Thursday, January 14, 2021

The Illusion Of The Speed Of Light

The speed of light, 186,282 miles per second or 300 million meters per second, is something that we can measure with precision, and it is very important to science, yet it has got to be an illusion.

The speed of light is the centerpiece of Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity. Everything in the theory, including time and mass and length, revolves around the speed of light.

But yet there are complications that arise with the speed of light. 

In Einstein's theory, mass revolves around the speed of light with any object having infinite mass if moving at the speed of light. This increase in mass at high velocities can be verified experimentally. 

The first complication is cosmic rays. As the name implies, when cosmic rays were discovered it was thought that it was radiation. It was after Einstein's theory of the speed of light, in 1905, that "cosmic rays" were actually particles.

Cosmic rays are actually various sub-atomic particles, protons, electrons and alpha particles ( helium nuclei ), moving at or near the speed of light. These particles come from deep space.

Now back to the Special Theory of Relativity. If objects are moving at, or near, the speed of light then the particles should have infinite, or near-infinite, mass. But then if that were the case then even one cosmic rays particle should wrap the entire earth around itself with it's gravity.

Yet clearly, this does not happen.

The second complication with the speed of light is the more recent field of Quantum Physics, or Quantum Mechanics. 

In Relativity, the speed of light is absolutely sacrosanct, nothing can ever move faster than the speed of light. But in Quantum Physics the speed of light is not even a factor at all. It can be shown that information moves instantaneously between two entangled photons, no matter how far apart they are, without being bound by the speed of light.

Both Relativity and Quantum Physics can verify their claims experimentally. The thought occurred to me that scientists who work with relativity and those who work with Quantum Physics probably don't hang out together very often.

The speed of light, both the speed itself and it's relativistic effects, must somehow be an illusion. But if it is an illusion then why does light apparently take time to get from one place to another?

We know that when we look far out into space we are looking backward in time. We can actually observe the universe as it was eons ago. The same goes for other electromagnetic radiation. Signals between the earth and spacecraft take time to cross the intervening space. If we bounce a radar signal off the moon, we can measure that it travels at the speed of light to get to the moon and back.

So how can the speed of light be an illusion, even though it appears so much that it must be?

My cosmology theory explains it simply. The posting that I use to briefly explain the cosmology theory, without reading the entire theory is "In Cosmology, Everything Just Fell Right Into Place", May 2019.

Everything, both space and matter, consists of near-infinitesimal negative and positive electric charges. Space is an alternating checkerboard of negative and positive charges in multiple dimensions. Matter is a concentration of like charges held together against their mutual repulsion by energy. 

This is why a certain amount of mass is equivalent to a certain amount of energy, as expressed in Einstein's famous formula E = MC squared. The equivalence of mass and energy is also the well-known Mass-Energy Equivalence.

The universe can be traced, by my cosmology theory, back to a single electric charge, whether negative or positive. The two electric charges must always balance out. The first, original, charge was an imbalance. So an opposite charge had to be induced on each side of the original charge. It had to be on both sides of the original charge because two electric charges meant there had to be two opposite directions in each dimension. But this also resulted in an odd number of charges, and thus an imbalance of electric charges. So the process of charge reproduction by mutual induction continued indefinitely, in multiple dimensions.

This is what formed all of the space in the universe. It is a checkerboard of alternating negative and positive electric charges, that overall balances out to zero. The electromagnetism of electromagnetic waves comes from the wave disturbing the underlying electric charge balance.

Matter came into being when a two-dimensional sheet of alternating negative and positive charges formed within the surrounding background space. But it's alternating pattern of charges was not contiguous with that of the background space.

Since dimensions of space form right angles, this means that the two-dimensional sheet must have been aligned at something other than a right angle to the checkerboard pattern of the charges of the background space. If it would have been aligned, by the pattern of it's electric charges, either horizontally or vertically with the background space, then it wouldn't exist as a separate sheet of space.

We know that the universe always seeks the lowest information state, as well as the lowest energy state, because energy and information is really the same thing. The universe prefers an equality to an inequality because the equality is the lower information state. In everyday terms that is why high pressure and low pressure, as well as hot and cold, will seek to equalize.

So if the two-dimensional sheet cannot be aligned contiguous with the multi-dimensional background space, and the universe prefers an equality to an inequality, the only alignment that the two-dimensional sheet could have, relative to the right angled charge alignment of the background space, is to have it's charge alignment at a 45 degree angle to the background space, because 45 degrees is exactly half of a right angle.

In my cosmology theory, the matter of our universe formed when charge migration took place in the two-dimensional sheet, positive to one side and negative to the other, because it brought about a lower information state relative to the charge alignment of the background space. Not being contiguous with the pattern of charge alignment of the background space, the positive side of the two-dimensional sheet came into contact with the negative side. This brought about the matter-antimatter reaction that we perceive as the Big Bang. One dimension of the two-dimensional sheet of space disintegrated into energy. The remaining dimension had it's charges, in lines of like charges both negative and positive because charge migration had taken place in the sheet, "welded" together by the energy released in the disintegration of the other dimension. This is what formed the one-dimensional strings of matter in the universe. We see these strings as charged particles, such as electrons, because the strings of the two-dimensional sheet were thrown out, by the Big Bang, over four dimensions of the background space, and we can only see in three of the four dimensions because we experience the other as time.

This means that the strings which form matter have a 45 degree angle to the right angled alignment of the negative and positive electric charges of the background space.

We cannot sense this 45 degree angle and it usually makes no difference to us, until we do something involving electromagnetic waves. 

Picture a geometric square, this represents the arrangement of electric charges in the background space. Now picture a diagonal across the square, from the lower left corner to the upper right, this represents the alignment of the strings of matter from the two-dimensional sheet because it's electric charges are aligned at a 45 degree angle to those of the background space.

Now picture a straight line from the midpoint of the left side of the square, extending across the square until it meets the diagonal.

Then picture another straight line from the midpoint of the bottom side of the square, extending upward until it meets the diagonal at the same point that the other midpoint line met the diagonal.

Both of the midpoint lines form a 45 degree angle with the diagonal. The midpoint lines represent our interaction with space with regard to electromagnetic waves. 

Our consciousness moves along the bundles of strings comprising our bodies and brains, at what we perceive as the speed of light. This is where the speed of light comes from, it is actually within us. That is why we can measure the speed of light with precision but can find no reason why it is that speed, instead of some other speed.

It also explains what time is. I could find no plausible explanation anywhere as to what time is. This is the answer, it is within us as the speed of our consciousness moving along the bundles of strings comprising our bodies and brains.

A basic assumption regarding science is that we have an unbiased view of the universe. But what if that is not true? In my cosmology theory we do not have an unbiased view of the universe. We are part of the universe and see it as we do not only because of what it is but also because of what we are.

With everyday life, and ordinary physics, our perspective on the universe, as well as this 45 degree angle, doesn't make much difference. But when we deal with cosmology, the nature of the universe, it does make a difference.

When we look out into the universe we are seeing at 45 degrees into our past dimension. This means back toward the Big Bang in the fourth dimension of space, the one that we perceive as time. That is why we seem to be looking backward into time when we look out into space.

When we transmit electromagnetic waves out into space we are actually sending the waves out into our future dimension, the opposite direction of the past dimension at a 45 degree angle. This is why, when we bounce a radar signal off the moon, it seems to take time to get to the moon and back.

What is really happening is that the signal is instantaneous but, since it went out at a 45 degree angle, it also bounces back at a 45 degree angle, and arrives back at the bundle of strings comprising the earth in our future dimension. Our consciousness is moving in that direction at what we perceive as the speed of light, when we arrive at where the signal arrived back at earth the signal appears to have only just gotten back to us while moving at the speed of light.

That is why the speed of light is an illusion.

If we see at an angle of 45 degrees into our past dimension, and objects are actually bundles of strings in four-dimensional space, that actually solves another mystery.

Scientists have long been searching for "Dark Matter".

Considering what we know about gravity and the amount of mass in our galaxy, our galaxy should fly apart by centrifugal force at the rate it is spinning. But yet clearly, it doesn't.

So scientists decided that there must be some type of "Dark Matter" that is not visible to us but is contributing to holding the galaxy together by it's gravity.

The trouble is that scientists have been searching for "Dark Matter" for nearly a hundred years and have not found the slightest trace of it.

But, once again, a fundamental basis of science is the belief that we have an unbiased view of the universe. My theory is that we don't, we are part of the universe ourselves and see it as we do not only because of what it is but also because of what we are.

If we see at an angle of 45 degrees into our past dimension, and we of course gauge gravity by what we see, and objects such as the moon and planets and stars and galaxies are really bundles of strings in four-dimensional space, then that means we are looking at objects along a diagonal when we think we are looking at them directly.

This means that, in a direct line which we cannot see, objects are really closer to us by a factor of 1.414, which is the square root of two. 

Since the force of gravity is proportional to the square root of the distance, this means that the force of gravity is stronger than we are perceiving it.

That is why scientists cannot find a trace of dark matter, because it does not exist and is not necessary.

If you have time for some more reading, and are interested in science or mathematics, here is a link to the original posting of "Concluding The Search For Dark Matter".

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