Suppose that you throw a handful of sand. There is a vast amount of potential complexity in all of the different permutations in how the grains of sand could be arranged. But there is not enough information that can be conveyed by the muscles which throw the sand. This makes it impossible for there to be the orderly or meaningful patterns that there could be if the available information was equal to, or at least closer to, the potential complexity available.

The charged particles (actually strings) thrown outward by the Big Bang came back together to form atoms, which then came together to form the structures of astronomical objects such as stars and planets. Atoms are a way for matter to hold energy. If matter comes back together after being thrust apart, it must contain the energy which thrust it apart, and remember that energy and information is really the same thing.

There was not enough information in the Big Bang, so the first atoms in the universe had to be the same as one another, as hydrogen, with the exception of the certain percentage of heavier atoms created by primordial nucleo-synthesis at the beginning of the universe. 

Atoms often combine together to form molecules. There has to be information in these molecules, just as in any structure, and energy is the same thing as information. In a sphere where the surface is composed largely of molecules, we see this information manifested as unevenness of the surface. This includes mountains and uneven terrain, which contain more information that a perfectly smooth surface, regardless of how they were formed. Waves in water are included because water is molecular.

This unevenness could not form if the sphere's structure contained only atoms and not molecules. Atoms are spherically symmetrical but molecules are not, and it is this asymmetry of the molecules which shows in the unevenness of the surface. But the unevenness of a molecular surface is not very significant relative to the total size of the sphere because the strength of the nuclear bond, which bind the nucleus together, is so much greater than the molecular bonds which bind atoms together into molecules.

One way that we can see how energy and information is really the same thing is in how molecules of fuel are broken apart to release energy. But this energy can also be seen as information. A molecule in fuel contains less information within it's structure after it is broken apart then it did before. But this burning of fuel drives the car forward, and a moving vehicle is more complex than a still vehicle because it requires more information to describe. So, the information in the fuel has been transferred to the car.

Another illustration of how energy and information is really the same thing is in how we can use technology to make life physically easier, but only at the expense of making it more complex. We can never, on a large scale, make life both physically easier and less complex. This shows the interchangeability of energy and information, meaning that the two must be different forms of the same thing.

There is an all-pervasive pattern which encompasses all information which occurs in any set, which I have named "The One And The Many". This means that, to understand the complexity of anything in the set, it is necessary to understand the entire set. The simplest example would be an address, the designated address is "The One", every other address is "The Many". The structure of a human foot may seem to be fairly simple. but the foot is part of a set, that of the entire body, and to really understand the foot it would be necessary to understand not only the entire body but also the environment in which humans live.

The foot would be the one, but it would be part of the entire body and environment which would be the many. The complexity of a group of objects increases if their meaningful association with other objects increases, making all of them part of a set so that it becomes necessary to understand the entire set in order to understand any of it's parts. In the patterns and complexity theory, I refer to this as "alphabet" where the complexity and meaning of something is in the set of which it is a part, rather than just in itself.

The entire universe is just such a set. A hydrogen atom, for example, seems to be very simple, one electron in an orbital around one proton. But to really understand even a hydrogen atom, why it exists and how it came to be, it would be necessary to understand the entire universe. The hydrogen atom would be the one, and the entire universe the many.

One illustration of this pattern of "The One And The Many" is in a hunter and the hunted. There are many places that the hunted may be hiding (the many), but the hunter can only look in one place at once (the one). But, seen from the opposite direction, the hunted has to succeed in evading the hunter every time (the many) while the hunter only has to succeed in catching the hunted once (the one).

Now let's consider living things, as opposed to inanimate matter. One pattern that we see only in living things is the peak, or optimum. Living things thrive when it is neither too hot nor too cold, but at a peak value between the two. This same pattern also applies to such things as food, water and sleep. In contrast, there is no such thing as this peak pattern in the universe of inanimate matter. The peak pattern, as you may see, is a manifestation of "The One And The Many", with the peak being the one out of the many. The more of the many there are, the more complex the peak because there is more that it has to be defined from.

This makes living things more complex then the surrounding inanimate environment. This higher level of complexity must be maintained, or will fall back down to the lower surrounding level. For humans, this means food and health care. Injury and disease reduces our useful higher complexity, and death effectively erases our higher level of complexity altogether, restoring the body to the lower level of complexity of inanimate matter. Breeding more of a living thing does not increase complexity because it does not introduce any new information. Repetition is not adding more information if we are only repeating the same information.

Being more complex than our surrounding inanimate environment means that we see "truth possibilities", that may or may not be true. There is not enough complexity in the surrounding environment for everything that beings of our complexity could see to be true, this brings about the prospect of truth possibilities. If we were of a complexity that was equal to, or lower than, our inanimate surroundings, we would not be able to see any possibilities which were not true.

This is why we have free will. Free will would be meaningless to a being that was not of higher complexity then the inanimate surroundings. In my complexity theory, plants are of essentially equal complexity to the surrounding environment which is why they do not have free will. Ideally, living things with free will are of far higher complexity then their surrounding environment but the differences between individuals of the same species, brought about by environmental factors even though they are of the same underlying DNA, is potentially equal to the complexity of the surrounding environment.

Many of the things that we see about the universe are actually a reflection of our own complexity. Consider color, for example. In the inanimate universe, color does not really exist. An object appears blue or red because our brains interpret certain wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation as blue or red. The fact that a proportionally small change in wavelength can make light appear as a completely different color is entirely a reflection of our own complexity, rather than that of the inanimate surrounding environment.

One strange fact of ordinary chemistry is how sodium is a highly-reactive silvery metal. Chlorine is a deadly poisonous gas. But combine the two together into a molecule, and we get ordinary table salt (sodium chloride). But, once again, this effect is a reflection of our complexity rather than that of the atoms and molecule of salt.

Humans sometimes have to make difficult decisions, and sometimes change their minds. This is completely alien to operation of the laws of physics, which is always simple and straightforward. The inanimate universe never undertakes some action, according to the laws of physics, and then "changes it's mind". Never does the inanimate universe "weigh the pros and cons" of some operation of the laws of physics before it is undertaken. Neither is there any case in the operations of the laws of physics in the inanimate universe where some operation appeared as logical in the short-term, but less-so over the long-term, or vice versa. This is all a reflection of our higher level of complexity.

This can also be seen in complex realms, such as philosophy, where two opposing statements may both be true. This is, once again, only seen with the complexity of humans and is completely alien to the surrounding inanimate environment and the laws of physics.

Notice also how we can derive all manner of physics and chemical formulae to describe the behavior of the inanimate universe, but cannot derive such formulae to describe ourselves. Somewhere out there is a formula that describes everything that you will ever do, at least that is under your own control, and how you would react to anything. But we cannot discern such a formula because to do so, we would have to be "smarter than ourselves", which is impossible. We cannot "see" above our own complexity level. We can derive formulae for the inanimate universe and the laws of physics, because that is looking down at a lower level of complexity.

We can impose our level of complexity, to some extent, on our surroundings by shaping it to our needs. We do this whenever we shape matter to make it into anything from tools to spacecraft. It is true that energy and information are really the same thing, but we can impose our higher level of complexity to convey a lot of information with only a little bit of energy. This is what we do with all telecommunications and with electronic devices.

We saw that the Big Bang, which began the universe, did not introduce enough information to make anything but a random pattern of the distribution of matter in the universe. It is somewhat like the random distribution pattern that is formed if we throw a handful of sand. When we mass-produce identical units of some produce, we are adding information by imposing our own complexity on the inanimate universe so that an orderly distribution pattern is possible.

But there is a consequence, as well as benefits, to imposing our higher level of complexity. A product of our technology, with a higher level of complexity than the inanimate universe, will exist with the possibility of "falling" back down to the surrounding lower universal level of complexity. If we build a car, for example, the removal of one essential part can make the car useless, essentially restoring it to the surrounding lower level of complexity by making it no more useful than a boulder.

The laws of physics tell us that "energy can never be created or destroyed, but only changed in form". This is true of the inanimate universe in which we live. But one other consequence of our higher level of complexity involves our use of energy. Once we use energy, whether through our bodies or through technology, that energy is lost to us and cannot be reused. This would seem to violate the basic rule of energy never being created or destroyed, but is actually a manifestation of our higher level of complexity. Once we use energy, it goes back to it's natural lower level of the surrounding universe and can no longer be used at our higher level.

We are part of the universe ourselves. This means that we cannot see it from a neutral perspective as from outside, but must see it from an internal perspective of our own. When we evaluate the complexity of something, we do not necessarily need to involve the complexity of the entire universe even though it is all one set. We can just focus on the complexity of our particular concern, because the rest we "know" already. Even the entire universe is one set, with regard to the "One And The Many", our internal perspective will mean that some of that total complexity is more relevant than the rest.

Another result of our internal perspective on the universe is that we may see coincidences, apparent random reductions in apparent complexity, and reverse coincidences, apparent random increases in apparent complexity. A coincidence is an event which makes it seem as if there is less complexity than there really is, and a reverse coincidence is the opposite. but this is just a perspective illusion. In the inanimate universe, there is neither coincidences or reverse coincidences, but only cause and effect.

Even at our higher level of complexity, relative to the surrounding inanimate universe, the information introduced into the universe by the Big Bang shapes our lives. Life operates by what I define as "The Balance Line And Truth Pairs". The four sets of truth pairs that I define as guiding the operation of life are very much a reflection of the two fundamental electric charges of which everything in the universe is composed. I see this information as being repeated in the sets of truth pairs, in much the same way as the orbitals of electrons are repeated in the orbits of astronomical bodies. These four sets of truth pairs are: True and False, Negative and Positive, Good and Bad and, Right and Wrong.

The Balance Line, which guides life, is very much a reflection of the peak pattern which is unique to living things. The economic Law of Supply and Demand is a manifestation of the Balance Line. When money is borrowed, it upsets the Balance Line, but when it is repaid the Balance Line is restored. When an offense is committed the balance line is upset, but it is restored when justice is done. When the government does not reflect the will of the people, the Balance Line is upset but is restored with a new government.

The all-pervading pattern, "The One And The Many", guides the human and living worlds also. The peak pattern which is unique to living things represents the one optimum condition out of the many possible conditions. Since all human technology and tools, our imposition of our complexity on our surroundings, are part of a set, this must mean that any part is really just as complex as the whole. Some technology is much simpler than other technology, but to completely understand technology it is necessary to understand all about humans and what we are and why we made that technology.

All technology, according to my complexity theory, ends up being equal in complexity. It is just that some of the complexity is external, within the technology, and some is internal, within ourselves. But the two added together ends up with all examples of technology being equal in complexity. Any word must be equal in complexity to any other word, just as any number with any other number. The reason is simply that to understand a word or a number, it is necessary to also understand all that is not. This defining by what it is not makes it a part of a set that must be taken into account in order to understand any part of the set. What it is becomes the one, and all that it is not becomes the many.

As a simple example, a car seems to be more complex then a cup. But to fully understand the cup, it is necessary to understand human anatomy and why we need to drink water and where we get our supply of water and other drinks from, and about our tastes and customs and why we sometimes prefer other drinks to water, and the origins and traditions associated with those drinks, until the cup and car end up being equal in complexity. It is just that the car has more external complexity, while more of the complexity of the cup is internal,  within us.


Here is one of those questions of the ages that we encounter periodically.

My cosmological theory has space as alternating negative and positive electric charges, and matter as concentrations of like charge held together by energy, so that there are charged particles such as negatively-charged electrons.

There are two varieties of matter, conventional matter and antimatter. The two are similar, except that the same electric charges are reversed, so that conventional matter has negatively-charged electrons in orbitals around a positively-charged nucleus. While antimatter has an atom of positively-charged positrons in orbitals around a negatively-charged nucleus.

If matter and antimatter are brought together, the two will mutually annihilate and release all of the energy that is holding their like charges together, against mutual repulsion, to form the matter which my cosmological theory has as concentrations of like charges. The energy holding like charges together to form matter, according to the mass-energy equivalence, is released in a great burst of energy and the electric charges that composed the matter go back to the alternating negative and positive charge pattern of empty space.

But if the space in the universe is composed of alternating opposite charges in a checkerboard pattern, then why can't oppositely-charged atoms also exist in an alternating checkerboard pattern?

It can easily be seen that the default shape for matter in the universe is a sphere. This means that if there is a significant amount of matter together, and no other factors present, the matter will shape itself by gravity into a sphere. This is why the earth, moon, sun and, other planets are all spherical in shape.

Science books will explain that the sphere is the default shape for matter because it has the lowest surface area per volume of all geometric shapes, and thus the lowest energy level. Since the universe always seeks the lowest energy level, the default shape for matter is a sphere. Put another way, the sphere is the most compact form because there is the least average distance from the center to each point in the mass, so that it requires the least energy to maintain.

A cube requires more information than does a sphere. Suppose that nuclei in atoms mutually repelled and attracted electrons, as they do now, but that electrons in adjacent atoms mutually attracted rather than repelled, while electrons within the same atom continued to mutually repel.

Atoms would have to be cubes, rather than spheres, because the mutually repelling nuclei would keep atoms intact and the nucleus would hold the electrons in orbit by mutual attraction, but the mutually attracting electrons in adjacent atoms would stay in contact as much as possible and this would mean a cube with each orbiting electron changing direction at a right angle at four points in each orbit. Atoms, as we have them, are spheres because electrons in orbit mutually repel and a sphere is the shape which has the least contact with adjacent spheres while cubes have the most contact.

Like atoms, whether matter or antimatter, have outer electrons that repel adjacent atoms because the outer electrons of both atoms have like charges. This is known as electron repulsion, and lowers the density of matter from what it would be otherwise. If atoms of matter could alternate with atoms of antimatter, adjacent atoms would attract, rather than repel, one another so we can presume that such mixed matter would be more dense than conventional matter.

Having adjacent atoms with their charges reversed, as matter and antimatter, would be a higher information state, and thus a higher energy state because energy and information is really the same thing. We know that the universe always seeks the lowest energy state and so, even though this would reflect the pattern of alternating electric charges next to one another, it cannot be. The universe will seek a lower-energy state, and this is found by simply having matter and antimatter mutually annihilate when brought into contact.

A sphere is the shape with the lowest energy level but another way of looking at it is the shape with the least complexity, meaning that it requires the least information to construct. A cube is more complex in that it requires more information to construct than a sphere, and the change in the behavior of the electrons, as described above, represents the difference in information required to construct a cube, in comparison with a sphere.

This is why matter and antimatter will mutually annihilate when brought into contact. The universe is composed of alternating negative and positive electric charges and, since the information to construct the large-scale universe must come from the information in the most fundamental levels of the universe, there would seem to be no reason why alternating atoms with their electric charges reversed, matter and antimatter, should not exist next to one another.

But this would mean that the outer electrons of adjacent atoms would attract, rather than repel, one another, and this would mean that atoms would have to be shaped like cubes, rather than spheres. Since cubes involve more information than spheres, and energy and information is really the same thing, this means that cubic atoms would represent a higher energy state and, since the universe always seeks the lowest energy state, it cannot be.

The universe attains the lowest energy state by simply having matter and antimatter mutually annihilate one another when brought into contact.

Another way to express this is as surface area. A cube has more information than a sphere, and also has a greater surface area per volume. This additional surface area represents the additional information and, since energy and information is really the same thing, the additional surface area also represents additional energy in the cube. When smaller atoms are crunched together, by the nuclear fusion in stars, into larger atoms, the larger atom has less surface area than the smaller ones that produced it. This represents extra energy that has to go somewhere, and it is released as radiation into space. This is why stars shine.

The fact that the sphere is the default shape of matter in the universe also demonstrates that my cosmological theory of matter originating from a two-dimensional sheet of space, that disintegrated in one of it's two dimensions, in what we perceive as the Big Bang, to leave the one-dimensional strings of charged particles, such as electrons, that form matter as we know it.

The dimensions of space form right angles, which is why cubes and squares are the only shapes that fit together with no leftover space. So why doesn't matter, when brought together by gravity, also form right angles, as cubes? Instead, the default shape of stars and planets is as spheres. 

It is because the form of matter is trying to conserve energy, seeking the lowest energy state. Matter comes from my two-dimensional sheet, yet is now scattered across three-dimensional space, excepting the dimension of space that we perceive as time. Since surface area is a reflection of energy, the form of matter does not have enough energy to adapt the form of the space around it. Instead, it seeks to conserve energy, as well as information, by adapting the form of a sphere even though that is an alien form to the shape of the space all around it.




Travel at the speed of light is presumed to be impossible. My cosmological theory provides some insight into just why this is so difficult to achieve.

First, let's briefly review the theory. I noticed that so much about the nature of the universe that cannot be otherwise explained falls neatly into place if we consider the fundamental particles of matter as strings in four-dimensional space, rather than particles in three-dimensional space.

The speed of light, 300 million meters or 186,282 miles per second, is such a constant in the universe and the foundation of Special Relativity theory, yet we can find no physical reason why this speed is what it is. That is because the speed of light is actually the speed at which our consciousnesses proceed along the bundle of strings which compose our bodies and brains so that we experience one of the four spatial dimensions over which the matter of which we are composed was thrown across by the explosion of the Big Bang as time.

The strings of matter which compose the universe are aligned mostly in this direction of space that we perceive as time. There is probably more than four dimensions, our matter occupies four because of the throw pattern of matter in the Big Bang, which began the universe. We can see only at right angles to the dimension in which our strings of matter are aligned so that we cannot see into the past or future and perceive the strings as particles, such as electrons.

When the bundle of strings composing an object are perfectly parallel to the strings composing our bodies, we perceive the object as being at rest. When the strings composing the object are not parallel to ours, we perceive it as being in motion. The greater the angle between the two bundles of strings, the greater the apparent relative velocity between them.

A basic presumption of science is that we have an unbiased view of the world around us, and we can completely rely on our measurements and observations. My theory is that we do not have an unbiased view of the universe. We are part of the universe and see it as we do not only because of what it is but also because of what we are. This may not make a difference in other sciences but it does make a difference in cosmology and Quantum Physics, which is about the very nature of the universe.

We can only see and move in three of the four spatial dimensions, the other we perceive as time. In the following diagram, if the bundle of strings comprising our bodies and brains is represented by line A, our consciousnesses is moving in the direction of the red arrow at what we perceive as the speed of light. The dashed red line represents the present, and the three dimensions that we can see in it. 

If a bundle of strings, represented by line B, is aligned parallel to ours we will see it as an object at rest. But since we see in only three dimensions it will appear as an object, such as a sphere, C. A bundle of strings aligned like D will appear as an object moving toward us and E like an object moving away from us. 

The greater the angle the faster it will appear to be moving, at a right angle it will appear to be moving at the speed of light. Electromagnetic radiation, F, is only transmitted or received at right angles to the strings which is why it appears to be moving at the speed of light.

We can prove this with ordinary trigonometry. It is known that an object moving with twice the velocity will impact with four times the force. In this theory an object is represented by a straight level line if it is at rest and a diagonal line if it is moving, like the base and diagonal of a right triangle. The secant, the inverse of the cosine, is the function that shows how much the length of the hypotenuse increases, relative to the base. The secant of 1 degree is 1.0001523. The secant of 2 degrees is 1.00060954. When the angle, which represents velocity, is doubled the increase in length, which represents mass or impact force, is multiplied by four. This only applies at low angles or velocities and not those approaching the speed of light.

But why would velocity, which is a one dimensional line, operate by the Inverse Square Law when a square requires two dimensions? It is because, as shown in the diagram above, velocity is really an angle and the square is because of the area under the line at the angle. Why should there be squares in so many physics formulas that involve only one dimensional movement or change? Because there is another dimension of space that we can't see but perceive as time.

It may seem illogical that there is a maximum possible speed in the universe. The reason for this speed is that there is a maximum possible angle, which is a right angle. When a string or bundle of strings is aligned in space at a right angle to our bundle of strings, we perceive it as moving at the speed of light. When we move an object, we are bending the bundle of strings of which it is composed. This means that, to accelerate an object to the speed of light, we would have to bend it's bundle of strings at a right angle to our bundles of strings.

I would like to point out how simple ballistics shows this theory to be correct. Ballistics means an object in flight that does not fly under it's own power, such as a ball that has been thrown.

When we exert a force of some kind, the force is within a certain number of dimensions and it cannot affect anything outside of those dimensions. If two forces, in perpendicular dimensions, are exerted on an object, the result will be a vector of the two forces that will determine how the object will move. You probably remember drawing vector diagrams from physics class, if two forces at an angle to one another are applied to an object this is drawn on paper with the length of the lines proportional to the forces. The two lines are considered as half of a parallelogram with the resulting force being represented by the line between opposite angles.

The reason that we cannot propel anything to the speed of light is shown by my theory to be actually within our nature. We can, at least in theory, bend a bundle of strings of matter so that the object of which they are composed moves at what we perceive as the speed of light, but to do this the force applied to it must be absolutely instantaneous and not involve any time element at all.

An object moving at the speed of light must be at a perfect right angle to the alignment of our strings with no direction at all in the dimension of space that we perceive as time. If the force on the object is a vector with any element at all in our time dimension then it cannot be at a perfect right angle to us and cannot move at what we perceive as the speed of light. If something moved at what we perceive as the speed of light, it would instantly vanish from our time dimension, and no matter how much force is applied to the object, this cannot be if it is a vector with any time dimension at all.

The trouble is that we have a forward element to everything that we do because of the movement of our consciousness along the bundles of strings that compose our bodies and brains, which are aligned mostly in the dimension of space that we perceive as time. We cannot do anything without a time element because our consciousnesses are always moving forward along the bundles of strings of which our bodies and brains are composed, as described in the theory, while we are doing it. For the same reason, we cannot bend the bundle of strings composing any object at greater than a right angle, so that it travels backward in time.

The force with which a hockey, baseball or, cricket player strikes a ball or puck should be enough force to propel it at the speed of light. Except that the player has a consciousness that is moving at what we perceive as the speed of light along the bundle of strings composing the body and brain, which is aligned mostly in the dimension of space that we perceive as time because of this movement. The player's muscular motions are directed by the brain, the consciousness of which is moving at what we perceive as the speed of light at the same time.

If the speed of light is just an angle But if the speed of light is just an angle then why is it so inaccessible to us? Why can't we build a spacecraft that could fly at the speed of light? For that matter why can't a baseball player hit the ball at the speed of light?

As illustrated in the following diagram everything we do has a time element in it. Velocity is represented by an angle, with a horizontal line being an object at rest and a vertical line being an object at the speed of light. The angle at which the baseball player can hit the ball is a vector between his own time momentum, at what we perceive as the speed of light, and the perpendicular force applied to the ball.

The direction of our consciousness is shown by the red arrow. The baseball player's time momentum is represented by the large arrow and the perpendicular force applied to the baseball is represented by the small arrow. Since the angle representing the velocity of the baseball is a vector of the two arrows, the baseball (dashed line) falls far short of the speed of light, which would be a right angle.

Any vehicles that we build are powered by chemical or physical processes that also have a time element, making the speed of light impossible. Fission or electromagnetic radiation is able to achieve the speed of light, in the above example, because there is no time element involved.

In the fraction of a second that the ball is in contact with the bat, the player's consciousness has moved forward in the time dimension many thousands of km. This means that, no matter how much force is put into driving the ball or puck into a lateral dimension, the vast majority of the force is forward into the dimension of space that we perceive as time. This forms a vector between the lateral and the time angle and so the resulting angle at which the bundle of strings composing the ball is bent cannot possibly be the right angle that we would see as the speed of light.

Anything that we do, including any devices that we build or equipment that we set up, will have the nature of our being in it because our consciousnesses are continuously moving forward along our bundles of strings. It is not so much about how much force it takes to propel to the speed of light, but how instantaneously it can be applied. There can be no time element at all or else it will form a vector with the propulsion force so that it cannot form the right angle that is required. For example, fuels cannot propel anything to the speed of light because they take time to burn. Gunpowder does not propel a bullet instantaneously, it only takes a fraction of a second but this still means that most of the momentum is in our time dimension of space.

But what about Einstein's famous formula, E = MC squared? This relativistic formula states that the energy enclosed in matter equals the mass times the speed of light, squared. C is for constant, which is the speed of light. The speed of light appears twice in this formula so that it is squared. This is because of our speed of light and also the speed of particles from within the atomic nucleus following nuclear fission, or splitting of the atom. Like-charged particles, suddenly free from the binding energy holding them together, will mutually repel along the most direct route. In my theory, this means moving away from one another by going in diametrically opposite directions at right angles. So that particles from fission move, at least initially until slowed by impacts with other matter, at the speed of light. These impacts with adjacent matter at the speed of light is where the energy of fission comes from.

Nuclear fission Einstein's famous formula, E = MC squared, means that the internal energy in matter equals the mass multiplied by the speed of light, squared. This internal energy, in my cosmology theory, is the energy that holds like charges together, against their mutual repulsion, to form matter. This is why matter tends to consist of electrically charged particles, such as protons and electrons. We also refer to this energy as the Mass Energy Equivalence.

But suppose that the nucleus of a fissionable atom, A in the following diagram, is split by a high-speed neutron, at point B. The positive charges of the nucleus, no longer being held together, would try to get away from each other by the shortest possible route, C and D, since like charges repel. Since these are really bundles of strings that would be right angles in opposite directions. 

Since we perceive such a right angle as the speed of light, that accounts for one of the speeds of light in Einstein's formula. The other speed of light is the movement of our consciousness, indicated by the red arrow in the diagram.

These particles, which are actually strings in four dimensions, achieve the speed of light because there is no time dimension involved. We are getting down to the basic fundamentals of the universe in that like charges attract and opposite charges repel and there is no propulsion process which requires time. This is why E = MC squared but we cannot propel anything else to the speed of light.

This illustrates how instantaneous perpendicular velocity, which will appear to us as the speed of light, is only possible when based upon the fundamental electric charges of which everything is composed. The product particles of nuclear fission, suddenly released from nuclear binding energy, fly apart based on like-charge repulsion because that is based on the fundamental electric charges. The reason that fission releases so much energy is that it happens instantaneously, from our perspective, and is not spread over a span of time which is actually distance, in the fourth dimension.

But a bullet from a gun can never be propelled to the speed of light. This is because the propulsion mechanism of the bullet is a chemical process, which is not based directly on the fundamental electric charges. The chemical process in gunpowder that drives the bullet is a step removed from the fundamental electric charges which are required to achieve the speed of light. This is because the gun is a tool of ours and our time momentum comes into play so that the final vector of the bullet is an angle between it's propulsion and our time momentum, and so this angle cannot be the right angle that we would perceive as the speed of light.

The throwing or hitting of a ball results in even less of a velocity than the bullet because the muscular motions of the athlete are based on chemical process, and the coordinated muscle movements involved add a physical process that makes it two steps removed from the fundamental electric charges. Even though the ball is being struck or thrown with theoretically enough force to achieve the speed of light, the fraction of a second in which the action takes place involves the movement of the athlete's consciousness many thousands of km along the bundle of strings composing his body and brain, and this must be factored into the final vector of the ball.

The reason that light, and other electromagnetic waves, appear to move at the speed of light, which is actually the speed at which our consciousness moves, is that the radiation of light directly involves the fundamental electric charges of which space is composed. Remember that the reason we perceive light as being electromagnetic in nature is that it is a disruption of the perfect multi-dimensional checkerboard of the negative and positive electric charges which comprise space.


Now, let's go to what might seem to be a completely different topic, the inevitable inefficiency of any man-made machine with moving parts. It is a well-established principle that a machine can never be made one hundred percent efficient. It is for this reason that perpetual motion is considered to be impossible. Machines transform one type of energy into another but there is inevitably a loss of some of the input energy that cannot be accounted for in the output energy.

The truth is that the vast majority of machines are nowhere near one hundred percent efficient. It seems that the more moving parts there are in a machine, the lower the efficiency. An electrical transformer is considered as very efficient with typical losses of about eight percent. An auto engine is only about 30-40 percent efficient. This means that only that percentage of the energy in the fuel ends up being converted to actual useful motion by the machine.

Some of this inefficiency is due to air resistance and unwanted heat generation by friction. But there is still lost energy that cannot be accounted for. We can build a machine with frictionless bearings and operate it in a vacuum and there will still be an energy loss of a few percent that is difficult to explain. My conclusion is that there must be another factor in machine inefficiency, as yet undocumented. Friction, heat generation and, air resistance simply cannot account for all energy losses.

Remember that in my Theory of Stationary Space a machine is, like other apparent three-dimensional objects, actually four-dimensional, of which we only perceive three dimensions. There seems to be motion because our consciousness is actually progressing along the bundle of strings composing our brains and bodies. This is perceived by us as time.

Indeed, according to the theory, the only "new motion" in the universe is that created by living things. This would include the machines with the puzzling loss of efficiency. The more moving parts there are in a machine, the more the inefficiency, the energy loss, seems to be.

But my concept of time as the movement of our consciousnesses along the bundles of strings composing our bodies and brains explains the inevitable inefficiency of the machines that we build. As we saw in the above example of the baseball, hockey puck or, cricket ball, the final velocity is not based only on the amount of force put into it, but also the time over which that force is applied. The movement of our consciousness accounts for one of the sides of the vector determining the final velocity.

Let's consider the classic example of inefficiency, that of a bouncing ball. If we drop a hard rubber ball and let it bounce, we see that each bounce propels the ball to less of an altitude than the previous bounce. Classical physics will explain this inefficiency as a progressive loss of energy to the atoms of the surface off which the ball is bouncing.

But the cosmological explanation of this involves time, which is the movement of our consciousness. Each bounce involves time, the ball being in contact with the surface for a fraction of a second as our consciousness is proceeding, that what we perceive as the speed of light, along the bundles of strings comprising our bodies and brains. This time of each successive bounce is added to the time that our consciousness moved as the ball was falling to the surface, successively reducing the angle that the ball's bundle of strings is bent relative to our bundle of strings. The result is that we perceive the ball as having less velocity after each successive bounce, which means that it will reach a lower altitude because the velocity at which the ball impacts the surface is really an angle in four-dimensional space..

According to my theory, living things produce the only "new" movement in the universe. This is why this affects machine efficiency but not the orbits of moons and planets. The astronomical bodies are not really moving but are four-dimensional bundles of strings wrapped around each other in space. We, only perceiving light at right angles to us as our consciousness progresses along the four-dimensional bundles of strings that are our bodies, at what we perceive as the speed of light, see this as a three-dimensional sphere in orbit around another. This explains why apparent perpetual motion can take place in the orbits of moons, planets and, stars but not in the machines that we build.


One of the tenets of my theory is that there is really no such thing as the speed of light. This perception is the result of the movement of our consciousness along the bundle of strings comprising our bodies and brains and we are really measuring the speed at which this takes place. But if I say that there is no actual speed of light and that it is only our perception, then why does a radio signal from earth to a spacecraft take time to get to the spacecraft and then back to earth?

To answer this question, let's first consider our observations of the universe. We must remember that our consciousness was designed for such tasks as building, farming, hunting and, fishing and not for making sense of the cosmos. In my view, the perception of the universe that our consciousness has given us has left far too many simple but unanswered questions.

Remember my doctrine that we see the universe as we do not only because of what it is but also because of what we are. Until a few centuries ago, it was thought that the entire universe revolved around the earth because that is what our initial observation tells us. So, why should we think that we can observe the far reaches of the universe and it will be just as our senses tell us?

With the limitations our our observations in mind, let's look at why we perceive light as traveling through space at the speed our consciousness is actually traveling along our bundles of strings composing our bodies and brains.

We saw how the movement of our consciousness along the bundle of strings composing our bodies and brains at what we perceive to be the speed of light factors into our place in the world around us. We can never throw a ball or fire a bullet at the speed of light because that would require bending it's bundle of strings at a perfect right angle, which we would perceive as the object moving at the speed of light, and that would require the propulsion process to be absolutely instantaneous because the movement of our consciousness would be one of the two factors, along with the outward propulsion of the ball or bullet, in the final vector of the ball or bullet. Unless this time factor in the propulsion is zero, or instantaneous, achieving the right angle which we see as the speed of light is impossible.

But what about light itself? It is the movement of our consciousness that causes us to perceive light, which my theory has as stationary electromagnetic disturbances in space caused by energy, as moving at the "speed of light". Let's have a look at what must take place when we send and receive the light which we perceive as traveling at the speed of light. Our transmission and reception of light must involve the movement of our consciousness along the bundles of strings composing our bodies and brains, just as throwing or hitting a ball or firing a bullet does.

So, if we transmit a beam of light outward, so that it seems to us to radiate out into space at a right angle and at the "speed of light", the forward movement of our consciousness must form the other side of the vector so that the beam of light would actually proceed into space at a 45 degree angle, which is the vector between two equal sides at right angles to one another.

This explains why we see into the past even though light is essentially instantaneous and does not travel at the "speed of light" as we perceive it. We do not look at the universe straight on but at a 45 degree angle toward our past in the dimension that we perceive as time.

The speed of light doesn't really exist outside of us, it is just the movement of our consciousness along the bundles of strings comprising our bodies and brains. This can be shown in Quantum Physics, by how information moves between two entangled photons instantaneously, no matter how far apart they are, without any sign of being bound by the speed of light.

But then why are we said to be looking backward in time when we look out into space, supposedly due to the speed of light, so that, if we look at an object ten light years away, we are seeing it as it was ten years in the past and, if we can build telescopes powerful enough, we could see back toward the beginning of the universe.

Remember that the two dimensional sheet of space from which matter formed was aligned at a 45 degree angle to the alignment of charges in the background space, and that angle is still with us. Electromagnetic radiation follows the alignment of the charges in space. As shown by the blue arrow in the following diagram, when we look out into space we are actually looking at a 45 degree angle. So we are actually looking into the past. When we transmit electromagnetic radiation we are actually transmitting at 45 degrees into our future direction, as shown by the green arrow.

This 45 degree angle reception and transmission of electromagnetic radiation explains why there is a delay if, for example, we bounce a radio or radar signal off the moon. It may seem nonsensical to say that there is no speed of light because the signal takes about three seconds to get to the moon and back, which is just what we would expect with what we consider as the speed of light. But the following diagram shows what is really happening.

The bottom line is the bundles of strings comprising the earth, and our bodies and brains. The upper line is the bundles of strings comprising the moon. Both seen in four dimensions, of course. The movement of our consciousness, at what we perceive as the speed of light, is indicated by the red arrow.

Remember, as seen in the diagram above, that we receive electromagnetic radiation at an angle 45 degrees into our past and send it 45 degrees into our future, although in no way can we perceive this. From Point A we send the signal to the moon. It is instantaneously received back at Point B. But it takes our consciousness three seconds to get from Point A to Point B, and that is what we perceive as the speed of light.

Now you understand, if there is really no speed of light, why we see a star that is 36 light-years distant, for example, as it was 36 years in the past. It is just that we are looking at it at a 45 degree angle and since a triangle with two 45 degree angles has two equal sides, we do not see light from the star until our consciousness has traveled along our strings a distance equal to that to the star.

The same concept applies to a radar signal that is bounced off the moon. The signal will travel at a 45 degree angle to the moon, bounce off and come back to the radar antenna at an angle of 45 degrees. Thus, the radar operators will not receive the signal back until their consciousnesses have traveled a distance twice that of the distance to the moon. Since they are unaware of this movement, unless they have read my theory, they will perceive that the signal takes time to get to the moon and back. The same goes for communication between earth and a spacecraft. Imagine throwing a ball at a wall, not straight-on but at a 45 degree angle so that it bounces off the wall at a 45 degree angle.

We never notice this 45 degree slant to all the light that we see because all the light we see is slanted at the same 45 degrees to the past. This is why we see distant objects in space as they were in the past, even though there is no actual speed of light. Two people facing each other are actually seeing each other at 45 degrees to the past, but at terrestrial distance the difference that this makes is negligible.

The so-called "Doppler Effect" is the red-shifting of light from astronomical bodies that appear to be moving away from us at great velocity. Red is the end of the visible spectrum with the longest wavelengths, and the shifting of the frequency of light toward red is due to the velocity "stretching out" the wavelengths of light that are emitted from the moving object. The light would be blue-shifted, toward shorter wavelengths, if the object were moving toward us at high velocity. A good illustration of the Doppler Effect is the whistle of a train that is moving toward the observer. The whistle will sound high-pitched as the train approaches, due to "compression" of the waves of sound by the train's forward movement, which will then drop to a low pitch as the train passes the observer, because the sound waves are now "stretched out" by the train's movement.

But the Doppler Effect on the light from distant objects that appear to be moving away from us at high velocities can be explained simply by the angle of the bundle of strings representing the object, in relation to our bundles of strings. Remembering that, in my cosmology theory, velocity is actually the angles of bundles of strings. The relative angle would function as a kind of a prism in that an angle away from us would appear to "stretch out" the wavelengths of the waves toward red and an angle toward us would appear to "compress" the wavelengths of the waves toward blue.

Suppose that two people are throwing a ball back and forth between them, but one of the two is on a conveyor belt or moving sidewalk. Each would have to both throw and receive the ball at an angle, rather than straight-on. The required angle would be the vector between the rate of motion of the conveyor belt and the velocity of the ball. The same principle applies when we send or receive light from space, as well as throw or hit a ball or fire a bullet, because our consciousness is moving along the bundles of strings comprising our bodies and brains.

We can shine a flashlight into a mirror and get the light back because the flashlight and mirror are actually four-dimensional objects, like all other matter, of which we can only see three dimensions at once. The fourth dimension is, of course, the spatial dimension that we perceive as time. The light reflected from the mirror is actually that which reaches it from the flashlight at a 45 degree angle and the light from the mirror to the observer is also that which is at a 45 degree angle.

It makes sense that light and radar signals are also sent back into our past dimension, but due to the nature of the movement of our consciousness, we can only see light in the direction from which our consciousness has come. The result is that everything you see is in the past. The further away it is, the further in the past it is. The observable universe extends back to the Big Bang from which it began but we cannot see how vast the universe is today because we only see along a 45 degree visual cone extending into our past.

If we are indeed progressing forward in the spatial dimension that we perceive as time, at what we perceive as the speed of light, and any light or electromagnetic waves that we transmit into space is moving into our future dimension at a 45 degree angle, then we should see that light as moving outward at what we perceive as the speed of light and indeed that is exactly what we see. But this brings us to a conclusion about the energy released by nuclear fission. We saw that the initial products of the fission move apart, due to the like-charge repulsion after the sudden release of the nuclear binding energy, at a direct right angle to the bundle of strings of the matter.

This is what then brings us to Einstein's famous formula, E = MC squared. The formula means that energy (E) within matter is equal to the mass (M) multiplied by the constant (C) squared. The constant is the speed of light, which is absolutely invariable in Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity. In other words, a small amount of matter contains a fantastic amount of energy.

I have pointed out previously how this reflects my cosmological theory. The right angles at which the product particles of fission move outward represents one speed of light, since matter moving at a right angle appears to us as moving at the speed of light. Our motion along the bundles of strings of which our bodies and brains are composed, at what we perceive as the speed of light, which is going on during the fusion process, is the second speed of light. This is why the speed of light is squared, or multiplied by itself in E = MC squared, there are two speeds of light involved in the vector of energy that we perceive as released by nuclear fission.

Einstein's famous formula, E = MC squared, means that the internal energy in matter equals the mass multiplied by the speed of light, squared. This internal energy, in my cosmology theory, is the energy that holds like charges together, against their mutual repulsion, to form matter. This is why matter tends to consist of electrically charged particles, such as protons and electrons. We also refer to this energy as the Mass Energy Equivalence.

But suppose that the nucleus of a fissionable atom, A in the following diagram, is split by a high-speed neutron, at point B. The positive charges of the nucleus, no longer being held together, would try to get away from each other by the shortest possible route, C and D, since like charges repel. Since these are really bundles of strings that would be right angles in opposite directions. 

Since we perceive such a right angle as the speed of light, that accounts for one of the speeds of light in Einstein's formula. The other speed of light is the movement of our consciousness, indicated by the red arrow in the diagram.

Another way of looking at why the speed of light is squared in the formula involves the 45 degree angle at which we would necessarily radiate electromagnetic waves into our future spatial dimension because of the vector formed by our forward momentum in our time dimension. But the product particles of the nuclear fission move outward not at a 45 degree angle, but at a full right angle because that is the most direct route for the two suddenly released from binding energy like-charged particles to get away from one another.

This right angle is twice the angle of the 45 degrees of any light that we transmit so that there is effectively two speeds of light involved in the energy released by nuclear fission, and that is why E = MC squared.


All technology is actually based on this cosmology theory.

Distance is the most fundamental everyday unit of information. The universe is ultimately composed of alternating electric charges, and distance is the number of such charges within a given span. In that all-pervading pattern that I often refer to, "The One And The Many", distance represents "The Many" because it is the expression of how many possible permutations there are, which is how information must be stored.

My definition of the complexity of a number is not how high the number is, but the value of the denominator when the number is expressed as a ratio or fraction. 6 is not more complex than 2 because 6 is really 6 / 1 and 2 is really 2 / 1. In "The One And The Many", the one is the permutation that is and the many are all of the other possible permutations that were not. In a fraction or ratio, the numerator is the one and the denominator is the many.

The computer bits of 1s and 0s illustrates how it is permutations which hold information. If we had the bits 1100, there are six possible permutations because the bits can be arranged in six different ways. The one permutation that is would be the one and all six would be the many. This would have a complexity of six because it would be represented a a ratio or fraction by 1 / 6. If there were more than these four bits, the many or the denominator would be higher because there would be more possible permutations.

Distance would mean more complexity, which is more information, because, if the moon's diameter is 1 / 120 of it's distance from earth, it contains more information than if it's diameter were 1 / 60 of it's diameter from earth. This is because there would be more possible positions for the moon to be in, relative to it's diameter, in "The One And The Many", with the diameter being the one and the distance being the many.

One of the simplest possible forms of technology is the use of a lever to pry something loose. When we use a lever, we are exchanging distance for force. We get more force applied than we would without the lever, but we must move the handle end of the lever over a further distance.

Remember also my doctrine that energy and information is really the same thing. We cannot apply energy to something without also adding information to it, and we cannot add information to anything without applying energy to it. We can see how energy and information is really the same thing by our use of technology. We can make our lives physically easier, by the use of technology, but only at the expense of making it more complex. We can never, on a large scale, make our lives physically easier without making them more complex. This again shows that energy and information is really the same thing.

In the simple lever, we are exchanging the moving of the handle of the lever over more distance in exchange for greater force, but over a shorter distance. Distance is a unit of information, and energy and information is really the same thing. All technology, starting with the lever, makes our lives physically easier, but only at the expense of making them more complex. The most advanced technology thus acts as a lever in saving us from exerting physical force, but requiring us to deal with more complexity.

Now, here is the question. In technology beyond the example of the simple lever, where we see the distance that is exchanged for force, where is the distance that must be exchanged for the force that saves us from heavier physical labor? There must be distance exchanged for force because distance, permutations of the electric charges comprising space, is the fundamental unit of information.

This distance that must be exchanged for force in technology actually comes from the fourth dimension of space over which matter from the Big Bang, which began the universe, is scattered. The one exception, where the distance that is exchanged is from our familiar three dimensions, is the simple lever. To better understand this, let's have a look at the forms of four broad classifications of technology. What I will refer to as "The Essential Forms Of technology" are, incredibly, not found in any meaningful way in our familiar three dimensions but are the forms of matter on which my cosmology theory is based.

All construction and storage technology revolves around right angles. It is only right angles that can make the most efficient use of space, because they can fit together with no wasted space. We do not really see meaningful right angles in the universe of inanimate matter around us. But in my cosmology theory, the dimensions are at right angles to one another, and it is for this cosmological reason that right angles become so important in construction and storage technology, even though meaningful right angles are lacking in the world and universe around us.

Mechanical technology depends on cylindrical gears and wheels. But the form of a cylinder, while very important to living things as it includes such biological forms as tree trunks and limbs, is essentially absent from the universe of inanimate matter. But in my cosmology theory the spheres of stars and planets, which are the dominant form of matter in the universe, are actually cylindrical bundles of strings in four-dimensional space. We see them as spheres because we perceive the fourth dimension as time, rather than space.

Electrical technology is based on wires. There is nothing like the forms of wires in the universe of inanimate matter. The form of wires is vital to living things, as nerves and blood vessels and capillaries. But what we perceive as sub-atomic particles, such as electrons, are actually strings in four-dimensional space which are in the form of wires.

Computer technology is based on permutations of bits, 1s and 0s, to store information. it is true that three-dimensional atoms and molecules in inanimate matter are based on permutations of sub-atomic particles, but computer technology goes directly to the model of alternating electric charges, which comprise space, and the arrangement into strings, such as electrons, by adding energy, which is the same thing as information, to them. The computer directly uses electromagnetic points of information to store pre-coded information. This is exactly the same method as the most fundamental level of the universe itself.

In technology that is more complex than the simple lever described above, there is no apparent "distance" that is being exchanged for work, but yet it must be there somewhere. This "distance" is all of the moving done by humans in setting up the technology. Since humans cannot move in an instant, this means that the setting up of the technology must have been done over time.

According to my cosmology theory, time is actually a dimension of space. This is where distance, the most fundamental unit of information, comes from because what we perceive as time is actually distance, in this fourth spatial dimension that we perceive as time.

The reason that this does not apply to a simple lever, where we exchange distance that we cannot see for force, is that any length of stick that we may find can be used as a lever, and it does not require any setting up.

But when we use space in this fourth dimension as the distance that technology exchanges to make life easier, we must also necessarily bring in the forms of matter in that dimension that we do not see in our familiar three dimensions. There is nothing alien about this fourth dimension of space, we are in it all the time. It is just that we are only in one slice or moment of it at a time, and cannot access it at will.

We create technology by imposing our higher level of complexity on the inanimate matter around us. All technology operates as a lever, the most basic of all machines, but the distance that is traded for force comes from the fourth dimension and, in doing so, it brings in the forms of matter as they are seen in this fourth dimension, as the Essential Forms Of Technology.

Whenever new information is added to some system, something must be created that did not exist before to hold that information. Humans, imposing their higher level of complexity on inanimate matter, to create technology, makes it necessary to bring in some new forms of matter. The forms that it brings in are those that would, according to my cosmology theory, be seen in four-dimensional space. The distance that must be exchanged for work comes from the additional dimension, and brings in the forms of matter that would be seen with the additional dimension.


The Crab Nebula also has purely scientific meaning. It is actually an amazing example of how information flows between different scales in the universe. We have seen how it flows from the lowest to the highest levels but, given the right conditions, it can also flow the other way. It also demonstrates the importance of dust in the universe, because the scale of a typical grain of dust is exactly halfway between that of the electric charges that form everything in the universe, and the scale of the entire universe itself.

The compound posting on this blog, "The Flow Of Information Through The Universe", is all about how information flows though the universe from the lowest to the highest levels. The same information as in the lowest levels has to be reused because there is no information from anywhere else with which to build the matter structures of the higher levels.

Probably the most obvious example is the orbits of moons and planets around stars. These orbits are just like the orbitals of electrons in the atoms of which the stars, planets and, moons are composed. The information at the astronomical level has to be the same as at the sub-atomic level because there is no information from anywhere else with which to build the structures at the astronomical level.

We now know that the groups of galaxies that compose the highest level of the arrangement of matter in the universe are not spread anywhere near evenly across space. Galactic groups are structured in filaments, with vast voids between them. We cannot see this with ordinary observation, but it becomes apparent when the distances and direction of many galactic groups in the universe are plotted. The filaments are millions of light-years across and the voids between them are hundreds of millions of light-years across. Our own galaxy, so vast that we really cannot grasp it, is just a speck in all of this.

This is a chart of the distribution of large groups of galaxies in our general area of the universe. Our group of galaxies is referred to as simply the Local Group, and the wider group that it is a part of is called Laniakea. Notice how, when seen on a very large scale, the groups of galaxies form filaments with vast voids between them.

One thing that is really striking is how the filaments resemble the folds in a crumpled sheet of paper that is opened up again. Remember that, in my cosmology theory, the matter in the universe originated with a two-dimensional sheet of space that was within, but was not contiguous with, the four dimensions of background space, one of which we perceive as time, over which it was scattered by what we perceive as the Big Bang.

Now, look at the Crab Nebula. This is the remnants of a supernova explosion in 1054, nearly a thousand years ago. Notice how the dust that composes the Crab Nebula, the heavy elements that were fused together in the progenitor star before it exploded and scattered it's component matter across space, is also arranged not as just a cloud of dust, but in filaments. In fact, the filaments that we can see in the Crab Nebula very much resemble the filaments, with vast gaps between them, of which the matter in the entire universe is arranged.

So knowing that matter always seeks the lowest energy state, why did the matter thrown outward into space by the supernova explosion that caused the Crab Nebula form these intricate filaments? This has got to be a far higher information state than just forming a cloud of dust. Why would the matter of the Crab Nebula instead take the form of these fine and complex filaments that we see?

But yet the matter in the Crab Nebula definitely does form those complex filaments, and the information must have come from somewhere.

In the Crab Nebula, what is happening is that the universe is literally making a model of itself. The supernova that formed the Crab Nebula is a reenactment of the Big Bang and the countless grains of dust, being able to hold a lot of information in their arrangement, copies the information of the arrangements of matter in the entire universe, but with specks of dust instead of stars. But the dust, of course, came from a star.

But why is this the only place that we see, as far as I am aware, an arrangement of matter forming a literal model of the arrangement of matter in the entire universe?

Smoke from a chimney simply forms a small cloud. The water droplets in the clouds in the air do not form any such filaments, except for the ice crystals in cirrus clouds and they usually are just straight lines. The arrangements of stars in galaxies do not form any such filaments that are a model of the universe, spiral galaxies like ours have the "arms" but are nothing like these complex filaments in the universe and the Crab Nebula. Neither do the asteroids in our Solar System's Asteroid Belt form any such filaments.

What happens is that the molecules in a gas do not take the form of filaments because the molecules are too small. The stars in a galaxy to not arrange in the form of filaments because the stars are too large. But it does happen with enough dust thrown out into space, and under the right conditions, because the grains of dust are just right.

But what does it mean for the scale of the grains of dust to be "just right"?

Remember, in the compound posting "The Lowest Energy Point", there is a section titled "The Bias Toward Dust". The reason that dust is so abundant, as well as why it is just the right scale to form a model of the structure of matter in the universe, is that the typical size of a speck of dust is exactly halfway between the nearly infinitesimal negative and positive electric charges of which the universe is composed, and the nearly infinite scale of the entire universe.

This scale of halfway between the scale of an electric charge and the entire universe must go by size, and not by mass. The gravity between enough grains of dust with the right disbursement in space has just the right amount of gravity between them to allow the dust to arrange into the filament structure that is a model of the universe. It is true that atoms are almost all empty space, but if the atoms in the dust were more dense then the atoms of the whole universe would be more dense and, with their grater gravitational pull, the universe would be more compact but, even so, the scale relationship of dust particles as halfway between the scale of  electric charges and of the entire universe would still hold true.

The arrangement of dust that forms the clear filaments in the Crab Nebula is literally a model of the structure of the universe. This shows that, when conditions are right, information not only flows from the lowest to the highest levels, as from atoms to the orbits of moons and planets, but also in the other direction, from the highest levels downward. The Crab Nebula cannot be expected to be a perfect model of the universe because it's component grains of dust are subject to the tidal forces, differences in gravity, from nearby stars.

The reason that the Crab Nebula is not spherical in form, as we would expect the universe to be if the Big Bang which threw the matter outward was even, can be explained by the rotation of the progenitor star before it exploded in the supernova. The matter originating from around the equatorial plane of the star would have been thrown outward with a greater velocity than the matter from around the polar regions. That is why the nebula is shaped more like the shell of a crab, hence the name.

So if the dust of the Crab Nebula is a model of the matter structure of the universe, as it seems that it is, what else might that be able to tell us?

Notice that the dust in the Crab Nebula is more concentrated in it's outer regions than it is toward the center. This is to be expected since the matter was thrown outward by an explosion and is still moving outward today. But yet we do not see this same arrangement in the vast filaments of matter in the universe as a whole. There is no corresponding concentration of matter toward the outer limits of the universe, as compared with nearer the center.

The answer to that is actually simple. The reason that we do not see any concentration of matter toward the outer limits of the universe, as we might expect if all matter was thrown outward by the Big Bang, is that the universe is actually strings of matter in four-dimensional space, instead of the particles of matter in three-dimensional space that we perceive, with the missing dimension of space being the one that we perceive as time.

When we look out into space, we are looking at right angles to the bundles of strings comprising our bodies and brains. We cannot see the center of the universe, which is where the Big Bang was centered because that is in the dimension of space that we perceive as time, in the past direction. For this reason, there appears no large-scale difference in the distribution of matter.


It may seem that science should be a simple realm, meaning that a statement must be either true or false and two contradictory statements cannot both be true. This is the way mathematics is. If 5 + 4 = 9 is true then 5 + 4 = 7 must be false.

But science has shown itself to be a complex realm, where two apparently contradictory statements can both be true, at least under certain circumstances.

Consider that there is "classical physics", relativity and quantum physics. All three are well-established and have precepts that are provable by experimentation. But both relativity and quantum physics have things that are impossible to explain by "classical physics".

Many have tried, with little success, to unite relativity and quantum physics. The great dividing line between the two is the speed of light. in Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity, everything revolves around the speed of light. Mass, time and length can all be variable, but the speed of light always remains constant and nothing can ever travel faster than the speed of light.

But in quantum physics, the speed of light is not even a factor at all. Information moves between two entangled photons instantaneously, no matter how far apart they are, with no speed of light limitation.

Furthermore, in quantum physics even the act of observing or measuring something affects it's outcome. In the famous double-slit experiment, if we do not observe light passing through two parallel slits we can see by the diffraction pattern that photons of light passed through both slits. But if we do observe it, the absence of a diffraction pattern shows that photons passed through only one of the two slits. This is completely alien to both classical physics and relativity.

But if the physical sciences are so closely associated with mathematics, then how can mathematics be such a simple realm, where contradictory statements cannot be true, while science is a complex realm where contradictory statements sometimes can be true?

My cosmological theory has a simple explanation. One of the most important points of the theory is that we see the universe as we do not only because of what it is but also because of what we are.

There are two possible universes that we might see:

A) The universe with us.

B) The universe without us.

We could also refer to it as the "Internal Universe", which includes our perspective and our nature, and the "External Universe".

When humans first looked around them, it seemed that the earth was flat and that the astronomical bodies revolved around the earth. Later, of course, we found that the earth is spherical, rather than flat, and that the earth revolves around the sun and not the other way around.

As science progressed still further, we ran up against the bizarre realms of relativity and quantum physics and the contradictions that they bring about. But let's see how these compare with the earlier contradictions between what we see and what we later find to be true.

We know that the earth is not flat and that the astronomical bodies do not revolve around the earth. But then why do we see it that way if we know otherwise?

The answer is that to see the earth as spherical and revolving around the sun, we have to get ourselves out of the picture. If we see with our own eyes, with ourselves in the picture, we will see the earth as flat with the astronomical bodies revolving around it.

The flat earth with all of the astronomical bodies revolving around it is the universe with us.

The spherical earth revolving around the sun is the universe without us.

The difference is in whether we collect and analyze data or whether we put our direct perspective into it. Neither is really correct or incorrect. If we look at architectural blueprints, the earth appears to be flat as there is no reason to involve it's curvature on a large scale. For the purpose of telling time, it is fine to refer to sunrise and sunset, as if the sun were going around the earth. It depends whether or not we are in the picture.

Now, let's move on to the development of relativity and quantum physics. The two are not compatible with classical physics, or with each other. But considering the above example of the apparent flat earth and earth-centered universe, wouldn't it be logical that this is another case of "The universe with us" against "The universe without us"?

We know that the classical physics of the spherical earth revolving around the sun, and not vice-versa, represents "The universe without us" that displaced the flat earth with everything apparently revolving around us of "The universe with us". Given that, wouldn't it seem that the first place to look at why relativity and quantum physics have such a contradiction with classical physics is that maybe those two represent "The universe with us"?

For another thing, none of these three branches is able to explain that time actually is. Relativity explains how time is affected as an object moves at speeds approaching the speed of light, but still doesn't tell us exactly what time is. Classical physics and quantum physics don't have much at all to say about what time is.

What about my cosmology theory? Have you ever thought that maybe what we perceive as particles of matter, such as electrons, are really strings in four-dimensional space and our consciousnesses are moving along the bundles of strings comprising our bodies and brains at what we perceive as the speed of light? That is why the speed of light is so absolutely constant and everything seems to revolve around it and no one can explain what time is in terms of physics.

Relativity is "The universe with us", which is why it cannot be explained by the classical physics of "The universe without us". Time is something that is within us, which is why it has never been explained by classical physics. That is why I named my cosmology theory "The Theory Of Stationary Space", because everything is really still and it is only our movements and the movement of our consciousness that is the only "new" motion in the universe.

Electrons are one-dimensional strings in space. Light is two-dimensional waves in the background matrix of alternating negative and positive electric charges that comprise empty space. The only way that we can see, or measure of receive light in any way, is to have it interact with matter. When light interacts with matter it must absorb some of the energy in the light. Electrons are in orbitals around atoms so light interacting with matter usually means with an electron. But since light is a two-dimensional wave while electrons are only one-dimensional strings, that means that matter can absorb only one of light's two-dimensions.

One thing that is completely different about the relatively new science of Quantum Physics is that the observation is a vital part of any interaction. If a quantum interaction is being observed it makes all the difference, relative to if it is not being observed. A well known example is the Two Slit Experiment.
There is a simple explanation for this phenomenon but it requires seeing electrons as one-dimensional strings, as they are in four dimensions, rather than the particles as conventionally portrayed. The only way that we can see or receive electromagnetic waves is by their interaction with electrons.

As shown in the following diagram, waves are two-dimensional while an electron is one-dimensional. We know that an electromagnetic wave is two dimensional because it has two pieces of information, the wavelength and the amplitude. We can also see how an electromagnetic wave is two dimensional in that a higher frequency (shorter wavelength) wave will push electrons with more force but will not push any more electrons. A brighter light, but at the same frequency, will push more electrons but not with any more force. 

Yet another way we can see that electromagnetic waves are two dimensional is that their angle of vibration can be polarized, like the hands on a clock. We perceive light as filling three dimensional space because our eyes are so much larger than the wavelength of light.

The reason that observation is such a vital part of Quantum Physics is that it is necessary for the electron to absorb one dimension of the wave. This is the only way that we can observe the interaction. That changes the interaction. The remaining one dimension of the wave is like a particle of light, which we refer to as a photon. 

That is why light is said to have both a wave and a particle nature. One dimension of the wave can be absorbed by an electron, which is the only way that we can observe it. The diagram shows the two dimensional wave at top and the one dimensional electron string at bottom.

Quantum physicists describe light as having both a wave and a particle nature, which seems contradictory and alien to classical physics. But since matter interaction, including seeing, involves contact with one-dimensional electrons, that means that one dimension of the light must be left over. Since my cosmology theory has what we see as particles as really one-dimensional strings, that explains the particle nature of light and the particles that we see as photons.

A photon is light where one of the two dimensions has been absorbed by interaction with matter. That explains the mysterious double-slit experiment. The only way that we can observe or measure light is to have it interact with matter, and this means absorbing one of it's two dimensions.

The speed of light is not a factor in quantum physics because time is really within us, the movement of our consciousness along the bundles of strings comprising our bodies and brains, and while that is a factor when we are moving, it is not a factor when we are seeing. Quantum physics is also "The universe with us", which is why it can never be explained by the classical physics of "The universe without us".

Relativity and quantum physics both, unlike classical physics, involve our perspective.

Special relativity is the effects that we observe revolving around the fact that our consciousness is moving along the bundles of strings that compose our bodies and brains at what we perceive as the speed of light. Matter is really strings in four-dimensional space but we perceive them as particles in three-dimensional space because we perceive the fourth dimension of space as time.

Quantum physics is the effects that we observe revolving around the fact that light, or any electromagnetic radiation, consists of two-dimensional waves, while the electrons in orbitals around the atoms in our eyes and measuring devices are one-dimensional strings. When light interacts with matter an electron absorbs energy from the light. But it can absorb only one of the two dimensions and this leaves the one-dimensional "particles" of light that we refer to and perceive as photons. This explains the wave-particle duality of light.

What we perceive as particles are really one-dimensional strings because we perceive one of the four dimensions of space as time. This is why information can move instantaneously between two entangled photons, without being bound at all by the speed of light.

I see my cosmology theory not as another branch, but as the way to link these three branches together.

This concept of two views of the universe, one with us and one without us, means that we have to be more careful about deciding that one scientific theory is correct, while another is incorrect. it might be that one is describing the universe with us while the other is the universe without us.

An ideal example is the nature of light. Prominent scientists like Rene Descartes, Robert Boyle and, Sir Isaac Newton developed a theory that light was composed of particles, which they named "corpuscles". But this could not explain the observed behaviors of light when it is passed through such optical devices as lenses, prisms and, diffraction gratings. Even though it was Sir Isaac Newton who first demonstrated that white light could be broken down into it's component colors through a prism.

The balance shifted toward the theory that light was composed of waves. This was put forth by the Dutch scientist Christaan Huygens and did explain all of the optical behaviors of light.

But then when quantum physics came along, it turned out that it's photons were just like the old "corpuscles", which were particles of light. Quantum physics described light as having both a wave and a particle nature. But what that meant is that both of the old theories could be correct. The "corpuscles" or photons represent "The universe with us" and the waves represent "The universe without us".


I had been reading recently about the difficulty of explaining supermassive black holes. By this I mean black holes with masses billions of times that of the sun.

We know how black holes form. A star is an equilibrium between the outward force of the radiation released by fusion in it's interior and the inward pull of gravity. The star forms in the first place when enough matter is pulled together by it's mutual gravity to overcome the electron repulsion between atoms and crunch smaller atoms together into larger ones by the force of gravity. The new larger atom has less overall energy than the smaller atoms that were crunched together to form it. The excess energy is released as radiation, and that is why stars shine.

As the star proceeds with fusing lighter atoms into successively heavier ones it eventually runs out of fuel, because the ordinary fusion process only goes as far as iron. This upsets the equilibrium of the star by removing the outward force of the radiation, so that the inward force of gravity takes over.

The vast majority of an atom is empty space. What happens next, at least in some stars, is that the pressure of gravity completely crushes the atoms. The electrons of an atom are crunched into it's protons to form neutrons, this also happens in ordinary fusion. 

The result is a "neutron star", where all atoms have been crushed into neutrons. Although it is technically not actually a star because fusion is no longer taking place. A star the size of the sun might collapse into a neutron star the size of a city. This brings about extreme density and a spoonful of neutron star material might have a mass of billions of tons. Some neutron stars do release energy because they are still shrinking.

But this collapse of atoms into closely-packed neutrons greatly increases the gravitational attraction between the mass. This may lead, in certain stars, to a further gravitational collapse. The structure of matter may collapse further, so that there is no discernible structure of matter at all. This is what we refer to as a "black hole".

Any matter that gets pulled into the black hole becomes part of it, having it's atomic structure utterly crushed. There is no possible exit. The gravity of the black hole would likely tear any nearby matter apart before inexorably pulling it in. This is due to tidal forces, the gravity on the matter on the side closest to the black hole would be greater than the force on the far side of the matter, and this would tear the matter apart.

It has long been known that this is how black holes come to be, the accretion of matter by gravity that typically begins with the gravitational collapse of a star, after the star's fusion process has ceased.

But more recently, supermassive black holes have been found that scientists agree could not possibly have been formed by this usual accretion of matter. Furthermore it has been determined that these mysterious supermassive black holes have existed since near the beginning of the universe, before much nuclear fusion in stars even had a chance to take place.

So a major question about the universe today is how these supermassive black holes, each with billions of times the mass of the sun, could possibly have formed.

My cosmological theory provides a neat and simple answer to this as yet unanswered question. Let's briefly review the theory. 

My cosmological theory has the universe as not-quite-parallel strings of matter aligned mostly in one direction in four-dimensional space, although there could be many more than these four dimensions. 

The direction in which these strings of matter are primarily aligned is the one that we perceive as time, along which our consciousnesses move at what we perceive as the speed of light. We can only see perpendicular to the bundles of strings of matter comprising our bodies and brains. 

The original two-dimensional sheet of space, amidst the multi-dimensional background space, disintegrated in one of it's two dimensions as one pair of it's opposite sides came into contact. Due to charge migration, to seek a lower energy state, one side was positive in charge and the other was negative. This brought about the matter-antimatter mutual annihilation that we perceive as the Big Bang. 

The energy in the disintegrating dimension, from the tension between adjacent opposite electric charges, was released. The remaining dimension then consisted of very long strings of infinitesimal cross-section, that we perceive as the particles of matter today. Some of the energy released by the disintegrating dimension went into "welding" the charges of the remaining dimension together as strings of matter. The remainder is the radiation that we can detect as being left over from the Big Bang.

We perceive these strings as particles because our consciousnesses are moving along the bundles of strings composing our bodies and brains, at what we perceive as the speed of light, and we can only see at right angles to our strings.

So, the basics of my theory is a two-dimensional sheet of space, which formed amidst the multi-dimensional background space by the same kind of opposite charge induction, disintegrating in one of it's two dimensions as one pair of it's opposite sides came into contact to create the matter-antimatter explosive mutual annihilation that we perceive as the Big Bang, which began the universe as we know it, and which scattered the remaining one-dimensional strings of matter out across space to form the universe that we see today. The strings of matter from the original two-dimensional sheet were scattered across four dimensions of the background space.

With that background in the problem of unexplainable supermassive black holes and then my cosmology theory, let me show what a simple explanation the theory has for supermassive black holes. Remember that there is a principle in physics called "Occam's Razor", which basically says that the simplest explanation for something is usually the best explanation. That may not be true in the world of people but it does seem to be true in the world of physics.

My cosmology theory has a two-dimensional sheet of space that was within, but not contiguous to, the multi-dimensional background space, although the sheet had formed by the same kind of opposite-charge induction. Since the sheet was not contiguous to, nor coordinated with, the multi-dimensional background space the sides of one of it's two dimensions came into contact with each other.

Since charge migration had taken place in the two-dimensional sheet, positive charge to one side and negative to the other because it brought about a lower energy state relative to the electric charges in the background space, the oppositely-charged sides in contact brought about the matter-antimatter mutual annihilation of one of the two dimensions of the sheet that we refer to as the Big Bang.

The remaining dimension of the sheet became the one-dimensional strings that comprise the matter in the universe today. But while the two sides of one dimension of the sheet were coming in contact the other dimension of the sheet, the one that became matter, was folding too, although the two sides of this dimension never came in contact as the first dimension did.

It was these folds, in the two-dimensional sheet of space that became matter, that became the supermassive black holes that have been found to have existed since near the beginning of the universe, which we know could not have formed by the usual accretion of matter. Imagine a sheet folding by itself but one dimension of the sheet folds faster than the other. The sides of the sheet folding fastest will be the one whose sides make contact, but the other dimension will still have folds in it.

The dimension of the sheet whose sides didn't contact became the one-dimensional strings of matter, after the other dimension had disintegrated in what we perceive as the Big Bang. The dominant form of matter became atoms, after composite particles formed due to the charge migration that had taken place in the sheet before the Big Bang and those particles with a negative charge joined together with those with a positive charge to form atoms.

But the folds meant a greater concentration of matter per area. Because of the great gravitational attraction within these folds it never got the chance to form into charged particles, and certainly not into atoms that are mostly empty space, these concentrations of matter became the supermassive black holes that we see today, and cannot be explained any other way.

Look at this graphic image of the distribution of galaxies in the universe on a very large scale. My cosmology theory has matter originating from the remaining dimension of a two-dimensional sheet of space that was within, but not contiguous with, the multi-dimensional background space. The sheet folded in both of it's dimensions but the opposite sides in one dimension made contact first, resulting in the matter-antimatter disintegration that we perceive as the Big Bang:

This is the image from the Wikipedia article on "Astronomical Void":

Now look at the pattern on a crumpled sheet of paper. Doesn't it look very much like the pattern of the large-scale distribution of matter in the universe? That is because matter originated with the two-dimensional sheet of space in my cosmology theory:

It is widely believed that all large galaxies, including our own, have a supermassive black hole at their cores. This means that the distribution of matter in the universe on a large scale, as depicted in the image above, is governed by where these supermassive black holes are located.

These supermassive black holes are known to have existed since near the beginning of the universe. It was their massive gravity around which large galaxies coagulated. And their distribution in the universe, on a large scale, looks just like the crumpling of a sheet of paper. That is because, as described here, these supermassive black holes originated with the original two-dimensional sheet of space, as described in my cosmology theory.

It is sometimes quasars that are at the centers of large galaxies. An "accretion disk" of matter forms around a supermassive black hole. This is matter that is destined to be pulled in by the black hole's gravity. As matter from the accretion disk is pulled into the black hole, it loses it's orbital energy. That energy is released as radiation, which is why a quasar produces light.

Wasn't that simple?


This is an apple. The part of the brain that stores memory and knowledge is no bigger than this apple. Think of all the memories and knowledge that a mature person has. How does the brain store it all? For something of the scale of this apple to store all of that knowledge and memory is absolutely impossible. But if this cosmology theory is correct it means that the brain has a whole other dimension to it. We are confined to the present but can access the past electrically through memory.