Thursday, February 25, 2021

The Value Of New Ideas

Remember what I am trying to do with this writing here. One thing is to show that God and science is not incompatible at all. I am a Christian and about half of what I write about here is science. I do not see at all how science supposedly disproves the Bible or the existence of God. And I was interested in science long before I was interested in religion.

( Note-By the way, I do not entirely agree with the grammar rule that sentences should not begin with "And" ).

The other thing that I am trying to do with this writing is to promote the value of new ideas. With the internet there is less reason to memorize information than there used to be. Why take the trouble to learn so many facts when you can just Google it?

The internet has a world of information easily accessible, but only if we know what we are looking for. It is fine if we know what we don't know but sometimes we don't know what we don't know.

One thing that the internet can't effectively do for us is to come up with new ideas. That is what I want to promote here on this blog, taking existing information and pointing out things that have never been noticed before. It just requires some "thinking outside the box". 

Aside from the weekly visits I do not write anything here that is not new, or at least a new way of looking at things. I do not absolutely guarantee that everything I write here is new. But it is, as far as I know or can find online.

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