Thursday, December 28, 2023

Especially For Buffalo, NY

Yesterday, December 27, 2023, was the 40th anniversary of the explosion that destroyed the Chimera Warehouse in Buffalo. 

This image from Google Street View shows the Fire Department memorial and the lot in the background where the warehouse had been located.

This is a review of section 17) of "The Aztec Prophecy", April 2018, about what I think is the amazing numerical connections between a warehouse explosion that took place in Buffalo in December 1983 and world events of the time, up to 9 / 11.

This is intended mainly for readers familiar with Buffalo, NY and should take about 20 minutes to read.


This is to make you wonder if there is an order to things that is beyond our understanding. On December 27, 1983, there was an explosion in Buffalo NY, caused by a propane tank, that destroyed a warehouse and killed seven people.

What I notice is the amazing numbers that appear that link this explosion to world events at the time, the Iran Hostage Crisis, the 1981 assassination attempt on Pope John Paul II and the 1983 Barracks Bombing in Beirut. There is strong numerical links between this explosion and both the attacks of 9 / 11 and the Apocalypse foretold in the Bible, as well as Bible prophecies specifically in the Books of Daniel and Revelation.

Before dismissing this with skepticism, please just read it. I think you will be amazed.




Before getting to Buffalo, let's review a couple of things about how numbers work with regard to the Bible and Christianity.


One of the most perplexing things in the Bible has always been the prophecy of seventy weeks of years in the Book of Daniel, Chapter 9 Verses 24-27. There is a Wikipedia article about it, "Prophecy of Seventy Weeks".

The prophecy was made after the Jews had returned from exile in Babylon. The First Temple, the Temple of Solomon, had been destroyed by the Babylonians, and the returnees set about rebuilding it. The prophecy states that from the time the announcement or decree went out to rebuild Jerusalem to the time that an "anointed one" is "cut off" will be 69 weeks of years, in other words 483 years.

Seven was an important number and weeks were used to refer to seven years, as well as seven days. Due to the different way of counting, the prophecy states that from the decree to rebuild Jerusalem to the time that the anointed one will be "cut off", or killed, will be seven weeks of years and sixty-two weeks of years, which add to sixty-nine weeks of years. The term "anointed one" is what messiah actually means. So that this person who will be killed 483 years after the decree to rebuild Jerusalem will be the long-awaited Messiah.

The remaining week, the 70th week, is reserved because that will be the seven years of the Tribulation Period and the Antichrist, prior to the Second Coming of Jesus.

Here is the prophecy, I have copied and pasted it from the Wikipedia article.

24"Seventy weeks are decreed for your people and your holy city: to finish the transgression, to put an end to sin, and to atone for iniquity, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal both vision and prophet, and to anoint a most holy place. 25Know therefore and understand: from the time that the word went out to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until the time of an anointed prince, there shall be seven weeks; and for sixty-two weeks it shall be built again with streets and moat, but in a troubled time. 26After the sixty-two weeks, an anointed one shall be cut off and shall have nothing, and the troops of the prince who is to come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary. Its end shall come with a flood, and to the end there shall be war. Desolations are decreed. 27He shall make a strong covenant with many for one week, and for half of the week he shall make sacrifice and offering cease; and in their place shall be an abomination that desolates, until the decreed end is poured out upon the desolator." 

Let's go to another Wikipedia article. The first book of the Bible concerning this rebuilding of Jerusalem after it has been destroyed by the Babylonians is the Book of Ezra. Some Jews had already been back at Jerusalem, and had built a replacement for the destroyed Temple, although this Second Temple (or the Temple of Zerubbabel) was poor in comparison with the glory of Solomon's destroyed Temple.

But the city had not been rebuilt, delayed due to opposition until it could be determined that the Persian king Cyrus, who released the Jews from exile after conquering Babylon, had actually signed a decree that Jerusalem could be rebuilt. Most of the Jews at Jerusalem were still living in makeshift housing, and the sacrifices were not being properly done in the new Temple.

This is what Ezra was sent to correct. The ruling king of Persia sent him to Jerusalem, with a large number of other exiles. It is now certain that the exiles did not return from Babylon at once, it was more like a trickle over many decades. Ezra, and later also Nehemiah, got the rebuilding of Jerusalem underway and restored the correct temple rites, as well as condemning intermarriage with non-Jews. The Books of Ezra and Nehemiah are the two biblical books that explain this time. The two were originally one book.

Notice the date that the Wikipedia article on Ezra gives for his being sent back to Jerusalem. It is 457 B.C.

Now, let's go to another Wikipedia article, the one about the year "7 BC". This year is considered by many to have been the year that Jesus was born because there was a bright planetary conjunction that Matthew could have taken as "The star of Bethlehem", which guided the Magi to the infant Jesus.

Some believe that Jesus was born in 4 B.C., and that could possibly be correct. But King Herod is reported to have died in 4 B.C., and remember that before dying he had heard of a new king being born, had talked with the Magi who brought gifts to the infant Jesus, and ordered that all boys under two years of age be killed. Jesus' parents, however, had taken him to safety in Egypt until Herod died.

Jesus is believed to have been crucified when he was 33 years old, this is the age given in the Wikipedia article on Jesus. Although it is not absolutely certain that he was crucified at age 33 or was born in 7 B.C., these figures must be close. This means that Jesus was likely crucified in the year 26 A.D.

How long was it from 457 B.C. to 26 A.D.? That's right, exactly 483 years.

The Bible foretold when the Messiah would be killed, and leaves no doubt about who that Messiah was. Jesus was the only one around this time who was taken seriously as possibly being the Messiah. This could not have been inserted into the Bible after the fact because it is also in the Hebrew scriptures, although the Jews did not accept Jesus as the Messiah.


What I notice that is really amazing is that there is a parallel between the destructions of the Temple in ancient times and the major splits in the church in modern times. Why don't we call this "The Ancient-Modern Parallel".

The first temple of the Jews in Israel was at Shiloh, in the central highlands or what would today be called the West Bank. Shiloh was destroyed by the Philistines in 1050 B.C.

Shiloh was never rebuilt because it was replaced by Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem. That temple was ultimately destroyed by the Babylonians, and the Jews taken into exile. The siege of Jerusalem, by the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar, that resulted in the destruction of Solomon's Temple began in 587 B.C. The time between the destruction of these two temples is thus 463 years.

After the Jews had returned from exile in Babylon, worship had become very corrupted at the Temple that was being rebuilt. Ezra, with a large group of former exiles with him, was sent back to Jerusalem to correct the religious services, which he did. Ezra has the book in the Bible named for him. The date that Wikipedia gives for Ezra being sent back to Jerusalem is 457 B.C.

Messiah Means "anointed one". Christians, although not Jews, believe that Jesus was the long-awaited, and prophecied, Messiah. The exact birthday of Jesus is not known but 7 B.C. is the most widely-accepted year for his birth. The Bible states that Jesus began his ministry at about 30 years of age, and his ministry to have lasted three years. That means that Jesus was likely crucified at age 33. With His birth in 7 B.C. that means 26 A.D.

Now, what do you notice? 69 "weeks" of years is 483 years. From 457 B.C., when Ezra was sent back to Jerusalem to establish correct worship in the Temple that had been rebuilt after having been destroyed, to 26 A.D., when Jesus is most likely to have been crucified, is exactly 483 years. The reason that there is only "69 weeks", when the scripture first stated 70 weeks, is that one "week" of 7 years is remaining for the Tribulation Period just prior to Jesus' Second Coming.

So we have 463 years and 483 years.

Now, let's go to more recent times. There have been two major and cataclysmic splits in the Catholic Church. The first was the Great Schism of 1054 when what was to become the Eastern Orthodox Church separated, due to a dispute in Constantinople over how much authority the pope should have. The second was the Reformation, which began in 1517. The Protestants split away to form a separate church.

What do you notice here that I have never seen pointed out? From 1054 to 1517, the two major splits in the Catholic Church, is 463 years. Then from 1517 to the millennium, the year 2000, is 483 years.

This really makes us wonder if there is indeed an order to things that is beyond our understanding. Now let's proceed to Buffalo.


I never ask readers to just believe something. I always explain my reasoning for believing anything so that readers may check any facts that I quote for themselves. What I will do here is to describe a series of events that end with a disaster that once took place in Buffalo and let you come to your own conclusion about whether it might be events coming together in such a way as to turn our attention to God.


The last four months of 1983 were the most dangerous time of the Cold War. There had been dangerous points before, the Berlin Airlift and especially the Cuban Missile Crisis. My reason for stating that the last four months of 1983 were the most dangerous time is that at the time of the Berlin Airlift the Communists did not even have nuclear weapons yet, while the U.S. did. At the time of the Cuban Missile Crisis, the west was far ahead of the Communists in nuclear weapons and they knew it. But by 1983, the two sides were roughly at nuclear parity and the Communists may have even been somewhat ahead.

Let's review the events of the last four months of 1983, with regard to the Cold War and to Buffalo.

On September 1, the Soviet Air Force shot down a passenger jet, Korean Airlines Flight 007, killing all on board including 62 Americans. It was an extremely tense time. Ronald Reagan angrily referred to the Soviet Union as the "Evil Empire".

The plane, on it's way from the U.S. to Seoul, had inadvertently strayed into Soviet airspace. A few months earlier, the U.S. had announced a national high-technology program called the Strategic Defense Initiative. It was to use breakthrough technology to shoot down any missiles targeting the U.S. The program became popularly known as "Star Wars", after the movie by that name. It's goal was to render the Soviet nuclear arsenal useless. It seems that the Soviet military thought that the intrusion into it's airspace was likely being done purposely to assess it's air defenses as part of the development of the program.

On September 26 came what is referred to as "The 1983 Soviet Nuclear False Alarm Incident".

The Soviet Union had a system of satellites that were keeping watch over the U.S. for hostile missile launches. One day, several missiles were detected as having been launched from the U.S. toward the Soviet Union. It fell to the Soviet officer on duty, Stanislav Petrov, to make a very quick decision as to whether or not this was a false alarm. Reporting the event would begin the process of nuclear retaliation. He decided that it was probably a false alarm. One story is that only a few "missiles" were detected, and if America was going to launch a sudden nuclear attack, it would certainly be with more than a few missiles.

It turned out that what the satellites had detected was sunlight reflecting off moving high clouds in the atmosphere. Stanislav Petrov subsequently became known as "The Man Who Saved The World".

On October 23 came the 1983 Beirut Barracks Bombing, which we will get to later.

The Israelis had withdrawn from southern Lebanon and U.S. and French military forces were there as peacekeepers. The U.S. barracks was expecting a truck to deliver water. A truck arrived but it turned out to be carrying a massive bomb instead of water. The Iranian driver got close to the barracks and detonated the bomb. 241 U.S. service members, almost all Marines, were killed. 

The French barracks were attacked in the same way at the same time. French soldiers managed to kill the driver with gunfire, but the truck was close to the barracks and it seems that someone then detonated the bomb by remote control. 55 French paratroopers were killed.

On October 25 came the U.S. invasion of Grenada. This was a Caribbean island where a Marxist movement had just seized power and there was concern for U.S. medical students on the island. The Soviet government was outraged and demanded that U.S. forces withdraw "immediately".

On November 7 came "Operation Able Archer".

This was a NATO military exercise across western Europe involving a nuclear war. Heads of state were involved in the very realistic exercise. According to some sources, the Soviets thought there was a very good chance that it was for real and put their nuclear forces on alert, ready to fire at a moment's notice.

On November 20 was a movie in the U.S. called "The Day After". It was taking place in Kansas on the day after a nuclear war. The movie was watched, at it's initial broadcast, by nearly half the population of the United States, and by many more afterward. If ever a movie came at just the right time, this was it.

December 25 was Christmas. That is when we celebrate the birth of God's Son on earth. That First Coming of Jesus was to teach us and pay the penalty for our sin. Jesus is scheduled to come again, the Second Coming.

The Second Coming will actually be in two parts. The first part is referred to as the Rapture, although that word is a general term that is not actually in the Bible. In the Rapture, Jesus will not land on earth but will take his own people out before the Apocalypse. The second part of the Second Coming, seven years after the Rapture, is when Jesus will return to earth to end the Tribulation period and establish his Kingdom, when the world will finally be the godly paradise that it was always intended to be.

On December 27, disaster came to Buffalo. There was a four-story warehouse just east of downtown. Workers were moving a large container of propane with a forklift when they dropped the container. A valve broke off and propane began flowing out. The workers called the fire department. 

Meanwhile, the propane gas seeped through the building until it came to a wood stove. Just after a fire engine arrived the entire building exploded. No one had ever seen anything like it before. The fire engine was thrown right across the street into some houses. It was almost like a small nuclear bomb exploding. Severe damage and destruction to buildings extended for a kilometer from the blast. Seven people were killed, five firefighters and two people in nearby homes.


Now that we see how important the timing of the accident in Buffalo was to world events, let's proceed further. The accident points to both the 9 / 11 attacks and the fulfillment of Bible prophecy of the Apocalypse.

The employees who dropped the tank of propane notified the fire department by calling 911. What happened next was amazingly prescient of what would happen on 9 / 11. Just after the firefighters arrived, the entire warehouse, which had filled with propane gas, exploded. The five firefighters and two nearby residents were killed.

On 9 / 11, the toll was much higher but the circumstances very similar. Firefighters and police rushed into the two towers of the World Trade Center, but soon afterward the towers collapsed. 343 firefighters and 60 police officers were killed.

Two fire engines were literally thrown by the blast, one into nearby homes and the other into the warehouse. This is prescient of the planes striking the World Trade Center.

The warehouse that exploded was on North Division Street, in Buffalo. One block south of that was South Division Street. Two blocks south of that there is a building, the Larkin Building, that actually has five sides, like the Pentagon in Washington that was also attacked on 9 / 11. The building does not have five equal sides, as the Pentagon does. But the front of the building does have two straight-line sections, that meet at an angle of about 30 degrees, so it is a pentagon with five sides. The following images from Google Street View show the front of the Larkin Building and the angle that causes it to have five sides.


The Larkin Building is also of a general style that is similar to that of the Pentagon. Image from Google Street View.

(Note-We saw the Larkin Administration Building before, on our visit to "Canberra". It's construction was supervised by the same architect that designed Australia's capital city).

The explosion took place on North Division Street. One block south of that is South Division Street. Two blocks south of that is the Larkin Building, that is a pentagon because it has five sides, on Seneca Street.

The attacks on 9 / 11 moved from north to south. The North Tower was hit first, than the South Tower, and then the Pentagon. This means that, at the site of the explosion in Buffalo, North Division Street could represent the North Tower, South Division Street could represent the South Tower, and the five-sided Larkin Building, on Seneca Street, could represent the Pentagon.

The yellow line, in the following image from Google Street View, shows it from top to bottom. The diagonal route is a railroad track. The open field on the north side of North Division Street, west of Grosvenor Street, is where the warehouse was located. One block south of that is South Division Street, and two blocks south of that is the Larkin Building, which actually has five straight-edge sides.

Now, here is something that is completely amazing.

The North Tower was struck by a hijacked plane at 8:46 AM
The South Tower was struck at 9:03 AM
The Pentagon was struck at 9:37 AM (source- Wikipedia)

What do you notice about the times of impact? The time from the South Tower impact to the Pentagon impact is exactly twice as long as the time from the North Tower impact to the South Tower impact.

From 8:46 to 9:03 is 17 minutes. From 9:03 to 9:37 is 34 minutes. 17 x 2 = 34.

This is reflected in the streets where the explosion in Buffalo occurred. North Division Street, representing the North Tower, is one block north of South Division Street, which represents the South Tower. South Division Street is two blocks north of the five-sided Larkin Commerce Center, which represents the Pentagon.


The accident in Buffalo also points to the prophecies of Apocalypse in the Bible.

The name of the four-story warehouse, which stored automobile radiators, was Chimera. A chimera is a mythological creature that is made up of parts of different animals put together.

In the Book of Daniel, Chapter 7, Daniel is given a vision of four beasts which represent four successive empires. The first beast is described as "like a lion but with the wings of an eagle". Just as the warehouse had four stories and was named Chimera. These beasts were chimeras.

The other three beasts in Daniel's vision are also chimeras. The third is described as "a leopard with four wings and four heads" just as, once again, the building was named Chimera and had four stories.

It is the same in the Book of Revelation. In Chapter 13, "the beast that comes out of the sea" is described as "resembling a leopard but with feet like a bear and a mouth like a lion". This is most definitely a chimera, just like the name of the warehouse.

In Chapter 2 of the Book of Daniel, he interprets King Nebuchadnezzar's mysterious dream of a statue. Like the four beasts in Daniel's later vision this statue, from the top down, foretells four successive empires. Just like the warehouse was named Chimera and had four stories, so the statue is also a "chimera" because it's four parts that represent different empires are made of different materials.

The head of the statue is gold. The chest and arms are silver. The midsection and thighs are bronze. The legs are of iron and the feet are partly iron and partly clay. This represents four successive empires, each metal being of lesser value than the one before it. The four empires are the same four as are represented by the chimera beasts in Daniel's later vision, which was represented in Buffalo by the Chimera Warehouse with four stories..

The head of gold is Babylon of which Nebuchadnezzar is king. The silver represents Persia and Media, which supplants Babylon. The bronze represents Greece and the iron represents Rome. The reason that the "leopard with four wings and four heads" represents Greece is obvious. After the death of Alexander, his vast empire split into four pieces. The feet that are "partly iron and partly clay" represents Europe after the end of the Roman Empire, it will not hold together well yet will not be completely divided.

The Book of Revelation describes chimeras in Heaven. Just as the warehouse was named Chimera and had four stories, so there are four chimeras in Heaven. Chapter 4 of the Book of Revelation describes the first as like a lion, the second like an ox, the third looking like a man and the fourth being like an eagle. But all had six wings and "eyes all around".

Seven people were tragically killed in the explosion of the Chimera warehouse. Five were firefighters and two nearby residents. Chapter 17 of the Book of Revelation describes another vision, of a "beast with seven heads". These heads represent seven kings, of which five have already passed.

This beast is also described as having "ten horns". Near the warehouse that exploded there was a ten-story building that was damaged.

The first three chapters of the Book of Revelation describes the seven angels and their messages to the seven churches.

Chapter 10 of the Book of Revelation describes a message given by "seven thunders".


On May 13, 1981, there was an assassination attempt on Pope John Paul II in St. Peter's Square. The pope was hit by four bullets and a woman from Buffalo, Ann Odre, was also wounded. According to some reports, the bullet that wounded Ann Odre passed right through the pope's body first.

The pope later talked with Mrs. Odre and the two were amazed at the connection that they had. The pope had, of course, been to Buffalo before becoming pope. It also turned out that John Paul was from the same town in Poland as Mrs. Odre's mother, Wadowice.

Whenever there is an assassination attempt on a public figure, like the pope, there is always speculation as to whether the gunman acted alone or was part of a wider conspiracy. There was no such speculation this time because it was known for certain that the gunman, Mehmet Ali Agca, did not act alone. But the question remains over who was ultimately behind this assassination attempt. Agca himself made contradictory statements and later claimed to be Jesus. The most popular theory was that the Communists were behind it.

One interesting thing that has been pointed out is that the assassination attempt took place on the anniversary of the Miracle of Fatima, of which there was no sign that the assassin was aware at the time. This had taken place in Portugal, in 1917, about the danger to Christianity posed by Russia. It didn't seem to make any sense at the time, as Russia was on the Allied side in the First World War. The last tsar had just abdicated the throne, and the provisional government had taken over, but no one saw how it could be a danger to Christianity.

But, sure enough, within six months the October Revolution with it's policy of atheism would change everything.

Another interesting thing is that the church which Mrs. Odre attended in Buffalo was very close to the site of the explosion of the Chimera Warehouse, on North Division Street, which would occur in 1983. The way I see is that this could reveal that Communism was indeed behind the unsuccessful assassination attempt.

The root of the historic rivalry between the fellow Slavic nations Russia and Poland goes back to the fact that Russia split from the Catholic Church, in the Great Schism of 1054, to form the Eastern Orthodox Church, while Poland remained Catholic. The beginning of this was the two conversions to Christianity by the founders of the two nations.

Mieszko I converted to Christianity in 966, in what is known as the Baptism of Poland. Vladimir the Great, at around the same time, also converted. But while Mieszko chose the Roman rite of Catholicism, Vladimir chose the Byzantine rite, reportedly because his envoys were so impressed by the Hagia Sophia.

Vladimir had been born in the year 958 and, by the time of the assassination attempt on the pope, the land of the Eastern Orthodox Church had been secularized by the October Revolution into the land of Communism. Poland's government was also Communist but there were the protests against it which began at the shipyard in Gdansk. It is no secret that the Communists were worried about the ever-growing popularity of the unexpectedly-chosen Polish pope. Pope John Paul II was the first non-Italian pope in over 450 years.

But if one of the bullets passed right through the body of the pope and struck Ann Odre, of Buffalo, that could mean that there would be some related event after this. 958 days after the assassination attempt came the explosion of the warehouse near Ann Odre's church in Buffalo. Vladimir the Great had been born in 958, eight years before the Baptism of Poland.

Does the explosion of the warehouse in Buffalo thus tell us numerically that the Communists were indeed behind the assassination attempt? The warehouse explosion came at the most dangerous time of the Cold War, as we saw above.
The colors of the Polish flag are white above red. Ann Odre's church was white, the memorial at the site of the explosion was fire engine red, because firemen were killed. The cassock of the pope was white, Communism was represented by red. The white had triumphed over the red.

The pope was struck by four bullets. The warehouse in Buffalo that exploded had four floors. The explosion involving the warehouse led numerically to the attacks of 9 / 11 which involved four planes.

I will leave it up to you to decide if this indicates that the Communists were indeed responsible for the attempted assassination of Pope John Paul, adding to the Fatima revelation that warned about it before it became a global force, and the assassination attempt on the pope took place on the anniversary of a Fatima vision.


The Beirut Prophecy concerns the bombing of the U.S. barracks in Beirut that took place on October 23, 1983. It killed 241 U.S. servicemen that were there on a peacekeeping mission after an Israeli withdrawal from southern Lebanon..

A water truck was expected. But the tank on the truck wasn't carrying water. It was carrying a massive bomb. I recall reading one news source that the terrorists had gotten a truck identical to the water truck, built the bomb into it, and then hijacked the water truck and took it's license plates. The driver stopped close to the barracks and detonated the bomb.

Has anyone noticed the similarity between this event and the prophetic Chapter 2 of the Book of Daniel?

In that chapter, King Nebuchadnezzar had a dream which Daniel interpreted. The dream was about a statue with a head of gold but the rest of the statue, from the head down, made of successively common metals. The chest and arms were made of silver. The stomach and thighs were of bronze. The legs and the feet were of iron.

Nebuchadnezzar is told that he, and his Kingdom of Babylon, is the head of gold. After Babylon, three successively common kingdoms will rise to dominance. The fourth kingdom, of iron, will have exceptional strength.

It is widely accepted, and apparently obvious, that the successor to Babylon, the silver, is Persia. The next dominant empire, which displaced Persia, was Greece, the bronze. The next empire, which supplanted Greece, the iron, was Rome.


The prophecy is that the feet of the statue are actually made partly of iron and partly of clay. That is explained as meaning that the feet will hold together, but not entirely, just as iron and clay do not mix.

The meaning of this is very clear. The feet of the statue represents the former area of the Roman Empire, after the end of the empire. This is mainly Europe. In the compound posting on this blog, "New Insight Into Bible Prophecy", this is detailed in 6) THE IRON AND THE CLAY IN THE BOOK OF DANIEL.

The "ten toes" of the statue are described elsewhere in the Book of Daniel as being "ten kings" who, in the Last Days of the world, will give their power to the leader that we refer to as the Antichrist. All of this is detailed further in "New Insight Into Bible Prophecy".

The European Union today is the modern successor to the Roman and Holy Roman Empires. But there are more than ten nations in the European Union. So who could these "ten kings" be? Besides, today most nations are democratic republics ruled by presidents or prime ministers, few nations are really led by kings anymore.

The answer is that, while there are many more than ten nations in the European Union, this prophecy is about powers that were dominant in the world and there were exactly ten European Union nations that were colonial powers outside Europe.

At the time of the colonial period, all of the imperial European nations were led by royalty. When the German states united, the King of Prussia became the first leader of the united country. The European royal houses are inter-related, have you ever heard of Charlemagne being described as "the father of Europe" and Queen Victoria being described as "the grandmother of Europe"?

Here is a list of the "ten kings", European colonial powers which controlled most of the world but would later unite as the core nations of the European Union. I copied this from 9) THE TEN KINGS in "New Insight Into Bible Prophecy".

1) Britain- Scotland actually had a colony of it's own, in what is now Panama, but it joined with Britain in 1707.
2) France
3) Spain
4) Portugal
5) Germany- After unification had Namibia (Southwest Africa), part of east Africa, and some islands in the Pacific. These German Pacific islands were taken, during the First World War, and given to Japan, which then fortified them as a defensive barrier for it's own empire in the Second World War.
6) Italy- After unification had Libya, Ethiopia and, Somaliland.
7) Netherlands- Had Indonesia, after it had been Portuguese. Aruba and St. Maarten are still Dutch. Afrikaners are descended from Dutch settlers. Eastern New York State has many Dutch names, which is where the name of Roosevelt comes from.
8) Belgium- The entire Congo region was considered as the personal estate of King Leopold.
9) Denmark- Controlled the largest island in the world, Greenland.
10) Sweden- Had various scattered colonies. It is mostly forgotten that the U.S. state of Delaware began as a Swedish colony.

But then the description of the statue in Daniel, Chapter 2, goes on to something else. A rock, but not one cut by human hands, will land on the feet of the statue. It will smash the statue to pieces, which will be swept away by the wind without a trace. But the rock will become a huge mountain that fills the entire earth.

The rock represents the return of Jesus to set up His Kingdom on earth after the corrupt and sinful kingdoms of the world have been destroyed in the Apocalypse. As the mountain is much greater than the statue that it replaces, so will the Kingdom of Jesus be much better than the worldly kingdoms.

Now, back to the bombing of the U.S. military barracks in Beirut. It was a four-story building, just like the four parts of the statue. Could the truck that exploded, and destroyed the building, represent the stone in the Book of Daniel that destroys the four-part statue?

The four empires represented in the statue, Babylon, Persia, Greece and, Rome were geographically separate. The first two were to the east, the last two were to the west. But there was one area that was common to all four empires. This was the eastern shore of the Mediterranean, known as the Levant, and which includes Israel and what is now Syria.

Egypt and Assyria were, of course, great empires also. But their day had passed by the time of the Book of Daniel.


Take a look at the following map, from Google Earth. Beirut, where the bombing that so resembles the statue prophecy in Daniel Chapter 2 took place, is exactly in the middle of the Levant, the eastern shore of the Mediterranean that was the common area of all four empires represented in the statue.

So we see the significance of where the bombing took place. How about when it took place?

The Beirut Barracks Bombing came right in the middle of the most dangerous period of the Cold War, as discussed above. But yet it wasn't part of the Cold War between Communism and the west. It was about the Middle East, which was different altogether.

The conflicts in the Middle East generally didn't line up with those of the Cold War. But the Middle East was where the final series of wars in the world was to begin, and that is why this bombing fit so well as a reminder. The destruction of the four-story building by a truck bomb that drove up to it's base took place right in the center of the area that was common to all four successive empires represented by the statue in Nebuchadnezzar's dream, which was destroyed by a rock landing on it's base.

The bombing happened right in the middle of the most dangerous period of the Cold War, yet it wasn't part of the Cold War itself at that point, and it was in the area in which the final wars of the world are to take place in the Apocalypse.

The French barracks of peacekeepers in Beirut was bombed at the same time as the American barracks. France was one of the "ten kings" and Lebanon was part of the French Empire. That reminds us that, in terms of the time represented by descending on the statue, we are in the latter time of the "ten toes" of the statue now. The rock that will land and destroy the four-part statue, just as the bomb exploded and destroyed the four-story building, is in the foreseeable future and represents the Apocalypse followed by the Kingdom of Jesus on earth.

The four parts of the statue, representing the four successive empires, was sequential by time from top to bottom. The rock that lands on the feet being represented by the bomb that exploded indicates that we are in that stage of the statue now. The era of the "ten kings" just before the Return of Jesus.


After the Beirut Barracks Bombing there would be the eerily similar explosion in Buffalo, NY, except that it would be reversed. A truck pulled up to the four-story barracks in Beirut and exploded. In Buffalo, a four-story warehouse filled with propane exploded just as a firetruck pulled up to it, literally throwing the firetruck.

The barracks in Beirut was in the center of the area that was common to all four empires represented in the chimera statue in Chapter 2 of the Book of Daniel. The name of the warehouse in Buffalo was Chimera. A chimera is a mythological creature made up of parts of different animals put together.

In the Book of Daniel, Chapter 7, Daniel is given a vision of four beasts which represent the same four successive empires as in the statue. The first beast is described as "like a lion but with the wings of an eagle". Just as the warehouse had four stories and was named Chimera, these beasts were chimeras. The other three beasts in this vision are also chimeras. The third is described as "a leopard with four wings and four heads".

It is the same in the Book of Revelation. In Chapter 13, "the beast that comes out of the sea" is described as "resembling a leopard but with feet like a bear and a mouth like a lion". This is most definitely a chimera, and represents the Antichrist.

Just like the warehouse was named Chimera and had four stories, so the statue is also a "chimera" because it's four parts that represent different empires are made of different materials.


Here is something else really profound.

Christmas, representing the Birth of Jesus, is celebrated on December 25. We know that Jesus was not really born on December 25. The reason that it began to be celebrated on this day is that Christianity was not one of the legal religions of the Roman Empire.

The Romans had a holiday, Saturnalia, around the time of the winter solstice. The Christians placed their holiday at the same time to avoid drawing attention to themselves, and Jesus ended up being celebrated on December 25.

But what do you notice here? There is something very interesting with regard to the prophecies of the Last Days, as detailed in the posting on this blog, "The End Of The World As We Know It".

Remember what we saw the Book of Daniel, Chapter 9, actually foretells the time from the destruction of the First Temple, by Nebuchadnezzar, to the birth of Jesus with amazing accuracy, 483 years. Usually we describe 7 days as a week, but this chapter uses "weeks of years" with 7 years as a week.

We know that the Tribulation Period, the terrible time just prior to the Return of Jesus to set up His Kingdom on earth, will last 7 years. The Antichrist will rule during this time. The first half of this period will actually be the best time that the world has ever seen, the Antichrist will seem to have all the answers. That is why the Book of Revelation describes the Antichrist as reigning for 42 months, which is 3 1 / 2 years or half of the 7-year period. But during the second half of the Tribulation Period things will begin to fall apart and the result will be the worst time that the world has ever seen, or ever will see.

Notice that Christmas, representing Jesus, on December 25 is exactly one week, 7 days, before the beginning of the New Year.

Have you ever thought that maybe God wanted it this way? The Return of Jesus will actually come in two parts. The first part is what is commonly referred to as the Rapture. (Even though that is a general term that is not in the Bible). Jesus will remove His faithful people before the Tribulation begins. The second part is 7 years later, when Jesus returns to earth with the people that he earlier removed to end the Tribulation and set up His Kingdom on earth.

Doesn't it seem that God, considering the use of the "weeks of years" in the Book of Daniel, wanted Christmas to fall exactly one week before the New Year so that Christmas will represent the Rapture and the New Year represents Jesus establishing His new Kingdom on earth? Just as the new millennium, the year 2000, comes 483 years after the Reformation began in 1517. 2000 is representative of the soon-to-come Millennium of Jesus, although it is not actually the beginning of it.


You may also notice the numbers here. 241 servicemen were killed in the Beirut Barracks Bombing, by the explosion of the truck that represents the rock landing on the feet and the "ten toes" of the statue. If we look at Chapter 2, Verse 41 of the Book of Daniel, we see that this is the verse that describes the feet and the toes being made of an unstable mixture of iron and clay.

As for the "Seventy Sevens" in Chapter 9 of the Book of Daniel, it foretells that the time from the destruction of the Temple to the time of the Savior, Jesus, will be 69 x 7 = 483 years. The 70th seven will be the 7 years of the Tribulation Period, and 7 people were killed in the Buffalo explosion.


With all of that in mind, let's move on.

Considering that Chapter 9 of the Book of Daniel uses the 70 "weeks of years" to describe the time from the destruction of the Temple by Nebuchadnezzar, whose dream of the statue was deciphered, to the Birth of Jesus, but it is actually only 69 weeks, 483 years, because one week, 7 years, is left for the Tribulation period just prior to Jesus' Second Coming. Also considering that Jesus' birth ended up being celebrated on a date that is exactly one week, 7 days, from the beginning of a new year, which represents the new era of Jesus on earth, what do you notice about the bombing of the barracks in Beirut in 1983?

The bombing took place on October 23, which is exactly 70 days before the new year. But the final week of that time was between Christmas, which represents Jesus coming either by way of His original birth or the Rapture, and the new year. This final week represents the Tribulation period and it is during this time that the explosion in Buffalo, which reflected the one in Beirut, took place.

Is this amazing, or what?


Has anyone noticed the really interesting connections between the numbers involving the prophecies of empires and the End of the World in the Books of Daniel and Revelation and the Iran Hostage Crisis of 1979-81?


We see how the 1983 Barracks Bombing in Beirut very closely represents the interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar's dream of a four-part statue in Chapter 2 of the Book of Daniel.

It is a four-part statue representing the successive empires that were to dominate the world. The bombing represents the rock in Daniel's prophecy that lands on the feet of the statue, destroying it.

In that chapter, King Nebuchadnezzar had a dream which Daniel interpreted. The dream was about a statue with a head of gold but the rest of the statue, from the head down, made of successively common metals. The chest and arms were made of silver. The stomach and thighs were of bronze. The legs and the feet were of iron.

Nebuchadnezzar is told that he, and his Kingdom of Babylon, is the head of gold. After Babylon, three successively common kingdoms will rise to dominance. The fourth kingdom, of iron, will have exceptional strength. It is widely accepted, and apparently obvious, that the successor to Babylon, the silver, is Persia. The next dominant empire, which displaced Persia, was Greece, the bronze. The next empire, which supplanted Greece, the iron, was Rome.

As far as the bombing of the U.S. military barracks in Beirut, it was a four-story building, just like the four parts of the statue. Could the truck that exploded, and destroyed the building, represent the stone in the Book of Daniel that destroys the four-part statue?


The Barracks Bombing occurred on October 23, 1983,. Exactly four years before that, on October 23, 1979, the exiled Shah of Iran was admitted to the U.S. for cancer treatment. This is what precipitated the Iran Hostage Crisis, the seizure of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran and the holding of the staff as hostages.


The Iran Hostage Crisis would go on for 444 days. We know from the Bible prophecies that the Antichrist will come from the area that, at the time of the Book of Revelation, was the Roman Empire. The original Roman Empire was the sixth in the series of Empires in Revelation Chapter 17, and the well-known number of the Antichrist is 666. But Persia is the fourth and the hostage crisis that began over the final king of the monarchy, whose stay in a New York hospital on the 17th floor set off the hostage crisis, that was in power since ancient times lasted 444 days.


The Shah's hospital room in New York was on the 17th floor. My understanding is that it was the same hospital room that he had been in years before, for a checkup, when visiting the U.S. in 1949. The Book of Revelation, Chapter 17, describes seven kings of successive empires, as opposed to the four in the Book of Daniel. That is because the Book of Daniel is looking ahead, while the Book of Revelation is looking back.

Revelation 17:10 describes a series of kings of these empires and that "five have fallen". The Book of Revelation was written during the time of the Roman Empire which was the fourth empire, represented by the iron, that was foretold by Daniel. The five that, by that point, "have fallen" are Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia and, Greece. Rome, the present empire at that time, had supplanted Greece. Egypt and Assyria are not listed in Daniel's interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar's statue because it looks ahead and their day had already passed by that time.

This is so significant because the Shah was the final king in the 2500-year old monarchy that went back to the time that Persia (Iran) had conquered Babylon. In Nebuchadnezzar's four-part statue, Babylon was the first empire and Persia the second. But in Revelation 17, which also included the earlier Egypt and Assyria, Persia was fourth, and it was exactly four years after the Shah entered the U.S. that the Barracks Bombing took place, and the truck in the bombing was driven by an Iranian national.


The entrance of the Shah into the U.S. brought about the seizure of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran, twelve days later on November 4. The seizure of the embassy by militant students, by getting inside the wall around the compound, was very much a reenactment of the Persian conquest of Babylon by getting inside it's walls.

In ancient times, while a drunken royal party was going on in Babylon, Persian engineers quickly dammed the Euphrates River that ran through the city and the Persians got inside the walls of the city. This event is described in the Book of Daniel as the prophecy involving the "writing on the wall" in Chapter 5.


The deception involved in bombing the U.S. barracks in Beirut, exactly four years after the Shah had been given permission to enter the U.S., likewise involved water. A water truck was expected. But the tank on the truck wasn't carrying water. It was carrying a massive bomb. I recall reading one news source that the terrorists had gotten a truck identical to the water truck, built the bomb into it, and then hijacked the water truck and took it's license plates. The driver stopped close to the barracks and detonated the bomb.


In Chapter 7 of the Book of Daniel, the same four empires as in the statue of Chapter 2 are represented by four beasts. The first, representing the then-current Babylon, is described as a lion with the wings of an eagle. There was an attempt to rescue the hostages, known as Operation Eagle Claw. The Iranian flag of the Shah at the time had the lion on it with a sword that was curved like a claw. From the Wikipedia article "Lion And Sun".

The rescue attempt took place on April 24, 1980,. Considering that July and August each have 31 days, that means that the rescue attempt took place 3 1 / 2 years, to the exact day, before the October 23, 1983, Beirut Barracks Bombing.

The Antichrist is described as reigning for 42 months, which is 3 1 / 2 years. The Tribulation period will actually last 7 years, but the Antichrist will be allowed control only for the first half of this time. Had the rescue attempt succeeded, it would resemble the Rapture, which is the removal of the faithful Christians by Jesus just prior to the Tribulation period.

So if the rescue attempt represents the Rapture, and the Beirut Barracks Bombing represents the rock in Chapter 2 of the Book of Daniel which shatters the corrupt and sinful kingdoms of the world to make way for the Kingdom of Jesus, which will be founded at the end of the Tribulation period, then the 3 1 / 2 years between them is exactly the length of time that the Antichrist will be allowed to reign.

The total Tribulation will last 7 years but the Antichrist will lose control during the second half, which is 3 1 / 2 years, and the result will be the worst time that the world has ever seen or ever will see.


In the unsuccessful rescue attempt, Operation Eagle Claw, 3 of the 8 helicopters were disabled, so that only 5 serviceable helicopters remained, and this is why the decision was made to abort the mission. Then, after a tragic accident occurred, 8 servicemen were killed.

Back to the Book of Revelation, Chapter 17 Verses 10-11. There are 8 kings altogether of which "five have fallen", meaning past.

I find these matches of the numbers to be really amazing, and it shows that there must be an order to how events come together that is beyond our understanding, and Buffalo should be considered as a sacred city. 


Here is yet more numerology about Buffalo.

In 1901, the great Pan American Exhibition was held in Buffalo. But the exhibition became best-known for the assassination of U.S. president William McKinley that took place there. He was shot on September 6 and died in Buffalo on September 14.

On May 7, 1942, came Buffalo's famous photographed suicide. A woman checked into what was then the Genesee Hotel. She went to the women's washroom near the top of the hotel and climbed out of the window. A crowd of people gathered below. She waved to the crowd and then jumped to her death.

A news reporter happened by and got the famous photograph of the woman falling, just before she struck the ground. It became one of the best-known, and of course most tragic, photographs ever taken. The woman was first described as a "Despondent Divorcee", although that information apparently turned out to be incorrect.

It took place at the intersection of Pearl and Genesee Streets, which actually no longer exists.

The warehouse explosion took place on December 27, 1983,. These are the three standout non-natural tragic events in Buffalo's history.

Now here is what is so interesting. We saw how the warehouse explosion links to the attacks of 9 / 11, which took place at the other end of New York State.

The assassination of William McKinley took place exactly a hundred years before 9 / 11. He was shot on September 6 and died on September 14. There was a fascination with ancient Egypt around the time of his assassination and he had just got finished viewing an exhibit about ancient Egypt when he was shot in the Temple of Music.

A great monument was raised for President McKinley in Buffalo. It would be in the form of an Egyptian obelisk and would be located right in front of Buffalo City Hall, which is famously built in the style of the Mogamma, the city government building in Cairo, in the same way that the Larkin Building is in the same style as the Pentagon.

This is Buffalo City Hall.

This is the Mogamma, from the Wikipedia article "Mogamma".

The 9 / 11 attacks, exactly 100 years after President McKinley was dying, was led by an Egyptian, Mohamed Atta.

We have seen how the warehouse explosion in Buffalo led to 9 / 11. The assassination and the suicidal fall also presages 9 / 11. President McKinley was struck by two bullets, just as the towers of the World Trade Center would be struck by two planes a hundred years later. He didn't die from the wounds of the bullets but from the gangrene that spread as a result. Just as the towers didn't collapse as a direct result of the impacts but from the fire from the burning jet fuel that melted the structural steel that was supporting the buildings. The tragic fall of the woman from the building presages the falling of people from the towers on 9 / 11.

So the McKinley Assassination took place in 1901. The famous photographed suicide too place in 1942. The explosion of the warehouse took place in 1983. It is 41 years from 1901 to 1942, and then 41 years from 1942 to 1983.

This type of numerology is familiar to readers of the Bible. The first chapter of the New Testament, Matthew 1, states that there were 14 generations from Abraham to David, 14 from David to the exile in Babylon, and then 14 from the exile to the time of Jesus.

Suppose we try numerology from the exact times that the events took place. McKinley died in the very early morning of September 14. The suicidal jump took place during the day of May 7, I could not find out exactly what time. The warehouse explosion took place in the late evening of December 27.

Taking those times of day into account, the time from McKinley's death to the jump, and then the same amount of time from the jump forward, brings us not right to the warehouse explosion but to exactly, just about to the hour, one year before the warehouse explosion, the evening of December 27, 1982,.

So the days of these three events do not line up exactly, as the years do, but the difference in days and hours amounts to exactly one year. If the days had lined up then the years would not have lined up. But the 41 years line up as shown above.


Consider the following facts:

Ukraine has two independence days, it celebrates Independence Day, from the Soviet Union on August 24. But it also celebrates "Liberation Day", celebrating it's liberation from the Nazis on October 28, 1944.

The warehouse explosion in nearby Buffalo took place on December 27, 1983.

The Russian invasion of Ukraine began on February 24, 2022.

This blog is being written in zip code 14304.

Here is what is so interesting:

The invasion of Ukraine was supposedly done to "denazify" it, and this blog, which pointed out the numerological significance of the warehouse explosion, is being written in zip code 14304. The warehouse explosion came exactly 14,304 days after October 28, 1944, which is the day that Ukraine celebrates liberation from the Nazis.

If we measure 14,304 days in the future from the warehouse explosion it brings us to February 24, 2023, which is exactly one year after the invasion began. Maybe this compensates being one year short in the example above. This means that if the warehouse explosion had taken place exactly six months earlier it would be exactly midway in time between the day celebrated for liberation from the Nazis and the Russian invasion. 

But this is compensated by the fact that the day on which Ukraine celebrates independence from the Soviet Union, August 24, was exactly six months before the invasion of Ukraine on February 24.


I don't know why I am the one that notices things like this.

In 1979 there was a song by the Irish band "The Boomtown Rats" titled "I Don't Like Mondays". The song was number one in Britain for several weeks, although it wasn't quite as popular in the U.S.

The song was inspired by a school shooting in San Diego. A teenage girl named Brenda Ann Spencer fired a gun, from inside her home, at children waiting to enter Grover Cleveland Elementary School across the street. Several children were wounded and two adults were killed. Fortunately Monday was garbage collection day and the police managed to quickly have a garbage truck parked in front of her house.

While the girl was barricaded inside the house a reporter called and talked to her on the phone. She gave her reason for the shooting as "I don't like Mondays. This will liven up the day". Police finally got her to surrender by promising her a meal from Burger King.

One police officer had been wounded. His name was Robert ROBB. Robb is not exactly a common name.

TEN years after this school shooting there was another school shooting at a different school with the same name. Both schools were named for U.S. President Grover Cleveland, although there is no evidence that this was a factor in the second shooting. This second shooting was in Stockton, in northern California.

Grover Cleveland was from Buffalo, NY. TEN people were killed in a supermarket shooting there. TEN days after the supermarket shooting in Buffalo came the horrific massacre at the ROBB Elementary School in Texas.

The modern era of senseless mass shootings is generally considered to have begun with the shooting from the tower of the University of Texas, in 1966. Charles Whitman first killed his wife and his mother. Then he climbed to the top of the tower, barricaded himself, and then began shooting at people below. The siege lasted about 90 minutes until the shooter was shot and killed.

The Uvalde School Shooting was a virtual reenactment of the University of Texas shooting, except that it was done in an elementary school and there was no tower. 

Charles Whitman first killed his wife and mother and then proceeded to the shooting site. The Uvalde school shooter first shot his grandmother and then proceeded to the shooting site.

Both shooters barricaded themselves in the school, Charles Whitman barricaded the entrance to the tower and the Uvalde school shooter barricaded himself in a classroom and in a closet in the classroom.

The layout of both shootings is similar, law enforcement eventually getting through the barricade and killing the shooter. In the case of the Uvalde shooting it was getting the classroom door unlocked. Both shooting scenarios lasted roughly the same amount of time, about 90 minutes.

The president at the time of the University of Texas shooting was Lyndon Johnson. His daughter, Lynda, graduated from the university. Her husband's name was Chuck ROBB, who would later be governor of Virginia.

So we see again how Buffalo is really the City of Numerology. I wish that I could find some numerology about more pleasant events.

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