Thursday, October 26, 2023

Economics In Simple Arithmetic

We had some economics recently. My concept of how economics works can be expressed with four models of simple arithmetic.


Some people have leftward economic views, and some rightward. But every economic transaction has both a buyer and a seller. To say that one is more important than the other is illogical. The left favors the buyer while the right favors the seller.

Consider two numbers that sum to ten. Let one number represent the buyer and the other the seller. Let's multiply the two numbers and see what we get.

1 x 9 = 9

2 x 8 = 16

3 x 7 = 21

4 x 6 = 24

5 x 5 = 25

Economics works in exactly the same way. The closer the two numbers are the greater the product. It forms a bell curve. The best economic model is centrist, the left and right, or buyer and seller, being equal. We tend to go to the left or right to compensate for having gone too far in the opposite direction.


There are three fundamental costs, of which all costs are composed. These three are independent costs, while other costs are dependent on them. The cost of labor is not a fundamental cost.

The Three Fundamental Costs are:

1) The cost of land.

2) The cost of transportation.

3) The cost of communication.

As with all costs these operate by the Law of Supply and Demand. What makes them fundamental is that they are affected by factors outside the rules of economics. An economy is not a self-contained entity, existing in a bubble. It is supported by outside factors. The places that these outside factors support the economy are the Fundamental Costs.

Land is finite and non-renewable. To cut down on transportation and commuting time and costs, which is another of the Fundamental Costs, businesses, their workers and, their suppliers should be located as close together as possible. This leads to the development of permanent settlements, villages, towns and, cities. But this causes scarcity of land which makes the land more expensive, according to the Law of Supply and Demand. The cost of land finds it's way into other things, making prices generally higher in cities.

Transportation, including workers commuting, is a vital part of the economy and it's cost is one of the Fundamental Costs because it is affected by factors outside the economy. Transportation is a function of technology and the supply of whatever fuels are required. This also includes energy other than that used for transportation, such as electricity. Since this is affected by factors outside the economy the cost of transportation is a Fundamental Cost.

The cost of communication is the third Fundamental Cost. Communication, in the economy, is related to transportation in that it is generally preferred to replace transportation, meaning actually going somewhere such as to place an order, with communication, although physical transportation is often necessary. Since communication is a function of technology it is affected by factors outside the economy and is thus a Fundamental Cost. The internet has generally reduced the cost of communication almost to zero.

All prices of goods and services and labor are products of these three Fundamental Costs.


All workers and industries are in one of the four following categories. 

1) Those who make things.

2) Those who fix things.

3) Those who move things.

4) Those who run things.

We should logically want as many workers as possible as high on the scale as possible and as few workers as possible low on the scale.

Those who make things include agriculture, education and, information. Those who fix things includes the medical field. Those who move things include merchants, sales, transportation, communication and postal. Those who run things includes government, and the forces that support the government including military and law enforcement. Those who run things also includes the judicial and law fields.

A worker's position in this scale may be multi-layered. An example is a supervisor, one who runs things, in an industry that makes things.


The Transportation Pyramid of the economy refers to production beginning with few larger modes of transport and concluding with many smaller modes of transport. It could also be described as a tree pattern.

The typical Transportation Pyramid, from the top down, is as follows.

1) Ships 

2) Trains or aircraft

3) Trucks 

4) Cars

Raw material might be brought to an industry by ship and then the finished, or semi-finished, product would leave the industry by train. A ship has a much greater capacity than a train. This arrangement is much more likely than the reverse. The input mode of transportation will have greater capacity than the output mode.

The finished product is brought to stores in trucks, and then taken home by consumers in their cars. The finished product must be less massive than the raw material so it makes sense that the Transportation Pyramid should match.


The nation of Romania is named for Rome, which conquered Dacia in the year 106. Bucharest, the capital city, is from late medieval times. Bucharest became capital in the late Nineteenth Century, and is often compared to Paris because of it's architecture. The Arcul de Triumf is Bucharest's version of the Arc de Triomphe. Images from Google Earth and Street View.

The palace of the former Romanian royal family is near it. Image from Google Street View.

The nation consisted of the regions of Wallachia and Moldavia combined. The northern region of Transylvania was added after the First World War. Romania was a kingdom from 1881 to 1947, when the parliament proclaimed it a republic. The last Romanian king, Michael I, was related to both Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip. The Romanian War of Independence, against the Ottomans, was part of a wider war in the region.

Many readers will remember the anti-Communist revolutions that swept eastern Europe in the autumn of 1989. Nicolae Ceausescu was the leader of Romania. His process of "Systemization" had apparently been inspired by his 1971 visit to North Korea. Ceausescu's government is generally remembered as a repressive dictatorship and his overthrow was by far the most violent of the revolutions across eastern Europe. His reign saw the demolition of many historical buildings in order to rebuild.

The revolution came late to Romania, more than a month after the fall of the Berlin Wall. For a while, it looked like Romania might be bypassed. But Ceausescu was overthrown. He and his wife escaped by helicopter but were caught, quickly tried, and executed on Christmas Day.

Bucharest is in the southern part of the country, not too far from the border with Bulgaria. The Athenaeum is a concert venue on Calea Victorei, Victory Blvd., which could be considered as Bucharest's version of the Champs Elysees.

There are multiple scenes following. To see the scenes, after the first one, you must first click the up arrow, before you can move on to the next scene by clicking the right or forward arrow. After clicking on the up arrow you can then hide the previews of successive scenes if you so wish.,26.0956031,3a,75y,103.7h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s0BlfK5Fldu-4vaZpo0s2XA!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656

Bucharest's Lipscani Street runs through the district by that name. Image from Google Street View.,26.0968225,3a,75y,64.43h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1scn0f2Wri6re20cjbyX82Uw!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656

Old Town Bucharest is near Ceausescu's Palace of Parliament building. This is the massive palatial structure, began by the late dictator, that now houses Romania's Parliament but was not completed until long after his execution. It is still mostly empty today. Images from Google Earth and Street View.


Ploiesti is the city to the north of Bucharest that,like Pennsylvania in the U.S., was an early center of oil production. Romania has an industrial economy in general.

But the city is remembered in the U.S. as the site of a costly and controversial Second World War air operation. Refineries were producing a lot of fuel for the Nazis. The RAF decided against trying to directly bomb it, as it was far distant and heavily defended. To ensure accurate targeting, planes would have to fly very low over the target. It was decided to concentrate on the supporting transportation network instead.

But U.S. forces decided that the refineries themselves had to be bombed, and the result was the very costly mission. The first image of Ploiesti is from Google Earth.,25.6067301,3a,75y,197.75h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sQpSMooEdLlW-MAyrtly_tA!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656

Timisoara, in western Romania, was built around a fortress. It is known as the first European city to have electric street lighting, and also where Romania's 1989 revolution began. Timisoara is near the border with Hungary, and was traditionally divided between ethnic Romanians and Hungarians. As Google Earth shows, it has more orange roofs.,21.2297467,3a,75y,199.47h,96.75t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipOb_sks_qxaZ8r8rNmq7DC4epiY7FDhV56B-ASe!2e10!3e11!!7i6080!8i3040

Cluj-Napoca is the center of Transylvania, the northern part of Romania that was joined to the country in 1918. The area had earlier been under the control of the Ottomans and the Habsburgs. It had been torn between Romanians and Hungarians. It was once the Roman region of Dacia.

The following scenes of Cluj-Napoca begin in Unirli Square near St. Michael's Church. Google Earth shows more orange roofs.,23.5904532,3a,75y,51.78h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s6eqAnlllPzwOvRpBsR889g!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656

Iasi is an ancient city that is also known as Jassy.,27.5820172,3a,75y,357.3h,97.88t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipNavUglhDD8qI7HTfw4B32tDFGMMt7JuNah7X_6!2e10!3e11!!7i5660!8i2830

Galati started as a Dacian settlement that was conquered by Rome.,28.025169,3a,75y,320h,90t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipPksSlN4Ys5hJ0AD_9mrJtQtjFHrQxquvkIrUZD!2e10!3e11!!7i12226!8i6113

Constanta is on Romania's Black Sea coast. It began as an extremely old city known as Tomis. There is a famous casino on the waterfront, and traders from Genoa built a lighthouse. The first image is from Google Earth.

The Greater Purpose Of Attacks

Each terrorist attack doesn't just happen. The immediate objective is the death and destruction of the enemy. But there is also usually a big picture objective that tends to get overlooked.

The 9/11 attack involved four passenger aircraft that were hijacked and intended to be flown as missiles into prominent buildings in the U.S. What was interesting is that it was easy to find out the identity of the hikackers. Then the nineteen hijackers were not from countries that are usually considered as hostile to America, as we might expect. They were all from countries in the Middle East that are considered as America's allies.

This was done on purpose. The objective was to turn Americans against countries in the Middle East that are friendly to them. This would help to get American and western influence out of Moslem countries. It would definitely turn Americans and Europeans against Moslems that live in the west, and so they would be less inclined to go there. The use of aircraft might make people afraid to fly and would diminish globalization.

Fifteen of the nineteen hijackers were Saudis, as was Osama Bin Laden. Mohammed Atta was the only Egyptian among the hikackers, yet he was the ringleader. Why would they choose a foreigner as the ringleader of the operation, and make it easy for authorities to find that out afterward? Because Egypt is the largest country of the Middle East, and a close ally of America, and they were trying to turn Americans against it.

The 2015 and 2016 attacks in Paris and Brussels happened when the battle against Islamic State was going on and there was civil war in Syria. Refugees were being taken in across Europe. There were those who wanted to stop Moslems from going to Europe. The way to accomplish that was for some among the refugees to commit horrible massacres so that Europeans wouldn't take them in anymore. A female Belgian television news anchor was even sexually assaulted by a refugee while she was on air.

The immediate purpose of the attack on the Munich Olympics of 1972 was to exchange Israeli athlete hostages for certain prisoners in Israeli jails. But the overall objective was to get the world to shun athletic and cultural exchanges with Israel by showing that inviting Israelis into your country might mean a lot of trouble.

The Government of Egypt was friendly with the west, and western tourists often visited. The objective of the 1997 massacre of tourists in Luxor was to get westerners to shun Egypt so it might be moved toward being an Islamic Republic.

Attacks on and hijacking of aircraft were common at the time and, when the 1972 Lod Airport Massacre happened the Israelis were naturally looking out for Palestinian attackers. The attackers got around this by recruiting members of the Japanese Red Army. The overall objective was to deter people from visiting Israel, by making it seem that flying there was very unsafe and forcing onerous airport security on travelers from all over the world.

So what could the greater purpose of this October 2023 attack be? There is no apparent purpose like any of the above. But it was obviously carefully planned to draw the world in. We have seen that Iran's brand of Shiite Islam is apocalyptic. There were twelve successive Imams. The last disappeared and is believed will return in the Last Days as the Mahdi. Iran is Russia's closest ally and we saw Russia's role in the Apocalypse in "Inducing The Apocalypse", June 2023. Why would they want to induce the Apocalypse? First because it's going to happen anyway and, Second because the west has fallen into decadence and apostasy and they will end up better than the west.

Thursday, October 19, 2023

The Former Yugoslavia And Albania

Yugoslavia was the nation that existed from 1918, the end of the First World War, to the 1990s. It was formed from the breakup of the Austrian-Hungarian Empire, plus Serbia. The nation was originally called the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and, Slovenes. The name was changed to "Yugoslavia" in 1929.

There is sometimes said to have been two successive Yugoslavias. The first was the Kingdom, formed after the First World War. The second is the Communist Yugoslavia, after the Second World War with the monarchy abolished.

Yugoslavia had a liberal interpretation of Communism, which greatly annoyed the Stalinist Communists in Moscow. Yugoslavia proclaimed itself as neutral during the Cold War and refused to join the Warsaw Pact.

After the abolition of the Yugoslav Monarchy the driving personality behind Communist Yugoslavia was Josef Broz Tito. He had originally been an autoworker and the country would produce the popular "Yugo" car.

I used to read about a theme park, after the breakup of the country, dedicated to remembering the former Yugoslavia. People reminisced such as "We weren't rich but we had what we needed and everybody had a good time".

The name of Yugoslavia means "Land of the Southern Slavs", and was compromised of six internal republics. These were, from north to south, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia, Montenegro and, North Macedonia. The Slavic people had arrived in the area in the Sixth Century.

The primary language of the country was Serbia-Croatian. It is a mixed language that is generally spoken in one way but can be written in two ways. This is because Croatians use the Latin Alphabet while Serbians use the Cyrillic, or Russian, Alphabet.

Ljubljana is the capital of Slovenia, which is the northernmost of the former Yugoslav republics. The city is built around a castle on high ground. This is the castle with the city visible in the background.

Slovenia is where America's former first lady, Melania Trump, is from. Here is the city of Ljubljana. The first scene, from Google Earth, is of the striking orange roofs.

There are multiple scenes following. To see the scenes, after the first one, you must first click the up arrow, before you can move on to the next scene by clicking the right or forward arrow. After clicking on the up arrow you can then hide previews of successive scenes, if you so wish.,14.5032325,3a,75y,140h,90t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipMteRb4AMJy0b06ijwQmppAQSiZUg9xtZv_H2mX!2e10!3e11!!7i11000!8i5500

Zagreb is the capital city of the former Yugoslav Republic, and now independent nation, of Croatia. It has, like Venice, a St. Mark's Square and Church. The first two scenes are from Google Earth.,15.9783143,3a,75y,190.8h,105.08t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipNtHStgNSI3ZUgoDMjMdOy1CypzWSVORNxMsOo4!2e10!3e11!!7i10000!8i5000

Rijeka is a Croatian city on the coast of the Adriatic Sea. It was once the main port of the Austrian-Hungarian Empire, and was an independent city-state. Like Trieste there was a controversy over whether the city should belong to Italy or Yugoslavia. It's Italian name is Fiume.,14.4442976,3a,75y,322.55h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sNo8CIJXGzNO4VxhAO9jLFA!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656?entry=ttu

Sarajevo is the major city of Bosnia. It dates back to ancient times but became an important city during rule by the Ottomans. There was a lot of industrialization during the time of the Austrian-Hungarian Empire. Sarajevo is associated with conflict. It was where the First World War began. When Yugoslavia came apart in the 1990s, the combat was between Serbs and Croatians, and it looked like Bosnia might avoid it. But that was not to last and Sarajevo later became the focal point of the conflict.,18.425446,3a,75y,33.36h,90t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipMmVAG_auZ5K8TItiXqiq-WEYCPiSg7dixhywc6!2e10!3e11!!7i8704!8i4352

Belgrade is the capital of Serbia and was the capital of the united Yugoslavia. Belgrade is in a strategic location and was originally built around a Fortress, shown here from Google Earth.

Belgrade was located on the frontier of the Roman Empire. Attila the Hun is buried there. It was later located on the frontier between the Habsburgs and Ottoman Empires. Sulieman the Magnificent captured Belgrade for the Ottomans in 1521. Here is Belgrade Fortress.,20.450752,3a,75y,112.51h,90t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipOCcEJgj8H0B3rV0ZIbIm7DR7g8oFZ3gZldoFsx!2e10!3e11!!7i10000!8i5000?entry=ttu

One well-known Serb is Nicola Tesla. Electrical inventors like Thomas Edison were using direct current, where the direction of current flow remains the same, to provide large-scale electrical power. But Tesla favored alternating current, where the direction of current flow alternates.

Tesla turned out to be right. The advantage of alternating current is that voltage and current can be exchanged, by means of a transformer, with total power remaining the same. Loss of power when electricity is transmitted over a distance is much less if the voltage is stepped up. It can be stepped back down at the other end. Transformers only work effectively with alternating current. Electrical power can thus be sent over much greater distances than otherwise.

The name of Tesla is very important in the Buffalo-Niagara area. There is a statue of him on each side of Niagara Falls. From Google Street View this is the statue on the U.S. side.

In a way, Buffalo is where Tesla proved victorious over Edison. The transmission of alternating current from Niagara Falls to the Pan-American Exposition of 1901 was a spectacular success. There was little loss of power over the distance, something that would not have been possible with Edison's direct current.

Tesla himself had nothing to do with the electric car and solar power conglomerate that bears his name, it was named in honor of him. From Google Earth this is the Tesla factory in Buffalo.

 This is more of Belgrade.,20.4636936,3a,75y,40.52h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sFjj-ZNhXktbkcpdYh4yHEA!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656

Kragujevac was sometimes the capital of Serbia. It is not an ancient city but originated in medieval times. This is where the Zastava Auto Company, related to Fiat, made the Yugo car that was popular in the U.S. This car also illustrates, of course, how loosely Yugoslavia interpreted Communism.,20.9186529,3a,75y,240h,110t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipPifeQRaF1y0b8zvDvEufD0XaILNVBTI_4ZMgjd!2e10!3e11!!7i7776!8i3888

Skopje, pronounced "scope-ya" is an ancient city that is now the capital of North Macedonia. It has been an important city to the Romans, the Byzantines and, the Ottomans. Skopje Fortress was built by the Byzantines in the Sixth Century. The Ottomans built the Old Bazaar in the city, which was it's center of trade. After independence the country had a disagreement with Greece over the name of Macedonia, which the Greeks claimed belonged to them.,21.4347526,3a,75y,18.43h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sqILZG95J4Dx9K5mOGqr8Bg!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656

Tirana is the capital city of Albania, which is a separate country that was not part of the federation of Yugoslavia.

Albania had been a medieval kingdom and principality, before being ruled by Venice and then the Ottomans. It returned as an independent nation in 1912.

Like neighboring Yugoslavia, Albania was a Communist country that did not always adhere to the Soviet model, but for a very different reason. In the 1970s ultra-hardline Communists were beginning to emerge in countries like Albania and Cambodia. At the same time the Soviet Union, the original Communist country, was beginning to moderate. Albania was one of the hard-line countries that broke relations with the Soviet Union, considering it as a "disgrace" to Communism.

The driving personality behind Albanian Communism was Enver Hoxha, pronounced "ho-ja". His government built many bunkers around the country, to guard against invasion, which have found their way into other uses.

When I was a young boy I remember hearing that a country in Europe had declared itself as the world's first officially atheist nation, where any expression of religion was illegal. In other Communist countries religion was more or less discouraged, but wasn't actually illegal.

How ironic that this same atheist nation had produced the famed Mother Theresa.

Muhammad Ali, who founded the Pasha Dynasty that brought about modern Egypt that we saw in our visit to "Cairo", was from an Albanian family.

After the end of Communism, there was a near-civil war in Albania when so many people lost money that had been invested in pyramid schemes.

Petrele Castle was built by the Byzantines and Tirana became an important city to the Ottomans. This scene is from Google Street View.

The Grand Mosque of Tirana is another of the many domed Ottoman Mosques modeled on the Hagia Sophia. We saw the Hagia Sophia in "The House Of Holy Wisdom, Where The Modern World Began". Scenes from Google Street View.

Tirana has it's center at Skanderbeg Square. Skanderbeg was a Fifteenth Century military leader that was victorious against the Ottomans. The first scene is from Google Street View.,19.8170986,3a,75y,81.21h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sSyZZopSHvBBDkQ16Jqv46w!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656

This is more of Tirana.,19.8037569,3a,75y,105.48h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sD5V2amMk6BYByhUSQfk67Q!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656

Shkoder is the major city of northern Albania. It is a very ancient city that has been a part of the Roman, Byzantine and, Ottoman Empires.,19.5144651,3a,75y,80h,100t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipMZ_v7mwnrTc2_o38Y5_lXRYel0ve_jywa1CV3y!2e10!3e11!!7i13000!8i6500


At the end of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, after the end of the First World War in 1918, Austria and Hungary were reduced to small countries. The remaining territories in the north became the new nation of Czechoslovakia, and some to the revived nation of Poland. The territories in the south became the new nation of Yugoslavia, which also included Serbia. Transylvania was given to Romania.

Neither new nation would last forever. Czechoslovakia would ultimately come apart peacefully. Yugoslavia, unfortunately, wouldn't.

The driving personality of Communist Yugoslavia, after the end of the monarchy, had been that of Josep Broz Tito. He was born in Croatia. Tito died in 1980 and a difficult economic decade followed. Communism ended in eastern Europe in 1989.

Serbia was the core of Yugoslavia. It's capital of Belgrade had been the country's capital and it's former king had been from the Serbian royal dynasty. The area that was now Yugoslavia had historically been divided by religion. Serbs were Orthodox Christians while Croatians and Slovenes were Catholic. A long period of Ottoman rule had brought Islam, and Bosnia was primarily Moslem.

Of the six Yugoslav republics, the two small republics at opposite ends of the country, Slovenia in the north and Macedonia in the south, declared independence. The Serb-dominated Yugoslav military was unable to hold Slovenia.

The trouble with the Yugoslav republics declaring independence is that a lot of ethnic mixing had taken place. There were many Serbs living in Croatia and Bosnia and Croatians living in Bosnia. When the republic declared independence, these minorities either didn't want to leave or wanted to break away themselves.

What began with the independence of Slovenia in 1991 turned into major combat when Croatia declared independence. There were areas of Serbs within Croatia. The area in eastern Croatia was called Krajina. Warfare centered around the cities of Dubrovnik in western Croatia and Vukovar in eastern Croatia.

At first, it seemed like the conflict would involve the Serbs living in Croatia, and that Bosnia might be spared. But that was not to be.  By far the worst combat would end up being in Bosnia. The southern part of Bosnia is called Herzegovina, and it became a familiar name in the news.

Bosnia declared its independence following a 1992 referendum. The many Serbs within Bosnia didn't want to go and declared their own nation out of Bosnia, called Republika Srpska. It's first president would be Radovan Karadzic, and most infamous general would be Ratko Mladic. The Yugoslav Army withdrew from Bosnia but left it's weapons to Srpska. The Bosnian Serbs began a siege of the city of Sarajevo that would last until 1996. NATO bombed their positions in 1995.

Almost all of the combat in the Yugoslav Wars was the other republics against Serbs. The Serbs did not so much aim to keep Yugoslavia together as to create a "Greater Serbia". But there were also Croatians living in Bosnia, and they proclaimed the Republic of Herzeg-Bosnia.

Combat ended in Croatia, with Croatian military offensives in 1995, but continued on in Bosnia. There would be infamous concentration camps, atrocities and mass killings. Of the about 140,000 people that would be killed in the Yugoslav Wars, the vast majority would be in Bosnia.

There was shock and disbelief across Europe that something like this could be happening here.

Toward the end of the 1990s, another name became familiar on the news. Kosovo was part of Serbia and had not itself been a Yugoslav republic. But it was the part of Serbia bordering Albania and had a concentration of ethnic Albanians, who sought independence from Serbia.

The ensuing Kosovo War would result in the aerial bombing of Serbia by NATO in 1999. There would be a temporary diplomatic crisis when the Chinese Embassy was bombed in error.

The only Yugoslav republic that remained federated with Serbia was Montenegro. It ultimately separated peacefully.

Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic, president and top general of Republika Srpska, the Serbs in Bosnia, were tried and convicted. Ratko Mladic remained the most wanted man in the world for a decade and a half. At first he was certainly shielded by the Serbian establishment, but later the country moved on.

High-profile fugitives are so often given away by family connections. According to one story that I read, while Mladic's family was being closely watched it was noticed that his granddaughters were taken to the yard of a farmhouse but no attempt was made to enter the house.

A guess was made that maybe Mladic was hiding in that house, and had requested to see his granddaughters through the window. The guess turned out to be correct.

The president of Serbia itself, Slobodan Milosevic, was ultimately put on trial but died before the trial was complete.

A vast amount of weapons and munitions from the Yugoslav Wars found their way all over the world.

Observations About The Gaza War

The most valuable piece of ground in any war is the moral high ground.

This war is nothing new. It has been going on since biblical times. Simeon and Levi massacred the males of the town of Shechem, and took the women and children captive, because their sister had been raped. David, when in exile with the Philistines, returned to Ziklag and found that the Amalekites had destroyed the town and taken captives. This attack very similar, except for the technology, to the Philistine raid that destroyed Shiloh, seen in the following image from Google Street View.

In the U.S. there is more support for Israel but much more support for Palestine in the world overall. If Iran would bring it's ally, Russia, to invade Israel and liberate the Palestinians, which would fulfill the Bible prophecies, they would have the support of at least 70% of the world.

A military operation to defeat terrorists might succeed in it's mission. But if children have bombs exploding around them, and see members of their families killed, the operation will have created the next generation of terrorists.

Weapons are supplied to nations at war but when the war is over the weapons end up getting sold all over the world. Some soldiers get used to being at war and have a ready new profession as a mercenary.

Coverage of modern wars are full of stories about atrocities. But many of the stories turn out to be doubtful or untrue. In 1990 Iraq invaded Kuwait. Saddam Hussein's soldiers allegedly went into a hospital, looking to seize medical equipment. Premature babies were in an incubator. The soldiers supposedly threw the babies on the floor, leaving them to die, and took the incubator. The general belief is that the U.S. and Kuwaiti Governments knew that the story wasn't true, but didn't say so until after the war. This is known as the Nayirah Testimony.

The greatest triumph of Satan is not just to get people to do evil things, but to get them to do evil things in the name of God.

Has anyone ever thought that western-style suits are used as a subtle, maybe unconscious, dominance tool? When a non-western leader wears a suit to a meeting with a western leader it is a subtle acknowledgement of the dominance of the west. It could also be saying that "We are just as western and modern as you are". A lot of Middle East leaders, noticably those of Saudi Arabia and Iran, wear traditional clothing.

As far as Iran being in on the scenario that we saw in "Inducing The Apocalypse", June 2023, remember that Iran is a close ally of Russia and will be part of the invasion of Israel from the north that will start the final series of wars of the world. Iran's brand of Shiite Islam is apocalyptic, known as "Twelver". There are believed to have been twelve imams. The twelfth, and final, one is now hidden from his followers but will return as the Mahdi.

Robert Kennedy Jr. is campaigning for U.S. President just as this conflict is going on. His father, the brother of President John F. Kennedy, was assassinated while campaigning for president in 1968. His assassin was Sirhan Sirhan, who was from a Palestinian Christian family and had been through the war upon the founding of Israel as a child. Robert Kennedy, as a youth, had visited Palestine just before Israel had declared independence, in 1948, and had made clear his support of Israel.

In the compound posting "Investigations", December 2018, there is one that might interest Pakistani readers. 45) THE ASSASSINATION OF PRESIDENT ZIA explains my reason for believing that the 1988 assassination of Zia Ul Haq was linked to his earlier being stationed in the Middle East as a military officer. He was instrumental in driving the Palestinians out of Jordan, afterwards referred to as"Black September ".

The Would-Have-Been City Of Ararat

Long before the restoration of Israel, in 1948, an island nearby was planned as a homeland for the Jews. The Niagara River, above the Falls, splits in two but later comes back together again. The land in the middle is known as Grand Island. Plans for once made for it to be the city of Ararat, a homeland for the Jews.

The following image of Grand Island, from Google Earth, shows the city of Niagara Falls to the northwest. North Tonawanda is to the east and Tonawanda to the southeast. The land to the west is Canada.

Sometimes Grand Island gets cold in the winter. There are deer, hawks and, a few coyotes, but no Hamas or Hezbollah.

Much later there were plans for the smaller island in the upper left. This is Navy Island and the United Nations was originally planned to be located there, but went to Manhattan instead. Image from Google Earth.

The Militias Of The Middle East

With the recent violence in Israel remember that there is something that I have never seen written about the Middle East. It is about how history repeats itself. The present militias, including Hamas, are reflections of the organizations of knights during the Crusades.

In the following posting see section 3) THE MILITIAS OF THE MIDDLE EAST.

Thursday, October 12, 2023


This country is absolutely fascinating.

The ancestors of today's Magyars, or Hungarians, are believed to have originated in what is now eastern European Russia and arrived in the Carpathian Basin of Eastern Europe. Seven chiefs of Magyar tribes founded the new country. The Arpads were the first Hungarian dynasty of kings.

This means that there might be "Eastern Hungarians" living today in wherever their original homeland was. Despite the name, some doubt how close the relationship is between the Huns, led by their famous king Attila who menaced the Roman Empire in it's latter days, and the modern Hungarians. Attila the Hun was based for a time in what is now Hungary but that was centuries before the Magyars arrived in the area from the east.

But yet the medieval "Illuminated Chronicle", which was much closer in time perspective than we are today, depicts Attila as King of the Hungarians. There is also the legend of two brothers, Hunor and Magor, one the descent of the Huns and the other of the Magyars, who later returned from the east to reclaim their ancestral homeland.

This is why the Hungarian language is not related to the Slavic or Romance languages of any of the nearby countries. It may be related to Finnish, which is nothing like the languages of the other Scandinavian countries.

Many ethnic Hungarians live today near, but outside the borders of, Hungary. We saw in our visit to "The Former Czechoslovakia" that Bratislava and it's castle was once vital to Hungary. Hungarians in Timisoara were instrumental in initiating Romania's revolution of 1989.

Stephen I was the famous first king of Hungary. His reign came right around the end of the First Millennium, the year 1000. He was baptized and Christianized the country, and can be considered as the Hungarian version of Vladimir of the Kievan Rus or Mieszko of Poland.

Hungary was invaded by Mongols, who must have been their distant relatives. They later resisted the Ottomans, until finally being conquered by Sulieman. The Habsburgs began to rule in 1526 when a Hungarian dynasty died out.

We saw the Habsburgs in our recent visit to "Vienna And The Habsburgs".

One of the revolutions that swept Europe in 1848 was in Hungary against Habsburgs rule. While the revolution was not immediately successful, it did lead to the Austrian-Hungarian Compromise of 1867, which made Vienna and Budapest co-capitals of the Austrian-Hungarian Empire.

Austria and Hungary were in a personal union. This means the two countries were ruled by the same emperor or king, but may not be completely united. A citizen would be either Austrian or Hungarian, but not both.

The Austro-Hungarian Empire was broken up in 1918, after the First World War. The region of Transylvania was transferred to Romania. The cities of Buda and Pest had been united into Budapest, and the city built the first subway after London.

In Communist Hungary of 1956, protesters demanded, and got, Imre Nagy brought back as Prime Minister. He announced that Hungary was leaving the Warsaw Pact. But enough Communist troops moved in to end the revolution.

However the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 was one of those things that appear quite differently when viewed in the long-term, as opposed to the short-term.

Restrictions on Hungary were loosened after that, allowing more private enterprise, and it turned into one of the success stories of the East Bloc. The reformist policies of Imre Nagy were reflected later in those of Mikhail Gorbachev. The mixed economy path of Hungary after the 1956 revolution, that made it such a success story, are reflected in the 1978 economic reforms of Deng Xiaoping.

In many ways the revolutions that swept Eastern Europe in 1989 began in Hungary in 1956. Has anyone noticed the irony that in the summer of 1989, just before the revolutions began, Zsa Zsa Gabor struck a Los Angeles police officer, and reminded everyone that she was Hungarian, and thus a descendent of Attila the Hun? This brought back the Hungarians defying the Communists in 1956, just before the 1989 revolutions began.

Eszstergom was where Stephen was born and he made it the first capital of Hungary. The following scenes begin in it's basilica. The first two scenes are from Google Street View.

There are multiple scenes following. To see the scenes, after the first one, you must first click the up arrow, ^, before you can move on to the next scene by clicking the right or forward arrow, >. After clicking on the up arrow you can then hide previews of successive scenes, if you wish.,18.7366847,2a,75y,142.66h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sSnbxIoIzaOe7Js5YCj0P_Q!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656

Obuda is the original part of what is now the capital city of Budapest. There was a Roman settlement here nearly a thousand years before the ancestors of the Hungarians arrived. Budapest is known for it's hot springs.

Why do you suppose that there would be hot springs at Budapest and around Hungary?

My geology theory explains it, "The Story Of Planet Earth" on the geology blog. Section L 41) explains that the elongated Lake Balaton is one of the periodically spaced magma emergence centers across the world. Budapest is right along the long axis of that lake.

This is Obuda.,19.0451948,3a,75y,249h,102.27t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipMv74bpYV689WDk-Agkn6g8kqxMh-q2UExf62gf!2e10!3e11!!7i7680!8i3840

The magnificent Parliament Building is the symbol of Budapest, located right on the Danube River. The crown in the glass case is the Holy Crown of Hungary. This is certainly one of the very few most valuable objects in the world. Hungary is now a republic and has not had a monarch since the end of the Austro-Hungarian Empire in 1918. The crown was used only for coronations.

The cross atop the crown has been famously knocked to one side since the 17th Century. This is the crown from Google Street View.

What was different about the Hungarian monarchy, and so important about the crown, is that it is the crown itself that is considered as reigning over the country. The king is just someone who is worthy to represent the crown.

The Parliament Building was begun on the presumed millennium of the founding of the country. These outside images are from Google Earth and Street View.

The Parliament building is absolutely awesome inside. Images from Google Street View.

You can come back to, and "walk", around the Parliament Building by holding the mouse pointer on a point up ahead, and clicking on it. Your perspective will then move to that point, and you can keep repeating the process.

Pressing the plus button, +, will zoom in on the crown and sword in the glass case.,19.0457264,2a,75y,275.03h,90.09t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s3AZb5ZXNOxT54MqTDENgZA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

Heroes Square has a monument dedicated to the Arpad Dynasty, Hungary's first dynasty of kings. Also a monument of the seven Magyar chiefs that founded Hungary. The first view is from Google Street View.,19.0479717,3a,75y,277h,90t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipM8xNbPhDIrgl8Nx_SpHj6PZmx-YMKQZyFslx6r!2e10!3e11!!7i5660!8i2830

After seeing Budapest let's look at some other Hungarian cities, moving clockwise around the country.

Miscolc is an ancient settlement that is now a modern industrial city.,20.7794565,3a,75y,280h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sG9kuYnOYMTdZTgpEvIfIOw!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656

Debrecen has also served as Hungary's capital and was the country's Protestant center during the Reformation.,21.6237441,3a,75y,48.38h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sNf9arx6t9gDUlszV2iaN_A!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656?entry=ttu

Szeged also began as an ancient settlement.,20.1488224,3a,75y,180h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sCF5mtVUcwySdeA_A2mRCIA!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656

Pecs goes far back into ancient history and was an important Ottoman city during their control of Hungary.,18.2251713,3a,75y,339.47h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sva0gTrIcl4uBFrZFygIzhA!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656?entry=ttu

Hungary's Special Mission

What makes this country so interesting, from a prophetic point of view, is that this plain, in eastern Europe, is where the fabled Attila the Hun was based in the final days of the Roman Empire. Attila later returned to his homeland in the eastern part of European Russia. 

The ancestors of the modern Hungarians are known to have migrated from the eastern part of European Russia to their present homeland, the same plain in eastern Europe that had been occupied by Attila the Hun centuries before.

The Hungarian legend is that seven Magyar chieftains purposely led their people back to reclaim their old homeland. The legend begins with two brothers, Hunor and Magor, who were born in Persia and were the ancestors of the Hungarians and the Magyars.

The legend is described in a medieval Hungarian book, called the "Illuminated Chronicle" and Hunor and Magor are linked to the Table of Nations in the Book of Genesis.

St. Stephen is the much-revered saint and first king of Hungary, who brought Christianity to the country. His right hand has been miraculously preserved, for the millennium since his death, and is in St. Stephen's Basilica in Budapest.

What was so significant about the Hungarian monarchy is that it is the crown, the Holy Crown of Hungary, that actually reigns over the country, not the king himself. The Hungarian king is just someone who is worthy to be crowned with the Holy Crown. 

The Holy Crown of Hungary is surely one of the few most valuable objects on earth.

The crown has a front and back and, centuries ago, the cross on top of the crown was accidentally knocked so that it leans to the right of the crown, as it remains today.

This was the flag showing the Hungarian Holy Crown, at the top, depicting the cross knocked to the right as the front of the crown is seen.

Hungary is a small country but gained a lot of influence when it became part of the Austrian-Hungarian Empire, which was founded in 1867. Notice, on Hungary's coat of arms, the crown with the cross angled to the right, the Hungarian side of the coat of arms is on the same side as the lean of the cross, which is on the right side if looking forward from the crown's perspective.

The Austrian-Hungarian Empire was founded in the Victorian Era, when secularism was spreading after the introduction of evolutionary theory in 1859.

Could it be that Hungary has a sacred mission? That the ancestors of the Hungarians were led from far away back to the land where Attila the Hun had been based many centuries before? 

There they were converted to Christianity by St. Stephen, whose right hand has been miraculously preserved. The cross atop the Holy Crown was accidentally knocked to the right. Then, when Hungary gained a lot of influence as half of the Austrian-Hungarian Empire, during the era of increasing secularism, it's banner on the coat of arms was on the same side as the tilt of the cross, the right from the crown's perspective.

That makes it appear that Hungary had been intended for the sacred mission of counteracting the secularism that spread in the late Nineteenth Century.

The Austrian-Hungarian Empire is gone but Hungary's sacred mission is not over yet.

The legendary brothers, Hunor and Magor, were natives of Persia. Just as the Hungarians regained their ancestral homeland so the Jews in the Bible regained theirs, after having been taken captive to Babylon.

Their return to their homeland was facilitated by Cyrus, who was the first king of the Persian Empire, where Hunor and Magor had been born. Cyrus funded the rebuilding of the Jews' Temple.

During the time of Communism in Hungary, it's Holy Crown was safeguarded in the U.S. The crown had been captured by U.S. forces near the end of the Second World War, and taken to Fort Knox for safekeeping.

Early in 1978, U.S. President Jimmy Carter ordered the crown returned to Hungary. Although it seemed very unlikely at the time, this was just as the revolution in Persia (Iran) was beginning that would end the 2500-year old monarchy that was begun by Cyrus.

The crown was personally delivered to Hungary by another Cyrus, U.S. Secretary of State Cyrus Vance.

Cyrus is not exactly a common name. Just as the revolution was beginning that would end the ancient monarchy begun by Cyrus, who facilitated the Jews' return to their homeland and rebuilding of the Temple and in whose land Hunor and Magor had been born, another Cyrus returned the Hungarians' Holy Crown to them.

The crown had the same kind of function to the Hungarians that the Temple had to the Jews and the Hungarian uprising against the Communists in 1956 can be compared to the Jewish uprising against the Babylonians that got the Jews taken into exile and their Temple destroyed.

Doesn't this make it seem that Hungary is on a special mission from God to evangelize the world? I am not Hungarian myself, and have no connections to Hungary, and this makes it possible for me to give an unbiased perspective.


Has anyone ever noticed the great similarity between the story of the Golden Fleece, of ancient Greek Mythology, and the Holy Crown of Hungary?

One of the two most popular stories to be adopted from Greek mythology is the voyage of Jason and the Argonauts in search of the Golden Fleece. A fleece is the fur from around the neck of a sheep or ram.

The Golden Fleece was a very special fleece, being from a divine ram. The Golden Fleece was a symbol of divine authority, and a legitimate king was absolutely required to be crowned with it. 

This is one of the two great stories from ancient Greece. The other is the Trojan War, and the two epics that center around it. The first is the Iliad, which takes place during the war. The second is the Odyssey, which tells the story of the journey home of Odysseus after the war. Both epics were written by Homer.

The thing that I find to be just so striking is the resemblance between the story of the Golden Fleece and that of the real-life Holy Crown of Hungary.

Like the Golden Fleece, the Holy Crown of Hungary is linked to a hero. Unlike the mythical Jason, St. Stephen was the real first king of Hungary, who Christianized the country.

Like the Golden Fleece, the Holy Crown of Hungary is considered to be absolutely essential that a legitimate Hungarian king be crowned with it. In fact, the Hungarian monarchy differs from others in that it is the crown itself that rules. The king is just someone deemed worthy to be crowned with it. The Holy Crown of Hungary is a coronation crown, used only for coronations and not worn on a daily basis.

Also like the Golden Fleece, the Holy Crown of Hungary has been lost and regained. The Holy Crown of Hungary has been lost and regained most recently when it was captured by U.S. forces, and taken to Fort Knox for safekeeping, near the end of the Second World War. U.S. President Jimmy Carter had the crown returned to Hungary, where it is prominently displayed today in a glass case in the Parliament Building.

The first question is whether the story of the Golden Fleece directly influenced the Holy Crown of Hungary. The crown was actually made in Byzantium, which was the Greek-speaking former eastern half of the Roman Empire, centered on Constantinople.

But the next question is whether God was involved with the Golden Fleece and the Holy Crown. 

We saw in a posting on this blog, "The Wars Of The Gods", October 2022, how the God of the Bible came into conflict with the ancient Greek God Zeus, later called Jupiter by the Romans.

Considering this background, doesn't it look as if the Hungarians are on a special mission from God, being led back to the ancestral homeland once occupied by their ancestor, Attila the Hun, where they would be Christianized by St. Stephen with the Holy Crown of Hungary replacing the Golden Fleece as the sacred sign of leadership?