Thursday, March 31, 2022


The nation of Bolivia is named for Simon Bolivar, the leader of independence for the Spanish-speaking nations of South America, and it is in what is now Bolivia that the independence movement began. Napoleon's invasion of Spain is likely what prompted it's colonies in the western hemisphere to seize the opportunity for independence.

La Paz is considered as the capital city of Bolivia. It is a Sixteenth-Century Spanish colonial city, built in the Andes Mountains. The following scenes begin in Plaza Murillo, named for a leader of the movement for independence from Spain. There is the familiar pattern of the central square of the capital city having the Cathedral of La Paz and the Presidential Palace facing the square. The Cathedral of La Paz was built in the Nineteenth Century.

There are multiple scenes following. To see the scenes, after the first one, you must first click the up arrow, ^, before you can move on to the next scene by clicking the right or forward arrow, >. After clicking the up arrow, you can then hide the previews of successive scenes, if you wish.,-68.1334642,2a,75y,97.99h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sgYRF8umzn9QBf3tf2DK1dw!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656

This is the modern downtown area of La Paz.,-68.1256435,3a,75y,226.5h,93t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1scwGCDgKu2V7HYS1BlN2SSA!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656

This is the southern area of La Paz.,-68.0757481,3a,75y,1.5h,101t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sZ_JXhopuCzB7P3Ax4EegNA!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656

El Alto is a city that was built adjacent to La Paz in recent decades. It's resident population is actually greater than that of La Paz.,-68.1902055,3a,75y,97.5h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sfdcGG-kWACAPnMP47PUyEA!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656

Santa Cruz De La Sierra is a Sixteenth-Century Spanish colonial city, and is actually the most populous city in Bolivia. The following scenes begin in Plaza 24 de Septiembre, the square at the center of the city.,-63.1821256,3a,75y,71.94h,90t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipOMFfIvp_jxrJlSwIlYPNHrLMOfRIhFJK-7FpZ-!2e10!3e11!!7i6144!8i3072

The city of Sucre is technically the capital of Bolivia. It is also a Sixteenth-Century Spanish colonial city, yet named for a hero of the drive for independence from Spain. It's cathedral was begun in 1559. As in Mexico, the call to independence began here for Bolivia with the ringing of a bell. As Mexico's "independence bell" is preserved in the National Palace, Bolivia's is preserved in the basilica.,-65.2597969,2a,75y,125.76h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s6sqtZqTSNpkWpBu4Zc-V4Q!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656

Finally, we come to Tiwanaku. This is the ruins of a very ancient spiritual center that was part of a great empire about which relatively little is known. This site was built long before the time of Jesus. Just as the Aztec in what is now Mexico City were preceded long before by the builders of the pyramid complex at Teotihuacan, the Inca on the west coast of northern South America were preceded by the builders of Tiwanaku.,-68.6728746,2a,75y,188.5h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1spA_YXhDF3qQ996naNNREYw!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656

Information Lost In Black Holes

It was in the news again this week. Scientists have been mystified for half a century about information being lost when an object falls into a black hole, from which it can supposedly never escape due to extreme gravity. There was information in that object and, according to quantum theory, information can never be lost. But yet it appears to be forever lost if it falls into a black hole.

My cosmological theory provides a simple answer. 

In my cosmology theory everything, both space and matter, is made up of near-infinitesimal negative and positive electric charges, with opposite charges attracting and like charges repelling. Empty space is a checkerboard of alternating negative and positive charges, in multiple dimensions. This is the lowest energy and lowest information state, since energy and information is really the same thing. We see waves in space, such as light and radio waves, as electromagnetic because the waves disturb the usually perfect balance of the electric charges of empty space.

The thing that gave me the idea of space being composed of a checkerboard of alternating negative and positive charges was the relationship between the nucleus and electrons in atoms. Since opposite charges attract, why don't the negatively-charged electrons and positively-charged nucleus come completely together? Instead the electrons, in successive orbital shells, are spaced a certain distance from the nucleus.

There is a simple explanation. The space between the electron and nucleus is a checkerboard of negative and positive electric charges. As the electron approaches the nucleus it distorts the checkerboard. Positive charges in space are pulled toward the electron and negative charges toward the nucleus, until an equilibrium is reached and at that distance the electron remains.

Energy can hold like electric charges together against their mutual repulsion. This is what matter is, any concentration of like electric charges held together by energy. This is why matter consists of charged electric particles, such as electrons. It is known that a certain amount of mass is equivalent to a certain amount of energy. This is the well-known Mass-Energy Equivalence, and is the basis of Einstein's formula of this equivalence, E = MC squared. This energy is what gives matter it's mass and is why matter has mass but empty space doesn't.

An illustration of how matter is like charges held together by energy is a matter-antimatter reaction. Antimatter is like matter except that the electric charges are reversed, a negatively-charged nucleus with positively-charged positrons in orbitals around it. If we bring matter and antimatter in contact both vanish in a fantastic burst of energy. What is happening is that the Mass-Energy Equivalence in both is released and the like electric charges that had been held together by the energy rearrange themselves back into the checkerboard pattern of empty space.

Another way that I look at it is that energy forms matter by overcoming the mutual repulsion by like electric charges to hold the charges together. If the two electric charges are equal then the two rules governing their behavior, that opposite charges attract but like charges repel, must also be equal. If the energy of the Mass-Energy Equivalence overcomes the repulsive force between like charges then that must leave a net attractive force involving matter. This net attractive force involving matter is what we refer to as gravity.

Aside from holding like electric charges together against their mutual repulsion, energy can also hold opposite charges apart against their mutual attraction. When this happens it produces electromagnetic waves in space. This is why the disintegration of matter tends to produce electromagnetic waves, the energy that was holding like charges together now goes to forcing opposite charges apart. If the holding of like charges together leaves a net attractive force, namely gravity, then the forcing apart of opposite charges should leave a net repulsive, or pushing, force. This is where the force in a laser comes from.

We think of a black hole as being utterly different from ordinary matter. But the vast majority of the inside an atom is actually empty space. A black hole is made of matter, but with not only atoms but the subatomic particles, electrons, protons and, neutrons, crushed by extreme gravity. But the black hole is still made of like electric charges held together, against their mutual repulsion, by energy.

This is what information is, which is really the same thing as energy. Empty space is a perfectly alternating checkerboard of negative and positive electric charges, in multiple dimensions. Empty space thus contains no information. It is only when we break this pattern of perfectly alternating charges that we have information, and this is what the information in matter is. It takes energy to break this pattern and this is why energy and information is really the same thing.

This storage of information as alterations in the otherwise perfect checkerboard of alternating negative and positive charges comprising space is the same way that a computer stores information. Bits in the computer's drive are set to either a 1 or a 0 and the pattern stores information that would not be there if it was a simple regular pattern.

A black hole, like ordinary atoms, is composed of a disruption in the perfectly alternating checkerboard of negative and positive charges in empty space. We know that a black hole doesn't last forever. It gradually evaporates and gives off radiation in the process, known as Hawking Radiation.

My cosmology theory has it that the extreme gravitational pressure inside a black hole is enough to push the electric charges themselves toward a lower-energy state, which is the alternating negative and positive charges of empty space. When this happens the energy that was holding the like charges together must be released as radiation. This is why a black hole gradually evaporates, turns back into empty space, and the energy of the Mass-Energy Equivalence is released as radiation.

So we can see then that when an object falls into a black hole no information at all is lost. Information, in its most basic form, is the displacement of electric charges from the perfectly alternating condition of empty space. Information can indeed never be lost and this displacement remains absolutely constant when the atoms of an object are utterly crushed as it falls into a black hole.

If the black hole should evaporate the displacement of charges still remains absolutely constant as the energy now goes into opposing the attraction of opposite charges in space, which creates the electromagnetic waves of Hawking Radiation.

Here is a link to the posting that I use to introduce the cosmology theory:

The Cost Of Groceries

With the cost of food being so high let's review what we saw in "The Impulse Zone". But these prices are not really the fault of the stores. Raw materials and food has to be transported and so when fuel gets expensive it makes everything else expensive.

Here is a link to "The Impulse Zone":

Numerology For Buffalo, NY

We saw in the posting on this blog, "The Sacred Numerology Of Buffalo" July 2021, the absolutely amazing prophetic and numerological significance of the propane explosion that destroyed a warehouse near downtown Buffalo, on December 27, 1983, with regard to world events and thel fulfillment of Bible prophecy. The Russian invasion of Ukraine fits right into it.

Consider the following facts:

Ukraine has two indepence days, it celebrates Independence Day, from the Soviet Union on August 24. But it also celebrates "Liberation Day", celebrating it's liberation from the Nazis on October 28, 1944.

The warehouse explosion in nearby Buffalo took place on December 27, 1983.

The Russian invasion of Ukraine began on February 24, 2022.

This blog is being written in zip code 14304.

Here is what is so interesting:

The invasion of Ukraine was supposedly done to "denazify" it, and this blog, which pointed out the numerological significance of the warehouse explosion, is being written in zip code 14304. The warehouse explosion came exactly 14,304 days after October 28, 1944, which is the day that Ukraine celebrates liberation from the Nazis.

If we measure 14,304 days in the future from the warehouse explosion it brings us to February 24, 2023, which is exactly one year from when the invasion Bible.line began. This means that if the warehouse explosion had taken place exactly six months earlier it would be exactly midway in time between the day celebrated for liberation from the Nazis and the Russian invasion. 

But this is compensated by the fact that the day on which Ukraine celebrates independence from the Soviet Union, August 24, was exactly six months before the invasion of Ukraine on February 24.

Thursday, March 24, 2022

U.S. Republicans And Vladimir Putin

A number of news reports have pointed out that U.S. Republicans have been less critical of Vladimir Putin than Democrats. Former President Donald Trump reportedly even called him a "genius". This has puzzled many people.

But remember what we saw in the book-length compound posting "America And The Modern World Explained By Way Of Paris" December 2015.

The modern political era began with the French Revolution. This brings about what I refer to as "The King Factor" that explains so much about relations between nations. The French Revolution resulted in the overthrow and execution of the French king and queen and the rise of Napoleon, who was the prototype military dictator. Napoleon didn't initiate the revolution but he was what ultimately arose out of it.

This brings about what I refer to as the King Question. The question is: "Is there a king, or has the king been overthrown and, if so, has the king been replaced by a military leader"?

That question reveals so much about international relations today, as described in sections 8-10 of that posting.

What happens in the world is that there are kings, and there are those who have overthrown the kings, and each side tends to stick together with it's own kind. As we saw in that posting this simple principle has an amazing ability to predict international relations.

America is actually split between the two sides. It broke away from a king but the king and queen of France, the same ones that were shortly thereafter overthrown and executed in the French Revolution, were America's first allies and the ones that helped it to gain independence. As explained in detail in that posting, America's Republicans are the continuation of the French royal Bourbon Dynasty while it's Democrats represent the post-royal side after the revolution.

This puts Donald Trump, and Republicans in general, on the king side.

The Russian Revolution of 1917, which overthrew the royal tsars, is very much like a replay of the French Revolution. The Romanov Dynasty of the tsars were replaced by the Communists, but now the Communists are gone and the Romanov flag again flies over Russia. This puts Vladimir Putin in the king category, alongside Donald Trump. Putin is explained near the end of section 10.

I consider this simple principle as one of the most important things that I have ever written on this blog. It explains so much about international relations.

Why are Saudi-Iranian relations so sour when they have so much in common, even though one is Sunni and the other Shiite? It is because the Saudis are ruled by a king and the Iranians by those who overthrew the king (The Shah). The two are on opposite sides of the French Revolution.

France was where Iranian dissidents often sought refuge in exile. But when the Shah, a king, was overthrown his first stop was Egypt and he never went to France. Of course not. Why would the king who had been overthrown want to go to the place that set the precedent for overthrowing the king? Instead he went to the land of the pharaohs, who are the ultimate kings.

But when Ayatollah Khomeini was in exile his case was the opposite, he was trying to overthrow the Shah. Khomeini was in exile in Turkey, then Iraq, and finally France. All of these nations were on the same side as him in that they had overthrown their kings.

Saddam Hussein surprised the world by invading neighboring Kuwait in 1990. But Saddam had replaced the overthrown king of Iraq. As a military dictator Saddam was very much in the mode of Napoleon. But Kuwait was ruled by a king, the Emir. This put the two countries on diametrically opposite sides of "The King Question". After the invasion Saddam subconsciously reminded America's Republican president of the Napoleon that had replaced the guillotined king and queen that had been America's first allies. America, closely allied with the Saudi king, went in to save the Kuwaiti king.

If you have some time to read here is a link to the original posting:

Thursday, March 17, 2022

The Process Of Tridentation

On the subject of Ireland today remember that the three parallel peninsulas in the southwest of Ireland are an example of what I call "tridentation", as defined in my geological theory. This process of creating three parallel peninsulas happens when magma, molten rock, emerges from below surface rock. Some of the surface rock in the middle stays where it is, and some is moved to either side. This creates three parallel peninsulas.

This is explained in my geological theory, "The Story Of Planet Earth" on the geology blog . It is in the Supporting Documents, 67) THE PROCESS OF TRIDENTATION. This theory leaves no major feature of the earth's surface unexplained, whether on land or the seafloor.

Here are the three parallel peninsulas in the southwest of Ireland:

Image From Google Earth

There are three other places where tridentation occurs. This is in far northern Canada, on Baffin Island:

Image From Google Earth

This is in northern Greece, on the Aegean Coast:

Image From Google Earth

Here is the Peloponessus, the south of Greece. Image From Google Earth.

An Explanation Of Christianity

Since so much that happens in the world is based on historical religious patterns, even if it is in modern secular form, why don't we review the history of Christianity?

Christianity is based on Jesus being the awaited Messiah. The Jewish scriptures foretold the Messiah and the ones who accept Jesus as that Messiah are known as Christians. All of this is foretold, and told about, in the Bible. The Christian Old Testament is basically the Hebrew Scriptures, written before the time of Jesus but foretelling His Coming. The New Testament was written after Jesus and it describes and interprets His life and teachings.

The reason for Jesus as Messiah is to save people from their sin. Christianity is not people reaching up to God, it is God reaching down to us. No human has ever been free of sin, it entered humanity through Adam's disobedience. 

But if sin can enter through one man then salvation from sin can also enter through one man. God sent Jesus, His only begotten Son, down here to pay the price for our sin. Jesus was without sin so when he was unjustly crucified, really because the religious authorities were resentful of His popularity, he paid the penalty for all who will accept Him as your savior. 

When God judges someone who has accepted Jesus as their saviour, He judges Jesus instead. So instead of seeing that person's sin, which would make it impossible for that person to enter Heaven, He sees Jesus' lack of sin and then the person can enter Heaven.

There was debate in the early church about the exact relationship between Jesus' divine nature and His human nature, since He had to have both. The nature of this relationship is referred to as "Christology". Some defined the relationship as "two natures in one". Others thought that the two natures of Jesus must be completely separate and still others thought that the divine nature absorbs the human nature.

The majority of Christians accepted the first position, that of "two natures in one". The reason that we do not hear much about Christology nowadays is that the three major branches of Christianity, Catholic, Protestant and, Eastern Orthodox all accept this position. This relationship was affirmed at the Council of Chalcedon and so the three main branches of Christianity are sometimes referred to as "Chalcedonian" Christians.

The Coptic Church of Egypt and Orthodox Church of Ethiopia take the position that Jesus' divine nature just absorbs the human nature. The "Church of the East", or Nestorians, believe that Jesus' two natures remain completely separate. These Christians are neither Catholic nor Protestant nor Eastern Orthodox. Note that "The Church of the East" is not the same thing as Eastern Orthodox.

The vast majority of Christians in the beginning were Catholic. There are actually more than twenty Catholic churches, all in communion with the pope but using different rites. About 98% of Catholics belong to one of these, sometimes called the Latin Church. The other Catholic Churches are often denoted by nationality or ethnicity, such as the Greek Catholic Church or the Ukrainian Catholic Church.

The Roman Emperor Constantine, the first Roman Emperor to be a Christian, founded a city in the east that was named for him, Constantinople. This eastern part of the Roman Empire spoke Greek, while the western half spoke Latin. After the fall of the western Roman Empire the eastern half continued for a thousand years as Byzantium, or the Byzantine Empire.

The Catholic Church was led by the pope, based in Rome. The pope claimed to be the successor to St. Peter, who seemed to be the most prominent of the apostles with Jesus. Much of the New Testament was written by St. Paul, who came afterward and never met Jesus on earth. But many Christians questioned why the pope had to have such power, or why they needed to be led by a pope at all. 

In the east many Christians questioned the authority of the pope. The papacy responded by founding the Holy Roman Empire to unite Europe to rein in the Christians of the east. Charlemagne was crowned as it's first emperor. Despite the name the Holy Roman Empire was mostly centered in Germany.

The eastern Christians finally split away, in what is known as the Great Schism of the year 1054. The pope sent representatives to meet with the Patriarch of Constantinople. The meeting didn't go well and the eastern Christians split away to form the Eastern Orthodox Church. 

The eastern church had been using a different rite from the western Catholic Church, the Byzantine instead of the Latin Rite. The eastern church also spoke Greek, rather than Latin. A major boost for this eastern church, before it broke away altogether to form the Eastern Orthodox Church, was the selection by Prince Vladimir of the Byzantine Rite for his kingdom of Kievan Rus. He then returned home to baptize the population of Kyiv.

Vladimir had been baptised in Crimea and this might explain why both Crimea and Kyiv are so important to the Russian Orthodox Church. The modern nations of Russia, Ukraine and, Belarus are all descended from Kievan Rus.

The Eastern Orthodox Church was based in Constantinople which was conquered by the Ottomans in 1453. The logical place to move the focal point of the church would be Kyiv, but it had been so devastated by the Mongols that it would take centuries to regain it's former position. So the focal point became a new major city, known as Moscow. Unlike Constantinople or Kyiv Moscow, as a major city, has never been Catholic.

I see a parallel here with the story of Ireland. First the story of Prince Vladimir quite resembles that of St. Patrick, except that St. Patrick had no royal title. The breakup of the Soviet Union left sites that are so historically important to the Russian Orthodox Church, Crimea and Kyiv, in a foreign country. 2022 is the centennial of the modern nation of Ireland and the drawing of the border with Northern Ireland has left the places most associated with the life of St. Patrick, in County Down and County Armagh, outside of Ireland.

Even with the splitting away of the Eastern Orthodox Church, in 1054, the Catholic Church reached the height of it's power in the Thirteenth Century even though the Crusades, the military missions to take control of the Holy Land, were ultimately unsuccessful. Also the Holy Roman Empire was becoming a rival to the papacy over the Investiture Controversy, the question as to whether the pope had the right to appoint or remove emperors.

There was a split in the Catholic Church that lasted about seventy years when the King of France refused to submit to the pope. A succession of French popes reigned from Avignon, in southern France, rather than Rome. At any given time there might be several claimants to the papacy, before the crisis was resolved.

A century after that was resolved came the second major permanent split in the Catholic Church. In the Fifteenth Century the Catholic Church tried to reform itself. Church offices were being sold for money. Popes were effectively controlled by one or another rival wealthy families. Money donated to the church was going so that cardinals could live in palaces.

If the effort at reform had succeeded the Protestant Reformation might never have happened. The Reformation began in 1517. The name most associated with it is Martin Luther, in what is now eastern Germany. But it was a spontaneous movement that had been brewing for quite some time. The other prominent early Reformation figure is Huldreich Zwingli, in Switzerland.

Essential to the Reformation was the newly-invented printing press. Bibles could now be mass-produced and there was no reason that people couldn't read the Bible for themselves in their own language, instead of listening to mass in Latin. But that was a threat to the authority of the Catholic Church and they put a lot of effort into suppressing it.

Across northern Europe people decided that it was time to separate from the Catholic Church and do things their own way. But the papacy decided to stop them by force, and the result was over a century of warfare.

Reform of the Catholic Church did happen, but it took this second major split in the church to bring it about. Much of what the Catholic Church is today comes not from the original church but from the Counter-Reformation, which the papacy implemented after the Protestants had separated in the Reformation. One new order that was created was the Jesuits, the Society of Jesus, of which the present Pope Francis, who has praised the Reformation, is a member.

The Protestant ideal is freedom. Anyone can study the Bible for themselves and start their own church. People can think for themselves and decide which church to join or how to interpret the Bible. There is no Protestant version of the pope or the Vatican. Let the people be free and think for themselves, instead of being told what to believe. Our modern concept of freedom would not exist without the Reformation.

But some of the new Protestant churches kept much of the Catholic liturgy because people were familiar with it. This included the Lutherans, the church named for Martin Luther even though he only wanted to reform the Catholic Church and didn't intend to start a new church.

Luther and Zwingli were the leaders of the first generation of the Reformation. The next generation brought John Calvin and John Knox. Calvin was puritanical in that he wanted just the Bible, purified of all the man-made sacraments and rules that the Catholic Church had added onto it. John Knox was an outstanding preacher who turned Scotland from a bastion of Catholicism into one of the most Protestant of nations. The Scottish Protestant church that resulted is the Presbyterians.

England joined the Reformation after it was already underway in continental Europe. But Catholicism was still tolerated and the decision was not unanimous, there was a short-lived rebellion in northern England against the Reformation. Queen Elizabeth I created the Anglican Church, or Church of England, as an effort at compromise between Puritans and the remaining Catholics. 

The Anglican Church kept so much of the Catholic liturgy that it is sometimes called "Anglo-Catholicism", although there would be no control or influence from the Vatican. Just as in Catholic days there are two Anglican archbishops in England, at York in the north and Canterbury in the south. Most Protestant church leaders are called "ministers" but Anglican leaders are still called "priests".

Even today the Anglican Church, which is now a family of churches called the Anglican Communion, is said to consist of a "high church", representing the Catholic side, and a "low church", representing the Puritan side. This compromise church didn't please everyone, many Puritans wanted nothing to do with Elizabeth's church. The English Civil War wasn't between Protestants and Catholics but between Anglicans and Puritans. The Puritans won but afterward fell out of favor. Some left for Massachusetts and that is where the Pilgrims and Puritans came from.

But the Anglican Communion is the largest single Protestant denomination today. When America declared independence from Britain the Anglican Church there was separated from the rest and renamed the Episcopal Church, but it has since rejoined the Anglican Communion.

At Oxford University a group felt that the Anglicans should be more active in helping people. From their orderly way of doing things this group became known as "Methodists". The Methodists would grow into a major separate denomination, no longer considered as Anglicans. In efforts to help people the Salvation Army is a Methodist creation.

Central to Protestant belief is the Puritanism, the elimination of man-made additions in favor of just the Bible. The Baptists were one of the early branches of the Reformation. Also important to Protestants is the direct experience of the Holy Spirit, no need to go through popes and archbishops and man-made sacraments. The Pentecostal Church began in the U.S. and the Evangelical movement has spread across the world.

In the late Nineteenth Century the world grew more secular. Can you believe that there were people saying that, since wars tend to be religious in nature the Twentieth Century should be a much more peaceful century. It didn't quite work out that way.

People are designed to believe in something and when they don't believe in God they will just believe in something else. The Nazis took people who, for the most part, no longer believed in God and did an outstanding job of giving them something else to believe in.

The established patterns of religion are the basis of our economic and political systems. The organization of Soviet councils was very similar to the organization of the Eastern Orthodox Church. When people fell away from following the pope they just followed dictators instead, and the Twentieth Century was certainly the century of dictatorships. The Protestant principle that anyone can start their own church is reflected in the capitalist principle that anyone can start their own business and the democracy principle that anyone can start their own political party.

Putin's Mirror

The news following the beginning of the war in Ukraine seems to have it that Vladimir Putin is a mystery and difficult to understand. But it seems to me that he is just reflecting the west's own actions back at it. We could call this "Putin's Mirror".

Russia has been accused of interfering in U.S. presidential elections. But after the end of the First World War the U.S. and the western Allies sent military forces into Russia to try to stop Communism. Of course when the effort didn't succeed it got the relationship off to a bad start.

Putin has invaded Ukraine, almost completely against world opinion, for such stated reasons as "denazification" and the possibility that it might join NATO. There is also a completely unverified story about the U.S. operating a bioweapons lab in Ukraine. But this is a mirror image of the 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq, also almost completely against world opinion, to rid the country of Saddam Hussein because he was supposedly harboring terrorists and producing the fabled "weapons of mass destruction".

Some have questioned whether Putin is completely rational. But this is a reflection of 1984 when Ronald Reagan said that he had signed legislation outlawing the Soviet Union and "We begin bombing in five minutes". It turned out that Reagan was only joking, but there was a microphone nearby that Reagan thought was turned off but was actually turned on. That was how the world heard about Reagan's dangerous "joke". But I am sure what really happened, after the Strategic Defence Initiative was introduced, was to make the Soviets think he was a little bit irrational, and might actually start a war.

Reagan's boasting about the Strategic Defence Initiative, and how much it cost, is reflected in Putin's boasting about his "unstoppable hypersonic weapons".

The price of oil was very low in the late 1980s. This was very difficult for the Soviet Union, which depended on income from it's oil exports. It is widely believed that OPEC, which was made up mainly of Moslem nations, cooperated with the west to pump a lot of oil out of the ground, which greatly dropped the price. Although the Soviet Union was a major oil exporter it didn't join OPEC. This is often considered to be, as much as anything, what brought the Soviet Union down. Now Putin has invaded Ukraine, knowing that it will greatly increase the cost of fuel as well as food in the west.

Remembering The Holy Roman Empire

Just a reminder that the roots of the present conflict in Ukraine go far back into history. It is impossible to understand it without understanding the Holy Roman Empire.

The Holy Roman Empire was a creation of the Catholic Church, intended to unite Europe in order to rein in the eastern Christians that were questioning papal authority. Charlemagne was crowned as it's first emperor, in the year 800. But the Holy Roman Empire was less-than-successful in it's stated mission and the eastern (using the Byzantine Rite) Christians ultimately broke away in what is known as the Great Schism of 1054 to form the Eastern Orthodox Church.

What the Holy Roman Empire did accomplish was to last for a thousand years, before finally being concluded by the conquests of Napoleon. But it must have a great historical impact just from having lasted so long.

The Nazis called themselves "The Third Reich", with the Holy Roman Empire being the First Reich and the time of the kaisers the second. The Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union, after gathering Europe together, was an attempt to fulfill the original mission of the Holy Roman Empire.

Six years ago I wrote, "The Far-Reaching Legacy Of The Holy Roman Empire", now you can see what I mean. Here is a link to it:

The End Of Londongrad?

As far as economics goes eight years ago I wrote about "The Influx Of Wealth Into Britain". After the end of the Soviet Union the former republic of Russia, led by Boris Yeltsin, set about converting the economy from Communism to Capitalism.

What happened is a few people got extremely rich as formerly state-owned industries and enterprises were privatized and sold off. These newly-wealthy are sometimes referred to as "oligarchs".

Some oligarchs bought expensive homes in London. One oligarch bought the iconic Chelsea Football (Soccer) Club, which might be the best-known sports team on earth except maybe for Manchester United. So much wealth was brought into London by wealthy Russians that it was referred to as "Londongrad".

In that posting I described how utterly ironic economics is, with regard to Capitalism and Communism. Now that the wealth of the oligarchs that was brought to London is a focal point of the invasion of Ukraine, the economic scenario described in the posting is that much more ironic.

Here is a link to the posting:

Thursday, March 10, 2022


The name of Ecuador means "equator". Even though the country is on the equator, it's capital city of Quito is usually comfortably cool because of it's altitude in the Andes Mountains. Quito was founded in 1534 as a Spanish colonial city and is known today for it's outstanding churches. Ecuador is south of Colombia, that we have already visited, and Quito is built in the same valley as Medellin and Cali.

The following scenes begin outside the Carondelet Palace, the residence of the President of Ecuador. The Metropolitan Cathedral is also on the same square. In our visits here, we are familiar by now with the pattern in Latin American countries. The cathedral facing the main square in a town or city. If the city is a capital city, the presidential palace, and maybe the legislative or other government buildings, will be there as well. If it is not a capital city, local or municipal government buildings will likely be on the square. In the square there may be the statue of some great figure, such as the leader of the country's independence movement.

There are multiple scenes following. To see the scenes, after the first one, you must first click the up arrow, ^, before you can move on to the next scene by clicking the right or forward arrow, >. After clicking the up arrow, you can then hide the previews of successive scenes, if you wish.,-78.5123755,2a,75y,291.62h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sJJ6waN572q1khdJA0EsKiA!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656

The following scenes, beginning outside the Basilica de Voto National, show more of central Quito.,-78.5071682,3a,75y,306.47h,90t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipOYprZEiFbTHfLUPhIgEDq7K4hVaDuCRCXV02uz!2e10!3e11!!7i8704!8i4352

The following views of Quito begin in the area of Mariscal Sucre.,-78.4949572,3a,75y,1.5h,93t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s-38qS0KblxeB0nJKXtiG7A!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656

Quito is known for it's fantastic churches. Here are a few examples. Remember that, if a cathedral is built in the form of a cross (cruciform), the long part of the church where services are held is known as the nave. The arms of the cross are called the transepts, which typically hold various chapels and shrines. The top of the cross may hold the choir, and often a chapel at the end.,_Quito#/media/File:Iglesia_de_La_Compa%C3%B1%C3%ADa,_Quito,_Ecuador,_2015-07-22,_DD_149-151_HDR.JPG,_Quito#/media/File:Iglesia_de_La_Compa%C3%B1%C3%ADa,_Quito,_Ecuador,_2015-07-22,_DD_125-127_HDR.JPG,_Quito,_Ecuador,_2015-07-22,_DD_196.JPG,_Quito#/media/File:Iglesia_de_San_Francisco,_Quito,_Ecuador,_2015-07-22,_DD_162-164_HDR.JPG,_Quito#/media/File:Iglesia_de_San_Francisco,_Quito,_Ecuador,_2015-07-22,_DD_158.JPG,_Quito#/media/File:Iglesia_de_San_Francisco,_Quito,_Ecuador,_2015-07-22,_DD_171-173_HDR.JPG

Moving further north into the modern city of Quito, this area is Banalcesar. Atahualpa, the last Inca emperor that was executed by the forces of Francisco Pizarro, has a major stadium named for him.,-78.4803995,3a,75y,214.5h,93t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s0poJqPjvrwyn7kXb-gZ8KQ!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656

Moving further north in Quito, the area gets more residential and with small businesses.,-78.4646703,3a,75y,214.5h,93t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s--439FcK3TuvZZ7z9k3zdg!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656

The other side of the city, far to the south of the old central part of the city, is also residential with small businesses.,-78.4661603,3a,75y,130.5h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s1EAD7ypa_v-sClvPJMLzew!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656

The largest city in Ecuador is actually Guayaquil. Like Quito, Guayaquil is a 16th Century Spanish colonial city. This is a view of the city looking out from Parque Centenario.,-79.8872223,2a,75y,177.26h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sJ8-zjgC2RPR0R6Wb9QPDuQ!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656

This is Guayaquil closer to the Pacific Ocean.,-79.8756667,3a,75y,277.5h,90t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipPXhS-dCrI4Q1Qbxo16hH3tDObmbcs2bCKC4M9a!2e10!3e11!!7i6000!8i3000

Thursday, March 3, 2022

Instagram Account

How I arrived at writing this blog, my life story kind of in reverse, is on Instagram. Search for "mark_5429".


Lima was founded by the Spanish conquistador Francisco Pizarro, and was the capital city of Spain's colonies in South America. It is today the largest city in the western hemisphere, after Mexico City and Sao Paulo, both of which we have visited, and the capital of Peru.

A logical place to begin our visit to Lima is in the Plaza Mayor, the main square of the city. We have seen enough of the Spanish-speaking countries of the western hemisphere to know the arrangement. The main cathedral and the residence of the country's president will both be facing the main square in a capital city. In non-capital cities, it will be local government buildings that face the main square.

The Government Palace of Lima, which faces the Plaza Mayor, was begun in 1535 by Francisco Pizarro, and was built on the site of an Inca monument. The palace has been changed and improved many times since then.

If this story seems familiar it could be because there are many parallels between Francisco Pizarro conquering the Inca and founding Lima and Hernan Cortes conquering the Aztec and founding Mexico City.

The Cathedral of Lima and the Government Palace face the Plaza Mayor in Lima just as the Mexico City Metropolitan Cathedral and the National Palace face the Zocalo (main square) in Mexico City.

The Plaza Mayor was founded over an Inca monument just as the Zocalo was founded over the main square in the Aztec capital city of Tenochtitlan.

Francisco Pizarro had taken the Inca emperor, Atahualpa, as a hostage just as the forces of Hernan Cortes took Moctezuma II as a hostage.

The positioning of the National Palace relative to the Metropolitan Cathedral of Mexico City is virtually identical to the positioning of the Government Palace relative to the Cathedral of Lima.

Should we be surprised by the little-known fact that Pizarro and Cortes were cousins, although not close cousins? Cortes' conquest of the Aztecs took place a few years before Pizarro's conquest of the Inca.

Unlike Cortes Pizarro never built a palace for himself, as Cortes did at Cuernavaca, and unlike Cortes Pizarro was killed in action in the new colonies, although by a fellow Spaniard. The ashes of Pizarro are in the Cathedral of Lima.

The so-called "Ransom Room" is still there in Peru. This is where Atahualpa, the last Inca emperor, was held as a prisoner. He was told that he would be freed if he could have the room filled with gold, which he did. But his conquerors tried and executed him anyway.

But disturbing the Inca came at a price, in fact a very heavy price. There were leaves that the Inca used to chew as a mild stimulant, similar to the kat leaves that are used in Yemen and Ethiopia. These were coca leaves. But the white man found a way to distill the leaves into the insidious white powder known as cocaine. The leaves would also bring about the most popular branded drink that the world has ever seen, Coca Cola.

Of course the most important contribution that the Inca, in what is now Peru, have contributed to the world is potatoes. Potatoes are so important because they can feed a lot of people per area of cultivation. Potatoes are easy to grow, relative to other crops.

The following scenes begin in Lima's Plaza Mayor, also known as Plaza de Armes. The old part of Lima is built around a number of such squares. When Peru was eventually liberated, in the Nineteenth Century after three centuries of Spanish rule, independence was declared in the Government Palace.

The newly-independent former Spanish colonies did not always get along with one another, Peru fought a war with Chile in 1879. The main reason that there are so many small Spanish-speaking countries is that imperial Spain forbade it's colonies in the western hemisphere from communicating with one another, all communication had to go through Spain.

There are multiple scenes following. To see the scenes, after the first one, you must first click the up arrow, ^, before you can move on to the next scene by clicking the right or forward arrow, >,. After clicking the up arrow, you can then hide the previews of successive scenes, if you wish.,-77.0304668,3a,75y,14.94h,90t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipO7HdzQ3bwyLzFulY7inxIBIeJOVezAODQsOVSe!2e10!3e11!!7i7680!8i3840

There is a Chinatown in Lima, not far from the center of the city, and the following scenes begin there. Lima has attracted many immigrants, a recent president of Japanese ancestry was Alberto Fujimori.,-77.0256194,2a,75y,50.21h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sF044yogBlAkOrHjacVXMCQ!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656

Here is the modern city of Lima.,-77.0332627,3a,75y,124.5h,105t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sqzfJrCsaam1vRnWB4P-36w!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656

This is more of the modern city of Lima.,-77.0282927,3a,75y,332.8h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sefVTufdf1AfOXiFENCDRDw!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656

This area is called Barranco.,-77.0210891,3a,75y,143.52h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s5MbmvjLVVtADXVcarS8Hrw!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656

Here is something really interesting. The following scenes begin in a complex known as Huaca Pucllana. This is a very old pyramid within the city of Lima. It was not built by the Inca, but came long before them. Having such a pyramid parallels the case of Mexico City. There was the pyramid complex of Teotihuacan, which we saw in the first set of scenes in our visit to Mexico City. 

This was built long before the arrival of the Aztecs, just as Huaca Pucllana was built long before the arrival of the Inca. Teotihuacan had been abandoned long before the time of the Aztecs and, although they were well aware of it, they knew no more than anyone else about those who built it.

The differences, of course, are that Huaca Pucllana was built of clay, while Teotihuacan was built of stone, and that Huaca Pucllana is now well within Lima while Teotihuacan is outside of Mexico City.,-77.0334249,3a,75y,264.92h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sT12bfzXerWGzsajq4O7ANw!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656

Lima is growing rapidly into the Andes Mountains above the city.,-76.8709359,3a,75y,73.5h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sWe42eGYrQPT8XCRW79MlJw!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656

The Inca capital was actually what is now the city of Cusco (or Cuzco). The following scenes begin in the main square of Cusco, the Plaza Mayor, facing the city's cathedral.,-71.9784123,3a,75y,339.97h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sOR0Z-vd6LMqPTvuT9hjzFg!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656

Finally, we come to one of the best-known sights in Peru, and also one of the best-known sights in the world. Manchu Picchu was a kind of a royal getaway for the Inca emperor. It is over 2 km altitude above sea level, and is believed to have been constructed about a century before the Spanish conquest of the Inca. The Spanish conquerors apparently never found it, and it was only brought into the public consciousness in 1911. 

The topsoil seems to have been carried up to Manchu Picchu, and than formed into terraces for agriculture. The concept of Manchu Picchu may remind readers of Cuernavaca, built in a peaceful place some distance from Mexico City, to where the Aztec emperors could withdraw.

Remember that we have already seen the reason for the "sugarloaf" form of the mountains here in the supporting documents in "The Story Of Planet Earth", on the geology blog, 68) THE EXTRUSION MOUNTAINS OF SOUTH AMERICA.,-72.5448034,2a,75y,223.05h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1seLACkA-tl74WevPe4M9sGQ!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656

The Eastern Delay

The conflict in Ukraine illustrates something in geopolitics that I think should have a name. I call it "The Eastern Delay".

There were two great splits in the Catholic Church. The Eastern Orthodox Church split away in the Great Schism of the year 1054. The Protestants split away in the Reformation that began in 1517.

Following the Reformation, Europe was convulsed by more than a century of warfare between Protestants and Catholics. The Protestants succeeded in splitting away but it left Europe drained and devastated by war. However there was no comparable level of warfare when the Eastern Orthodox Church split away, even though that split was at least as consequential and acrimonious as the Protestant split.

The comparable conflict brought about by the Eastern Orthodox split actually did happen. But it was delayed into far in the future by what I call "The Eastern Delay". The conflict finally arrived in modern secular form, as Napoleon's Invasion of Russia, the eastern fronts of both world wars, and the Cold War. By this time the original religious conflict had been supplanted by the modern secular ideologies of Communism, Capitalism and, National Socialism, but had to be played out nonetheless.

In the early 1990s, after the end of traditional Communism, two multi-ethnic former Communist nations came apart. These were the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia.

The Soviet Union came apart peacefully, but Yugoslavia didn't. Yugoslavia was composed of six republics, based on ethnicity, but a lot of ethnic mixing had taken place. The northernmost republic of Slovenia, where America's former first lady was from, slipped away with minimal combat. But there were Serbs living in Croatia, and in Bosnia, and Croatians living in Bosnia.

Each of these tried to split away into an ethnic enclave when the republic itself declared independence. The Serbs in Croatia tried to claim part of the eastern area of the new country, called Krajina. Serbs living in Bosnia declared "Republic Skrpsa", when Bosnia declared independence. 

The multi-faceted war that resulted was extremely nasty. Almost all of the conflict involved Serbs, first against Croatians and then against Bosnians. The goal was not to hold Yugoslavia together but to create a "Greater Serbia". There was a limited amount of combat between Croatians and Bosnians. Finally there was part of Serbia, that was populated by ethnic Albanians, called Kosovo that succeeded in breaking away from Serbia.

Even in our modern secular time religious history is a very powerful force. The Yugoslav conflict was not overtly about religion but the theaters of the multi-faceted conflict were almost all along traditional religious lines. Croatians were traditionally Catholic while Serbs were Eastern Orthodox. During rule by the Ottomans Islam was introduced into the area and many Bosnians were Muslim.

The breakup of the much-larger and more multi-ethnic Soviet Union, in contrast, was peaceful. But was it relatively peaceful in the same way that the splitting away of the Eastern Orthodox Church, in 1054, was relatively peaceful? With the combat just being delayed until later by what I have termed " The Eastern Delay"?

There was a medieval kingdom, known as Kievan Rus, that was the predecessor of Ukraine, Russia and, Belarus. As the name implies the central city of Kievan Rus was Kiev, now spelled Kyiv. The center of the Eastern Orthodox Church moved from Kiev (Kyiv), which is what made Moscow an important city, because Kiev (Kyiv) was so devastated in a Thirteenth Century attack by the Mongols.

The present conflict in Ukraine isn't really anything out of the ordinary. It is what might have happened at the breakup of the Soviet Union, matching the parallel conflict in Yugoslavia, except that it was delayed by thirty years by "The Eastern Delay".


There are other historical factors involved in the Ukraine conflict. One is the Mongols, that we saw in the posting on this blog "Why We Should Understand The Mongols". The Soviet Union lasted almost exactly the same amount of time that the Mongol Empire did. Although Russians are not rooted in the Mongols, and were victims of the Mongols, the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv was so devastated by the Mongols in the Thirteenth Century that it didn't regain it's importance for six hundred years. The Mongols came to Kyiv from the east, so Ukrainians might see Russia as the present incarnation of the Mongols.

If Ukraine were to join NATO it would match the route that the Nazis took to invade the Soviet Union. The largest of the three Nazi army groups was Army Group South, which advanced across Ukraine.

This invasion of Ukraine really isn't anything new or unprecedented. During the Cold War the Soviet Union intervened in European countries several times. In East Germany in 1953, Hungary in 1956 and, Czechoslovakia in 1968. 

The two pro-Russian breakaway regions of Ukraine, Donetsk and Luhansk, are virtually a mirror image of the parallel situation in the former Soviet republic of Georgia. The breakaway regions there are Abkhazia and South Ossetia.

Maybe the most important factor of all in this conflict is simply that peace gets boring after a while, and the stress on the world caused by Covid certainly didn't help. In 1914 the world had seen a long period with no major wars. But it must have gotten boring because many people on both sides were cheering the declarations of war, in 1914, that began the First World War. Both sides were under the delusion that the war would last only a few weeks, instead it turned into a war like the world had never seen before.

The Emergencies Act In Canada

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has been criticized for invoking Canada's Emergencies Act to deal with the truck convoy protest in Ottawa. Critics claim that, as a peaceful protest, it was not an emergency and that the prime minister overreacted and set a very undemocratic precedent.

The Emergencies Act replaced the earlier War Measures Act. This was a law to be invoked when there was an emergency, including a war, that could not be handled under existing laws.

Justin Trudeau is the son of Pierre Trudeau, the popular Liberal who was prime minister of Canada from 1968 to 1984, except for a brief interruption.

What I have not seen in the news is that Justin Trudeau's invocation of the Emergencies Act parallels his father's invocation of the War Measures Act to deal with the so-called October Crisis in Quebec. It was the only time that the War Measures Act had been invoked in peacetime.

In October, 1970, the year before Justin Trudeau was born, the FLQ (in French, "Front Liberation Quebec") kidnapped and murdered the deputy premier of Quebec. The group was seeking autonomy or sovereignty for French-speaking Quebec, which was in mostly English-speaking Canada.

Pierre Trudeau, supported by the Premier of Quebec and the Mayor of Montreal, invoked the War Measures Act to deal with the crisis. This permitted the temporary suspension of normal civil rights. The Canadian Army moved into Quebec and hundreds of arrests were made. This brought about the end of the crisis.

This move by Pierre Trudeau also had it's critics. It likely had the long-term effect of feeding the sovereignty movement in Quebec.

But what Justin Trudeau did to deal with the truck convoy protest reflects what his father did to deal with the October Crisis. This is one thing that I hadn't seen in the news about the issue.