Thursday, October 8, 2020

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 In the countries of Latin America there have been quite a few revolutions, where one government has been replaced by another. Remember the principle in "The Second Leader Rule", which I wrote after the death of Fidel Castro.

If a high-profile revolutionary leader is followed by a much lower-profile leader, that is a good sign for the revolution because it means that the revolutionary stage has been successful. If a high-profile revolutionary is followed by another leader of high-profile, Lenin followed by Stalin for example, that means the revolutionary phase is not yet complete. 

The successful completion of a revolution is represented by the revolutionary leader, who must have a high profile to inspire people, being followed by a lower-profile manager.

This is the original posting:

With lockdowns still in place, this is your chance to begin reading the Bible. Remember that all of this is happening for a reason. There are plenty of Bibles online, I use or It is best to read the New Testament first. The Old Testament, basically Judaism, was written before Jesus and the New Testament after. You can skip the first chapter of the first Gospel, St. Matthew, because it is a list of genealogy.

This is usually my New Year's message, but this is a good time to review the power of God:

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