Thursday, December 10, 2020

The Cosmology Theory And The Lowest Information Point

When I began the theory of "The Lowest Information Point", December 2017, I considered it as a spin-off of the earlier information theory, "The Theory Of Complexity", August 2017. The concept was also related to "The Flow Of Information Through The Universe", January 2016. In fact, there are successive forms of "The Lowest Information Point" and I now consider "The Flow Of Information Through The Universe" as being the fifth form of "The Lowest Information Point".

But I thought that my general cosmology theory, "The Theory Of Stationary Space", , was about something that was completely different from "The Lowest Information Point", and the other information theories.

However, as "The Lowest Information Point" has grown and developed, it has become clear that it actually strongly supports "The Theory Of Stationary Space". That is what I would like to have a look at today.

The cosmology theory, "The Theory Of Stationary Space", explains how so much that seems otherwise unexplainable falls right into place if we consider that the matter of our universe actually occupies four spatial dimensions, one of which we experience as time. 

What we perceive as the particles comprising matter, such as electrons, are thus long strings that we perceive as particles because we can only see in three of the four dimensions. Our consciousness moves along the bundles of strings comprising our bodies and brains at what we perceive as the speed of light.

For an explanation of the cosmology theory, other than the theory itself in the compound posting, "The Theory Of Stationary Space", see the posting, "In Cosmology, Everything Just Fell Right Into Place".

One of the principles of my informaion theories is that energy and information is really the same thing. We cannot add information to anything without applying energy to it, and we cannot apply energy to anything without adding information to it. 

Another way we can see how energy and information is really the same thing is that we can use technology to make our lives easier, but only at the expense of making them more complex. We can never, on a large scale, make our lives easier and also less complex.

We know that the universe always seeks the lowest energy state. This is why stars and planets are spherical. Because a sphere is the three-dimensional geometric form with the lowest energy. It is also why an object in the air tends to fall to the ground. Because it requires less energy than to have it in the air.

The basis of "The Lowest Information Point" is simply that if the universe always seeks the lowest energy state, and if energy and information are really the same thing, then the universe should also always seek "The Lowest Information Point". This turns out to have far-reaching implications.

A way that the universe reaches the "Lowest Information Point" is by reusing information. First, the universe prefers an equality to an inequality. An equality contains only one piece of information, such as A = A, while an inequality contains two, such as A is not equal to B. This is why, if we put hot and cold or high pressure and low pressure in contact, the inequality will tend to even out into an equality.

Also, if we have related ratios the universe will prefer one where the numerator of one is also the denominator of the other. A / B = B / C is preferable to A / B = C / D because the first only contains three pieces of information, while the second contains four. This leads the universe to prefer halfway points when it comes to scales.

One of the examples of this preference for halfway points in scales that I pointed out in "The Lowest Information Point" is that so much of the matter in the universe is in the form of dust, and the typical size of a mote of dust is exactly halfway between the scale of one of the near-infinitesimal electric charges that comprises everything in the universe, both space and matter, and the scale of the entire universe.

Other than that energy and information is really the same thing, the primary principles of my information theories is that the complexity of a number is the value of the denominator when the number is expressed as a ratio or a fraction. Since all numbers are part of a system, 9 is no more complex than 5. But 1 / 9 does involve more information, and thus more complexity, than 1 / 5 because it involves making a decision from a greater number of choices.

Another primary principle of the information theories is that distance in space is information. We can see this in how the sphere is the default gravitational form of matter in the universe, as with stars and planets. This is because the sphere is the three-dimensional geometric form with the lowest energy, and also requiring the least information to describe because energy and information is the same thing. We know that the universe always seeks the lowest energy state and surface area is simply distance squared.

Objects placed atop one another do not merge together because of electron repulsion. The outer electrons in the atoms of both objects are all negatively-charged and like charges repel. This is what keeps the objects separate. In terms of information the objects must remain separate because it would be a loss of information if they merged, because it would be a loss of surface area, and information cannot just be lost.

But suppose that enough matter was brought together by gravity to overcome this electron repulsion and crunch smaller atoms together into larger ones. This would mean a loss of surface area because, if two spheres are combined into one, the new larger atom has less surface area than the smaller atoms that were combined to form it. Since surface area is related to energy, the lost energy has to go somewhere. The process is known as nuclear fusion and is why stars, including the sun, shine.

With that review of "The Lowest Information Point" let's move on to the cosmology theory, "The Theory Of Stationary Space", and see how the information theory supports it.

In the cosmology theory everything in the universe, both space and matter, is composed of nearly-infinitesimal negative and positive electric charges. The basic rules of electric charges are that opposite charges attract while like charges repel. But these basic rules can be overcome, to some extent, by energy.

Energy can hold collections of like charges together against their mutual repulsion. In fact, the primary way that energy is manifested in the universe is overcoming the basic rules of electric charges. That is why the fundamental particles, such as electrons, are electrically charged. They are bundles of like charges, held together by energy.

Negative and positive electric charges, without any additional energy, will form an alternating checkerboard pattern, in multiple dimensions, and this is what empty space is. Matter is, in my cosmology theory, any collection of like charges held together by energy. The energy is what gives the matter it's mass and this is the well-known Mass-Energy Equivalence, where a given mass is equal to a certain amount of energy. This Mass-Energy Equivalence is central to Einstein's famous formula for the conversion of mass to energy, E = MC squared.

We see the energy of this Mass-Energy Equivalence if we react matter and antimatter together. Antimatter is similar to matter except that it's electric charges are reversed. In ordinary matter, negatively-charged electrons are in orbitals around positively-charged protons in the nucleus of an atom. In antimatter, positively-charged positrons are in orbitals around negatively-charged antiprotons in the nucleus of the atom.

If we bring matter and antimatter into contact, both vanish in a fantastic burst of energy. What happens is that the energy of the Mass-Energy Equivalence that was holding together the charged particles of both is released, and the electric charges that were composing both rearrange back into the perfectly alternating checkerboard pattern of negative and positive charges comprising empty space.

The basic rules of the electric charges are that opposite charges attract while like charges repel. Energy always ultimately goes to overcome the rules of the electric charges. If energy overcomes the mutual repulsion of like charges, we get the concentration of like charges that give us the charged particles ( Actually strings in four spatial dimensions ) comprising matter. If energy overcomes the mutual attraction of opposite charges, we get electromagnetic radiation in space.

If the two electric charges are equal then the two rules of electric charges should also be equal. If energy overcomes the mutual repulsion of like charges to create matter, then there should be a net attractive force associated with matter. There is such an attractive force, it is what we refer to as gravity.

If energy overcomes the mutual attraction between opposite charges to create electromagnetic radiation then there should be a net repulsive, or pushing, force. This is why radio waves can move electrons in an antenna, and why lasers can exert force.

We know that the universe always seeks the lowest energy state. But that is not the first priority of the universe. Absolutely the first priority is that the negative and positive electric charges must balance out.

Remember my rule of information that the complexity of a number is the value of the denominator when the number is expressed as a fraction or ratio. This is why my cosmology theory can explain how the universe began down to a single electric charge.

Suppose that there was a single electric charge, whether negative or positive. That would violate the rule that electric charges must always balance out. So the single charge induces an opposite charge to balance. But if there are two electric charges it means that there must be two opposite directions in each spatial dimension. That means that the original single charge has to also induce an opposite charge on the other side of it. But this then leaves an imbalance of two new charges which are opposite to the original single charge. The only way to balance the charges is further induction. But since this always results in an odd number of total charges they can never balance out and the induction of new charges continues to infinity.

That is how the space of our universe formed, with the process continuing in multiple dimensions. 

Such a universe, with no additional energy, will be a universe of just empty space, with no matter. All of the energy that we deal with involves matter, since electromagnetic waves originate with matter.

The reason that distance in space is equivalent to energy is that, while negative and positive electric charges always have to balance out, energy increases the distance over which they have to balance out. A universe of no additional energy, of space only, means that the distance over which charges have to balance out is zero. That is why, in empty space, the negative and positive charges have to be right next to each other. There can be no concentration of like charges.

This is why additional energy in the universe makes matter, composed of charged particles, possible. It increases the distance over which the two opposite electric charges have to balance out. 

The structures within which electric charges ordinarily balance out are atoms. There is concentration of charges within atoms, the charged particles of which they are composed. The balancing out of electric charge within atoms is not always perfect. Atoms can give or share electrons with other atoms to form molecules. In metals large numbers of atoms share their outermost electrons. The upward movement of air can knock outermost electrons out of atoms, until it is corrected by a bolt of lightning.

As described in the cosmology theory, "The Theory Of Stationary Space", matter in the universe, and the additional energy that makes it possible, originated with a two-dimensional sheet of space that grew by mutual charge induction, as described above, within background space that already existed. The two-dimensional sheet was within, but the patterns of it's negative and positive charges was not contiguous with, the background space.

Since an inequality contains more information than an equality, this non-contiguous two-dimensional sheet of space added information to the background space, and remember that energy and information is really the same thing. This is where all of the energy in the universe that we deal with came from.

Seeking a lower energy state, as the universe always does, charge migration took place in the two-dimensional sheet, positive charges to one side and negative to the other. Since the sheet was not contiguous with the background space, the negative and positive sides of the two-dimensional sheet came into contact. 

The resulting matter-antimatter mutual annihilation is what we perceive as the Big Bang. One dimension of the two-dimensional sheet disintegrated and became energy. The remaining dimension became the long one-dimensional strings that comprise matter in my cosmology theory. Much

Much of the energy radiated by the disintegrated dimension went to bind the like charges of the strings into what we perceive as particles of matter, such as electrons, today. Again, this energy shows up as the well-known Mass-Energy Equivalence and we perceive strings as particles because we can only see in three of the four dimensions of background space over which the strings were scattered by the Big Bang.

The familiar matter of our universe was scattered, by the Big Bang, over four spatial dimensions. But in no way does that mean this is all of the dimensions that there are.

Remember that my information theories define the complexity of a number, the information that it contains, as the value of the number when it is expressed as the denominator of a ratio or fraction. Zero could be said to be 0 / 1 and infinity as 1 / 0. Infinity is not really a number and is thus the lowest information quantity for anything that is defined as existing. Instead of giving an exact quantity of something, infinity just says that there are "countless" of them. While zero is as much a piece of information as any other finite number.

We cannot see how many dimensions there are in the universe because we only occupy four of them, one of which we perceive as time. But this means that the most probable number of dimensions is infinity, simply because it is the "Lowest Information Point". If four dimensions can form, why should it stop there, or at any other finite number?

So this cosmology theory, "The Theory Of Stationary Space", explains why the universe always seeks the lowest energy state. There were four dimensions of background space in our universe, but only two dimensions that went into matter and energy. Basically, there is an abundance of space but a shortage of energy. The energy shows up as increasing the distance over which the charges have to balance out, which gives us atoms, but the charges still have to balance out. 

The overall density of matter in space, including the vast reaches of inter-galactic space is extremely sparse, estimated to be only about three hydrogen atoms per cubic meter of space. But that sounds about right if matter is really one-dimensional strings in four dimensions of space.

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