Friday, November 22, 2019

Matter And Energy, Square And Rectangle

The theory on this blog, described in the compound posting "The Lowest Information Point" December 2017, is not independent as are the other scientific theories here. The others are completely independent of each other but this one rests on the others.

The basis of "The Lowest Information Point" is that all of the matter of the universe seeks to be in the form of a square, because a square requires less information than does a rectangle. Another way of looking at this basis is that the universe prefers the related ratio A / B = B / C to the ratio A / B = C / D, where the denominator of one ratio is also the numerator of the other, because the first contains only three points of information while the second contains four. This makes the first ratio a lower information point that is preferred by the universe.

We know that the universe always seeks the lowest energy state, which is why objects in the air fall to the ground. But we have seen here that energy and information is really the same thing because we cannot add information to anything without applying energy to it and we cannot apply energy to anything without adding information to it. Another way that we can see energy and information as the same thing is in how we can make our lives physically easier through technology, but only at the expense of making life more complex. We can never, on a large scale, make life physically easier and also less complex.

So, the reasoning of this theory goes, if the universe is well-known to always seek the lowest energy state, and if energy and information is really the same thing, then we should see that the universe always seeks the lowest information point.

As we have seen in "The Lowest Information Point", one way that the matter in the universe seeks to be in the form of a square, not a literal geometric square but a state in which two sides are equal rather than the higher information state of being unequal, is with regard to the total number of things in the universe relative to the number of possible different things.

What this means is that there are many things in the universe, agglomerations of matter that can be defined, but not every thing is different from every other thing. Rather, the "things" tend to fall into patterns with many of each. There are clouds, rocks, planets and, trees, but everything is not different from everything else. There are many clouds, many rocks, many trees and many planets.

Just after the Big Bang, and when matter had cooled enough to condense into atoms, The matter in the universe formed at extreme rectangle, with one side almost infinitely longer than the other. There were almost countless atoms, but only a few different types of atom. This was as far from a square that the universe would get because the total number of atoms formed the long side of the rectangle, while the very few different kinds of atoms formed the short side.

Ever since then, the matter of the universe has been seeking to move toward a square because that is "The Lowest Information Point". What is always happening is that more smaller atoms are being crunched together into fewer larger atoms by the nuclear fusion taking place in stars. Instead of the very few different initial atoms after the Big Bang, there are now 92 naturally-occurring elements, many of which have several different isotopes and ionic states.

All of these atoms that have come into being makes possible millions of different molecules, which in turn makes it possible for more "things" to form, such as our clouds, rocks, planets and, trees. Meanwhile, the total number of atoms in the universe is being continuously reduced because smaller atoms are being crunched, by fusion in stars, into larger atoms.

This is how the matter of the universe is moving from an extreme rectangle back toward a square. That will be achieved if the matter ever formed into one giant black hole. There would be only one thing, the black hole, and one type of thing.

But in this move from a rectangle to a square, the information of the rectangle cannot just be lost. Also, the principle that every action has an equal and opposite reaction means that, if the matter in the universe is moving from a rectangle to a square than something must be moving in the opposite direction. If energy and information is really the same thing, and the matter of the universe is moving toward "The Lowest Energy Point", then that means that energy must somehow be moving in the opposite direction to matter.

Notice that matter, in my scenario here, operates according to what we could call the "Square Law", seeking to be a square instead of a rectangle because it is the lower information point. But the electromagnetic radiation, which is released by the same fusion process in stars that moves the matter in the universe toward a square by crunching more smaller atoms into fewer larger atoms, operates by the "Inverse Square Law".

The Inverse Square Law is that the energy in an electromagnetic wave, such as those produced by fusion in stars, decreases as it moves outward from the source according to the square of the distance from the source. In other words, a wave at twice the distance will have one-quarter the energy because 4 is the square of 2.

So fusion produces fewer atoms in favor of more different atoms and, at the same time, more electromagnetic radiation relative to the number of possible wavelengths of that radiation. So matter and energy are moving in opposite directions according to the rule that every action produces an equal and opposite reaction. This means that the information of the matter rectangle is not being lost because energy is taking the place of the matter as that rectangle.

But if the matter of the universe "knows" to move toward being a square then the information of that square must have come from somewhere, and that is where my cosmology theory comes in. The theory, one of the theories here on which "The Lowest Information Point" rests, is described in the compound posting on this blog, The Theory Of Stationary Space" July 2017.

In this cosmology theory, the matter in the universe began with a two-dimensional sheet of space that was within, but not contiguous with, the surrounding multi-dimensional background space. Both blocks of space former by the same mutual induction of electric charges. Starting with one charge, whether positive or negative, that charge would have to induce an opposite charge next to it, in multiple dimensions because the number one rule of the universe is that electric charges must always balance out to zero.

But this original two-dimensional sheet of space must have been a square, with equal sides, because that would be the lowest information point and there would be no other information to make it otherwise. Thus is was the original square of the matter of the universe which that matter has been continuously trying to get back to after atoms formed following the Big Bang.

According to the cosmology theory described above, charge migration must have taken place in the sheet, one side becoming more positive and the other more negative, due to opposite charge attraction and like charge repulsion from the charges comprising the surrounding background space. These two sides attracted one another through the background space by opposite charge attraction. when the two sides of the sheet came into contact, they mutually annihilated in a matter-antimatter reaction that we perceive as the Big Bang.

One dimension of the two-dimensional sheet thus disintegrated and became energy and the remaining dimension became the one-dimensional strings of matter, such as electrons, that we see as particles because we can only see in three of the four dimensions over which the strings of matter in the sheet were scattered by the Big Bang. The fourth dimension, the one in which the strings are primarily aligned in space, is the dimension of space that we perceive as time.

That meant that matter and energy were originally equal after the Big Bang, one dimension of the sheet each, but energy has since been increasing while matter has been decreasing. This is because some matter is inevitably converted into energy, the large atoms produced by solar fusion contain slightly less energy than the smaller atoms from which they were formed, and this excess energy is relased as the radiation which obeys the Inverse Square Law. This is why stars shine.

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