Thursday, September 29, 2022

The Polygon Storms At Jupiter's Poles

It was in the news recently that amazing arrangements of storms have been discovered at both Jupiter's north and south poles. To read about it do a search for "Jupiter polygon storms poles".

According to the news reports there is one central storm visible at each pole. What is so amazing is that each of these polar storms is surrounded by a group of other storms arranged in a polygon pattern. At the north pole the central storm is surrounded by eight other storms, arranged in an octagon pattern, and at the south pole the central storm is surrounded by six other storms, arranged in a hexagon pattern. There is no explanation of what causes these arrangements, or keeps them stable.

But the explanation is actually simple, it involves the flow of information through the universe, from the lowest to the highest levels. The information that is used to construct the lower-level structures of matter must also be used to construct the higher-level structures, because there is no additional information from anywhere else from which to construct the higher-level structures. An obvious example is how orbits at the astronomical level, of planets around stars and moons around planets, resemble the orbitals of electrons around the nuclei of the atoms of which these astronomical objects are composed.

Even if we, at this point, cannot see how this works it still must be how it works because there is no information from anywhere else on how to construct the larger scales of matter. I find this concept of the flow of information through the universe to be very useful because it enables us to "look ahead" to things that haven't actually been discovered yet.

This theory is detailed in "The Flow Of Information Through The Universe" January 2016. Look at sections 25) THE MYSTERIOUS HEXAGON OF SATURN and 35) THE GREAT RED SPOT OF JUPITER. 

Saturn also has a polar hexagon, a six-sided figure, although it is not in the same form as that of Jupiter. We saw in that section that the information for that hexagon comes from the molecule of methane, CH4. A molecule of methane, which is abundant on both Jupiter and Saturn, consists of one carbon atom and four hydrogen atoms. A hydrogen atom has one electron and a carbon atom has six electrons. This is where the information comes from to create the six-sided hexagon.

We can see this principle on earth. Sometimes we can see sun dogs when sunlight is refracted through high cirrus or cirrostratuus clouds, which are composed of ice crystals. Each side of the sun dog is 22 1/2 degrees from the sun. If both sides of the sun dog are visible this makes 45 degrees. This is because the microscopic ice crystals are octagons, with eight sides, and 45 degrees is 1/8 of a complete circle.

Why do the ice crystals have eight sides? Because the ice crystals are made of frozen water. A molecule of water consists of two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen. An atom of hydrogen has one electron and an atom of oxygen has eight electrons. That is why the ice crystals have eight sides, the information from the molecules is the only information available from which to construct the ice crystals.

There is also water on Jupiter, from the impacts of comets over billions of years. The octagonal arrangement of storms on Jupiter comes from the information in water, for the same reason as the octagonal ice crystals on earth. The hexagonal arrangement at the other pole comes from the methane, as described above on Saturn. Jupiter and Saturn are different because Jupiter is larger and rotates faster. Jupiter is actually more massive than all of the other planets combined and has about three times the mass of Saturn, which is the second-largest planet.

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