Thursday, September 30, 2021

Events To Come

Just a quick review of upcoming events concerning the fulfillment of Bible prophecies of the "Last Days" as described in the posting on this blog, "The End Of The World As We Know It".

The reign of the Antichrist must come before the War of Armageddon. The Antichrist will be allowed to have effective control over the world for seven years. He will seem to be a brilliant leader that has all of the answers to everything, and the first half of the seven year period will actually be the best time that the world has ever seen.

But it will all be a fantastic, satanic lie and things will begin to fall apart. The second half of the seven-year period will be the worst time that the world has ever seen, or ever will see. Jesus makes it clear in the Gospels that if He did not return to end the Tribulation Period, and establish His Kingdom on earth, that no one would be left alive.

After the Antichrist is unveiled there will be 3 1/2 years of wonderful times. The true Christians will have been taken out of the world, in the event known as the Rapture, and the Antichrist will no doubt have some fantastic explanation of what happened. But the peace and good times will be shattered by the invasion of Israel from the north. The world will have put it's faith in the Antichrist but he will be unable to prevent it. This will begin a time of horrors and the final series of wars of the world.

After the Antichrist has had a total reign of seven years Jesus will Return to end this Tribulation Period and rule over the earth Himself. He will bring with Him the saints that He took out of the world before the Tribulation Period began. The world will then be the godly paradise that it was always intended to be.

Human history, with all of it's tragedies and missteps, as well as this Tribulation Period must be allowed to happen to show that when humans do not follow God, they think they don't need Him but it does not work out very well.

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