Thursday, May 27, 2021

What Cosmology Missed

Let me explain my cosmology theory from another angle. The theory is detailed in the compound posting on this blog, "The Theory Of Stationary Space", July 2017. The posting that I use to briefly introduce it is "In Cosmology Everything Just Fell Right Into Place", May 2019.

There was just so much that is mysterious about the universe.

First, what exactly is time? It is something that is so basic to us, literally what life is made of. Yet I could find no real explanation of what time exactly is.

Second is the speed of light. In Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity everything revolves around the speed of light. The speed is always constant but time, mass and length are variable. We can measure the speed of light with precision but there is no explanation of why it is that speed, rather than some other speed.

Then there is quantum physics. In relativity everything revolves around the speed of light, and nothing can ever move faster than it. But in quantum physics, or quantum mechanics, the speed of light is not a factor at all. It can be shown that information moves instantaneously between two entangled photons, without being bound by the speed of light at all. But yet relativitists can also prove that their view of the speed of light is correct.

Then there is cosmic rays. Einstein introduced his Special Theory of Relativity in 1905. It is considered as virtually sacrosanct by the scientific community. A primary tenet of the theory is that the mass of an object increases with it's velocity, with the object having infinite mass at the speed of light. But this was before it was found that cosmic rays are actually particles moving at, or near, the speed of light. 

If a cosmic ray particle had infinite mass then it should also have infinite gravity, since gravity is proportional to mass, and should be able to wrap the entire earth around itself by it's gravity, but clearly that doesn't happen.

String Theory has been around since 1968. It maintains that the particles which we perceive as composing matter, such as electrons, are actually strings in more dimensions of space than we can see. There are myriad versions of string theory and I decided that it had too much going for it to not contain some truth. My cosmology theory is my version of string theory.

I noticed something that cosmology seemed to miss altogether. The thing that is missing is ourselves. A basic presumption of science has always been that we have an unbiased view of the universe, that our observations are 100% reliable as data.

But what if we don't have an unbiased view of the universe? My cosmology theory is that we DO NOT have an unbiased view of the universe. We are part of the universe and see it as we do not only because of what it is but also because of what we are.

I had not seen this in any other cosmology theory. It was always presumed that we have an unbiased view of the universe. For other branches of science, chemistry, ordinary physics, geology, etc. this does not make a difference. But in cosmology, the very nature of the universe, it does make a difference.

Time is so fundamental. But I could find no information about what time actually was, other than that it acted as a dimension so that space and time, in Einstein's theories, was referred to as "space-time".

What if the matter of the universe that we inhabit was scattered over four dimensions of space so that what we perceive as the fundamental particles of matter, such as electrons, were actually strings? This is my version of string theory. It doesn't mean that there isn't more than four dimensions of space, only that our familiar matter is scattered over four.

We can see, and move at will, in only three dimensions of space. The fourth dimension we perceive as time. If we are alive all of our lives, but only in one moment in sequence, that explains what time is.

That is why we can find no explanation in physics of what time is. We were looking in the wrong place. Time is actually within us. It is the movement of our consciousness, which only experiences one moment at a time, along the bundles of strings comprising our bodies and brains. We do not have an unbiased view of the universe because we experience this fourth spatial dimension as time.

That brings us to the speed of light. We can measure the speed of light with precision but, as with time, we have no explanation as to why the speed of light is as fast as it is. Yet, like time, it is so fundamental. In Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity, mass, time and, length are relative, hence the name of the theory, but the speed of light is sacrosanct.

What is happening, of course, is that, like time, the speed of light is within us. It is the rate of the movement of our consciousness along the bundles of strings comprising our bodies and brains.

This is why we can find no explanation in physics of either what time is or why the speed of light is the speed that it is. Because both are actually within us.

But if the speed of light is within us, the velocity of our consciousness along the bundles of strings comprising our bodies and brains, then how can it be so sacrosanct to Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity, when time, length and, mass are relative?

There is only one possible answer. The bizarre phenomena seen in Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity is not the way that the inanimate universe "really" is. Rather, it is the way the universe appears to us. The reason that there is a difference is, once again, we do not have an unbiased view of the universe. We see the universe as we do not only because of what it is but because of what we are.

In Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity the speed of light always remains constant. But as an object accelerates to extremely high speeds, strange things begin to take place. The mass of the object increases until the mass is infinite when the object reaches the speed of light, making any further acceleration impossible so that nothing can ever move faster than the speed of light. Time slows down as acceleration increases, until it stops altogether when the object reaches the speed of light. The length of the object decreases, until it is at zero when the object reaches the speed of light.

All of this has been proven experimentally many times. But yet there is a problem with it. The Special Theory of Relativity is from 1905, before it was known that the cosmic rays that bombard the earth from space are actually particles. The "rays" were originally thought to be radiation, hence the name. Cosmic rays are electrons, protons, alpha particles, and various other subatomic particles, moving at or near the speed of light.

This presents a complication for the relativity theory because if a subatomic particle is moving at the speed of light then it should have infinite mass. If even one subatomic particle is moving at, or near, the speed of light then it should be able to wrap the entire earth around itself with it's gravity, since gravity is directly proportional to mass, yet clearly this doesn't happen.

The reason for this discrepancy, in a theory that has been experimentally proven beyond doubt, is that we do not have an unbiased view of the universe. We see the universe as we do not only because of what it is but also because of what we are.

This discrepancy is because the Special Theory of Relativity does not describe the universe as it really is but rather the way it appears to us, and there is a difference.

The matter of our universe consists of strings aligned mostly in one dimension of four dimensions of space. The dimension in which the strings are mostly aligned is the dimension of space that we perceive as time, as our consciousness moves along the bundles of strings comprising our bodies and brains at what we perceive as the speed of light. Since we perceive that dimension as time, we perceive the strings of matter as particles such as electrons.

If a string, or bundle of strings, is not quite parallel to our bundle of strings then we will see it as a moving object as our consciousness proceeds along the bundle of strings comprising our body and brain at what we perceive as the speed of light.

Velocity is thus an angle in stationary strings of matter in space, which is why my cosmology theory is called "The Theory Of Stationary Space". The speed of light is simply strings bent at a right angle. The speed of light is the maximum possible speed because a right angle is the maximum possible angle. Electromagnetic radiation always seems to move at the speed of light because it radiates outward into space at right angles to the bundles of strings.

To understand why Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity describes the universe as we see it but not the way it actually is, because we do not have an unbiased view of the universe, imagine our consciousness moving along the bundles of strings comprising our bodies and brains at what we perceive as the speed of light.

As our consciousness passes by we see a bundle of strings being bent toward a right angle. Since the strings comprising matter are extremely long, when the bundle is at a right angle we see it's mass as all concentrated at one point. That is why an object apparently moving at the speed of light appears to us to have infinite mass. It's apparent length would also seem to be contracting to us, due to simple trigonometry, which is why length contraction apparently takes place when an object nears the speed of light.

From the object's perspective time, which is the movement of our consciousness along the bundles of strings comprising our bodies and brains, would seem to be concentrated at only one point, relative to our process of time, when the object reaches "the speed of light". That is why, according to the Special Theory of Relativity, time slows down at extremely high velocities, until it stops at the speed of light.

But the movement of our consciousness, along the bundles of strings comprising our bodies and brains at what we perceive as the speed of light, is unaffected by all of this, which is why the speed of light is the one absolute constant in the Special Theory of Relativity.

The next major complication for the Special Theory of Relativity is when quantum physics, or quantum mechanics, came along. But my cosmology theory has a neat explanation for that too.

The dividing point between the Special Theory of Relativity and quantum physics is the speed of light. In relativity the speed of light remains absolutely constant and mass, time and the length of an object revolve around it. Nothing can ever move faster than the speed of light. But in quantum physics the speed of light is not even a factor at all. It can be shown that information moves instantaneously between two entangled photons, without being bound at all by the speed of light.

Both relativity and quantum physics can be proven experimentally, but yet the two are clearly contradictory with regard to the speed of light. There is a way to resolve this discrepancy but not with the basic scientific presumption that we have an unbiased view of the universe. The only way to resolve it is to remember that we do not have an unbiased view of the universe. We see the universe as we do not only because of what it is but also because of what we are.

We saw above how the Special Theory of Relativity does not actually describe the universe as it "really" is but as how it appears to us. The two are not the same because we do not have an unbiased view of the universe. Exactly the same applies to quantum physics.

Electromagnetic waves are two-dimensional sine waves that are disturbances in the multi-dimensional alternating checkerboard of negative and positive electric charges that comprise space. The sensors in our eyes are based on the energy in light waves knocking electrons out of their orbitals in atoms to create an electric current. This is the only way that light can be detected.

According to my cosmology theory electrons are actually strings in four-dimensional space that we perceive as particles because we can only see in three of the four dimensions. Since electrons are one-dimensional strings they capture one of the two dimensions of a light wave.

This leaves one of the two dimensions of the wave. Since, in my cosmology theory, particles are one-dimensional this encounter with our eyes or measuring devices leaves a one-dimensional "particle" of light that we refer to as a "photon". 

This is why light is said to have both a wave and a particle nature. If any science students have tried to understand quantum physics but have been baffled by how light could have both a wave and a particle nature, this neatly explains it.

A photon of light can be split in two by a crystal that acts as a prism. The two photons are said to be "entangled". Information passes instantaneously between the two, no matter how far apart they are, without being bound at all by the speed of light. 

This is extremely useful. If we can keep one of the two entangled photons close by, whatever happens to the other one will be instantly reflected in the one close by. Since no one can intercept or interfere with electromagnetic waves without absorbing one of it's dimensions, this opens the possibility of instantaneous and absolutely tamper-proof communication. If the remote photon is tampered with, or even received by anyone, it will immediately be mirrored in the close by photon.

But the apparent discrepancy between the Special Theory of Relativity and quantum physics, involving the speed of light, is explained by my cosmology theory that, unlike "conventional" physics, both relativity and quantum physics are based on our perspective on the universe, that we see the universe as we do not only because of what it is but also because of what we are, but in two different ways.

There really is no speed of light, it seems to us that there is and everything revolves around it because it is the speed of our consciousness along the bundles of strings comprising our bodies and brains. This is why the information passing between two entangled photons, which must remain mirror images of each other, moves instantaneously without being bound at all by the speed of light.

Light is really a wave. It seems to have both a particle and a wave nature because the only way our eyes, and measuring instruments, can detect it is to absorb the energy of one of it's dimensions. This leaves behind a one-dimensional "particle" of light we refer to as a photon.

So many things just fall into place, that are otherwise unexplainable, if we accept that we do not have an unbiased view of the universe. We see it as we do not only because it is but also because of what we are. What is apparently so bizarre about things like relativity and quantum physics is not the way the universe "really" is but the way it appears to us.

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