Thursday, March 28, 2024

Do You Want To See A Miracle?

How about a miracle that you can see here?

What no one knows is how much I miss the dog that we used to have. The dog's name was Prince and he lived from 1980 to 1993. Prince was a sheltie.

For thirty years not a day has gone by when I haven't thought about this dog. Prince is buried in a mass grave at a pet cemetery. I once got a traffic ticket when I went past the street where the pet cemetery was. I was so saddened and distracted that I neglected to stop at the intersection.

The thing that reminds me the most about Prince is the stars in the winter. The brightest star in the sky, Sirius, is in the constellation Canis Major and is known as the "Dog Star". The stars of the constellation look like a dog playfully jumping and that is just how Prince used to jump.

Prince used to hate vacuum cleaners and my mother used to have to shut him in the bedroom so that she could vacuum. Prince would scratch the door and these scratches are still there.

The Bible doesn't state whether animals can be in Heaven. But what I know is that God is the one who makes the rules and over the years I have asked God that Prince, as well as our other pets, might be in Heaven.

Something interesting happened recently, after I had made a charitable donation. For some reason I remembered a church near where I used to live as a boy on the Canadian side of Niagara Falls. I was never in the church but the name of it was St. Andrews, on Morrison Street. I went through a childhood phase where I didn't understand why my parents didn't give me a middle name and I thought of adopting Andrew as my middle name.

I went to have a look at the church on Google Street View and saw something amazing. In the cloud, right above the bell tower and cross of the church, is an unmistakable dog that looks just like Prince as shown in the photo, as indicated by the red dot.

This is just like how Prince used to stand. He appears to be barking while looking upward, with his tail swished to his left, just like in the photo.

Here is a closer look. The green dot is on his head, you can clearly see his right eye and open mouth. The purple dot is his right front leg. The red dot is his right haunches and the yellow dot is his tail. This is also what his ears looked like when seen from this angle.

I used to often chase Prince to exercise him. On his back you can clearly see a figure running, below the red dot in the following image.

My parents completely spoiled Prince. There were these rectangular dog biscuits that he really liked. I can't remember the name of them. It got so that Prince had to have a biscuit to do anything, to go outside, to come back in, or to go to bed. The rectangular object in front of Prince, shown by the red dot in the following image, looks just like one of his biscuits. It looks like he is barking at something and will be quiet if we give him a biscuit, although even that didn't work with the vacuum cleaner.

This is absolutely awesome. I am going to see Prince again and it will be for all of eternity. God gave me a miracle like this so I could show it to you because you can have miracles too.

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