Thursday, July 22, 2021

My Definition Of Black Holes

Black holes are one of the most discussed features in science nowadays. A black hole, as the name implies, is such a dense concentration of matter that not even light can escape. Some define a black hole as a concentration of matter so dense that it's escape velocity is above the speed of light.

Ordinary matter is made of atoms. But atoms are mostly empty space. In black holes the structure of atoms has been completely crushed into a super-dense concentration of matter that we can scarcely imagine. Objects like neutron stars are also made of extremely dense matter, the structure of atoms having collapsed and electrons crunched into protons to form neutrons, but in black holes even the structure of neutrons has collapsed.

Black holes are often found at the centers of galaxies. There is a massive black hole at the center of our galaxy. Black holes form simply by gravity. When a tremendous amount of matter comes together by gravity it's mutual gravity is enough to crush the structure of atoms and then neutrons to form the super-dense matter of a black hole.

Stars also form by a lot of matter coming together by gravity. But a star requires far less matter than a black hole, which often form from the eventual collapse of very large stars. A star forms when enough matter comes together to overcome the electron repulsion between atoms and crunch smaller atoms into larger ones. The new larger atom contains less overall internal energy than the smaller atoms that were crunched together to form it. The excess energy is released as radiation and this is why stars shine.

But I have my own definition of what constitutes a black hole, rather than saying that it's escape velocity exceeds the speed of light.

There is energy within matter with a certain amount of mass being equivalent to a certain amount of energy. This is known as the Mass-Energy Equivalence and is referred to in Einstein's famous formula, E = MC squared, which means energy equals mass multiplied by the speed of light squared.

In my cosmology theory everything in the universe, space and matter, is composed of negative and positive electric charges. The basic rules of electric charges are that opposite charges attract while like charges repel. In my cosmology theory empty space is composed of a checkerboard of alternating negative and positive charges in multiple dimensions. Matter is composed of like charges held together against their mutual repulsion by energy. This is the energy of the Mass-Energy Equivalence and of Einstein's formula.

The difference between matter and antimatter is that the electric charges are reversed, positively-charged positrons in orbitals around a negatively-charged nucleus instead of negatively-charged electrons in orbitals around the positively-charged nucleus of conventional matter. When matter and antimatter are reacted together the internal energy of both, the Mass-Energy Equivalence, is released in a great burst of radiation and the electric charges that formed both rearranges into the alternating checkerboard pattern of empty space.

The basic rules of electric charges are that opposite charges attract while like charges repel. If the two electric charges are equal then the two basic rules that govern them must also be equal. My cosmology theory explains gravity as if energy overcomes the mutually repulsive force between like charges to hold matter together, and if the two basic rules of electric charges must be equal, then there must be some net attractive force associated with matter.

There is indeed a net attractive force associated with matter. It is what we refer to as gravity. This means that gravity is actually the inverse of the energy of the Mass-Energy Equivalence. There is no actual energy in gravity but there is the kinetic energy of a falling object or the energy of position, which is potential kinetic energy, or the orbital energy of an object in orbit.

But if gravity is the inverse of the Mass-Energy Equivalence, the energy within matter, this means that the kinetic, potential and, orbital energy associated with the gravity of an object can never exceed the energy of the Mass-Energy Equivalence within the matter.

Then what if the object, such as a star, pulls in more matter by gravity so that it keeps growing? The downward gravitational pressure of the mass would keep increasing. 
Eventually a point would come when there would be a zone at the center of the star where the total energy of the Mass-Energy Equivalence within the zone would be less than the total downward pressure of gravity on the center.

When this point was reached it would completely crush the structure of matter within the zone at the center of the star. This is what forms a black hole. The now far-more dense and shrunken core would then pull in nearby matter, crushing it's atomic structure in the same way, and the process would continue until the entire star was a black hole.

So my definition of a black hole is that all internal structure of matter, the atoms of ordinary matter or the neutrons of neutron stars, has been crushed by gravity. But yet black holes, like everything else in the universe, must be composed of electric charges, and the arrangement of those charges cannot be the alternating checkerboard of empty space or black holes would be empty space.

But if gravity is the inverse of the Mass-Energy Equivalence of the internal energy in matter and the gravity of a black hole has completely overcome that of the Mass-Energy Equivalence then there must be a net electrically repulsive force somewhere just as gravity is the inverse of the overcoming by energy of the mutually repulsive force between like electric charges that binds those charges together into the particles of matter that we know, such as negatively-charged electrons.

What happens is that the energy which overcame the repulsion of like charges, which results in matter, goes instead to overcoming the attractive force between the opposite charges in space, which results in electromagnetic radiation.

This is why black holes, despite their extreme density, do not last forever. They gradually decay and give off radiation. The radiation from black holes is known as Hawking Radiation. What is happening within the black hole is that the electric charges that once comprised the atoms of matter are rearranging themselves back into the alternating negative and positive charges of empty space and the energy that held the like charges together, against their mutual repulsion, is being released as Hawking Radiation.

The reason this happens brings us back to my definition of a black hole. Matter, which is like electric charges held together against their mutual repulsion by energy, is usually stable. But, as we saw in my definition of a black hole, the tremendous gravitational pressure in the black hole can overcome the energy of the Mass-Energy Equivalence that holds the like electric charges of matter together. This causes the matter of the black hole to rearrange it's electric charges back into the alternating checkerboard pattern of empty space, and to release the energy that was holding the like charges of matter particles together against their mutual repulsion as Hawking Radiation.

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