Thursday, February 25, 2021

Hong Kong

Hong Kong consists of three parts. From south to north, there is Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and, the New territories. North of that is the mainland Chinese city of Shenzhen, which we have previously visited.

This is a truly incredible city. I can remember, in my youth and childhood, seeing the stamp of "Made in Hong Kong" everywhere. I wondered how one city can possibly produce so much of what the world uses.

But in 1978, all of that changed. Deng Xiaoping, leader of mainland China essentially opened up all of China to western companies. The result is that today, instead of seeing "Made in Hong Kong", we tend to see "Made in China". Like so many other cities, Hong Kong had it's manufacturing base pulled out from under it.

But this is not just any city here, this is Hong Kong. In a move that amazed the world, Hong Kong relatively quickly transformed itself into such a great financial center that today more money probably flows through it than through any other city in the world. When it's manufacturing base was gone, instead of becoming the "rust belt of the east" it became the world's financial capital.

That is what happens when you collect many of the most dynamic people in the world, and put them all together in one city.

Cantonese is the language that is spoken in the southern coastal region of China. The Chinese language has traditionally been structured in such a way that it was written the same all across China, but could be spoken in several different ways.

The Chinese Government makes it clear that it prefers Mandarin as the way to speak Chinese. Mandarin is predominant in northern China, including in Beijing and Shanghai. The other way of speaking Chinese, with the greatest number of speakers other than Mandarin, is Cantonese. An example of a third way of speaking Chinese is Fujianese.

The nature of the relationship between Mandarin and Cantonese depends on who you ask. A Mandarin speaker from Beijing might say that Cantonese is just a southern dialect of Chinese. A Cantonese speaker from Hong Kong might say that it is an entirely separate language that is mutually unintelligible with Mandarin, even though the same script and some of the same vocabulary is used.

There are multiple scenes following. To see the scenes, after the first one, you must first click the up arrow, ^, before you can move on to the next scene by clicking the right or forward arrow, >. After clicking the up arrow, you can then hide the previews of successive scenes, if you wish.

The following scenes begin in the central part of Kowloon.,114.1726811,3a,75y,304h,88t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipMMAhxT25dXiFY--4-RMFFKJu9mA7ltPIZR0hsc!2e10!3e11!!7i11524!8i5762

These scenes are north of the center of Kowloon. Remember that mainland China drives on the right, while Hong Kong drives on the left.,114.1705364,3a,75y,214h,88t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipNldUfK-lblSZ39SMat_Q9o75CWwK80nO4rHtUy!2e10!3e11!!7i8704!8i4352

These views are from around the waterfront of Kowloon.,114.1612337,3a,75y,11h,70t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sObuTaP9AcLvM7YjuFWA5QA!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656

This is from the To Kwa Wan area of Kowloon.,114.1904855,3a,75y,130h,90t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipOHB1YPKGoyyqEhxM_XFtOEMmcGIDsLPL63GQmC!2e10!3e11!!7i10000!8i5000

In these scenes, you can see the towering housing estates that Hong Kong is known for.,114.1668438,3a,75y,189.92h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sQr0cNDTgeS2UYvPMWns3cA!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656

This is Kwun Tong, in the southeastern area of Kowloon. The artificial peninsula extending into Victoria Harbor used to be the runway of the former airport of Hong Kong.,114.2229319,3a,75y,319h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sDBpNceLN7datO-KJiepfOg!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656

Here is a look at the Tseung Kwan O area. The endless residential apartment towers is because there is not enough room in Hong Kong for everyone to have a detached house with a backyard.,114.260147,3a,75y,34h,88t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipOT7ZBRZmqU76x4ZTfMbA16YSg6Gx01iDVFG6OV!2e10!3e11!!7i5660!8i2830

All of what we have seen so far is in Kowloon and adjacent areas. The following scenes are on Hong Kong Island. The view across Victoria Harbor is looking back to Kowloon, where we have just finished visiting.,114.1780735,3a,75y,6.56h,105.2t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipO6XQzho-btZ1dWrAEs91p033Wc95JLsEgkiesn!2e10!3e11!!7i13312!8i6656

Most people think of Hong Kong as being very urban and densely populated. But you would be surprised at how much of it is actually rural. The satellite imagery of Hong Kong shows that actually about 70% of it is rural and mountainous.,114.2163639,2a,75y,1h,88t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1syV5yA7_mBqwhl_DND6ufuw!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656

The Value Of New Ideas

Remember what I am trying to do with this writing here. One thing is to show that God and science is not incompatible at all. I am a Christian and about half of what I write about here is science. I do not see at all how science supposedly disproves the Bible or the existence of God. And I was interested in science long before I was interested in religion.

( Note-By the way, I do not entirely agree with the grammar rule that sentences should not begin with "And" ).

The other thing that I am trying to do with this writing is to promote the value of new ideas. With the internet there is less reason to memorize information than there used to be. Why take the trouble to learn so many facts when you can just Google it?

The internet has a world of information easily accessible, but only if we know what we are looking for. It is fine if we know what we don't know but sometimes we don't know what we don't know.

One thing that the internet can't effectively do for us is to come up with new ideas. That is what I want to promote here on this blog, taking existing information and pointing out things that have never been noticed before. It just requires some "thinking outside the box". 

Aside from the weekly visits I do not write anything here that is not new, or at least a new way of looking at things. I do not absolutely guarantee that everything I write here is new. But it is, as far as I know or can find online.

Winners And Losers In The Pandemic

It is a new world that is emerging from this pandemic, and there will be winners and losers.


Plainly and simply, having millions of people close together is an invitation to disaster when it comes to a pandemic of contagious disease. No matter how convenient it is to be close together in cities, this pandemic will work against the decades-long trend of urbanization. The reason for urbanization is that, while population and technology is increasing, fewer people are needed to work in agriculture. But that means property values will be lower away from cities, and the pandemic has gotten millions of people working from home.


There is no doubt that the more control a government has over it's people, the better it has managed this virus. Countries where people value freedom and don't like to be told what to do by their government, like the U.S. and Britain, have suffered the worst. Although I am sure that countries are not counting deaths by anywhere near the same standards. The true figure is anyone who died who wouldn't have died if not for Covid, whether or not they actually had Covid, which is difficult to determine. Many countries are only counting those that actually states "Covid" on the death certificate.


Capitalism is supposed to be based on merit, people earn according to the value of the work that they do. But it is not a worker's fault if they cannot work because of this virus. Not paying workers who cannot work through no fault of their own curtails consumer spending and risks economic collapse. It is in everyone's interest to get people tested and treated as soon as possible if they have the virus, and that is not going to happen if everyone does not have medical coverage.


One thing that the virus has accomplished is that there has only been one brief war since it began, between Armenia and Azerbaijan. Having many soldiers in close quarters is an invitation to disaster, as it was with the Spanish Flu a century ago. But pilotless drones are the ideal tool for the time. Drones really showed their potential in the war between Armenia and Azerbaijan. I have a feeling that drones are going to make the next war really nasty.


We are so glad to have a bunch of it that we rarely stop to think how absolutely filthy it is. What I am referring to, of course, is cash. Paper money is absolutely ideal for spreading a pandemic. The virus must value cash even more than we do. The obvious solution is cashless transactions. There is only one problem with cashless transactions, everything that we do can be monitored. The pandemic is also certainly giving a boost to cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin.


The Bible prophecies of the Last Days have the world under the control of a dynamic leader, who seems to have all the answers, known as the Antichrist. To have such control the government of the Antichrist will have to be able to closely monitor the people. Could it be that the bringing of so much of what we do online, including cashless transactions, is setting the groundwork for the Antichrist's control? Not to mention that the national governments that have more control have handled the pandemic much better.

For the majority of people who are not blatantly sinful I see the greatest barrier to a relationship with God as putting our faith in the world. The Bible instructs us to put our faith in God. Nowhere does it tell us to have faith in the world or in ourselves. The Bible has a rather dim view of both the world and human nature. Could it be that God allowed this virus, which so easily shut down the world, to get us to put more of our faith in Him?

Just a thought about the biblical Tribulation of the Last Days. The single most important place to the internet is Silicon Valley. So much of the internet is based there. But it is an area that is vulnerable to severe earthquakes. The Gospels foretell earthquakes in the Last Days. What if this pandemic gets us even more dependent on the internet than we already are, but then it is brought down by a cataclysmic earthquake?


If we weren't in the Internet Age before we certainly are now. This lockdown is moving everything online that can possibly be moved there. Can anyone even remember what it was like before the internet? The most obvious winner, at this point, seems to be Zoom, but this applies to just about everything about the internet.


This has got to be one of the best things that ever happened to the auto industry. Being alone, or with a very few people, in your own car is safer than riding with numerous strangers on public transportation. 

Important Books On Instagram

Our Instagram series continues this week with books that have been very important to me, and ultimately leading to this blog. These are far from being the only books that have been important, but these have been the most important.

The first section of the photos is about those books.

The second section is about my childhood landing in America and afterwards.

The third section is reminiscing about my 3+ childhood years in Canada.

The fourth section is about my early years in a Gloucestershire village.

The fifth section of the photos is about how I have my living room set up to provide the maximum inspiration for my writing.

If you have the Instagram app do a search for "mark_5429".

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Examples Of How Information Works

Here is some more of what we saw in the April 2019 posting, "How Information Works".

First, here are the general rules of my information theory.

The complexity of a number, the amount of information in it, is equal to the value of the number when it is expressed as the denominator in a ratio or fraction. 9 is not more complex than 5 because 9 is really 9 / 1 and 5 is really 5 / 1, so that the denominator are equal.

Energy and information is really the same thing. We cannot apply energy to anything without adding information to it and we cannot add information to anything without applying energy to it. Another way we can see energy and information as really the same thing is in how we can make our lives physically easier through technology, but only at the expense of making them more complex. We can never, on a large scale, make our lives physically easier and also less complex.

The universe always seeks the lowest information state. This should not surprise us since energy and information is the same thing and we know that the universe always seeks the lowest energy state. An equality is a lower information state than an inequality because the equality requires only one piece of information, A = A, while an inequality requires two pieces of information, A does not equal B.

Surface area is equivalent to energy, which makes sense because surface area is distance and we know that distance is equivalent to energy. A higher orbit is a higher-energy orbit. The universe seeks the lowest energy state which is why stars and planets form spheres, a sphere is the shape of lowest energy and also lowest surface area per volume. When atoms are fused together in stars the new, larger atom has less overall surface area than the smaller atoms that were crunched together to form it. This means that there must be leftover energy. This energy is released as radiation and is why stars shine.

Now, following are some more examples of how the theory works.


It is a common saying that "nature abhors a vacuum". An everyday example of this is a vacuum cleaner. If the pressure of air in a chamber is lowered, relative to the surrounding air, there will be a rush of air into the chamber, until the pressure equalizes. The rush of air carries dirt with it.

Wherever there is a vacuum there will be a rush of air, or whatever other medium we are dealing with, to fill it. The only major exception is deep space, where there is nothing to fill the vacuum.

But why does nature abhors a vacuum? It can be explained in terms of information. 

A difference in pressure is an inequality. We know that nature prefers an equality to an inequality because the equality is a lower information state, involving only one piece of information while the inequality has two. This is why air will rush from a high pressure to a low pressure center, to turn an inequality into an equality. This is information but there is energy in the rushing air. That is because energy and in is really the same thing. We cannot add information to anything without applying energy to it and we cannot apply energy to anything without adding information to it.

Another way we can see that energy and in is really the same thing is how we can make our lives physically easier, by using technology, but only at the expense of making them more complex. We can never, on a large scale, make our lives both easier and also less complex.

This is why nature abhors a vacuum. It prefers an equality to an inequality, because the equality is a lower information state. The vacuum, relative to it's surroundings, creates an inequality, which nature strives to do away with.


An interesting question is why, when it is heat that produces wind, the coldest planets have the strongest winds and winds on earth tend to be stronger in the winter.

I believe that a major part of the answer comes down to a simple ratio, and it involves the concept of Absolute Zero.

Heat is the kinetic energy of moving atoms and molecules. The faster the motion, the higher the heat. But if we lower the temperature there should be a point where all atomic and molecular motion has ceased, and it cannot get any colder.

That point is known as Absolute Zero, when all atomic and molecular motion has stopped so that it cannot get any colder. Absolute Zero is defined as -459 degrees Fahrenheit or -273.16 degrees Celsius. There is also the Kelvin scale that has the same degrees as the Celsius scale but begins at Absolute Zero so that the freezing point of water is 273.16 degrees Kelvin and the boiling point is 373.16.

The zero point of the Celsius scale is the freezing point of water and the zero point of the Fahrenheit scale was arbitrarily chosen.

Winds are actually produced by uneven heating. If there are adjacent warmer and cooler areas, air will rise from the warmer area and sink over the colder area. This will produce a higher pressure over the colder area and air will move from there to the warmer area. This is what causes winds.

Suppose that there is a difference of ten degrees between a warmer and adjacent colder area. Air will rise over the warmer area and sink over the colder. This will set up a convection cell with wind moving from the colder to the warmer at the surface, and opposite at high altitude.

But if the overall temperature is colder, with there still being a difference between the two adjacent areas of ten degrees, there will be a greater proportional difference between the two areas than if it were warmer. This simple reason is why winds tend to be stronger and the coldest planets have the strongest winds.

In my information theory, the complexity of a number is the value of the number when it is expressed as the denominator of a ratio or fraction. The ten degrees temperature difference would be a smaller fraction, meaning a higher number as the denominator, with the higher temperature range than the lower. 

This would make the difference in the higher temperature range a higher information state, and thus a higher energy state because energy and information is really the same thing. There would still be the movement of air from higher to lower pressure, but this higher information-energy state would offer higher resistance to it.

That is why winds tend to be stronger in the winter and the coldest planets have the strongest winds. The winds on distant and frigid Neptune, for example, are like the shock waves from a nuclear bomb.


Simple harmonic motion is the alternating from one maximum to the opposite maximum. A swing or a pendulum is a familiar example of simple harmonic motion.

The most important example of simple harmonic motion is electromagnetic waves, which include light and radio waves. The wave starts at zero amplitude, proceeds to a maximum in one direction, drops back down to zero amplitude, proceeds to a maximum in the opposite direction, and finally returns to zero amplitude before beginning the next cycle.

In my cosmology theory space is made up of an alternating checkerboard pattern of negative and positive electric charges, in multiple dimensions. Energy always goes to oppose the basic rule of electric charges, that opposite charges attract while like charges repel. Energy in space must be manifested by disturbing the perfect checkerboard pattern to create the wave.

But after radiating energy in one direction, it must always return to the zero point and then radiate an equal amount in the opposite direction, before repeating the process. The reason for this is information.

This going back in the opposite to initial direction is related to Newton's Law of Equal and Opposite Reactions. An action in one direction has to be balanced by an equal reaction in the opposite direction.

The reason for this, in terms of information, is that an equality is a lower information state than an inequality. The wave going in one direction is a higher state of information than it also going in the opposite direction, because the one direction would involve making a choice over the other direction in that dimension which would be a higher state of information.

Electromagnetic waves are created by matter, and it is the nature and alignment of the matter that determines which dimension the wave will be aligned in. But it is a lower information state to have the wave alternate between the two opposite directions of that dimension, rather than choosing one. The equality of the wave in both directions represents a lower information state than if the wave radiated in one direction, but not the other.

It if for the same reason that planets and stars rotate around an axis. The alignment of the axis is determined when the star or planet is formed, so there is one dimension of information. But from there the star or planet avoids making a decision about how it would be aligned, which would be a higher information state, by rotating through all possible alignments.

The same principle applies to examples of simple harmonic motion like swings and pendulums. The Law of Equal and Opposite Reactions demands that the swing form the lower information state of the equality in also swinging an equal distance in the opposite direction, rather than the higher information state of the inequality that would exist if the swing stopped at the zero point. Because the universe always prefers a lower information state.


We can see that surface area is related to energy. Stars and planets are spherical because a sphere is the three-dimensional geometric form with the lowest surface-to-volume ratio, meaning that a sphere is the lowest energy form. It is well-known that the universe always seeks the lowest energy state.

This is actually why stars shine. When enough mass collects together by gravity to overcome the electron repulsion that keeps atoms separate and crunch smaller atoms together into larger ones, the new larger atom has less overall surface area than the smaller atoms that were crunched together to produce it. Since surface area represents energy, this means that there must be leftover energy.

There is indeed leftover energy. It is released as radiation and this is why stars, including the sun, shine. At the current stage in the sun's fusion process it is crunching four hydrogen atoms into one helium atom. Planets do not shine because they do not have enough mass to overcome electron repulsion by gravity.

Due to the geometric nature of a sphere, a larger sphere has less surface area per volume than a smaller sphere. Suppose we have two spherical lumps of clay, if we force the two together into one sphere the new larger sphere would have less overall surface area than the two original ones. This illustrates the reason why stars shine.

Within atoms the atoms actually get smaller in radius as we move to the right on a row of the Periodic Table, to successively heavier atoms. This decrease in radius, even though the atoms are getting heavier, continues until we get to the next row, which adds an electron shell. 

The relationship between energy and surface area, described above, applies when gravity is the binding force behind the sphere. But within atoms it is the opposite charge attraction between the positively-charged protons in the nucleus and the negatively-charged electrons in orbitals. 

Each successively heavier atom in a row of the Periodic Table has one more electron and proton than the one preceding it. This results in a stronger force pulling the atom together, which results in a smaller surface area. So even though the atom is heavier, and thus contains more energy as per the well-known Mass-Energy Equivalence, the surface area is less.

The rule of surface area being equivalent to energy thus applies to gravitational spheres and to objects consisting of atoms generally. Inside the atom the rules are a little bit different, at least regarding atoms in the same row of the Periodic Table. My cosmology theory explains it, everything consisting of electric charges and the overall displacement of the charges comprising the space within the atom by the charged particles comprising the atom being proportional to the mass of the atom, even though the surface area may be smaller.

Back to drops of water merging in a sink. We can see that drops of water in a sink often merge into a larger drop. Yet, if surface area is equivalent to energy at least outside atoms in the same row of the Periodic Table, there is no apparent release of energy when smaller water droplets in a sink merge into a larger drop, which must have less overall surface area than the drops which formed area.

This can easily be explained in terms of information. Water molecules are electrical in nature. The molecule consists of one atom of oxygen and two of hydrogen. One side of the molecule is more negatively-charged and the other side more positively-charged. This causes water molecules to line up negative-to-positive, and results in liquid water.

Electric charge has an effect over a distance. The number of inter-relationships between electric charges in water is information. Energy and information is really the same thing. When drops of water merge together there is suddenly more inter-relationships between electric charges than there was before. This is why there is no release of energy when drops merge together, such as the water getting warmer, even though the overall surface area is now less. The loss of surface area is exactly balanced by the increase in the number of inter-relationships between electric charges, and there is no energy release.


The most stable nucleus is that of iron. It has the highest binding energy per nucleon of all elements. What is known as the Binding Energy Curve peaks at iron.

This stability represents a lower information state than an instability, because stability is an equation while instability is an inequation. But iron, like all elements heavier than hydrogen, is formed by crunching lighter elements together, either by fusion in stars or in the Big Bang at the beginning of the universe.

This means that two, or more, less-stable atoms were put together to make the more-stable iron. Since instability represents a higher information state, this can only mean that information must have been lost somewhere, and we know that information cannot just be lost.

An atom is an informational unit. We can easily see where the apparently missing information went. It turns out that the elements near the very top of the Binding Energy Curve, particularly iron, are the elements that can manifest magnetism.

Electrons in atomic orbitals usually operate in pairs, one with an up and one with a down spin, because, of course, this represents a lower information state. But there are also unpaired electrons. If the orbitals of unpaired electrons can be lined up, the atom will exert an electromotive force.

This force is known as magnetism. The atom will have a north pole and a south pole. Just like the rules of electric charges, opposite poles attract and like poles repel. 

Magnetism, the north and south pole, is a higher information state than non-magnetism. This information has to come from somewhere. Even though the Binding Energy Curve relates to the nucleus of the atom, and magnetism relates to the electrons in orbitals, with the two apparently having nothing to do with each other, we have to remember that the whole atom is an informational unit.

The missing information from the less-stable atoms that fused to form this atom is actually not missing at all. It went into the electron orbitals so that the energy can reappear as the higher information state of magnetism.


Electricity is one of the most familiar examples of how information works, and how energy and information is really the same thing.

The universe is composed of negative and positive electric charges. The most important physical rule in the universe is that the two charges always have to balance out. The charges do not have to balance out in every location, which is why charged particles like electrons can exist, but they do have to balance out overall. Energy increases the distance over which the charges have to balance out, which is why distance is equivalent to energy so that a higher orbit is also a higher-energy orbit.

The reason that negative and positive charges always have to balance out is due to information. The universe always seeks the lowest information state, just as it seeks the lowest energy state, because energy and information is really the same thing. An equality is a lower information state than an inequality, because the equality needs only one piece of information whereas the inequality needs two. Having the two charges balance out is an equality, and that is why the universe always seeks this balance.

In our matter universe electric charges themselves do not ordinarily change position. When there is an electrical change it is usually due to the movement of electrons, which are concentrations of negative charge that are held together by energy.

Metals consist of large groups of atoms, called crystals, which share their outermost electrons. By applying electromotive pressure, which is information and thus energy, electrons can be made to move in metal. This is known as an electric current. The side that loses electrons is called the negative side, and the side that gains electrons is the positive side.

But the electric current is, once again, seeking the lowest information state. The electromotive pressure is information, and also energy, which upsets the equation. Seeking to reestablish the equation, which is the lowest information state, causes electrons to move. This information is also energy because we can use the flow as electrical energy.

( Note- Remember what we have seen here before about what I call the "Electric Charge Conundrum". We define electrons as having a negative electric charge and the protons in the nucleus a positive charge. But that creates a situation that doesn't make sense because it is electrons that move between atoms in chemical reactions and in the formation of molecules. We thus define an atom as having a net positive charge after it has lost an electron. Since negative also means losing, while positive commonly means gaining, that doesn't seem to make sense. Wouldn't it make more sense for the electron to have a positive charge, as it does in antimatter, so that an atom losing an atom resulted in it having a net negative charge and gaining an atom would result in a net negative charge )?


We have seen how distance in space is equivalent to energy. The electric charges that comprise the universe always have to balance out but energy increases the distance over which they have to balance out. That is why energy and distance are related.

An obvious way that energy and distance are equivalent is orbits. A higher altitude orbit is also a higher energy orbit. But we know that energy and information is really the same thing, and we can see the relationship between energy and distance in human society.

As humans learn more and society progresses, more movement is necessary to daily life. This represents the equivalence of distance and information, which we know is the same thing as energy. 

It makes sense that the more humans learn, the more different specialized job descriptions there will be. The more specialized job descriptions there are, the further the average worker will have to travel to work or study. This shows, in another way, how information, or energy, is equivalent to distance.


Living things are of a higher level of complexity than their inanimate surroundings. This higher complexity is manifested as inter-relationships that involve information in ways that are not found in inanimate matter.

Consider a human foot, for example. A human foot has no meaning outside it's role as part of the body. We ordinarily would not find human feet lying around by themselves, as we would rocks. 

This illustrates how, although the body is made of the same kind of atoms as it's inanimate surroundings, it is part of the higher complexity of biology due to interconnections that would have no meaning in the surrounding universe of inanimate matter. A rock, in contrast, would have just as much meaning whether it was part of a planet or floating around in space.

But while living things, particularly humans, are complex, they are not infinitely complex. If every molecule in your body had to have a specific relationship with every other molecule, as the foot does to the rest of the body, your body would approach infinite complexity.

So to adjust the complexity of the body to match the level of information that went into it's design, which is less-than-infinite, the parts and organs of the body are composed of structures called cells. These cells have an interrelationship to the other cells in the part or organ of the body, which has a working interrelationship with the other parts and organs of the body. 

The cells are thus what lowers the overall complexity of the body, adjusting it to match the information of design that went into it.


Living creatures are more complex than their surrounding environment. This means that they contain more information. According to my information theory, energy and information is really the same thing.

This means that, for the living creature to survive in it's surrounding environment, it must be sustained. That sustenance comes from food. Since food must contain the energy / information to sustain life against it's inanimate environment, it cannot come from that environment. It must come from other living things and must itself be more complex than the surrounding environment.

We know that if we put a higher-energy state next to a lower energy state, such as hotter and colder, energy will tend to flow from the former to the latter. Since energy and information is really the same thing, that should mean that information should also have a tendency to flow from a higher to a lower state.

That, plainly and simply, is why food tends toward decay and also why the bodies of living things decay after death, when they are no longer being sustained.

The lower information level of the surrounding environment tends to pull the now-unsustained former living things down to it's level. Because remember that the universe prefers the lower information state of an equality to the higher information state of the inequality that comes with the higher and lower information states.

This also explains why, as a general rule, larger living things tend to live longer than smaller ones. While this is not a strict rule it is a broad general rule.

The reason, once again, is information. Larger living things tend to be more complex, containing more overall information, than smaller ones but smaller forms of life may be much more intricate than the larger ones. What I mean by more intricate is having a higher complexity per mass.

This higher intricacy, even without higher overall information, means a ratio with a higher denominator of information relative to the information level of the surrounding inanimate environment. This means more of an inequality between the two with the result that the surrounding environment "tries" that much harder to pull the smaller living thing down to it's own level of information. With the overall lower amount of information in the smaller living thing, the result is a shorter lifespan than the larger living things.


Atoms are composed of charged particles, negatively-charged electrons in orbitals around the nucleus that consists of positively-charged protons and neutrally-charged neutrons. But electric charges are information, as to whether it is positive or negative, and we know that the universe always seeks the lowest information state.

So what happens is that these charged particles tend to form structures that all have the same neutral charge, because this is the lowest information state. These structures are known as atoms.

The formation of atoms does not entirely produce the lowest possible information state. That is why electrons can move between atoms, or atoms may share electrons in their outermost orbitals, because it produces a still-lower information state. This is how molecules form.

If a molecule, a combination of atoms, does not represent the lowest information state then it's formation will require an input of energy. This is why some of the chemical reactions that form molecules require an input of energy ( endothermic ), while other reactions give off energy by breaking molecules apart ( exothermic ).

Notice that the only interactions that give off electromagnetic waves are those involving the charged particles that compose atoms, or where atoms are broken apart. The collision of two vehicles, for example, do not give off electromagnetic waves because the atoms remain intact. 

This is due to the higher information state of charges outside the structure of atoms, which represents an inequality. The excess information has to go somewhere, and it takes the form of electromagnetic radiation.

Here is a link to the original posting:

America's Space Force

America's newest branch of the military is the Space Force, which will be separate from and equal to the other branches. There are some who do not yet take the Space Force seriously.

Satellites are vital yet can be vulnerable, and the initial primary mission of the Space Force will be to protect them. But I see the creation of the Space Force as coinciding with another development, the use of momentum rather than explosives in strategic munitions.

A projectile that is dropped from an aircraft by gravity is referred to as a "bomb", which implies that it explodes. But what if it doesn't have to explode, or we have advanced to the technology where it doesn't have to explode?

This new era could be the Space Force. "Bombs" could be dropped from space, rather than from the air, and the much-greater gravitational acceleration that would result would make it possible for the projectiles to do damage by momentum rather than by explosion.

This would make possible high-precision "surgical" strikes on targets, with minimal collateral damage. This would be in stark contrast to the messy explosions from traditional bombs.

The technology already exists. Imagine a rod, about the size of a telephone pole and made of a special alloy. Launched from orbit with great precision, the projectile would be moving at about seven times the speed of sound when it reached ground level. To strike it's target an explosion would not be necessary.

This principle, of dropped projectiles doing their damage by momentum rather than by explosion, is not new. During America's War in Vietnam, metal projectiles called "Lazy Dogs" were dropped by helicopter.

During the wars with Iraq the explosives were sometimes removed from bombs, and the bombs filled with concrete, in order for a precision strike to be made on a target without collateral damage.

The bomb that did the damage to the Tirpitz, during the Second World War, was an explosive bomb but it did it's damage only by momentum. It passed right through the ship and didn't explode until after it had exited through the bottom of the ship.

This could be the objective of the Space Force, aside from protecting and engaging satellites.

Thursday, February 11, 2021

United Arab Emirates

Suppose that, in a trivia questions, you were asked to name the emirates that make up the United Arab Emirates. The nation by that name, known as the UAE, is actually composed of seven separate monarchies. The two that everyone is familiar with, Dubai and Abu Dhabi, are the ones with the tall buildings. Very few people are familiar with the other five. But the two largest of the emirates do hold the vast majority of the populations. Native Emiratis are actually far outnumbered by the foreign workers and expats in the country.

The UAE, like neighbors Qatar and Bahrain, became independent in 1971. The UAE used to be known as the Trucial States.

Before the days of oil, the traditional industry was pearling. Abu Dhabi is considered as the capital of the United Arab Emirates. The first president, and founder of the country, was Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan. His son, and successor, is Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan. The United Arab Emirates are known for having laws that some westerners may not agree with.

Six of the seven emirates that make up the country face toward the Persian Gulf. The other faces the Gulf of Oman and the Indian Ocean. Let's begin our visit with the northernmost emirate on the coast of the Persian Gulf, and proceed southward.

The northernmost of the United Arab Emirates, along the coast of the Persian Gulf, is Ras Al-Khaimah, and the following scenes are a look at it.

There are multiple scenes following. To see the scenes, after the first one, you must first click the up arrow, ^, before you can move on to the next scene by clicking the right or forward arrow, >. After clicking the up arrow, you can then hide the previews of successive scenes, if you wish.,55.9490122,3a,75y,281h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s3vCKeaMUZhSUO4r8MeEo3w!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656

Next, we come to the Emirate of Umm Al-Quwain. The Indian restaurants that you see in the Emirates indicate the foreign workers and expats who live there. There are plenty of westerners who live here, but they tend to stick to Dubai and Abu Dhabi.,55.5754841,3a,75y,188h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sSLbvjiBGIuIpWmy-1TDEKg!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656

The next emirate is Ajman.,55.5015119,3a,75y,214h,88t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipPD0DHkxKynNDyShw0nuqQobffeIG5wgEme48RT!2e10!3e11!!7i13312!8i6656

Proceeding southward, the next emirate is Sharjah. At this point, the emirates start to become big cities.,55.3921267,3a,75y,0.43h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s2UDPqeW5OgSfNbhXzWL66Q!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656

To serve all of the Indian and Pakistani expats, there is a cricket stadium in Sharjah. This is the area around there. The UAE is a major force in the world of cricket.,55.4209211,3a,75y,120.55h,90t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipP2hi8ckq9YwU7H4n93pyV1D97tjW2huCCICHyo!2e10!3e11!!7i10240!8i5120

Next, we come to Dubai. Maybe you have never hear of Ajman, but the whole world knows Dubai. It is not only one of the great cities of the world, it has the tallest building in the world, the Burj Khalifa. But the oldest building in Dubai is the Al Fahidi Fort, so let's visit there first.,55.3002071,2a,75y,30.37h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sDeaECWWSpI7AQ4zCJztRgQ!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656

Here is the view from one of the observation decks on the Burj Khalifa, the tallest building that the world has ever seen.,55.2745134,3a,75y,171.29h,90t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipNf9kQlRmsaCJprjCwxc7hFv4eR1R1hlwfRXM4L!2e10!3e11!!7i8704!8i4352

Deira, just across the river from downtown Dubai, is completely different. This is the older part of Dubai, and is a residential and small business area. Again, you can see the many Indian and Pakistani restaurants for all the expats in Dubai.,55.3303626,3a,75y,169h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sPu98YgNIzZE6J5C6LQEY0Q!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656

We know that the United Arab Emirates is a Moslem country. But the foreign workers and expats in the country outnumber the native Emiratis themselves. Non-Moslems can have places to practice their religions. There is a large Hindu temple complex in Dubai. The following scenes are of a place in Dubai where there are several Christian churches next to a Sikh gurdwara. We do not usually expect the United Arab Emirates to be a place where we would find crowded churches. The following scenes begin inside a Coptic church. The building that is built in the form of a sail is the Burj Al Arab, a luxury hotel built on an artificial island.,55.1138184,3a,75y,106.8h,90t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipPv_Z-9Se6GwgYb-SNAB1U-5PYfgjlr0kdkbPWB!2e10!3e11!!7i8704!8i4352

Can you believe what Dubai has done with artificial islands? One creation is an archipelago, in the form of a palm tree, with houses, hotels, and amusement parks. This is known as the Palm Jumeirah, and here is a satellite image of it.,55.1402494,10992m/data=!3m1!1e3

There is also The World Islands, which are islands arranged as a map of the world.,55.1735517,10983m/data=!3m1!1e3

Here are a look at the buildings and homes, built on the artificial islands of the Palm Jumeirah, which are all in the form of a palm tree.,55.1318258,2a,75y,214h,88t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sd0X90dXloNloS9tAO3emFg!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656

About 100 km from Dubai is Abu Dhabi. It is the capital of the United Arab Emirates, even though it is not as large as Dubai. People who have lived in the Emirates have commented on the difference between Dubai and Abu Dhabi. Dubai is more cosmopolitan, there are people from around the world, and also more expensive. Abu Dhabi is quieter and more conservative. The following scenes are around The Emirates Palace Hotel in Abu Dhabi.,54.3194586,3a,75y,136.61h,90t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipP1PJ0_f1GMiik0nSTIgaAOPDxwepRRtVnvHIJW!2e10!3e11!!7i11000!8i5500

Here are some more scenes of Abu Dhabi, beginning in the Khalidiyah Mall.,54.351768,3a,75y,121.5h,90t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipP-c6LvXTxOMHXDWCUDRx2-ZephaHnMmLYs3Mef!2e10!3e11!!7i5660!8i2830

The last of the Emirates, on the opposite side of the country facing the Gulf of Oman and the Indian Ocean, is Fujairah. It is not a big city like Dubai, Abu Dhabi, or Sharjah.,56.3430595,3a,75y,89.29h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s3So6n9hONBoh6qAmzKKeoQ!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656

UAE Mars Spacecraft

Let's congratulate the United Arab Emirates. This week the spacecraft on it's Mars mission entered into orbit around Mars. The landing on the planet still has to take place. This is the most difficult part and missions to Mars have a high casualty rate, but getting into orbit is a major step.

Don't forget how important science is in the Twenty-First Century. I tried to break down a good background in science and practical mathematics into about a hundred paragraphs. Thoroughly learn everything in that posting and you will have the strong background that is necessary in science and practical mathematics for the Twenty-First Century. It includes mathematics but not biology.

Here is a link to the original posting: 

Our Necessary Field Of Vision

Since the entire universe that we see all emerged from the same Big Bang, the information necessary to reconstruct all of the universe must somehow exist within anything in the universe. This has to be the way it is even if we do not see it.

There must exist a mathematical formula that explains everything in the universe and where it is located. The formula would be centered around the laws of physics.

Suppose that you are waiting in a car on a rainy day. Even if you do not discern it, there must be a mathematical formula that describes the pattern of the raindrops on the car's window. Most physicists agree that everything is really numbers being manifested. So there has to be formulas out there that describes anything and everything, there is no other way.

The strength of gravity, the rate of fusion in stars that form heavier elements from the primordial hydrogen and helium, and the electric charge that holds molecules of water together are all factors that go into determining the pattern of the raindrops falling on the window. 

On a different rainy day the pattern of falling raindrops would be similar, but not exactly the same. There would be both constants and variables in the formulas. The two formulas would have mostly constants in common, but there would be variables that would differ so that the two sets of raindrops are not exactly the same.

Besides the raindrops there must also be a formula that describes the pattern of stars in the sky that are visible from any given location in the universe. The stars are in this pattern for reasons that are soundly based on the laws of physics.

We cannot discern these formulas that would describe the positions of all of the stars in the sky and the pattern of the raindrops on the window. But that is because of our limitations, not that the formulas do not exist. They must exist.

To be able to express these formulas, we would have to understand more than we do now. We use words and numbers to express information. We can only express in numbers what we have complete understanding of, such as the calendar. Words are for what we do not completely understand. It is not necessary to completely understand anything to describe it in words, because we can describe it by it's effect on us.

My theory is that, as time goes on and we learn more and more, we will be able to express an increasing proportion of what we know in numbers, instead of words. If we were to scan all documents on the internet we should find that, on the whole, a greater portion of the information expressed in those documents would be in numbers, as opposed to words, compared with the past.

As far as our knowledge goes, we are progressing at finding out what we know that we don't know. At the same time, the sphere of what we didn't know that we don't know is also growing but overall what we know relative to what we don't know should be increasing. Some of what we are learning is entirely new and some is gaining more understanding of what was already partially understood.

There should be a theoretical day in our future where we will know all that we can potentially know. I refer to this day as "K-Day". The sphere of what we know would cover the entire sphere of what we don't know. This doesn't mean that we would necessarily know everything, there would still be the sphere of what we don't know that we don't know, but there would be nothing left that we know that we don't know.

Since we express with numbers what we completely understand, words are for what we partially understand, by that day we should be expressing all information as numbers. The formula by which the entire universe operates must also be numbers, because everything is really numbers, and at that time we would be able to express it as numbers, at least to the extent that our minds were able to understand it.

As we learn more we are able to discern the same amount of knowledge about the universe with less. I refer to this as "Our Necessary Field Of Vision". We have already discerned the laws of physics by which all in the universe operates. Our Necessary Field Of Vision contracts as time goes on and we know more, this simply means that we can learn more with less observation.

The information of everything in the universe, as least as far as we are capable of understanding it, is actually in everything around us, if only we knew enough to see it. Since all of the universe began with the same Big Bang, the information in everything must be contained in anything.

In a pattern of stars in the sky or the pattern of raindrops falling on a windshield lies all of the information that we are capable of understanding about the universe. We cannot see it, not because it isn't there but because Our Necessary Field Of Vision has not yet contracted enough for us to see it. We, at this point, need to see more of the universe for us to learn more about it.

Like the proportion of our information that we, as a whole, express as numbers, as opposed to words, because we completely understand it, Our Necessary Field Of Vision is a measure of where we currently stand in terms of knowledge, what we know now in comparison to what we could possibly know. The proportion of information expressed as numbers is much lower than the proportion that we already know, because words do represent a partial understanding of what we know.


With the virus in the news every day, there is the old question of where the boundaries of living things are. Put simply, what exactly is alive and what is not alive?

Remember my concept that living things, unlike non-living things, must have meaningful definable dimensions. A plant has one definable dimension, a definable difference between it's top and bottom, but no meaningful difference between front and back or side-to-side. A living thing with free will, such as a human, also has a definable difference between front and back, but not side-to-side.

The human brain, more complex than the body, has a third definable dimension, side-to-side, as the right and left sides of the brain are different. We know that the brain must be more complex than the body because we would not be able to recognize other people if it wasn't. If the brain and body were of equal complexity, we would be able to recognize another person but have very limited ability to tell one person from another.

Non-living entities do have a dimension that is more significant than the others. A magnet has a north and a south pole but, unlike a plant with a definite top and bottom, we cannot meaningfully say that one of the magnet's poles, the north or the south, is the top while the other is the bottom.

The same goes for a rotating planet. By convention maps of the earth have north at the top and south at the bottom. But this is not a meaningful dimension because it could just as easily be the other way around.

With this in mind we can see that the virus in the following image has no definable dimensions. 

This means that, while the virus resides in living things, and depends upon them for reproduction, the virus is not itself alive. It is merely a set of genetic code.

The Way Things Work In Winter

Remember that my theory of liquid water explains so many of the physical mysteries of winter. It is on the meteorology and biology blog, the compound posting "Water Made Really Simple".

We know that cumulus and stratus clouds are composed of water droplets. So why don't the clouds freeze when the temperature is below freezing? See the section, "Cloud Droplets, Temperature And, Water".

Why does every snowflake seem to have a pattern that is different from every other snowflake?

Why are the ridges on icicles exactly one centimeter apart? For both of these questions see the section, "The Electric Snowflake And Icicle Hypothesis".

I rarely check the weather forecast. I live near a really tall smokestack and just look at the direction of the wind. It is important that the smoke be high up because the wind direction at ground level can be deceptive. If the wind is from the north it will get colder, if from the south it will get warmer. The prevailing wind where I live is from the west, which will likely bring a change in weather although probably not a great change in temperature. The worst conditions are usually when the wind is from the east, usually due to remnants of great storms along America's east coast, which have the power to reverse the prevailing wind.

Here is a link to the theory:

Thursday, February 4, 2021

Riyadh And The House Of Saud

Stories of royalty are always popular. When we think of a kingdom, the first country that comes to mind is Saudi Arabia.

In 1744, an alliance between Muhammad Ibn Wahhab and Muhammad Ibn Saud led to what became known as the First Saudi State, in the Arabian Peninsula. But it was defeated and ended by the Pasha Dynasty that was ruling Egypt. The First Saudi State is also known as the Emirate of Diriyah.

There was a Second Saudi State, also known as the Emirate of Nejd, after the Pashas had broken free of Ottoman control, but this state was ended by conflict with a rival tribe, who were allied with the Ottomans.

But a leader of the House of Saud, Abdulaziz who is sometimes known as Ibn Saud, brought back the state once more, by unifying two small states, and this time gained control of most of the Arabian Peninsula. This state is today known as Saudi Arabia.

The capital of Saudi Arabia today is Riyadh. In the late Nineteenth Century, Abdulaziz (Ibn Saud) spent time in exile, in nearby Persian Gulf countries, because the Rashidis, the rival tribe who had brought the Second Saudi State to an end, had conquered Riyadh. The reconquest of Riyadh, in 1902, by Abdulaziz (Ibn Saud) is considered as a great event in Saudi history. A militia was formed of bedouin, known as the Ikhwan, which eventually became the Saudi National Guard.

Abdulaziz (Ibn Saud) was thus the founder and first king of the country that became known as Saudi Arabia. He had 45 sons, by multiple wives, and reigned until his death in 1953.

Abdulaziz (Ibn Saud) was succeeded as king by his son, Saud. Saud reigned as king from 1953-64, but had a great rivalry with his brother, Faisal, and was finally forced to abdicate the throne due to wasteful spending.

The key to understanding Saudi royalty is that the succession of Saud as king, following his father's death in 1953, is the only time that a father-to-son succession has taken place. From the abdication of King Saud, in 1964, to the time of this writing, every succession following the death of a Saudi king, there has been no more abdications, has been brother-to-brother. Every king since the death of Abdulaziz (Ibn Saud), in 1953, has been one of his sons. The third generation of Saudi royalty, the grandsons, have not yet succeeded to the throne.

Faisal took over from his brother, Saud, upon Saud's forced abdication in 1964, and reigned until his murder by his nephew in 1975. The coronation of Faisal ended the father-to-son succession, and was the first brother-to-brother succession. King Faisal was fiscally responsible, and balanced the kingdom's finances.

He was the one who initiated the Arab Oil Embargo against several countries, including the U.S., Canada and, Britain, who had supported Israel during the 1973 Yom Kippur War. Egypt named a suburb of Cairo for the day it began, October 6 City. I remember going to 8th grade in the dark because the clocks had been changed in an effort to save energy.

One place where King Faisal was very popular was Pakistan. Besides a highway and an air force base, Pakistan renamed a major city as Faisalabad, in his honor, as it remains named today.

King Faisal was murdered by his nephew, Faisal bin Musaid, in 1975. Conspiracy theories ran wild. The nephew had attended college in the U.S., and had just returned to Saudi Arabia, but had also visited Communist East Germany. Did the U.S. put him up to it in revenge for the oil embargo, or was it a Communist plot to destabilize the kingdom? The nephew had been engaged to the daughter of King Saud, who Faisal had forced to abdicate, could it have been in revenge for that?

Khalid, a half-brother of Faisal, all were sons of Abdulaziz but with different mothers among his many wives, succeeded him. King Khalid ruled until his death in 1982. He brought much development to Saudi Arabia, and made it an important player on the international scene. He was the king when militants seized the Grand Mosque in Mecca. Khalid initially hoped for good relations with Iran after it's revolution. The Saudi rulers were Sunni Moslems, and the Iranians Shiites, but they seemed to have quite a bit in common. But the good relations didn't last long.

(Note-My theory of the reason for the poor relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran goes back to the French Revolution, which opened the modern political era. The Saudi leaders are kings, while the Iranian leaders are the ones who had overthrown the king. This put them on opposite sides of the French Revolution).

King Fahd was the half-brother who succeeded Khalid, and was king during the First Gulf War (Desert Storm). He was popular internationally but his invitation of foreign non-Moslem armies onto Saudi soil outraged many, and set in motion the founding of Al Qaeda. Ironically, at the time of the seizure of the Grand Mosque by militants, in 1979, the mosque was being renovated by a Saudi construction conglomerate, known as the Bin Laden Group. The son of the founder of the conglomerate was named Osama bin Laden.

King Fahd had a stroke in 1995, but continued as king until his death ten years later. During his days as a prince, long before he became king, he had been the Saudi representative who attended Queen Elizabeth's 1953 coronation.

King Abdullah was a half-brother of Fahd, and succeeded him as king upon his death in 2005. Abdullah had probably been the real power in the country during the ten years between Fahd's debilitating stroke and his death. King Abdullah reigned until his death in 2015. He had to deal with declining oil prices squeezing the kingdom's finances.

After the death of Abdullah in 2015, his half-brother Salman succeeded to the throne. King Salman is the present king. Remember that all of these kings, since the death of Abdulaziz (Ibn Saud) in 1953, have been his sons. Abdulaziz was the founder of Saudi Arabia, and all of the kings since have been second-generation royalty. But King Salman has elevated his son, Prince Salman, to a very important role and, at the time of this writing, it appears certain that he would be the first third-generation, grandson of Abdulaziz, king.

One thing that is often heard of in dealing with Saudi royalty is the name "Sudairi" or "The Sudairi Seven". Sudairi is the name of one of the wives of the founder of Saudi Arabia, Abdulaziz (or Ibn Saud). She had seven sons who have been especially powerful in running the kingdom. Two of these sons have been kings, Fahd and the present King Salman. Most of the many Saudi princes and princesses are in business, or other preoccupations, and have little interest in being involved in governing the country. My calculation is that about one in every four hundred Saudis is a prince or princess.

That is the story of Saudi Arabia in words. Now, lets have a look at the same story in pictures.

The following scenes begin in the Masmak Fortress. This is what Abdulaziz (known in the west as Ibn Saud) reconquered from the rival Rashidis, in 1902.

There are multiple scenes following. To see the scenes, after the first one, you must first click the up arrow, ^, before you can move on to the next scene by clicking the right or forward arrow, >. After clicking the up arrow, you can then hide the previews of successive scenes, if you wish.,46.713512,3a,75y,117.05h,90t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipMaheOMZVa7GgMgsGT9M-uTrw9IDb-RotAll98!2e10!3e11!!7i5376!8i2688

The following scenes are of the Murabba Palace, built in 1936 and where Abdulaziz (Ibn Saud) reigned from, until his death in 1953. The surrounding area is known as the King Abdulaziz Historical Center.,46.7092511,3a,75y,116.01h,90t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipOc_40VTS-RXKGCtfrznqwHwscY4f2pD_4BI5U!2e10!3e11!!7i8704!8i4352

King Saud was the first son of Abdulaziz (Ibn Saud) to reign after his death. He was the king who was forced to abdicate, by his successor Faisal, due to extravagant spending. But yet he did found the famous King Saud University, in Riyadh. This vast university is like a city unto itself.,46.6191667,3a,75y,259h,76t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipM62hUpZNLNPFy9rikCPYrGyjg-PFo9mZeokrJW!2e10!3e11!!7i5660!8i2830

The following scenes of modern Riyadh begin in the Royal Mall.,46.6647867,3a,75y,93.93h,90t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipNJvoNdcbEnLG9JZCm2tQyh7mBiQnXVw_ADwI0-!2e10!3e11!!7i5376!8i2688

Finally the second major city of Saudi Arabia is Jeddah, on the Red Sea coast. Jeddah is a very old city that, in common with the other very old cities in this area, has been through the long parade of conquerors, empires and, caliphates that have come through in the course of time. The following scenes are around the old part of Jeddah. Notice how the older buildings have their own unique architecture.,39.1846344,3a,75y,103.4h,90t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipM6hA32qgE_X5zr_u8kosTzbVMdBiZyt04VgqFQ!2e10!3e11!!7i8704!8i4352

The Future Of Democracy

There was a military coup in Myanmar ( Burma ). The once-world renowned democracy activist, Sung San Suu Kyi, was arrested. The military has seized power, negating the results of the country's recent election.

( Note- Was this country maybe trying to show Donald Trump the way it's done, that this is what he should have done )?

But remember what we saw in the compound posting on this blog, "Economics" November 2019, in the section 8) THE FATE OF DEMOCRACY. We saw that democracy across the world was faltering and, even before this coup, Sung San Sun Kyi was a prime example.

As we saw in another section of another compound posting, 42) THE REAL STORY OF AUNG SAN SUU KYI in the compound posting, "Investigations" December 2018, the military of Myanmar has been absolutely brilliant at silencing it's chief critic. 

Give her a position in the government, but one that doesn't really have much power. This will make her ineffectual at fulfilling the world's expectations of her, that she will lead the country to real democracy. Wait for the world to turn against her, and then simply seize power.

Wasn't that simple?

The military of Myanmar definitely showed Donald Trump how to handle an election that doesn't go his way. Just complain that the election was not conducted properly, no proof necessary, then just have the military seize power. 

What is so difficult about that?

The Royalty Factor

Let's have another look at why, to understand the world, we have to understand royalty, and the great influence of history in general. We tend to repeat history, often without realizing it.

Donald Trump, a Republican, was friendly to Saudi Arabia but hostile to Iran. Joseph Biden, a Democrat, is expected to somewhat reverse this.

Remember, once again, that it is not possible to understand U.S. politics without understanding the posting on this blog, "America And The Modern World Explained By Way Of Paris" December 2015.

In that book-length posting we saw that America's Republicans are really the continuation of the Bourbon Dynasty as France gave the new country diplomatic recognition and helped America gain independence. But not long after that the Bourbon Dynasty was overthrown, and the king and queen guillotined in the French Revolution, which is what initiated the modern political era in the world.

We saw in the posting how the Republican side of America represents the Bourbon Dynasty before the revolution while the Democrat side represents the modern political era after the French Revolution. The king was there, until overthrown by the revolution. 

Remember the sentence that we saw in "America And The Modern World Explained By Way Of Paris" that sums up international relations in the Middle East:

"Is there a king or has the king been overthrown, if overthrown has the king been replaced by a military ruler"?

Countries tend to align according to where they fall with regard to this question. A U.S. Republican president is, as we saw in the posting, really a king. Saudi Arabia is ruled by a king, while Iran has overthrown it's king (the late Shah).

First this explains the poor relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran, which go deeper than the fact that the former is Sunni while the latter is Shiite. 

If Donald Trump is really a king then that explains why he aligns with Saudi Arabia, which is also ruled by a king, but not with Iran, which had overthrown it's king. It also explains why Joe Biden, representing after the French Revolution when the king was overthrown, is the reverse.

That posting was written in late 2015, before the Trump presidency, but now readers can certainly see what I mean. No president has ever acted like a king in such a way. 

It also explains why, given that France has long been a haven for Iranians in exile, the late Shah never sought exile there after being overthrown in 1979. Of course not, why would the king who had been overthrown want to seek exile in the land that had set the precedent for overthrowing the king?

The part of the question about the king being replaced by a military leader explains the Iraq-Iran War of the 1980s. It also explains the lack of alliance between Iran and Libya at the time, even though the two nations had most of their enemies in common. All three nations had overthrown kings but while Libya and Iraq had replaced the kings with military leaders, Iran had replaced it's king with religious clerics.

The part about replacing the king with a military leader does not apply as much to Egypt, even though it was the Army's Nasser who set the precedent in the Middle East of military leaders overthrowing kings. The reason is that the Pasha Dynasty of kings that ruled Egypt was of foreign, Ottoman, origin. Egypt is on good terms with Saudi Arabia, which is ruled by kings, although the two were on opposite sides of the Yemen Civil War in the 1960s.

There is also the relationship between Saudi Arabia and Turkey. Saudi Arabia is the country with the king while Turkey is the country where Ataturk abolished the Ottoman sultanate. There is rivalry between the two countries now although the rivalry is nowhere near as intense as that between Saudi Arabia and Iran. Turkish president Erdogan is, at the time of this writing, moving the country back toward rule by an Ottoman-style sultan but the Saudi relationship is complicated by the history of Ottoman control hindering and delaying the development of the early Saudi state.


Aside from the great importance of royalty there is another factor at work. This factor prevents unity among the Arab countries, which had been a primary goal of Egypt's Nasser. It is the history of successive caliphates, although this is not part of the scenario in "America And The Modern World Explained By Way Of Paris", December 2015.

There was once a political union between Egypt and Syria, the two joined into one country called the United Arab Republic. But the union didn't last long. Many have wondered why Iraq and Syria don't unite, they were ruled by different branches of the same Baath Party.

But remember the three major successive caliphates of Islam. The Umayyad Caliphate was based in Damascus, in Syria. The Abbasid Caliphate was based in specially-built Baghdad, in Iraq. The Fatimid Caliphate was based in specially-built Cairo, in Egypt.

That is the primary reason why unity between these three nations was never achieved, the historical rivalry between successive caliphates.


We saw in the posting on this blog, "The Great Revolution Of Our Time", January 2017, how the Iranian Revolution of 1979 is one of those revolutions that come along periodically that affects the entire world. Although the Iranian Revolution, in itself, was, like the October Revolution, a reflection of the French Revolution.

We also saw recently in "The Storming Of America's Capitol", January 2021, how that event was very much a reflection of how America's Republicans are really the continuation of the French Bourbon Dynasty, which helped America gain independence but was overthrown not long after in the French Revolution of 1789. This was described in the posting, "America And The Modern World Explained By Way Of Paris, December 2015.

That event was also a reflection of the Iranian Revolution of 1979 in how protesters scaling the wall up to the Capitol Building, even though there was a stairs nearby, was a perfect reenactment of the revolutionaries scaling the wall around the U.S. Embassy compound in November 1979.

So the storming of America's Capitol is an ideal example both of what we saw in "America And The Modern World Explained By Way Of Paris" and also what we saw in "The Great Revolution Of Our Time".

Donald Trump, and the religious nationalism that has become associated with him, is very much a reflection of how the Iranian Revolution has arrived in America. Trump was America's version of Ayatollah Khomeini.


Many people were taken by surprise that Vladimir Putin seems to have had a palace built in the south of Russia. But let's have a look at a little bit of history, and also remember the importance of royalty.

The Russian flag of today is the restoration of the Romanov flag. This was the royal dynasty that ruled until the October Revolution of 1917. Putin is from St. Petersburg, which was specially-built by the Romanovs as their capital city.

The Romanovs built a number of magnificent palaces around St. Petersburg, which we saw in the visit on this blog, "St. Petersburg And The Romanovs", April 2017. So wouldn't it make sense that Vladimir Putin, who could be said to represent a restoration of the Romanovs, have a palace of his own, although not in St. Petersburg which already has enough palaces?

Remember that royalty and history are both powerful forces.


Two issues that have been in the global news a lot are the Rohingya people in Myanmar ( Burma ) and the Uighurs in western China. Both the Rohingya and Uighurs are predominantly Moslem.

But what do you notice here? Remember how important the global division is that we saw in the posting on this blog, "Understanding The World In Terms Of The South And West And The North And East", April 2016.

The North And East is where the eastern religions predominate, primarily Hinduism and Buddhism, and where the same nations have tended to exist from ancient times until now. 

The South And West is where the monotheistic religions predominate, Christianity, Islam and, Judaism. It is where nations tend to come into existence with new ideas. There is a boundary between the two and it is vital to understand this boundary in order to understand the world of today.

What is so significant about both the Rohingya in Myanmar and the Uighurs in China is that it crosses the boundary. The Rohingya are Moslems and both China and Myanmar are part of the North And East, so that it is an intrusion of the South And West into the North And East.

Here is a link to "Understanding The World In Terms Of The South And West And The North And East":

Here is a link to "The Great Revolution Of Our Time", about the lasting influence of the Iranian Revolution:

Hydrogen Bonding As Information

We saw in "Magnetism As Information", section 30) in the compound posting on this blog "The Theory Of Complexity" August 2017, how it cannot be a coincidence that the three elements associated with magnetism, nickel, cobalt, and especially iron, are right in a row on the Periodic Table of the Elements and also have the most stable nuclei of all elements.

In other words, these elements are at the top of what is known as the Binding Energy Curve. This is the curve formed when we chart the binding energy per nucleon in the atoms of each element. The curve reaches a peak at iron, and then declines.

Iron is thus the atom with the most stable nucleus. This makes it the most difficult to break apart during nuclear fusion in stars, into the plasma state so that more smaller atoms can come back together into fewer larger ones. In fact breaking the iron nucleus requires a net input of energy. This is why the ordinary fusion process in stars only goes as far as iron. 

The result of this is how common iron is in the inner Solar System, Mercury is known as the "Iron Planet" and iron is the most common element on earth by mass. The sun and planets originated with the explosion in a supernova of a large star and some of it's matter, that which forms the sun and Solar System, came back together by gravity.

Elements heavier than iron require a net input of energy to form, and are formed only during the brief time that a supernova explosion is actually taking place, which provides the necessary input of energy. 

This is why elements up to iron are exponentially more common than elements that are heavier than iron. Some of the heavier elements that are forced together by the energy unleashed in the supernova are less-than-stable. These heavy atoms gradually give off particles or radiation in an effort to seek a more stable state. These emissions are known as radioactivity.

But magnetism has to do with the lining up of unpaired electrons in atoms, so that the atom exerts a net electromotive force. Electrons usually exist in pairs, one with up and the other with down spin. However there are unpaired electrons and, in some materials, their orbitals can be lined up to create a magnet.

It is true that magnetism is based on the electron orbitals, and apparently have nothing to do with the nucleus. But the entire atom is also a unit of information, and that is why it is no coincidence that the elements with the most stable nuclei are also those that can be turned into magnets.

Both magnetism and the stability of the nucleus are information. An atom with the orbitals of it's unpaired electrons lined up has one side of the atom defined as the north magnetic pole and the other as the south pole. Thus a material with the unpaired orbitals lined up is in a higher information state than a material that doesn't.

An equation is always a lower information state than an inequation because an equation only contains one piece of information while an inequation contains two. A = A has only one piece of information while A does not equal B has two.

But according to my information theory, "The Theory Of Complexity", information cannot just be lost. When an iron atom forms in a star by nuclear fusion a nucleus with a more stable, thus lower, information state is formed from smaller atoms with a higher, less stable, information state being crunched together by the heat and gravity in the center of the star.

But this means that information is being lost. Information cannot just be lost, it has to go somewhere. So, although magnetism apparently has nothing to do with the nucleus, the atom is still an informational unit. The information goes to the electrons, creating a higher informational state with one side being defined as the north magnetic pole and the other as the south pole.

Today I would like to point out a similar example of how information is manifested in the electrons of an atom because of greater stability, which is a lower in state, in the nucleus.

This similar example is Hydrogen Bonding. Hydrogen Bonding is extremely important to us because it is why water can exist in a liquid, as well as ice, form. Without Hydrogen Bonding water would only exist in the form of vapor.

A water molecule consists of one oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms, with the familiar chemical formula H2O. But the oxygen atom is much larger than the hydrogen atoms, which both attach to the same side of the oxygen atom. 

What this does is makes one side of the water molecule more positively-charged and the other side more negatively-charged. Since opposite charges attract, water molecules tend to line up negative-to-positive. This is known as Hydrogen Bonding and water would only be able to exist as a vapor without it. 

Water is lighter than air by molecule, which is why water evaporates, but with Hydrogen Bonding holding the molecules together, liquid water is about 800 times as heavy as air at sea level. Water is not the only compound in which Hydrogen Bonding takes place, but it is by far the most familiar and important to us.

Hydrogen Bonding is actually similar in principle to magnetism. But where magnetism works by atom, Hydrogen Bonding works by molecule. Whereas magnetism is the result of the special nature of iron, Hydrogen Bonding is the result of the special nature of oxygen.

But the special natures of both of these elements are rooted in the exceptional stability of their nuclei, but shows up in the electron orbitals in ways that, according to my information theory, transfers the lower information state of the nucleus, due to it's increased stability, to produce a higher information state in the electron orbitals due to creating defined dimensions, such as the north and south magnetic poles, which wouldn't exist otherwise.

We usually think of oxygen as a special element due to it's reactivity. This makes it suitable as an oxidizer for burning and digestion, and we are completely dependent on it to live.

But reactivity is not the reason that oxygen is important in my information theory. The reason is the same as for iron, the stability of it's nucleus. In both elements, this exceptional stability of the nucleus represents a lower information state. But information cannot just be lost and is transferred to the electron orbitals. This additional information in the orbitals shows up as defined dimensions, a north and south pole in magnetism and one side of the water molecule being more positive and the other more negative in Hydrogen Bonding.

The exceptional stability of the iron nucleus is that it has the highest binding energy per nucleon of all elements. The exceptional stability of the oxygen nucleus is that it requires the lowest neutron-to-proton ratio of all atoms except hydrogen, which has no neutrons.

As we might expect, this additional stability should make both iron and oxygen very abundant. Indeed iron is very common in the inner Solar System and is the most common element on earth by mass. Oxygen is the most common element in the universe, by mass, after hydrogen and helium. Oxygen also makes up so much of the earth, not only in air and water molecules but rock is basically a compound of silicon and oxygen.

In the fusion taking place in the centers of stars, light atoms are being crunched together by the tremendous heat and pressure into heavier atoms. Heavier atoms generally require more neutrons per proton, to convey the binding energy which holds the positively-charged protons together against the mutual repulsion of like charges. Neutrons are created in fusion by crunching an electron and a proton together, the process known as K-capture.

If a nucleus, such as that of iron or oxygen, has more stability than the two or more lighter nuclei that were crunched together to create it, that represents a loss of information since stability is a lower information state than instability. This information cannot just be lost so, although neither magnetism or Hydrogen Bonding seems to have anything to do with the nucleus, the entire atom is still an informational unit and the missing information gets transferred to the electron orbitals and shows up as the defined dimensions of magnetism in iron and Hydrogen Bonding in water molecules.

Both iron and oxygen have two elements next to it on the Periodic Table that also undergo magnetism or Hydrogen Bonding. Cobalt and nickel, next to iron, also undergo magnetism. Fluorine and nitrogen, next to oxygen, can also undergo Hydrogen Bonding.

This exceptional stability of the oxygen atom is also part of my cosmology theory, but for a different reason than in this information theory. In the cosmology theory, "The Theory Of Stationary Space", the matter of our universe is scattered over four dimensions of space, one of which we perceive as time. There are two opposite directions in each dimension. This means that the oxygen nucleus, with eight protons, fits neatly into the space, one proton to each direction, and space itself contributes to holding the nucleus together and making it require fewer neutrons. This is described in 1g) of "The Theory Of Stationary Space", July 2017.